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Từ vựng và Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 UNIT 8_ Country life and City life

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có thể sử dụng, có prefer
thể tiếp cận



thích hơn




đầy đủ


/ˈreɪnfɒrɪst/ n

rừng mưa
nhiệt đới




một cách rõ ràng,
một cách chắc




xa xôi, hẻo




nạn hạn hán




thuộc nông




đương đầu, đối





gánh nặng,
áp lực




trận lụt




đấu tranh




thuộc y học




bi kịch




dân di cư




bão nhiệt




thiên nhiên




thuộc đơ thị




thanh bình




nhiều, vơ số

permanently /

vĩnh viễn



được trả
lương cao



họ hàng



Sự gia tăng,
gia tăng


con người

In that case


trường hợp



I. Complete each sentence with a word or phrase.
in that case




1. Lam is one my__________ ; in fact, he is my aunt’s son.

plentiful rural



2. Do you want to live here___________ or just temporarily?
3. They live in a _________ village in the mountain. It is nearly two hundred kilometers from the nearest town.
4. More and more people are forced to migrate from___________ to urban areas in search of work.
5. As a result of migration, there is a rapid ___________ in the population of urban areas.
6. Doctors say that we may be facing the worst flu epidemic. ___________ , all schools will have to be closed.
7. Susan never gives up that _________________ job; she gets a very good salary in it.
8. It’s difficult to find fresh vegetables on the island, but fish is ______
II. Complete the sentences with one suitable word in the box.
Typhoon drought




traffic jam



1. In the areas affected by…………………..there is not enough water for people's need.
2. The heavy rain has caused……………………..in many parts of the country.
3. A person who moves from one place to another to live or work is a
4………………………is a tropical storm with strong winds.
5. Many young farmers moved to the……………………..areas for jobs.
6. Some…………………….areas in the country are getting electricity.

7. We were stuck in a………………….………..for an hour.
8. It's a………………………that so many young people are out of work.
III. Look at the words in the box. Which things do you usually find in towns? Which in the country?
fields factories tractors
shopping centers gates car
parks villages Town Hall valleys woods
night-life tall buildings libraries traffic farm

IV. Match the word in column A with its partner in column B to create correct phrases
l. lead
a. entertainment
2. breathe
b. traffic jams
3. enjoy
c. a happy life
4. avoid
d. facilities
5. provide
e. the fresh air
V. Choose the word that had the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others
1. a. village
b. relative

c. facility
d. countryside
2. a. permanently b. information
c. electricity
d. entertainment
3. a. beautiful
b. expensive
c. plentiful
d. difficult
4. a. modern
b. dirty
c. remote
d. peaceful
5. a. accessible
b. definite
c. neighborhood
d. government

access: sự tiếp cận
- crowd: đám đông
- overcrowding: sự quá tải
về dân cư
entertainment: mục hay sự
giải trí
-friendship: tình bạn
-friendliness: sự thân thiện
peace: sự hịa bình

medicine: thuốc, y học
migrant: di dân
migration: sự di dân
pleasure: niềm vui

access: tiếp cận, đi

accessible: có thể tiếp cận
# inaccessible: khó tiếp cận
crowded: đơng đúc
overcrowded: q tải dân cư

entertain: giải trí

entertaining: vui nhộn
friendly: thân thiện
#unfriendly: khơng thân thiện
peaceful: hịa bình, n tĩnh


peacefully: một
cách n tĩnh

medical: thuộc về y học
migrate: di cư

please: làm hài lòng -pleasant: vui vẻ
-unpleasant: khó chịu

I. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word in parentheses.
Example: My grandfather is over 80, but he is still very active . (act)
1. People in remote villages do not have good __________care. (medicine)
2. Money cannot buy true ___________ . (friend)
3. The child was sleeping ___________ in its baby carriage. (peace)
4. The island is only__________ by boat. (access)
5. The authorities are trying to solve the problem of __________ in the city. (crowd)
6. The authorities of the city are practicing an open-door policy for ________ workers. (migrate)
7. The television is a great source of ___________. (entertain)
8. In this ___________ city, every small piece of land is worth kilos of gold. (crowd)
9. It is often___________ to think about the mistakes we have made. (pleasant)
10.One of the advantages of living in the country is that it is so___________ .(peace)
11.That remote area is____________ by car. You can only get there by helicopter. (access)
12.You may think Sally is __________ , but she isn’t; she’s just shy. (friend)
13. I like the city life because there are many kinds of_______________(entertain)
14.The life in the countryside makes us relaxed because it's very_______________ (peace)

