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De cuong on tap Tieng anh HK1 lop 12 nam 20122013

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Da phuc high school School year 2012- 2013. Review for the 1st term – Grade 12. 1. Language focus: 2. Vocabulary: - everyday activities - ways of socializing - education system - future jobs 3. Pronunciation: - the endings “ s” and “ ed” - stress in two- syllable, three- syllable and more than three- syllable words 4. Grammar: - tenses - reported speech - passive voice - conditional sentences - relative clauses B. EXERCISES I. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting. 1. My mother knows how for prepare Chinese 23. When he goes to see them last night, they were food. playing cards. 2. The boy stands over there is my son. 24. There comes my bus! I must go now. Don’t forget 3. It takes 90 minutes for going to Hanoi by plane. giving me a call. 4. My son would rather playing tennis than 25. The problems of pollution are too difficult for us to football. solving. 5. John had his car to repair yesterday. 26. In my opinion, a most beautiful place in Vietnam is 6. It is three months since he works in this company. Dalat. 7. Never I have seen such a good film before. 27. Did you say that you will have a lot of things to do the 8. Two years are a long time to wait. following week. 9. If I had asked you, you wouldn’t accept. 28. Whenever problems come up we often discuss about 10. This is the house in that we often stay in summer. them frankly. 11. She is the most beautiful woman who I have ever 29. The artist whom picture we saw yesterday is also a met. concert pianist. 12. In a hospital everything have to be very clean. 30. . Many folk songs have been wrote about farmers and 13. The doctor strongly advised her take a few days’ country life rest 31. George isn’t enough intelligent to pass this 14. We will be late if we not hurry. economics class without help. 15. Let’s go to swim now. It’s very hot. 32. She must retyping the report before she hands it in to 16. I can’t get my car start in cold mornings. the director 17. Don’t forget locking the door before going to bed. 33. Unless you work harder, you will be sacked because 18. I think your origin plan was the best one. of your lazy. 19. . Dirty air is harmful for our health. 34. Mai told her child not make noise when she was 20. . The police made the robbers telling the true working. 21. Please tell us the reason when he left without 35. We haven’t seen each other from we left school saying goodbye. 36. The story telling by my grandfather was very 22. Smoking is harmful not only to smokers so to interesting. non-smokers. 37. Thank you very much of the present that you sent me. 38. The number of the Asian Games participants have been increasing. II. Multiple choice: 1. He has been learning hard to prepare _______ the coming final exam. a. for b. with c. on d. over 2. Assessment is commonly _______ form of written test. a. on b. of c. at d. in 3. ____ the end of the course, the students have to take an exam on four basic skills of the target language. a. In b. At c. On d. For 4. Statistics indicate that depressed patients are more likely to become ill than are _______ people. a. normal b. normally c. normality d. normalize 5. The purpose of secondary education is to give students common knowledge to ______ for either higher education or vocational education. a. require b. prepare c. ask d. demand.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 6. In New Zealand students _______ secondary school at the ages from about 13 to 18. a. do b. assess c. take d. attend 7. Secondary school in Pakistan begins from grade 9 and __ for four years. a. lasts b. spends c. requires d. prepare 8. What is your major _______ at university? - I learn physics. a. assessment b. evaluation c. subject d. purpose 9. _______ school is very important for _______ country to develop. a. The / a b. The I Ø c. Ø / Ø d. Ø / a 10. What time would we get there _______ the subway? a. we took b. if we take c. unless we take d. provided that we took 11. If it _______ an hour ago, we would have stayed inside. a. rains b. rained c. had rained d. were raining 12. If I feel too excited to sleep, I _______ reading one of our reports. a. will try b. try c. would try d. would have tried 13. If he _______ well on the training courses last year, he _______ offered the promotion now. a. did / were b. did / would be c. had done / would have been d. had done / would be. 14. ____ I had learned English when I was at high school. a. If b. Provided c. Unless d. If only 15. __ he gets here soon, we will have to start the meeting without him. a. Unless b. If only c. Even if d. If 16. He took me to the university _______. a. he used to study b. in that he used to study c. where he used to study d. which he used to study 17. GCSEs are not compulsory, but they are the most common qualification taken by 14-16-year-old students. a. specialized b. fulfilled c. required d. applied 18. I admired him for being so confident _______ his