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Longman Photo Dictionary

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Acknowledgements. ••••••••••. Editorial Direction : Della Summers Susan Maingay Publisher : Editors: Elizabeth Walter Sue Lambert Editorial Assistonts : Barbara Egerton SuzyAlien Sally-Anne Kernahan Design : Julian Smith Picture Research: Sandie Huski nson-Rolfe Production: Clive McKeough The publisher and editors gratef ully acknowledge the contribution of the team who worked on the original Ameri can English edition, particu larly Joanne Dresner and Penny Laporte. Longman Photo Dictionary Copyright © 1987, by Longman Inc. This British Edition first published 1988 Fourth impression 1991 Longman Group UK Limited Longman House Burnt Mill Harlow Essex CM20 2JE All rights reserved; no part ofthis publication may be repraduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanica l, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, withoutthe prior permission ofth e Publishers. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Rosenthal, Marilyn S. Longman photo dictionary. I. English language - Dictionaries for non-English speaking students I. Title II. Freeman, Daniel B., 1921423 ISBN 0-582-89371-2 Produced by Longman Group (FE) Ltd . Printed in Hong Kong.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Introduction. •••••• The Longman Photo Dictionary is a vacabulary and conversatian practice book for learners of English, which presents mare than 2,000 vocabulary items in over 80 different semantic categories. The calaur photographs intraduce a wide range af topics, and are used ta present graups of words which are linked either contextually (The Dining Roam) or thematically (Emotians). The Longman Photo Dictionary may also be used for olphabetizing, guessing games, listening practice, dictation, storytelling, categorizing, writing practice, compositions, debates, discussions, pair or group work. Indeed, the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing may be stimu lated by each unit and may va ry greatly depending on the language level and needs of you r students. The units are self-contained and are not presented in a developmental order. We encourage you to introduce the units in a way which suits your teaching situation best. You may, for exa mple, want to group Numbers w ith Money and Banking, or present the rooms of the house with Action at Home. Each unit contains a sample exercise w hich is designed to stimulate conversation and guide the students in describing the scenes or in using the vocabulary to communicate about their own lives and opinions. Some of the functions in the exercises involve describing relationships and details, making comparisons, naming, labelling and communicating opinions and preferences. The particular structure selected for each exercise is intrinsically related to its generalized use in the context of the photographs and vocab ulary in each unit. For example, the unit Fast Foods and Snacks uses the structure "Do you like hot dogs?", and asks the students to express their preferences. Some of the conventions used in the exercises are as follows: a slash mark as in "Yes, I do.lNo, I dan't." i"dicates that students have an alternative and should give their opinions. The dots ... indicate that students should create their own statements or questions and answers based on the model given . We have intended to provide a basic resource of language and culture to be used an various levels as either a main or supplementary text. It is our hope that the photographs will excite you and you r students and move you to discuss each topic at hand. We welcome you to share your ideas with us.. Marilyn Rosenthal and Daniel Freeman.

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> Word List. ••••• Aberdeen I,:l'h.;)'d i:n l 10 above I :,'bllv ! 36 accelerator ' ,Jk 'M: I:m: II :l' f 57 accessories / ;')1<;. 'M'~;) rr 7 1 40 accordion / a'b :di .Jn l 72 action 1';t'k[,111 1 27, 29 actor. " 'I.'kl ;)". ;.ctress. acute angle .J,kju :1 'a:1J£,)1' address. 71. I' ;l'k tr~.. ,. 1 ,J' d n:~ 1. 71. 5 21. Aden. l 'cld ,JIl I 8 adhesive tape f;)d,hi: sl\' ' te ll' I 31 adjustable spanner / ;),d311S\.JiMI 'spa:n.;'I' /. 56. aerobics fc,I'r,xJh,k, / 70 Afghanistan hd 'g,c ll .\~ tu:1I 1. 8. afraid 1,J' frCld l 34 Africa I':dnb l 7 after dinner mints 1,0: (1;) dm;) ' mill' ! 19 after-shave (lotion ) l'u: fl;)fc l\' ,I;)tlr,m l 28 air bed /'c;) tx'dl 64 airer f 'e;)r ;)" 49 air f ilter ! 'c.J ,fllt a' I 57 air ma il letter " c:;)fficll ,lel ;,)" 21 a irport l 'cap.1:I ( 61 air steward I 'e;) .~ lju: :x.I 1 62 air tank 1'(';) 1:I.·l)k l 65 aisle !:ul l 71 aisle seat I 'all ~i :1 1 62 Alabama 1,:l.'la'h,cllla l 9 alarm l a' lu:111 1 4 I Alaska l a' 1:c ~ k a l 9 Albania l a~ I ' bclflia l 8, 11 album 1';elb;)(11 I 79 Algeria l:eI'd3l.Hia l 8 Alka Seltzer I ,;elb 'sc h ~ a' i 31 alley I ';cli l 70 alligator f'a:I!gcll a' l 74 alphabet board I'a:lfahe l ,o:>:d l 32 aluminium foil Ia:lju,mm ialll 'f:>11 1 47 a.m . I ,CI 'e m l 2 amethyst I 'a: m .~n!,tI 40 amplifier i'a:mpl !fa l;)' 1 53 analogue watch l 'a:n ')log ,Wnll I 2 Andorra l a: n'd :>:r;)1 11 angelfish 'c lnd3" lfll I 76 Anglesey 1';l.'l) g.Jh.i: 1 10 Angola 1a:I)'gaol;)1 8 angry I';cl)gri l 34 ankle l" I.'I)k.J1 1 25 ankle sock 1'··· 1 38 annoyed l a' n:.\ ld l 34 answering machine I ' u:n ~a fll) ma,Ji :n l 53 ant Iocn ll 78 antacid /;I.'nl 'a: \ld l 31 Antarctica 1:cn'W:kllb l 7 antler l'a:ntl,)' 1 73 apex I 'C Ip<: b ,1 5. Appalachian Mountains h t' poJ,1c rl.m 'm<lul1t 1nz I 9 apple 1':l'p,JII 17 apple pie I ", '·1 19 April I'c lpr,)11 3 Arabian Sea 1.1,TI." lhi.111 '~ i: I 8 archer 1'0:11.)" 69 arche ry l'u:ll.1ri l 69 Arctic Ocean I ,o:kllk ' aul,"" 7 Arizona 1,:l'r rz:)l)l1al 9 Arkansas l'o:k1n,s:d 9 arm l o:rn l 25 armrest l 'O:111rc,[/ 62 around l a'raund l 36 arrival board l a'r;tlv,JI ,b:>:d l 6' arriva ls & departures board I · '·· - -'-- ,-.1 58 arrow I' ;l'rau l 69 artery /"O:I;)ri l 26 artist I 'U:I ,!.,I I 24 ashamed / ;)'l(,lI11d l 34 Asia /"1:13al 7 aspara9us 1 ;) 's pa:r;)g~ 1 '8 aspirin 1';l'spr1nl 31 astronaut 1 ';c ~ tran :> :1 1 '2 astronomy I;)'stronarni l 79 Athens l' a:O.~l1 z l I I Atlantic Ocean l al,Ia:l1lrk '.)ul,1Il 1 7, 8,9 aubergines l' .)I.Jh;)3i:nz l 18 audience 1':>:dial1sl 71 audio cassette I ,:>:di.)(j koJ'sc [/ 53 audio tape 1,;'):di.)I.J 'tcip I. 53 Aug u st 1,:>:g;)sl l 3 aunt I U:1II 1 33 Aust ralia 10'SlrCllia l 7,8 Austria l 'oslri.) 1 8, I I autumn / :>:1;)111 1 4 avocado I,:cva'ku:d;)u l 17 azalea I .)'zellia l 4 2 baby f'tlC lhi l 50 baby bottle 1'-- ,-- I 50 baby carrier I'oc lhi ,ka:ri.)' 1 50 baby clothes 1'·- ,- I 50 baby cup 1'·- .-1 50 baby seat 1'-- ,- I 50 back I ba:k l 25 backboard I 'h;ckh;'):d l 68 backgammon I'ha:kga:man l. 79 bacon I 'hclk;m l 16, 19 badminton 1' 0:cdmll1l;)n l 70 BaHin Bay f,h:cflll 'he ll 7 Bahamas Iha'ho:rn.)z l 7 Bahrain Ihu: 'relll l 8 bails I hc llz l 67 baked beans Ihe lkd 'hi:l1zl 16 baker l 'belka' l 23 baking tray I'helk ll) ,Irel l 48 balcony I 'h:clk:mi l 41. bale I he ll l 75 ball I h:>:1 1 67, 68,69, 70 ballerina l ,ha:la' ri:n.) 1 71 ballet l 'h;c1c1 1 71 ballet dancer l 'h;c1cr ,do:n,a' i 7 1 ballet shoe 1'-- 71 ball point pen l ,b:>:1 P:>I11[ 'po:n 22, 52 Baltic Sea I ,h;') :itlk 'si: 8 banana Ih;')' l1u:n •.,1 17 Bangladesh I ,h;l'l)gla'dcJ I 8 bank balance l 'h,cl)k , b;t.~ lall .. 1 6 bank clerk l 'ha.' l)k klu: k l 6,. 24 banking l 'h'l'IJklt) 1 6 bank statement I'h.eok ,'lo.: lll11alll l 6 barbecue l 'ho:bl kj u: 1 42 barber l 'bo:h;')' 1 24 Barents Sea I ,h;l'r.)n b '~ i: 1 barrier I'h,cri a' l 60 base I beh l 5 baseball l'ilel .. h;') :11 68 baseball glove 1' --·1 68 baseball min 1'tx- I,b:>:1 mil. 8. 68 baseline l 'I}(' I,I;lm l 68 basin l ' hcl", 111 1 46 basket I ' ho: ~ kltl 68 basketball I ' bo: sk ~ tb .) :l l 68 basketball player 1'--- ,-- I 68 bass I he..,' 76 bassoon Iha \ u:n l 72 bat I ba:1 1 67,68 bath Iho:tl l 46 bath mat l 'b{l:O m;ct l 46 bathroom I'hu:Orum l 46 ba th room cabi net l ,hu:Orolll 'k.cb,1,1I 111 46 bath towel l 'bo:O laoal/ 46 batsman l ' h;c l~rnJI1 I 67 bailer l ' h;c[.)' 1 68 battery l 'b.cl ,lri l 54, 57 beach I hi:tl l 64 beach ball 1'- - I 64 beach towel /, bi :lll:1u;)1/ 64 beach umb rella 1' - -,-- I 64 beak I hi:k l 77 bear I he.)'1 73 beard I hl:Kl 1 26 beater I' hi:ta' i 48 bed lI)Cd l 45 bedside table l ,hc(b:lld 'le ll1.lI' 45 bedspread I' hcd~prc d l 45 bee I hi: 1 78 beef I hi:fl 19 beefburger l 'hi:O)J:ga' f 20 behind Ihl 'h:llnd l 36 beige Ihe l3 1 37 Belfast I 'hclfu:,t l '0 Belgium l 'hcl ~t3 , '111 1 8, 11 Belgrade Ihcl 'gfo.:ld l Belisha beacon IhJ, li:la 'hi:bn l 14. ". Belize hali:z .' 7 below I bl 'I;)(J 36 below freez ing I bl ,I;)() 'fri:zll) 4 h l,t.)(j 'Z I..Jr.)(j 4 below zero belt he ll ' 37 bench helllI 5' bend be nd 29, 59 he'ni:n Benin 8 ,he rrl) '.. i: Bering Sea 8 Berlin IhJ: 'hn Berne IlJ:n l between I hl'twi:n 36 Bhutan hU: '\{I:n 8 bib Ihlb l 50 bicycle l 'h'II'ILJI I 69 bike I halk ! 