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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week:22 / Period:61 Total:. Date of planning: 16/01/2013 Date of teaching: 18/01/2013. Unit 10: RECYCLING Getting started + listen and read I. Objectives: - Introduce the theme of the lesson about reducing, reusing, and recycling. - Find out pupils knowledge about saving natural resources and recycling used things. II Preparation - Radio + tape. - A sub-board written on all questions in exercise 2 III. Procedure: Teacher’s and Students’Activities 1. Warm up: - Ask pupils to say about the pollution of the garbage and the way of reducing the amount of garbage we produce. - Guides pupils how to do this exercise. - Teacher reads all provided words and gets pupils to repeat. - Gets pupils to work in pairs to say. - Teacher listens and checks.. 2. Present. - Teacher introduces the situation of the dialogue. - Teacher reads first and gets pupils to give out new words. - Guides pupils to give out the use and meaning of them. - Teacher reads first and gets pupils to listen. - Gets pupils to listen again then repeat (twice). - Gets pupils to read in silent and the one by one reads loudly. - Checks pupils reading. - Teacher gives out the sentence, explains and gets pupils to give out the form.. The Content + Pollute the air + Pollute the water + Pollute the emrrenment. Ⓐ. Getting started. 1. Instead of (pre) thay thế 2. Wrap (v) gói, bọc 3. Fertilizer (n) phân hoá học 4. Matter (n) chất A- I think we should use tree leaves to wrap things. B- OK. And we should use used papers to make tofs. etc... Ⓑ. Listen and read. I. New wards. 1. Reduce (a) cắt giảm 2. Reuse dùng lại 3. Recycle (a) tái chế 4. Over packaged (v) >< liên hệ, liên lạc 5. Contact 6. Throw-threw-thrown ném II. Grammar. + It is not difficult to remember + I am happy to meet you again. + I am pleased that you want to know more. * S + tobe + adj + (not) to + Vin + O.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 3. Practice. - Teacher turns on the tape and gets pupils to listen carefully (Twice) - Gets pupils to read in silent in 3 minutes and then work in groups of four to read loudly. - Checks pupils reading. - Gets pupils to work in groups to translate in 3 minutes. - Gets one group to translate loudly. - Teacher hangs on the sub-board and guides pupils to answer the questions. - Gets pupils to work in pairs to ask and answer questions. - Teacher writes the main points of the answer on board.. * S + tobe + adj + noun clause. S+V+O III. Practice. ① Practice the dialogue with a partner. One of you is Miss Blake. The other plays the soles of Ba, Hoa and Lan. ② Answer. a) Reduce means not buying products, which are over packaged. b) We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles and old plastic bags. c) Recycle means not just throwing things away. Try and find another use for them. d) Having a contact with an organization like Friends of the Earth going to the local library or asking our family and friends. e) Because it is difficult to disintegrate (phân huỷ). 4. Further practice. - Gets pupils to take note all new words. - Gets pupils to take note the use and meaning of the form. - Gets pupils to take note the way of reducing the amount of garbage reduce, recycle, reuse. 5. Home work: - Learn by heart all new words and forms. - Read + translate and answer questions again. - Prepare part: speak. ______________________________________________________ Week: 22/ Period:62 Total:. Date of planning: 17/01/2013 Date of teaching: 19/01/2013.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Unit 10: RECYCLING Speak I. Objectives: - Helps pupils to practice speaking skill: give out instructions to do something. II Preparation - Some real things about garbage's. - Radio + tape III. Procedure: Teacher’s and Students’Activities 1. Warm up:. The Contents - What should we do to reduce the garbage. - Teacher asks pupils some free questions we produce every day? to introduce the situation of the lesson.. - Why do we need to classify these things? - Reuse and recycle.. 2. Prepare: - Teacher introduces some new words.. I. Grammar:. - Guides pupils to give out the use and 1 Metal. (n) kim loại. meaning of them. (n) sợi, vải. .. Fabric. 2 Leather - Teacher reads first and gets pupils to .. Belong. (n) da (v) thuộc về. listen.. 3 Compost. (n) phân xanh. - Gets pupils to listen again and repeat.. .. (v) bón phân. - Checks pupils reading.. 4. 3. While:. .. Fertilize. - Gets pupils to work in groups to classify 5 these real things. . 