15. Some of my_________________live in a village outside Hanoi. (relate)
16. Many people hate living in the city. They hate its_____________(noisy)
17. Medical facilities can be______________in a city. (access)
18. We like living here because the people are_______________ (friend)
19. I can't stand the_______________smell of bad fish. (pleasant)
The old man has_______________in breathing. (difficult)
21. These confidential documents are not____________________to the public. (access)
22. It's so______________.out here in the countryside. (peace)

23. I have no intention of living in the countryside____________because it's too quiet and calm.(permanent)
24. Don't worry! We've a few close _____________ in Ha Noi. They'll help you when you are there. (relate)
25. Conversation is one of the most enjoyable forms of _______________ (entertain)
26. Chemical waste from factories ________________the environment. (pollution)
27. I do make mistakes occasionally - I'm only _______________..(man)
28. There is no__________________.in the countryside. (entertain)
29. She has no parents or close___________________(relate)
30. People in the country are often more______________than people in the city. (friend)
31. Farmers are always faced with______________brought about by typhoons, floods or droughts. (destroy)
32. A lot of people believe that well-paying jobs are________________.in the city. (plenty)
33. Increased pollution is another_______________.result. (please)
34. The air is heavily______________.with traffic fumes. (pollute)
35. They made a decision to close down the factory______________(permanence)
36. Joyce think her hometown is a very _______________place. She really get_________.there. (bore)
37. The remote desert area is___________________only by helicopter. (access)




+ To talk about future
+ To show changes with get and become

I. Future intentions (I) or showing changes (C)? Check the correct column.
a) Tuan is flying to Ha Noi this Sunday.
b) The houses are falling into the river.
c) The trees are turning yellow.
d) The circus is coming to town tomorrow.
e) Hoa is becoming a better student.
f) The sea is getting very rough.
g) Are we having a soccer match this week?
h) They are performing a music show tomorrow night.


i) More countryside students are learning in higher secondary
j) We are having tractors to plough in the fìelds.

+ To talk about future
I. Complete the dialogues. Put the verbs into the present progressive tense.
1. A: Have you decided where to go for your holiday yet?
B: Well. (I/ go/ Nha Trang)…………………………………………………………………………..
2. A: Shall we meet on Friday?
B: I can't on Friday. (I/have/ appointment/ dentist)……………………………………………………..
3. A: Are you free at lunchtime tomorrow?
B: No, (I/ have lunch/ Sue)……………………………………………………………………………...
4. A:………………………………………………………………………? (What/ you/ have/ dinner?)

· B: I don't know. I can't make up my mind.
5. A: What's the weather like in Ha Noi?
B:…………………………………………………………………………..(The weather/ get/ warmer)
6. A: What's your plan for this weekend?
B:………………………………………………………………..(1/ visit/ my grandparents/ their farm)
7. A:………………………………………………………………………….(What/ you/ do/ tonight)?
B: Well,…………………………………………………………………….(I/ practice/ piano lessons).
8. A: Will you come to my party tomorrow?
B: I'm sorry I can't. (I/meet/ Susan/ the airport)..............................................................................................
Complete the conversation with
the words.
Put the verbs in the present

Mary: Jack and Jill (1)………………… married on Saturday. Her brother Andrew (2)……… all the way
from Scotland for the wedding. . He (3)………………….Edinburgh on Friday. It's a long drive so he's going
to look for a hotel near Birmingham. He (4)………………..
the night there and (5) ………………..the
journey the next morning. I'm going to buy the wedding present this afternoon. Would you like to come with me?
Paula: All right. I (6) ...........................into town this afternoon. What are you going to buy?
Mary: I'm not sure. Something useful.
IV. Put the verb into the more suitable form, present progressive or present simple.

