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Tong hop ly thuyet bai tap on thi HSG Tieng Anh 920122013

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Preparing day: sep 2nd, 2012 Teaching day: week 1,2/9/2012. PRESENT PERFECT AND SIMPLE PAST Aim: students know how to change the sentences in present perfect into simple past and vice verses I.. S + began/ started/commenced + V.ING + time ago  S + have/has V3/ed + for time. * . ** . She began working in this company ten years ago. She has worked in this company for ten years. They commenced living in Nha Trang ten months ago. They have lived in Nha Trang for ten months.. 1. 2.. They started checking the machines two hours ago.  They have…………………………………………... He began fixing the bicycle ten minutes ago.  He has……………………………………………………… 3. She commenced cooking the soup half an hour ago.  She has……………………………………………… 4. We began doing the test an hour ago.  We have……………………………………………………………. 5. Jack began planting flowers three hours ago.  Jack has ……………………………………………………. 6. They started building the bridge two years ago.  They have ……………………………………………….. 7. Mai commenced writing the lesson twenty minutes ago.  Mai has ………………………………………….. 8. My Vi began counting her lucky money five minutes ago.  My Vi has …………………………………… 9. You started flirting with me forty minutes ago.  You have ……………………………………………….. 10. She began listening to the music fifteen minutes ago.  She has …………………………………………… II.. S + Began + V -ING + in/on/at + Time -+ S + Have/Has V3/ed + Since Time * They started playing football at three 0' clock.  They have been played football since three 0' clock. ** She began learning French in April.  She has learned French since April. 1. Nam Anh started learning English in 1998.  Nam Anh has ……………………………………….……… 2. Bang began raising birds in January.  Bang has ……………………………………………………………. 3. Tu Linh and My Vi commenced doing the test at one o'clock.  Tu Linh and My Vi have ………………… 4. My Van started collecting stamps on Sunday.  My Van has ………………………………………………… 5. Hang began listening to music at eight o'clock.  Hang has ………………………….. ……………………… 6. Mai commenced making a dress on Saturday.  Mai has ………………………..…………………………… 7. Thien Son began watering the vegetables at nine o'clock.  Thien. Son has ………………………………… 8. Khanh started playing computer games in 2002.  Khanh has ……………………………………………… 9. Bich Tran commenced raising pets in 2000. Bich Tran has …………………..…………………………… 10. Binh began selling lottery tickets in June.  Binh has ………………………...……….…………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> III.. Present perfect + for + time  It is + time + since + simple past * He has not seen me for three years.  It is three years since he last saw me. ** Mary has studied in Paris for two months.  It is two months since Mary began to study in Paris.. 1.. He has not drunk wine for five years.  It is ………………………………………………………………….. 2. He has learned English for ten years.  It is ………………………………………………………………….. 3. They have not eaten anything for two days.  It is …………………………………………………………… 4. Tuong Linh has stayed in Dalat for four days.  It is …………………………………………………………. 5. Mr Hai has not smoked for a week.  It is …………………………………………………………………….. IV.. Negative Present perfect + Before  It is the first time that + Present perfect. * I have not eaten this kind of food before.  It is the first time that I have eaten this kind of food. ** He has never met her before.  It is the first time that he has met her.. 1. I have never drunk whisky before.  It is the first time …………………………………………………………………….… 2. She has not eaten curry before.  It is the first time …………………………………………………………………………… 3. Anh Dung has never loved a girl before.  It is the first time …………………………………………………………… 4. Yen Phi has never been to HCM before  It is the first time ……………………………………………………………. 5. Danh has never visited Vung Tau before.  It is the first time ………………………………………………………….. V.. Negative present perfect + Since + Time -+ The last time + Simple past + Time Notes: - At + hour. - On + day - In + month/season/year. * I have not smoked since June.  The last time I smoked was in June. ** She has not seen him since Monday.  The last time she saw him was on Monday 1. They have not used the telephone since May. The last time ………………………………………………… 2. I have not seen the cat since eight o'clock. The last time ……………………………………………………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 3. Thao has not taken the medicine since Sunday. The last time ……………………………………………… 4. The doctor has not treated a patient since autumn. The last time …………………………………………… 5. He has not come back to the village since 1990. The last time ………………………………………………. MIXED EXERCISES 1. They started doing their homework two hours ago..  They have…………………………………………... 2. Nam Anh started learning drawing in 2008.  Nam Anh has ……………………………………….……… 3. He has not watched TV for five months.  It is …………………………………………………………………... 4. I have never met her before.  It is the first time …………………………………………………………………….… 5. They have not played games online since May.. The last time ………………………………………………… VI/ The present perfect or the simple past tense: Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or the simple past tense. 1. We (never watch) __________ that TV programme. 2. We (watch) __________ a good programme on TV last night. 3. He (read) __________ that novel many times before. 4. He (read) __________ that novel again last vacation. 5. I (have) __________ a little trouble with my car last week. 6. However, I (have) __________ no trouble with my car since then. 7. I (not see) __________ John for a long time. I (see) __________ him 3 weeks ago. 8. He is very thirsty. He (not drink) __________ since this morning. 9. They (study) __________ at this school for 7 years now. 10. They (begin) __________ to study at this school 7 years ago. 11. How long ago he (start) __________ to learn French? 12. She (lose) __________ her handbag on the train yesterday morning. 13. His dog (just run) __________ out of the garden. 14. Mr. Brown (travel) __________ by air several times in the past. 15. He (travel) ___________ to Mexico by air last summer..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Preparing day: sep 2nd, 2012 Teaching day: week 3,4/9/2012. CÁC DẠNG ĐỀ THƯỜNG GẶP VỀ TOO...TO, SO..THAT, SUCH..THAT, ENOUGH: Aim: Students know how to rewrite the sentences with enough, so . . . that, such . . . that, too. 1) ĐỔI TỪ SO ..THAT SANG SUCH ....THAT: N + BE + SO + ADJ + THAT + CLAUSE => ĐẠI TỪ + BE ...... Cách làm : Thêm such (a,an) đem tính từ xuống, đem danh từ xuống, từ that trở đi viết lại hết. => ĐẠI TỪ + BE SUCH (A,AN) ADJ + N + THAT CLAUSE The book is so interesting that I have read it many times. It is ..... => It is such an interesting book that I have read it many times. Nếu danh từ là số ít hoặc không đếm được thì không có a, an 2) ĐỔI TỪ SO ..THAT SANG TOO...TO : Đề có dạng : S + BE +SO + ADJ + THAT + CLAUSE => S + BE + TOO.... Cách làm : Thêm tính từ vào, bỏ can't, couldn't lấy từ động từ trở đi Nếu chủ từ 2 câu khác nhau thì thêm phần for sb Nếu túc từ câu sau giống chủ từ câu đầu thì bỏ túc từ đó đi => S + BE + TOO + adj + (FOR SB) TO INF ... The water is so hot that I can't drink it. => The water is too..... => The water is too hot for me to drink. - Nếu đổi nguợc lại từ TOO...TO sang SO ..THAT thì thường sai nhất là việc quên thêm túc từ vào và chia sai thì. 3) ĐỔI TỪ TOO ...TO .. SANG ENOUGH: Đề thường có dạng : S + BE + TOO + ADJ + TO INF...... => S + BE NOT ..... Cách làm : - Dùng tính từ phản nghĩa + enough - Viết lại hết phần sau He is too weak to run fast.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> => He isn't .... => He isn't strong enough to run fast. Ghi chú :Trong tất cả các cấu trúc trên nếu chổ BE là V thì ADV sẽ thay cho ADJ Bài tập 1: Viết lại câu không thay đổi nghĩa: 1) The room is so tidy that it took us one hour to clean it. => It is .... 2) The man is so fool that no one took any notice of him. => He is .... 3) The film is so long that they can't broadcast it on one night. => It is ..... 4) The books are so interesting that we have read them many times. => They are..... 5) The news was so bad that she burst into tears on hearing it. => It was.... 6) The food was so hot that it turned my tongue. => It was..... 7) There is so much rain that we can't go out. => There is such.... 8) The boy is so fat that every calls him Stuffy. => He is .... 9) The milk is so excellent that all the children want some more. => It is .... 10) The weather was so warm that they had a walk in the garden. => It was.... 11) There were so many people in the hall that we couldn't see him. => There were such... 12) The match was so exciting that all the fans shouted loudly. => It was... 13) They drank so much coffee that they couldn't sleep all night. => They drunk such..... 14) Alice had so many exercises to do that she couldn't go out. => Alice had such..... 15) The woman was so poor that she needed everyone's help. => She was ..... Bài tập 2: Viết lại câu dùng TOO.....TO... 1) The weather is so bad that we can’t go out. => The weather is too…….. 2) The film was so boring that we couldn’t go on seeing it. => The film was too…...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 3) He was so old that he couldn’t run fast. => ) He was too….. 4) He spoke so fast that we couldn’t understand him. => He spoke too….. 5) The fair was so noisy that we couldn’t hear each other. => The fair was too…. 6) You speak so fast that I can’t catch up with your words. => You speak too…… 7) It is so early that we can’t go out. => It is too….. 8) The water is so hot that I can’t drink it. => The water is too…… 9) The restaurant is so expensive that we can’t eat in that restaurant. => The restaurant is too……… 10) He studied so badly that he couldn’t pass the exam. => He studied too……..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Preparing day: sep 2nd, 2012 Teaching day: week 1,2/10/2012. Câu điều kiện 1 Điều kiện có thể thực hiện được (điều kiện có thực hay điều kiện dạng I). If he tries much more, he will improve his English. THÓI QUEN (HABITUAL) if + S + simple present tense ... + simple present tense ... If the doctor has morning office hours, he visits every patiens in the affternoon. I usually walk to school if I have enough time. MỆNH LỆNH (COMMAND) If + S + simple present tense ... + command form of verb + ... If you go to the Post Office, mail this letter for me. Please call me if you hear anything from Jane. 2 Điều kiện không thể thực hiện được (điều kiện không có thực hay điều kiện dạng II, III) If I were rich, I would travel around the world.. If I had enough money now, I would buy a tourist trip to the moon. Động từ to be phải chia là were ở tất cả các ngôi. If I were you, I wouldn't go to that movie. 