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English 6 Word List Units 116

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Unit 1: hello hi greeting fine name morning afternoon evening night goodbye classmate Miss Mr. number one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thank child children. Unit 2: come sit stand close open board book notebook clock desk table pen pencil ruler door eraser house window bag school bag classroom school live say spell street city country student teacher waste basket. Unit 3: table chair armchair couch bench stool bookshelf bookcase lamp stereo telephone television home livingroom wall ceiling family father mother brother sister people doctor nurse engineer worker Mrs. twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred too.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Unit 4: big small floor city country grade class do breakfast lunch dinner brush wash face tooth teeth get up get dressed get ready go every late early time first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth. Unit 5: thing routine play read watch eat listen take a shower go to bed start end finish game music soccer volleyball sport homework housework lunch dinner day after geography history literature math timetable half quarter week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday. Unit 6: beautiful bad tall low high well lake river mountain flower tree park place rice paddy town village factory bakery toystore bookstore drugstore hospital hotel movie theater museum police station restaurant stadium store temple yard left right behind between in front of near next.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> in on at under opposite above below neighborhood child children look at work picture exercise listen read ask answer question Unit 7: photo town apartment garden vegetable walk travel bike bus car motorbike train plane bank post office market supermarket clinic. zoo noisy quiet friend write spend field paddy Unit 8: ride drive slow down straight ahead park take change copy correct arrive help load unload turn wait warn lie fast difficult easy dangerous discipline video game accident ahead businessman farm farmer foodstall. road road sign intersection traffic traffic light truck fly sea sky soccer say cross spider web some something with careful hear Unit 9: body head hair eye ear nose lips mouth chest shoulder arm hand finger leg foot toe tall short.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> long thing fat strong weak heavy light full round oval black white gray blue brown green orange purple pink red yellow gymnast weight lifter Unit 10: feel hungry thirsty full hot cold tired like want matter fruit apple orange banana cucumber. watermelon pear tomato carrot bean pea onion potato food bread cabbage lettuce chicken fish meat noodles rice drink coffee iced juice lemonade milk soda tea water favorite menu vegetable Unit 11: eat apple pie beef egg hot dog sandwich sausage cake chocolate. ice-cream cooking oil toothpaste tube packet gram (g) kilo (kg) half dozen bar bottle box can glass fried need thousand kitchen soda sleep bicycle bed juice Unit 12: aerobics badminton tennis table tennis basketball volleyball soccer swimming fishing fishing rod picnic camp fly jog skip.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> swim wear kite boots tent movies pastime sometimes always usually never often once twice week weekend year free music diary zoo mom dad sport take stove overnight clothes Unit 13: activity weather season spring summer fall autumn winter hot warm. cold cool like die sail Unit 14: plan idea vacation destination stay visit see beach bay pagoda temple citadel minibus bring camera aunt uncle grandmother grandfather finally match suggestion cook favourite win lose show Unit 15: world nation nationality capital. capital city population building tower structure meter (m) language speak Canada Canadian France French England Great Britain English China Chinese Australia Australian Vietnam Vietnamese Italy Italian Greece Greek Swiss Sweden Cambodia Laos Thailand Singapore Philippines Japan Japanese big high long thick great feature.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> natural ocean desert forest rain range flow million twin Mediterranean Sea. Unit 16: animal buffalo pig dog cat cow pull plow grow plant grass cart burn oil coal gas collect cut down damage danger destroy environment keep off man woman pollute pollution produce recycle scrap metal throw trash waste land paper switch drip faucet leave. pick wild feed metal plastic scrap save teach busy money transportation result private taxi expensive cheap.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span>

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