69 bikini Ih 1' ki:I1; 1 64 bill Ihl ll 77 bin Ihlll 14 bird h3:d 77 bird watching 'bJ : d ,\\'01110. "". 79 Birmingham 'h3:rnrl);)m '0 Biro 'h;IITJU 22, 52 birthday card l 'hJ :CkIc[ ku:d 2' biscuit I'h hkll '9 biscuits I'hhk[I Z '6 bit I1l1t l 56 black Ihl;ck f 37 black belt 1'·· 1 68 blackboard 'hl;ckh:l:d l 52 black cab hl;ck 'ka: bl 58 Black Sea hl ;~k 'si: 8 blade I bkld 66 blazer I'hlclz;')' 1 38 blender l 'hlcnda' l 48 blond I hlnnd l 26 blood pressure gauge I 'bl ... d prcJ;:, ,ge ld31 31 b louse I blaozl 38 blue I blu: 1 37 blue jay I'hlu: d3C11 77 blusher l ' h l"l.)' 1 28 board I b.) :d l 79 boarding pass I 'b:l:dll) po:s 61 bobbin I'b ob1n 80 boblsed ' bo h~ lcd l 66 bobsledding " ho h~ l edllJ 66 body 'bod; 25 ha' II\I;' Bolivia 7 ballard I'bolad 60 bolt h;}()ll 56 Bonfire Night I 'hon f;l ra nall l 3 Bonn I hnll f 11 bonnet l 'hon At' 47 book I hok l 43 bookcase ' l"l{)k - h' I ~ 1 43 booster rocket I ' hu:,[a ,rnk V 12 boot Ihu:[ 57,66 bored I h."):d 34 Botswana hOI ',wu:n:"l 8 bottle 'ho[1 50.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> bonle opener 'bo[I ,;)t)pJll a' l 48 boundary 'baund.ni l 67 bow b;)t) 69, 72 bowl b;)ol( 47, 48. 74 bowler b;)ul;)' 1 67 , 70 bowling bauh l) l 70 bowling ba ll 1' -- -I 70 boxer 'bok .. ;)'1 68 boxer shorts 1' -- -I 37 boxing ' bok~ [1) 1 68 boxing glove 1'-- -I 68 bra bro: I 38 brace bre l' / 56 bracelet I ' brc [ s l ~t l 40 bradawl l 'br:ed;,:I ( 56 brain (bre ln l 26 brake fbrC l1,.! 57 brake light 1'- -I 57 brass I bro:~ 72 Brazil bra'z ll l 7 bread bred 1 16 brick brtl.. 55 bricklayer 'bnk ,le [;)'1 23 bridge brtd31 14, 60 briefcase I'bri:f'ke lsl 40 Brighton I 'bra[t .m l 10 Bristol 'bnslJ II 10 broccoli l 'brok;)lil 18 brooch I br;)t)IJI 40 brook bruk l 63 broom bru:m l 49 brother l ' br"Oa' l 33 brother-in-law 'brM')ar 10 ,b :1 33 brown (braun l 26,37 brush br"II 28,49,56,79 brush your hair l,brAJ ja 'he;)' 1 27 brush your teeth l,brAI p [i:O I 27 Brussels l 'brAs"lz l 11 Bucharest I,bj u:k;)'restl 11 bucket fb"kltl 49,51, 64 buckle l 'bAk,,1I 37 Budapest I ,bju:d;)'pcsi l 11 budgerigar l 'bAd3;)n go:' 1 74 buffalo l'bAf;)l;JU1 73 bulb bAlb l 54 Bulgaria IbAl 'gcJri31 8, 11 bull bol l 75 bumper f b... mp;)· 1 57 bungalow l 'b"'l)g;)I;JU1 41 bunsen burner ,b,nv n 'b3: n3'1 52 burglar alarm 'bJ:glar a,lo:m l 41 Burma 'b3:m;) 1 8 Burundi bo'rondil 8 bus b\~ 14,58,59 bus conductor " b" J..all,d ... kt;)· 1 58 bush bul 42 bus lane l ' bA~ le ml 14 bus stop 'bA' stop l 58 butcher l 'buIJa' l 23 butter l' b.\I;)' 15. butterfly l'bAtafia ll 78 buttocks l 'bAtaksl 25 button I'b ... lnl 80 cabbage l 'krebld31 18 cabin I 'kreb m l 62 cake stand I 'kclk SI<end l 47 cake tin I 'kel k tln l 48 calculator l ' k <el kj~ l e ll a' l 52, 54 calendar l 'ka:-1 ~nda' f 3 calf I ko: fI 25,75 Cal ifornia l ,ka::l r f;':11l a l 9 Cambridge f'kc lmbrld3 1 10 camel l ' ka:m <J1 1 73 camera l ' k<.em,Jra l 54,79 Cameroon f,krem;)'ru:n l 8 camper l ' krempa' l 69 camping l 'kremplIJ I 69 Canada I 'ka::nada l 7 canoe I b ' nu: 1 65 canoeing I k;)'nu :11)1 65 canoeist I k;)'nu:lst l 65 cap I krep l 39 captain I 'kreptln l 62 car Iko: ' 1 57,59 card Iko:d l 21 Cardiff I 'ko:dlfl 10 Cardigan I'ko:dlganl 10 cardigan I'ko:dlg;)nl 39 ca rds I ko:dz l 79 Caribbean Sea Ikren ,bi:;)n 'si: 1 7 carpenter l 'ko:Pl nta' l 23 carpet l 'ko:P ltl 45 carpet sweeper l 'ko:P1I ,swi:pa' l 49 carriage l 'krend31 58 carrier bag I' ka::ria b:egl 15 carrots I 'ka:r;)tzl 15,18,19 carry I 'kreril 30 car seat I 'ko: si:l l 50 carver l 'ko:va' l 44 cashier I k:e'J la' l 6,15 cash point I ' ka:lp;,tnl l 6 cash point ca rd 1'--- 1 6 Caspian Sea l ,ka:splan 'si: 1 8 casserole dish l 'ka:sar;JU1 dlf f 48 cassette I k3'sel l 53 cassette deck Ib'set dek l 53 cassette player Ib'sel plel;)'1 53 casual wear I'k:e3ual wc;)' 1 37 , 38 cat Ikret l 74 ca tch I kretJ I 29 catcher l ' kreIJa' l 68 caterpi llar l 'kreta,ptla' l 78 cau liflower l 'koh ,fi aua' l 18 CO I ,si : 'di :1 53 cei ling l 'si:1I0 1 43 celery " sc lari l 18 cello I ' tfelau l 72 Celsius I 'sc lsiasl 4 cement ISI'menl l 55. cement mixer ISI'ment ,mlksa' l 55 Centigrade I 'scnt !greld l 4 Central African Republic I,sentral <efrlkan rI 'p ... bhk l 8 central reservation I ,sc ntral reza'vcIJ,m l 59 centre I' sc nl3' 1 5 centre ci rcle 1'-- ,-- I 67 centrepiece I'scnlapi:s l 44 ce real I 'SI<Jriall 16 Chad Ilf:ed l 8 chain I tJem l 40 chair I tJca' l 42, 44 chair lift l 'tJea' hft l 66 chalk f tf =>:k l 52 changing mat l 'tJclIld311) m.ct l 50 checked ' tJckt l 37 check-in desk l 'IJck In dcsk l 61 check-out area I'tfe k aut ,cdrial 15 check-out desk l 'tJc k '1U1 ,desk I 00 cheek f tJi: k l 26 cheese I tfi:z l 15, 19 cheese b iscuit 1- '-- I 19 cheese board 1'- -I 19 c heeseburger I' IJi:zb3:ga' l. 20 chef I lefl 23 cheque I tlck l 6 cheque book 1'- -I 6 cheque card 1'- -I 6 cherry l ' tJcri l 19 chess I tlcs l 79 chest I IIc sl 1 25 chest of drawers l ,tJCSI av 'drJ :zl 45, 50 chick ItJlk l 75 chicken I IJ l k ~n l 16,75 child ItJa lld l 50,51 children l 'tJl ldran l 33 Chile I'tf[l il 7 chilly I'tf l li l 4 chimney l 'tJlmni l 41 chin I IJm l 25 Ch ina l 'I I .lIn al 8 chips l 'tJlpzl 19 chisel l 'tJ lul 1 56 chocolate gateau l , tJokl~1 'grel;)t) 1 19 chopping board l 'IJOpll) bJ:d l 47 chorus I 'k;,:ras l 71 Christmas Day I ,knsmas 'de ll 3 cinema l 'stn 1m;>! 71 circle l 's3:k~ 1 1 5 circumference fsa' k... mf,)rans l 5 city I 's nil 14 clam I kla:m l 76 clari net I ,kla:rl' nct l 72 classroom l 'klo:S-f()rn f 52 claw I kb: 1 76,77. cleaning fluid l 'kli:OII) ,fi u: ~d l 32 clear I klt 3'1 4 clerk I klo:k l 21 cliff I k h fl 63 climbing frame I 'klalm ll) ,frelm l 51 clingfilm I 'khl)fllm l 47 clock Iklok l 2, 58 clock radio 1,- '--- I 53 closed f k1;JUzd l 35 clothes I k lOlllOz l 50 cloudy I' klaudi l 4 club I kl Abl 69 clutch IklAtJ I 57 clutch bag l 'k1"tJ breg l 38 coat I k;)ut l 39 coat hanger l 'k;JUt ha:O;)'1 49 cockatoo l ,koka' lu: 1 77 cockpit I'kok ,pn l 62 cockroach I'kok-rautfl 78 cocktail stick l 'koktc ll sllk l 19 coconut I 'kaukan... tf 17 coffee I' kofi l 19 coffee maker I'kofi mClb' l 48 coffee pot I'kofi pot l 47 coffee table I'kofi ,lelb,,11 43 coin I b ln l 6, 78 coin album I'bm ,:elbam l 79 coin catalogue I' bln ,k:et;}logl 79 coin collecting I 'bln k;),leklll) l 79 cola l ' k;JUI;> 1 20 cold I k;JUld l 4,31 cold remedy l 'kdUld ,remldil 31 cold water tap 1,- '-- -I 46 col lar " kola' i 37 collar bar I 'kol;)' bo:' 1 40 colo9ne I ka'laun l 28 Colorado l ,kola'ro:d;JU f 9 colour l ' k ... I;>· 1 37 Columbia Ika' l... mbial 7 comb I k;JUm l 28 combi ne harvester I ,kombaln ' ho:v~ l a' ! 75 comb your hair I,kaum j;} 'he;)' 1 27 comet I'komll l 12 compact disc I,komp:ekl 'dIs k I 53 compact d isc player 1-- '- ,-.1. 53. compasses l 'k"mp;}slz l 52 computer I kam'pju:ta" 54 computer technician Ibm'pju:ta' tek,OIJ"n l 24 concert l 'kons;)11 7 1 conductor I bn 'd"kI3' 1 71 cone I kaun l 20 confused l k3n'fju:zd l 34 Congo I 'kol)gau l 8 Connecticut I ka'ncllbll 9 construction Ik3n'str ... kI ..m1 55 construction worker Ikan'str ... kI,Jn ,w3:ka' l 23,55.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> contact lenses 'lont;dn ,kn7r7 32 control l ;)I)'lr;)01 45 connol tower l ;lIl' tr;xJ1 ,1,10:1' 62 convertible l:ln '''3:llIMI 57 conveyer belt l:ln '\':I:I' bel! 15 cook lol 23, 27 cookery book 'kok,}fi ,bok l. 47 cooking pot 'loki!] pOl l 47 cool lu:1 4 Copenhagen ,l:lup:ln'hu:g:ln 11 co·pilot 'l:lo,pail:ll l 62 Coral Sea ,l nrol ' ~i: 1 8 corned beef Ikn:nd 'bi:fl 16 corner kn:no' 5 corn on the cob I ,kn:n nn t)o 'knh 18 'l .1 :'llo I 11 Corsica cosmetics lO1;' ml' uk zl 28 Costa Rica , kn~l:I 'ri:ko l 7 COl lOl 50 cotlon 'lOIn 80 cough lnf 31 cough drops 'lor dropz 31 cough mixture 'lor mll,tj:l' 31 cough sweets ' lof ~WI:Il l 31 counter 'l .. ol1l:>' 1 6,21 , 47 courgelles lu:>'3ctz l 18 court b:1 68 cousin ' 'l"z,1I1 33 cow lau 75 crab lr.ch l 76 crafts kro:ft z . 79 crane lrcIII I 55,77 cream I kri:m l 19 cream cracker Ikri:m ' kra~l:>' ! 19 credit card ! 'kred l! kl1:d ! 6 crest k rl'~ 1 77 Crete kri:1 1 11 crewneck 'kru:nck l 39 cricket 'knk.\1 67 cricket pitch '-··1 67 crisps lrhpz 20 crochet hook 'kr.)u.k l huk. 80 crocheting 'kr;xJfcH!) ! 80 crop krop 75 cross country skiing kros k" nEri '~ ki:-I!) I 66 crossroads " kro~r:llldz l 59 crow lr;)O 77 crowd Ikr,uxll 67 Cuba " kju:h;) 1 7 cube I kju:b l 5 cucumber 'kju:k,.,mb:l' 1 18 cuff link I'k,,( IIOk l 40 cup I k"p l 44,46,47,50 cupboard I 'k,.,b:ld ! 47 curb I b:h ! 14 curtain l 'k3:ln l 43 cushion l ' kof,1II 1 43, 45. customer I 'k...st;)Ol:l' I 6, 15 customs I' k"sl;)mz l 61 customs officer I'kMI;)ml ,of15 ;)' 1 61 cut Ik"t l 30,31 cycli ng 1'5<11kli OI 69 cyclist I'sarkl1St l 69 cylinder I's I11ndy i 5 cylinder block I 'stll nd;) blok l 57 cymbal I 's rmb ~l l 72 Cyprus I's,lIpr;)sl 8 Czechoslovakia 1,lfckosl;)O',,:ckio l 8,11 daffodil l 'd:t'f:)dll l 42 dairy produce I 'dc,ni ,prodju:s l 15 daisy I 'dclzi ! 