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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>School: Vi Thuy High School. Instructor: Nguyen Thi My Nuong. Class: 10A3; Period:2. Unit 13 Films and Cinema. Data: March 22nd, 2013. Student: Nguyen Van Tri. Subject: English. Unit 13: FILMS AND CINEMA SPEAKING Lesson Plan. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: -Speak the kind of films that students like and tell the reason why Teaching Aids: textbook, projector … ‘. PROCEDURE Content. Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. Warm up (5 minutes) Go to the board and write the kind of films that you know (jumbled words). - Deliver class into two groups. - Make groups. Answer Keys:. - Ask students to do the task in groups. -Work in groups. -Ask students go to the board to write the answers. -Go to the board and write the answer. -Check and give correct answers. -Look at the board and write the answer. Comedy. Action film. Cartoon. Horror film. Films. Detective. Thriller. Science Fiction film Romantic films.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Before you speak Teaching vocabulary (7 minutes) 1.Horror film: phim kinh dị 2.Thriller: phim kì dị, mạo hiểm 3.Romantic flim: phim lãng mạn (tình cảm) 4 Detective film : phim trinh thám 5.Science fiction film : phim khoa học viễn tưởng Checking vocabulary Jumbled Words. - Elicit the new words - Repeat the new words (meaning, stress, part of speech) to students by giving situations, explanations, synonym, and pictures, … - Ask students to read -Listen and repeat all of the new words again - Ask students to copy these words. - Copy down. -Show incorrect words to students. - Look at the words on the board. -Ask students go to - Go to the board and the board to writer the write correct words -Check and give correct answers. While you speak Task 1: How much do you like each kind of film? Put a tick (ü) in the right column. Compare the answer with a partner’s. (Table in page 134) (7 minutes) Example: A: How do you feel about cartoon? B: I like cartoon very much. A: How do you feel about science fiction films? B: I don’t like science fiction films very. - Instruct students how to do this task - Ask students to do the task in pairs. - Check answers on the board. - Listen teacher’s instructions - Work in pairs. - Give the time to do task -Ask students stand. up and speak in pairs -Go around and help. -Stand up and speak.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> much. A: How do you feel about horror films? B: I don’t like horror films at all.. Task 2: Work in groups. Find out what your friends feel about each kind of film. Use the words in the table below. (10 minutes) (Table in page 135) Example :. students. - Instruct students. how to do task. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions. - Ask students work -Work in groups of groups of three three. A: What do you think of horror films? B: Oh, I find them really terrifying. C: I don’t quite agree with you. I find them very interesting.. find sth adj. Task 3: Work in pairs, find out your friend’s preferences for films. Use the cues below. (8 minutes). - Give the time to do task - Ask students stand - Stand up and do task up and do task -Go around and help students - Instruct students. how to do task. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions. Thrillers or science fiction films. Horror films or detective film. Love story films or cartoon films. Cartoon films or science fiction film.. -Ask students work in -Work in pair pairs. Example: A: Which do you prefer, detective films or science fiction films?. -Ask students stand up work in pair. .-Give the time to do. B: Well, it’s difficult to say. But I suppose -Help students to do task I prefer science fiction films to detective. -Stand up and do task.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> ones. Prefer sth to sth Thích cái gì hơn cái gì After you speak Task 4: Work in groups. Talk about a film you have seen. Use suggestion below. ( 8 minutes) 1. What is the title of the film? 2. Where did you see it? 3. What kind of film is it? 4. What is it about? 5. Who is the main character? 6. How do you feel about it? 7. Why do you prefer it to other films? Homework: -Learn vocabulary -Prepare the lesson listening time. Instructor. - Ask students to do the task in groups. - Make groups and do the task. -Ask students talk about a film students have seen. -Work in groups. -Give time to do -Ask students do task. -Stand up and talk. - Help students to do task -Ask students learn. - Take note to do the vocabulary by heart homework -Ask students prepare -Prepare the lesson lesson listening listening. March, 2013 Student. Nguyen Thi My Nuong. Nguyen Van Tri.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> -. Warm up: jumbled words (ghi rõ ra)Warm up: jumbled words ; checking voc. jumbled words (đổi thủ thuật khác) - Task 2: run through meaning first Nhận xét pp - Slide 2: sai chính tả, netword của cinema or films - Slide 2: where are jumbled words? - Sau các từ không có dấu chấm - Dạy từ vựng thủ thuật gì? (không thấy đưa hình ảnh các phim minh hoạ) - Xem lại font chữ, size chữ (nhiều slide size chữ nhỏ quá) - Xem lại ví dụ hội thoại task 1, theo thứ tự trong bảng - Xem lại task 3, ví dụ có sử dụng ones (hs khoong biết cách sử dụng) - Task 2 = 3. task 3? -.

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