2 Điều kiện không có thực trong quá khứ (dạng III).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> If we had known that you were there, we would have written you a letter. (We didn’t know ...) (We didn’t write you a letter) Chú ý rằng cũng có thể thể hiện một điều kiện không có thực mà không dùng if. Trong trường hợp đó, trợ động từ had được đưa lên đầu câu, đứng trước chủ ngữ. Mệnh đề điều kiện sẽ đứng trước mệnh đề chính. Had we known that you were there, we would have written you a letter. Lưu ý: Câu điều kiện không phải lúc nào cũng tuân theo qui luật trên. Trong một số trường hợp đặc biệt, một vế của điều kiện là quá khứ nhưng vế còn lại có thể ở hiện tại (do thời gian qui định). If she had caught the train, she would be here by now. 3 Cách sử dụng will, would, could, should trong một số trường hợp khác Thông thường các trợ động từ này không được sử dụng với if trong mệnh đề điều kiện của câu điều kiện, tuy nhiên vẫn có một số ngoại lệ như sau: . If you (will/would): Nếu ..... vui lòng. Thường được dùng trong các yêu cầu lịch sự. Would lịch sự hơn will. If you will/would wait for a moment, I will go and see if Mr Conner is here.. . If + Subject + Will/Would: Nếu ..... chịu. Để diễn đạt ý tự nguyện. If he will listen to me, I can help him. Will còn được dùng theo mẫu câu này để diễn đạt sự ngoan cố: Nếu ..... nhất định, Nếu ..... cứ. If you will turn on the music loudly so late tonight, no wonder why your neighbours complain.. . If you could: Xin vui lòng. Diễn đạt lịch sự 1 yêu cầu mà người nói cho rằng người kia sẽ đồng ý như là một lẽ đương nhiên. If you could open your book, please.. . If + Subject + should + ..... + command: Ví phỏng như. Diễn đạt một tình huống dù có thể xảy ra được song rất khó. If you should find any difficulty in using that TV, please call me. Có thể đảo should lên trên chủ ngữ và bỏ if Should you find any difficulty in using that TV, please call me.. 4 Cách sử dụng if trong một số trường hợp khác  If... then: Nếu... thì If she can’t come to us, then we will have to go and see her.  If dùng trong dạng câu suy diễn logic (không phải câu điều kiện): Động từ ở các mệnh đề diễn biến bình thường theo thời gian của chính nó. If you want to learn a musical instrument, you have to practice..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> If you did not do much maths at school, you will find economics difficult to understand. If that was Marry, why didn’t she stop and say hello.  If... should = If... happen to... = If... should happen to... diễn đạt sự không chắc chắn (Xem thêm phần sử dụng should ở trên) If you should happen to pass a supermarket, perhaps you could get some eggs. (Ngộ nhỡ mà anh có tình cờ ghé qua chợ có lẽ mua cho em ít trứng)  If.. was/were to... Diễn đạt điều kiện không có thật hoặc tưởng tượng. Nó gần giống câu điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại. If our boss was/were to come in now (= if the boss came in now), we would be in real trouble. What would we do if I was/were to lose my job. Hoặc có thể diễn đạt một ý lịch sự khi đưa ra đề nghị If you were to move your chair a bit, we could all sit down. (Nếu anh vui lòng dịch ghế của anh ra một chút thì chúng ta có thể cùng ngồi được) Note: Cấu trúc này tuyệt đối không được dùng với các động từ tĩnh tại hoặc chỉ trạng thái tư duy Correct: If I knew her name, I would tell you. Incorrect: If I was/were to know...  If it + to be + not + for: Nếu không vì, nếu không nhờ vào. Thời hiện tại: If it wasn’t/weren’t for the children, that couple wouldn’t have any thing to talk about. (Nếu không vì những đứa con thì vợ chồng nhà ấy chả có chuyện gì mà nói) Thời quá khứ: If it hadn’t been for your help, I don’t know what to do. (Nếu không nhờ vào sự giúp đỡ của anh thì tôi cũng không biết phải làm gì đây). Có thể đảo lại: Had it not been for your help, I don’t know what to to.  Not đôi khi được thêm vào những động từ sau if để bày tỏ sự nghi ngờ, không chắc chắn. (Có nên ... Hay không ...) I wonder if we shouldn’t ask the doctor to look at Mary.  It would... if + subject + would... (sẽ là... nếu – không được dùng trong văn viết) It would be better if they would tell every body in advance. (Sẽ là tốt hơn nếu họ kể cho mọi người từ trước) How would we feel if this would happen to our family. (Ta sẽ cảm thấy thế nào nếu điều này xảy ra đối với gia đình chúng ta.).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span>  If...’d have...’d have: Dùng trong văn nói, không dùng trong văn viết, diễn đạt điều kiện không thể xảy ra ở quá khứ If I’d have known, I’d have told you. If she’d have recognized him it would have been funny.  If + preposition + noun/verb... (subject + be bị lược bỏ) If in doubt, ask for help. (= If you are in doubt, ...) If about to go on a long journey, try to have a good nights sleep. (= If you are about to go on... )  If dùng với một số từ như any/anything/ever/not để diễn đạt phủ định There is little if any good evidence for flying saucers. (There is little evidence, if there is any at all, for flying saucers) (Có rất ít bằng chứng về đĩa bay, nếu quả là có thực) I’m not angry. If anything, I feel a little surprised. (Tôi không giận dữ đâu. Mà có chăng tôi cảm thấy hơi ngạc nhiên) Cách nói này còn diễn đạt ý kiến ướm thử: Nếu có... I’d say he was more like a father, if anything (Tôi xin nói rằng ông ấy còn hơn cả một người cha, nếu có thể nói thế.) He seldom if ever travel abroad. (Anh ta chả mấy khi đi ra nước ngoài) Usually, if not always, we write “cannot” as one word (Thông thường, nhưng không phải là luôn luôn... )  If + Adjective = although (cho dù là) Nghĩa không mạnh bằng although - Dùng để diễn đạt quan điểm riêng hoặc vấn đề gì đó không quan trọng. His style, if simple, is pleasant to read. (Văn phong của ông ta, cho dù là đơn giản, thì đọc cũng thú) The profits, if little lower than last year’s, are still extremely wealthy (Lợi nhuận, cho dù là có thấp hơn năm qua một chút, thì vẫn là rất lớn.) Cấu trúc này có thể thay bằng may..., but His style may be simple, but it is pleasant to read.. CÁCH CHUYỂN TỪ CÂU THƯỜNG SANG CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN: - Nếu câu đề là hiện tại - hiện tại / tương lai thì dùng loại 2 + phản nghĩa . It is rainy. I can't go to school. If ........ => If it weren't rainy, I could go to school..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> - Nếu câu đề là : tưong lai - tương lai thì dùng loại 1 (không phản nghĩa ) I will go to VT. I will buy you a present. If ... => If I go to VT, I will buy you a present. - Nếu câu đề là : Don’t V…….or + mệnh đề thì viết lại là : If you V (viết lại hết, bỏ or) Don’t go out or you will get wet. => if you go out, you will get wet. - Nếu câu đề là: V …….or + mệnh đề thì viết lại là : If you don’t V (viết lại hết, bỏ or) Raise your hand or I will kill you. => If you don’t raise your hand, I will kill you.. Lưu ý : Nếu trong câu có because , so (= that’s why) thì phải bỏ (đặt if vào chổ because , còn so (= that’s why) thì ngựoc lại ) 1) He can’t go out because he has to study for his exam. => If……. 2) She is lazy so she can’t pass the exam. If……. 3) He will pay me tonight; I will have enough money to buy a car. => If……. 4) He smokes too much; that’s why he can’t get rid of his cough. => If……. 5) She is very shy, so she doesn’t enjoy the party. => If……. 6) I will get a work permit. I will stay for another month. => If……. 7) He doesn’t take any exercises. He is so unhealthy => If……. 8) We can’t get the ticket because I don’t have the right change..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> => If……. 9) Study hard or you won’t pass the exam. => If……. 10) Don’t be impatient or you will make mistakes. If……. 11) Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test. If you didn’t ………………………………………………………. 12) Water thse plants or they will die. Unless you water……………………………………………….. 13) I’m not rich,so I can’t buy that house. If I were……………………………………………………….. 14) He works in the evening, so he has no time to play with his children. If he didn’t…………………………………………………………… 15.) I can’t give you a ride because I don’t have a motorbike. If I had……………………………………………………………… 16) Hurry up or we’ll be late for the concert. If we don’t………………………………………………………. 17) Money doesn’t grow on trees. We aren’t rich If money grew………………………………………………………. 18) She goes to school late because she lives very far from school. Unless she lived…………………………………………………. 19) He is too short to play basketball. If he weren’t…………………………………………………………. 20) The test is so difficult that we can’t finish it on time. If the test weren’t……………………………………………………. Preparing day: sep 2nd, 2012 Teaching day: week 15/10/2012.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Câu bị động (passive voice) - Nếu là loại động từ có 2 tân ngữ, muốn nhấn mạnh vào tân ngữ nào người ta đưa tân ngữ đó lên làm chủ ngữ nhưng thông thường chủ ngữ hợp lý của câu bị động là tân ngữ gián tiếp. I gave him a book = I gave a book to him = He was given a book (by me). Đặt by + tân ngữ mới đằng sau tất cả các tân ngữ khác. Nếu sau by là một đại từ vô nhân xưng mang nghĩa người ta: by people, by sb thì bỏ hẳn nó đi. Trong một số trường hợp to be/to get + P2 hoàn toàn không mang nghĩa bị động mà mang 2 nghĩa: . Chỉ trạng thái, tình huống mà chủ ngữ đang gặp phải. Could you please check my mailbox while I am gone. He got lost in the maze of the town yesterday.. . Chỉ việc chủ ngữ tự làm lấy The little boy gets dressed very quickly. - Could I give you a hand with these tires. - No thanks, I will be done when I finish tightening these bolts.. Mọi sự biến đổi về thời và thể đều nhằm vào động từ to be, còn phân từ 2 giữ nguyên. to be made of: Được làm bằng (Đề cập đến chất liệu làm nên vật) This table is made of wood to be made from: Được làm ra từ (đề cập đến việc nguyên vật liệu bị biến đổi khỏi trạng thái ban đầu để làm nên vật) Paper is made from wood to be made out of: Được làm bằng (đề cập đến quá trình làm ra vật) This cake was made out of flour, butter, sugar, eggs and milk. to be made with: Được làm với (đề cập đến chỉ một trong số nhiều chất liệu làm nên vật) This soup tastes good because it was made with a lot of spices.. Một số cấu trúc cầu khiến (causative) 1 To have sb do sth = to get sb to do sth = Sai ai, khiến ai, bảo ai làm gì I’ll have Peter fix my car. I’ll get Peter to fix my car. 2 To have/to get sth done = làm một việc gì bằng cách thuê người khác I have my hair cut. (Tôi đi cắt tóc - chứ không phải tôi tự cắt) I have my car washed. (Tôi mang xe đi rửa ngoài dịch vụ - không phải tự rửa) Theo khuynh hướng này động từ to want và would like cũng có thể dùng với mẫu câu như vậy: To want/ would like Sth done. (Ít dùng) I want/ would like my car washed. Câu hỏi dùng cho loại mẫu câu này là: What do you want done to Sth? What do you want done to your car?