42 dashboard I 'd:cfb.):d I 57 daughter l 'dJ :I:I' 1 33 daughter·in-Iaw I 'd.): tor 111 b: 1 33 day I dc l l 3 December Idr'semb;)' 1 3 deck chair I'dek Ife.)' 1 64 deer I dro' l 73 degrees Celsius Id l,gri: z 'sclsi;)~ 1 4 degrees Centigrade Idl ,gri: z 'sentlgre ld l 4 degrees Fahrenheit Id l,gri:z '(:cr;)nhall l 4 Delaware l 'ddowe;)' 1 9 Denmark I 'dcnma:k l 8,11 dental floss I 'de ntl flas l 32 dental nurse I '··· , 32 dentist I'denlls t/ 24,32 department store Idl'po:lmo nt st.):' 1 14 departure board Idl'po:lf;:I bJ: d ! 61 departure hall Idl'pu: tf;) hJ:1 1 61 departure lounge Idt'po:tf:l 130nd31 61 depth I depO l 5 desert ' J~ P[ 63 desk Idesk l 22, 52 desk diary I'desk ,dill,Hi l 22 desk lamp I'desk [a-mpl 22 dessert I dr 'n:1 1 19 dessert spoon Idl 'Z3:1 spu:n l 44 detached house Idl ,l:Clfl 'h,lusl 41 determined I d['t3:m~nd l 34 diagonal Jd;l[ '::egon,,[1 5 diameter I dm'::emll;)' 1 5 diamond I'd:lI;)mond l 40 digger l 'd lg;)' 1 55 digital watch l ,d ld3~t[ ' wo[f l 2 dining room l 'd3 Inl!) ,ru:m l 44 dining room table 1'--· ,-· 1 44 dirty laundry basket Id3:ti 'b:ndri ,bo:sk11 1 49. disc camera. I 'd ls k ,k:cm,H;) 1. 54 disc film I'dlsk film ! 54 disgusted I dl ~'g,\ S \[d l 34 dish d lf l 44 dishcloth I'dlfkloOl 47 dishwasher l'dlf,wof')' 1 47 diskette Idls' ket l 54 display screen Id lS' plel skri:n l 54 displeased Idb'pli:zd l 34 distributor I dl s' lnbj~ t;)' 1 57 diver l'dillv,)' 1 65 divided by 1<I[ 'v;I[u[d bal l diving l 'dOlI"I!] 1 65 diving board {'·· · I 65 doctor l 'd okl;)' 1 24,31 document case I'dok jym:lnl k(, lsl 40 dog ! dog! 74 doll I dol l 51 doll's pram I'dolz pr:em l 51 dolphin I 'dolfln l 76 Dominican Republ iC Id;),mlll[k;)n rl 'p"bhk l 7 door I dJ:' 1 57 doorbell I 'd.):bel l 41 door handle I '· -- I 47 doorknob I'd.):nob l 41,46 doorstep l 'dJ:slep l 41 double bass l ,d"b,,1 'be lsI 72 double yellow line ! ,d"b;)1 jc1;xJ 'I:ll n l 14 Dover l 'd;xJ,,;)' 1 10 down Idaun l 36 downhill skiing I,d:wnhll 'ski:-[O l 66 dragonfly l' dr:eg;;:mn,11 1 78 drainpipe l 'd rc ll1p<llp l 41 draughts Idro:fts l 79 draughtsman l' dra :ftSOl;)n ! 24 draw IdrJ: ! 30 drawer f d r.):'1 45,47 dress I drc sl 38 dressing gown l 'drcslO gaun l 39 dressing table l ' dr':~IO ,IClbA I 45 drill Idn ll 32 drill bit I'dnl bil l 56 d ri nk IdnOk l 27 drive I dral\'l 41 driver 1'<lr:I1":I' 1 58 drum I drMn l 72 dry Idra ll 35 dry off Idral 'ofl 27 dual carriageway I ,dju:;)l ' k:cnd3WC[ 1 59 Dublin I 'd,.,bllll l 11 duck I d"k l 77 duckling l 'd" kl1!] 1 77 dumper truck {,dMnpo tr"k ! 55 Dundee Id"n 'di: 1 10 dune Idju:n l 63 dungarees l ,d""Jso'ri:z l 51 dust l d"st/ 27 duster f 'd"~ I:) ' 1 49. dustman 'dAslm.)n 23 dustpan I 'doslp:cn I 49 duty free shop Idju: li 'fri: ,fop 61 eagle 'i:£"l 77 ear 11;)' 1 25 earring 1'1;),flO I 40 Earth 13:01 12 East l i: sl l 9 East China Sea l i:sl ,IJall1;) 's i: 1 8 Easter l ' i:5[')' 1 3 East Germany l ,i:SI 'd33:mJni l 8, 11 eat l i:1 1 27 ecstatic I lk'sl:Cllk l 34 Ecuador l 'ekwodJ:' 1 7 edge ! cd3 1 5 Edinburgh l 'cdlnbJr,)1 10 eel l i:l l 76 egg l eg l 15,77 Egypt l 'i:d3IPI I 8 eight ICII I 1 eighteen ICI '[i:n l eighty I 'c ni l elastic band 1E, I:CSllk 'b:cnd l 22 elbow l 'e lb;)0 1 25 electric blanket 1I,Iekmk 'bl:COkl ll 45 electric drill 11,lekmk 'dnl l 56 electrician 1[,kk'l rlf"n l 23 electric mixer 1t, leklrlk 'mlksy l 48 electric shaver It, teklrtk 'fclv,)" 28 electric typewriter 1I ,lektrlk '13Iprall,)' / 54 electronics I r,lc k'tronlk sl 53 electronic typewriter 1,1ck ,tronlk '\,ll prall:l' 1 54 elephant l' clM;)r11 1 73 eleven I I'lev ,m l 1 ellipse fI' llps l 5 EI Salvador Icl'sa-l\';),d.):' 1 7 embarrassed I lIn' b:cr;)sll 34 embroidery I lm 'brJrd')ri l 80 embroidery frame iJm'brJ[d"ri ,frclln l 80 embroidery silk I lm'bfJld.ni ,sllk l 80 emerald I 'COlolr;)ld l 40 emery board I'em",i ,b:l:d l 28 emotion I I' m;xJfoln l 34 empty I 'empli l 35 engine l'end31n l 57,58 England l 'l!)gl;)ndl 10 entertainment I ,e nl;)'telllmont l 71 envelope I'cnvobop l 21 equals ! 'i :kw;)lz l 1 equipment 1['kwIPOl:lnt l 48 Ethiopia l ,i :Oi ';)upi')l 8 Europe I' jo')r')p l 7, 11 evening l 'i:vnIO I 2 examination table Ilgz:cmfnelf,m ,Ie lboll l 31.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> ellcavation site d,4. J'vc IJ,m , ~a ll l 55 ellerciSf! book 52 'ck- Jsa IZ hok exhaust pipe Ig'7.';': 51 p,lIp l 57 eye ,II 25,80 eyebrow 'alhr,tOl 26 eyebrow penci l '-- ,--I 28 eyelash 'arl:c/ 26 eyelid ' .. rltd 26 eyeli ner ',II ,la IO J' 1 28 fabric conditioner '{a.'hrr" " ;m,dr /a n;)' 1 49 face kr, { 2,25 face cloth {' fc r ~ rl r.o/ 46 Fahrenheit l 'f:l'TJnhart / 4 Falkland Isla nds 'b: lkIJnd "lIbndzl 7 fa ll b :1 30 fam ily ·" f;l'lll" li 33 farm fo:m 75 farmer fo :mJ' 23,75 farmh ouse 'fo:mhaus l 75 farm land 'fo:ml:cnd l 75 Faroe Islands l'fcar;)U ,arlJndzl 11 fast foods l 'fo: sl fu:dz l 20 father ' fo:~J' I 33 fa ther-in-law I ' fo:~;!r III b : / 33 Father's Day ' fu>~ JZ Jer 3 fanyt issue l, fa:ti ' II I u: 1 26 feather ' k~a' 77 February 'fcbruJri l 3 fence fc n ~ 1 41 , 75 fest ivals ' fc~ I ~\'.1 l z l 3 fever 'Ii :\ 3' 31 field Ii:ld { 63, 75 lielder 'fi:ld 3'1 67 fifteen /flf' li:n I fifty I' flftil 1 figure skate I'frga skcrl l 66 figure skating l'flg3 ,~kCIIIO I 66 fil ing cabinet 22 'fa rho , kre bln ~1 'fllro 32 Iilling film frl m 54 76 lin flO finger I'lmga' l 25 Finland I'frnland / 8, 11 lire guard l 'fa lJ go:d l 43 fireman l'I<lIJrtlJll / 23 fireplace I' f:1I 3pklsl 43 first b :sli 1 lirst floor l,b :SI 'n,;,:' I 41 fish flJ 76 fish and chips ,- - '- I 20 fisherman 'fl iJIllJn l 23, 65 fish fingers I,fri 'flogazl 15 fishing 'fr Jr!) / 65 fishing line l' frII!) larn / 65 fishing rod 'frIll) rod / 65 fish slice i 'fl S ~lar s l 48 lilted sheet I,fll,ld 'Ji: 1I 45 live Ifar" ,. fl ag fnxgl 12,1 4 fl ami ngo Ifl:J'm rl)g;)01 77 flannel I 'nxnl { 46 fl as h I nll'I I 54 flat I n:el l 41 flight a tte ndant l 'n,lIt a,lendJ nt l 62 fl ipper I' n rpJ' 1 76, 77 floor I n J:1 41 , 43 floo r cloth l 'nJ: kloOl 49 flo ppy disc I, nopi drskl 54 Florida 1"nI>r ,\dJ f 9 florist I' no r.\sl l 23 fl ower l 'flitOJ' ( 43 fl ower bed ! 'nauJ bcd l 42 flut e I flu:t l 72 fly I fla l l 78 flyover I 'flar -;)U\,:)' { 59 foal 1f;)OII 75 foggy I fogi! 4 fo il I brl l 47 foldi ng ruler l ,f;)Old r!] ' ru:la' i 56 food p rocessor I 'fu:d ,pr;)OscsJ' 1 48 foot !fot { 25 football I' folb:):! 1 67 football boots l 'rul bJ :1 bu :IZI 67 footballer l 'fol,b;'J:I:)' 1 67 footlights / 'fotlallz l 71 footw ea r l 'fulwCJ' 1 39 forearm I'b:ro :m l 25 forehead I ' b: hcd l 26 forest 1'(or1s(/ 63 fork I b:k l 44 fork-lift truck I ,f::.:khfl ' IT",k l 55 forty I ' b :li l 1 foundation {faun 'de II ,m l 28 fou r 113: 1 1 fourte e n I ,b: 'Ii:n l fourth I b:OI 1 fox I fok sl 73 fra m e I fTc lm l 43 France Ifro:nsl 8, 11 freezer l ' fr;:z3' 1 1S, 47 fr eezi ng I' fri:zlo l 4 French beans Ifren lf 'bi:nzl 18. French fries Ifrenli 'fralzl 20 French Guiana (frcnli gi 'o:nJ { 7 French horn I f rcntl 'hJ:ll l 72 Friday I 'frardi / 3 fridge I frr d31 15,47 fr ied c hicken /frald ' IIl k ~n l 20 frog /frog l 74 from /from l 36 fr o nt Ifr,\lll i 5 fronl ga rden I " ' -- I 41 frozen food I ,f raoun 'fu:d l 15 fruit !fru:1 1 17 frying pan I 'fra r-I!] pa:n l 48 fue l gauge l 'fJoal gcrd3 1 57 fu el tank l 'fjuJ lla:nk l 12. full Iful l 35 furious I' fjoJ riasl 34 furrow I' ffI.T;)O l 75. grass Igro:s{ 42,63 grasshopper I 'gro:s, hopafl 78 g rater l 'grenJ' 1 48 gravy I' grelvi! 19 graze {'gre lzl 31 Great Britain Igre1l 'br1l;)nl 8 26 Grea t Salt lake IgTen 'soh lelk l 9 Greece Igri:sl 8, 11 green I gri:n l 37,69 greengrocer I'gri :n ,gr:JUs;)' 1. Gabon Ig:e 'bon l 8 galaxy l 'gxlJksil 12 gall bladder / 'g;:,;1 ,bla:da' l Gambia I'ga:mbial 8 games Ige lmzl 79 garage l ' grera :31 41 ,57 gard en I'go:dn f 41 , 42 ga rlic f'go:hk l 18 garlic press l 'go:llk prcsl 48 gate Igc lI l 41 , 68 gateau ! 'gxt;)01 19 gauze I 'g,;,:z l 31 gear lever I'g r;) ,li:\';)' 1 57 gem I d3cm l 40 Georgia l 'd3J :d3a l 9 geranium Id3J're rniJ ml 42 gerbil I'd33:b.l11 74 get dressed Igel 'd res(/ 27 gel up Igel '"p i 27 Ghana I'go :n al 8 gherkin l 'g3: k ,\nl 20 gill I gl lI 76 ginger l 'd3md3J' 1 26 giraffe Id3rro:fl 73 girder l 'g:l:da' l 55 give (gI\' l 30 give way sign Igl\, 'we i sain i 60 glace cherry I ,gla:sel ' Ilc ri l 19 Glasgow I'glxzgaol 10 glasses I glo:s,\Z1 32 globe a rtichokes I,glaob '0:1111aok l 18 glove I gl"v l 39,68 goal I gaol/ 67 goal area l 'gJol,e.lria l 67 goalie I 'gau li l 67 goalkeeper I'gaol,ki:pJ' I 67 goal line I 'gao l lam l 67 goalpost l 'gJOlpaosll 67 goat I'gao(/ 75 goggles I'gog.1lz l 52 gold Igaoldl 40 goldfish I'gaoidfli l 74 goldfish bo wl 1' -. ,.1 74 golf I golfl 69 golf c lub I ' go lf kl"b l 69 golfer I'golf:)' I 69 gorilla IgJ'rtIJI 73 go to bed l ,gJU I;) 'bcd l 27 Grand Canyon I,gra:nd 'ka:njJnl 9 grandchildren I'gra: n,IJrldran l 33 granddaughter l ' grxn ,d:>:IJ' 1 33 grandfat her l 'grxn ,fo:OJ' 1 33 grandmother l 'grren ,m"l'l;)' 1 33 grandparent I'gra=n ,pe.HJnt { 33 g rand son I ,grrens" nl 33 grapefruit l 'grc lpfru :I{ 17 g rapes I 'gn: rpz l 17. 