Chapter 4: Everyday and Specific Vocabulary 81
3. Manufacturers are donating computers to schools.
(A) giving
(B) going
(C) dedicating
(D) deducting
4. I am not ingenious enough to invent a video game.
(A) studious
(B) clever
(C) glorious
(D) indigenous
5. Currently, students appear to be learning and having fun simultaneously.
(A) electrically
(B) concurrently
(C) sometimes
(D) at the present time
6. It is said that you can intimidate your enemies by speaking in a low voice
and carrying a big stick.
(A) frighten
(B) attack
(C) harass
(D) make peace with
7. Avid opera lovers are willing to stand in line for hours.
(A) musical
(B) averse
(C) eager
(D) tedious
8. Einstein was a brilliant mathematician.
(A) shining
(B) very intelligent
(C) famous
(D) foreign
9. A computer may be used in the math classroom to implement the lesson.
(A) implant
(B) learn
(C) entreat
(D) carry out
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82 PART III: TOEFL Vocabulary Review
10. Physics is an enigma to me.
(A) energy
(B) problem
(C) mystery
(D) trial
11. A hundred dollars will suffice to buy a home computer.
(A) be saved
(B) be charged
(C) be suffered
(D) be enough
12. The kids spoke a jargon of their own that no one else understood.
(A) accent
(B) unintelligible talk
(C) vocabulary
(D) foreign language
13. It was a minute crack in the motor block that ruined the car.
(A) hidden
(B) multiple
(C) many-sided
(D) very small
14. Studying vocabulary can be an irksome task.
(A) easy
(B) pleasant
(C) tedious
(D) irate
15. The tennis player protested the call with great fervor.
(A) passion
(B) favor
(C) fever
(D) dislike
Vocabulary Builder 9 Answers
1. The correct answer is (A).
2. The correct answer is (C).
3. The correct answer is (A).
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Chapter 4: Everyday and Specific Vocabulary 83
4. The correct answer is (B).
5. The correct answer is (D).
6. The correct answer is (A).
7. The correct answer is (C).
8. The correct answer is (B).
9. The correct answer is (D).
10. The correct answer is (C).
11. The correct answer is (D).
12. The correct answer is (B).
13. The correct answer is (D).
14. The correct answer is (C).
15. The correct answer is (A).
Vocabulary Builder 10
Directions: Determine the meaning of the underlined word from the
context; then select the best synonym.
1. Mr. Morton went downstairs to receive them.
(A) get
(B) welcome
(C) say goodbye to
(D) sign for
2. Lady Augustus, though economical in most things, spent a lot of money on
(A) awkward
(B) extravagant
(C) thrifty
(D) careless
3. They lived luxuriously even though they had no income.
(A) expensively
(B) cheaply
(C) usury
(D) beautifully
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84 PART III: TOEFL Vocabulary Review
4. Arabella never stirred anywhere without her maid.
(A) mixed
(B) moved
(C) stayed
(D) resided
5. It would be grievous to her to live without her maid.
(A) pleasant
(B) grateful
(C) painful
(D) tearful
6. The expensive purse was a necessary appendage to Arabella.
(A) something added
(B) application
(C) dependent
(D) servant
7. He never betrayed himself to anyone but the butler.
(A) made known
(B) fooled
(C) bewildered
(D) bestowed
8. She was graceful and never moved awkwardly.
(A) smoothly
(B) clumsily
(C) merrily
(D) gracefully
9. She prided herself on her graceful walk.
(A) was proud
(B) was pricked
(C) was happy
(D) was sorry
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Chapter 4: Everyday and Specific Vocabulary 85
10. He, on the other hand, always seemed to drag.
(A) dread to move
(B) dress carelessly
(C) walk fast
(D) move too slowly
11. A woman who marries for money, not love, is indeed mercenary.
(A) loving money
(B) disinterested
(C) responsible
(D) meticulous
Vocabulary Builder 10 Answers
1. The correct answer is (B).
2. The correct answer is (C).
3. The correct answer is (A).
4. The correct answer is (B).
5. The correct answer is (C).
6. The correct answer is (A).
7. The correct answer is (A).
8. The correct answer is (B).
9. The correct answer is (A).
10. The correct answer is (D).
11. The correct answer is (A).
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