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 3 To make sb do sth = to force sb to do sth = Bắt buộc ai phải làm gì The bank robbers made the manager give them all the money. The bank robbers forced the manager to give them all the money. Đằng sau tân ngữ của make còn có thể dùng 1 tính từ: To make sb/sth + adj Wearing flowers made her more beautiful. Chemical treatment will make this wood more durable 4.1 To make sb + P2 = làm cho ai bị làm sao Working all night on Friday made me tired on Saturday. 4.2 To cause sth + P2 = làm cho cái gì bị làm sao The big thunder storm caused many waterfront houses damaged. Nếu tân ngữ của make là một động từ nguyên thể thì phải đặt it giữa make và tính từ, đặt động từ ra phía đằng sau: make it + adj + V as object. The wire service made it possible to collect and distribute news faster and cheaper. Tuy nhiên nếu tân ngữ của make là 1 danh từ hay 1 ngữ danh từ thì không được đặt it giữa make và tính từ: Make + adj + noun/ noun phrase. The wire service made possible much speedier collection and distribution of news. 5 To let sb do sth = to permit/allow sb to do sth = để cho ai, cho phép ai làm gì I let me go. At first, she didn’t allow me to kiss her but... 6 To help sb to do sth/do sth = Giúp ai làm gì Please help me to throw this table away. She helps me open the door. Nếu tân ngữ của help là một đại từ vô nhân xưng mang nghĩa người ta thì không cần phải nhắc đến tân ngữ đó và bỏ luôn cả to của động từ đằng sau. This wonder drug will help (people to) recover more quickly. Nếu tân ngữ của help và tân ngữ của động từ sau nó trùng hợp với nhau, người ta sẽ bỏ tân ngữ sau help và bỏ luôn cả to của động từ đằng sau. The body fat of the bear will help (him to) keep him alive during hibernation. 7 Ba động từ đặc biệt: see, watch, hear Đó là những động từ mà ngữ nghĩa của chúng sẽ thay đổi đôi chút khi động từ sau tân ngữ của chúng ở các dạng khác nhau. + To see/to watch/ to hear sb/sth do sth (hành động được chứng kiến từ đầu đến cuối) I heard the telephone ring and then John answered it. + To see/to watch/ to hear sb/sth doing sth (hành động không được chứng kiến trọn vẹn mà chỉ ở một.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> thời điểm) I heard her singing at the time I came home. I want to see all that he possesses. All the apples that fall are eaten by pig. Exercises: 1/ Dogs / must / keep / the garden. A. The dog must be keep in the garden. B. The dog is kept in the garden. C. The dog must be kept in the garden. D. The dog must kept in the garden. 2/ Dictionaries / may / use / candidates. A. The dictionary may be used by candidates. B. The dictionary may be use by candidates. C. The dictionary is use by candidates. D. The dictionary may use by candidates. 3/ These things / could / do / more easily / computers. A. These things could be done more easily by computers. B. These things are being done more easily by computers. C. These things could be do more easily by computers. D. These things could do more easily by computers. 4/ We / will / receive / the library cards / soon. A. The library cards will be received soon. B. The library cards will be receive soon. C. We will be received the library cards soon. D. We will the library cards receive soon. 5/ The thief / ought to / catch / as soon as possible. A. The thief ought to be catch as soon as possible. B. The thief ought to be caught as soon as possible. C. The thief ought to catch as soon as possible. D. The thief be ought to catch as soon as possible. 1/ These things / take / away / the boy / hour ago. A. These things were taken away by the boy an hour ago. B. These things was taken away by the boy an hour ago. C. These things are taken away by the boy an hour ago. D. These things will be taken away by the boy an hour ago. 2/ I / not introduce / to / the teacher. A. I didn’t introduce to the teacher. B. I weren’t introduced to the teacher. C. I wasn’t introduce to the teacher. D. I wasn’t introduced to the teacher. 3/ She / see / at the party / last night. A. She is seen at the party last night. B. She is saw at the party last night. C. She was seen at the party last night. D. She was see at the party last night. 4/ Housework / do / her grandmother / yesterday. A. The housework were done by her grandmother yesterday. B. The housework was done by her grandmother yesterday. C. The housework is done by her grandmother yesterday. D. The housework is being done by her grandmother yesterday..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 5/ We / teach / English / a new teacher / last week. A. We were being taught English by a new teacher last week. B. We are being taught English by a new teacher last week. C. We were taught English by a new teacher last week. D. We are taught English by a new teacher last week. 6/ These naughty boys / punish / the headmaster. A. These naughty boys punished by the headmaster yesterday morning. B. These naughty boys are punished by the headmaster yesterday morning. C. These naughty boys is punished by the headmaster yesterday morning. D. These naughty boys were punished by the headmaster yesterday morning. 7/ You / give / a ride / the town. A. You have been give a ride to the town. B. You have been given a ride to the town. C. You have given a ride to the town. D. You have been gave a ride to the town. 8/ The fire / destroy / ten houses / recently. A. Ten houses were destroyed by the fire recently. B. Ten houses were destroyed by the fire recently. C. The fire were destroyed by ten houses recently. D. The fire was destroyed by ten houses recently. 9/ My parcel / post / already / ? A. Has my parcel posted already? B. Have my been parcel posted already? C. Have my parcel posted already? D. Has my parcel been post already? 10/ A big cake / just / make / my mother. A. A big cake has just been make by her my mother. B. A big cake has just made by her my mother. C. A big cake has just been made by her my mother. D. A big cake have just been made by her my mother. 11/ Hoa and Lan / award / a new schoolbag / her form teacher. A. Hoa and Lan will be awarded a new schoolbag by her form teacher last week. B. Hoa and Lan is awarded a new schoolbag by her form teacher last week. C. Hoa and Lan was awarded a new schoolbag by her form teacher last week. D. Hoa and Lan were awarded a new schoolbag by her form teacher last week. 12/ The meeting / organnize / at this room / ? A. The meeting was organized at this room? B. Was the meeting organized at this room? C. Were the meeting organized at this room? D. The meeting were organized at this room? Preparing day: sep 2nd, 2012 Teaching day: week 22/10/2012. Câu bị động (passive voice) CONT * Chose A, B, C or D to complete the sentence: Ex: Milk ___A____by the milkwoman every day. A. is deliveredB. are delivered C. will be delivered D. was delivered 1/ The floor ____________ every day. A. has been cleaned B. is cleaned C. will be cleaned D. was cleaned 2/ These pupils ___________ English three times a week. A. are taught B. have been taught C. were taughtD. will be taught 3/ Mr Hai’s children _________ to the zoo very often..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> A. is taken B. have been taken C. are taken D. were taken 4/ English ________ by people all over the world. A. will be spoken B. is being spoken C. was spoken D. is spoken 5/ These books __________ from the library. A. be borrowed B. are borrow C. is borrowed D. are borrowed 6/ She ________a new skirt by her mother the following day. A. will be bought B. is bought C. was bought D. has been bought 7/ The regulation _____________ by the government in the future. A. is changed B. will be changed C. has been changed D. was changed 8/ Those books ____________ to the library tomorrow. A. are returned B. were returned C. can be returned D. will be returned 9/ The thief ___________ by the police soon. A. is caught B. will be caught C. was caught D. is being caught 10/ Nam ___________ off at the airport by his family last night. A. is seen B. was seen C. has been seen D. will be seen 11/ The door _________ as soon as possible. A. was opened B. is opened C. will be opened D. has been opened 12/ The man ________a cup of tea fifteen minutes ago. A. was brought B. is brought C. will be brought D. has been brought 13/ All the pupils ___________ to do the test last semester for a week. A. were made B. are make C. have been made D. will be made 14/ Her car ____________ by her husband yesterday. A. were washed B. is washed C. was washed D. will be washed 15/ The new teacher _________ to the students since last night. A. were introduced B. has been introduced C. was introduced D. is introduced 16/ Many houses ________ by the fire in the city in 1980. A. was destroyed B. are destroyed C. will be destroyed D. were destroyed 17/ A new station _________ here a year ago. A. is built B. was built C. will be built D. has been built 18/ They have to take care of these children. A. These children have to be taken care of. B. These children have been taken care of. C. These children have to been taken care of. D. These children have been to take care of. 19. These students must do homework at home. A. Homework is done by these students at home. B. Homework must be do by these students at home. C. Homework must be done by these students at home. D. Homework must done by these students at home. REWRITE THESE SENTENCES IN PASSIVE FORM: 1. They have to repair the engineer of the car................................................................................................ 2. The boy broke the window and took away some pictures........................................................................ 3. A man I know told me about it.................................................................................................................. 4. No one believes his story........................................................................................................................... 5. Do they teach English here?....................................................................................................................... 6. Will you invite her to your wedding party?............................................................................................... 7. Did the teacher give some exercises?........................................................................................................ 8. Have they changed the window of the laboratory?.....................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> 9. Is she making big cakes for the party?....................................................................................................... 