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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>I1H)J,EKC 32079 BIWEEKLY NEWSPAPER. ". If I bad a Rrontosatirus She] Silverstein. If I had a brontasaurus I would name him Horris or Horace; But if suddeniy one day he had a iat of little brontosauri 1 wouid change his name to Laurie.. Danny and Dinosaur SydHoff One day Danny went to the museum. He wanted to see what was inside. He saw Red Indians. He saw bears. He saw Eskimos. He saw guns. He saw swords. And he saw... DiNOSAURS! Danny loved dinosaurs. He wished he had one. ''I'm sorry they are not real, 11 said Danny. "It would be nice to play with a dinosau . "And I think it would be nice to play with you," said a voice. "Can you?" said Danny. said the dinosaur. "Yes," I. (continued on page 8). The. Jehth~\lrus. Isabel Frances Bellows-There once was an ]ehthyosaurus Who lived when the Earth was ali porous, But he fainted with shame When he first heard his name, And departed a iang time before us.. -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 1994 N<>3. 12 Questions and Answers about Dinosaurs John Cooper huge extinct reptiles. One bone was thought to be from a giant man]. 1. When did dinosaurs live? Dinosaurs lived only durtng the Mesozoic Era or. so-called Age of Reptiles. The Mesozoic Era lasted from 228 million to 64 million years ago.. 2. Were dinosaurs the first reptiles?. E. N G L I S H. F. o. 3. Were did the dinosaurs come from? FOS'>i1 e\idence shows that a group of reptiles living in Argentina about 230 million years ago developed a new way of walking. Instead of walking \Uth sprawling steps like crocodiles, they began to walk with their legs more directly under their bodies, like the dinosaurs. One reptile called Logosuchus may have been the ancestor of all the dinosaurs.. R. • _. ". 't- -.. I. Many other types of reptile lived before the dinosaurs. The very earliest reptile that scientists have recognised was found in Scotland in 1989 in rocks is 335 million years old. ,4. How do you tell the dilfereuce betweeu dinosaurs and other fossil reptiles? Two important things make. 8. Why do dinosaurs have such funny names? Each dinosaur is given a special name using words made up from two ancient languages, Latin and Greek. The names usually mean something which describes the creature in sqme way. Megalosaurus means big lizard.' The same dinosaur names are used by scientists of all nationalities. .. 19. Who gave dinosaurs their name? Dinosaur means 'terrible lizard'. The name was invented by a. famous scientist called Richard Owen in 1842.. 10. Could dinosaurs swim? like any land-living animals today hippopotamuses and buffaloes enjoyed a good paddle and swim.. elephants, dinosaurs. 1 1 . Did dinosaurs have babies?~. dinosaurs. First,. 011- , -..... '1leY, all lived 01l.tlie land~Q,.tli~ alI~alked on~upngnt legs. All other reptiles, wether fOS'>il or livillg had different ways of :moving.. All living creatures reproduce and dinosaurs were no exception:' If'rn~oelieved·that~like"a1most..-all. living reptiles, dinosaurs laid eggs.. L. 5. Are dinosaurs found in every country?. D. R E. N. No, but certainly in very many. Famous fmds have been made in what is now USA, South America, Canada, Tanzania, Mongolia, China, Australia and India, as well as many European countries.. 6. When were the first dinosaurs found? Gideon Mantell, a doctor from Sussex, found the teeth oflguanodon in 1822. When Gideon Mantell first showed his dinosaur teeth to other scientists of the day, they were identified as being from a rhinoceros! In 1824, Wtlliam Buckland described some bones which he called Megalosaurus, but found some years before.. 7, 7. Why didu't auyoue everfmd them before? We know that dinosaur bones were found but no one realized that they had once belonged to. PAGE. 2. 