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Unit 12 writing English 11

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>LESSON PLAN NO.1 Unit 12 The Asian Games Lesson: Writing. Period: 79. Class: 11 A5. Room: 19. Date: 13/03/2013. Allocated time: 45 minutes. Teacher: Dinh Ngoc Bao. Supervisor: Tran Thi My Trang. I. Objectives: 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson students will be able to: Develop writing skill as writing paragraph to describe the preparations for the coming Asian Games 2. Knowledge: List some new words realated to The Asian Games Improve students' writing skill 3. Skill: Main skill : writing Sub-skills : speaking, reading and listening. II. Methold: Communication approach III. Teaching aid: English book 11, projector, computer. III. Anticipated problems Students may not have enough vocabulary to complete the task so teacher should read to assist them. IV. Procedure: Time. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I.Warm up - Ask students to answer the question - Answer the questions 1.Do you think Vietnam may hold the 5 mins Asian Games in the future? -If yes. What will we do to prepare for the Games? Aticipatite answer: Many stadiums, spost centres, hotels, guest house, volunteers………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - Teacher shows some facilities of the Asian Games: National/local stadiums, training areas, car parks, roads, sports building, hotels/guest houses and national sports centres. - Give the vietnamese equivalent - Lead in: These something to prepare for the Asian Games.Today we are going to write a paragraph to describe the preparations for the Games II. Pre-writing - Ask students to work in pairs - Ask students to match the verb in A with the noun phrase in B. - Look at the board. - Give the vietnamese equivalent - Listen. - Work in pairs - Match the verb in A with the noun phrase in B. A 1. Build. 10 mins. B a. The training areas and roads to sports buildings 2.Upgrade b. One more National Stadiums, some sports building and car parks 3. Wide c. Volunteers to sever the Games( university teacher and students with good English) 4. Equip d. The National sports centres and local stadiums (because they are not good conditions) 5.Promote e. Hotels, guest houses And with modern facilities (also Advertise special servises for disabled athletes) 6. Recruit f. Competition to choose an official song 7. Hold g. Preparation for the Asian Games on the radio and TV Correct answer: 1b, 2d, 3a, 4e, 5g,6c, 7f. - Give their answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 20 mins. II. While writing: Activity 1 - Ask students to work in groups of 6 - 7 - Ask students to correct sentenses with cues below 1.We/ build/ National Stadium/ sports building/ car parks. 2. National Sports Centres and local stadiums/ need/ be/ upgraded/ immediately. 3. We/ widen/ training areas/ roads/ sports buildings/ then/ have / equip/ hotels and guest houses/ modern facilities/ welcome/ foreign athletes/ visitors. 4. It/ necessary/ promote and advertise/ preparations/ Asian games/ radio and TV. 5. We/ recruit/ volunteers/ serve the Games/ and/ they/ be/ university teachers/ students/ good English. 6. The/ important thing/ that/ we/ hold/ competition/ choose/ official song/welcome/ Asian Games. - Divide class into 6 groups with each group complete each sentence in 3 mins. - Ask students to hang their answers on the board Check and give correct answer. 1. We will build one more National Stadium, some sports buildings and car parks. 2. The National Sports Centres and local stadiums need to be upgraded immediately. 3. We will widen the training areas and roads to sports buildings. Then we will have to equip all the hotels and guest houses with modern facilities to welcome foreign athletes and visitors. 4. It is necessary to promote and advertise all the preparations for the Asian Games on the radio and TV.. Work in groups of 6-7. -Hang their answers on the board. - Listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 10 mins. 5. We need to recruit volunteers to serve the Games, and they should be university teachers and students with good English. 6. The important thing is that we will have to hold a competition to choose an official song for welcoming the Asian Games. - Teachers gives Some useful languages: - Connectors: + First / firstly / first of all…. + Second / secondly /………. + Next / then…… + finally / lastly…… - Conjunctions: + because, so, moreover………….. III. Post-writing Ask students Write a paragraph of 120 words to describe the preparations for the Games, using the sentences in activity 1 and the following chronological order: first of all, second, then, next, finally… - Ask students to write them on the board - Check and correct some problems IV. Home work Ask students to Learn new words and useful languages of a descriptive paragraph. - Prepare the next lesson (Language focus, p.144).. Duyệt, ngày … tháng…năm 2013 Giáo viên hướng dẫn (Duyệt và kí tên). Trần Thị Mỹ Trang. - Listen. - Individually. - Write them on the board - Listen. - Listen. Buôn Hồ, ngày … tháng…năm 2013 Giáo sinh thực tập (Kí tên). Đinh Ngọc Bảo.

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