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practise and pass key 2020 update

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Megan Roderick
Bernardo Morales

Updated for the 2020 exam

Teacher‘s Notes

exam preparation
with Practice Tests

DELTA Augmented:
Play all audios for free!

Delta Publishing, 2020
â Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, Rotebỹhlstraòe 77, D-70178 Stuttgart, 2020



Answer Key, Notes and Audio Scripts


Reading and Writing






Practice Test


Reading and Writing







Following on from the successful Practise and Pass series for the Cambridge Young Learners English exams,
Practise and Pass A2 Key for Schools is aimed at learners aged between eleven and fourteen who are
preparing for the Cambridge English: A2 Key for Schools examination.
Through a range of interesting and stimulating tasks for each part of the exam, students are gradually guided
towards the exam task itself. In this way, their confidence is built up, together with an understanding of what
exactly each exam task requires them to do. Exam-anxiety is therefore reduced through familiarisation with the
exam task requirements.
Practise and Pass A2 Key for Schools has been updated in line with the 2020 changes to the exam, and
draws upon both the lexical topic areas required for this level and the grammatical structures that students
are required to know. In combination with a focus on exams skills training through the Prepare and Practise
tasks, the students are given a comprehensive set of materials which, it is hoped, will provide them with every
possibility of passing the exam.

The Student’s Book
The book is divided into four sections:

Reading and Writing Parts 1–7
Listening Parts 1–5
Speaking Parts 1–2
Practice Test – Complete Key for Schools test
Each of the sections, Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking follows a three-step approach for each part
of the exam.

Step 1 – Prepare
Here, core topic vocabulary is presented and practised through tasks that also start to focus the students’
attention on how to deal with the exam task. Key grammatical structures are also focused on, wherever they
are relevant to the task.



Step 2 – Practise
The tasks in these pages prepare students in more depth for the exam-style task in the Pass section through
the use of a graded approach.



Reading and Writing
Parts 1 -7

Focus on the
language you need
to perform well.

Focus on what you
need to do to ace
the exam task.

Listening Parts 1-5

Clear outline of:
what to expect
in the exam
how the exam
is structured

Concise summary of:
what you have to
do in every Part of
every Paper

Speaking Parts 1 + 2


Take the exam
and show off what
you’ve learnt!

Summary sections at the end of each Paper focussing on how to perform on the day
Exam tips for every Part of every Paper
Topic-based vocabulary mind maps
Key grammar rules and examples
Key phrases to help you express yourself well in the Writing and Speaking tasks
One complete Practise Test in the book
Additional online Practice Tests

Step 3 – Pass
The exam-style task in this section builds on the work that has been done in the previous two sections and
is therefore a more approachable way of preparing the students for the actual exam – and indeed for the
Practice Test material included in the final section of the Student’s Book.


At the end of the Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking sections you will find a Perfect! stage. Here we
aim to bring all the key information about the papers together and provide additional advice for students on
how to perfect their performance on the day.

Practice Tests
In order to give students maximum practice before the actual exam, the Practice Test could be carried out
under exam conditions and according to the official timing. One hour and ten minutes should be allocated
for Paper 1 Reading and Writing while Paper 2 Listening lasts for about 30 minutes. Paper 3 Speaking takes
between 8–10 minutes and is normally conducted by two examiners for each pair of candidates. For Part 1 of
the Speaking section in the Practice Test, the teacher can ask the questions and the student can reply. For Part
2, students can work in pairs using the materials provided. The teacher simply needs to give the instructions in
the rubrics.
In addition to the Practice Test in the book, you will be able to download additional tests from our website and
the free DELTA Augmented app.



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The Teacher’s Book contains:
• Guidelines and information for students and teachers
• General tips and Essential Exam tips
• Complete answer key, further notes and scripts for the material in the Student’s Book
• Answer key and scripts for the Practice Test

Guidelines and information for students and teachers
The aims, scope and procedures of the Test are too complex to summarise here. Teachers are advised to
obtain the current handbook, vocabulary list and sample papers all of which can be downloaded at: https://

General tips
Familiarisation with language
Students generally need to see words several times before they remember them so lots of practice using the
words on the vocabulary list is advised. Also, students should be encouraged to read in English as much as
possible; many of our DELTA Publishing graded readers are achievable for this level. tapublishing.

Useful Language for Part 2!
phrases with the same meaning, e.g.: go back =
return; prefer = have more fun doing sth; didn’t like sth =

sth was awful
phrases with the same meaning but using a
negative, e.g.: I had never seen her before = it was the
first time I’d seen her
things that are part of a particular group, e.g.: son =
family member; apple, pear = food, etc.


Spelling should be incorporated into lessons as
a fun activity on a regular basis. Spelling out a
name or an address is a function that is required
in daily life so it is vital that students are able to
cope with this without too much hesitation or
difficulty. Number work should also be done on a
regular basis.


Students should also be encouraged to understand the concept of paraphrasing: that is, the ability to express
the meaning of a word or phrase in a different way or to understand when this is present in a text.

