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English 8

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparing: …………………… Period 19 UNIT 4: OUR PAST Lesson 3: Listen (P.41) A. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able: 1. Knowledge: To listen and understand the main content of the story. 2. Skills: To develop listening skill. 3. Attitude: To be interested in folktale. B. Teaching aids: - Teacher's preparation: lesson plan, textbook, cassette & CD, a poster . - Ss' preparation: books, notebooks, workbooks. C. Techniques: Pelmanism, what and where, prediction D. Procedures: I. Organization:( (1m) Class Date of teaching Absent students 8C1 ………………. 8C2 8C3 Teacher's activities Time Ss' activities II. Warm up: Pelmanism 5' - Give ss some cards. One side of the card is number and -Team work other is a verb in the simple present or simple past of irregular verb. - Divide the class into two teams and ask ss in each team to turn cards. run fly ride eat sit come ran flew rode ate sat came III. New lesson: Activity 1: Pre- listening: 1. Vocabulary: - T elicits some new words. + foolish (a): ngốc, ngu xuẩn + greedy (a): tham lam + gold (a): vàng + lay- laid (v): đẻ (trứng) + discover (v): khám phá + excited (a): hào hứng, phấn khởi (explanation) + amazement (n):Sự ngạc nhiên + die (v): chết - Check : What and Where. 6’ (translation) (example) (picture) (example) (translation) (translation) (translation). - Listen and repeat in chorus - individually - Copy down. - Play game in 2 teams.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 2. Prediction: - Asks to look at four titles and predict which is the most suitable title of the story. a. Don’t kill chicken. b. Don’t be foolish and greedy. c. Be happy with what you have. d. It’s difficult to find gold. - Give feedback. Activity 2: While- listening: 1. Listen and check: - T asks ss to listen to the tapescript and check their predictions. +Answer key: Don’t be foolish and greedy. 2. Answer the questions: - Asks ss to listen to the tape again and answer the questions. 1. Did a farmer live a poor life with his family? 2. What animals did they feed? 3. Did his chickens lay eggs ? 4. One day, what did he discover when he went to collect the eggs? 5.What did he decide to do when finding a gold egg?. 4’ - Individual work. 5’ - Listen and check. 6’. 1. No, he didn't. 2. Chickens. 3. Yes, they did. 4. A gold egg. 5. He decided to cut open all the chickens. 6. All the chickens were dead.. 6. What happened after he had finished to cut open all the chickens ? 3. Find out the verbs in the story: - Asks ss what tense is used in the story. - Have ss listen again and try to write as many verbs as possible.. Acyivity 3: Post listening: Retell the story: - T sticks the pictures on the board and asks ss to retell the story. - T gets feedback.. - Pair work. 5'. - Past simple went discovered were laid ran looked shouted wanted finished decided couldn’t. 6’. IV. Summary: (2m) - T asks ss to repeat what they have learnt; which tense is used. - T asks ss to retell the main of the story"A gold eggs".. - Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> V. Homework: (1’) - Learn by heart vocabulary. - Do exercise 2 (p.22-N.B); ex.3 (p.28-W.B) - Prepare the next lesson. *Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………….

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