age. a. for b. at c. In d. on 19. I saw a lot of new people at the party, _______ seemed familiar. a. some of whom b. some of who c. whom d. some of that 20. He is the man ______ car was stolen last week. a. whom b. that c. which d. whose 21. They have just found the couple and their car ___ were swept away during the heavy storm last week. a. that b. which c. whose d. when 22. I would like to know the reason ___ he decided to quit the job. a. why b. which c. that d. when 23. _____ instructed me how to make a good preparation for a job interview. a. John Robbins to that I spoke by telephone, b. John Robbins, that I spoke to by telephone, c. John Robbins I spoke to by telephone, d. John Robbins, whom I spoke to by telephone, 24. She always had wanted to go to places _______ she could speak her native tongue. a. that b. in that c. which d. where 25. February is the month ____ many of my colleagues take skiing holidays. a. when b. that c. in that d. which 26. The man and his dogs _______ were buried in the demolished building after the earthquake have just been rescued safely. a. which b. who c. that d. whom 27. Peter is trying his best to study in hope that he will _______ fame and fortune in the near future. a. lose b. run c. move d. achieve 28. Fee-paying schools, often called "independent schools", "private schools" or “_______ schools" a. college b. primary c. secondary d. public 29. In England schooling is compulsory _______ all children from the age of 5 to 16. a. with b. for c. to d. over 30. It is of great importance to create a good impression _______ your interviewer. a. on b. about c. for d. at III. Verb Tenses: 1.By this time next year I (save) Ј250. 2. By the time we get to the party everything (eat) 3. Cuckoos (not build) nests. They (use) the nests of other birds. 4. Ann usually does the shopping, but I (do) it today as she isn't well. 5. He (watch) TV when the phone rang. Very unwillingly he (turn) down the sound and (go) to answer it 6. When I arrived she (have) lunch. She apologized for starting without me but said that she always (lunch) at 12.30..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 7. When I last (see) her she (hurry) along the road to the station. I (ask) her where she (go) and she (say), 'London', 8. He (live) in London for two years and then (go) to Edinburgh. 9. You (wear) your hair long when you were at school? ~ Yes, my mother (insist) on it. 10. She (say) that she'd phone me this morning, but it is now 12.30 and she (not phone) yet. 11. He (lose) his job last month and since then he (be) out of work. ~ 12. He (speak) for an hour now. I expect he'll soon be finished. 13. That helicopter (fly) round the house for the last hour; do you think it's taking photographs? 14. Jane didn't want any dinner. She (eat) already. 15. Her phone (ring) for ten minutes. I wonder why she doesn't answer it. 16. By the time I (get) back to the bathroom, the bath (overflow). 17. We both heard him (say) that he was leaving. 18. I’ll lend you War and Peace if I (finish) it before you go on holiday. 19. I don't really fancy (spend) my whole holiday with your cousins. I'd rather (spend) my time with you. 20. You (be) able to drive after another five lessons 21. You (turn) off the TV, please? No one is watching it. 22. A lot of the work ( do) now. 23. You (put) your book on my desk last night. 24. Tom (just, promote)to area manager of East Asia. 26. How many times you ( fire)? 27. How much money you ( save) for your vacation so far? 28. My brother ( give) tickets to the concert last night. 29. The population of our city ( rise) to nearly one million. 30. A strike ( call) by the factory worker soon. IV. Writing A* Rewrite sentences in form of reported speech. 1. “I'd buy the big tin if I were you,' said the grocer.( advised) 2. 'Here are the car keys. You'd better wait in the car,' he said to her.(gave/advised) 3. 'Why didn't you tell me about that yesterday, Peter?' Jane asked.(asked) 4. 'Would you please wait in the lounge till your flight number is called?' she said.(asked) 5. 'I gave you my textbook last week. I insist,' Tom said.(insisted) 6. 'Could you speak more slowly, please? Ican't understand,' he said to me.(asked) 7. 'I'm sorry I didn't phone you earlier. I was very busy,' Jill said to me.(apologized) 8. 'It's not true! I have never been arrested!' Larry said.( denied) 9. 'Can you answer the phone? I'm having shower!' he said to his son.( asked) 10. “I’d like to become a movie star” she said(dreamt) B* Rewrite sentences in to passive form. 1. The police have searched all the houses in the street. -> Every………. 2. Rich families often send their children to private school. -> Children of ….. 3. A fire destroyed most of the old city of London in the 1600s. -> Most of …. 4. Everyone expects that Manchester United will win the Champion League. -> Manchester United…… 5. People think that the government is planning to build a new international airport. -> The government 6. Lots of people believe he is the best of the contest. -> He is ……. 7. They saw this boy go out.