: R05
Issued by Date of release Version Page
Hr. Bauer 00
Process owner: Hr. Bauer
Process purpose and
Production in time under adherence to of the quality and
environmental specifications
Supplier: Document Process input
R02-Order settling order (PPS) Production job
Customer: Document Process output
R06-Delivery Produkt
R06-Delivery Clerk banknote article, bundle, quantity, customer,
delivery type...
Monitoring/characteristic numbers
Quality: See subprocesses
Environment: See subprocesses
flow/process documentation/competence
Due to the product number it is decided to which production process the detailed job
will be passed on. The data necessary for it are deposited in the item stock in the
field main group. After the ready message of the EDP, the product is automatically
detected as " deliverable " and is ready for the further use (printout of the clerk
The quality parameters are defined and in the course of the production processes the
prescribed places are checked and documented for all products in the prescription.
For the qualitatively particularly sensitive powder coatings for the front area as
external process validating the current check is consulted by the GSB.
: R05
Issued by Date of release Version Page
Hr. Bauer 00
Around the traceability of the products to guarantee each bundle must be marked by
the batch number for temporary storage (beginning boiler, mix vessels) at each point
in time. If this should not be possible, then the indication can be made also by a
container number with appropriate list. The finished products are provided directly at
the machine with an appropriate batch number label or the used product specific
bundles with the batch number are marked.
The used raw materials are sufficiently back actionable over the documentation on
the load prescription.
If productions are continued to assign at Toll manufacturers, then the responsibility
for the quality of these products is with the Toll manufacturers. The documentation of
the product quality has to take place however similarly to the termination
documentation of the comparable tiger process. I.e. for each of these products a tiger
batch number and the pertinent test records must be available. If the appropriate
documents are not supplied by the Toll manufacturers, then their creation must be
arranged by the process responsible person of the tiger process.
Applicable documents
descriptions of process of the Toll processe
production circular
training course documents