23. Greenland I 'gri:nl:md l 7 Greenland Sea l ,gri:nIJnd si: 1 7 green pepper 1,- '· -1 18 grey I grci l 37 grieving Igri: vrl) l 34 ground floo r l ,gr,lUnd '0:>: 1 41 Guatemala IgwreIJ 'mo :IJ I 7 guest towel l 'geS! lau;)l1 46 Guinea Bissau I,gln; 'blsaul 8 guinea pig I 'gln; pigi 74 guitar I gl'lo :" 72 Gulf of Mexico I ,g" lf ;)v 'mckstk:JU 1 7,9 gull I g,, 11 77 gum I g"m l 32 gutter I g" IJ' 1 41 , 70 Guyana Igal'xnJ I 7 Guy Fawkes Night I,gal 'b:ks nan l 3 gym Id3lm{ 29,52 hair I hca' l 25 hair brush 1' - - I 28 ha irdresser l 'hcJ,drcsa' l 24 hair dryer l 'he3 ,draIJ' 1 28 hair slide l 'heJ slatd l 40 hair tonic {'heJ ,I Olllk l 28 Haiti {'he ni l 7 halfway line Iho: f'wc l ,Iam l. 67 Halloween l ,hrel:JU'i:n l 3 hambu rger l 'hremb:l:g;)' 1 20 hammer l ' hx ma' l 56 hamste r l ' hremsla' l 74 hand I hre nd l 2,25 handbag I 'hrend bxgl 38 hand drill I'ha: nd d ri ll 56 handkerchief l 'h:c!)bIH ff 40 handle I'hxndl l 45,47,48 hand luggage I'hrend ,1"gld3 1 62 hand towel I 'ha:nd ,tau:)11 46 hangar l ' hxl);)' 1 62 happy I ' hrepi l 34 hard Iho:d l 35 hard hat 1' - -I 55 hard shoulder 1,- '·- 1 59 harmonica I ho: 'mOlllka f 72 hat I hxl l 39 hatchback I 'hrelibrek l 57 hatchet {'h:cIW ' 56 Hawaii I ha='w:u -il 9 hawk I h:l :k l 77.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> head ! hed ! 25 headache l 'h<:lh:lI..I 31 headboard I ' hcdb;,:d l 45 headlight l 'hcdl:lI11 57 headphone I'hcdf:lun l 53 headrest l ' h cdr('~11 57 heart I ho:t l 26 heavy I ' h('\'i l 35 Hebrides I'hehndi:z l 10 hedge I h('d3 1 42,75 hedgehog l 'hed3hog l 78 heel Ihi:1I 25,39 height Ihan l 5 hel icopter I 'hc1.lkopt::>' I 62 helmet I hdm ~1 1 66,67,68,. Illinois 9 in II n l index file I'rndcks fall l 22 India l ' rndi::> 1 8 Indiana f rndi':cn:l l 9 Indian Ocean I ,rndbn 'coI.JIl I 8 indicator l 'mdlkcll;)' 1 57 Indonesia 1,lnd ;)' ni:3::> f 8 in front of lin '(r ... nl ::>v l 36 insect 1' l11sck l f 78 inside lane 1,IIlS<tld 'lelll l 59 instrument " rllSlr;)ll1;)nl l 72 instrument panel 1' l11str;)m::>nt ,p:rn ll 62 in tray I ' rn Ir", 11 22 Inverness I lII v;)' n",:; 1 10 Iowa l 'ar;)Ow::> 1 9 Iran l1 'ru:n ! 8 Iraq lI 'ro:k l 8 Ireland l 'a l::>l::>nd l 8 iron I 'a l;)n l 49 ironing board I 'al;)nll) IJJ:d l. 69 Helsinki I hl'l '~ lnk il 11 hen Ih",n l 75 hi-fi I ' ha[ fa ll 53 high chai r l 'h:1I IIc;)' 1 50 hiker l 'halk;:l'I 69 hiking I' h,lIkll) l 69 hill Ihl ll 63 hip Ihlp l 25 hippopotamus I , hlp;) ' pnl;)m.)~ 1 73 hob I hnh l 47 hobbies I'hnhrzl 79 hole Ih;)()1 1 69 home Ih')ull1 l 27 Honduras flmn'djo'H.)~ 1 7 honeycomb I 'h ... ni:k')um l. 49 Isle of Man l all;)v 'm:rn l 10 Isle of Wight l all;)v ' wan ! 10 isosceles triangle l al ,sosJli:z 'lrala:ng,JI I 5 Israel l ' IZTell l 8 Italy l 'I\,) li l 8,11 Ivory Coast 1,.ltV,Hi 'bost l 8. 78 hook I huk l 55, 56, 80 hop Ihop l 29 horn hJ :n 73 hors d'oeuvres I,;,: 'd3:v l horse I h,1:sl 52, 69, 75 horse racing l ' hJ:~ ['<:l~ !lJ horse riding I ' h.): s r,udll) hose / h.)Uz l 57 hostess trolley l ' h.)()~t ,l,.~ ,lfIlli ! 44 hot I hol l 4 hot dog I 'hlll dog l 20 hotplate l 'hotp1c1t 1 47 hot water tap I h01 'W;':I::> I:ep l 46 hour hand I 'ao::> h:end l 2 housing I h<luzll) l 41 Hudson Bay I h"ds::>n 'bel l Hull I h,,1 1 10 Humber l ' h ... mo::>' 1 10 hummingbird l 'h"m rl)b3:d l hump /tIMnr l 73 hundred l 'h ... ndr1d l Hungary l 'hMJg::>r i l 8, 11 husband I 'h" sb;)nd / . 33 hypotenuse Ihal'poI!nju:z l. 19. 68 69. 7 77. ice l ars l 66 ice cream I,:IIS 'kri:m l 15, 19,20 Iceland l 'a rsl;)nd l 7,11 ice skating I 'a ls ,Skllll) l 66 icy ! ';\ Isi l 4 Idaho I' ald;)h;)o l 9. 5. jacket l 'd3 :ck~1 1 37,38,39 Jamaica Id3J'mclb ! 7 January l 'd3a!nj u;1ri l 3 Japan Id3;)'p:t'n l 8 jeans Id3i:nz l 37,38 jet I d3ct l 62 jet engine 1,- '-- I 62 jetty l 'd3Cli l 64 jewellery l 'd3u:alri l 40 jockey l 'd3 0k i l 68 jogger l 'd3 0ga' 1 69 jogging l 'd30g llJ I 69 Jordan l 'd3a :dn l 8 journalist l 'd33:n,J I-1st l 24 jug I d3"g l 47 July I d3U'11ll 1 3 jumper l 'd3M11par! 37 , 39 June Id3u :n l 3 Kampuchea l ,kxmpo'IIla l 8 kangaroo l ,ka'ng::>'ru: 1 73 Kansas I 'k:t'nz.)sl 9 karate I k;)'ro:t il 68 Kentucky I kcn 'l"kil 9 Kenya I'kcnj.) / 8 ketchup ! 'ketI;)p l 20 kettle I 'kctl l 48 keyboard I ' ki:b;):d l 54 keyring I 'ki:rl!) ! 40 kick I krk l 29 kid I kld l 75 kidney I 'kldni l 19 kiosk ! 'k i:osk l 58 kiss I kls l 30. kitchen I'kltfln l 47 kitchen equipment l 'kllf1n l,kw lpl11;)nt/ 48 kitchen unit I 'kllf.t.n ,ju:n1t l. 47 kite l ka lt! 51 kitten I ' klln l 74 kiwi fruit I 'ki:wi: fru:!! 17 knee Ini: 1 25 kneel Ini: 1I 29 knickers I 'nrkn l 38 knife I nalfl 44, 48 kn itting l 'nll!!) 1 79 knitting needle 1' __ ,__ 1 79,80 knocker l 'nok;) 1 41 koala bear Ikao'a :l;) no' 73 Kuwait I ku'we n l 8 lacemaking l 'lc!smclkll) l 80 ladder 1'lred;!' 1 55 ladle l 'lcrdl l 48 ladybird 1'leldib3:d l 78 lake l lelk l 63 Lake Erie l lelk ' I;)ri l 9 Lake Huron l lelk 'hju;)r;)n l 9 Lake Michigan IIe Ek'mIIlg.)n ! 9 Lake Ontario Ilelk on'tc;)rtau l 9 Lake Superior Ilclk su: 'p r,ni;)' 1 9 lamb lI:cm l 75 lamp lIa:mpl 22, 32, 43, 45, 50 lamp shade l 'lxmp ICld l 43 land /la-nd t 63 lane l !ern l 59 Laos lIaos l 8 lapel 11;)'pel ! 37 large intestine 1I0:d3 tn 'test1n l 26 laugh /lo: fI 30 laundry I 'b:ndri l 49 laundry basket I 'b:ndri bo :sk11 1 49 lawn Ib:n l 42 lawn mower I' b:n m;)ua' I 42 leaf IIi: fI 42 Lebanon {'lcb;)I1;)n l 8 Leeds l1 i:dz l 10 leeks IIi: kz l 18 leg l leg l 25 lemon I 'lem;)n l 17 length IIc I)O { 5 lens lIenz l 54 leopard 1'1cp::>d { 73 leotard l 'li :::>to:d l 70 Lesotho 1I;)'su:IlI: 1 8 letter ( 'let::>' { 21 letter box ( 'let.) boksl 21,41 lettuce 1'let1s l 18 level l 'lev,)11 55 level crossing 1,lev,} 1 'krosll) l 60 level crossing sign 1,lev')l 'krOSII) sarn l 60 Liberia 11a1 'bIJri::> 1 8. Libya l ' trbi;) 1 8 lid I lld l 48 Liechtenstein l 'hkt;)nSla lil l 11 lie down lIa l 'daun l 29 lift Illft l 29 light Ihut! 35 light switch I'lall sWHf l 46 Li-Io I 'lal lau l 64 lime lIal ml 17 line l1<lrn l 5 lion l1a l.)n l 73 lip II lp l 25 lipstick l 'll pstrk l 28 Lisbon l 'llzb;)n l 11 listen l 'llsan l 27 litter bin 1'1 11;) blll l 14 liver 1'lrv;)' 1 26 Liverpool 1'llv::>pu:1 1 10 living room / 'hv[1) ru:m l 43 lizard , 'hz.)d l 74 llama 1'10:111;) 1 73 lobster 1'lobst::>' 1 76 London 1' ll\I1d;)n l 10, 11 Londonderry l 'l ... nd;)n,dcri l 10 long 1101) 1 35 loom lIu:m l 79 loose lIu :s l 35 lorry I 'lori l 59 lorry driver I'lori draJv;)' 1 23 Louisiana lIu :,i:zr'ren;) 1 9 luggage 1'I ... grd3 1 61 luggage carousel 1'I"gld3 ka:ra,sel l 61 luggage compartment l 'I"gld3 k;)l11 ,po:tm;)l1t l 58 luggage reclaim area ""g[d3 'ri:kkllll ,<:,)ri;) 1 61 luggage trolley I 'L\gld3,troli l 61 lunar module 1,l u:n;) 'modju:1 1 12 lunar vehicle I ,lu :n.) 'vi:rkall 12 lung I1M) 1 26 Luxembourg ! 'I ... ks;)m,b3:gi. ". Madagascar l ,ma:d;)'g.eska' l 8 Madrid I m.)'d rrd l 11 magnifying glass I 'mregntfar-rl) glo:sl 79 mailbag l 'mcllbreg l 21 mail van l 'mcII va:n l 21 main cou rse I'mc tn k;):s l 19 Maine I mctn l 9 makeup I 'mc rk"p l 27 Malawi I m;)'lo:wil 8 Ma laysia I ndlelzi;) 1 8 Mali l 'mo:1i 1 8 Manchester l 'ma:ntIcSI;)'1 10 mandarins / 'm:rnd,m nz l 16 mane I mcrn l 73 mango I m:cl)g;)u l 17 mantelpiece I 'mrentlpi:s l 43 map I ma'p l 10 March I mo:tII 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> margarine l ,mo:d3:l'ri:n l 15 Maryland ' mc:lfi ,la:ml l 9 mascara I ma: ~' ko:r:l l 28 mask I mo:~k l 65,68 Massachusetts l11a:s:l ' I J u: ~bI Z I 9 masl mU:~1 1 65 mal I ma:t l 52 , 68 material I m:l'tI ,lri;:'ll f 80 mattress f ' m'I.:1r ,~s l 45 Mauritania l ,mDf!' IClni;)1 8 May 111](' 11 3 May Day 1'- -I 3 meadow '\lK'd ;)o 63 measur ing beaker 'mC3:lfl1) ,hi:k :l' ! 52 measuring cup l 'mc3.m1) k" pl 48 measuring cylinder f 'mC3:lfl1) ,silmdy l 52 measuring spoon l 'm('3:lfl l) 'llIl:n 48 meat I mi: t l 16 meat sauce 1- '- 1 19 mechanic I nll" ka:l1Ik l 23 Mediterranean Sea I m cd,~t:> , rcH1l :l n 'si: 1 8 melon I rnelJl1 1 17,19 men's wear f' menz we;:'l' 1 37 menu I' menj ll: ! 19 message pad I ' mcsld3 pa>d ! 22 messy I' mesi ! 35 metal l ' mc!11 40 Mexico I 'mekslbul 7 Michigan I' nllJrg:ln f 9 microwave oven l ,nwrkr:lwcl v' r\\,,/11 1 48 midday I ,mld-de l l 2 Middle Atlantic States I mHJI :>t 'la:ntlk ,SICliZ! 9 middle seat ! 'l11ldl si: tI 62 midnight I 'nll dn;tlt { 2 Midwest I ,mrd 'west! 9 Midwestern States I mld 'We s\:>n ,steltz ! 9 mi lk I mllk l 15 milk shake l ,r11llk 'Jerk l 20 million I 'mil j :>n l 1 mince I mrn ~ 1 16 Minnesota I rllllll 'S:>UIO ! 9 mint f mlnt l 19 minus 'mamosf mi nute hand l 'mJrl!t ,ha:nd f 2 mirror I' mlro' l 32,44,45,. 46 miserable l 'mlz,J r:)b,,11 34 Mississippi I mlsb'slpi { 9 Mississippi River I ml s1,s lpi ' n\,:)' I 9 Missouri I mr' w:>ri l 9 Missouri River I ml ,w:)ri ' n\':!' I 9 mitt 1m 11 1 68 mixed grill I l11lksl 'gn ll 19 mixer l 'r11lk s:>' 1 48 mixing bowl l 'mrksllJ ,b:lul l 48. model I ' mod l l 24 mole ! m:lul f 78 Monday l 'I11M1Ui l 3 money l 'mr\l1i ! 