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Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov

Writing Skills

Compiled by Samvel Karapetyan

Yerevan – 2006
éợá 802.0
ảỉá 81.2 íãẫ
ả 874

ủòậớỏủớ ỡ. ủỏừởỏớầ íớí ồằùẽí
ẫằẵớàíẽí ẹẫởủíầ ãầùẽí ậỏủẹủạầ, ộỏíãằủ-
íẽí ẫằẵỏừíằủầ ýẽỏừẫùằùầ ậỏủẹủạầ ă íãẫằủằíầ
ùằởỏừí àầỏíầ ẽỏếầú:

ả 874 ảủớỏủ ậỏởựầ ẹùỏừỏừííằủầ ẵủãúí ểằộíủẽ -

Writing Skills
A textbook for students of Yerevan State
Linguistic University after V. Brusov. ẻẵỏế` ờớằẫ
ẻủồằùí, -ủ.: ĐẩầíãớƯ, 2006, 103 ỗ:

2006. ảỉá 81.2 íãẫ
0134(01) - 2006

ISBN 99930-79 -74 -x â
ĐẩầíãớƯ, 2006.

ộỗủẽớ ểằộíủẽầ íỏừằủ ớằủỗầí ằủằự ùủầíằủầ
íúựỏừ ỷãùãỏủớằẫ ằí ằủủỏủạ ẽỏừủởỏừ` Đảủớỏủ ậỏởựƯ
ộủẽầ ạởớíạí íẽ: áởậỏởíằủầ ă ỏừởíỏế-
íằủầ ạầùỏếỏừỏừííằủí ỏừ ộỗủẽỏừỏừííằủ ẹòớầ ộíằẫỏớ`
ạủíự ớằủòẽớằẫ ằí ă íằủẽúớ ằí ùớẫ ểằộíủ-
ẽỏừ: í àếẽú ầí ạởằủầú, ỏủỏíúầú ỏừủựíóỏừủí ỏừ-
íầ ằủằự àầí:

ộỗầí àíỏừ ẵằùằếớ ằí íãẫằủằíầ ỏừếếãủỏừ-
í ớằủàằủớỏế íỏừằủ:
ủẽủỏủạ àíỏừ íằủẽúớ ằí íậạởỏừí ở
ẽ í íạí ớằẫầ ủùẹùóẽí ạủểíằẫỏừ ầỗỏúíằủ,
ồủẵ íậạởỏừỏừííằủ ầủủ ẽồẽúằẫỏừ ểăằủ, í-
ớủù íậạởỏừỏừííằủ ùủàằủẽằẫỏừ ẽíỏííằủ, ỏừủầòầ
ậỏởự ớằủồùằẫỏừ ă ằỗàằủằẫỏừ ẹùỏừỏừííằủ:
ủủỏủạ àíỏừ ẵằùằếớ ùằởẽí ă ãỏủíẽí íỏừ-
ằủ ẽỷãíằí ỏừởíỏếíằủầí ẵủãúíằẫ ữỏậạủỏừỏừí, ẽủì
ồùớự, íẽủãủỏừỏừí, òủạủỏừỏừí ãủằẫỏừ ỏừíẽỏừ-
ềằộíủẽầ àỏẫỏủ àầííằủ ẹãằú ằí àẵầớ ẵ-
íẵí ớủỏừỏừííằủỏớ ă ộỗạủíựíằủỏớ, ầởẽ ãủựầ ớằủ-
ỗỏừ íằủẽúớ ẹớằẫẫ íỏừằủ ẽủỏế ằí ỷãùãỏủớằẫ
ạởớíạí íúựỏừ ởù íồùẽẹủủỏừí:


Lesson 1. Section 1. Spelling: English Syllables…………………….... 5
Section 2. Sentence Structure. Emphasis in Writing.
Variations in sentence openings…………….……………...…

