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On he tieng Anh 7

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>ÔN TẬP TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 A – LÍ THUYẾT: 1. Present simple tense.(Thì hiện tại đơn) - Form: (+) S(I,they,you,we,Lan and Nam,danh từ số nhiều) + V + O S (she ,he,it,Lan,danh từ số ít) + Vs / es + O (-) S + don’t/doesn’t + V+ O (?) Do/Does + S + V + O ? -Use:Thì hiện tại đơn dùng để diễn tả một hành động lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần hoặc một thói quen và thường đi với các trạng từ chỉ tần suất như:usually,often,sometimes,never,always. Note:S(she,he,it,Lan,danh từ số ít) ta mượn trợ động từ “does” trong câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn S (I,they,you,we,Lan and Nam,danh từ số nhiều) ta mượn trợ động từ “do” trong câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn *Cách thêm “–s/-es”: Thông thường ta thêm “–s” vào sau động từ . ex:He opens the door Động từ tận cùng bằng “y”: Trước “y” là một nguyên âm(a,e,o,u,i) ta thêm “s” .Ex:She plays the piano very well. Trước “y’ là một phụ âm (p,t,k….)ta đổi « y » thành »i » rồi thêm ’ES’.ex :He studies English Những động từ tận cùng bằng “–x,-s,-o,-ch,-sh,-ss,-z” ta thêm “ES”(ES được đọc là /iz/) Ex:He often watches T.V after dinner 2. Present progressive Tense ( Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn ) -Form :(+) S + is / am/ are + V-ing + O Ex : I’m learning English now. ( - ) S + is / am/ are + not + V-ing + O He isn’t learning English now. ( ?) Is / Am / Are + S + V-ing + O ? Is he reading books now? - Use: Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra ở thời điểm nói và thường dùng với các từ now,at the moment,at present,at this time,right now. -Cách thêm “-ing”: Thông thường ta thêm “-ing” vào sau động từ: ex: learn –learning Những động từ tận cùng bằng “e” câm,ta bỏ “e” thêm ‘ing” ex: write –writing Những động từ tận cùng bằng một phụ âm,trước nó là một nguyên âm ta gấp đôi phụ âm và thêm “-ing” ex:run-running Những động từ tận cùng bằng “ie”,chúng ta đổi “ie” thành “y” rồi thêm “_ing” ex:lie-lying 3. Future simple Tense ( Thì tương lai đơn) - Form : (+) S + will / shall + V + O Ex: He will finish his homework tomorrow . (-) S+ won’t / shan’t + V + O Lan won’t go to the zoo next week. (?) Will / Shall + S + V + O ? Will you do this exercise ? -Use:Thì tương lai đơn dùng để diễn tả một hành động sẽ xảy ra tại một thời điểm nào đó trong tương lai và thường đi với các từ:tomorrow,next day,next week….. 4. Near Future: Be going to ( thì tương lai gần ) - Form :(-)S + am/is/are going to + V +O (-)S + am/is/are + not + going to + V +O (?)Am/Is/Are + S + going to + V +O? - Use : Thì tương lai gần diễn tả một dự định,một kế hoạch sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai 5 .Các hình thức so sánh của tính từ: *Comparative:So saùnh hôn - Tính từ một âm tiết: Adjective –er + than Ex: I’m stronger than you. - Tính từ hai âm tiết trở lên: More + adj +than Ex: My sister is more beautiful than I. *Superlative:So sánh nhất -Tính từ một âm tiết : The + Adj –est Ex: He is the tallest student in his class. - Tính từ có hai âm tiết trở lên: The + most + adj Ex:Hoa is the most beautiful girl in my class Ngoại lệ : Một số tính từ bất quy tắc: Good /Well - better - the best Little-less-the least Bad /badly - worse - the worst Old-older/elder- the oldest/the eldest Many/much – more – the most far - farther/ further - the farthest/ the furthest.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Chú ý:Tính từ hai âm tiết tận cùng bằng “y,ow,le,er” cũng được sử dụng như tính từ một âm tiết Ex: happy - happier – the happiest 6. Suggestions:(Lời đề nghị ) + Would you like + to infinitive ? Ex: Would you like to play table tennis? + Noun ? Ex: Would you like some orange juice? + How / What + about + V- ing ? Ex:What about traveling around Vietnam? + Let’s + V Ex: Let’s go to the movie. + Why don’t we + V ………. ? Ex: Why don’t we go to the market? 7.The Exclamatory sentence:Câu cảm thán Form:What + (a/an) + adj + noun ! Ex:What a beautiful girl! Ex:What beautiful girls! 8.Expression of quantity: *Much/many/a lot of/lots of:nhiều -A lot of/lots of + danh từ không đếm được/danh từ đếm được số nhiềudùng trong câu khẳng định -Much + danh từ không đếm được dùng trong câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn -Many + danh từ đếm được ở số nhiều *Some/Any:một ít,một vài Some/Any +danh từ đếm được ở số nhiều hoặc danh từ không đếm được Any dùng trong câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn;Some dùng trong câu khẳng định *Few/a few,little,a little Few/a few + danh từ đếm được số nhiều Little/a little + danh từ không đếm được Few/little: (ít,không nhiều):thường có nghĩa phủ định và chỉ một lượng rất ít(ít hơn những gì bạn muốn hoặc mong đợi) Ex:Hury up!There is little time(Nhanh lên nào.Còn ít thời gian lắm)không đủ thời gian A few/a little: (một ít ,một vài)thường có nghĩa khẳng định và chỉ một số lượng nhỏ 9.So/Too:cũng thế,cũng vậy Ex:Mai is a student and I am,too Ex:Lan likes coffee and so do I. 10. Preposition: ( Giới từ ) * Giới từ chỉ thời gian : - AT : + một điểm thời gian cụ thể : at one o’clock. + một phần của một ngày: at night;at noon - IN : + tháng:in November + năm :in 1990 + một phần của một ngày: in the morning/afternoon / evening - ON: + ngày trong tuần : on Monday. + ngày trong năm :on April 6, 2006 - FROM + một điểm thời gian + TO + một điểm thời gian: từ……….