The body:

arm / back / blood / eye / face / stomach / hand / finger / foot
/ leg / neck / nose / heart / head / tooth
At the doctor’s / hospital: ambulance / appointment

Problems with the body:

stomach ache / ill / pain / have a
temperature / feel sick


fall / cut / hurt / break


doctor / nurse / patient / dentist

Each Unit includes a Useful Language box. In the Preparation Pack at the back of the book, you will also find
vocabulary mind maps, key grammar, and functional expressions to help in the Writing and Speaking Papers.

Understanding the exam tasks
In this paper:
• you have to read 6 short messages.
• you then have toWHAT
read 3YOU
answers and choose the correct one.
In this paper:
• you have to answer 5 multiple-choice
questions on one long text.
• the questions follow the order of the text.
• one question might be on the whole text.

Each Unit starts with a What you
have to do box. In this box we explain
exactly what students have to do in this
part of the Paper.
Students should be trained to read
the instructions of each task carefully
before they start writing, and to read
and understand the example. They
should also be made aware that they
need to use the knowledge they have
acquired of the language to think
about their answers, and not just
simply put down the answer that seems
to be the correct one at a first glance.

Essential exam tips
Each Pass section includes exam tips. Here are some more tips regarding the exam that can be given to the students.


Finding the same word in the text as in the question doesn’t mean that this is the correct answer.
Read the text quickly to get the general idea of what it is about. Who is writing the text and why?
Then read the questions one at a time and find the answers in the text.

If the question is about the whole text, then think carefully about the answer.


Answer key, notes and audio scripts

Reading and Writing
• Make sure you understand the meaning of the text or dialogue as a whole.
• Take your time and check your answers.
• Check that the answers you think are wrong are in fact wrong.
• Always answer every question even if you are not completely sure.
• For Part 9, check your writing for the following points:
• correct tense
• correct spelling
• verb endings
• nouns – singular or plural?
• word order
• have you included all the points in the question?

• Prepare yourself for the Listening by reading the questions and looking at any pictures that are
included in the task. This will help you to better understand what you will hear.
• Stay relaxed while you are listening and remember that you will hear each part twice.
• As you listen, keep reading the question so that you are sure what information you should listen for.

• Greet the examiner as you enter the examination room.
• Always answer the questions – don’t worry about making mistakes!
• If you don’t remember a word in English, try to say it in a different way.


Answer key, notes and audio scripts

Answer key, notes and audio scripts
Prepare for A2 Key

What to expect
1 a, 2 f, 3 e, 4 b, 5 d, 6 g, 7 c, 8 h


The exam structure
1 3, 2 7, 5, 2, 3 1, 25, 35, 4 30, 10, 5 11, 15, 6 30, 7 25, 8 2, 2, 9 1, 40


On the day
1 1 Arrive on time. 2 Make sure you take a pencil and an eraser with you. 3 Put your phone in your
bag. 4 Show the examiner some identification.
2 1 T, 2 F, 3 F, 4 T
3 Always check that you have answered the questions and that you did exactly what the
instructions say. Allow some time to read what you have written. In the Listening paper, make sure
you didn’t leave any answers blank and make sure you transfer your answers to the answer sheet
correctly. Raise your hand if you need help.

Reading and Writing Part 1

Step 1 Prepare
1 2 tour guide, 3 passengers, 4 explorer, 5 traffic, 6 luggage, 7 mechanic
2 (answers acceptable in any order) 2 dirty – clean, 3 early – late, 4 fast – slow, 5 lost – found,
6 safe – dangerous
3 1 Lost, 2 expensive, 3 fast, 4 dangerous, 5 clean, 6 late
4 2 needn’t, 3 must, 4 should, 5 mustn’t, 6 can’t
5 1 f, 2 d, 3 c, 4 h
6 1 He wants a lift to the station. 2 There aren’t any spaces left. 3 Before 8.45.

Step 2 Practise
1 1 An old sailing ship. 2 Three times. 3 One in the morning and two in the afternoon.
4 No, only up to 12. 5 Yes, you can.
2 1 At the train station. 2 She’s missed the train. 3 Half an hour / Thirty minutes.
4 She’s having an orange juice in the café. 5 She wants Emma to call her.
3 1 At a shop that sells suitcases. 2 There is a summer sale on. 3 They are cheaper.
4 No, you can’t. 5 At 8 pm.
2 1 B, 2 B, 3 A, 4 A, 5 B, 6 A

Step 3 Pass

PASS A 1 B, 2 C, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B, 6 A


PASS B 1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 A, 6 C


Answer key, notes and audio scripts

Reading and Writing Part 2
Step 1 Prepare
1+2 Students’ own answers
3 1 daughter, 2 son, 3 family, 4 parents, 5 grandparents, 6 neighbour, 7 friendly, 8 guests, 9 penfriend
4 1 c, 2 f, 3 b, 4 d, 5 a, 6 e
5 1 wrong, 2 noisy, 3 heavy, 4 interesting, 5 different, 6 difficult
6 1 Daniel (underlined: I’m the only one who doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. But I really don’t mind …)
2 Toby (underlined: I’ve got so many cousins, aunts and uncles that I don’t even know all of them!)
3 Paolo (underlined: That works out well because the older ones help to look after the younger ones.)
4 Emily (underlined: I’m mad about horses and he’s mad about football so we don’t do many things
together. No one else in the family likes horses …)
5 Vicki (underlined: My grandparents look after us most days because both of our parents work and
are often out during the day and the evening.)
6 Kristina (underlined: In fact our parents often buy us things that we can use together like our laptop.)