1. I (go)………………………… to the movies tonight. The film (begin)……………. at 7.30.
2. The world………………(change) rapidly. Things ……………………..(never/stay) the same.
3. We……………..(have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?
4. It…………………………(often) rain) in summer, but it………………………. (not/ rain) now.
5. What time ……………this train………………….(get) to London?
6. Computers…………………………..(become) more important in our lives.
7. A: ……………………………(be) you free at lunchtime tomorrow?
B: No, I………………………………..(have) lunch with my parents.
8. Sue……………….(come) to see us tomorrow. She (travel)…………..by train and her train ……………
(arrive) at 10.15, I……………………….(meet) her at the station.
9. A: What…………………… your sister………………..(do)?
B: She is an architect but she…………………..(not work) at the moment.
10. Can we stop walking soon? I………………………(get) tired.
V. Which is correct?

1. I am a bit thirsty. I think I will have /am going to have something to drink.
2. Why are you putting on your coat? Will you go/ Are you going somewhere?
3. Look! That plane flies/ is flying toward the airport. It is landing/ is going to land.
4. Do you think An will like/ is going to like the present we bought for her?
5. Do you do/ Are you doing anything tomorrow evening, Helen?
6. Are you still watching that program? What time does it end/ will it end?
7. I go/ am going to London next week for a wedding. My sister will get/ is getting married.
8. I'm not ready yet. I will tell/ am going to tell you when I am ready. I promise I am not/ won't be very long.
9. "Where do you go/ are you going?” -“To the hairdresser's. I will have/ am going to have my hair cut.
10. Sue comes/ is coming to see us tomorrow. She travels/ is traveling by train and her train arrives/ is arriving
at 10.15.

+ To show changes with get and become
I. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs and adjectives in the boxes.







a) The boys are getting taller.
b) The old men__________________________________________________________________________
c) We should go home. It_________________________________________________________________
d) The weather__________________________________________________________________________

The students________________________________________________________________________


The school yard______________________________________________________________________

II. Complete the sentences using comparative sentences with GET or BECOME.
a) Computers ____________ in our lives. (important)
b) The world’s population ____________ (big)
c) The problem of food for everyone in the world ____________ . (bad)
d) Many of the world’s seas, rivers, and lakes ____________ . (polluted)

e) Life ____________ .(automated)
f) Jobs for young people ____________ to find. (hard)


 So sánh hơn (Comparative)
a) Cấu trúc so sánh hơn của tính từ ngắn:

Subject + verb + adj-er + than + noun/pronoun
Ví dụ: Your house is bigger than Lan's house. (Nhà của bạn thì lớn hơn nhà của Lan.)
The life in the country is simpler than that in the city. (Cuộc sống ở nông thôn thì giản dị hơn cuộc sống
ở thành thị)

b) Cấu trúc so sánh hơn của tỉnh từ dài:

Subject + verb + more + adj + than + noun/pronoun
Ví dụ: She is more beautiful than her younger sister. (Cô ấy đẹp hơn em gái của mình.)
This chair is more comfortable than that chair. (Cái ghế này thì thoải mái hơn cái ghế kia.)

 So sánh nhất (Superlative of adjectives)
- So sánh nhất chỉ sử dụng khi có từ ba người, ba sự vật, ba sự việc trở lên để so sánh nhằm đưa ra mức độ lớn
nhất đối với những cái khác.
- Cấu trúc so sánh nhất của tính từ:

Subject + verb + the + short adj-est... (tính từ ngắn)
Subject + verb + the + most + adj...
(tính từ dài)
Ví dụ: Mai is the most beautiful girl in this class.(Mai là cô gái xinh đẹp nhất lớp.)