đến……… Ex: We have class from 7.00 to 10.15 * Giới từ chỉ địa điểm hoặc nơi chốn : - ON : -ở trên ( chạm vào, sát vào, hoặc tạo thành một phần của bề mặt ) Ex: There is a picture on the wall. - ở ( mặt tòa nhà ,mặt con đường) Ex: I live on Nguyen Van Cu Street. - AT : + tại số Ex: I live at 10 Nguyen Van Cu Street. - IN : + tại nươc/ thành phố Ex: I live in Buon Ma Thuot City. * Giới từ chỉ vị trí : behind, between……and,at the back of , in front of , in the middle of, near, next to,in/at the corner of(ở góc),opposite,near,on the left/on the right,on top of(trên đỉnh) 11.Adverb of frequency( Trạng từ chỉ tần suất):always, often, usually, never,sometimes Đứng trước động từ thường, đứng sau TO BE Ex: I usually go to school on time. I am never late for school 12.Question words: “ How often + do/does +S + V ?” Bao lâu một lần.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Câu trả lời thường dùng các trạng từ chỉ tần suất hoặc các cụm từ như: every day / week / month ……; once a week / twice a week /a month / a year. Ex:How often do you play soccer?_I usually play soccer /I play soccer every afternoon. *Asking the prices : + How much + be + S ?_It/They is/are…………dong + How much + do / does + S + cost ?_It/They cost(s)…………………………dong Ex:How much is this shirt? _It is 50,000 dong How much does this shirt cost?_It costs 50,000 dong *Hỏi khoảng cách: How far is it from............to..........?_ It is (about)……………meter(s)/kilometer(s) * Hỏi phương tiện đi lại: How + do/does + S +V?_by + phương tiện đi lại (nhưng on foot:đi bộ) *Hỏi đường:Could you tell/show me the way to…………? 13.Modal verbs : can , could, must = have to, should = ought to Form : (+) S + can/could/must/should + V + O Ex : I can sing very well. ( -) S + can/could/must/should + not + V + O Ex : Hoa may not come to the party tomorrow. ( ?) Can/could/must/should + S + V +O ? Ex : May I come in ? What: hỏi cái gì What time: hỏi giờ How far: hỏi bao xa When: hỏi khi nào Who: hỏi người How long: hỏi bao lâu Where: hỏi ở đâu Why: hỏi tại sao How much: hỏi tiền, hỏi số ít How often: hỏi bao nhiêu lần How: hỏi phương tiện How many:hỏi số nhiều 14. Verb form  be good at / be interested in / enjoy / practice / love / like / What about + V-ing  Would you like + to V…?  Let’s / Why don’t you / Should you / can / should + V-bare 15.Exclamatory sentence( câu cảm thán) What + a / an + adj + N(singular) ! What + adj +. N(plurar) N(uncountable). a: trước phụ âm an: trước nguyên âm(a , o, e, u, i=> uể oải). 16. Suggestions( lời đề nghị) Let’s Why don’t you/ we + V-bare Should we/ you. What about + V-ing?. Would you like + V-to?. B – BÀI TẬP : TEST 1 I. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành những câu sau. 1. I don’t want much sugar in my coffee. Just................................., please. A. a few B. a little C. fewer D. less 2. Isn’t it easy to learn English well? - ……………………….. A. No, it is B. No, it does not C. Yes, it is D. Yes. It does 3. There are two churches in the town and ………………of them are extremely old. A. each B. all C. both D. most 4. My joke made the whole class ……………… A. smile B. laughing C. laugh D. crying 5. Mr. Nam ………………….. to work yesterday A. wasn’t drive B. not drive C. didn’t drove D. didn’t drive 6. The news on TV last night ……………………. very good. A. was B. has C. were D. be 7. Lan did not know the world. Hoa didn’t ……………………………. A. so B. neither C. either D. too.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 8. The boss wants his ………………….. to type some letters. A. secretary B. novelist C. journalist D. musician 9. If he eats all that food, he eats……………………… A. quite much B. too many C. quite many D. too much 10. Mr. Robinson speaks Vietnamese very…………………….. A. skillfully B. good C. fluently D. best 11. .............................. noodles last night? A. Did you eat B. Were you eat C. Did you ate D. Do you eat 12. It took us an hour .............................to Nha Trang last year. A. drive B. driving C. to drive D. drove 13. On the table were vegetables, bread and two large ................................ A. bowl of soup B. bowl of soups C. bowls of soups D. bowls of soup 14. My brother never goes to school late and.................................. A. so do I. B. Neither don’t I. C. I don’t, either D. I don’t, too 15. No one can do it well. A. So can’t she. B. Neither can she. C. She can’t, too D. She can, either 16. He was only thirteen, but he ate ..............................his father did. A. as much as B. as many as C. much than D. more much than 17. Nam is not……. . He never plays any sports. A. sportive B. sport C. sporty D. sports 18. You are too fat. You shouldn’t eat much........................... A. meat B. fruit C. fish D. vegetables 19. Miss Trang always...........................her own clothes. A. does B. wants C. makes D. cooks 20. Where is your mother? She is in the kitchen. She ............................dinner. A. cooks B. cooking C. cooked D. is cooking II. Mỗi câu sau đây có một lỗi, hãy tìm và sửa cho đúng 1. From at nine in the morning until four afternoon, Mr. Tuan works in 1................................... A B C the fields with his father. D 2. There is fewer work in the evening than there is in the morning 2................................... A B C D 3. My Dad always has a three-weeks vacation 3................................... A B C D 4. Mr. Ba soon got used to travel to work by bicycle 4.................................. A B C D 5. The doctor says you should spend a little time to play video game. 5................................... A B C D 6. The public library in the city has thousand of good books 6................................... A B C D 7. What does the new student like? - Oh, she is tall and beautiful 7.................................. A B C D 8. Ba is in class 7A and he enjoys the school very much 8................................... A B C D 9. My father always has a lot of houseworks to do 9................................... A B C D 10. There is a ten-floors building in front of my house 10................................. A B C D III. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc 1. We can’t go out now because it (rain) …………………… . 2. They (meet) .......................their teacher at the moment 3. We are visiting the museum at the moment. We (visit) …………..it once a year 4. Hai didn’t write to her parents last week. She (phone) …..……. them. 5. Duy (not visit)… ………the museum with his class last Sunday because he caught a cold. 6. How much it (cost) …………….to mail a latter to England ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 7. Take these pills and you (feel) ……………….. better then, Ha . 8. Bien often (not phone)…………………… me. 9. What she says (be) ……………………true 10. He has enough money. He (buy) a new car tomorrow. IV.Viết lại các câu sau sao cho ý nghĩa không đổi bắt đầu với từ đã cho. 1. A year has twelve months. -> There are .......................................................................................................................... 2. Lan is more intelligent than her sister. -> Lan’s sister isn’t .............................................................................................................. 3. He looks after the sick people. -> He takes ........................................................................................................................... 4. Do you enjoy listening to music? -> Are you interested ..........................................................................................................? 5. What is your mother’s job? -> What does .......................................................................................................................? 6. We have a two - month summer vacation. -> Our summer vacation lasts .............................................................................................. 7. Remember to write a letter to me. -> Don’t ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Vietnamese students have fewer vacations than American ones. -> American students ........................................................................................................... 9. It takes me about two hours each day to do my homework. -> I spend .............................................................................................................................. 10. Hoa is a hard student. -> Hoa studies ....................................................................................................................... 11.Mary can’t hear you. I can’t hear you ( neither). ____________________________________________________________. 12. I saw that film last night. He saw that film last night. (too) ____________________________________________________________. V. Write questions. 1. It is 24 kilometers from BaRia to VungTau .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2. His brother goes to the zoo once a month .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3. She is twenty- five years old .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4. She has Math, Literature and Physics on Tuesday .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5. He lives at 45 Tran Phu street. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6. He feeds pigs, chickens and buffalo. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7. These stamps are 8,000 Dong .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8. Hoa works 45 hours a week .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9. Tim’s father works in a factory. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10. He is a mechanic. .......................................................................................................................................................................... TEST 2 I. Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) to complete these sentences: 1. Lien never eats durians because she doesn't like their...................... A. smell B. smelly C. smells D. smelt 2. Some people are used to .................in crowded buses and don't mind it at all. A. riding B. ride C. rode D. to ride.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 3. The boy is better....................English than I am. A. for B. with C. in D. at 4. The class ...............at 7 o'clock in the morning. A. comes B. starts C. ends D. plays 5. He looks different.........................his father. A. at B. with C. on D. from 6. .....................novels are very interesting. A. These B. This C. That D. It 7. ..................do you go to bed ? - At half past ten. A. When B. What time C. How long D. Why 8. All the students enjoy..................on the weekend. A. to camp B. camping C. camp D. camps II. Filling in the gaps by using the most suitable verbs in the brackets 1. It.........( rain ) now. I don't think I ( go ) out. 2. My aunt usually ...........( fly ) to Bangkok and Hong Kong. Next Sunday I .........( fly ) to Hong Kong. 3. I don't know why the front door.........( open ). I remember............ ( look ) before I ........( leave ). 4. Listen! The girl..........( play ) the piano. 5. What you ...........( do ) now ? - I...........( grow ) some flowers. III. Complete these sentences by given words: 1. Minh / go swimming / every afternoon. ……………………………………………………… 2. The boy / play / cards with his friends / now ? ………………………………………………….. 