12. How did youug diuosaurs ten their mothers Ih.,. their lathers? Scientists can only guem whether a fOS'ilized dinosaur is male or female. In a few examples where many skeletons have been found together, some are bigger than others - perhaps the males. We can be sure that baby dinosaurs knew the difference!. fossil - HCKorraeM:bI1i, OKaMeHeJThIit evidence - ,JJ;OKa3aTeJIhClBO sprawling - HeYKJIlotKltli, paCIIOJI3aIOI.I..J;IJ1tcH Ba Bce CTOIXlHhI ancestor - rrpe,JJ;OK, rrpapo}J;IITeJTh upright - rrpHMo:tt, BepTIIKaJIhHhrtt huge - rpoMWIbrtt extioct - BhIMepIIIIIii ancient - .n;peBIDIit, aHTlI'IHhIIi buffalo - 6yitBOJI, aMepIIKaHcKIIit 6Il'3OH to reprolhIce - p33MHO)l{aThCH to guess - ,JJ;onl,lJ;hIBaThCH male - 1IfY)I('IIlHa, CaMeu; female - )I{eHlll,IIHa, CaMKa.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 1994 N!!3. The Dinosaur Race Harry was the biggest dinosaur of them all. "Move over, here comes Harry," he always yelled. And if the other dinosaurs didn't move , he walked on their tails. He never said , "Please," or "Thank you. " He just took what he wanted. Dodo was one of the smallest dinosaurs. She was very quiet and always said, "Please," and " Thpnk YOlf." Dodo didn't like Harry. She didn't like the way he pushed other dinosaurs arOlllld and she didn't like the way he shouted all the time. Everyone did what Harry said because he was the biggest. "I'm best at everything," Harry always shouted. And nobody said, "No, you're not!" because they didn't want their tails walked on.. "Perhaps Harry isn't best at everything," thought Dodo one day. "Perhaps you don '{ have to be big to be best. Perhaps I could be best at something. " SlrLeltthought and thought. '1' know, " she said. 'I'm good at running. I'll run every day until 1 am the best at running. Then III have a race with Harry." Every morning, Dodo went out fllllning. She ran up and down the road ... and up and down th,e hilL. and down to the big tree by the stream and back. Every day, she got better and better at running., All this time, Harry just sat around talking to the other dinosaurs and watching. TV. When she was ready, Dodo walked right up to Harry and said, "Harry, I bet I'm better at running than you are." "Don't be silly," said Harry. "I'm best. at everything. " "No, you're not," said Dodo. "I'm best at running now." '1 bet you're not!" yelled Harry. "Then lets have a race, "said Dodo.. E "All tight," said Harry. "Men?" "Now," said Dodo. "Right now. 171 race you to the big tree by the stream and back. " "Right," said Harry. "You're on. " "Mo will say, 'Ready, get set, go!'?" asked Dodo. "1 will," said one of her friends. "Thank you," said Dodo. "n D .I\eady ... get set... GO'" . sh oute dodo's friend. Off raced Dodo and Harry. "Go, Dodo, go!" everyone yelled. "Look at Dodo run!" they shouted. Dodo ran and ran and ran and Harry just could not catch up. "Come on, Dodo!" shouteo an '1heother dinosaurs. "Dodo's the best," they said when the race was over.. "Look at poor Harry. He's just at running, is he?" Harry didn't shout, "I'm the "Make way for Harry," any more. said, "Please," and "Thank you,". And he just like. to. peKa. ~pxy rrapH, 6hlOCh jogging - 6eraTh TVyC:o;ott. L I. S H. F. o R. c I L D R E. best," or. to yell - KplI'IaTh to push - TOJIKaTh to shout - KplI'IaTh. I beL -. G. no good. Dodo. He still didn't look where he walked, but there were no tails to walk on. All the other dinosaurs were out jogging with Dodo every day. It was lots more f1lll than being pushed around Harry.. stream -. N. 06 3aJCTIa,rJ;. PAGE 3. N.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 1994 N!!3. The Giant Dinosaurs DavidEldridge. :rvIany millions of years ago, the Earth was a veIY different place. There were no people. The land was low and flat. ShallO\N seas covered much of the Earth's sUIface. It was summer all year long. And great ferns, palm-like trees, and strange shrubs grew everywhere. In this strange landscape lived the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were reptiles. They were the early relatives of today's turtles, snakes, lizards, and crocodiles. They ruled the world forahout 160 million years - many times longer than human beings have even existed. (Human beings have lived on the earth forjust 35000 years) Some dinosaurs were huge creatures, the largest animals that ever walked the Earth. Others were small, not much bigger than a chicken! At the time of the dinosaurs, there were also