Nhung is the shortest of the three sisters. (Nhung là người thấp nhất trong ba chị em.)
I. Choose the correct answer.
1. Of the four dresses, I like the red one (better/ best).
2. Pat's car is (faster/ fastest) than Dan's.
3. John is (less/ least) athletic of all the men.
4. Does Fred feel (weller/ better) today than he did yesterday?
5. My cat is the (prettier/ prettiest) of the two.
6. This vegetable soup tastes very (good/ best).
7. David is the (happier/ happiest) person that we know.
8. This summery is (the better/ the best) of the pair.
9. Jim has as (few/ fewer) opportunities to play tennis as I do.
10. The museum is (the further/ the furthest) away of the three buildings.
II. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the words in brackets.
1. Learning to speak a language is often much (easy) _____________________ than learning to write it.
2. This hotel must be (expensive)____________________ than the small one next door.
3. He is certainly (unusual)___________________person I have ever met.
4. His latest film is (interesting)_____________________ than his previous ones.
5. What is (difficult)_______________________ thing you have ever done?
6. Losing your credit card is (bad)_______________________ than losing your money.
7. Bringing up children is one of (hard)_____________________ jobs in the world.
8. When I saw her, she looked much (thin)______________________ than I remembered her.
III. Match the phrases in A with suitable ones in B and C to make meaningful
1. Jonathan is
2. My great-great aunt is
3. London is
4. Alaska is
5. The guitar player is
6. The Nile is

7. My parents' room is
8. The Mercedes is
9. Sarah is
10. June 21th is

A. the biggest state
B. the longest river
C. the best musician
D. the fastest runner
E. the biggest city
F. the oldest person
G. the most expensive
H. the longest day
I. the youngest
J. the biggest

m. in the group.
n. in my family.
o. in the team.
p. in the world.
q. in Britain.
r. in the USA.
s. of the four bedrooms.
t. of the five girls.
u. of the three cars.
v. of the year.

IV. Complete the sentence. Use a superlative (-est or most) or a comparative (-er or more).

1. We stayed at the cheapest hotel in the town.(cheap)
2. The United States is very large but Canada is.................................
3. What's .................................river in the world? (long)

It was a wonderful day. It was.....................................day of my life, (happy)
What is............................sport in your country? (popular)
Everest is ...........................mountain in the world. It is ………….than any other mountain.(high)
We had a great holiday. It was one of…………………..……holiday we've ever had. (enjoyable)
8. I'd prefer this chair to the other one. It's..........................................(comfortable)
9. What's.............................way of getting from here to the station? (quick)
10..Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters........................................... is 14 years old.(old)
V. Correct the mistakes.
1. Today is more sunny as yesterday.
2. My boyfriend isn't as clever than he thinks.
3. Ken is a very more careful driver than Simon.
4. You aren't taller as I.
5. What was the happier day of your life?
6. The more older my grandmother gets, the more forgetful she becomes.
7. Camping isn't as comfortable than staying in a hotel, but it's much healthy.
8. The problem of world pollution is getting more and more bad.
VI. Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown.
1. Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees, but today it is only six degrees.
It's ................................................................................................................................................................
2. I expected my friends arrived at about 4p.m. In fact they arrived at 2:30.
My friends.......................................................................................................................................................
3. Jane cooks better than her sister.->Jane's sister..........................................................................................
4. Tom is the best football player in this team.->Nobody in this team............................................................
5. Nothing is faster than the speed of light.->The speed of light....................................................................

6. Jack is younger than he looks.->Jack isn't..................................................................................................
7. I didn't spend as much money as you do.-> I..............................................................................................
8. I have never met anyone as interesting as he is.->He is.............................................................................