10. Why didn't they help him?......................................................................................................................... 11. You mustn’t use this machine after 5.30 pm............................................................................................. 12. You must clean this machine very time you use it.................................................................................... 13. Someone will drive your car to London on Tuesday................................................................................. 14. They will send you your examination results when they are ready........................................................... 15. The teacher can give him good marks because he is an excellent............................................................. 16. Someone will serve soft drinks.................................................................................................................. 17. Tolstoy wrote “War and Peace”................................................................................................................. 18. Hemingway didn’t write “Hamlet”............................................................................................................ 19. Someone built that house in 1930.............................................................................................................. 20. They opened the factory at 9 o’clock......................................................................................................... 21. Last night someone broke into our house.................................................................................................. 22. Ba invited Liz to the rice-cooking festival................................................................................................. 23. They held the festival in the communal house yard................................................................................... 24. The council leader awarded the first prize to Mekong team...................................................................... 25. Someone will translate this letter into Vietnamese.................................................................................... 26. Alexander Bain invented the facsimile in 1843......................................................................................... 27. They dry the beans in the sun. ................................................................................................................... 28.. No one has ever beaten me at chess._______________________________________________. 29.. Smoke filled the room._______________________________________________. 30.. Do they teach English here? _______________________________________________. 31.. Is she going to write a poem? _______________________________________________. 32.. Has Tom finished the work? _______________________________________________. 33.. How can they open this case?_______________________________________________. 34.. Nobody sent us any tickets._______________________________________________. 35.. Has someone decorated my bedroom?_______________________________________________. 36.. Did anything disturb you in the night?_______________________________________________. 37.. Nobody has invited her to the party._______________________________________________. 38.. She teaches grammar and writing._______________________________________________. 39.. People say that you send your application form to the university.__________________________________. 40.. I don’t see anyone in the house._______________________________________________. 41.. Lan bought her brother some comic books._______________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> 42.. The students don’t play video games on the weekend.___________________________________________. 43.. They believed that he went abroad to study English.____________________________________________. 44. People expect that taxes will be reduced soon. It …………………………………………………………… . Taxes ………………………………………………………. . 45.People say that the monument is over 2000 years old. It ………………………………………………………………… . The monument ………………………………………………….. . 46.People expect that the president will resign. It …………………………………………………………………. . The president ……………………………………………………. . 47. People think the fire started at about 8 o’clock. It …………………………………………………………………. . The fire …………………………………………………………… . 48. Journalists reported that seven people had been injured in the fire. It …………………………………………………………………. . Seven people …………………………………………………….. . 49.People say the bridge is unsafe. It ………………………………………………………………….. . The bridge ………………………………………………………… .. Preparing day: sep 2nd, 2012 Teaching day: week 29/10/2012. THE REPORTED SPEECH 1.TRONG NGOẶC KÉP LÀ CÂU TRẦN THUẬT. -She said: "I shall come back this store tomorrow" -She said that she would come back that store the following day. -She said to me :"I shall come back this store tomorrow" -She told me that she would come back that store the following day. CÁCH ĐỔI..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> -Giữ nguyên động từ SAY hoặc đổi SAY TO thành TELL. -Đổi dấu phẩy(,) hoặc dấu hai chấm(:) thành THAT và bỏ dấu ngoặc kép("") -Đổi đại từ nhân xưng hoặc sở hữu tính từ cho hợp nghĩa. -Đổi động từ trong ngoặc kép sang thì quá khứ (nếu động từ SAY ở thì quá khứ) theo công thức sau. DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH Simple present Simple past Present continuous Past continous Present perfect Past perfect Simple past Past perfect Past continous Past perfect continous Simple future Future in the past Present unreal conditional Perfect conditional (SHOULD / WOULD/ COULD / ( SHOULD / WOULD / COULD / MIGHT………..) MIGHT…..+ HAVE +P.P) NOTES: +Không cần đổi thì của động từ trong ngoăc kép nếu nó là Past Perfect and Perfect conditional. +Không cần đổi thì của động từ trong ngoăc kép nếu mệnh đề ở bên ngoài ở thì hiện tại thường , ( simple present) hiện tại tiếp diễn,( present continous) hiện tại hoàn thành ( present perfect) hoặc tương lai thường( simple future) . Example: -She says: "I shall come back this store" -She says she will come back that store. +Ngoài ra cần đổi: these Those this That here There now Then ago Before (earlier) today That day must Had to Needn't Didn't have to tonight That night tomorrow The next day The following day The day after yesterday The previous day, the day before Next week The following week, the week after. Last week The previous week, the week before. TRƯỜNG HỢP NGOẠI LỆ. +Không cần đổi nếu lời nói trong noặc kép chỉ sự thật hiển nhiên. -He said: "The sun rises in the East" -He said ( that ) the sun rises in the East ( không cần đổi r"ises"). +Không cần đổi nếu lời nói trong ngoặc kép có MUSTN'T chỉ sự cấm đoán. -Father said to me: "you mustn't get up late"(mustn't : không được). -Father told me that I mustn't get up late (không cần đổi MUSTN'T). TRONG NGOẶC KÉP LÀ CÂU HỎI. -She said:"Are you thisty, Tom?" -She asked Tom if (whether) he was thisty. -She asked ,"What's your name?".

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> -She asked me what my name was? CÁCH ĐỔI. S+ ASKED+O+ IF (WHETHER) S+ V+ O (YES / NO QUESTIONS). S+ ASKED+ O+ WH- QS + V+ O SAY - ASK, REQUIRE, WONDER………… TRONG NGOẶC KÉP LÀ LỜI THỈNH CẦU LỊCH SỰ HOẶC LỄ ĐỘ. SHALL SHOULD( dùng cho tất cả các ngôi) WILL WOULD WOULD WOULD Ex: -He said: "Shall we leave now" -He asked (me) if we should leave then. -He asked : "Would you be so kind as to tell mewhen?" -He asked (me) if I would be so kind as to tell him when. TRONG NGOẶC KÉP LÀ MỆNH LỆNH HOẶC LỜI THỈNH CẦU. -He said to me:"Please go with me" -He asked me to go with him. +Structure: S+ASKED,TOLD,ORDERED(căn cứ thao nghĩa của câu) +O+V( TO -inf)…………….. -The teacher said: "Don't make noise !" -The teacher ordered us not to make noise. EXERCISE: Put the following sentences into reported speech. 1.He said: "I shall go with her" ……………………………………….. 2.She said: "I can't find the broom" …………………………………………………… 3.He said: "I am going to the movies tonight" …………………………………………………………….. 4.He said to me:"I will get married if my mother agrees" ……………………………………………………………… 5.He says to me:"I will get married if my mother agrees" ………………………………………………………………… 6.I said to him:"Your motorcycle has been stolen" ……………………………………………………. 7.He says:"The river is rising early this year" ……………………………………………………….. 8.The girl said to me:"I am going to quit school" ……………………………………………………… 9.She says to me:"I'll come as soon as possible" …………………………………………………………….. 10.He said:"I'm leaving for the United States tomorrow" ………………………………………………………. 11.She said:"I don't understand my husband" …………………………………………………………………… 12.He said:"You must go with your mother". ………………………………………………………… 13.I told them:" You're quite right" …………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> 14.Tom said: "She does not like that fellow" …………………………………………………. 15.John said: "I have arrived here in time" ……………………………………………………………………. 16.The teacher said:"Tom, you must finish this work by 4 o'clock ……………………………………………………………………. 17.He has said to me: "I once owned a small house in this village" ………………………………………………………………….. 18.The customer said:"I want to buy a pocket calculator" ………………………………………………………………… 19 She told me:"I would be happy if my husband disclosed the secret". …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20.Our teacher said: "you can do it if you try" ………………………………………………………………… 21.The malefactor asked his neighbour:"Where do you live?" …………………………………………………………….. 22."Can you help us?",the poor men asked the passer - by. …………………………………………………………. 23.The nurse asked me:" What is your name?" …………………………………………………………………. 24."Why are you so sad?", my classmate asked me. ……………………………………………………………………… 25"Did you bring the mosquito - net along?", my cousin asked me. ……………………………………………………………………… 26.The workman asked my father:"How high is that building?" ……………………………………………………………………. 27."Whose is this strip of land?", the millionaire asked landlord. ………………………………………………………………….. 28."Are you angry with me?", I asked the typist. ………………………………………………………………… 29.The clerk asked me:"Which book do you want to buy?". …………………………………………………………………… 30. The performer said:"I shall go to the next village tomorrow" ………………………………………………………………… 31.My friend asked me:"Do you enjoy your Spanish class?" ………………………………………………………………… 32.Will everyone be ready to leave by 6?",the driver asked. ……………………………………………………………………… 33.My classmate said to me:"Did you hand in your paper to the professor?" …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………. 34."Are you going to join that organization?" Tom asked me. ……………………………………………………………………. 35.Virginia said:"Do you like to wear your Sunday clothes?" ……………………………………………………………………. 36."Can you go to the meeting with me tonight?" ,John asked us. ………………………………………………………………….. 37.Mr Smith said:"Have you taken the other two courses yet?".

