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Grade 12 review unit 1011

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>REVIEW. I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest: 1. a. disaster b. prisoner c. agency d. family 2. a. international b. federation c. society d. conservation II. Choose the- word whose underlined part is pronounced differently 3. a. gold b. region c. organize d. game. 4. a. punch b. synchronized c. March d. touching 5. a. visited b. decided c. engaged d. disappointed III. Choose the best answer: 6. When a reader reads an interesting book slowly and carefully, he …………..it a. swallows b. chews and digests c. tastes d. dips into 7.’’ Thank you for your nice gift.’’ “……………………………………’’ a. But do you know how much it costs ? b. You‘re welcome. c. In fact. I myself don’t like it d. I’m glad you like it. 8. “Let’s go to the movie now,’’ Oh!............................................... a. Good idea! b. I don’t c. Why’s that? d. I need it. 9. The Red List is a special book that provides names of ……..animals. a. hunted b. vulnerable and endangered c. endangered d. extinct 10. He is unreliable. What he says _______ be believed. a. cannot b. must not c. may not d. might not 11. The picnic ________ because Peter has just had a traffic accident. a. will cancel b. will be cancelling c. will be cancelled d. will have cancelled 12. We have plenty of time for doing the work. We _______ be hurried. a. need not b. should not c. must not d. may not 13. …….. books are ones in which the story is told or illustrated with pictures. a. Comic b. Thriller c. Romantic d. Science 14. .’’What are you doing this weekend?’’ ‘’…………………………….” a. I think it will be interesting. b. I’m very busy now. c. I hope it isn’t raining d. I plan to visit my aunt. 15. I have earned my own living……..I was fifteen. a. while b. when c. since d. as soon as 16. A…….is the one who can keep ball with both hands. a. defender b. midfielder c. attacker d. goalkeeper 17. Air tank, regulator, wet suit, mask, fins are equipments required to play in…….. a. water polo b. rowing c. wind surfing d. scuba diving 18. mountain/ the / gorilla / on the verge/ is / of extinction. a. Extinction of the mountain gorilla is on the verge b. On the verge the mountain gorilla is of extinction. c.The mountain gorilla of on the verge is extinction. d. The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction .. 19. in / the / home/ are/ and / books / one of / wonderful sources / the/ of / knowledge / pleasure. a. The wonderful sources of knowledge and pleasure in the home are one of books. b. One of the wonderful sources of knowledge and pleasure are books in the home. c. In the home books are one of the wonderful source of knowledge and pleasure. d. Books in the home are one of the wonderful sources of knowledge and pleasure. 20. Life on Earth is disappearing fast and will continue to do so unless urgent action is taken. a. vanishing b. damaging c. polluting d. destroying 21. Government have passed laws to protect wildlife from commercial trade. a. enabled b. enforced c. enacted d. ensured 22. - “ __________” - “Oh, it’s great!” a. How is the English competition like? b. Would you like the English competition? c. What do you like about the English competition? d. What do you think of the English competition? 23. Poisonous gases …. many factories destroy the ozone layer. a. over b. from c. above d. around 24. We first ________ each other in London in 2006. a. met b. have met c. meet d. had met 25.Try……….how the other person feels..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> a. realize b. to realize c. realizing d. not to realize 26. Our teacher came in when we _________noisily. a. had talked b. were talking c. are talking d. have been talking 27. : - “You look nice today. I like your new hairstyle.” - “ ……………………….” a. It’s nice of you to say so. b. Shall I? Thanks. c. Oh, we done! d. I feel interesting to hear that. 28. Jack was my_____________ in the tennis match. A. opposing B. opponent C. opposition D. opposite 29. Most Americans don’t object _______being called their first names. A. for B. to C. in D. about 30. During the lecture yesterday, he _______the importance of a good education. A. had stressed B. have stressed C. stressed D. stresses VI. Error Identification 31. Most of the houses on this street were build in the previous century. A B C D 32. People who have drunk alcohol must not to drive at any cost. A B C D 33. It is Ha Long Bay that was recognized as the World Heritage Site by the UNESCO A B C D 34. Have you ever read "Oliver Twist," a interesting novel written by Charles Dickens ? A B C D 35. The machine can turned on by pressing this switch. A B C D 36. My father doesn’t smoke and he doesn’t drink. a.. My father doesn’t smoke but he drinks. b. My father neither smokes nor drinks. c. My father enjoys smoking and drinking. d. My father not only smokes but also drinks 37. Remember to bring your books,” he said. a. He reminded me to bring my books. b. He warned me against bringing my books. c. He asked me if I remembered to bring my books. d. He said I remembered to bring my books. 38. Mary / not stand / kept / wait / such / long a. Mary can’t stand being kept to wait such a long time. b. Mary can’t stand be kept waiting for such a long time. c. Mary can’t stand being kept waiting for such a long time. d. Mary doesn’t stand to be kept waiting for such long time. 39. What / population / of / Ho Chi Minh City? a. What Ho Chi Minh s population is it? b. What is the population of Ho Chi Minh City? c. What makes the population in Ho Chi Minh City? d. What population is in the Ho Chi Minh City? 40………………….., he wouldn’t have missed the train. a. If he listened to me b. Unless she had listened to me. c. If he had listened to me . d. If he didn’t listen. IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D Sue (41)__________ reading and often borrows books in the local library(42)________ is near her house. She goes to the library to change her books every evening. The library is open until 8 p.m. The library is (43)_________ to everybody in the town. No one has to pay to borrow books. But (44)_______ readers keep books for too long, they have to pay a fine. Sue's children have been encouraged to read books (45)_______ they were very young. They often change their books on Saturday morning. They all love reading. 41. A. will love B. is loving C. loves D. has loved 42. A. which B. when C. what D. where 43. A. freedom B. freely C. free D. freeing 44. A. whether B. if C. or D. so 45. A. while B. during C. for D. since.

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