I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. away
b. facility
c. migrant
d. nature
2. a. urban
b. po1lution
c. ruler
d. supermarket
3. a. supply
b. typhoon
c. facility
d. try
4. a. strain
b. air
c. rain
d. entertainment
5. a. drought
b. although
c. cough
d. neighbor

II. Choose the word or phrae that best completes each unfinished sentence below or substitutes 6. The game
_______ at two o’clock tomorrow. a. has started
b. is going to start
c. start d. is starting
7. Is your English _______ better? a. get
b. got
c. getting
d. geting
8. I feel much _______ now that the exams are over. a. more relaxed b. more relaxing c. relaxer d. relax
9. I think this milk is turning_______. a. sour
b. sourly c. sourness d. more sourly
10. Our new car is a little __than our old one, but still fits easily into the garage.
a. wide b. wider c. widder d. widely
11. _____ the piano, but also the violins.
a. Not only she plays b. She not only plays c. Neither she plays
d. She plays either
12. Italy ______ France in tomorrow’s final.
a. has played b. played c. is playing d. play
13. People used to believe that the world was flat.
a. think b. say c. claim
d. hear
14. ______is a longtime when there is not enough rain. a. Storm b. Drought
c. Typhoon
d. Flood
15. Strawberries are_____at the moment. a. a lot of
b. plentiful
c. much
d. many
III. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English.
16. I have to get up early tomorrow because I will teach a physics class at 3. 00 in the morning.

17. The situation is already very badly and it is getting worse.
18. I enjoy not only reading novels but also magazines.
19. She actually prefers do things by herself.
20. Is the boat from Hai Phong arriving on 10. 30?

IV. Choose the word (a, b, c, or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces.
I live (21) _____ Romania, in the (22) _____. My school is about one kilometer (23) _____ from my home. My sister
goes to school (24) _____bike every morning, but I haven’t got a bike, so I go (25) ______ foot. It only (26) _____ about
fifteen minutes, and it’s good exercise.
21. a. in
b. at c. on d. from
24. a. by b. with c. on
d. of
22. a. country b. countryside c. city life d. a & b
25. a. by b. with c. on
d. of
23. a. apart
b. away c. 0 d. b & c
26. a. has
b. takes c. last d. all are correct
V. Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions
The place where I live is a village. It is called North Thoresby. North Thoresby used to be a big village, but now it is
quite small. These days, only about four hundred people live here. A lot of families have left the village. They have gone
to work in larger towns and cities where there are more jobs.
I like our village because it is small and quiet. But my older sister doesn’t like it. It isn’t exciting enough for her. She
prefers to live in a large city, where there are more cinemas and discos and teenagers.
27. North Thoresby______ . a. is a city
b. is a village
c. is the place where the author of the passage lives

d. b & c are correct
28. Nowadays,______ .
a. only about four hundred people live in North Thoresby
b. North Thoresby is a big village
c. North Thoresby is a small village
d. a & c are correct
29. What does the word ‘they’ in line 4 refer to? a. villages b. days
c. people
d. families
30. We can replace the word ‘quiet’ in line 6 with_____ . a. ‘peaceful’ cb. ‘crowded’ c. ‘noisy’
d. ‘nice’
31. Which of the following is not true?
a. The author’s sister doesn’t like to live in North Thoresby.
b. The author likes to live in larger cities because there are more jobs in the cities.
c. The author’s sister prefers to live in a large city.
d. Many families have left the village.

I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. traffic
b. relative
c. tragedy
d. jam
2. a. apartment
b. offer
c. prefer
d. another
3. a. nature
b. pressure
c. urban

d. supply
4. a. create
b. peaceful
c. increase
d. easily
5. a. accessible
b. pressure
c. illness
d. success
II. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each unfinished sentence below or substitutes for the underlined
word or phrase.
6. I’m sorry, but I can’t come for dinner because I_____ to York tonight.
a. has driven
b. drives
c. drove
d. am driving
7. That child is getting_____ every day. a. big b. bigger
c. biggest
d. biger
8. It’s becoming_____ to go out alone at night. a. danger
b. dangerous c. dangerously d. dangerousness
9. The number of cars on the road_____ . a. increase b. is increasing c. are going to increase d. are increasing
10. It has been the____ day in London for 35 years. a. hoter
b. hotter
c. hottest
11. The giraffe is _____ the man. a. taller than
b. tall than
c. tallest than d. the tallest than
12. I’ve lost my keys. Can you help me to look _____ them? a. for