Step 2 Practise
1 1 F, 2 F, 3 T, 4 F
2 1 F, 3 T, 2 F, 4 T
3 1 Alex, 2 Tess, 3 Alex, 4 Alex, 5 Tess

Step 3 Pass
1 C, 2 B, 3 A, 4 B, 5 A, 6 C, 7 A

Reading and Writing Part 3
Step 1 Prepare
1+2 Students’ own answers
3 1 festival, 2 musicians, 3 instruments, 4 screens, 5 groups, 6 tickets
1 every two years, 2 ten years ago, 3 families and young people, 4 a long time ago, 5 No, there weren’t.
4 A It was fantastic.
B It’s very popular with families and young people.
C We’d bought our tickets a long time ago.
D There weren’t any left.
5 1 A, B, 2 B, C, 3 A, C, 4 A, C, 5 A, B, 6 B, C

Step 2 Practise
1 1 B, 2 C, 3 B


Answer key, notes and audio scripts

2 1 A, 2 C ,3 B

Step 3 Pass

1 B, 2 A, 3 C, 4 C, 5 B

Reading and Writing Part 4
Step 1 Prepare
1+2 Students’ own answers
3 1 foot, hospital, 2 stomach, 3 toothbrush, 4 exercise, fit, 5 medicine
4 2 because, 3 think, 4 when, 5 just, 6 Can, 7 some 8 have
5 1 too, 2 need, 3 enough, so, 4 During 5 must, want 6 to, but

Step 2 Practise
1 A basketball, B tennis, C sailing, D golf, E fishing
2 1 most, 2 If, 3 lots, 4 or, 5 must, 6 more, 7 with, 8 need, 9 Even, 10 because, 11 can, 12 long,
13 where, 14 mind, 15 all
3 Students’ own answers
4 Students’ own answers
5 1 B, 2 C, 3 C, 4 B, 5 A, 6 C, 7 A, 8 B, 9 C, 10 B

Step 3 Pass
p.32 PASS A
1 1 B, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 A, 6 B
p.33 PASS B
2 1 A, 2 C, 3 B, 4 A, 5 B, 6 C

Reading and Writing Part 5
Step 1 Prepare

1 Students’ own answers
2 2 explorer, would, 3 receptionist, in 4 teacher, lot 5 pilot, the
3 Students’ own answers
4 1 on, 2 at, 3 for, 4 by, 5 at, 6 in, 7 of, 8 off
5 1 d, for, 2 g, about, 3 a, to, 4 c, does, 5 h, if, 6 e, with, 7 b, a 8 f are
6 1 Do, 2 What, 3 Is, 4 Have, 5 Did, 6 When, 7 How 8 Are


Answer key, notes and audio scripts

Step 2 Practise
1 2 are, 3 but, 4 most, 5 have, 6 if, 7 for, 8 like
2 1 on, 2 are, 3 can, 4 go, 5 like, 6 for, 7 will, 8 let, 9 think, 10 about, 11 have, 12 by
3 1 for, 2 have, 3 than, 4 with, 5 the, 6 some, 7 There, 8 because, 9 Every, 10 to
4 2 every, 3 to, 4 one, 5 of, 6 the, 7 lot, 8 will, 9 on, 10 Do

Step 3 Pass
p.38 PASS A
1 1 trying, 2 Do, 3 by, 4 to, 5 when, 6 be
p.39 PASS B
2 1 lot, 2 on, 3 than, 4 to, 5 would, 6 the

Reading and Writing Part 6
Step 1 Prepare

1+2 Students’ own answers
3 1 fish, 2 pasta, 3 rice, 4 omelette, 5 vegetables, 6 meat
4 Students’ own answers
5 1 chicken, 2 burgers, 3 grapes, 4 sugar, 5 tea, 6 potatoes, 7 boiled, 8 curry
6 1 When, 2 Are, 3 Where, 4 What, 5 Can, 6 Would, 7 How, 8 Why, 9 Which, 10 Do

Step 2 Practise
1 1 said, 2 Sorry, 3 go, 4 is, 5 in
2 1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 C, 5 B
3 1 Jack, 2 three, 3 the future
4 1 My favourite food is fish and chips but I can eat anything.
2 There is a big football match on TV in the afternoon.
3 I can stay until about six o’clock.
5 1 The question about a DVD was not answered.
2 Suggested sentence: I’ve got a great DVD that I think you’ll like so I’ll bring that.