6. - Gets pupils to give out the answer teacher . corrects. II. Speak:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - Teacher guides pupils how to exercises.. * Which groups each items belong to?. - Teacher reads 2 dialogues and gets pupils - Paper: paper, old/used newspapers books, to repeat.. boxes.... - Gets pupils to work in pairs to do - Glass: bottles, glasses, jars... exercises in 4'. - Plastic: bags, bottle, wares... - Metal: food cans, drinking cans... - Vegetables matter: fruit peels,. - Gets some pairs to talk loudly before vegetables... class.. - Fabric: clothes, pieces of materials.... - Teacher listens and corrects.. - Leather: shoes, sandals, school bags.... - Teacher introduces the theme of the P1: Which group do "newspapers" lesson.. belong to?. - Teacher introduces some new words.. P2: Put them in "paper". - Guides pupils to give out the use and. P1: What can we do with them. meaning of them.. P2: We can recycle them and make new. - Teacher reads first and gets pupils to. paper or use them to wrap things.. listen. - Gets pupils to listen again then repeat. P3: Which group do bottles belong to?. - Checks pupils reading.. P4: Put them in "glass". 4. Post:. P3: What can we do with them?. - Get pupils to take note all new words and P4: We can recycle them and make new the groups of things.. glass things. etc.... 5. Home work: - Learn by heart all new words - Do exercise 1+2 +3 (59) in WB - Prepare part: Listen Week: 23/ Period:63 Total:. Date of planning: 19/01/2013 Date of teaching: 21/01/2013. Unit 10: RECYCLING Listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> I. Objectives: - Helps pupils to practice listening comprehension skill: Listen and match main information to check the correct answer. II Preparation - Some real things about garbage's. - Radio + tape III. Procedure: Teacher’s and Students’Activities 1. Warm up:. The Contents - What should we do to reduce the garbage. - Teacher asks pupils some free questions we produce every day? to introduce the situation of the lesson.. - Why do we need to classify these things? - Reuse and recycle.. 2. Prepare:. I. Grammar:. - Teacher introduces some new words.. 1 Metal. (n) kim loại. .. (n) sợi, vải. - Guides pupils to give out the use and. Fabric. meaning of them 2 Leather - Teacher reads first and gets pupils to . listen.. Belong. (n) da (v) thuộc về. 3 Compost. (n) phân xanh. .. (v) bón phân. - Gets pupils to listen again and repeat. - Checks pupils reading.. 4 3. While:. .. - Teacher introduces the theme of the lesson. - Teacher introduces some new words. - Guides pupils to give out the use and meaning of them.. 5 . 6. Fertilize.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> . - Teacher reads first and gets pupils to II. Listen.. listen. - Gets pupils to listen again then repeat - Gets pupils to read part "listen" and guess the answer. - Teacher turns on the tape and gets pupils to listen carefully (once) - Gets pupils to listen again and check the answer. (3 times) - Gets pupils to listen again and check the. 1. Grain. (n) hạt. 2. Heap. (n) đống. 3. Shade. (n) bóng râm. 4. Egg shell. (n) vỏ trứng. 5. Rat. (n) chuột. 6. Sunlight. (n) ánh nắng. 7. Shovel. (n) cái xẻng. 8. Moisture. (n) hơi ẩm, nước đọng lại. 9. Condensatio (n) sự hoà đặc (chất lỏng) n. answer. - Teacher gives out the correct answer.. * Listen. Check (v) the correct answer. a) What type of garbage can you put in the compost? A All vegetable matter.. 4. Post: - Get pupils to take note all new words and the groups of things.. b) Where is the best place for a compost heap? B- a place that gets sun and shade. c) Should you water the compost? B- No d) How long does it take before you can use the compost? B- six months.. 5. Home work: - Learn by heart all new words - Do exercise 1+2 +3 (59) in WB - Prepare part: Read Week:23 / Period: 64 Total:. Date of planning: 22/01/2013 Date of teaching: 25/01/2013. Unit 10: RECYCLING.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Read I. Objectives: - Helps pupils to practice reading comprehension skill: read and answer all questions and complete the sentences to make a list of recycled things. II Preparation - A sub-board written exercises 2 III. Procedure: Teacher’s and Students’Activities 1. Warm up: - Teacher introduces the lesson. - Gets pupils to read through the newspaper and master the title of it. - Ask pupils some free questions. 2. Prepare: - Teacher reads first and gets pupils to give out new words. - Guides pupils to give out the use and meaning of them. - Teacher reads first and gets pupils to listen carefully. - Gets pupils to listen again then repeat. - Gets pupils to read in silent in 1 minute and then one by one to read loudly. - Checks pupils reading. - Teacher gives out examples, explains and introduces the passive form. - Gets pupils to take note how to change sentences into passive form. - Gets pupils to take note the form of "verb" and "tobe". - Gets pupils to take note all model verbs: can, could, may, might, must, would, should, will, shall.. The Content + Read a newspaper of the green gazette about recycling facts. - What do people do with used things (cas tires, bottles, glass drink cans, compost). - What can they make from them? etc... I. New words: 1. Car tire (n) lốp xe 2. Pipe (n) ống nước 3. Floor covering (v) tấm trải nền nhà 4. Refill (v) làm đầy/đổ đầy 5. Melt (n) nấu chảy 6. Glassware (n) đồ thuỷ tinh 7. Deposit (n) tiền đặt cọc 8. Dung (n) phân thú vật 9. Share (v) chia sẻ 10 Household and chất thải trong nhà garden waste và ngoài vườn II. Grammar: - Millions of old car tires are thrown away every year by people.  