other animals on the Earth. Some were water-dwelling reptiles that looked like huge sea serpents. Some were flying reptiles that glided on leatheI)' wings. Some were insects, like the huge dragon-flies that hummed through the air on long wings. And some - tiny, funy creatures were the first mammals. There were hundreds of kinds of dinosaurs. Some walked on two legs: others walked on four. Some ate only meat; others fed only on plants. Oyer millions of years, the dinosaurs kept changing, or adapting, to the changing world. Some died out and were replaced by others. Some kept growing bigger and bigger. The biggest dinosaurs were the plant-eaters. They were peaceful animals. They had to eat almost all the time,just to keep their huge stomachs fuTI offood. One of the largest plant-eater dinosaurs was Brontosaurus. Its name means "thunder lizard". This animal was 2lm long and lived 200 million years ago. Brontosaurus spent most of its time near the water's edge. Water meant safety and wat§r meantj~ plants for huge appetites. When Allosaurus (a meat-eater) came into sight, Brontosaurus headed for the water. It could wade outinto water so deep that only its head and neck were above the sUIface. If Brontosaurus could not reach the safety of the water, it probably lashed out with its JXIweIful tail. Diplodocus was the longest of all the dinosaurs. In fact, it was the longest animal ever to walk on the Earth. From its tiny head to the tip of its tail, it was nearly 27 m long. It looked something like Brontosaurus. But it was thinner, and did not weigh as much. With its slender build, Diplodocus could move veI)' quickly if it had to. If a hungry meat-eater came too near, Diplodocus could run away and escape. Or, if water was near, Diplodocus would just wade in" hip-deep. Its enemy was left on land, gnashing its teeth. Allosaurus was well-equipped to be a killer. It had a huge head and poweIfuljaws. With its dagger-like teeth and huge claws, it could tear its victims to pieces in minutes. This ferocious reptile was 13 m long, and weighed over 8 tons. Yet it was veI)' fast. Making great strides on its high legs, Allosaurus could attack its victim in seconds. Allosaurus had a heary, muscular tail. When this huge killer moved, the weight of its tail helped to balance the. E. N G L. 1 S H. F. o R. H. J L. D R. E N. PAGE. 4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 1994 N!3 rest of its body. 'When Allosaurus stood still, its tail rested on the ground, and helped to support the weight of the mighty body_ Some dinosaurs had annor to protect them flan the meat-eaters. Stegosaurus had bony plates on its back, and sharp spikes on the end of its tail. If it was attacked, this armored plant-eater would turn its back on its attacker and lash out \Vith its spiked tail A [LW blows Usually drove the. attacker away.. E. The fiercest of all the killer dinosaurs was Tyrannosaurus Rex. This monster was one of the largest flesh-eating animals that ever lived. It was 5 ID tall and 14 ill long. This giant beast Jived about 100 ntillion years ago. Its front leg<; were tiny - and almost usele$ - but Tyrannosaurus didn't need them! StIiding across the land, Tyrannosaurus Rex was truly the "King of the Tyrants." Its gigantic head was ahnCBt 1..5 ID long, and its jaws could open I ID widel Tyrannosaurus attacked anything that moved Bm scientists lhink it fed mostly on duck-billed dinooaurs. One commm duck-bill was Corythosaurus - a strange creatwe with a crest on top afits head. N G. L I. S H. One dinooaw that did not have to nm frcm Tyrannosaurus was Triceratops. Tricerat0J:6 was a plant-eater, but it could protect itself in a fight It had a heavy, muscular body - something like that of a rhinoceros.. F. o. But its neck was hidden llilder a high, bony collar. And on its head were tluee pointed homs. Tricerato~ was not afraid to fight anything) Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratop> were among the last of the great dinosaUlS to roam the Earth. Then, about 70 million years ago, the diJlOsaUlS became extinct - they all died out. ~y? No one really knows.. Some scientists tltink that a huge meteor