3. She / not / meet / her father / at the moment. …………………………………………………… 4. We / help / her mother / with housework / next week. …………………………………………………………………………………… 5. You and Nam / always / watch TV ……………………………………………………………………………….. IV. Find the mistakes in these sentences 1. My bedroom is more bigger than my sister's. A B C D 2. My uncle grow vegetables and raises cattle on his farm A B C D 3. Do you know how much a banana cost ? A B C D 4. Ba is in class 7 A and he enjoys the school very much. A B C D 5. I go to the library three times every week. A B C D V. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the given words At school we ......( 1)........many things. In Literature, we learn......(2).......books and write essays. In History, we study past and present..........(3)........in Viet Nam and around the world. In..........(4).............., we study different countries and their people. In Physics, we learn about.......(5) ..........things work. In the ......... (6)........class, we study English. We study.......(7)....... other things as well, such as Music, Sports and Art. We ......(8).....all of our class 1. A. have B. study C. do D. play 2. A. with B. at C. on D. about 3. A. work B. events C. things D. classes 4. A. Geography B. Physics C. Biology D. Math 5. A. when B. what C. how D. which 6. A. Music B. Language C. Math D. Physics 7. A. much B. any C. many D. long 8. A. learn B. go C. enjoy D. have VI. Read the passage and choose the best answer. Nga lives in the city with her parents and two brothers. She lives at 14/234 Nguyen Tri Phuong Street. Her telephone number is 8 290 374. On her next birthday, July first, Nga will be 14. She will have a small party for her birthday. She will invite some best friends to her house. They will eat cake and sweet. And they will have a lot of fun. The party will start at five o'clock and finish at nine..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 1. Who does Nga live with ? A. She lives with her parents and two brothers B. She lives with her father and two brothers C. She lives with her mother and two brothers D. She lives with her parents and one brother 2. How old is she now ? A. She is fourteen B. She is fifteen C. She is twelve D. She is thirteen 3. How old will she be ? A. She is fourteen B. She is fifteen C. She is twelve D. She is thirteen 4. Who will she invite ? A. She will invite her teachers B. She will invite her father C. She will invite her classmate D. She will invite her friends 5. How long will the party last? A. It will last at half past nine B. It will last at eight C. It will last at nine D. It will last at five TEST 3 I/ Điền vấn từ Wh-question phù hợp: 1. ______________ do you live ? 6. ___________ do you live with ? 2. ______________ is your family name? 7. ___________ do you go to school ? 3. ______________ do you live ? 8. ___________ do you get up ? at 6.00 4. ______________ your telephone number ? 9. ___________ your date of birth ? 5. ______________will you be on your next birthday ? 10.___________ is it from your house to school? II/ Điền giới từ thích hợp.( in, on, at, from…to…, between… and…, next to, near, behind, in front of, about, under, to, opposite … ) 1. The pen in _________ the table. 11. The meeting starts _______ 7.30 AM 2. They are waiting ______ front of the zoo. 12. Hoa’s parents works ______ the farm. 3. The telephone is _______ to the lamp. 13. The nurse takes care _____ patients. 4. The picture is _______ the wall. 14. The math books are ______ the shelf. 5. I often listen _____ music ____ the evening. 15. The science books are _____ the left 6. They go swimming ____ Saturday. 16. The newspapers are _____ the rack 7. The party starts _____ 4.30 _____ 6.00PM _______the middle. 8. She’ll be 12 ____ her next birthday. 17. You can find the books ______ the 9. It’s often cold _____ December. back _____the library. 10. My birthday is ________ Oct 27th 18. My house is ___ the hotel __ thebank III/ Chia đúng động từ trong ngoặc: 1. What ( you/ do ) ______________ now ? I (learn) _______________English. 2. Keep silent ! The teacher (look ) _____________ at you. 3. My father (not play) _____________ tennis in his free time. 4. They (have) _______________ some new clothes soon. 5. Mai (wash) _______________ her hands before the meals. 6. Long (watch) ______________ TV every night. 7. Mary usually (go) _____________ to school on foot, but now she (go) ___________ to school by bike. 8. Mai often (get) _____________ up late but tomorrow she (get) ____________up early because she (have) _____________a test. 9. How often (you/read ) ________________ a newspaper ? Everyday. 10. What (your father/do ) _________________ ? He’s a teacher but he (not work ) ________________at the moment. IV.Viết lại câu với từ gợi ý: 1. My friends have more candies than I. -> I don’t ___________________________________ 2. She eats fewer chocolate than Mai. -> Mai eats _________________________________ 3. The book is under the lamp. -> The lamp ________________________________ 4. My house is between the bank and the book store -> The bank ____________________ 5. Tuan is Mai’s younger brother.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> -> Mai is ___________________________________ V.Chọn từ bên dưới thích hợp nhất điền vào đoạn văn: Hello, I (1)________ Loan, I live with my parents (2)_________ Ho Chi Minh City. My (3)___________ number is 8562364. I often talk (4)__________ my friends on the phone. Now I am calling Hoa to talk about Minh’s birthday party (5)______ 15th November. Minh is (6)______ his birthday party at home in the afternoon so I want to ask Hoa about What we shall buy and give him at the party. I also want to tell her to wait for me at home and I will go there to meet her (7)________ foot and then go with her (8)_______ Minh’s house. 