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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO GIA LAI ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC. KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 9 Năm học: 2007- 2008 MÔN THI : TIẾNG ANH Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề). Họ và tên chữ kí của hai giám khảo. Số mật mã. 1. .................................................................................................... 2. .................................................................................................... Điểm bài thi (bằng số và bằng chữ). ĐỀ BÀI:. Section 1: Listening (4ms) Part 1. (Question 1-5) You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. For questions 1-5 put a tick () under the right answer. Example: 0. How many people were at the meeting?. 1. Where is the woman going to go on holiday this year?. 2. What time was the man’s appointment?. 3. What will the weather be like?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 4. How far is the nearest supermarket?. 5. Which table does Sally like?. Part 2. (Questions 6-10) Listen to Tom talking to a friend about a sports afternoon. What sport did each person do? For questions 6-10, write a letter (A-H) next to each person. You will hear the conversation twice. Example: D 0. Tom People Sports 6. Sam  A. basketball 7. Jane  B. football 8. Paul  C. golf 9. Susan  D. horse-riding 10. Anne  E. skiing F. table-tennis G. tennis H. volleyball Part 3. (Questions 11-15) Listen to Jenny talking to Mark about buying a computer game..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> For questions 11-15, tick () A, B or C. You will hear the conversation twice. Example: 0. The name of the computer game is A City 2010 B City 2001 C City 2100.   . 11. The game is not good for people under. A eight B ten C twelve.   . 12. Black’s PC shop is in. A Cambridge B London C Peterstown.   . 13. The address of the shop is. A 29 Hunter Road B 29 Walker Street C 29 Marsden Street.   . 14. The last day you can get a free game is. A Monday B Thursday C Friday.   . 15. The computer game cost. A £26 B £30 C £48.   . Part 4. (Questions 16-20) You will hear a man asking for information about a train. Listen and complete questions 16-20. You will hear the conversation twice. Train To: Newcastle 16. Day of journey: _____________________________ 17. Train leaves at:. _____________________________. 18. Return ticket costs:. _____________________________. 19. Food on train:. Drinks and ____________________. 20. Address of Travel Agency 22 _____________________ Street Section ii: use of English (6ms) Part 1. (4ms) GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Circle the best answer (a, b, c, or d) for each of the following sentences..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 1. The children ________ to stay up late. a. don’t allow b. aren’t allowed c. aren’t let d. don’t let 2. The reported speech of “How far is it to the station?” is: a. She asked me how far is it to the station. b. She asked me how far it is to the station. c. She asked me how far was it to the station. d. She asked me how far it was to the station. 3. I used ________ running every morning, but I don’t go now. a. go b. to go c. going d. gone 4. Janet promised ________ anyone what I’d said. a. not tell b. not telling c. not to tell d. to not tell 5. How about _________ badminton at weekend? a. play b. to play c. playing d. played 6. I’ve got _________ idea where Mike is. a. none b. none of c. no d. any 7. Leave me alone or I _________ the police. a. Can call b. could call c. will call d. would 8. Thank you for letting me use your new computer. I ________very careful with it. a. will be b. would be c. could be d. can be 9. “I’d love to pass the entrance examination”. “You _________.” a. have to be hardworking c. must work harder b. will work hard d. a and c are correct 10. Some people __________ there is life on other planets. a. are believing b. are believed c. believes d. believe 11. We’ll go for a picnic tomorrow if the weather _________ nice. a. will be b. would be c. is d. were 12. “I __________ Sally a Walkman for her birthday”. “She’s already got one” “Has she? Well. I ________ her a new Digital camera.” a. ought to buy - am going to buy c. am going to buy - will buy b. will buy - can buy d. need to - buy 13. “Drive carefully. It _________ heavily outside.” “I will. It often _________ hard this time of the year” a. is raining - rains c. will rain - is raining b. rains - is going to rain d. rains - is raining 14. “What do you think of my new bike?” “ __________.” a. I think a lot c. I don’t think so b. It’s all right I suppose d. It’s my pleasure 15. “Is it all right if I use your dictionary?” “___________.” a. Please accept it with my best wishes c. Sure, go ahead b. Yes, do it yourself d. That’s all right. Never mind 16. “Would you mind moving your bag from the seat?” “___________.” a. I can’t, I’m afraid c. Oh, sorry.