People throw millions of old car tires away every year S + Vin/Vs, es + O1 + (O2) S + am, is, are + Ved/V3 + (O) (by O)  Simple present - People can recycle tires. S can Vin O - Tires can bi recycled by people. S can be Ved/V3 by O S + can + Vin + O1 + (O2) S + can + be + Ved/V3 + (O) (by O)  Modal verb. III. Practice: ① Answer:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 3. While: - Teacher reads first and gets pupils to listen carefully. - Gets pupils to read in silent and then one by one reads loudly. - Gets some pupils to read (in silent) loudly before the class. - Checks pupils reading. - Teacher hangs on the sub-board written on all questions in exercise 1 and guides pupils to answer. - Lets pupils work in groups to answer questions. - Gets pupils to work in pairs to ask and answer questions. - Teacher writes the main part of the answer on board. - Guides pupils how to do this exercises. - Teacher divides class into 6 groups and each group does complete a sentence in 1 minutes. - Gets pupils to give out the answer and fill into sentence on sub-board. - Teacher checks and corrects. 4. Post: - Gets pupils to take note all new words and forms. - Gets pupils to do more exercises about passive forms.. a) People clean and refill empty milk bottles. b) The glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware. c) The Oregon government made a new law that there must be a deposit on all drink cans. The deposit is returned when people bring the cans back for recycling. d) Compost is made from household and garden waste. e) If we have a recycling store to share we can call or fax the magazine at 5265456. ② Complete: 1. Car tires are recycled to make pipes and floor coverings. 2. Milk bottles are cleaned and refilled 3. Glass is broken up, melted and made into glassware. 4. Drink cans are brought back for recycling. 5. Household and garden waste is made into compost. a) He plants that tree in the garden  That tree is planted in the garden b) They can clean the floor quickly.  The floor can be cleaned quickly. c) We brush our teeth every day.  Our teeth are brushed (by us) everyday. etc.... 5. Home work: - Learn by heart all new words + forms. - Read + translate fluently. - Redo exercise 2. - Prepare part ' Write ". __________________________________________________________ Week: 23/ Period:65 Date of planning: 24/01/2013 Total: Date of teaching: 26/01/2013. Unit 10: RECYCLING Write.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> I. Objectives: - Helps pupils to practice writing skill: Write the guiding and recycling instructions. II Preparation - A sub-board written on exercise 1. - Color pictures about exercise 2. III. Procedure: Teacher’s and Students’Activities. The Contents. 1. Warm up: - Teacher introduces the theme of the - The way how to recycle used paper and lesson. use used tea leaves to keep mosquitoes away. 2. Prepare: I. New words. - Teacher introduces some new words. 1. Soak (v) làm thấm ướt, ngâm - Teacher reads first and gets pupils to give 2. Mix (v) trộn out the use and meaning of them. 3. Dry (v) phơi khô - Teacher reads first and gets pupils to 4. Press (v) ép, ấn, đề listen carefully. 5. Bucket (n) thùng, sô - Gets pupils to listen and repeat. 6. Overnight (adv) qua đêm - Checks pupils' reading. 7. Mash (v) nghiền, bóp nát 8. Wire mash (n) lưới sắt 9. Mixture (n) hỗn hợp 3. While: 10. Scatter (n) rải, sắc - Teacher guides pupils how to do this 11. Tray (n) khay, mâm exercise. - Teacher reads all provided words and gets pupils to say again the use and II. Write. meaning of them. ① Complete the recycling instruction: - Gets pupils to work in groups to complete 1- Use sentences in 3 minutes. 2- Mix - Gets pupils to give out the answer, 3- place teacher corrects. 4- Press - Gets some pupils to read loudly the 5- Wrap completed the paragraph. 6- Wait 7- Dry - Teacher hangs color pictures on and guides pupils how to do this exercise. - Teacher reads all provided words and gets pupils to give out the use and meaning of them. - Gets pupils to do alone to write completed sentences (in 5') - Gets some pupils to do chalkboard others remark.. ② Make instructions: a) Take the used tealeaves from the teapot. b) Scatter the tealeaves on a tray. c) Dry the leaves in the sun. d) Put the dry leaves in a pot for future use..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> - Teacher checks and corrects. 