1. a. is b. are c. am d. do 5. a. in b. at c. to d. on 2. a. live b. lives c. to live d. living 6. a. have b. to have c. having d. has 3. a. address b. telephone c. house d. home 7. a. by b. on c. in d. with 4. a. to b. about c. with d. in 8. a. come b. to c. from d. in VI. Chọn từ thích hợp nhất điền vào chổ trống: 1. I am ______ to meet you ( glad, nine, fine) 2. Nice _______ you again (to meet, meeting, met, meet) 3. I live _______ 130 Hung Vuong street. (in, on, at, to) 4. Lien has a lot of _______ at her school (friend, a friend, friends,class) 5. Would you like ________ the concert. (go, went, to go, goes) 6. How ______ is it from your house to your school? (much, many, far, old) 7. Her new school is ______ than her old school. (big, bigger, biger, biggest) 8. She is _______ because she gets bad mark. (happy, unhappy, nice, fine) 9. What ______ you often do in your free time? (does, are, is, do) 10. Be careful! The bus ________ (coming, is coming, come, comes) 11. The moon _______ around the Earth. (go, to go, goes, going) 12. ______________________? On Hoang Van Thu street. a. Where do you live? b. Who do you live with? c.What do you live? d. Where are you live? 13. What’s your ________ of birth? (day, date, Monday, Tuesday) 14. _________ will we meet? In front of the movie theatre (where, when, what, who) 15. He _______ go to the library tonight? (shall, will, willn’t, shall not) 16. What is your ______ ? 115 Ly Thai To street (name, age, class, address) 17. Will you be tomorrow? No, I _______ (will, willn’t, won’t, shall) 18. I’m a new student. ________ (So am I, Iam so, Yes, I am, I do too) 19. Câu nào sau đây là đúng: a. What is she in class? b. What class she is in? c. What class is she in? d. câu A và C đều đúng. 20. Her new school is different ________ her old school? (of, with, from, x) 21. How old are you? ________( I’m very fine thank you, I’m five, Fine thanks, Thank you) 22. Her new house is ____________ her old one? (bigger than, as bigger than, biger than, as big than) 23. ________________? She live at 12 THD street (Where does he live, where does she live, where she lives, where does she lives) 24. How do you go to school? (by bicycle, on foot, with bicycle, Both a and b are correct) 25. ________ is it from your house to your school? It’s not far, About one kilometer (How long, how far, how often, how) 26. Will you be free tomorrow evening? _______________ (Yes, I will/ No, I will/ Yes/ Yes, I won’t) 27. Is there a picture on the wall? ________ ( Yes, there be/ Yes, there is not/ Yes, there is/ No, there is) 28. What does your father do? He ___________ (is farmer, a farmer, does as a farmer, is an farmer) 29. He works _________ a hospital. He takes care ________ patients (in- for/ in – of/ at – for/ for – of) 30. Today, Hoa is fine and so ________ (is Mai, does Mai, are Mai, do Mai) 31. ____________________? Miss Lan is talking to her new friend a. Who is Miss Lan talking to? c. What is Miss Lan talking about b. Who is Miss Lan talk about? d. Who is talking to Miss Lan? 32. ______________ from HCM City to Nha Trang ? (How far , How far is, How far is it, How far it) 33. Phöông Thanh _______ 13 next month (shall be, are going to come, come, want to come) 34. 8320795 __________ my telephone number (are, is, will be, shall be) 35. Lan will be thirteen _______ 5th May (on, in, at, x) 36. Who do you live with? I _____________ with my parents (live, am live, lives, will live) 37. What’s your date of birth? ___________ (the eighth of June, eighth of June, June eight, eighth June).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 38. What _________ beautiful days! (a, the, an, x) 39. The living room _________ a table and four chairs (has, is living, have, are having) 40. He works in hospital. He is a ________ (journalist, farmer, teacher, doctor) 41. Her new school is ______ than her old school. (big, bigger, biger, biggest) 42. Which is the most beautiful apartment? (the smallest one, a smallest one, a small one, the smaller one) 43. This test is ______ difficult than that one (more, very, most, as) 44. _______ of people like playing sports (Many, a lot, lot, x) 45. Many things _______ different (is, do, are, does) 46. Lan is ______ than Hoa. (taller, tallest, tall) 47. Who’s this? _________ (It’s me/ it”s me, nguyet/ Is it me) 48. _______ meet at 7. 00 pm (Let’s, let’s to, Let) 49. Nhat _____ 9 on his next birthday (is, will, will be, will is) 50. What’s your ______? (date of birth, birth date, birthday, date birth) TEST 4 I. Hoàn thành bài đọc hiểu: **Video can be (1) ____ . Most banks and stores have video cameras. They protect the premises. When there is a robbery, the police can (2) _____ the video. They can often identify the (3) ____ in this way. Videos are very useful in education. Many schools use them (4) ____ a teaching aid. You can take university courses (5) _____ home with help of a VCR( video cassette, recorder). In the future, they will be even more important in education 1. A. healthful, B. useful, C. dangerous, D. expensive 2. A. read B. learn C. study D. A&B 3. A. robs B. robbery C. robber D. robbers 4. A.. as B. like C. such as D. for 5. A. in B. at C. on D.  