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> ………………………………………………………………… 38."Do I have to lock both of the doors?", the janitor asked. ……………………………………………………………………… 39.The fireman asked my roommate:"Did you ring the fire alarm?" ……………………………………………………………………… 40.She said to me:"Did you break this window last night?" …………………………………………………………………. 41."Don't play with that dirty cat", the father said to his son. …………………………………………………………………. 42.My neighbour said to he naughty boy:"Don't damage the flowers in my garden" …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 43."Don't frown at me like that", my sister said to me. …………………………………………………………………… 44.Her aunt said to Mary:"Don't buy expensive tickets for the concert" ………………………………………………………………. 45."Don't be lazy", our teacher said to us. ………………………………………………………… 46."Get a taxi" , my adopted father said to me. ……………………………………………………………….. 47."Give us some coffee", the students asked me. ………………………………………………………………….. 48.The sick person said to me: "Don't give me any cream and sugar". …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 49.I say to the policeman:"Show me where the post officeis" …………………………………………………………………….. 50.We said to the painter: "Don't leave your brush and paint here". …………………………………………………………………… 51.The said to us:"Write these two exercise" ……………………………………………………………………. 52."Turn left at the corner and drive two blocks", policeman directed. …………………………………………………………………… 53.My friend said:"Show me all the arrows". ………………………………………………………….. 54."Don't sit on my hat!", his wife said to him. …………………………………………………………………… 55.I said to the waitress: "Bring me a cup of white coffee, please". ………………………………………………………………….. 56."Watch out for reckless drivers!", Frank said. ……………………………………………………………… 57.The speaker said: "Don't forget to vote for me!" ……………………………………………………………………. 58."Stop now and give me your papers", the professor ordered. …………………………………………………………………… 59.I said to the young student:" Come here and show me your paper". …………………………………………………………………….. 60."Remember to lock all the doors", the janitor said to the boys. …………………………………………………………………… 61.The teacher has said to me:"You should obey the school regulations".

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> ……………………………………………………… 62.Father said:"You mustn't go out tonight" ……………………………………………………………. 63.The girl said: "You needn't bring your umbrella." …………………………………………………………………… 64.The doctor will say:"You'll have to come tomorrow". ……………………………………………………………………… 65.The boy is saying to his father: " I need some money tonight" ………………………………………………………………. 66.He said:"Shall I close the door?" ………………………………………………………………….. 67.She said: "Would you mind telling me your age?" …………………………………………………………………….. 68.My friend said to me:"Don't go to bed! Do you feel sleepy?" ……………………………………………………………………. 69.Grandmother said: "Don't take the old hat. Take the new one" ……………………………………………………………………. 70.He said: "What a beautiful girl!" ……………………………………………………………………... Preparing day: sep 2nd, 2012 Teaching day: week 5/11/2012. RELATIVE CLAUSES I. Mệnh đề tính từ hay mệnh đề quan hệ được đặt sau danh từ nó phụ nghĩa, được nối bằng các đại từ quan hệ: WHO, WHOM, WHICH, THAT 1. WHO: thay thế cho người, làm chủ từ trong MĐQH. 2. WHOM: thay thế cho người, làm túc từ trong MĐQH. 3. WHICH: thay thế cho vật, đồ vật; làm chủ từ, túc từ trong MĐQH. 4. THAT: thay thế cho người, vật; làm chủ từ, túc từ trong MĐQH. II. Giới từ đặt trước mệnh đề tính từ: (WHOM/WHICH) Ex: - The man speaks English very fast. I talked to him last night. The man to whom I talked last night speaks English very fast. - The house is for sale. I was born in it. The house in which I was born is for sale..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> * LƯU Ý: KHÔNG dùng THAT sau giới từ. The house in that I was born is for sale. EXERCISES (RELATIVE CLAUSES) Fill in each blank with an appropriate relative pronoun: 1. That’s my friend_______________ comes from Japan. 2. Marie,______________ I met at the party, called me last night. 3. He is the man ________ I met yesterday. 4. He is the man _________ was helped last night. 5. The bicycle _______ was painted red is mine. 6. That is the book __________ he bought last night. 7. Easter is a festival _______ occurs in late March or early April. 8. Has he found the key __________ he lost yesterday? 9. The city _______ we visited last year was very beautiful. 10. She has a friend _________ is the manager of this company. 11. What is the picture ________ you want yo buy? 12. My children, ___________have an opportunity to go to the zoo, always look very excited. 13. Mount Pinatubo, _______ is a volcano in the Philippines, erupted in 1991. 14. Tornadoes or funnel-shaped storms can suck up anything ______is in their path. 15. Marie Curie, ______ is one of the greatest women in our time, discovered radium 16.Neil Armstrong, _______ walked on the moon, lived in the USA. 17. The men and the elephants ______ you saw on TV last night are from Africa. 18. Lan’s sister _____ made this cake for us is very smart. 19. The river, ________ flows throught Ho Chi Minh city, is the Saigon River. 20. The children _______ are playing in the back yard are Mr.Ba’ nephews.. RESTRICTIVE & NON-RESTRICTIVE RELATIVE CLAUSES I. Restrictive Relative Clauses Dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước chưa được xác định rõ. Nếu bỏ đi mệnh đề chính sẽ không rõ nghĩa. Ex: - I saw the girl. She helped us last week. I saw the girl who/that helped us last week. II. Non-restritive Relative Clauses Dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước đã được xác định rõ, là phần giải thích thêm. Nếu bỏ đi mệnh đề chính vẫn rõ nghĩa. Mệnh đề này thường được tách khỏi mệnh đề chính bằng dấu phẩy “,”..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> Ta dùng mệnh đề quan hệ không hạn định khi: - Trước danh từ quan hệ có: this/that/these/those/my/her/his/… - Từ quan hệ là tên riêng hoặc danh từ riêng. Ex: - My father is a doctor. He is fifty years old. My father, who is fifty years old, is a doctor. - Mr Brown is a very nice teacher. We studied English with him. Mr Brown, who we studied English with, is a very nice teacher. * LÖU YÙ: KHOÂNG duøng THAT trong MÑQH khoâng haïn ñònh. Mr Brown, that we studied English with, is a very nice teacher. III. Relative Pronoun THAT * Những trường hợp thường dùng THAT: a. Sau cụm từ quan hệ vừa chỉ người và vật: Ex: He told me the places and people that he had seen in London. b. Sau đại từ bất định: something, aynyone, nobody,……. Ex: I’ll tell you something that is very interesting. c. Sau các tính từ so sánh nhất, ALL, EVERY, VERY, ONLY: Ex: - This is the most beautiful dress that I have. - All that is mine is yours. - You are the only person that can help us. d. Trong caáu truùc It + be + … + that … (chính laø …) Ex: It is my friend that wrote this sentence. (Chính là bạn tôi đã viết câu này.) * Những trường hợp không dùng THAT: - Trong mệnh đề tính từ không hạn định - Sau giới từ. EXERCISES. I/ Underline the relative clauses in the sentences. Then add commas to separate the Non-restrictive relative clauses. 1. The man who is talking to the principal is our form teacher. 2. The boys who are sitting in the first row will receive the medals. 3. The students who are in the grade 10th are going to clean the school yard. 4. The animals which are kept in iron cages will be carried back to the forest 5. Mr Tan who is our gymaster is very thin and tall. 6. The book which we borrowed from the library must be returned by Monday 7. The little boy who is crying over there lost his way. 8. Mrs Van who lives next door to Hoa works at the television station. 9. The dog which has some black spots is Ba’s. 10. My mother bought the shoes which were made from Hong Kong..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> II/ Combine the two sentences by using a relative clause. Some clauses need commas, some do not:: 1. The lady is a famous writer. You met her at the party last night. _______________________________________________ 2. The child enjoyed the chocolates. Her mother bought them from France. _______________________________________________ 3. Dr Oley is our family’s dentist. He is a popular dentist in the city. _______________________________________________ 4. They drank a lot of Coke. It is diet Coke. _______________________________________________ 5. The river is the Sai Gon River. It flows through Ho Chi Minh City. _______________________________________________ 6. The girls are performing the play. They rehearsed it yesterday. _______________________________________________ 7. Their parents are anxious about their children. The children come back late _______________________________________________ 8. The lecturer is my uncle. He gave an interesting talk on TV last night. _______________________________________________ 9. The student kept talking about the project. It was done last week. _______________________________________________ 10. Mr Phong hasn’t come yet. He is supposed to be at the meeting. _______________________________________________ 11. Lan went back home. She forgot to turn off the faucet. _______________________________________________ 12. I bought a new computer. It cost me a lot of money. ___________________________________________________________ 13. Tom is one of my closest friends. He is very intelligent. ___________________________________________________________ 14. That woman over there is a singer. She is talking with my father. ___________________________________________________________ 15. I went to see a doctor. He saved the life of my son ___________________________________________________________ 16. Dr.Jonh lost his position. He has not done his job well recently. ___________________________________________________________ 17. She looked up at the stars. They were twinkling in the sky. ___________________________________________________________ 18. I know some people. They live in London. ___________________________________________________________ 19. Mr.Tan is a teacher of English. He is wearing a blue shirt. ___________________________________________________________ 20. The man is Mr.Tan. He is wearing a blue shirt. ___________________________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> 21. You can buy these things at Ben Thanh Market. The market is in the center of HCMC. ___________________________________________________________. Preparing day: sep 2nd, 2012 Teaching day: week 12/11/2012. ADJECTIVES - ADVERBS -. Tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ và đại từ. Thường đứng trước danh từ và sau một số động từ như: be, feel, seem, look, sound, taste, smell,. . .. -. Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ, trạng từ, tính từ, .. . .(ngọai trừ danh từ và đại từ). Adj + ly = adv Chú ý:. Beautyful – beautifully. Happy – happily. good – well. Late – late. Hard – hard. Fast – fast. Early – early. Bài tập: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi 1. She walks slowly._______________________________________________ 2. They are fast runners._______________________________________________ 3. He drives carefully._______________________________________________ 4. He plays badminton well._______________________________________________ 5.Lan is a bad swimmer._______________________________________________ 6. My brother cycles carelessly.______________________________________________ 7. Nga is a quick typist._______________________________________________ 8. She sings beautifully._______________________________________________ 9. They are skillful dancers._______________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> 10. She thinks quickly._______________________________________________ 11. They played volleyball very well.____________________________________________ 12. She was a careless driver._______________________________________________ 13. They ran very slowly._______________________________________________ 14. they taught English well.______________________________________________ 15. Nga walked very fast.______________________________________________ 16. She works carefully._______________________________________________ 17. Long is a bad swimmer._______________________________________________ 18. My brother was a slow cyclist._______________________________________________ 19. Thanh is a fluent English speaker.