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de kiem tra tieng anh lop 4

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Bat Trang Primary School Full name:................................................ Class: 4....... THE FIRST FINAL TEST Grade 4- School year: 2011- 2012 Time allowance: 40 minutes. Teacher’s remark:_________________________. I.. Tick () the words you hear. (1pt). II.. 1.. Vietnam. Singapore. Thailand. 2.. September. October. December. 3.. Friday. Tuesday. Saturday. 4.. Maths. March. Maps. Circle the odd one out. (1.5pts). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.. A. Dance A. May A. Music A. Monday A. Study A. Vietnam. B. Swim B. Apple B. Art B. Wednesday B. Ten B. English. C. Speak C. June C. Subject C. Play C. Eleven C. America. D. Song D. July D. Science D. Sunday D. Twelve D. Japan. III. Write the words or phrases for each picture. (1pt). draw a picture. 1. _________. 2. _________. 3. __________. 4. _________. IV. Choose the best option (1.5 pts). 1. Where is ………… from? A. he. B. we. C. you. D. they. 2. Can you ride a bike? ~ ……………. A. Yes, please.. B. Yes, I can.. C. No, I don’t.. 3. When is your birthday? ~ It’s ………… November. A. on. B. in. C. at. D. from. D. No, thanks..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 4. Would you like an ………….? A. banana. B. candy. C. apple. D. milk. 5. ………….. do you have English? ~ Tuesday and Thursday A. What. B. Where. C. When. D. How. 6. I have Art …………. Monday and Friday. A. on. B. in. C. at. D. from. V. Read and answer the following questions. (2.5 pts). Hello, everyone. This is my friend, Tom. He is from America. He’s ten years old. His birhtday is in May. He can play sports well and he likes to play football with his friends because it’s interesting. He also can sing songs and draw pictures but he can’t swim and play the piano. Today he has Informatics, Art and Science. He likes Maths the most because he likes to learn about numbers. 1. Where is Tom from? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. What can he do? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Does he like to play football? Why or why not? …………………………………………………………………………………………….... 4. What subjects does he have today? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. What subjects does he like the most? Why? ………………………………………………………………………………………………. VI.Reorder the sentences (2.5 pts) 1. you/ Would/ some/ like/ water/ ?/ …………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Maths/ favourite/ are/ My/ English/ subjects/ and/ ./ …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. birthday/ her/ is/ When? …………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. are/ on/ eleven/ There/ desk/ notebooks/ the/ ./ …………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. can/ They/ draw/ basketball/ and/ play/ ./ …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Have a good Test!.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> The Answer Key For The First Final Test (Grade 4) I. Tick () the words you hear. (1pt). (Each correct sentence gets 0, 25 pt) 1. Singapore 2. December 3. Friday. 4. Maps. II. Circle the odd one out. (1.5 pts) (Each correct option gets 0.25 pt) 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B III. Write the words or phrases for each picture. (1 pt) (Each correct option gets 0.25 pt) 1. sing songs/ sing a song/ sing 2. Pen 3. Swim/ swimming 4. Play football. IV. Choose the best option (1.5 pts). (Each correct option gets 0.25 pt) 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. A. V. Read and answer the following questions. (2.5 pts). (Each correct option gets 0.5 pt) 1. He’s from America. 2. He can play sports, sing songs and draw pictures. 3. Yes, he does. Because it’s interesting. 4. He has Informatics, Art and Science. 5. He likes Maths the most because he likes to learn about numbers.. VI.. Reorder the sentences (2.5 pts) (Each correct option gets 0.5 pt) 1. Would you like some water? 2. My favourite subjects are Maths and English. 3. When is her birthday? 4. There are eleven notebooks on the desk. 5. They can draw and play basketball.. Listen: 1. A: Where are you from? B: I’m from Singapore. 2. My birthdayis in December. 3. I have Vietnamese on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 4. These are four maps on wall. THE END.

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