6 money clip l 'n1r\l1i kllp { 40 Mongolia I mon' g:loli;)1 8 monitor { ' mol1 bt:>' 1 54 monkey l 'mr\1)ki l 73 Monopoly I rno 'nop,11i 1 79 Montana I mon ' I'I.:I1:)1 9 month I mr\110 f 3 M oon I mu;n l 12 mop I mop l 49 morning 'rn J :ntlJ I 2 M orocco 11110'robo l 8 Moscow I 'rnosk:)o l 11 mosquito I mJ' ski:l:lo l 78 moth { rnnO f 78 mother 1'111r\!)0' 1 33 mother-in-law I 'm,,():lr III ,1:>: 1 33 Mother's Day ! 'n1r\()Oz del l 3 motorboat 1'1l1:lotoboutl 65 motorway l 'IllJUlowcr l 59 mountain I ' maunl ,~n ! 63 moustache 1 111 :)' ~ IO:J I 26 mouth I m;toOI 25 Mozambique I ,m:)ul:)m 'bi:k { 8 mushrooms { 'mr\Jru:mz l 18 music l 'I11Ju:zlk l 71 musical instrument I ,mju:zl k.}] ' rnslr:lIll;)l1t l 72 music stand f 'mju:zlk st..-end l 71 mussel l ' mr\$.}1 1 76 nail I nell l 25,56 nail clipper I 'ncll ,kllpy l 28 nail file I 'nell fal l l 28 nail polish I 'ne l l ,polrJI 28 Namibia { nJ'm l biJ! 8 nanny goat I 'na:ni g;:,ut l 75 napkin I ' na>pk~n / 20,44 napkin ring 1'-- -I 44 nappy f 'na:pi l 50 narrow I ' n..-erou l 35 neat I ni: tI 35 Nebraska I n:l'br..-eskJl 9 neck ! nck I 25 necklace l 'neklJsl 40 needle { 'ni:dl f 80 needlecraft / 'ni:dlkro:ft { 80 Nepal I nf paul l 8 nephew { 'ndju: 1 33 nervous i 'n:J :v;:,s l 34 nest I nest ! 77 net I ne t! 67,68,70 Netherlands I ' ne~ol:lndz f 8, 11 Nevada ! nJ'vo:d:) ! 9 Newcastle l 'nju:ko:sJI I 10 New England I nju: 'l 1)g]ond l 9 New Hampsh i re I nju: 'ha=mpJo l 9 New Jersey { nju: 'd33:zi { 9. New Mexico { nju: 'mckSlk;:,ul 9 newspaper stand l ' njll:spCIP;) ,sla=nd l 14 newspaper vendor l ' nju:spc IP;:' ,vend:l' 1 14 newsreader f 'nju:z,ri:dO' I 24 New Year's Day I ,nju: j l:lZ 'dc l l 3 New York I nju: 'j;,:k l 9 New Zealand I nju: zi:lond l 8 niece I ni:sf 33 Niger I ni: '3eJ' { 8 Nigeria f nal 'd31"riJI 8 nightclothes l 'nallkl;)Oi'lz l 39 nightdress I 'nal\dresl 39 nightie l 'nalli l 39 nine { n;un l 1 ni neteen I ,na In'ti:11 ~ I ninety l 'na ll1l l l 1 no entry sign I n:lU 'entri s;Hn l 60 noon I nu:n l 2 no overtaking sign ! n;:,u Ju\'o'tc rkllJ sall1 l 60 no right turn sign 1nou rail ' t3:n sa ll1 f 60 north I n:>:OI 9 North America I n:>:O ;:,'nlCrlk:l 1 7 North Carolina 111 :>:0 k..-er;:,'lall1:l1 9 North Dakota I n:>:O d:l'koul;:, f 9 Northern Ireland I n:>:();m ',II :l!Jnd l 10 North Korea I n:>:O ko'ri :;) 1 8 North Sea I n:>:O 'si: 1 8 Norway l ' n;,:wC I I 8,11 nose I nouzl 25 note I n;)ut I 6 notepad I 'noutpa!d l 22 no through road sign f nJU eru: 'r;)ud S3111 1 60 noticeboard l 'nouI1s ,b:); d l 22 Nottingham ! 'noll1):lm l 10 no U-turns sign I nou 'ju : t3:nz sall1 ! 60 November I nou'vcmbo' I 3 nozzle I ' novl l 57 number I 'n ,\mbo' l numberplate I 'Mmbop1clt l. 57 nurse ! n3:s l 24,31 nursery { ' n3:s.}ri ! 50 nut I nr\ t/ 56 nuts and raisins I nr\l ~ ,111 'rc[z"nz { 20 oar /:) :' 1 65 oboe I'JUbou { 72 obtuse angle ( ;:,b,tju:s '..-eng.}1 1 5 occasional table 1;)'ke I3<1nol,lclb,,11 43 occupations l ,okj¥ 'peIJ"nz {. 23. o'clock l o'klok ! 2 October I l)k 'l;)ubJ' 1 3 octopus I 'oktoposl 76 off I l) fI 36 office I ' ofis l 22 Ohio l oo'har::lu l 9 Oklahoma 1,:lokIJ'h;:lum:l1 9 Oman l ;:lu'mo:n l 8 on l on l 36 on board I l)n ' b:>;d l 62 one I Wr\n l onions 1'"nj;)I1z l 18 onto l 'nIllU! 36 open I ' oupon l 35 opera l 'Op"[:l { 71 opposite f ' opJz1[ I 35 opt ician l op'III-JIl { 24, 32 o ral hyg ienist 1,;,:r;)1 'h,lId3i:llIst l 24 orange l ' or~l1d3 1 17,37 o rchestra 1':):k1SI [ ;)/ 71 orchestra pit 1';,:k15tf:l pil I 71 Oregon l 'ongJn l 9 Orkney Islands I ':):kni al l;:lnzl 10,11 Oslo ! 'ozl:lul 11 ostr ich { 'oslmfl 77 ottoman l 'OI:lmon ( 43 out l aut l 36 outbui lding l 'auI ,brldllJ l 75 outdoor clothing I ,autd;,: 'klou6ro I 39 outside lane I,autsald 'klll i. 59 out tray I 'aollre l / 22 oval 1':lov,,1 1 5 oven 1',,1,',111 / 47 oven glove 1' -- ·1 47 overhead luggage compartment I Ju\'ohcu 'lr\gld3 kJmpo:lmOI1 t1 62 owl l aull 77 Oxford l 'oksfJd l 10 Pacific Coast States f pJSlflk 'bust stem l 9 Pacific Ocean I p:l,slflk 'JUJ.}n { 7,8,9 packaged goods I 'Pa:kru3d gudzl 16 paddle I ' pa=dl l 65,70 paddling pool l 'p..-edhO pu:1 1. 42 pads I pa:dz l 67 pail I pell l 49 painkiller l 'pell1 ,kll::l' { 31 paint I pc 1111 I 30,56 pai ntbrush l 'pcrlllbr"J I 56 painter l 'pell1lo' l 23 painting { 'pellllllJ l 79 paint pot l 'pCIllI pOl l 56 paint roller l 'pclIll f;)Ol:l' 1. 56 pair of scisso rs I PC:lf ov 'slloz l. 80.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> Pakistan ! pa:ki'slo:n ! 8 palm ! pa:m l 25 Panama l 'prenamo: 1 7 panier l' preni;)' 1 69 pansy I'prenzi l 42 pants Iprenlsl 38 papaya I p;)'pal;) 1 17 paper clip " pelp;) khp l 22 paper clip holder I 'pe rp;) klrp h;)uld;)'1 22 paper napkin ! perpa 'nrepkm l 20 Papua New Guinea I ,prepu;) nju: 'gr ni l 8 Paraguay I 'prer;)gwal l 7 parallel l' prer;)lcl l 5 parcel l 'pa:s.111 2' parent I 'pC<1T;)nl l 33 Paris I 'prerrs! parking meter l 'pa:kll] mi:I.,,' '4 parrot I ' preral l 74 parsley I 'po :sli l '9 parsnips I 'po:snlps f '8 passenger l 'preslnd3a' ! 58,. ". 62 passport I'po:sp:):t l 61 passport control l'pa:sp:):1 kan,lr;'MJ1I 61 past I po:sl l 2 patient l 'perIa nt l 31,32 patio l 'preli;'MJ! 42 patio chair Ipreti;'MJ 'IIca' l. 42 patio table. ! preli;)U 'telbilll. 42 patterned ! 'prelilnd l 37 pavement I 'pc lvffianl l '4 paw I p::J: 1 73, 74 paying-in slip Ipel-ll] 'In sll p l 6 peach Ipi:II! 17 peacock I ,pi:kok ! 77 peak ! pi:k ! 63 peanuts I ' pi:n ... tz l 20 pear l pea'i 17 pearls I p::s:lzl 40 pears l pen l 16 peas I pi:zl 16,19 pedestrian Ipf destrian l '4,. 59 pedestrian underpass Ipldestrian 'undapo:sl 59 peeler Ipi:la' l 47 , 48 peg l peg l 49 pelican I 'pcllkan l 77 pen I pcn l 6 penalty area I 'pcnlli ,earia l. 67 penalty spot. I 'pc nlti spal l. 67 pence l pensl 6 pencil ! 'pensilil 22,52 pencil holder l 'pensill ,haulda' l 22 pencil sharpener l 'pcns<1l ,Ja:pana' l 22, 52. penguin l 'pc l]gw l n l 77 Pennsylvania I ,pensll 'vc mial 9 penny I 'pcni l 6 pepper I'pcpa" 20 percent Ipa'sent l 1 percussion ! pa'k... I,m ! 72 perpendicular l , p::s:pan ' dlkj ~ I;)" 5 personal cassette player l ,p::S:SJnal ka'sel plcta' l 53 Peru I pa' ru: 1 7 petrol cap l 'pclr.>1 krep l 57 petrol pump I 'pelral p... mpl. 57 petrol station I 'pctral stc lIiln l 57 petticoat ! 'pctik;)Utl 38 pharmacist I 'fo:mas~st l 24 pheasant I' fcunt l 77 Phi lippines I 'ftllpi:nz l 8 phone box l'f;)Un boksl 14 photocopier l 'faut;)U ,kopia' !. 22 photographer /fa' tografa' l 24 photography Ifa 'togr;)fi l 79 piano Ipi'renaul 72 pickaxe I 'plk-reksl 55 pick up Iprk ... p l 30 p icture l 'p rktIa' l 43 picture frame l 'plk tI;) frclm l 43 pie I pat l 19 pier I pla' l 64 pig ! plg l 75 pigeon I 'pld31n I 77 piglet I 'plgllt l 75 pillar box I 'pl la boks l 21 pillow l 'plldU l 45 pillowcase l 'pllaukc lsl 45 pilot I 'pal lal l 62 pin I pm l 70,80 pincushion l 'pm,kuIiln! 80 pineapple l 'pamrep<11 1 17 ping pong I 'pl!) pOI) ! 70 pink ! pll)k l 37 pipette I pt 'pet l 52 pitch I pltI I 67 pizza l 'pi:lsa l 20 plane Iplc m/ 56 planet / 'plrenl ll 12 plant Iploml l 43 plant pot I 'pla:nt pot l 43 plaster l 'pla:sta' l 31 plate I plelt l 44,47 platform I 'plretb:ml 58 platform entrance l 'plretf::J :m ,entr;)nsl 58 player I 'plcla' i 67,70 playpen I 'plc lpen l 50 pleased Ipli:zd ! 34 pliers I 'pla[;)z l 56 plimsolls I 'phmsillzl 51 plough Iplaul 75 ploughman's lunch l ,plaum;)nz'l ... nIII 20 plug I pl ... gl 49. plum I pl ... m l 17 plumber l ' pl ... m;)' 1 23 plus I plASI Plymouth l 'phmaO l 10 p.m. I ,pi: 'cm l 2 pneumatic drill Inju:,mrettk 'drrl l 55 pocket I 'pokl ll 37 pocket calcu lator l ,pok !1 ' krelkj~ l etta' l 54 podium I 'paudiam l 7' point ' p:H nt l 30 Poland l 'p;)Uland l 8, l' polar bear l ,p;)Ula 'bca' l 73 pole I paul l 66 policeman Ipa'li:sman l 23 polka dot I 'polka do t I 37 pommel horse l 'pom<11 h::J:sl 52 pond Ipond! 63 popper I 'popa' I 80 porch ' p::J:tI I 41 porter l 'p.,:ta' l 58,61 Portugal l ' p:>:tIugill l 8," postal order l 'p;)Ustl ,.,:da' l. 2'. post box !'paust boksl 21 postcard I'paustko:d ! 21 post code I 'paosl kaod l 21 postman I 'paustm:>n l 21,23 postmark l 'pdUstmo :k l 21 post office I 'paust ,of lsI 21 post office clerk 1'- -- ,-I 21 post office van I 'p;)usl of IS ,vren l 21 pot I pot ! 47,56 potato Ipa'tell:>u l 19 potatoes Ipa'tcllaozl 18 potter's wheel I 'potaz ,wi:1I. 79 pottery I 'polari l 79 pouch IpautI I 73 pound Ipaund l 6 power saw I 'paua ~:>: I 56 Prague Ipro:gl 11 pram I prrem l 50 prawn Ipr.,:n l 19 prawn cocktai l I pr::J:n 'koktcllI 19 prescription Iprr'sknpIiln l 31 p rinter ! 'pnnla'l 54 protractor ! pra'lrrekt3' I 52 proud I praud l 34 Puerto Rico I ,PW3:1;"! 'ri:k3U 1 7 pull l pul l 29 pupil I 'pju:pilll 26,52 puppy I 'p ... pi ! 74 pu rple l 'p3 :Pil l l 37 purse I p::s:sl 40 push I puII 29 pushchair l 'puI-IIc;"!' ! 50 put down Iput 'daun l 30 put on makeup l pul on 'metk ... pl 27 pyjamas I pa'd30:m;"!zl 39 Qatar. Ik... 'ta:'!. 