____________________________________________ 20. Mrs. Oanh cooks well. _______________________________________________. COMPARATIVE Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. 1. No houses in Hoi An are as old as the Tan Ky House.>>The_____________________________________________ 2. The blue whale is the biggest of all animals.>>No_______________________________________________ 3. Khanh Ha is the best singer in her time.>>Khanh Ha …than any…. 4. Hellen doesn’t know so many novels of Oscal Wilde as I do.>> Hellen knows…than… 5. The sword is not so mighty as the pen.>>The pen_____________________________________________ 6. The river in her town is less shallow than this one.>>This________________________________________ 7. The orange building is not as high as the blue one.>>The blue_____________________________________ 8. These assignments are not so good as Timothy’. >>Timothy’s_____________________________________ 9. Jim has more opportunities to play tennis than me.>>I don’t___________________________________ 10. John drives more carefully than Peter.>> Peter_________________________________________________ 11. I am not as tall as you. >> You are__________________________________________________________ 12. She is the most intelligent student in my class. >> No one________________________________ 13. Peter studies English better than I. >> I______________________________________________________ 14. He is better player than we are. >> We don’t_________________________________________________ 15. I didn’t spend as much money as you. >> I_______________________________________________ 16. Nothing is faster than the speed of light.>> The speed of light_____________________________________ 17. Jane cooks better than her sister. >> Jane’s sister_______________________________________________ 18. Pill is the most handsome person in our class. >> No one________________________________________ 19. He is lazier than she. >>She isn’t________________________________________________________ 20. He doesn’t drive as carefully as my father. >> My father___________________________________ Exercise 2 : Supply the correct forms of words in brackets 1. This chair is………………… than that chair (comfortable) A. more comfortable B. comfortabler C. the most comfortable D. comfortable 2. Your flat is…………………..than mine ( large) A. more large B. more larger C. larger D. large 3. This dress is…………………..than that one (pretty).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> A. prettier B. more pretty B. more prettier D. prettier than 4. The………………city in Canada is Toronto. (large) A. largest B. most large C. most largest D. larger 5. The Nile is the………………river in the world (long) A. most longest B. longest C. most longgest D. longgest 6. My mother’s cooking is………………than my mother’s (good) A. gooder B. more gooder C. better D. better good 7. My father’s cooking is………………..than my mother’s (bad) A. worse B. worst C. badder D. bad 8. I think good health is the……………….. thing in the life (important) A. importantest B. most important C. more important D. the most important 9. Mt. Everest is………………………mountain in the world. (high) A. higher B. the highest C. the most highest D. most highest 10. Canada is……………………...the United States in area. (big) A. biggest B. bigest C. the biggest D. the most biggest 11. Peter finished his work…………………… of all (fast) A. fastest B. the most fastest C. the fastest D. the more fastest 12. You can write………………….I can (well) A. better B. worse C. more well D. weller 13. Mary sings………………….Susan does (beautifully) A. beautifully B. more beautifully C. the most beautifully D. more beautifully than 14. Ted speaks English……………………..of all (fluently ) A. more fluently B. most fluently C. the most fluently D. fluently 15. Sally got………………….. food on the menu for dinner last night (expensive). A. the most expensive B. most expensive C. more expensive D. expensive 16. The Wilsons arrived at the party………………….. of all (early). A. earliest B. the earliest C. the most early D. earlier 17. Ali speaks…………………….. I do (loudly) A. loudlier B. more loudly C. loudly D. loudier 18. My sister works……………………..I do (hard) A. harder B. more hard C. more harder than D. harder than 19. February is …………………..month of the year. (short) A. the shortest B. the most shortest C. shorter D. shorter than 20. In my opinion, Harry’s Steak House is………………….. restaurant in the city ( bad). A. the worst B. the worse C. the bad D. the most.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> Preparing day: sep 2nd, 2012 Teaching day: week 19/11/2012. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES I./ Dear Nam, 1. Last weekend / my family / two-day trip / home village. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. We / start / the journey / very early / morning. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. After three hours / travel / bus / we / reach / old banyan / entrance / the village. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Everyone / feel / tired / take a rest / the tree. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. After that / we / start / walk / the village / twenty minutes / come / my grandparents’ house. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. We / spend / enjoyable weekend / the country. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. We / feel / happy and healthy / the trip. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Yours, II 1. Internet / now / very useful / our life. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. It / fast / convenient / way / information / which / very update. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. It / cheap way / communicate / friends / relatives / means / e-mail, chatting or webcam. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. It / provide / variety / entertainment / such as / music, movies, games, novels, magazines, etc. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. It / possible / use / Internet / education. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> 6. Students / may / use / Internet / take their courses / connect / their teachers / talk / their problems / through “on line”. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… III / 1. I think / it / necessary / students / not wear uniforms / when / they / be / school. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Firstly / most / school / choose / horrible / color / style / that / not / suit / young people / at all. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Secondly / students / look forward / go / class / when / they / be / their favorite clothes. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Thirdly / they / have / chance / develop personal taste / clothes / when / they / not have / wear / same clothes / everyone else. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. In conclusion / students / shouldn’t/ encourage / wear uniform. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… IV 1. It / national holiday / yesterday / so / my friends / I / go / picnic. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. It / take / us / half / hour / get / picnic site / lake / motorbike. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. After that / we / play / many / interesting game / and have / lunch. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Unluckily / it / rain / while / we / have / nice swim / the afternoon. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. We / come / home / early / but / we / spend / enjoyable day / there. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… V. Dear Hoa, 1. Thank you / invitation / spend this weekend / you / on your family’s farm. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. I / love / come / unfortunately / I / be able / accept. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. My friend / live / Nha Trang / come / stay / us / this weekend. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. As it / be / first visit / Ho Chi Minh City / I / plan / show her parents. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. It / possible / visit you / next weekend / instead? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ….. 6. Please tell / next weekend / be convenient / you. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. I / look / see / you again. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Love,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> VI. 1. I / be interested in / learn English. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. I / would like / have / information / your Institute. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. I / want / improve / reading / writing. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Could you please / give / information / about / the / courses / fees / ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. I / can / complete / spoken English test / necessary. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Preparing day: sep 2nd, 2012 Teaching day: week 26/11/2012. WORD FORM 1) She was really ________ __ by the beauty of the city (impress) 2) She made a deep _________ _ on the members of her class (impress) 3) Their ________ _ made me happy (friendly) 4) Many ________ __ come to Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum every day (visit) 5) We enjoyed the _______ __ atmosphere in Hanoi (peace) 6) Hanoi is not ___________ from Kuala Lumpur (difference) 7) The girls went to see _________ _ places in HCMC (fame) 8) The _______ __ language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia (nation) 9) In Malaysia, _______ __ is free (educate) 10) What is the main language of ________ _ at that school? (instruct) 11) He is a famous stamp __________ (collect) 12) He has a fine stamp ___________ (collect) 13) They ___________ me to their family to Hue last year (invitation) 14) It is an ___________ journey (interest) 15) He is ___________ in playing soccer (interest) 16) It was an ___________ day (enjoy) 17) She sings very ___________ (beautiful) 18) The accident happens because of driving ___________ (care) 19) You should ___________ for an hour (relaxation) 20) There is a ___________ lot near my house (park) 21) He is a strict _____________ (examine) 22) I want to ______________ (attendance) at course 23) This school has excellent _____________ (repute) 24) We often take part in many ______________ (culture) activities at school 25) If you want to _____________ (improvement) your English, we can help you 26) Please phone this number for more ______________ (inform) 27) I want to ______________ (advertisement) for selling my house 28) He is an _____________ (edition) of this newspaper 29) This book is not _____________ (avail) 30) He _____________ (exact) answered these questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> 31). I watch the news every day because it’s very ____________________. (INFORM). 32) The Internet is a very useful means of ____________________. (COMMUNICATE) 33). We can see many ____________________ on TV every day. (ADVERTISE). 34) They live in a _____________ area in the north-east of the country. (MOUNTAIN) 35) The local ____________________ are listed in the local newspaper. (ENTERTAIN) 36) She spoke so ____________________ that we couldn’t understand her. (QUICK) 37) You must be ______________________ when you open that door.(CARE) 38) We’re impressed by the ____________________ of your town’s people.(FRIEND) 39) Liverpool is an _____________________ city in the north of England.(INDUSTRY) 40) Is Buddhism the country’s __________________ religion of Thailand?(OFFICE) 41) When you take an exam, you are an ______________________. (EXAMINE) 42) Stop, Nam! It's ____________________ to be near the stove. (danger) 43) The glass pieces are dried____________________. (complete) 44) My elder brother studies hard this year in order to pass the __________ exam to the university. (enter) 45) Please confirm your__________ date and time if you want to come with us. (arrive) 46) Easter is a joyful festival which is __________________ in many countries in the world. (CELEBRATION) 47) People crowded the streets on ____ Day (NATION) to watch ____ parades (COLOR). 