b. at
c. after d. Forward
13. The heavy rain has caused____ in many parts of the country. a. storms b. droughts c. typhoons d. floods
14. Living in the country is not expensive. And it isn’t complex,_____ . a. either b. too c. neitherd. so
15. There’s usually a lot of traffic at this time of day.
a. all the cars, etc that are on a road
b. movement
c. means of transport d. transportation
III. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English.
16. He is always getting angrily about something.
17. We are arriving on Ha Noi in the late afternoon.
18. She is a famous musician so well as being a photographer.
19. He worked hard in order to getting good grades.
20. Richer countries could do more to help poorest countries.
IV. Choose the word (a, b, c, or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces.
We live in Yorkshire, (21) ____ a farm in the country. The farmhouse is quite an old (22) ____. It’s about 250 years old,
I think. There aren’t many houses near us. There’s a pub in the village about three miles (23)_____, but we’re over twenty

miles from the (24) ____ town. That,can (25)_____ difficult for shopping, but we love it here. It’s very (26)____, there’s
no traffic, and the view is wonderful.
21. a. on
22. a. flat
23. a. apart
24. a. near
25. a. be
26. a. quite

b. in
b. apartment

b. away
b. nearer
b. is
b. quiet

c. at
c. room
c. far
c. nearest
c. are
c. peaceful

d. a&c
d. building
d. from
d. most near
d. was
d. b&c

V. Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions
My name is Julia. I’m fifteen years old and I live in Winchester. It isn’t a large town, and the streets are very narrow.
Lots of people come into the town every day for work and for shopping. Most of them come by car. The traffic is very
noisy and there’s a lot of air pollution. Sometimes it is hard to breathe. Often, there are traffic jams.
Some of my friends think we should build more roads. Others think we should ban cars from the center of Winchester.
Others think more people should travel by bus. I think people should use bicycles or walk.
27. How old is Julia?
a. 13
b. 14
c. 15
d. 16

28. Winchester _____ . a. is a large town
b. has very narrow street c. is an old town
d. a & b are correct
29. The word ‘them’ in line 3 refers to_____ .a. towns b. streets c. People d. cars
30. The word ‘hard’ in line 5 has the same meaning as the word_____ .
a. ‘easy’
b. ‘difficult’
c. ‘dangerous’ d. ‘convenient’
31. Which of the following is not true?
a. Some of the author’s friends think they should build more roads.
b. The author thinks people should use bicycles or walk.
c. There’s no air pollution in Winchester.
d. Many people come into the town every day.

I. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
1. a. delay
b. believe
c. create
d. nature
2. a. offer
b. urban
c. away
d. rural
3. a. migrant
b. typhoon
c. supply
d. remote
4. a. tragedy
b. plentiful

c. relative
d. unpleasant
5. a. information
b. entertainment
c. overcrowding
d. permanently
II. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each unfinished sentence below or substitutes
6. She _____ a speech at the conference next week. a. has made
b. is making
c. make d. would make
7. The climate is getting_____ . a. warmer
b. warmly
c. warmness
d. warming
8. ‘Jenny has had her baby. ’ _‘Really? That’s wonderful! I ____ her some flowers. ’
a. will send
b. has sent
c. send
d. am sending
9. The universe _____, and has been since its beginning.
a. expand
b. is expanding
c. will expand
d. is going to expand
10. The CD is _____ than the cassette. a more expensive b. much expensive c. expensive
d. expensiver
11. This machine is ____ . a. most reliable
b. the most reliable
c. more reliable d. reliabler
12. TV is bringing ______ information, ______ entertainment.