8. quarter l ' kw:):I ;"I' 1 quilt Ikwllt l 45 rabbit l ' rreb~tI 74 raccoon /ra' ku:n / 73 racehorse I 're lsh:):sl 68 racket irrekl tl 68,70 radio I 'rc ldiaul 53 radio/cassette player Irc ldi;"lU k;)'set ,plc la' l 57 radishes l 'rredlIlz l 18 radius ! 'rc ldias l 5 railway station I'rc llwe l ,SIC[Iiln l 58 rai lway track I 'rcllwel tra=k l. 60 raincoat l 'remk3UtI 39 rainy I 'remil 4 rake I rc[k l 42 rat I ra=1 1 78 razor l ' rc [z;)' 1 28 razor blade I ' re n;) blc td l 28 reach I ri:I I I 29 read !ri:d ! 30 rear view mirror I ,n a vju: 'mlrd' l 57 rear windscreen !r[";) 'wmdskri:n l 57 receptionist I n 'scpI,lO!st l. 22 record I 'rcb :d l 53 recorder I n ' b:dd' l 72 rectangle l ' rc ktrel]g~1I 5 red ! rcd l 26, 37 red pepper Ircd 'pcpa' l 18 Red Sea I rcd 'si: 1 8 referee l ,ref;)'ri:1 67,68 refrigerator I n 'fnd3arctta' I. 47 reins Iremz! 69 remote control I n ,mout kan 'tr3U1I 53 Republic of Ireland I n ,p ... bh k av 'alalrend l 11 rev counter I ' rev,kaunta'i 57 Reykjavik l 'rctkj;)Vtk l 11 rhinoceros l ral ' nos~ rds l 73 Rhode Island Iraud 'a [land l 9 rider I 'ra lda' ! 69 right angle I 'nllt relJg<111 5 right-angled triangle I ,rall rel)g<1ld 'tratrel)g<111 5 ring I fllJ l 40, 68 rink ! nl)k l 70 rinse your face I ,TIns j::J: 'fc isl 27 Rio Grande I ,ri:;)u 'grrend l 9 river ! 'nva' ! 14,63 road I r";)Od l 59 road sign I 'raod sam l 14,59 roadworks I raudw3:ksl 60 roadworks ahead sign l ,r;)Udw3:ks a'hcd sa m! 60 roast beef I raosl 'bi: fI '9 roasting tin l ' r;"lU51[1] 1m ! 48 roast potatoes I raust p:>'le ltauz l 19.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> robin I robbn l 77 rock I rok I 63 rock concert I' rok konsal! 71. Rocky Mountains I, roki 'mauntlllz l 9 roller I 'raula' I 56 roller skate I' raula ske l1 l 70 roller skater l' r;)Ola skc lta' l 70 rollerskating l' raulaskcltl!) 1 70 rolling pin I' rauh!) plll l 48 Romania Iru:'mClllial 8, 11 Rome I raum l 11 roof I ru: fI 41 roof rack I' ru:f ra:k l 57 rope I r;)Op l 68 ropes I rao p~ I 52 rose IrJuz l 42 rotary whisk I' raulari wl5k l. 48 rotor I 'raola' I 62 rouge I ru:3 1 28 rough I rt. fI 35 roundabout !' raundabaut l. 59 roundabout sign I' raund"baOl sa lTl l 60 rower I TaUJ' I 65 rowing I raUl!) 1 65 rowing boat IraUl!) 'bauI I. 65 royal family I r::)!al 'f<em.Jli l 33 rubber l' ro\ba' l 22,52 ruby I'ru:bi l 40 rucksack I'ro\ ksa!k l 69 rug Iro\g l 43, 50 rugby I'ro\gbil 68 rugby ball / 'ro\gbi b,,:l ! 68 rugby pitch I 'ro\gbi pllJ I 68 rugby player I' ro\gbi plc la' l 68 ruler I' ru:la' i 52 run I r w l 29 runner I' ro\na' i 69 runner beans I' ro\na ,bi:nz l 18 running l' rMI!) 1 69 runway I 'ro\nwel l 62 Russia {' ro\Jal 8 Rwanda I ru 'a-nda l 8 sad l sa-d l 34 saddle I'sa-dl l 69 safety pin I'sc lfli p lll i 80 sail Isell ! 65 sailing l'sC lll!) 1 65 sailing boat I'SC Ill!) baut l 65 sales assistant I'SC llz a,SISI.,I I1I { 24 salt Is:J:lt l 20 Sana 150 :' no: 1 8 sand l sa- nd l 51 . 64 sandcastle l' s<:e nd,ku: sJII 64 sandpaper l'sa-nd ,pc lpa' l 56. sand pit !'sa:nd ,pII I 51 sandwiches l 's<cnwld3Iz! 20 sapphire l 's<:ef<l l a' l 40 Sardinia Isa: 'dln i,, 1 11 satell ite l 's<Ct~hlll l 12 Saturday I 'sretadi l 3 Saturn I 's<:elan l 12 sauce ISJ :sl 19 saucepan l 'sJ :sp<:en l 48 saucer l 'sJ:sa' l 44,47 Saudi Arabia I ,saudi a'rc lbi J ! 8 sausage I 'SOS ld3 1 19 saw I Sj: 1 56 saxophone I 's<:eksafaon l 72 scaffolding l 'sk<:efald l!) 1 55 scale !skcd l 31.76 scales Iskcllzl 21 scared I skcad l 34 scarf Isko:fl 40 scatter cushion I 'sk<:eta ,kuJ.Jn l 45 school Isku:1 { 52 school equipment I ,sku:ll'kw lpmanl l 52 science lab I 'salans [<:eb l 52 scientist !'sa lantlst! 24 scissors I 's lz;)zl 21,80 Scotland l 'skOlI;)lld l 10 Scrabble I 'skrxbal ! 79 screen Iskri:n l 53 screw !skru: 1 56 screwdriver l 'skru:,dnnva' l 56 scrubbing brush l 'shAbl!) brAJI 49 scuba diver ! 'sku :b;'! ,da lv;'!" 65 scuba diving I 'sku:b;'! ,dalVl!) ! 65 scu lpt IskAlpt l 30 sculpting l 'sb.lptl!) 1 79 sculpture l 'skAlptJa' 1 79 sea I si: 1 64 sea animals I 's i: ren1malzl 76. seal I sd l 76 seamstress I 'si:mstrlsl 24 Sea of Japan l si: :ow d3;'!'p<:en l 8 season I 'S I: za n l 4 second I 'sc kand l 1 second floor I ,sekand 'nj:' I 41 secretary l 'sekr1Dri! 22,24 seesaw l 'sl:sJ: 1 51 Sellotape I'scl;'!telpl 22 semi~detached house Iscmi dl 'tretJt ,hausl 41 Senegal l ,se nl 'p:1I 8 September I se p' lcmba' l 3 serviette l ,s3 :vi'e t l 44 serviette ring !s3:vi'et ,Tl!) 1. 44 serving dish I'S3:VI!) dlJI 44 set square l 'setskwc a' l 52, 56. settee I se' li: 1 43 seven I 'SCViIll I 1 seventeen I ,scva n'ti:n l seventy I'scvant il 1 Severn I 'seva nl 10 sewing I 'S dUll) l 80 sewing basket /'S;)Ul!) bo: sk~t l 80 sewing mach ine I 'S aUl!) m;),Ji:n l 80 shadow I 'J<:ed;)u l 64 shake hands IJelk 'h<:endzl shampoo I Jrem ' pu :1 28 shape I JClp l 5 shark I Jo:k l 76 shave I JCly l 27 shaving cream I 'Jelvl!) kri:m l 28 sheep I Ji:p l 75 sheet ! Ji:t l 45 sheet music I 'Ji:t ,mju :zlk l 71. Sheffield I 'Jc fi: ld l 10 shelf I Jc1 f1 46 shell I Jcl l 64 Shetland Islands I 'Jetland ,a llandz l 10,11 shin I JIIl ! 25 shin guard I 'JIIl gU :d l 68 shirt I J3:tI 37 shocked I fokt l 34 shoe I fu: 1 39 shoelace I 'Ju:lcls l 39 shop assistant I 'Jop a,slstan t! 15 shopper /'fopa' I 15 shopping I 'Jopl!) 1 15 shopping bag I 'Jo p l!) b<:egl 15,40 shopping trolley I 'Jopl!) troli l 16 short 11:>:1 1 35 shorts I h:ls ' 37,38 shoulder I 'Jaulda' ! 25 shoulder bag I 'JJulda b;cg l. sister-in-law I 'S ISI;)r 111 ,b: 1 33 sit I Sll l 29,30 six ISlksl 1 sixteen I,slk'sti:n l sixty !'s iksti l 1 s kate Iskc lt l 66 skateboard ! 'SkCltbj:d l 51 skater l 'skc lla' l 66 ski I sk i :1 66 s ki boot 1'- - I 66 30 skier l 's ki:a' l 66 skirt I sk3:1 1 38 sky I skal l 14 skyline l 'skallall1 l 14 sledge I slcd3 1 66 sledge hammer l 'slcd3,ha-ma' l 55 sledging l 's1cd3 11)1 66 sleep I sli :p l 27 sleeve Isli:y l 37 slide Islald l 51 slide projector l 'slald pr;'! ,d3ckt;)' 1 54 slip-on shoe I'sltp on ,Ju: 1. 38 shovel l' f Av/ll f 55 shower f 'rau;)" 46 shower curtain 1'-- ,-- I 46 sh rimp I Jnmp l 76 sh utter I 'JAta' l 41 shuttlecock I 'JAtlkok l 70 shy I Ja l 1 34 Sicily I 's l s~li l 11 side I sa ld l 5 sideboa rd I 'sa ldb;::.:rd ! 44 sidel ight I 'saldlalt l 57 Sierra Leone Isi,er;) li'aun l 8 S ierra Nevada Isi,er;) l1 ~vo:d;) ! sieve I Sly l 48 s il o I 'sallau l 75 silver l 's lIy;)' I 40 Singapore I ,Sl!),,'p;::.:r I 8 singer I 's ll)a' i 71 sink I SI!)k l 47 sister l 's l st;)' 1 33. 39 slippery road sign Ishpari '(aud ,sa m ! 60 sl ip road l 'sllP raod l 59 small intestine IsmJ:1 tn 'tcst ! n l 26 smile I small l 30 smooth I smu:61 35 smug I smAg l 34 snacks I snrekz l 20 snake IsnClk l 74 snapdragon I 'snrep,d rregan l. 42 snorkel ! 'sn;::.:kall 65 s norkeler l 's n:') :kala' l 65 snorkeling l 'sn;::.:k.~It!) 1 65 snout Isnaut ! 76 snowmobile l 'snaull1;'!bi:1 1 66 snowmobiling I 'snaumabi:h!) ! 66 snowy I 'snaui I 4 soap I saup l 46 soap dish 1'- - I 46 soap dispenser !'saop d ls, pel1sY I 46 sock I sok l 37,38 socket I 'soqt I 49 sofa I 's;)ofal 43 Sofia I 'saufla l 11 soft I soft! 35 soft top I 'soft top l 57 soft toy Isoft'tjll 50 sole I s;)o1 1 39 Somalia I sa 'mo:li al 8 son I SA n l 33 son-in-law ! 'SAn In b: 1 33 soup I su:p l 19 soup spoon I'su:p spu:n l 44 south Is,loOl 9 South Africa I sa o(! 'refnbl 8.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> South America IS<luO ;)'mcr1bl 7 South Carolina 1 ~:l(lO ka::ra'iaina l 9 South China Sea IsauO ,Ifalna 'si: 1 8 South Dakota IsaoO da'bota l 9 Southern States I ,s,,()an 'SICli S 9 South Korea IsauO ka'ri::)1 8 Southwest IsauO'wcsl l 9 Southwestern States I ,sauOwcslan ' ~Il'II~ 9 Soviet Union I ,sauvial 'ju :njan l 11 sow Isau l 75 space Ispcls l 12 space shuttle I'spel s ,f"111 12 space suit l 'spcIs-su:1 1 12 spade Ispc ld l 51,64 spaghetti I spa'geti l 19 spaghetti bolognese Ispa,geti bola'nc lZl 19 Spain Ispc ln l 8, 11 speaker l 'spi:b' l 53 spectators Ispe k'lcllaz l 67 speedometer Ispl'dom 1ta' l. 57 sphere I sfla' l 5 spice rack I'spal s rrek l 47 spices l'spalslz l 47 spider l 'spald;)' 1 78 spiral l 'spa l')r;)1 1 5 spirit level I 'splrll ,kvJI! 55,. 56 sponge mop. l 'sP"nd3 mop l. 49 sport I spa :1 1 67 spot Ispot l 73 spotlight I 'spol la lt l 71 spout Ispaut l 50 spring Isprll} l 4 spring onions Isprll} 'Mj:mzl 18 square Iskwca'l 5 squash Iskwofl 70 squirrel Iskwlr.,1 1 78 Sri Lanka I sri: 'ireob l 8 stadium , 'slcldi;)m l 67 stage I s\cld 31 71 stamp Ista:mpl 21,79 stamp album I 'SIa:mp a:lbam I 79 stamp catalogue l 's lremp ,kret;)log l 79 stamp collecting I'stremp k;),lekllo l 79 stand I sl re ll d l 30, 67 Stanley knife I 'strenli nalfl. 