48). He is the most __________________ activist in the town. (EFFECT). 49). He is the _____________ and ____________ of his mother. (JOYFUL – PROUD). 50) Lunar New Year holiday is the most _______________celebration for Vietnamese people. (IMPORTANCE) 51) You must read the following ………………. Precaution carefully (safe) 52) You shouldn’t talk about her character only through her ………………..( appear) 53) She has cut herself and it’s …………………….quite badly (blood ) 54) The lecturer is giving us first- aid ……………………… ( instruct ) 55) A dog has bitten him . He needs an anti- tetanus………………….. ( inject ) 56) People use first –aid to ease the victim’s pain and …………………….( anxious) 57) Relax for some minutes and you will feel more …………………..( comfor) 58) The child should be punished because of his bad ………………………( behave ) 59) What is the correct ………………… …of this word ? ( pronoun ) 60) His parents are very ……………………..of him ( pride ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> 61) We’ve decided to interview the best six ……………………….for the job (apply) 62) Our main ……………. ……To export are rice , coffee and rubber ( produce ) 63) She was really ............................ by the beauty of Ha Noi capital (impress). 64) She made a deep ............................. on the members of her class (impress). 65) Their .............. …….made me happy. (friendly) 66) Many ...................... come to Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum everyday (visit). 67). We enjoyed the .................. ……..atmosphere in Ha Noi (peace).. 68) Ha Noi is not .................................. from Kuala Lumpur (difference). 69) The girls went to see ......................... ..places in HCM City (fame). 70) The ....................... …language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia (nation). 71). In Malaysia, .................... ………is free (educate).. 72) What is the main language of .................... ……..…at that school ? ( instruct) 73) Some young people today have a very strange ................................. (appear)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> Preparing day: sep 2nd, 2012 Teaching day: week 3/12/2012. ENGLISH TEST FOR SMART STUDENTS IN GRADE 9 DATE: December 3rd, 2012 TIME:90 minutes. --- No 2 --PART A: PRONUNCIATION – VOCABULARY – GRAMMAR I. CHOOSE THE WORDS WHOSE MAIN STRESS IS PLACE DIFFERENT STRESS FROM THE OTHERS. 1. A)baggy. B)poem. C)equal. D)unique. 2. A)sailor. B)tunic. C)inspire. D)student. 3. A)casual. B)consist. C)pattern. D)clothing. 4. A)poetry. B)modernize. C)fashionable. D)economic. 5. A)poet. B)symbol. C)sleeveless. D)constrain. 6. A)institute. B)scenery. C)regional. D)religious. 7. A)divide. B)improve. C)label. D)attend. 8. A)comic. B)cotton. C)practice. D)award. 9. A)order. B)publish. C)novel. D)design. C)gather. D)region. 10.A)champagn B)native e. II. CHOOSE THE WORDS THAT HAVE UNDERLINED PARTS PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THE OTHERS. 1. A)campus. B)candidate. C)award. D)examine. 2. A)exercise. B)persuade. C)detail. D)intermediate. 3. A) dormitory. B) edition. C)examine. D)terrible. 4. A)order. B)scholarship. C)oral. D)foreign. 5. A)scenery. B)advance. C)grocery. D)notice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> 6. A)hamburger. B)gather. C)grocery. D)exchange. 7. A)journey. B)mountain. C)house. D)hour. 8. A)itinerary. B)poetry. C)compulsory. D)supply. 9. A)sugar. B)subject. C)separate. D)simple. 10.A)bear. B)climb. C)embroider. D)symbol. III. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER 1) Gold ……….. in California in the nineteenth century. A)was. B)has been. C)were discovered. D)discovered. discovered discovered 2) I wanted …… by the head of the company, but it was impossible. A)to see B)to be seen 3) That’s Bob’s, …………. ?. C)seeing. D)being to see. A)is he B)isn’t he C)is it D)isn’t it 4) We went ……….. around America. A)hike B)hiking C)hikes D)hiked 5) He can run 100 meters ………… 11 seconds. A)in B)on C)at D)with 6) They live by ………. shellfish and snails. A)gather B)gathers C)gathered D)gathering 7) It would be nice to sit down and …….. for a while. A)rested B)resting C)rest D)make rest 8) The telephone and the doorbell rang ……. the same time. A)at B)in C)on D)no preposition 9) James lived with his parents ……… he was twenty-five. A)for B)from C)till D)through 10) It’s a nice day – let’s go ………. a picnic. A)have B)has C)in D)for 11) I wish Natasha ………. bring her children with hr tomorrow. A)could B)will C)can D) was going to 12) The park is open ……….. May through September. A)in B)on C)at D)from 13) If she finishes work early, she ……….. home. A)will go B)would go C)could go D)went 14) If the weather ………., we’ll go for a walk. A)clears B)will clear C)be clear D)cleared 15) Galileo said that the earth ………. Round. A)be B)is C)being D)were.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> 16) Fiona says that she is getting ……….. today. A)marry B)marrying C)marriage 17) I have started taking …………. at the community college A)classes B)periods C)hours 18) Greg ……….. me if I liked rock music. A)asked B)told C)said to 19) Sally told him ………… home early. A)come B)coming C)to come 20) Peter offered ……….. the dishes for her. A)washing B)to wash C)washed PART B: READING I.. D)married D)programs D)ordered D)comes D)about washing. Complete the text with given words (10ms) spent, flying, in, on, possible, by, more, were, leaves, interested, lots, got, important, can, are. The Browns live in the countryside. Last week when they came up to London, they (1) ……… their times in seeing as much as (2)….… . Mrs Brown was most interested in stores, especially in Oxford Street, and bought some of the things which she could not find in the shops in the countryside. Their two children, George and Susan who had never been to London before, were surprised (3)…..… the crowds everywhere. They enjoyed travelling on the underground and going down the moving stairs which lead to the platforms. One day they went to Hyde Park and walked along on the grass to Kensington Garden (4) ……… the bright autumn sunshine. It was very quiet here. Only the noise from the streets reminded them that they were still in a city. The (5)……… of the tall trees were turning red, brown and yellow, birds were (6)……… about, sheep (7)………… eating the grass, there were (8)………. of flowers, and ducks were swimming about on the Round Pond. George whose hobby was planes and boats, was very much (9)……… in the model boats which boys were sailing on the Pond. Before the end of the week they had seen a great deal. They hoped, however, to see (10) ………. of London on their next visit. II.. Reading the text and do the tasks A. Mark True (T) or False (F) (5ms). If you get on a bus or catch a train in Britain, especially during the morning or evening "rush hour", when most people: travel to and from work, you will see a lot of people with their heads in a newspaper. More daily newspapers, national and regional, are sold in Britain than in most other developed countries. A lot of people buy a morning paper, an evening paper and a couple of Sunday papers so it is not surprising to learn that national.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> newspapers have a circulation of 15.8 million copies on weekdays and 17.9 million on Sundays. Papers are generally divided into "quality" papers which are serious with long, informative articles, and "popular" papers known as tabloids, because of their, smaller size. Tabloids are less serious and contain more human interest stories than news. In 1980s a new quality paper, The Independent, and a new tabloid, Today, were introduced. Today had pictures and pages in color and that started a fashion: now most tabloids are in color. 1./British people read a lot of newspapers. 2./ People read more papers on Sundays. 3./People don't read newspapers on their way to work. 4./ The paper Today was the first to introduce color pictures. 5./ All papers are printed in black and white. B. Answer the questions (5ms) Education in England Every child in Great Britain between the age of five and fifteen must attend school. There are three main types of educational institutions: primary (elementary) schools, secondary schools and universities. State schools are free, and attendance is compulsory. Morning school begins at nine o'clock and lasts until half past four. School is open five days a week. On Saturdays and Sundays there are no lessons. There are holidays at Christmas, Easter and in summer. In London as in all cities there are two grades of state schools for those who will go to work at fifteen: primary schools for boys and girls between the ages of five and eleven, and secondary schools for children from eleven to fifteen years. The lessons are reading, writing, the English language, English literature, English history, geography, science, Nature study, drawing, painting, singing, woodwork and drill (physical training). 1. What are three main types of educational institutions? 2. What are the two grades of state schools for those who will go to work at fifteen? 3. What subjects do children study at school? 4. Are state schools free? 5. When do pupils have holidays? III. Give the correct forms or tenses of the verbs in the following reading (10ms) Personal computers, or PCs (1- be)………. an important part of our everyday lives. Many people cannot (2- imagine)…….. life without them. One of the most important people in (3-make)…………. these machines work is Bill Gates. Bill Gates (4- bear)……. in 1955 in Washington State. He (5-grow)….. up in a rich family: His parents sent him to a private school. There he met his business partner,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> Paul Allen. When they were in the eighth grade, they (6-write)……… programs for business computers and making money. In 1973, Gates was accepted at Harvard University. His parents were happy. They thought he (7-get)……… over his obsession with computers and become a lawyer like his father. Two years later, Gates dropped out of Harvard to work on a computer program with his friend Allen. They worked eighteen hours a day in a dormitory room at Rarvard. They were writing the program that would run one of the first personal computers. In 1975, they created a company called Microsoft (8-sell)…….. their product. Allen became ill with cancer and (9- leave)……. Microsoft in 1983. He recovered a few years later and started his own company. Meanwhile, Microsoft became a giant company. By 1990, at the age of thirty-four, Gates was the youngest billionaire in the history of the United States. He was the "King of Software". He achieved his success with a lot of hard work. For more than ten years, he (10-work)…….. sixteen-hour days, seven days a week. He had a dream and the will to succeed. By 1997, he was the richest man in the United States. PART C: WRITING I.. REWRITE THESE SENTENCES. 1. I’d like Bod to drive more rapidly .  I wish…………….……………………………………………….. 2. "What does your son want to learn?" the man said to Mr Linh.  The man ………………………………………………………….. 3. I would like you to help me put the chairs a way.  Do you mind................ ....................................................................... 4. Please don’t make any noise; I'm very tired.  I'd rather....... .................................................................................... 5. This is the best computer I have ever used.  I have never...................... ............................................................... 6. He hasn’t chatted with his classmates through the internet for ages..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span>  It's ages................................................................................ ..................... 7. We haven't seen her since we left university.  The last time............................ ............................................................ 8. Walking in the rain gives my brother pleasure.  My brother enjoys...................... .......................................................... 9. Minh began to collect stamps in 2000.  Minh has......................... ...................................................................... 