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Writing a paragraph about your favorite sport. Your paragraph must contain all type of sentences
learned and the content needs to mention:
1. Short intro of the sport (name, history, popular where…)
2. How to play it?
3. Your opion about it

“To join in on this life changing game all you need is a
basketball” (1) Everyone who has ever played basketball
knows it is more than just a sport, more than a hobby and
more than just a passion that people have. A basketball
game brings you experience a variety of emotions: anxiety,
hopefulness, excitement, craziness, happiness, anger and
even the thought of wanting to fly with the ball. The
philosophy and emotions associated with the game makes
basketball one of the most loved sport in the world with
more than 27 million Americans play Basketball (around
25% being females and 75% males) and almost 400 million people in more than 200 countries
So what is basketball? Basketball is a team sport played with the help of a ball that is shot into a
basket positioned horizontally. The objective to shoot the ball is scores which are gained by
following certain rules of the game. The game is played by 2 teams constituting 5 players each who
play on a marked rectangular floor with baskets on both ends. It is usually played indoors but can be
played level surfaces outdoors. This is one of the many great things about this unique and popular
sport. So rain or shine, the game goes on, for year round enjoyment and nonstop play.
This wonderful sport was invented in early December 1891 by James
Naismith, a Canadian physical education teacher at Springfield
College in Springfield, Massachusetts. Under the guidance of
physical education specialist, Luther Halsey Gulick, he invented
basketball as an indoor sport to keep his students from becoming
bored during the winter. Basketball was originally played with soccer
ball and Naismith used a peach basket (with non-hollow bottom)

nailed at a height of 10 feet above ground on an elevated track.
Unlike modern basketball hoops, the bottom of the peach-basket was
still there, so after a point was scored, somebody had to get the ball
out of the basket with a long stick. Over time, people made a hole at
the bottom of the basket so the ball could go through more easily.
Since the rules hadn't been formally written, there was no maximum
The first basketball court:
number of players back then unlike today. This also meant that there
Springfield College
was no set rules to the game; Naismith only observed and changed the
rules accordingly. Dribbling was not a part of the game originally and evolved eventually until 1950
with balls gaining better shape from manufacturing. Also the orange ball evolved from the brown
ball that was used at the beginning to be more visible. By the year 1906, the peach baskets were
replaced by metal hoops with backboard. So after so much changing like that, all equipment we
need for a basketball game are:
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 Basketball. The basketball size is 29 1/2 inches in circumference (Size
7) for men’s teams (76 centimeters) in circumference and weighs from
20 to 22 ounces for the NBA’s official ball. Women most often use a
slightly smaller ball that is 28 1/2 inches in circumference (Size 6) and
weighs 20 ounces. It is made of leather, plastic, or any other like
material inflated with air
 Basketball court, is a rectangle shape, is about 91.9 feet long (28
meters) and 49.2 (15 meters) feet wide in an iternational game. A
standard basketball court is split into two halves with a centre circle in
the middle where the jump ball is contested. Basketball courts come
in different shapes and sizes depending on the body governing the
game. Indoor courts are made to be played on vinyl floors while

outdoor courts include concrete and blacktop surfaces along with
pebbles and rocks
 Basketball hoop and backboard. Basketball hoop is circular a
steel rim 18 inches (45.72 cm) diameter which is attached to a wall,
column or other support structure. A basketball backboard is a flat
board that provides a smooth surface for basketball rebounds. At
almost all levels of competition, the top of the rim is exactly 10 feet
(3.05 meters) above the court and 4 feet (1.21 meters) inside the
The basket rules are written officially as well now. The most recent international rules of basketball
were approved February 2, 2014 by FIBA and became effective October 1 of that year.
A game begins when a referee tosses the ball between at the center of the court between the two
players; one from each team and the player who gets hands on the ball passes it to a teammate.
To score a goal, a team has to shoot the ball through the basket. A shot scored from a distance closer
to the basket than the three point line fetches 2 points to the team, while a basket shot from a
distance behind the three point line fetches 3 points. The team with maximum scores at the game
end is the winner.
For a draw, additional time may be allotted. A player advances towards the
basket while running, dribbling or passing the ball to another team mate.
A player is not allowed to move holding the ball without dribbling it as it
is counted as a foul. Similarly a physical contact that disrupts the other
team member or members is counted as a physical foul and the fouled
player is awarded a free throw. A player has to snatch the ball from the
player of other team without making a foul.
Basketball is a game of techniques and positioning. Passing, shooting,
dribbling have to be done in appropriate manner and players have to be
positioned right to offend and defend to achieve or prevent a goal. Height
Basketball positions in the
offensive zone
of the team members gives an advantage in shooting and taller members