--> This boy 8. Miss Lan, the librarian, hands Nam the book ( 2 passives) C* Rewrite sentences using relative pronouns. 1. Mary has just bought a new cell phone. Her father is a phone maker. 2. My new cell phone has become a necessary part of life. I only bought it a month ago. 3. My roommate has never been on the Internet. She is afraid of computers. 4. A lot of people suffer from techno stress. Those people work in my office. 5. Some people dream of a job. They can do the job without technology. 6. My stereo doesn’t work today. It worked yesterday. 7. The man is a computer expert. You were talking to him 8. The boy is my cousin. You make fun of him. D. Rewrite the following sentences using If clauses..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 1. Mary doesn’t see the sight. She can’t tell you about that. 2. I don’t know his address. I can’t give it to you. 3. He didn’t look a lot better because he didn’t shave more often. 4. She was ill. She didn’t go to work. 5. It was raining all morning. We didn’t go out. 6. Keep silent or you’ll wake the baby up. 7. Stop talking or you won't understand the lesson. 8. I feel better now because you talked to me about my problems yesterday E * Present Perfect Tense <=> Past tense 1. I last went to see my grandparents a month ago. 2. Mary has been working in this company for five years 3. She last saw him years ago. 4. It’s ages since I last saw a Hollywood film. 5. Jack hasn’t written to Jill since they had a quarrel. V. Fill the gap in each sentence with the correct form of the word in parentheses: 1. Each person must be _________ for his own actions (Response) 2. My parents don’t put pressure on me to make a ______ about what to study at university. (decide) 3. She is always under __________ and it is affecting her health. (Press) 4. To attract someone’s _________, we can use either verbal or non-verbal forms of communication (attend) 5. Some people think it is _________to ask someone’s age. (polite) 6. It’s OK to use __________ language if you’re speaking to a friend. (verb) 7. I make no __________ for encouraging my children to succeed in school.( apologize) 8. Children will finish nine-year ___________education when they complete Grade 9 at the age of 14 (compulsory) 9. The first thing you have to do is to fill in this ……… form. (apply) 10. An academic year is _______ into two term, the first term and the second one (division) 11. Each term is______________by a one- week break (separate) 12. Children take an exam to get their ___________ after finish their secondary system (certificate) 13. There are two levels of __________ in England: Primary and Secondary.(educate) 14. We haven’t been able to find a house that meets our …………( require). 15. Please tell me about your first ………… ( impress) of your University life. 16. After you get the entrance examination result, you will get a letter of …(accept) from the University. 17. Entering WTO is one of the most ………… (challenge) matter of our country. 18. Preparing for an interview can be very ………… (stress). 19. Never keep silent or avoid answering the questions of the ………… (interview). 20. Whenever you are explained about something , try to show your (enthusiast). 21. The farmers usually pay much attention to constructing ………… (irrigate) system and applying new farming techniques to make their crops better. 22. You are old enough to take (responsible) ………….for what you have done. 23. These quick and easy (solve )…………..can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost. 24. He was looking at his parents (obey)…………., waiting for recommendations. 25. John cannot make a (decide)…… to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car. 26. My parents will have celebrated 30 years of (marry)……… by next week. 27. Many Vietnamese people(sacrifice)…………. their lives for the revolutionary cause of the nation 28. Most of us would maintain that physical(attract )……….does not playa major part in how we react to the people we meet. 29. If a boss wants to have a well-qualified staff, he should have to pay his employees(appropriate) ………. 30. There is a wide range of( select )………..in the education system of the USA. 31. He was the only (apply)……… that was offered the job. 32. I would like to invite you to participate in the(graduate) ……..ceremony. 33. He was offered the job thanks to his (impress )……….performance during his job interview. 34. Facial (express)……….. show one's feelings when he is communicating. 