4. Post: - Gets pupils to take note all new words. - Gets pupils to take note all new words and the way of writing the instructions. - Gets pupils say again the form of passive vase then change them into passive. a) The used tealeaves are taken from the tea-pot. b) The tealeaves are scattered on a tray. c) The leaves are dried in the sun. d) The dry leaves are put in a pot for. sentences.. future use 5. Homework: - Learn by heart all new words revise the form of passive voice. - Redo exercise 2 - Prepare part " Language focus ". ______________________________________________________. Week:24 / Period: 66 Total:. Date of planning: 26/01/2013 Date of teaching: 28/01/2013. Unit 10: RECYCLING Language focus I. Objectives: Helps pupils to revise all knowledges in unit 10, apply to do all exercises well. II Preparation - A color picture about exercise 1. - A sub-board written on sentences in exercise 1 III. Procedure:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Teacher’s and Students’Activities The Contents 1. Warm up: Passive voice - Teacher can ask pupils to say how to P1: Simple present. recycle glass. S + Vin/Vs, es + O1 + (O2) - Gets 2 pupils to go board one writes the S + am, is, are + Ved/V3 + (O) + (by O) form of simple present, one writes the P1: Simple present = Modal verbs modal verb. S + will + Vin + O1 + (O2) S + will + be + Ved/V3 + O (byo) 2. Practice: I. New words. - Teacher introduces some new words. 1 Specific (a) riêng biệt, đặc trưng - Teacher reads first and guides pupils to . Chemical (n) hoá chất give out the use and meaning of them. 2 Dip (v) nhúng, ấn chìm xuống - Teacher reads first and gets pupils to . Intend (v) dụ địch listen carefully. 3 Project (n) dự án . Relieve (v) làm hài lòng, làm yên - Gets pupils to listen again then repeat. 4 tâm . Confirm (v) xác nhận, chứng thực - Checks pupils reading. 5 - Guides pupils how to do this exercise. . - Teacher writes the example on board and 6 explains it. . - Gets pupils to take note the form. - Teacher hangs on the sub-board written 7 on all sentences and guides pupils to do. . II. Exercises. ① Rewrite sentence + Put the picture in the - Gets pupils to do alone in 3 minutes then correct order. checks their answer with each other's. Example: - Gets some pupils to do chalkboard. Break the glass into small piece. - Teacher corrects. = They break the glass..... - Teacher hangs on the color picture and  The glass is broken into small piece. gets pupils to put them in the correct order. b) The glass is washed with a detergent - Teacher gives out the correct answer. liquid. c) The glass pieces are dried completely. - Teacher guides pupils how to do this d) They are mixed with certain specific exercise. chemicals. - Gets pupils to work in pairs to complete e) The mixture is melted until it becomes a sentences. liquid. - Gets pupils to give out the answer. f) A long pipe is used, is dipped into the - Teacher corrects. liquid then blown into intended shape. - Teacher explains the request of exercise. 1-4-3-5-2-6 - Gets pupils to say again the form. ② Complete, use the correct form of the - Teacher reads all provided words first verbs. and gets pupils to say again the meaning of 1 Will be shown them. . Will it be built - Gets pupils to do in pairs in 2'. 2 Will be finished.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> - Gets some pairs to speak the completed sentences. - Teacher corrects - Guides pupils how to do this exercises. - Teacher reads all provided words and gets pupils to repeat. - Gets pupils to say again the use and meaning of them. - Gets pupils to work in groups to complete the sentences in 3' - Gets pupils to give out the answer, teacher corrects. - Gets pupils to read completed letter. 3. Further Practice: - Teacher give out some other sentences and gets pupils to apply to change sentences into passive forms. - Gets pupils to do alone, some pupils to do chalkboard, others do oral. - Teacher corrects. 4. Consolidate: - Gets pupils to take note all new words and forms.. . Will it made 3 . 4 . ③ Complete the dialogues. to + Vin + O S + tobe + adj + that clause. 1 Easy to understand . Hard to believe 2 Dangerous to go . Important to wait. 3 . 4 . ④ Complete the letter. Use the correct forms of the verb "be" and the adjectives in the box. 1 Was happy . Am relieved 2 Are you sure....? . Am afraid 3 . 4 . 1. Lan throws those bottles away  Those bottles are thrown away. 2. They grow vegetables in the garden.  Vegetables are grown in the garden (by them) 3.  Can you wrap the book? 4. Can the book be wrapped by you?  He won't tie the cow to that tree. The. 5. Home work: - Learn by heart all new words. - Revise the forms + redo ex 1+2 (95+96) - Prepare part unit 10: Getting started + Listen and read..

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