56 staple l 'sIelPJI I 22 stapler l 'stelpIJ" 22 star I SIO: ' I 12 starfish l 'slo:flf ' 76 station I 'SIClfJ n l 58 stationery l 'slc lfJnJri l. steamer l 'sli:m;)' 1 48 steep hill sign Ist i:p 'hll sa in I 60 steeri ng wheel l 'sl laflO wi:l l 57 stereo system / 'ste ri ;)O ,s lsl;)ml 53 stethoscope l 'stcO;)sbop l 31 stirrup I 'SIlrJp l 69 Stockholm I 'stokh;)uml 11 stockings I'stoklozl 38 stomach I 'st ... mak l 25 stomachache I 'S\AmJk-clk l 31 stop sign I'SIOP sa in i 60 storage jar l 'sla:nd3 d30: 1 47 stork I s\a:k l 77 stormy 151;) :mi l 4 strawberry l 'slrJ:bari l 17 stream I Sl ri:m l 63 street I Slri:1 1 14 slreet lighl I 'stri:t latt l 14, 59 stretch IStrelf I 29 string I Sl no l 21 strings I Slno zl 72 strip Istnp l 67 stripe ISITiup l 73 striped Istra rpt l 37 stub I SIAb l 6 stumps IstAmps l 67 St Valentine's Day I SJ nl 'va:lanlalnz del l 3 Sudan Isu'd<en l 8 sugar l 'fugJ' 1 19 suit Isu:t l :31,38 suitcase l 'su:lk c lsl 61 summer l 's"01a' l 4 Sun 15" n l 12 Sunday I 'SMdc ,. 3 sunfish l 'sA nflf l I": sunglasses l 'sAnglo:slz l 64 sun lounger I 'S An laund3a' I 42,64 sunny l 's"n l l 4 supermarket l 's u:PJ , ma:k ~1 1 15 surfboard I 'S3 :fbJ:d l 65 surfer I 'S3:f;)' 1 65 surfing 1'53:frOI 65 Suriname l ,soJrf nrem l 7 surprised IS;)' pralZd l 34 suspicious Is;)'splf;)sl 34 swallow l 'swol;)0 1 77 swan Iswon l 77 Swansea I 'swonzi l 10 Swaziland I 'swo:zil::end l 8 sweater I 'swela' i 37,39 sweatshirt l 'swet-f3:t l 38 swede I swi:d l 18 Sweden I 'swi:dn l 8, 11 sweep Iswi:pl 27 sweetcorn I 'swi:tb:n l 15, 18. 22. sweets l 'swi:t SI 20 swimmer l 'swlm;)' 1 65 swimming I 'swimto l 65. swimming costume l 'swlmlO ,koslju:m l 64 swimm ing pool l 'swtmlO pu:1 1 65 swimm ing trunks I 'swrmmg tr/\llk s l 64 swing I SW1 0 1 29,51 switchboard l 'sWltfbJ:d l Switzerland I'SwllS;)I;)nd l. 22 8,. 11. Syria. I 'SlTi;,1. 8. table l 'tc lb,,1 1 42,44,70 table tennis 1'-- ,-- I 70 la il I tetl l 62,73, 74,76,77 tailor 1'lell:1' 1 24 Taiwan 1,lal'wu:n l 8 take I lelk l 30 take a bath Itelk;) 'ba:O I 27 take a shower Itc lk ;) 'faua' l 27 talk I t.):k l 30 tan I 13":n I 37 Tanzania 1,I3":nza'nl ;)1 8 tap I I<ep l 46,47 tape I tc l p l 54 tape deck I 'lelp dck l 53 tape measure I 'tclp me3a' I 56,80 ' tape recorder I'tetp (] 'b:d;)' 1 53 target l ' to:g11 1 69 taxi l ' l<ek si l 58 taxi driver l 'la::ksi dralv:)' 1 58 teacher 1'li:tf;)' 1 24,52 teapot I 'ti:pot l 44 teaspoon l 'li: spu:n l 44 teat I l i:1 1 50 teddy bear I 'lcdi be:)' 1 50 telemessage 1'lelimes1d3 ! 21 telephone l 'te]lf;)un l 22,53 telescope l 'tel1skaupl 79 television l 'teI1v I3,m l 53 temperature gauge 1'lemp,H;)lf;) ge Jd31 57 temple l 'tempJII 26 len Ile nl 1 Tennessee I tcna'si: 1 9 tennis 1'lcn1s 1 68 tennis ball 1'-- - / 68 tennis court 1' -- -I 68 tennis player 1'--,-- 1 68 tent Itentl 69 tentacle l 'tenllkJ1 1 76 term inal l 't3:m lnJ II 61,62 terraced house l ,tCT 1SI 'hausl 41 test tube l 'lesllju:b/ 52 Texas l ' leks;)sl 9 text book I 'te kst buk l 52 Thailand 1'lall3":nd f 8 Thames I lem zl 10 theatre 1'01;)1;)' 1 71 The Hague 16a 'he lgl 11 thermometer 10;)'mom ll;)' I 31. thigh 10al i 25 thimble IOrrnb,}1 1 80 third 103:d l thirteen 103: 't i:n I thirty 103:t il 1 thousand l 'Oaou nd l thread 10rcd l 80 throat 10rauI I 26 through 10ro: 1 36 throw 10rau l 29 thumb l OAm i 25 Thursday 1'03 :zd il 3 ticket l ' llk l l l 61 tie 11,11 1 37 tie clip I 'tat kllpl 40 tie pin I 'tal plll l 40 tiger l ' talga' l 73 tight I lall l 35 tights I t al!~ 1 38 tile Itall l 46 time I talm l 2 times I tallnz l timetable l 'tallTI ,tc rball 58 tinned food It l11d 'fu :d l 16 tin opener I 'lln ;)upJna' l. 48 Tirane I tl ' m:n;) 1 11 tissue l ' ufu: 1 31 to I tu :1 2,36 toaster l 'l;)ost;), I 48 toddler l 'todl ;)' 1 51 toe 11;)01 25 Togo l ' l;)ogau l 8 toilet l ' t;)11 11 1 46 toiletries l 'tJllbtrizl 28 toilet roll l 't;)1 11t r;)Ol l 46 tomato 11;)' ma: lau / 19, 20 tomatoes I t;)' rna:l.,uz l 18 tomato ketchup 1-,-- '- -I 20 tomato soup 1·,-- '- I 19 tongs I looz l 52 tongue I IAO I 26 tool belt l ' w:1 belt I 55 toolbox I 'tu:lboksl 56 tools Itu:lz l 56 tooth I lu:O I 26, 32 toothbrush 1'lu:ObrAfl 32, 46 , toothbrush holder l 't u:ObrAf ,h;)olda' l 46 toothpaste l 'tu:Opc lst l 32 toothpick 1'lu:Oplk l 32 top Itopl 5 topaz I'tcup,ez l 40 torch It:) :tf I 54 tortoise l ' IJ:t;)s l 74 touch I IAlf 1 30 towel rail 1'lao;)1 rc lI l 46 tower block / 'Iau;)' blok l 14 towrope I ' lauraup l 65 track I ITrek l 58,66 tractor / ' Irrekla" 75 traffic I 'tra:flk I 14 traffic light l 'lr::eflk lall l 14 traffic lights l 'lr<eftk lallzl 59 trailer l 'trell;)' 1 75.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> train tre m l 58 trainer l 'tTe m y l 39 transport 'trlCnsp:>:t l 58 travellers chequ e 'tra' \'JI ;n tIck I 6 Iray tTCI 56, 62 tray table 'Ire r le lbJ I! 62 tree tri : 1, 42, 63 tricycle I'lr,usrkJ II 51 trolley f'trolil 44 Irombone Ilro m'b;)On l 72 tropical fish l ,tro plk,,1 ' f rI I. 7.. trouse rs " Irauz;)zl 37, 38 trOllt f ' traut l 76 trowel f'tnlu:>11 42, 55 trunk ! tr .... l) kl 73 trunks f l rAl)kz l 68 T-shirt " Ii: f :s :t! 37,38 tub ! tA b! 43 tuba 1'lju:b;) 1 72 Tuesday !'Iju:zdi ! 3 lulip !'Iju: lrp! 42 lumble d ryer '!'\mb"l ,dr;) r;)' 1 49 luna 1'lju:n ;)1 16 tuner I'tjll:n;)" 53 Tunisia Itju'nr zi;)1 8 Turkey 1't3:k il 8 turkey 1'1'1:ki l 75 turnips !'t:s:n!pzl 18 turntable '1:s: ntc lb,,11 53 tu rquoise l 'I:s:kw:':l1 zl 37 tunle 1'13:1 11 76 turtleneck I't:s:tl nck l 39 tusk It....sk! 73,76 TV 1,li: 'vi: I 53 TV aerial l 'li: vi: ,cJri;)11 41 twelve ! twclvl I twenty !'twent; 1 I two 11u: 1 typewriter !'I<l lp,ralt;)' 1 22 , 54 typing paper I'tarprl) ,pe rp;)'1 22 tyre /tal;)' / 57 Uganda Iju :'gre nda! umbrella f " m'brcl;)1. B 39, 42,. 64. um pire l'Ampala' ! 67 uncle 1''' l)k;1 1 33 under ',\ nd;)' 1 36 underground entrance '"ndJgraund ,cnlr:msl 14 underpants '...nd;)prenlsl 37 underpass 1'''ndapo: sl 59 underwear l 'Andawe;')' ! 37 , 38 Union of Soviet Socia list Republics I,ju:nj:m JV s;)(Jvia\ s:xJf;11s1 n 'p" bhkzl 8 United Arab Em irates Iju:,nallld re r;)b 'emrr1lzl 8 United Kingdom Iju:na1l1d 'klr]d ;)ml. ,0, ". United States I ju: ,naltld 'steltz! 7, 9 untidy l " n'lald i! 35 up I" pI 36 upper arm I Ap;)r 'o:m l 25 Uruguay I'juJ r;')gwal l 7 Uta h l 'j u:\O: 1 9 util ity ro om I ju:'lIll li ru:m l 49 vacuum cleaner I 'vre kju;,m ,kli:n;,' 1 49 valance I'vrel ;,nsl 45 valley I 'v.eli l 63 vase I vo: zl 43 VCR I ,vi: si: '0:' 1 53 vegetable gard e n l 'ved31;,bJI go:dn l 42 vegetables l 'ved3tabJlzl 18 vein I ve m l 26 Venezuela I 've nl'zwe lla ! 7 Vermont IV3:'mont l 9 ve st Ivesil 37 vet ! vell 24 vice IvalsI 56 video camera I'vldi;)ll ,ka:mJ ra / 54 vid e o cassette I'vldi;)ll ka,sct l 53 vide o cassette recorder I ,vldiau ka'sct rt ,b :da'l 53 Vienna Ivi'c na l 11 Vietnam I ,vjet'na:m l 8 vinegar l 'vmlg;,' 1 20 viola Ivi';)lIl;)/ 72 violin I ,va r;)' it n/ 72 Vi rginia Iva'd3Inl;)1 9 V-neck I 'vi: ne kl 39 vocalist !'v:>okJ115t l 71 volleyba ll l 'volib;,:l1 70 volleyball player 1' --- ,-- I 70 waist Iwel stl 25 waistcoat " we lskdUt { 37 waiter l 'wen ';)' 1 23 waitress I 'we ttr ~s l 23 wake up IWClk 'Ap i 27 Wales I we l lzl ,0 walk I w :>:k l 29 walking boot l 'w:>:kIO bu: tl. 69 wall bars ! 'w:>:1 bo:z l 52 wall chart l ' w:> :1 tIa:! 1 52 wallet I ' wol ~t l 40 wa llpaper I'w:>:I ,pcrp';)' 1 44 wall unit l ' w :> :1 j u:n ~1f 43 walrus l ' w ;, :lr~ 1 76 warm I w:>: m l 4 Warsaw I w:>:s:>: 1 11 washer I wof';)' 1 56 washing machine l 'woI II) maIi:n l 49 washing powder l 'woJ IO paud;)' { 49 Washington l 'woIll)tan l 9 wash your face IwoI ja 'fcIsl 27. wastepaper bas ket l ,we lsl'pclpa , bo: sk ~t l 22 watch I wotI ! 2, 27. 40 wate r I w:>: ta' l 63 watercress l 'w:>:lakres l 19 waterfall I'w:):I;)b:1 1 63 water fountain l ' w:) :la faunt 1nl 51 watering can I'w:):laTlr] kren l 42 wate r s ki l ' w :>:l a ski: ! 65 water-skier I 'w:):ta ski:a' i 65 waterskiing l 'w:) :I ;) ski:ll) ! 65 water spo rts I ' w:):t a sp:):tzl 65 wave I welv l 30. 64 weather I we OOl' 1 4 weaving Iwi: vll) l 79 Wednesday I 'wenzd il 3 week Iwi:k ! 3 we lde r Iweld;)' ! 23 west Iwest l 9 West Co ast ! west 'k;)llSt l 8 Western Sahara l .....eSI;)n s;,)'ho:r;)1 8 West Germany Iwest 'd33: m.mi l 8. ,1 West Vi rginia Iwesl v';)'d3IO ml 9 wet I wet l 35 wet s uit I'wct sua l 65 whale I we lll 76 wheel I w i:1 1 57. 69 wheelbarrow I'wi :tbrerau l 55 whisk /wIsk l 48 whiskers I 'wlskazl 74 white ! wa l\ l 37 wicket l 'w lk 1t l 67 wicket keeper I ' wlk ~t ki:pa' { 67 wide ! wa rd l 35 width I WldO I 5 wife I wa l f! 33 wild animal Iwalld 'ren!molll. '8.. 73 windbreak I 'wtnd brelk l 64 window I'w mdaol 6. 41 , 43, 62 windo w cleaner ! 'WlOd3U kli:na' l 23 window seat l 'wlOd'JO si :1 1 62 window winder l 'wlOdau walp;)'1 57 windscreen wiper I 'wtndskri:n ,wa lpa' ! 57 windsurfer I 'WlOd,S3:f;)' ! 65 windsurfing l 'wlOd,S3:fIO I 65 windy I'wmdi l 4 wine g lass ! 'warn glo:s l 44 wing I WII) I 57,62,77 wi ng mirror l 'wll) mlra'i 57 winter l 'wlOl';)' 1 4. winter sports 1' -- - I 66 Wisconsin IWls'konsm! 