Section 3. Writing Practice. Reproduction Writing …………. 12
Lesson 2. Section 1. Spelling: Consonant Doubling…………….……. 15
Section 2. Sentence Structure. Emphasis in Writing………… 19

Section 3. Writing Practice. Unfinished Stories……………... 21
Lesson 3. Section 1. Spelling: Mute Final e.Final –y and its
Modifications. Diagraphs -ei- and -ie-…….…………...……


Section 2. Sentence Structure. Emphasis in Writing
Inversion. Cleft Sentences………………………..…..….……

Section 3. Writing Practice. Unfinished Stories ………..……. 30
Lesson 4. Section 1. Spelling: Silent Consonants……………...……… 31
Section 2. Sentence Structure. Parallel structures.
Appositives. Absolute participial construction ………………

Section 3. Writing Practice.Composition Technique.
Description ………………..………………………………….
Lesson 5. Section 1. Spelling: Diagraphs -gu-, -qu-, -ch-, -ph-…...….. 43
Section 2. Sentence Structure………….…………………..… 49
Section 3. Writing Practice.Composition Technique.
Character Sketch …………………..…………………………

Lesson 6. Section 1. Spelling: Suffixes -en, -ness, -er, -or ………...…. 55
Section 2. Sentence Structure. Sentence Fragments …...……. 58
Section 3. Writing Practice.Composition Technique.
Character Setting …………………………………..………...

Lesson 7. Section 1. Spelling: Suffixes -able, -ible, -ant, ance, -ent,
-ence, -ency…………………………………………….……...

Section 2. Paragraph Structure…….…………………………. 69
Section 3. Writing Practice.Composition Writing…...…...….. 72
Lesson 8. Section 1. Spelling: Suffixes -ous, -eous, -ious, -uous.
Prefixes en-, in-, de-, dis-……………………………….…….

Section 2. Paraphrase: Write it in your Own Words ………… 80
Section 3. Writing Practice.Composition Writing……..…….. 83
Lesson 9. Section 1. Spelling: Homophones …………………...……... 85
Section 2. Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing ……….. 90
Section 3. Writing Practice.Composition Writing…………… 93
Supplementary Material……………………..….………………….... 96

Lesson 1

Section 1. Spelling: English Syllables

A. The First Type of Syllable.

Vowel letters in English are
pronounced according to their position in the word, i.e. according to

the type of syllable they form. Traditionally there are four types of
syllables. The first, the open syllable, may consist of:
1. consonant + vowel: go, me, by;
2. consonant + vowel + consonant (except r) + silent e: take,
Pete, like, tone, tune;
In the open syllable the pronunciation of vowel letters (except
y) coincides with their alphabetical definition: a /ei/, e /i:/, i and y
/ai/, o /ou/, u /ju:/; however, these same sounds may be represented
by other means, i.e. other combinations of letters, and in different
/ei/ represented by a) ai (in the middle of the word) or ay
(when final): main, rain, may, ray; b) ea: break, great, steak; c)
eigh: neighbour, weigh, freight; d) a followed by nge, ste: range,
strange, haste, paste; e) ei (in the middle of the word) or ey (when
final): veil, vein, grey, prey;
/i:/ represented by a) ee: sleep, meet, keep; b) ea: sea, leaf,
lean; c) ie: chief, brief, belief; d) ei: receive, perceive, seize;
/ai/ represented by a) i before mb, nd, ld: mind, mild, kind,
climb, child; b) igh: sigh, night, playwright; c) uy: buy, guy;
/ou/ represented by a) oa: coat, toast, road; b) o before
ld, st:
cold, told, post, ghost; c) ou: shoulder, poultry, soul; d) ow: know,
sow, low; also remember: sew.
/ju:/ or /u:/ represented by ui: suit, bruise, cruise; /ju:/
represented by a) ew: new, few, dew; b) eu: neutral, pneumonic; /u:/
represented by oo: soon, pool, tool;

Exercise 1. Write the following words in spelling. If there are two ways of
expressing the vowel sound, give both variants, translating the words into