hit the Earth and started volcanic eruptions - the dust and ash would have blotted out the SWl for years. Or perhaps the Earth's climate grew much colder and the cold-blooded dinosaurs could not stand the cold as well as the wann-blooded mammals that had begun to live on the Earth. But the great reptiles that ruled tile Earth for 1&1 million years have disappeared forever. No other creatures have reigned so long or so succes;fully.. R. C H I. JIJ. Tyrannosaurus Re. ~---------------, sh31low - MeJIKltlt naDopoTHIIK. well-et:p..ipped - XOPOUlO CBap.a)l{eR. jaws - qeJIlOCfb dagger - KIll£KaJI daw-KOron.. fem -. slrub -. I..,),CTapRm::. to dwell - }KlITh, 061lTal'b. serpenl - 3MeSl to glide - nmnmpoBaTb lea.ftltf)' - noxo)K)]9 Ba Kmt..y, xecnrnti lnall'lnal - MJleKOIIIITalOmee 10 feed (fed) -IIHTaThCSI ftutder - rpe.M$IlUEIO: edge - 6eper juicy -. CO'mhIll. to ""l1de out. - nJXl6npaThCR,. )'X0)I:IITh. slrface - nOBepxHOCTh. to lash out - y;IlapSlTb BHe3aIIHO slender - CTpOrt:H:bl:11 enemy - Bpar to gnash - c},,-pe}KeTaTb (3y6aAm). 10 tear - pa30pBaTh viclim - )l(epTBa ferocious - Y'fC3cRHO:, CBnpeIIbI11 sbide -. 60JJl>U.1ott war. tosupporl- nO.lU{ep:+aman. to rob - OTRHMaTh, rpa6IJl"b anoor - BOopy..KeEme to protect - 3aw:muaTh spike-unm fierce,1 - ca.M:bdl cmrpeIIbItt. bea.-,"1 - 3Bepb bil-KmOB to roam - CKIITaTbCSl ~tl(l1-. Il3Bep}Kelfile. PAGE S. L. o R E N.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 1994 N<!3. Present Continuous Tense A History Sketch Stone Age. 550000 B.C. All was dark and quiet except for a lonely \wil of a raptar, outside nearby the cave. ]im Firestlne sal at the dinner~stump in his private cave and shivered. "This raptor is right outside. I goes around our home. Any minute it can kill us. ". E. N G. L. ~. J. S H. Suddenly, the sLOne-phone rang out.. o. "Hi- Jim! What do you do?" "I think, " said he. "o.K. I'll come by then. We'll think together whatever you think. I am so lonely.. R. Bye.". F. "No! A rap/or goes around! Don't!" "Rap/ors always go around. T11 come. " In a few minutes ]im heard a terrible. c •. nerve-unsettl1ng scream.. J. 'The raptor has obviously attacked my friend. It's me to blame! Me! Me! Me!". L. o. G~I\f\AD.. fUn. In a half hour his stone-phone buzzed. again, "It's me, Jim! I got away from the monster!" "J told you, Peter, and I am fel1ing you again: This raptor is going around our house. Watch out! Oops! - Wait a minute. The first time, 1 said "GOES" - now it is "IS GOING". That's it! Every time I want to say something that's happening right now, at this very moment, 1 will put a person or an object first - I, my friends, parents, lane, or a table, a cup etc. Then I will put my helping word - "to be". And then I will put the important verb and cap it with "INC". For example, if I say animal attack it tens me almost nothing. But if I say - "The animal is attacking us (now)! Oh boy! That says it all. ". A Historian's. R. Commentary. E. N. A map_ to the Present Continuous Tense If you want to make a statement in Present Continuous Tense here is the scheme.. • \. SUBJECT. HELPING WORD TO BE. AN IMPORTANT VERB. ING. PART 1. PART 2. PART 3. PART 4. 6.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 1994 N!!3. The Legend PART 1 I noun - anything. It can be in Third Person Singular - a table, a chair, a dog, a star, a boy, me, you... 11 or it can be in plural, or in Second Person Singular - houses, mice, children, you... III it can be, finally, First Person Singular -1. PART 2 - helping verb (TO BE) I if your PART 1 is I (Third Person Singular) - a table, a chair, a dog, a star you use the secret code IS; 11 if your PART 1 is 11 (Plural, or in Second Person Singular) - houses, mice, children, you. Advertisement from the Stone Age PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE IN TIMES OF DANGER,. JUST USE IT AND YOU WILL STAY ALIVE. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE-. THE LIFE SAVER. - you as I person, or you - many you use the secret code ARE; III if your PART 1 is III your secret code is AM - / am PART 3 -You just put your verb. PART 4 - Add ING to it. Try to make your own secret message sentence using the sceme. / watch Tv. 