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Black white photography july 2009

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18/5/09 11:02:36


I was running a
workshop up
here on the

coast recently,
and one of the
participants had travelled all the
way from Canada to attend it.
I assumed that he was fitting the
workshop into an extended stay,
but no – he flew in on the
Saturday, flew home on the
Tuesday and went back to work
on the Wednesday. How’s that
for dedication?
What surprised me more than
his mammoth round-trip,
however, was that one of the
main reasons George wanted to
cross the Atlantic was so he
could see and photograph the
old tree on Alnmouth Beach that
I’ve talked about numerous
times in this column over the
past months.
I was enormously flattered that
he was willing to go to such
lengths to see such an everyday
thing – and also anxious that his
long journey wouldn’t be in vain,
given the vagaries of the English
weather. Fortunately for him (and
for me) it was still there. We’ve

had some exceptionally high tides
of late, and I keep waking up and
expecting it to be gone, but for
now it’s happy to hang around.
What George didn’t know is
that since I last photographed it,
someone has been down on the
beach with a chainsaw and
surgically removed its knarled
old roots. How could they? I’m
all for collecting firewood, but I
wouldn’t have the heart to cut up
something as beautiful as that.
Since it first arrived last
September it has become a focal
point on the beach; a tourist
attraction in its own right. Kids
climb on it, loving couples pose
on it, dogs pee up it and
photographers seem to be
travelling from far and wide to

Life’s a

It’s hands across the ocean this month as
Lee Frost shares his favourite beach with a
fellow photographer all the way from Canada

Being able to look out of the window and gaze across the bay

has given me the biggest creative kick of my career

take pictures of it – with George
the current record holder.
On the day we visited
Alnmouth Beach during the
workshop, the odds of taking
any decent shots were stacked
firmly against us. The weather
was grey and drab and the tide
was at its lowest, so the sea was
miles from the tree. But George
was undeterred. He’d come a
long way for this moment and
wasn’t going to let a bit of drizzle
dampen his spirits. He’d also
read another of my articles in
this esteemed organ and

© Lee Frost

equipped himself with a B+W
10-stop neutral density filter for
such emergencies. So, while
others in the group were
struggling to find inspiration,
George was experimenting with
long exposures, hoping motion
in the drifting clouds would give
his shots the lift they needed.

I can relate to this never say
die attitude because it’s what
drives me on creatively. I’d hate
to think that photographically
I’d gone as far as I could go and
all that was left in the future was
more of the same. I’d be bored

stiff, to the point that I’d
probably even take up golf.
I’ve never been one for
collecting good photographs just
for the sake of it – the actual
process of creating them is what
really inspires me, and the only
way to stay inspired is by looking
for new ways of making
photographs. In that respect, the
last year has been more than I
could ever have hoped for. For
starters, I finally took the plunge
and went digital and as a result I
now produce far more black &
white images than I ever did
when I was shooting film –
simply because it’s much quicker
to get from pressing the camera’s
shutter to seeing the finished
print when you do it digitally.
I’ve also become more

experimental, thanks to the
instant nature of digital; and
though there’s an important
quantity over quality issue to be
aware of, I actually feel that my
photography has improved in
the last 12 months and I feel
more inspired than ever.
Equally significant has been
the move to our wonderful old
house overlooking Alnmouth
Beach. Being able to look out of
the window and gaze across the
bay has given me the biggest
creative kick of my career
because right there, across the
road, is all the inspiration I need
to last a lifetime. The downside
of living in such a wonderful
spot is that I’m far less interested
in travelling further afield. I do,
of course, but to me, this place
beats anywhere.

What Lee saw on the beach this month
The dunes disappearing – fast!

Tides so high the beach itself disappeared

Val McDermid (author of Wire in The Blood and part-time Alnmouth resident)

96 June 2009 B&W

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26/5/09 12:58:51

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