(model answer)

Hi Jack,
My favourite food is fish and chips but I can eat anything. I’ve got a great DVD that I
think you’ll like so I’ll bring that. I can stay until about six o’clock.
See you then,
(student’s name)
(39 words including name)


Answer key, notes and audio scripts

Step 3 Pass
p.44 PASS A
(model answer)

From: (student’s name)


Hi Wendy,
That’s great! We’re leaving at about 10 o’clock, not too early! Perhaps you could bring
some fruit or some cake? My parents are taking us and my sister is bringing her friend,
See you then!
(student’s name)
(39 words)
p.45 PASS B
(model answer)

From: (student’s name)


Hi Dylan,

How are things? So what was the food like at that new café? Perhaps we could go there
together some time? Saturday evening after football practice would be a good time for me.
Speak soon,
(student’s name)

(38 words)

Reading and Writing Part 7
Step 1 Prepare
1 Students’ own answers
2 1 clock, 2 television, 3 lamp, 4 laptop, 5 camera, 6 mobile phone, 7 lights, 8 fridge, 9 cooker,
10 washing machine
3 Students’ own answers
4 1 on, on, 2 At, 3 through, to, 4 After, at, 5 into, 6 In, along, 7 by, 8 on
5 1 F, played, 2 E, went, 3 B, was cooking, 4 H, threw, 5 G, was raining, 6 C, ate, 7 D, forgot
8 A, chose
6 1 Students’ own answers


Answer key, notes and audio scripts

Step 2 Practise
1 Picture 1
1 Oliver is at home / in his bedroom.
2 The weather is bad. / It’s raining.

3 He isn’t very happy. / He doesn’t like the rain. / He wanted to play football and now he can’t.
Picture 2

Oliver is phoning his friend.
He’s asking his friend to come round to his house.
His friend says ‘Yes!’

Picture 3

The two boys are in Oliver’s lounge / living room.
They are playing video games.
They are having fun / having a good time / enjoying themselves.
(model answer)
Last Saturday, it was raining. Oliver looked out of his bedroom window. He wasn’t feeling very
happy. So he phoned his friend, Sam, and asked him to come over to his house. Sam said ‘Yes,
OK!’ When Sam arrived, the two boys played video games and they felt much better.

3 Students’ own answers

(model answer)
Emma and her parents were on a plane. They were going on holiday to Paris. Emma was very

excited. Later that day, they went on a bus tour of the city. The sun was shining and everyone
felt very hot. After the bus tour, they bought an ice cream and sat in a park. Then they felt

Step 3 – Pass
p.50 PASS A

(model answer)
Lisa had a busy day yesterday. After school, she said goodbye to her friends and went to her
dance class for an hour. Everyone had a lot of fun there. Then, at half past six, she had a piano
lesson at home. After that, she felt quite tired!

p.51 PASS B

(model answer – longer than the minimum word count expectation)
One Saturday evening, Luke and his parents were watching a scary movie on television. They
were all feeling frightened. A bit later, someone came to the front door so Luke’s father went
and opened the door. It was a man bringing a pizza (order)! The film finished and the family all
enjoyed eating the pizza. They weren’t scared anymore.


Answer key, notes and audio scripts

Listening Part 1
Step 1 Prepare

1 Students’ own answers.


It’s nine o’clock.


It’s half past eleven.


It’s quarter past three.


It’s six o’clock.

1 At nine o’clock in the morning it was cold and foggy.
2 At half past eleven / eleven thirty (in the morning), it was cloudy.
3 At (a) quarter past three / three fifteen (in the afternoon), it was warm and sunny.
4 At six o’clock (in the evening), it was windy.
4 1 bank, 2 pharmacy, 3 supermarket, 4 disco, 5 restaurant, 6 hairdressers
5 Students’ own answers. Suggested answers:
1 You open an account at the bank.
2 You buy medicine at the pharmacy.
3 You buy food at the supermarket.
4 You dance at a disco.

5 You eat at a restaurant.
6 You get a haircut at the hairdressers.
Narrator: One



Where is the swimming pool, please?


It’s next to the sports centre.

Narrator: Two

Where is the bus stop, please?


It’s near the school.

Narrator: Three

Where is the station, please?


It’s opposite the zoo.

Narrator: Four

Where is the castle, please?


It’s behind the hotel.

Narrator: Five

Where is the cinema, please?


It’s between the department store and the car park.


6 2 sports centre, 4 school, 6 zoo, 8 hotel, 10 department store, 11 car park
7 Students’ own answers. Students could also label: motorway, park, crossroads, hospital
8 1 In the garden.
2 She downloaded a song onto the computer.
3 A T-shirt.


Answer key, notes and audio scripts

Narrator: One. Where were Jonny’s football boots?

Mum, have you seen my football boots?


I think you left them in the kitchen. Are they by the cooker?


I’ve looked there, and they aren’t in my bedroom.