II. Hoàn thành bài đọc hiểu: **Million of young people play video games. Some play them at home, Other play them in arcades. The inventors of the games become very (1) ____ . Some of the inventors are (2) ____ young as 14 – 15. These games are good fun, but players must be (3) ____ . They should not spend much time (4) ____ these games because they become tired or dizzy. Sometimes, players spend too much time on their own because they like (5) ____ video games so much. One doctor says, “ this is very bad (6) ____ children. They must (7) ____ in activities with others. All children should play outdoors and develop their (8) ____ skills. They should be with people of their own age. Children should spend only a small part of their free time playing video games. They mustn’t forget to do other things, too” 1. A. rich B. richly C. richer D. richest 2. A. so B. as C. like D. All are correct 3. A. careless B. carelessly C. careful D. carefully 4. A. in B. at C. on D. with 5. A. Play B. to play C. of D. for 6. A. join B. take part C. participate D. All are correct 7. social B. socialize C. society D. socially III. Read and fill one suitable word in each blank: live from brother an back to care with a Lan’s parents …1… in Nha Trang now. Her father is …2…engineer. He works in a factory. He works … 3…. 8 a.m to 4.30 p.m. Her mother is a doctor. She always takes …4… of sick people in a hospital near her home. She often works from 2 p.m …5… 10 p.m, but sometimes she has to work at night. Lien has a …6… and a sister. They are both students. They study at Da Nang University. Now, Lien is staying …7… her aunt in Ha Noi. She misses her family a lot. She’ll come …8… home next Sunday. IV. Complete the dialogue: (1) Nam : _______________ do you have geography? Lan : I have a geography class (2)_______________ Friday. Nam : What (3)_______________ is it? Lan : My geography class is (4)_______________ 7:30. Nam : What other classes do you have on Friday?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Lan : I have English, Math and Music. Nam : What is your (5)_______________ subject, Lan? Lan : I like Math very much. It’s an interesting subject. Nam : Yes, I like it, (6)_______________ . V/ Make the question for the underlined word or phrase: 1. They are playing catch in the school yard. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. It is about one kilometer from my house to school. _________________________________________________________________________ COMPARISON I. Put the correct adjectives in the blank. 1. The country is …………………..(quite) than the city. 2. Minh’s house is …………………(near) to the town center. 3. Which is ……………………….(large) city in your country? 4. The math book is……………………..(thick) history book. 5. Lom don is ………………………(safe) New york. 6. Who is …………………(old) person in your family? 7. The country is ……………..(clean) the city. 8. Who is …………………..(rich) person in the world? 9. His garden is ………………………(large) ours. 10. Her new hat…………………………(pretty) the old one. 11.he is …………………..(clever) his brother. 12. This box is …………………..(heavy) that one. 13. This lesson is …………………….(difficult) the last one. 14. The weather here is………………..(cold) at home. 15. It is…………………( happy) day of my life. 16. This is………………(strong) student in my class. 17. It is………………….wonderful) place in the world. 18. It’s ………………………….(boring) programme on TV. 19. I think New York is………….………(safe) London. 20. Lan is…………………….(tall) as Nga. 21. I am not………………..( tall) as Nga. II. Dùng dạng so sánh hơn hoặc so sánh nhất a. Lan does her homework (well)........................than Tuan does. b. Farmer have (little)....................................time off than workers do. c. They produce ( much)............................... milk this year. d. You should do all the (far)................................ practice in this book. e. There are (many) ............................vehicles in the street. f. His health gets (bad) ..................................and (bad).............................. g. Tuan writes his essay(badly)...........................than Ba does. h. His writing is (good)....................................in his class. i. She is lady. She works (little)................................among her friends. TEST 5 I. Supply the correct verb form of the verbs in parentheses. 1. Mr.Green always (go) …………………………………… to work by bus. 2. look! The car (come)…………………………………………. 3. It (not rain) …………………………………………in the dry season. 4. They (have) ……………………………….. lunch in the cafeteria now. 5. The children should (go)………………………….to school early. 6. We (have)………………………………………a test tomorrow. 7. What ……………..they (do)……………………………… next week? 8. What about ( listen)……………………………………… to music? 9. Let’s ( collect)…………………………………………. waste paper. 10. She needs (paint)…………………………………. her roof. 11. Next yeat, we (not, grow) ……………………………………………………rice. We (grow) ……………………………………………vegetables..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 12. It’s difficult (find)…………………………………… an apartment here. 13. We (not, have )…………………………………………..classes next week 14. She enjoys (read)……………………………. books very much. 15. Tim wants (see)……………………………….that film II. Write the correct forms of the words in parentheses. 1. He is a . . . . . . . person. He always . . . . . . . . his perents. (help) 2. We are . . . . . . . about his . . . . . . . .( worry; sick) 3. The people at Kim Lien village are very . . . . . . . (friend) 4. My grandmother is very old now. He walks . . . . . . . (slow) 5. Mary saw an . . . . . . . . film on TV.(excite) 6. Are those toys . . . . . . for children. (safely) 7. Playing football in the street is very . . . . . . (danger) 8. She speaks French very . . . . . . . I can’t hear anything.( quick) 9. These students behave . . . . . . . They are . . . . . . students. (good) 10. Steel is very . . . . . . . . for building.(use) 11. She knows all the people in her . . . . . . . . ( neighbor) 12. He had an accident last night. He drove . . . . . . . (care) 13. What a . . . . . . . party! (bore) 14. Lan is the . . . . . . . in my class. ( good) 15. Your garden is . . . . . . . than mine. (beauty) 16. Mexico City is the . . . . . . in the world.