9 women 's wear I'wlmtnz wea' l 38 woodwind l 'wud,wlOd l 72 woodworking l 'wudw3:kIO I 79 wool I wull 80 work bench l 'w3:k be ntfl 56 work surface l 'w3 :k s3:f1s1 47 world I W3:1d l 7 worried l ' wMid l 34 w restler I 'resoll;}' I 68 wrestli ng I resaho l 68 wrist ! nst l 25 write ! mlt l 30 writing table I 'ram ng telb .. l1 43 Wyoming Iwat ';)lImll) l 8 x-ray I'eks rel l 31 xylophone l 'zall;)f;)On l. 72. year I jla' / 3 yellow I ' jelaul 37 Yemen I ' j em;)nl 8 yoghurt l 'jog;)l! ,5 yorkshire pudding l ,j;,:kJ'J 'pudiO I 19 Yugoslavia / ,ju:gau'sla:v;;,! 8. 11 Zaire !zal' I';)' 1 8 Zambia / 'zrembi;}1 8 zebra ! 'zebra l 73 zebra crossing I ,zebra 'krosll) / 14 Zimbabwe IZlm 'bo:bwc ll zip !zlp l 80 zoo I zu: ! 73. 8.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> Grammar Index. ••••••••. adjectives as complements 4,5,34,35,37 comparative 72.75 superlative 76. or questions 19,55,75-77 possessive 's 33. prefer18,77. this 59 with nouns 38. prepositions above46 adverbs atthefrontof57 ago32 at the back of57 directions 9 behind43 ever12,39,48,67,71 below46 lost32 by58 of frequency 39,48,64 from7 in8,21,22,50 ony(odj) 15,17,63 (pron) 15,17 in frontaf43 articles 23,39,71 int021 near13 be next to 22,47 present perlect tense 67.71 north of/south of/east of/ west of9,10 simple post tense 7 on 3,21,22,43,47,50,51 simple present tense 1-5,7-9,13,22,33, ontopof45 34,37,43-47,49,51,57,61,72,75,76 to the leftirightof44,49 comporison of adjectives 75 underneoth45 conjunctions but79,80. 0,19 demonstrative adjectives this 59 demonstrative pronouns thot55. ever. + present perfect tense 12,56,67,71 + simple present tense 48. gerunds. as objects 66,69 have simple present tense 25,31,40,73. present perfect tense be67,71 other thon beor have 12,56 + ever12,56,67,71 present progressive tense 28-30,38 pronouns any15,17 one39,48 some 17 object 39. s ubject 27,34,37,51,57,61 that55 question words how58 howmany(adj) 52. here are 6. whot(odj) 5,37 (pron-obj) 27-30,38,59. imperative 21,50. (pron-subj) 1,11 what's ... like4 whattime2 when 3,32 where 7-9,44,46,47,51,57,61 which (pron) 77. impersonal it4. let's58. likebetter77. modo Is could (request) 6 should31,58. would like 19 would like to 23,53,66 would rather ('d rather) 53,66. nouns countable 15,20 uncountable 15,20 plural with -538 possessive 33 with adjectives 38. shartanswers be present perfect tense 67,71 simple presenttense 10,34,35 have simple present tense 25,40 present perfect tense (other than bear hove) 12,56 simple present tense (other than beor hove)20,41,42,59,64,65,69,78,79,BO there is/there ore 13,63 would23. would like to 23,53,66 would rather23 simple past tense be7 other than bear have 32 simple present tense be 1-5,7-10,13,22,33-35,37,43-47,49,51 ,. 57,61,72,75,76 hove25,31,40.73 other than beor have17,18,27,39,41,. 42,48,64,65,69,77-80. + ever39,48. some (adj) 15 (pron) 17 subject pronouns 27,34,37,51,57,61. there is/there are 13,52 wh- questions be simple present tense 1,3-5,7-9,11,22,. 44,46,47,51 ,57 be simple past tense 7 present progressive tense 28,29,30,38 should58 simple present tense (other than be). 27,59,61,77 simple post tense (other than be) 32 what's ... called 55. would like 19 would like to 23,53 would rather ('d rother) 23 yes/no questions be present perfect tense 67 simple present tense 10,34,35,40,76. could have present perfect tense 71 simple present tense 25,73 present perfect tense (other than bear have) 12 simple present tense (other than bear hove) 17,20,39,41,42,48,56,64,65,69, 78.79,80 there is/ there are 13,63 would like to 23,53,66 would rather ('d rather) 23.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> Photo Credits. ••••••• The photo credits list the contributors tothe Longman Photo Dictionaryalphabetically. The bold number refers tothe page on which the photograph or contributed item appears, the n umbers in parentheses refer to the photograph. A& M Recards, Inc. 71 (19) Ace PhotoAgency 3 (7-8; 19 (1); 64 (1 -12) Alosko Division ofTourism 63 (15) Aldus Archive 19 (24) Ethan Allen 44 (1-16) AII·Sport (UK) ltd. 68 (39-45) AmericanAiriines 62 (19-30) Americon Institute of Baking 23 [20[ American Dental Association. Reprinted by permission 24 [28) American Optometric Association 24 (29) Cl AMPS, 1984 65 (3-4, 10-12, 20-22); 66 (2-11, 15-16); 68 (52-53,55-60); 69 (13-16) Aristokroh 47 (1-24) Art Students League of New York. Photos by Mitchell Cherry 24 (46); 79 (23-24) Guy F.Atkinson Company of California. 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Joseph 71 (1 1-15) Kansas City International Air port 62 (35-43) Kenya Tourist Office 63 (16); 66 (1-2) ; 73 (11 -12, 21); 74 (35); 77 [13) Kimberley Clark Corporation 50 [23) © Jomes R.levin, 198646 (1-7) Longma n Photo UnitfTrevor Cli fford 6 (8-27); 15 (19-12, 14-19); 16 (20-28, 30-32); 17 (16-18); 19 (5-6, 17-23, 26-33); 20 (10-23); 2 1 (9-22); 31 (10, 26); 32 (7-11, 17-19); 37 (35-38); 38 (8-14); 48 (18-21); 49; 50 (18-21); 52 (20-28); 54 (31-33); 79 (28) Macy's41 Miami Seaquarium 76 (9, 15-17) Metropolitan Police 23 (13) Milton Bradley Co. 79 (29) Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra 71 (1-2) Ji H. Min 46 (23-25) M onkmeyer Press 24 (38, 42); 55 [19) Benjamin Moore 23 (4) Murray Chris-Crah Cruisers, Inc. 65 (27-30) NASA 12 (1-3, 5-6, 8-13) National Aquarium 76 (10, 12-14, 22,27) Notional Association of Women in Construction 55 (18) National Bowling Council 70 [33-37) Notional Morine Fisheries Service 4 (8-9); 65 (23-26); 76 (1-4, 11, 18-20,26) National Po rk Service 4 (3, 8); 63 (9-12,17-18); 66 (17); 74 (36); 76 (24-25); 77 (14-15) Joseph Nettis 23 (23) N.J. Travel & Tou rism4 (1) New York Convention & Visitors Bureau 68 (61-63) NOAA 4 (1 1-13) © Aaron Norman, 198673 (19-20, 28); 74 (51-53); 78 (1 2- 13, 16) Ovation Instruments, Inc. 72 (6) Parker Brothers 79 (31) The Photographers Library 14 (21-22); 32 (15-16); 35 (12) The Photo Source 23 (15); 41 (14-17); 61 (12); 75 (23-24) The Picture Library 13 (14-18); 41 [20-23) Picture point-London 3 (2); 17 (1- 15); 36 (8, 16-17); 41 (18); 60 (E, 16-18); 61 (6); 67 (9-31); 75 [12- 13): 78 [7-8) Popperfal0 3 (4); 19 (7-16) Port Autharity of N.V. & N.J. 23 [8): 55 [9): 62 [41-44). Portla nd Cement Association 23 (2): 55 [13-14) The Post Office 21 (5-8) Produce MarketingAssociotion 23 (18) Can Putbrace 18, 30 (1-10) Rawlings Freelance59 (15) Reflex Picture Agency 23 (11 ) R.J. Reynolds Ind ustries, Inc. 47 (27-28) Rex Features Ltd . 58 (1-5) Rythm Bond, Inc. 72 (12) J. Sainsbury pic 15 (A-D, F) Salt lake Volley Convention & Visitors Bureau 71 (8- 10) O.M. Scott &SonsCo. 42 (1-5, 14) Seoly, Inc. 45 (19) Seamon Furniture Co. Inc. 45 [1-13) Selchow & Righter79 (30) The Selmer Co. 72 (1-5, 7-11, 13-19) Arthur Shay 70 (45-47) The Singer Co. 80 (1) Smithsonian Institute 73 (1-2, 6-10,17-18); 74 (33-34) Society of American Florists 23 [17) Spectrum Colour Library41 [8- 13): 61 [1-3): 75 [29) 51. Charles Manufacturing Co. 47 (25-26,29) Stock, Boston 26 (50) Swiss Notional Tourist Office 63 (1-4); 69 (22-24) Tesco Stores ltd. 16 (E) Julie Betts Testwuide 69 (2) Topham Picture Library 3 (3) Trammell Crow Co. 55 (8, 15-17) TWA 62 (31-34) UNphot0 12 (4) United States Amateur Con federation of Roller Skating 70 (30-32) US Chess Federation 79 (26-27) USDA 4 (4); 23 (9, 19); 24 (40); 63 (13-14); 77 (31-32); 78 (1-4, 6, 9, 11); 79 (15-16) US Fish & W ildlife Service 73 (15-16,22-23,29-31); 74 (50); 76 (5-8); 77 (4-7, 14-17, 25-26) The United States Playing Cord Co. 79 (32) United States Pony Clubs, Inc. 69 [8-12) USA Volleyball Team 70 (27-29) United States Table Tennis Association. Phato <ORobert Compton 70 (38-42) Utah Travel Council 66 (12-14) Vermont Travel Division 4 (2); 66 (1) Louise B. Vander Meid 74 (44-49) Vision bank library ltd & England Scene21 (1-4); 36(7, 10-13) John Walmsley 20 (1-9); 30 (15-22); 52 (1-19).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> Van Waters & Rogers 78 (14) Virginia Division of Tourism 69 (1, 3-7, 25-26) Woodfin Camp & Associates 23 (3, 7, 21 ); 24 (30) World Championship Tennis 68 (46-51 ) X erox 22 (29) Zefa Pi cture libra ry (UK) Ltd 13 (1-13); 19 (25); 24 (33-35); 26 (37-39); 35 (11 ); 36 (9); 61 (13); 64 (20-2 1); 70 (43-44) ; 75 (14-15, 19-20, 25-28); 77 (23) ; 78 (10); 80 (20). Contributors We would like to thank the following establishments for their participation : Charles librett Hardware, New Rochelle, New York 55 (20-22) ; 56 Domine Jewellers, New York, New Yor k 2 (6) Epsom High School, Surrey 30 (15-20) ; 52 (1-19) The Family Medical Group of Manhattan, New York, New York 31 (1 -8) Kinney Shoes, W hite Plains, New York 39 (13-20) McDonalds, Surrey 20 (1 -9) Newmark & Lewis, Scarsdale, New York 53 (6- 12) Riverdale Country School, Riverdale, New York 30 (11 -14) Sears Roebuck & Co. White Plain, NewYork45 (14-18) Lesley Woodbridge, Middlesex 49 (1-20) YMCA, White Plains, New York (29). Cover photographs by.' © AMPS, 1984 (bottom right). April Cicero & David Godsey (top middle right), Bruce Coleman Ltd . (top right) , Longman Photo Unitl Trevor Clifford (bottom left), The Picture library (top middle left) YMCA, White Plains, New York (top left) Illustrations by Jerry Collins.

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