Oh, I remember. They were very dirty so I put them outside in the garden!

Narrator: Two. What did Alice do first yesterday?

Hi Alice, how are you? Did you have a nice day yesterday?


Yes, it was great. My cousins came to lunch and then we went to the cinema. How

about you?


The weather was really nice so we went out for the day.


Oh, I forgot to tell you. I downloaded that song you wanted onto the computer
before my cousins came!

Narrator: Three. What did Jake buy at the shops?

Hi, Jake. Have you been shopping? Not more trainers, I hope?


No, Dad. Look at this cool T-shirt I found!


Very nice, but I thought you wanted some shoes for school?


Well, Mum wanted me to buy some black shoes but they were boring, so we got the
T-shirt instead!

Step 2 Practise


1 A 5, B 3, C 1, D 2, E 4
Narrator: One

We need to save electricity, Wendy. Can you check and see if all the lights are off
before we go out?


The lights are all off upstairs and I’ve just turned off the television. Shall I turn off the
lamp in the hall?


No, I always leave the hall lamp on.


OK, so we’re ready to go, then!

Narrator: Two

Shall we have lunch at the café on the High Street tomorrow?


Well, the sandwich bar near the university is cheaper. You can get two sandwiches
for one pound fifty or a hot dog for a pound.


That’s a good idea. Lunch at the café costs three pounds so it’s more expensive.


OK then. I’ll meet you at the sandwich bar at one o’clock.

Narrator: Three



Hi Becky! Have you been shopping? What did you buy?


Well, I finally bought some dark green trousers but I was really looking for a black
jacket! I just couldn’t find anything I liked.


You told me you wanted a new sweater, too.


Oh, my sister said she’s got a light green one that I can borrow.

Answer key, notes and audio scripts

Narrator: Four

Do you know that boy by the school gate, Tom? He’s looking at you.


Which boy? The short one with glasses or the tall one with blond hair?


The other one, standing on his own. He’s got his hands in his pockets and he’s got
dark hair and glasses. He’s quite tall.


Oh, that’s Dan. He’s new this year. I’ll go and say hello.

Narrator: Five

Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the railway station, please?


Oh, I’m not sure, sorry. You could ask at the tourist information centre. It’s down that
road opposite the Red Lion Hotel.


Thank you. Is it far to walk? I don’t want to miss my train.


Oh no, it isn’t far. It’s about five minutes.

2 1 a F b T c T, 2 a F b T c T, 3 a T b T c F, 4 a F b F c T, 5 a T b F c T


Step 3 Pass

1 A, 2 C, 3 C, 4 B, 5 A
Narrator: You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is
one question for each conversation. For each question, choose the right answer (A, B
or C). Here is an example. How much are the jeans?

I’ve got twenty pounds to spend on clothes today. How much are those jeans over
there, Anna?


Well, they’re fifteen pounds so that’s quite cheap.


I really wanted a dress for Poppy’s party on Saturday, but I suppose I could wear my
white trousers and that new blouse I had for my birthday.


OK, so if you buy the jeans, then you’ve got five pounds left for a nice T-shirt!

Narrator: The answer is B.
Narrator: One. Where is Dan meeting his friends?

So where are you meeting your friends this afternoon, Dan?


Er, well first we said outside the cinema but then Justin wanted to meet near the sports


Well why don’t you meet at the park – that’s between the two?


Good idea, Mum, I’ll text them now. Er, Mum ... are you going into town this


Narrator: Two. What is Emily looking for?

Are you looking for your mobile phone again, Emily? I think I saw it in the hall.


Actually, Jessie wants to borrow my camera but I think Mum put it somewhere.


Perhaps try in the living room. Your mother was working there this morning on her
laptop and she said something to me about photographs.


Oh yes, I remember now. She wanted to email some holiday photos to Hannah in


Answer key, notes and audio scripts

Narrator: Three. What time are they going to play football?

Do you want to play football on Saturday, Jake?


Yes, OK, what time?


Well, my brother Simon is coming as well and he’s got a guitar lesson at two, so shall
we say half past three?


Great. I’m helping Dad to paint my bike at about half past five, so that will give us
enough time to have a good game.

Narrator: Four. What is the weather like now?

Shall we take Rover for a walk by the river, Emma? He needs some exercise.


Mum, it’s raining!


Oh dear, I hadn’t noticed. But there’s some blue sky over there. If the sun comes out,
shall we go?


OK, Mum. But I hope it isn’t too windy. I hate the wind!

Narrator: Five. Where is the post office?

Excuse me, can you tell me where the post office is, please?


Yes, of course. Can you see the castle over there? Well, it’s down that road towards
the castle, next to a big bookshop. You can’t miss it.


I’ve been down that street and I didn’t see it. I only saw a department store.


Oh, you need to go past the department store and then cross the road. I’m sure you’ll find it!

Listening Part 2
Step 1 Prepare
1 Students’ own answers.


things in the

things I need for things I have to
do in class











Students’ can add more subjects in each column.
3 Students’ own answers.