10.Let's meet inside the center, at the cafe' corner  How....................................................................................................... II.. FIND AND CORRECT THE MISTAKES THAT ARE NOT CORRECT IN STANDARD ENGLISH IN THESE SENTENCES. 1. My thirteen-years-old daughter wishes she weren't so tall and that her hair A. B. C. were black and straight. D 2. I wish most world leaders would meet in the nearly future and reach A. B. C. D. some agreement on environmental issues. 3. Mary and Henry always goes out for a meal on their wedding A. B. C. D. anniversary. 4. Henry will be retiring from his job in two year's time. A. B. C. D. 5. I always enjoyed mathematics in high school since I decided to major A. B. C. D. it in college. 1. He was born on France, so he also has a French passport. A. B. C. D. 7. A tree had fallen across the road, so they had to turn around and gone.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> A. B. C. D. back. 8. Have you any comments to make at the recent developments? A. B. C. D. 9. On the next hour we shall be presenting news and comment from around A. B. C. D. the world. 10. The house is convenient located, about a mile from the shopping center. A. B. C. D. IV. WITH CUES GIVEN, WRITE A LETTER OF INQUIRY (about 100-130 words) TO THE INSTITUTION REQUESTING FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSES AND FEES (10ms)  I/ read/ center/ advertisement/ newspaper.  I/ interested/ learn English/ native/ so/ I/ would like/ more information/ your center. . English /not be/ pretty good..  I / speak / English / vocabulary /be/ poor /because /I not read/ writing/ be/ bad.  So/ I/ improve/ English/ skills/ speaking/ listening/ reading / writing. . Please/ send / information / program/ schedule / tuition fees.. . I /look/ hearing / you /.. ENGLISH TEST KEY FOR SMART STUDENTS IN GRADE 9 PART A: PRONUNCIATION – VOCABULARY – GRAMMAR I. CHOOSE THE WORDS WHOSE MAIN STRESS IS PLACE DIFFERENT STRESS FROM THE OTHERS (10ms) 1-d. 2-c. 3-b. 4-d. 5-d. 6-d. 7-c. 8-d. 9-d. 10-a. II. CHOOSE THE WORDS THAT HAVE UNDERLINED PARTS PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THE OTHERS(10ms) 1-c. 2-c. 3-d. 4-b. 5-a. 6-d. 7-a. 8-d. III. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER(10ms). 9-a. 10-b.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> 1-a. 2-b. 3-d. 4-b. 5-a. 6-d. 7-c. 8-a. 9-c. 10-d. 11-a 12-d 13-a 14-a 15-b 16-d 17-a 18-a 19-c 20-b PART B: READING IV.. Complete the text with given words (10ms). 1. spent. 2. possible 3. By. 4. in. 5. leaves. 6. flying. 7. were. 9. interested. 10. more. V.. 8. lots. Reading the text and do the tasks C. Mark True (T) or False (F) (5ms) 1T. 2T. 3F. 4F. 5F. D. Answer the questions (5ms) 1. Primary schools, secondary schools and universities 2. The two grades of state schools are primary schools and secondary schools. 3. Reading, writing, English language, English literature, English history, geography, science, nature study, drawing, painting, singing, woodwork and drill. 4. Yes, they are. 5. At Christmas, Easter and summer VI.. Give the correct forms of verbs I the following reading. 1. are. 2. imagine. 3. making. 4. was born 5. grew. 6. were writing. 7. would get. 8. To sell. 9.left. 10. Has worked. PART C: WRITING III.. REWRITE THESE SENTENCES (10ms). 11.I wish Bod drove more rapidly. 12.The man asked Mr Linh What his son wanted to learn. 13.Do you mind helping me put the chairs a way? 14.I'd rather you didn’t make any noise because I am tired. 15.I have never used such a good computer/ I have never used a better computer than this. 16.It's ages since he last chatted with his classmates through the internet. 17.The last time we saw her was when we left school..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> 18.My brother enjoys walking in the rain 19.Minh has collected stamps since 2000. 20.How about meeting inside the center, at the cafe' corner. IV.. FIND AND CORRECT THE MISTAKES THAT ARE NOT CORRECT IN STANDARD ENGLISH IN THESE SENTENCES 1 A thirteen-year-old 5 C  so 2 C in the near future 6 B  in France 3 B  go out for. 7 D  go back. 4 D  two year’s time 8 C  on 9 A  in V.. 10 A  is conveniently. WITH CUES GIVEN, WRITE A LETTER OF INQUIRY (about 100-130 words) TO THE INSTITUTION REQUESTING FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSES AND FEES (10ms) Suggestion. Dear Sir, I've just read your language center's advertisement on Tuoi Tre newspaper. I am very interested in learning English with native speakers. so I would like to get some more information about your center. My English is not pretty good. I can speak just a little English. My vocabulary is poor because I don't read much and my writing is bad. So I want to improve my English in all skills - speaking, listening, reading and writing - as well. Could you please send me more information about your program, schedule and tuition fees. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. yours Sincerely,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> Preparing day: sep 2nd, 2012 Teaching day: week 10/12/2012. REWRITE I / Make sentences with “I wish” based on the given situation 1. What a pity! You aren’t here with us now => …………………………………………..… 2. The naughty boys always draw on the wall => ………………………………………….…… 3. I’d like my father to give up smoking => ………………………………………….…… 4. He doesn’t help my mother with housework=> ………………………………………….…… 5. I can’t swim => ………………………………………….…… 6. I must go now => ………………………………………….… 7. He always goes to school late => ………………………………………….…… 8. My brother is too short to play basketball => ………………………………………….… 9. I don’t help enough money to help you => ………………………………………….…… 10. My friends often go on a camping trip without me => …………………………………… II / Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same 1. John smokes a lot a year ago, but now he doesn’t smoke any more → John used …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. It’s time for you to go to school → It’s time you …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Please keep silent in the classroom → I’d rather ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. I don’t like you to come to class late → I’d rather you ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. They often went to Vung tau at weekends → They used …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. I like playing soccer and that’s why I spend a lot of time on that game (S0) => …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11. Because the weather was cold, they had to cancel their picnic => ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12. They study very hard and that was why they passed the examination => ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13. They couldn’t help you because they were not here => ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14. I can't go out because it is raining => ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15. This book is interesting enough for me to read many times => ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16. This car is too old for me to buy => ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17. He is too young to go to school alone => ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18. You must be careful because he is very strict.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> => ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19. The test was so long that I couldn’t finish it in an hour => ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20. He often tells lies. Many people believe him. => ……………………………………………………………………………………. 21. She didn’t eat much. She was hungry. => ……………………………………………………………………………………. 22 He is over 60. He doesn’t wear glasses. => ……………………………………………………………………………………. 23. It got dark. They continued to work. => ……………………………………………………………………………………. 24. She can’t work hard because she is old (USE BECAUSE) => …………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………. 25. He likes her because she is beautiful => …………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………. 26. He couldn’t go to school because he was very poor => …………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………. 27. I can’t buy this bike because I don’t have enough money => …………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………. 28. He broke the vase because he was careless => …………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………. 29. He failed the exam because he didn’t learn the lesson carefully => …………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………. 30. We can’t go for a walk because it rains heavily => …………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………. 31. He left school because his life was hard => …………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………. 32. She was very happy because she was given a new bike => …………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………. 33. I went to bed early because I felt tired => …………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………. GIVE THE CORRECT VERB FORM 1. It took me two hours (do) _____ this work 2. When did you finish (paint) ____ the kitchen? 3. I began (learn) _____ English when I was seven 4. Some people like (have) ____ breakfast in bed, but I don’t 5. Don’t forget (post) ____ my letter! 6. What do you want (do) ____ tonight? 7. I love (listen) _____ to pop music 8. She continued (talk) ____ during the whole meal 9. They spent all morning (learn) _____ the lessons 10. I am fond of (go) _____ to the movie on Sundays 11. She must (start) _____the job as soon as possible 12. I stopped (read) _____my book and went to bed.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.. Let me (pay) _____ for the meal I asked my younger brother ( buy ) _____ some stamps Have you finished (write) _____that letter yet? They enjoyed ( play) _____football after school Tom used to (live) _____in the house at the end of this street What were you (do) _____ you do when I came to your office yesterday? She asked me whether I (buy) _______ ___ that car She asked him where he (be) _________ from They said that they (sell) _________ their house I asked them if they (pass) _________ the final exam I asked him if he (can) _________ help me She said to me that she______________ (sell) that car the following day He asked me where I (go) ______ __ the previous day The teacher asked her why she (not do) _________ the test I asked her if she (pass) _________ the final exam They asked him if he (must) _________ go then They used to ___________ swimming in the afternoon (go) He wishes he ___________ a doctor (be) Is lan used to ___________ to Maryam (write) I wish they ___________ here tomorrow (be) I would rather you ___________ the test well (do) It’s time we ___________ the bus (catch) he used to ___________ the cinema on the weekends (go) I wish they ___________ here next time (be) She would rather he __________ here on time (come) It’s time we ___________ (go) Tourists could see fish ( swim)………………… along the brook.. 40. We enjoy (swim)………………… along this river. 41. The form teacher has asked Jack (write) …………………an essay on the Thames. 42. It sometimes may be difficult (get)………………… a taxi during rush- hours. 43. The rain has made the children ( stop)………………… their games. 44. She tells the driver( take)…………………….. her to the railway station. 45. Does Mrs Green have them ( carry) ………………………those books back home? 46. The principal noticed those pupils (try)…………………….. harder and harder. 47. Children have just stopped ( play)……………………….. football. 48. They keep ( talk)…………………………… about an old friend they met yesterday. 49. Is Black Pool ( visit)…………………………. by thousands of tourists each year? 50. We heard Mr Brown ( park)……………………….. his car near the gate. 51. They’ve finished ( do)……………………………..their homework. 52. They had their house (paint)……………………….. before Tet holiday..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> 53. I advised him ( wait)………………………………. for me at the airport. 54. Would you mind ( help)……………………………. me with this work? 55. Do you smell something ( burn)………………….. in the kitchen? 56. Mother requests her daughter not ( come) ……………………back home late. 57. We shall have the grass ( cut)……………………. tomorrow. 58. They noticed lots of sheep( graze)……………………. in green meadows..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span>
