[ Team LiB ]
Recipe 9.13 Performing Batch Updates with a DataAdapter
When you use a DataAdapter to perform updates, it makes a separate round trip to the
server for each row. You want to batch all of the updates into a single call to the server to
improve performance.
Use the RowUpdating event raised by the DataAdapter to build a single batched SQL
statement that gets executed using the ExecuteNonQuery( ) method.
The sample code contains three event handlers:
Sets up the sample by creating a DataAdapter based on a SELECT statement of
CategoryID, CategoryName, and Description fields of the Categories table in the
Northwind database. A CommandBuilder is created to supply updating logic. A
method is attached to the RowUpdating event of the DataAdapter. A new table is
created and filled with the schema and data from the Categories table from the
Northwind database. The properties of the AutoIncrement CategoryID field are set
up. Finally, the default view of the table is bound to the data grid on the form.
Update Button.Click
Calls the Update( ) method of the DataAdapter. The DataAdapter.RowUpdating
handler (described next) builds a batch SQL update string, which is executed using
the ExecuteScalar( ) method after Update( ) is called.
Is called before each row is updated by the DataAdapter. The SQL command to be
used to update the row by the DataAdapter is retrieved from the CommandText
property of the Command object. The parameters for the Command are iterated
over and each parameter variable in the update statement is replaced with the
value for that parameter. Single quote delimiters are added around the string
values. Finally, the statement is added to a StringBuilder object and the Status
property of the Command is set to UpdateStatus.SkipCurrent row so that the data
source is not updated by the DataAdapter. Instead, the update is performed by
executing the batch SQL statement created by this event handler.
The C# code is shown in Example 9-16
Example 9-16. File: CustomAdapterBatchUpdateForm.cs
// Namespaces, variables, and constants
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
private const String CATEGORIES_TABLE = "Categories";
private const String CATEGORYID_FIELD = "CategoryID";
private DataTable dt;
private SqlDataAdapter da;
private SqlCommandBuilder cb;
private StringBuilder sb;
// . . .
private void CustomAdapterBatchUpdateForm_Load(object sender,
System.EventArgs e)
String sqlText = "SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName, Description " +
"FROM Categories";
// Fill the categories table for editing.
da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlText,
// CommandBuilder supplies updating logic.
cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);
// Handle the RowUpdating event to batch the update.
da.RowUpdating += new SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler(da_RowUpdating);
// Create table and fill with orders schema and data.
dt = new DataTable(CATEGORIES_TABLE);
da.FillSchema(dt, SchemaType.Source);
// Set up the autoincrement column.
dt.Columns[CATEGORYID_FIELD].AutoIncrementSeed = -1;
dt.Columns[CATEGORYID_FIELD].AutoIncrementStep = -1;
// Fill the DataSet.
// Bind the default view of the table to the grid.
dataGrid.DataSource = dt.DefaultView;
private void updateButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Create a new SQL statement for all updates.
sb = new StringBuilder( );
// Update the data source.
if(sb.Length > 0)
// Create a connection command with the aggregate update command.
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sb.ToString( ), conn);
// Execute the update command.
conn.Open( );
cmd.ExecuteScalar( );
conn.Close( );
// Refresh the DataTable.
dt.Clear( );
private void da_RowUpdating(object sender, SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs e)
// Get the command for the current row update.
StringBuilder sqlText =
new StringBuilder(e.Command.CommandText.ToString( ));
// Replace the parameters with values.
for(int i = e.Command.Parameters.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
SqlParameter parm = e.Command.Parameters[i];
if(parm.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.NVarChar ||
parm.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.NText)
// Quotes around the CategoryName and Description fields
"'" + parm.Value.ToString( ) + "'");
parm.Value.ToString( ));
// Add the row command to the aggregate update command.
sb.Append(sqlText.ToString( ) + ";");
// Skip the DataAdapter update of the row.
e.Status = UpdateStatus.SkipCurrentRow;
When a DataAdapter is used to update the data source with changes made to
disconnected data in a DataSet or DataTable, a RowUpdating event is raised before the
command to update each changed row executes. The event handler receives the
SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs argument containing information about the event. Table 9-5
lists the properties of SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs used to access information specific to
the event.
Table 9-5. SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs properties
Property Description
Command Gets or sets the Command executed to perform the row update.
Gets errors raised by the .NET Framework data provider when the
Command executes.
Row Gets the DataRow that is being updated.
Gets the type of SQL statement to execute to update the row. This is
one of the following values: Select, Insert, Update, or Delete.
Gets the UpdateStatus of the Command. This is one of the
UpdateStatus enumeration values described in Table 9-6
TableMapping Gets the DataTableMapping object to use when updating.
The UpdateStatus is set to ErrorsOccurred when an error occurs while updating a row;
otherwise it is set to Continue. UpdateStatus can be used to specify what to do with the
current and remaining rows during an update. Table 9-6 describes the UpdateStatus
enumeration values.
Table 9-6. UpdateStatus enumeration values
Value Description
Continue Continue processing rows.
ErrorsOccurred Raise an error.
Do not update the current row and do not update the rows that
have not yet been processed.
Do not update the current row. Continue processing with the
next row.
To batch the update commands generated by the DataAdapter, the solution does the
following in the RowUpdating event handler for each row updated:
Gets the CommandText that will be used to update the row in the data source.
Replaces the parameters in the CommandText with the parameter values applying
required delimiters to each value. Appends the result to the batch command text.
Sets the UpdateStatus of the Command to SkipCurrentRow so that the update for
the row is not performed.
Once all of the rows have been processed, execute the assembled batch command text
against the data source using the ExecuteScalar( ) method of a Command object.
The solution delimits the string values for the CategoryName and Description fields in
the Categories table from the Northwind database used in this example. Ensure that
strings, dates, and any other fields are properly delimited when values are substituted for
parameter names in the DataAdapter.RowUpdating event handler. Delimit column and
table names as well, if necessary.
Although this solution uses the CommandBuilder to generate the updating logic for the
DataAdapter, the solution remains fundamentally the same if you use your own custom
updating logic. One thing to keep in mind: the solution code iterates in reverse order
through the parameters collection so that parameters are replaced correctly if there are
more than nine parameters; if they were processed in forward order, parameter @p1
would cause the replacement for parameter @p10, @p11, and so on. When using custom
updating logic, consider the potential problems that might occur if one parameter name is
the start of another parameter name when replacing the parameters with the values in the
DataRow.RowUpdating event handler.