4 1 on, 2 at, in, at, 3 for, 4 on/in, at, 5 in, to, 6 in, on
5 Students’ own answers. Suggested answers: 1 harder, 2 the best, 3 clear, 4 awesome,
5 interesting, term 6 better, creative, different
6 Students’ own answers.

Step 2 Practise
1 1 It’s next week on Wednesday. 2 It starts at 7:30 p.m. 3 They can play basketball and tennis.
4 They will have to catch the coach from the square. 5 It costs £7.50.


Answer key, notes and audio scripts

2 1 668703, 2 01783 55191, 3 7923 993221, 4 238 8101 5 08492 2404877



668 703


01783 55191


7923 993221


223 811


08942 403887


3 1 67, 2 44, 3 15, 4 92, 5 30
Narrator: One

Where do you live?


Sixty-seven Broad Street.




No, sixty-seven.

Narrator: Two

What’s the address of the shop?


Forty-four Green Park Road.


Sorry, did you say forty-four or fifty-four?



Narrator: Three

The ticket office is at number fifteen, High Street.


Number fifty?


No, fifteen.


OK, thanks.

Narrator: Four

I think we’re meeting at the bookshop. It’s twenty-nine Queen Street, isn’t it?


No, it’s ninety-two!


Are you sure?


Yes, I wrote it down – ninety-two.

Narrator: Five



Are you coming to my party on Saturday? My address is thirty, Station Road.


Sorry, was that three or thirty?




OK. Thanks very much!

4 1 Saturday, 2 bears and monkeys, 3 red and white, 4 the bus station, 5 an English dictionary
Narrator: One
I’m sorry we can’t get the book you ordered by Thursday as you wanted, but we
hope it will be in the shop on Saturday. You can come and get it after two o’clock
that day.


Answer key, notes and audio scripts

Narrator: Two
Some new animals have just arrived in the zoo and you can see them between three
and four in the afternoons. The baby bears are in a special cage with their mothers
and the monkeys are in the tree house.
Narrator: Three
The shop has sold out of black dresses in the size you wanted, but we have them in
both red and white. Please phone with instructions.

Narrator: Four
The football club trip will be in March as usual. Please meet at the bus station and
not outside the football stadium.
Narrator: Five
Belinda Moss won last week’s prize of five pounds for the crossword competition.
This week’s winner will get an English dictionary.
5 Students’ own answers.

Step 3 Pass
PASS A 1 King Edward’s, 2 bus, 3 eighteen, 4 10 a.m, 5 7910 336890


This year’s Quiz for Schools will be on the 15th of July, the last Friday before school finishes for the
summer. Last year, the quiz was at Box Hill School but this year, we are all going to King Edward’s
School, which is not far from our school. This means that we won’t need a coach to take us there
– there is a bus that goes from the centre of town and stops right outside the school.
There will be six teams going from our school and twelve teams from other schools in the area
so the competition will be to find the best team out of eighteen. The quiz will start at 10 a.m.
so it is important that we all meet outside the school at 9.45. There are buses from town every
fifteen minutes. Please don’t be late! If there are any problems on the day, you can phone me on
my mobile: 7910 336890. I hope we win again this year!

PASS B 1 (the) 16(th) (of) October / sixteenth (of) October, 2 01699782, 3 over 14, 4 Welcome, 5 dancing
Narrator: You will hear a man on the radio talking about a new TV show. Listen and complete
each question. You will hear the information twice.

Now I have a very exciting piece of news! We’re planning a new TV show called
Teenagers Together. It shows teenagers in their real lives, at home and at school. It’s
going to start on the sixteenth of October but we must choose all our actors by the
tenth of January so we can start filming after that.
If you are interested in being part of the programme, phone us on 01699 782
between nine and five, Monday to Friday. We will then send you a form to fill in. If
you are under 18, we need your parents to agree. Don’t forget, you must be over 14
to be in the show.
Some of the filming will also happen in our studios – that is, Welcome Studios in
North London. We will pay all your travel costs to get there.
On the form, you should also fill in your hobbies. We are very interested in teenagers
who enjoy music, dancing or sports. But don’t worry if you have other interests – you
still might be the star of the show!


Answer key, notes and audio scripts

Listening Part 3

Step 1 Prepare
1 Students’ own answers.
2 a sea, b sky, c field, d forest, e beach, f mountain, g island, h north, I south, j east, k west, l river,
m farm, n path, o road, p railway
3 3 Tuesday, 4 beach, 5 Wednesday, 6 farm, 7 Thursday, 8 forest, 9 Friday, 10 mountain, 11 Saturday,
12 railway, 13 Sunday

4, 5+6 Students’ own answers.

Step 2 Practise
1 1 Team Zero, 2 the Plaza, 3 on the High Street, 4 7.45 p.m. / (a) quarter to eight, 5 £5
3 1 A, 2 B, 3 B



Amy, Team Zero is on at the Plaza this weekend. Shall we go and see it?