are positioned appropriately at the “center”, “power forward” and “small
forward” positions. Shorter members with right ball handling skills proficient in speed play stay in
“point guard” or “shooting guard” positions.
Point guard (often called the "1") : usually the fastest player on the team, organizes the team's
offense by controlling the ball and making sure that it gets to the right player at the right time.

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Shooting guard (the "2") : creates a high volume of shots on offense, mainly long-ranged;
and guards the opponent's best perimeter player on defense.

Small forward (the "3") : often primarily responsible for scoring points via cuts to the basket
and dribble penetration; on defense seeks rebounds and steals, but sometimes plays more actively.

Power forward (the "4"): plays offensively often with their back to the basket; on defense,
plays under the basket (in a zone defense) or against the opposing power forward (in man-to-man

Center (the "5"): uses height and size to score (on offense), to protect the basket closely (on
defense), or to rebound.

There are many rules in palying basketball. But for me,
the most important rules in playing basketball is
teamwork. “Basketball is a beautiful game when the five

players on the court play with one heartbeat” – Dean
Smith. A good team is one who actually respects the
members on the team and possess’ the motivation to go
all the way. These teams have been known to become
amazing teams. When people saw the evolution of a
team, they saw that basketball is more than just a game.
A teamwork playing which makes the game be
unexpected every moment is one of the two highlights
of a game to me. The other one is SLAMDUNK!
A slam dunk, also dunk or dunk shot, is a type of
basketball shot that is performed when a player jumps in
the air, controls the ball(s) above the horizontal plane of
the rim, and scores by putting the ball directly through the
basket with one or both hands. But to me, it is simply a
wonderful jumping in the air and putting the ball directly
through the basket that shakes backboard and make the
audience hold breathing.
A slamdunk is always the moment I love most in a
basketball game! If teamwork is about learning who a
The most popular slamdunk of Michael Jordan in
person really is, choices they make in life; a slamdunk
slamdunk contest 1988
makes you feel that you can fly, like you are going to
touch your dream. At that time, I felt that it was I who was doing that shot, not the player. Everyone
was in mess of emotions because of that moment. Or I can say: “ Let slamdunk make you live the
moment for the moment!”
So where can you watch this amazing sport? It is NBA. The National Basketball Association (NBA)
is the pre-eminent men's professional basketball league in North America, and is widely considered
to be the premier men's professional basketball league in the world. It has 30 teams (29 in the
United States and 1 in Canada), is the most international influence to the basketball world. Michael

Jordan is a legend in the NBA history.There are also other Basketball Leagues Outside The United
States: CBA, China; Liga Nacional de Básquet, Argentina; Lega Basket Serie A, Italy; or VBA,
Saigon Heat is the most popular basketball team in Vietnam which is
now competing in ASEAN Basketball League. In Vietnam, eventhough it
is still a great workout that can help you: burn calories (an hour of
basketball can burn 630–750 calories); build endurance; improve balance
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and coordination; develop concentration and self-discipline and build up muscles, it is not having
much support from the government and fans, and the invesment is still poor. But I still think
positively that basketball is slowly growing because there are more basketball courts built in
schools and children start playing it more in parks… In the future, I believe basketball will be the
one of the most popular sports in Vietnam.
Basketball is far more than just a game. It is a game of skill,
compromise and opportunity. Basketball isn’t just a game, by
bleeding, sweating and getting hurt, it makes me realize who I really
am as a person in this world. Basketball helps me understand others
and their choices. I believe basketball can help others get along better,
get a better understanding of each other and get through life
understanding that together we can make things happen. I love

A basketball training course at
the Phan Đình Phùng High
School, Hanoi, Vietnam.

“When I lose the sense of motivation and the sense to prove something as a basketball player, it's
time for me to move away from the game.”

Michael Jordan
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