35. His attitude made me really (anger)………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> VI. Phonetics: * Pronunciation: 1. A. kissed B. helped C. forced D. raised 2. A. sees B. sports C. pools D. trains 3. A. tombs B. lamps C. brakes D. invites 4. A. books B. floors C. combs D. drums 5. A. confused B. faced C. cried D. defined 6. A. trays B. says C. bays D. days 7. A. kissed B. pleased C. increased D. ceased 8. A. devoted B. suggested C. provided D. wished 9. A. gives B. phones C. switches D. dives 10. A. scratched B. crashed C. occupied D. coughed 11. a. economy b. industry c. qualify d. priority 12. a. right b. private c. communist d. minority 13. a. measure b. subsidies c. domestic d. hospital 14. a. though b. encourage c. enough d. country 15. a. improve b. introduce c. move d. lose * Stress: 1. a. recently b. facial c. tomorrow d. confidence 2. a. communicate b. impatient c. interesting d. apologize 3. a. carpet b. visit c. summer d. include 4. a. expression b. example c. friendliness d. superior 5. a. nervous b. body c. verbal d. polite 6. a. generally b. secondary c. education d. specialize 7. a. particular b. variety c. certificate d. supplementary 8. a. equivalent b. independent c. university d. entertainment 9. a. intensive b. requirement c. usually d. assessment 10. a. common b. exam c. degree d. prepare 11. a. hospital b. mischievous c. supportive d. special 12. a. family b. whenever c. obedient d. solution 13. a. biologist b. generally c. responsible d. security 14. a. confident b. important c. together d. exciting 15. a. possible. b. university c. secondary d. suitable VII. Reading: * Cloze- test: There are many reasons (1) _____ taking regular time with our family is important: It creates a place to listen, teach, learn, and (2) _____ ourselves freely and safely. It provides (3) _____ to discuss family joys, issues, and problems. Family members can practice skills in a non-threatening atmosphere. Families are a (4) _____ part of our society and the fabric of our communities - we spend (5) _____ time together to get our feelings (6) _____ belongings, our values, support and understanding. It helps keep family members together and feel safe in today's world where pressure can lead to family disintegration 1. a. that b. why c. when d. which 2. a. think b. show c. express d. say 3. a. opportunities b. conditions c. situations d. circumstances 4. a. attractive b. real c. deep d. basic 5. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 6. a. in b. of c. on d. for * Reading comprehension: In the past, both men and women were expected to be married at quite young ages. Marriages were generally arranged by parents and family, with their children having little chance to say no in the matter. In the past it was not surprising to find that a bride and groom had only just met on the day of their engagement or marriage..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> In modern Vietnam, this has changed completely as people choose their own marriage-partners based on love, and in consideration primarily to their own needs and wants. Moreover early marriage is quite illegal. The traditional Vietnamese wedding is one of the most important of traditional Vietnamese occasions. Regardless of westernization, many of the age-old customs practiced in a traditional Vietnamese wedding continue to be celebrated by both Vietnamese in Vietnam and overseas, often combining both western and eastern elements. Besides the wedding ceremony, there is also an engagement ceremony which takes place usually half a year or so before the wedding. Due to the spiritual nature of the occasion, the date and time of the marriage ceremony are decided in advance by a fortune teller. The traditional Vietnamese wedding consists of an extensive array of ceremonies: the first is the ceremony to ask permission to receive the bride, the second is the procession to receive the bride (along with the ancestor ceremony at her house), the third is to bring the bride to the groom's house for another ancestor ceremony and to welcome her into the family, then the last is a wedding banquet. The number of guests in attendance at these banquets is huge, usually in the hundreds. Several special dishes are served. Guests are expected to bring gifts, often money, which the groom and bride at one point in the banquet will go from table to table collecting. 1. In the past, _________. a. Vietnamese couples were free to make a decision on the marriage b. Vietnamese marriage was decided by parents and family c. getting married at an early age was not allowed d. parents had no right to interfere their children's marriage 2. In former days, the fact that a bride and groom had only first met just on the day of their engagement or marriage was _________. a. surprising b. popular c. uncommon d. strange 3. Which sentence is referred Vietnamese modern marriage? a. Most young people do not have their marriage based on love. b. All marriages are arranged by parents and family. c. Marriage is quite westernization. d. Couples do not get married at quite young ages. 4. According to the passage, __________. a. Oversea Vietnamese people do not like to organize a traditional wedding b. There is an engagement ceremony which takes place usually half a year or so before the wedding c. Many of the age-old customs practiced in a traditional Vietnamese wedding do not exist nowadays d. Vietnamese people never ask a fortune teller the date and time of the marriage ceremony 5. Which does not exist in a Vietnamese wedding party? a. firecrackers b. guests c. dishes d. gifts Good luck.

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