Good idea, Sam. Which day are you going?


Well, on Sunday evening I usually do my homework so Saturday’s better, I think.


That’s fine, I don’t really mind. So do you know what time the film is on?


Yes, I saw an advertisement in Dad’s newspaper. We can go at six o’clock or quarter
to eight but I’d like to go at the later time, if that’s OK.


OK. I’ll ask Mum to come and get us in the car after the film.




How much is the ticket, Sam?


Well, because we’re both over twelve, it’s £9.50. If your sister came with us, she’d
only pay £5!


Well, my sister’s going to a birthday party on Saturday, so I won’t bring her this time.
See you on Saturday, then!


OK, Amy. Bye!


5 1 C, 2 Blue Sky, 3 It’s nearer and Big Rock is difficult to get to. 4 A, 5 Harry’s father doesn’t want to

drive and the train station is too far from the beach. 6 C, 7 It’s too cold to swim and Harry’s mum
doesn’t want his father to spend all day fishing. 8 A, 9 go to the cinema, 10 6.30

Hi Paul. How are you? Look, we’re going to the sea tomorrow – would you like to
come with us?


Sure, that would be great, Harry. Where are you going?


Well, my favourite beach is White Sands but Blue Sky beach is nearer so I think
we’ll go there. Big Rock is a fantastic beach too, but you can only get to it along a
dangerous path.


OK, so are you going by car?


Dad wants to go by bus this time because he drives a lot in the week. There’s a bus
stop just by the beach. The train also goes there but the station is a mile away!


Answer key, notes and audio scripts


That sounds great Harry, but what are we going to do all day?


Well, it’s too cold to go swimming, and Mum doesn’t want Dad to spend all day
fishing, so we’re going to have a barbecue on the beach. We’ll take food with us.


OK, fine. When will we get home, do you think? I’m going to the cinema with my
sister at eight o’clock.


Oh, don’t worry. We’ll leave the beach at around 5.30 so we should be back an hour
later, around 6.30.


Step 3 Pass
PASS A 1 B, 2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 C


Narrator: Listen to Lucy talking to her friend David about a camping trip. For each question
choose the right answer (A, B or C). You will hear the conversation twice.

Hello, Lucy. When did you get back from your trip? Saturday or Sunday?


Oh, Monday morning.


Oh, OK. Where was the campsite?


This campsite wasn’t by the beach like the last one, it was next to a lake – and in the
middle of the lake there was a small island!


Did you go anywhere interesting?


Well, we went to this huge park with lots of strange birds and wild flowers in it.
Mum and Dad really like those things! There was an adventure playground so we
were happy, too!


Did you take Rosie with you?


No, she was ill and Maggie was visiting her grandparents so Karen came.


Did it cost a lot to get into the park?


I think the price for one adult was ten pounds fifty but Dad got us a family ticket for
nineteen pounds fifty. Karen’s ticket cost four pounds fifty.


What did you like best about the weekend?


On Sunday, it was too cold to go swimming so we went across the lake to the island.
Dad went fishing. Karen and I found lots of little paths going through the trees so we
spent the day exploring! It was great fun!


PASS B 1 C, 2 B, 3 A, 4 C, 5 B
Narrator: Listen to Anna talking to her friend Tom about a sports magazine. For each question
choose the right answer (A, B or C). You will hear the conversation twice.



Hello, Tom, is that the new issue of Sports Today?


Yes, it just came out today.


Oh, I thought it came out every month


No, it comes out every two weeks!


Do you recommend it if I like reading about football.


Actually, Sports today has very good articles about tennis. This week for example,
there was a great article about the Olympic games.


Great! I love the Olympic games. And are there any competitions?

Answer key, notes and audio scripts


Yes. They run competitions with every issue. They’ve given t-shirts, and even gym
memberships, but in the last issue they gave a one-year subscription.


Those are really good prices- Do you know if I can buy it at the sports shop?


I don’t think you can buy it there, but you can buy it at the newsstand.


And is it very expensive?


If you get a 3 month subscription it’s £ 30 otherwise it will cost you £5.50 each one.

Listening Part 4

Step 1 Prepare
1 Students’ own answers.

2 1 online, website, 2 letter, email, 3 chat, share, 4 envelope, stamp, 5 files, 6 text
3 Students’ own answers.
4 Suggested answers: 1 read, 2 write, 3 receive, 4 create, save, 5 have
5 1 download, mouse, click, link, 2 keyboard, laptop, 3 laptop, computer, 4 computer, password
6 Students’ own answers.

Step 2 Practise


1 1 any, 2 some, 3 some, 4 any, 5 some, 6 any, 7 some, 8 any, 9 any

Let’s have lunch. Is there any food?


Yes. There is some hamburger bread. Should we make some hamburgers?


Ok. Is there any cheese?


No there isn’t, but there are some tomatoes.


I don’t like tomatoes in my burger. Is there any ketchup?


Yes, there is. And there is some butter too.


I don’t like butter. Are there any fizzy drinks?