(big) 17. One of the world’s (large)……………………………………..libraries is the United States of Congress. 18. Eating and talking with friends are the most common ways of (relaxe)…………………………… at recess. 19. The school theater group is rehearsing a play for the school anniversary (celebrate) ……………………………….. III.Answer the following questions. 1. What time will the train leave ? (5:15) ............................................................................................................................ 2. What is he doing ? (sweep the yard) ............................................................................................................................ 3. Who helps you do this exercise ? (my brother) ............................................................................................................................ 4. Why doesn’t Mary want to go to school ? (have a bad cold) ............................................................................................................................ 5. What do they have for lunch ? (some bread and butter) ............................................................................................................................ 6. Who will meet you tomorrow ? (my old teacher) ............................................................................................................................ 7. How much are those books ? (6 dollars) ............................................................................................................................ 8. How many pictures are there on the wall ? (one) ............................................................................................................................ 9. What’s the weather like in June ? (very hot) ............................................................................................................................ 10. How far is it from here to Vung Tau? (about 50 kilometers) ............................................................................................................................ 11. Where do you borrow these books ? (from the library) ............................................................................................................................ 12. What does she do to help homeless people? ( cook lunch) ............................................................................................................................ 13. What will you buy for her? (a new dress) ............................................................................................................................ 14. When do you have Math? ( on Monday ) ............................................................................................................................ 15.What’s your date of birth?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> ………………………………………………………………………………….(September 2nd) REVISION I. Choose A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks 1. He _________ stay in bed because he has a bad cold. A. must B. shouldn’t C. could D. ought 2. Children should ___________outdoor and develop their social skills. A. play B. plays C. playing D. played 3. I know how to take care __________ myself. A. on B. of C. with D. to 4. Wash your hands ___________ meals. A. on B. of C. before D. at 5. _________ you absent from school last semester? A. is B. were C. was D. are 6. ____________ your aunt cut your hair? – No, I didn’t. A. Do B. Does C. Did D. Will 7. What’s the matter _____ you, Ba? - I had a headache. A. on B. of C. with D. to 8. I __________ in Da Lat last summer vacation. A. am B. were C. was D. are 9. Most children feel _________ when they come to see the dentist. A. scared B. sad C. happy D. tired 10. ____________ is this math book? – It’s 7,900 dong. A. How many B. How far C. How heavy D. How much 11. Where __________ you last Sunday ? A. are B. be C. is D. were 12. Yesterday, I ___________to school because I was sick. A. go B. goes C. went D. didn’t go 13. Lan’s mother asked her to add _________ salt to the soup. A. too much B. many C. lots of D. a little 14. How ___________are you? –I am 40 kilos. A. tall B. high C. heavy D. far 15. _______________________? - I am 13 years old. A. What’s your height? B. What’s your weight? C. What’s your age? D. What’s your address? 16. Last year, my father ____________ me a new bike. A. buy B. bought C. buys D. buying 17. Are you scared ___________ seeing the dentist? A. on B. with C. of D. to 18. Nam ___________ to see me last night. A. don’t come B. doesn't come C. won't come D. didn't come 19.__________ are you? – I’m 135 centimeters tall. A. How much B. How tall C. How heavy D. How far 20. ________________ did you go to the dentist? - Because I had a toothache. A. Why B. What C. Where D. When 21. We should __________ our teeth before bedtime. A. wash B. brush C. tidy D. comb 22. Yesterday, the dentist filled a cavity ________ my tooth. A. on B. of C. with D. in 23. Hoa doesn't like pork, and her aunt doesn’t, ________ A. either B. neither C. so D. too 24. Would you like ________ to the movies tonight? A. go B. going C. to go D. goes 25. The traffic light is red. You ________ stop. A. must B. should C. could D. ought 26. Thirty years ago in Viet Nam very few people ____ TV sets..