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> b. No, I wouldn’t d. It was nothing, really 17. “I wish you wouldn’t smoke in here.” “____________.” a. I don’t agree, I’m afraid c. Sorry, shall I open the window? b. I believe I couldn’t d. Don’t worry, I didn’t bother 18. Parents have to bring up their children carefully. “Bring up” means: a. Look at and take care c. Look for and feed b. Look after and educate d. Look forward and hope 19. Those students have been said to get along with their form teacher. “Get along” in this sentence means: a. Have good relations c. Be in troubles b. Meet by chance d. Respect 20. What do you _________ to be doing in ten years time? a. begin b. expect c. remember d. suggest Part 2. (1ms) Error recognition. Circle the letter (a, b, c or d) from the underlined part which is not in good use of English: 1. You must work hardly if you want to be a doctor in the future. (a) (b) (c) (d) 2. They learn English as well as other languages by listening, copying what (a) (b) they hear, and use the language. (c) (d) 3. He says that he is thinking of going study English in Australia. (a) (b) (c) (d) 4. Gas is consumed faster than it produced. (a) (b) (c) (d) 5. John has his brother done the housework for him. He doesn’t have much time. (a) (b) (c) (d) Part 3. (1ms) PHONETICS. Circle the letter (a, b, c or d) before the word which is pronounced (1-7) or stressed (8-10) differently from the others in the same line. 1. a. uniform b. underwear c. universal d. union 2. a. encourage b. envelope c. entertainment d. entrance 3. a. weave b. jeans c. wears d. heat 4. a. used b. passed c. remembered d. computerized 5. a. interviews b. laughs c. ploughs d. climbs 6. a. ancient b. exercise c. exciting d. decide 7. a. houses b. potatoes c. mangoes d. canoes 8. a. interesting b. mountainous c. hamburger d. engineer 9. a. unique b. unity c. usual d. union 10. a. newspaper b. time-consuming c. teenager d. Internet.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Section III: READING (4ms) Part 1. (2ms) Read the following passage then answer the questions: Jane was one of those students who have problems with writing. First, her handwriting was so bad that most teachers couldn’t read it. The letters were so small that the words were extremely difficult to read. Even though she tried to change her handwriting, she felt discouraged. Secondly, she made so many mistakes in spelling and punctuation that her work always had a bad impression. As well as this, she had problems with organizing her writing, making plans and writing notes. One day, though, she took a Goodwriter writing course to learn how to be an effective writer. At Goodwriters we taught her how to organize her ideas. Although she found it difficult at first, she soon made progress. She learned to revise her writing so as to improve it. She started reading so much that her spelling improved; her handwriting became clearer, too. Goodwriters…send for details today! Questions: 1. What was the problem with Jane? a. Her hand didn’t work properly. b. Her letters couldn’t be found.. c. The words she wrote could hardly be read. d. The mistakes she made discouraged her.. 2. How could she overcome her problem? a. By participating in a training course. c. By training herself afterward. b. By learning from friends. d. a and c are correct answers. 3. Which statement is not true to the passage? a. Jane had many problems with her handwriting at first. c. Jane didn’t want to train to become an effective writer. b. Goodwriters was very effective in training writing skill. d. Reading could make her spelling improved. 4. What is the author trying to do? a. To tell a story about Jane’s job. c. To advise Jane to join in Goodwriters. b. To complain about Jane’s mistakes. d. To advertise Goodwriters. 5. Write one suggested title for this reading passage: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 2. (2ms) Read the following passage then fill in each blank with the right form of the word in brackets..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Hoping to avoid the “grow first, clean up later” pattern that most Asian (1)_________ (country) have followed, Vietnam decided several years ago (2)_________ (tighten) its lax vehicle emissions laws. But after numerous missed deadlines and sparring between government ministries, (3) ___________ (environment) groups now say air (4) __________ (pollute) in Vietnam could get (5) __________ (bad) before it gets better. The air in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City contains (6) ___________ (danger) levels of benzene and sulfur dioxide, experts say. Levels of one of the most dangerous (7) ___________ (pollute), microscopic dust known as PM10, are moderate compared with other (8) ___________ (develop) Asian cities but could worsen if Vietnam chooses (9) ___________ (build) coal-fired power plants to satiate demand for electricity, which is (10) __________ (grow) at double-digit annual rates. Section Iv: Writing (6ms) Part 1. (2ms) Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the words guided: 1. Rainfall in Britain has been light this year. Britain’s ____________________________________________________________ 2. “You’ve passed your final examination, Jane! Well done!” Carol congratulated Jane _________________________________ final examination. 3. It would be a good idea to stop drinking beer. (give up) It would be a good idea _____________________________________________beer. 4. She said that she only wanted a cup of coffee for breakfast. She said that all she _________________________________________for breakfast. 5. “Do you like English food?” That English man asked ________________________________________________. 6.“What other languages can you speak?”, then, he asked. Then, he asked _______________________________________________________. 7. You are offered to make 2 wishes. Now, do as you’re guided: - Introduce yourself (one or two lines; your name is Sincerely) - Make two (2) wishes. - Write thank you and sign Sincerely at the end. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________. Part 2. Composition. (4ms).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> In not more than 150 words, write about things you like and dislike in or around the place you live. What the causes for those you like or dislike are, and what you suggest to make these things better (if any). Your writing must be in three (3) parts: - Opening - Body - Conclusion ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ----------------- Hết --------------------.

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