No, there aren’t any. I think we should go to a restaurant.


Ok Let’s do that.

2 Students’ own answers.
3 1 food and drink, 2 hobbies, 3 entertainment

When I started in culinary school, I had no idea about cooking at all and thought
cooking fish was hard. But now that I work at a seafood restaurant, I find it quite
easy. What I never learned was to cook sweet dishes. Even today, I find it hard. I think
it’s because I don’t really like sweet things.


At first I was looking for something to do in my free time. Now that I retired, I can do
so many more things. I really like music, so I bought a guitar to start learning, but it
was too difficult for me so I stopped after only a week. Then my husband gave me a
bike for my birthday, and I started riding every day. I really like it!


We get there really early to start organizing everything. We got the stage ready, the
clothes, and the special effects. Then after lunch the actors came to do the last rehearsal.


Answer key, notes and audio scripts

Everything went really well, and the stage looked amazing. Then when the sun went
down, people started to arrive. It was a night to remember!
4 1 a (distractor: cooking fish was hard), 2 c (distractor: I really like music, so I bought a guitar to start
learning), 3 c (distractors: We get there really early to start organizing everything / Then after lunch
the actors came to do the last rehearsal).

Step 3 Pass
PASS A 1 a, 2 a, 3 c, 4 b, 5 b


Narrator: Listen to five conversations and choose the correct answer. You will hear the

conversation twice.

I can’t believe this. It’s only a couple of days old and I have to return it. That’s the
problem with machines nowadays, they don’t work like they did in the past. I noticed
there was something wrong from the moment I unpacked it. The remote control was
missing, and then it wouldn’t change the channels. How can I get a refund?

2 A:

Thanks for inviting me to the cinema. I had a really good time.


Me too. I was really looking forward to seeing this film.


I know! I have to say, I couldn’t stop laughing. The main actors were really funny.


I agree. The movie was hilarious. I’m happy we went to see that film and not the one
about the superheroes.

3 Linda:

I can’t believe you bought that one
I’d been saving for a long time, and I really wanted the red one.
I like it! Was it really expensive?
It wasn’t cheap! But I really wanted it, and now I won’t have to take the bus to work.
I can just drive there so I can get there in less than fifteen minutes.


I’m very happy for you!


I had a great time last night.


Me too. It was really difficult to get a reservation because the restaurant is so small
and it’s so far.


That’s true. I tried for a long time, but it was always booked. I like that it is small
because the atmosphere is very intimate.


I don’t know about that. For me the menu was so tasty that it was worth the wait.


Ok class. I told you that if you don’t stop, I will have to give you more homework.
It’s unacceptable that you talk all through the class, even when we’re supposed to
be doing work where you have to concentrate. You must try to work more quietly
starting today!


Step 3 Pass

PASS B 1 c, 2 b, 3 a, 4 a, 5 c
Narrator: Listen to five conversations and choose the correct answer. You will hear the
conversation twice.


It was always my dream to go there. I lived all my life in the mountains, so I’d never
been somewhere so big. But I really liked it. The buildings, the stores – there is

Answer key, notes and audio scripts

something to do all the time. But I really needed to go back to normal. I missed the
smell of nature and the quiet. I don’t know if I could ever get used to so much noise!

It was always my plan to finish school, go to university and become a successful
dentist. But then I discovered my true passion. My dream was always to be on
television or in the movies. So, I went to a few auditions and was really lucky to get

the part I wanted in the T.V. programme. I’ll be on in the next episode!


So how was your holiday?


It was really good. I’d never been to that part of the world, and I got really lucky to
get cheap tickets.


Was it because it was winter there? I heard that the winters there are cold.


Well, actually, it was really warm. I packed clothes for cold weather, but in the end I
had to buy new clothes. But it was better. We had really beautiful days!


I couldn’t believe it when it happened. When they stepped on the stage I started
crying. But don’t get me wrong – these were tears of joy. I had been waiting for this
concert for months and suddenly there they were. Singing my favourite songs. It was
such a special moment. It’s a shame you couldn’t come.


This is the first time we’ve organize such a big event. We’ll have people coming from
all over Europe to experience this. We had to hire the biggest venue in town. I think
about two hundred people will come in total. It will be a great chance to meet new
people and have a great time.

Listening Part 5

Step 1 Prepare
1 Students’ own answers.
2 1 garden terrace, 2 flats, 3 kitchen, 4 comfortable, 5 bathroom
3 Students’ own answers.
4 Suggested answers.

cupboard, drawers, bed, pillow, desk, lamp, blanket,


sink, shower, cupboard, mirror, toilet


oven, sink, stove, cupboard, drawers, dishwasher, fridge, table,

living room

oven, sink, stove, cupboard, drawers, dishwasher, fridge, table,


5 Across: 1 furniture, 7 towel, 8 carpet, 10 address, 11 dining room
Down: 2 upstairs, 3 table, 4 heating, 5 cupboard, 6 garage, 9 pillow