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> A. to have B. has C. had D. have 27. My house is _____________ 205 Gia Rai-Long Dien street A. in B. at C. on D. of 28. My mother is a ____________ driver. She always drives carefully. A. careful B. slow C. safe D. skillful 29. Minh likes swimming. ____________ A. do I, too B. I don’t either C. Neither do I D. so do I 30. I hate carrots. And I don’t like peas, _____________. A. neither B. either C. too D. so 31. Minh is a __________ soccer player. A. good B. well C. badly D. safely 32. Hoa goes to the public library ____________ A. carefully B. regularly C. suddenly D. fluently 33. The teenagers prefer pop music ________________ traditional music A. to B. more than C. than D. more 34. She gets bad marks at English. She ________ to study harder. A. must B. should C. could D. ought 35.I prefer watching TV to__________ games. A. to play B. plays C. playing D. played 36. Lan prefers to watch TV __________ games. A. than to play B. to play C. than playing D. than play 37. He never has accidents because he drives very _________ A. careful B. carefully C. safe D. skillful 38. Nam likes playing soccer and I do, ___________ A. either B. neither C. so D. too 39. I prefer __________ games. A. to play B. plays C. play D. played 40. Lan didn’t go to school yesterday because she ________ a bad cold. A. have B. has C. had D. having 41. _______________? -I am 150 centimeters. A. What’s your height? B. What’s your weight? C. What’s your age? D. What’s your address? 42 .Lan ______ at home last night. She _______ to the movies with Hoa A .didn’t / went B. didn’t / go C. wasn’t / go D. wasn’t / went 43. Life in the countryside is ____________ in the city. A. more quiet B. the quietest C. more quiet than D. quiet than 44. Summer vacation is the ___________ in our country. A. more long B. longer C. longest D. long II. Read the passage then answer the questions: In the summer vacation, Lan's family often goes to the beach for three days. They always go to Vung Tau in the south of Viet Nam. They usually stay in a hotel. Last summer they went to Nha Trang. They stayed at the Sunshine Hotel for three days. In the morning, Ba played soccer with his father on the beach. Lan and her mother walked long the beach and built sand castles. They visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium and saw different kinds of fish there. They also bought a lot of souvenirs for friends. Questions: 1.Where does Lan's family often go for their summer vacation ? __________________________________________________________ 2. How long do they often stay there ? __________________________________________________________ 3. Where do they usually stay ? __________________________________________________________ 4. Where did they go last summer ? __________________________________________________________ 5. What did Lan and her mother do in the morning ? __________________________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 6. Did they visit Tri Nguyen Aquarium ? __________________________________________________________ III.Write sentences with the cues given: 1. Lan / not go / school yesterday / because / she / be / sick. __________________________________________________________ 2. you / do / homework / last night? __________________________________________________________ 3. I / be /scared / see /dentist. __________________________________________________________ 4. What / be / wrong / you / yesterday? – I / have / headache. __________________________________________________________ 5. Why / Chi / go/ hospital / last week? – She / be / sick. __________________________________________________________ 6. Last month / Hoa / learn / how / use / sewing machine. ______________________________________________________________ 7. Where / be / you / last night? – I / be / home. ______________________________________________________________ 8. Nga’s mother / write / sick note / her / yesterday __________________________________________________________ 9. I / ought / finish / homework / before / play / sports. ______________________________________________________________ 10. He / run / very / quickly __________________________________________________________ 11. Teenagers /like / listen / pop music. ______________________________________________________________ 12. Hoa / go / public library / Lan / yesterday. ______________________________________________________________ IV. Answer about you: 1. How often do you brush your teeth? ______________________________________________________________ 2. What’s your weight? / How heavy are you? ______________________________________________________________ 3. What’s your height? / How tall are you? ______________________________________________________________ 4. What did you eat and drink for lunch yesterday? __________________________________________________________ 5. What would you like to watch on TV? __________________________________________________________ 6. Do you brush your teeth after meals? __________________________________________________________ 7. Do you like the city? Why? Why not? __________________________________________________________ 8. Did you have a toothache? __________________________________________________________ 9. What did you do when you had a toothache? __________________________________________________________ 10. What do you do in the evening? __________________________________________________________ 11. Were you absent from school last semester? __________________________________________________________ 12. What kinds of TV programs do you like best ? __________________________________________________________ 13. What did you do last night ? __________________________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span>

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