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Unit 6 Write English 8

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of writing : 8 /11/2010 Date of teaching: / 11/2010. Period : 33. UNIT 6 THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB READ. I/ OBJECTIVE By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to the skill of reading . II/ LANGUAGE CONTENT . -Vocabulary : build character , citizenship , personal fitness, co-education , voluntary , boy scouts of American, girl guide association . - Structure :Passive voice . III/ TEACHING AID . - Ss’s books , pictures, posts. - Way of working : T-WC, pairs, groups, individual. - Anticipated problems :a long text , Ss are difficult to understand. IV/ PROCEDURE ; A/ WARM UP complete the words : A-PL-CAT-ON S-MIL-R ENC-URA-E E-TABL-SH B/ PRE-READING *Pre-teach .  1. 2. 3. 4.. + Checking : ROR. * T/F statements prediction . 1. The boy Scouts of American is a youth organization . 2. Scouting began in America . 3. William Boyce is a businessman in London. 5. The scouting Association is the biggest voluntary youth organization in the world . C/ WHILE-READING - Read the passage on page 57 and check if their prediction is correct or not .. - Fill in the missing dates . a. 1907. Ss work individually. 1. application 2. similar 3. encourage 4. establish *Vocabulary ; - (to) encourage :khuyÕn khÝch - citizenship (n) : c«ng d©n cã Ých - coeducation (a) : gd chung cho c¶ nam vµ n÷ . - Voluntary(a) : t×nh nguyÖn -(to) lead – led – led : -(to) establish : xuÊt b¶n + Ss read in chorus, individually.. - Ss work individually , share with their partners.. * Answer given : 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> b. 1909 c. 1910 d. 1994  Comprehension questions : - Ask Ss to answer the questions then correct . - T gets feedback .. * Answers : a. Scouting began in English in 1907. b. The meeting between a boy scout and Mr William Boyce led to the scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910. c. Girls can join in the Girl guide association and Camp Fire Boys and girls. d. The three aims are building character , good citizenship and personal fitness.. - Ss work in groups . D/ POST-READING  Discussing : The knowledge about the HCM young pioneer.  Get feedback . E/ CONSOLIDATION  Passive voice. F/ HOMEWORK  Learn by heart vocab.  Do exercise 5,6.  Prepare : Write..

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