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Writing skill of the 11th form 01

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>TASK: Write a passage in about 150 - 200 words to describe about... 01. " What, in your opinion, are the best qualities for true friendship?" Notes: Make sentences about qualities of true friendship, using the following verbs and expressions * Some transitional words: Firstly, secondly, thirdly, furthermore, moreover, in addition, additionally, besides, etc * Some suggested qualities - trust - unselfishness - loyalty - constancy - a good sense of humor - generosity - sincerity - sympathy - honesty... * Suggested writing Friends are a necessity in every child’s life. They are there to comfort, to laugh with, and to create wonderful memories. Friendship is being there for someone when they need you, and to have a common bond to have the freedom of hanging out with each other and to be comfortable around each other. The main ideas of friendship are honesty and trust, caring and having similarities. Without honesty and trust, friendship wouldn’t last very long. The definition of honesty is “quality and condition of being honest, integrity”. Friendship would be held up by honesty. Trust is another important thing that relates to honesty, your friends really need to trust you. In addition, you need to care for your friends so the relationship will last. The definition for caring is to be concerned or interested for others. An example of care is being there when someone really need you like during a bad situation. You should also be supportive of your friends. Thirdly, similarities in friendship will make the bond grow. The definition of similarities is the quality or condition of being alike, resemblance. For example, two friends like the same kind of music. Similarities in interests are things like a couple of friends liking the same thing like music, hobbies and many other things. It would help by making them want to do more things together. Good friends will always use honesty and trust, caring and support, and similarities in interest if they want their friendship to last. 02. Write a letter (of about 120 words) to your pen pal telling him/her about one of your most memorable past experiences Your letter should include the following main points: - what the experience was..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - when it happened. - where it happened. - how it happened. - who were involved. - how the experience affected you. * Use the simple past tense or the past continuous tense to retell a past experience. * Suggested writing Quynh Nhai, August 2nd 2012 Dear Lan, How have you been doing? Have you got any plan for the coming school break? Perhaps I will go to see my grandparents in the countryside. I haven’t seen them since my last school holiday. Let me tell you about my last summer vacation at my grandparents’. It was almost a year ago and was one of my most unforgettable experiences. My grandparents live in a small village in Quynh Nhai. There is a large river at the back of their house where I often go swimming every afternoon when I spend my vacation with them. One day when I was swimming with some of my friends, I suddenly caught a cold. I felt so dizzy and was too weak to continue swimming, so I started to sink. I thought I was going to drown but I couldn’t call out for help because I was too tired and terrified. Luckily, one of my friends saw that and shouted for help. Immediately, another friend who swims the best among us swam towards me and tried to pull me up. Then other friends swam towards us to help him push me in.. My life was finally saved. Now recalling the moment I thought I was going to die, I understand how precious life is. This event definitely taught me to appreciate my life. What about you? Have you got any unforgettable holiday that you would like to share with me? See you soon. Cam Nhung 03. Write a letter of invitation, using the following cues Dear Huong, 1. How/ things/ get on/ you?. I am fine here. 2. your family/ move/ IPO/ ,/ things/ not/ same/ here. 3. I/ enjoy/ things/ we/ do together. 4. Anyhow, holidays/ be about/ begin 5. Would you like/ come over/ my house/ short stay? 6. We/ spend/ time/ beach again/ swimming, catching crabs,etc. 7. My parents/ say/ they/ glad/ see you. 8. Let/ me/ know/ whether/ you/ make it. 9. I/ look forward/ reply..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Your friend, Hung * Suggested writing Dear Huong, How are things getting on with you? I am fine here. Since your family moved to IPO, things are not the same here. I really enjoyed the things we did together. Anyhow, the holidays are about to begin. Would you like to come over to my house for a short stay? We could spend some time on the beach again, swimming, catching crabs, etc. My parents say that they will be glad to see you. Do let me know whether you can make it or not. I look forward to your reply. Your friend, Hung 04. Write a letter expressing gratitude " ou are the executive director of Doctors Without Borders. Your organization has Y won the Nobel Peace Prize. You are writing a thank-you letter to donors" 17 Fountain Road Candleberry 25th April, 2004 Dear Alan Sharpe: Two wonderful things happened this month. We received your donation to our meningitis campaign. And we received the Nobel Peace Prize for humanitarian assistance. We received this award because of supporters like you. It's ours together. The Nobel Peace Prize is shared by the millions of people who support the work and principles of Doctors Without Borders. It's shared by the people who make the right to humanitarian assistance a reality. People like you. So thank you for your donation. With your support, we can now respond quickly and effectively to meningitis epidemics. Even the best doctors cannot prevent meningitis without vaccinations. So thank you for your timely gift. Doctors Without Borders operates only with the continued support of partners like you. That's why I'd like you to consider joining our monthly giving program, P " artners Without Borders." As a member of Partners Without Borders, you help our volunteer physicians provide vital medical help anywhere, anytime. You also help us keep our administrative costs to a minimum. Every dollar we save is a dollar that we can use to fund our medical projects. Giving every month is more convenient for you. You make small donations on a regular basis instead of a larger donation all at once. Our being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize is international confirmation of the fundamental right of ordinary people to humanitarian assistance and protection..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Please join Partners Without Borders today. Simply complete the form below. And thank you again for your support. Sincerely, [signature] David Morley Executive Director.

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