'T comes first. It is First Person Singular, so it is "AM': so it is '1 am ". "Watch" is PART 3 of your plan. You do nothing except to add '1NG" at the end. That's the final product / am watching TV. Now, suppose, you want to question your statement. Then, you switch PART I and 2 in your plan. Statement: / am watching Tv. Am I watching IV? Finally, if you want to answer negatively, here's another secret: put "NOT" after PART 2. Crocodile tries to eat my hat. Crocodile is (tying to eat my hat. Is the crocky trying to eat my hat? No, it is NOT. (Some say, it is N'T). The crocky is trying to eat my lollipop.. E N G L I. S Il. F. o R. C. tr I L D. Let's Play a Game. Jane. This game is for several players.. I am going for a hike in the country. I am taking my fishing pole, my backpack and a gameboy.. You say a statement in Present Continuous Tense expresses the action,. which going on. Bill. J ane and I are going for a hike in the country. She is taking her fishing pole, her backpack and a gameboy. I am taking a fishing pole, a backpack, a gameboy, a rifle and a tent.... James. Jane, Bill and I are going for a hike. They are grabbing their fishing poles, backpacks, gameboys, a rifle and a tent... I am also taking my book, a compass and my watch.. now, or something you are going to do (will do). Your friend repeats that and adds something new and so on in a rOlllld. For example:. --------- >. The story has been narrated by Max J acobs. PAGE 7. R E N.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 1994 No3. Danny and Dinosaur (the beginning is on. page 1). "Oh, good, said Danny. " What can we do?" "I can take you for a ride," said the dinosaur. He put his head down so Danny could get on him. "Lets go!" said Danny. Danny and the dinosaur went all over town and had lots of fun. "It's good to take an hour or two off after a hundred mi.11ion years, said the dinosaur. "Lets find my friends, said Danny. "Very we11, said the dinosaur. "There they are, said Danny. "May we have a ride?" asked the children. ''I'd be delighted, said the dinosaur. "Hold on tight, said Danny. Around and around the houses ran the dinosaur, faster and faster and faster. "This is better than a merry-go-round, the children said. "Lets play hide and seek, said the children. "How do you play it?" said the dinosaur. "We hide and you try to find us," said Danny. The dinosaur covered his eyes. All the children ran to hide. The dinosaur looked and looked, but he couldn't fmd the children. "I give up," he said. Now it was the dinosaur's turn to hide. The children covered their eyes. 11. E N. G L I. S H. 11. 11. 11. F. 11. o R. 11. 11. C. H I. 11. L D R E N. 11. He hid behind a big gas tank. The children found him. They found him again and again and again. "There's no place for me to hide," cried the dinosaur. "Let's make believe we can't find him," Danny said. "Where can he be? Where, or, where is that dinosaur? Where did he go? We give up, " said the children. "Here I am," said the dinosaur. "The dinosaur wins, " said the children. "We couldn'tfind him. He fooled us. Hurrah for the dinosaur! Hurray!" It got late and the other children left. Danny and the dinosaur were alone. "We11, goodbye, Danny," said the dinosaur. "Can't you come and stay with me?" said Danny. "No," said the dinosaur. "I've had a good time the best I've had in a hundred mi11ion years. But now I must get back to the museum. They need me there." "Oh," said Danny. "We11, goodbye." Danny watched until the long tail was out of sight. Then he went home alone. "Oh, we11," thought Danny, "we don't have room for a pet that size, anyway. But we did have a wonderful day. ". raSeTa 3apemcrplfposaHa s MHHHCTepCTBe. ~pec peron:'I.(HH:. ne1.£3TH a HH4loPMarUIH POCCllH 29.04.92. PerHCTpau,HoHHblH HOMep 01031.. TeJI. (095) 939-29-26.. Y'IpeJJ,Wl'eJlb. TOO "3KCJm6pac" r JlaBHbUt pe.naJ(TOP JI .A. ~aHecBa. TltpaI 25 000. 06'beM 1 DC\(. Jl. 3aKa3 2704.. Xy.nOIHHK T .c1l. KOHcraHTIIHOBa.. OTne'laTaHO B 3-eit THDorpaq,HH. PAGE. 8. MocKsa, JICHHHCJrnC rOpbl, Mry, rnasHoe 3;rI.aHUC, B-259.. MO PC!).

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