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Reading comprehension of the 9th form5

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>1. Hachiko. Have you ever been to Japan? Have you seen the statue of the dog Hachiko in front of the Shibuya train station in Tokyo? If your answer is 'No', please read the story below. Hachiko was the name of the dog of Eiyano- a professor teaching at a university in Japan. Since the first time they met, they were close friends. Everyday when Eiyano went to work, Hachiko followed him to the Shibuya station and waited there till his owner came back. Sadly the professor died at work one day before he could come back home. Although his owner could never be back, Hachiko still continued to wait at the station everyday. Some kind people at the station gave him food. He became a familiar image for passengers at the Shibuya station. In 1935 Hachiko died when he was still waiting. A statue of him was put outside the station. Although the statue is small, it is not difficult to find. It has been the place where people stand waiting for each other. Each day hundreds of people are here waiting for their friends or lovers. TRUE/FALSE QUESTION 1. The dog waited for his owner every day at a station? 2. His owner died at work? 3. The dog died because he was hungry? 4. The dog’s statue is very big? 1. T---> In paragraph 2 it states that before and after the professor died, his dog waited for him at the Shibuya station . 2. T---> You can take this information from paragraph 2 sadly the professor died at work one day before he could come back home. 3. F---> In paragraph 2 it states that some kind people at the station gave him food. So Hachiko couldn’t die because of being hungry. 4. F---> In the last paragraph it is easy to find that “Although the statue is small”, so the statue must be small, not big..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 2. Juan Uribe. This is Juan Uribe. He’s from Maldrid in Spain but he lives in Argentina. He’s an actor. Mr.Uribe is 23 years old. He works for TV ARGENTINA. He also studies; he study journalism at the Federal University of Argentina. Mr.Uribe cannot sing or dance but he can play the violon very well. He loves classical music and he listens to it everyday from 5:10 am to 8:45 am every morning. After this he has fruit juice for breakfast and goes to university. Mr. Uribe is a very good student. He speaks Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Mr.Uribe lives in a flat. His flat number is 133, on the first floor. Mr.Uribe loves Spanish food but he doesn’t like Argentinian food. He loves milk caramels but he doesn’t like chocolate. He doesn’t smoke. Gap-fill exercise Fill in the table below the information taken from the text: Name Age Nationality Occupation Languages Music Flat number Food he likes Food he doesn't like. Name Age Nationality. Joan Uribe ----------------------------------Spanish, ------------and English -----------------------------food ------------food. Joan Uribe 23 Spanish.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Occupation Languages Music Flat number Food he likes Food he doesn't like. actor Spanish, Portuguese and English Classical 133 Spanish food Argentinian food. 3. Christopher Columbus. What do you know about Christopher Columbus? He was a famous sailor and explorer. Columbus was 41 years old when he sailed from southern Spain on August 3, 1492. He went with a crew of 90 men. Thirty-three days later, he landed on Walting Island in the Bahamas. Columbus wanted to find out what the rest of the world looked like. He also wanted to make money. He would sail to distant islands and trade with the local there. He would buy their silks, spices and gold. Then he would sell them in Spain. In Spain, people would pay high prices for them. Columbus got the Queen of Spain to approve his plan. She would pay for his ships and crew. He would keep 10 percent of the value of the goods he brought back. She would take the rest Gap-fill exercise Complete these sentences with the information in the text 1. Christopher Columbus was a ________ and explorer. 2. He was born in ________. 3. His trip to explore the rest of the world lasted for ________. 4. He would like to explore the world and ________as well. 5. Columbus would take ________of what he brought back. 1. sailor. 2. 1451. 3. thirty-three days. 4. make money.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 5. ten percent 4. Cats. Do you have a cat? Do you understand a lot about this animal? Cats live with people in homes. They are small animals with sharp incisors and claws. Cats eat meat and never eat vegetables. Their favorite kind of food is mice. Cats hunt their food at night and sleep in the daytime. During the hunting, the body structure and good eyesight are very useful. Cats love being embraced and stroked. When their owners ped them, cats are really pleasant and satisfactory. Cats also like sleeping in the warm sunlight. When you see a cat sunbathing in the sunlight, do not wake it up. It is sleeping! If there is a catnip plant growing around your home your cat will know it first. Cats can be seen rolling around in it. Some cat toys have catnip inside them because cats love it so much! 1. What is cats’ favorite food? A. Meat B. Mice C. Vegetables D. Catnip 2. When did cats hunt?. A. In daytime B. Cats never hunt C. At night D. Cats hunt mice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 3. Cats love being embraced and stroked because:. A. It makes their owners happy B. It makes cats pleasant and satisfactory C. It is good for cats’ health D. It gives cats food. 4. Why can we usually see cats rolling around catnip?. A. Cats love it. B. Mice live there. C. Catnip is cats’ food. D. They are hunting. 5. George Washington. One of the most famous people in American history is George Washington. He was the first president of the United States. He was born in Wakefield, Virginia, on February 22nd, 1732. His father was a wealthy Virginia planter. When George was 11 years old, his father died. He moved to live with his brother, Lawrence. At school, George was a good student. He was also a good leader. George Washington became president in 1789. At that time there were only 11 states in the United States. He served 2 terms (each term lasts 4 years) as the first president of the United States..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> After his second term, he returned to his home at Mt.Vernon. He died there in 1799. 5.1- T/F 1. George Washington was the first president of the U.K 2. He was born into a rich family. 1. F--> George Washington was the first president of the United States-U.S but not of the United Kingdom-U.K 2. T---> The text states that His father was a wealthy Virginia planter, so his family must be rich 5.2 Find the information in the text: 1. The name of George Washington’s brother is________ 2. The year George Washington became the first president of the U.S in______ 3. The name of George Washington’s hometown is ______ 1. Lawrence 2. 1789 3. Mt. Vernon.

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