a. not only . . . but also
b. so . . . that
c. either . . . or
d. more . . . than
13. The film is definitely not suitable for young children. a. specially
b. certainly
c. hardly
d. really
14. She is offering a reward _____ the return of her lost watch. a. for b. of c. to
d. with
15. _____ is a violent tropical storm in the western Pacific. a. Flood
b. Tidal wave c. Typhoon
d. Drought
III. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English.
16. They have just phoned to say that they don’t come back till midnight.
17. I like everybody who works here, but you’re the nicer of all.
18. Not only the bathroom was flooded, also the rest of the house.
19. Take this empty box away and bring to me a full one.
20. They often look after other work when they need more money for their family.
IV. Choose the word (a, b, c, or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces.
My name is Pallapah and I live in Bangkok (21) __Thailand. We (22) ___live in the country. My dad and his brothers
(23) ____ farmers. But due to money problems, my dad decided (24) _____ to Bangkok, our capital city. None of us really

like (25) _____ here because of all the traffic and (26) _____. And because of the high cost of living, we can’t buy a house
(27) _____ we would all prefer to live on the 28) _____ , we can earn more money here in the city. So despite all the
problems, we will probably stay here.
21. a. in
b. on

c. at
d. of
22. a. use to
b. used to
c. got used to
d. were used to
23. a. was
b. were
c. is
d. are
24. a. move
b. to move
c. moving
d. to moving
25. a. live
b. to live
c. living
d. b&c
26. a. pollution
b. crowded
c. noisy
d. quietly
27. a. Because
b. However
c. Although
d. So
28. a. country
b. countryside
c. city
d. farm

V. Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions
I live in Cairo, which is the capital of Egypt. There are more than ten million people here. A lot of them have come
from the countryside because there are more jobs here.
I live in an apartment near the city center. It is a busy, exciting place. It has cinemas and shops, but unfortunately there
is a lot of traffic too. Many tourists come from all over the world to see the Pyramids, which are near the city.
I like Cairo because it is big and exciting. I have a lot of friends and it is easy to meet new people. I am glad that I live
here, but my mother doesn’t like it. She used to live in the countryside, and she would like to go back one day.
29. Cairo ____. a. is a village b. is the capital of Egypt c. has more than ten million people d. b & c are correct
30. Why do people go to Cairo?
a. Because there are more jobs in Cairo than in the countryside. b. Because they want to see the Pyramids.
c. Because there is a lot of traffic in Cairo.
d. a & b are correct
31. We can replace the word ‘tourists’ in line 6 with the word ______ .
a. ‘newcomers’ b. ‘visitors’ c. ‘guests’
d. ‘friends’
32. The author likes Cairo because ______ .
a. it is big b. it is exciting
c. he thinks it is easy to meet new people there
d. all are correct
33. Which of the following is not true?
a. The author has a lot of friends.
b. The author likes to meet new people.
c. The author lives in a villa.
d. The author’s mother doesn’t like to live there.
I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. government
2. a. not
3. a. unpleasant
4. a. drought

5. a. result

b. over
b. problem
b. supply
b. ought
b. destroy

c. problem
c. hospital
c. strugg1e
c. brought
c. simple

d. permanently
d. government
d. lucky
d. thought
d. this

II. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each unfinished sentence below.
6. ‘We don’t have any biscuits. ’_‘Yeah, I know. I _____ some tomorrow morning. I’ve got them on my list. ’
a. got
b. gets
c. am getting
d. get
7. The film was _____ than the book.
a. more exciting
b. more excited
c. the most exciting

d. the most excited
8. He grows flowers as well as vegetables.
a. and vegetables too
b. as long as vegetables c. as good as vegetables
d. not only vegetables
9. It ______ dark. Shall I turn on the light? a. gets
b. will get
c. is getting
d. is going to get
10. I found it a strain making conversation with him.
a. great pressure
b. great pleasure
c. great trouble
d. great event
11. The earth _______ warmer.
a. is getting slowly b. is slowly getting c. slowly gets
d. gets slowly
12. You are _______ person I know. a. the lucky b. the luckier c. the luckiest d. the most lucky
13. He has tried very hard to find a job, until now without _____ . a. result
b. end c. conclusion d. affect
14. It _____ late . _ I have to go.
a. get
b. will get
c. is getting
d. is going to get
15. He went to school late because he was stuck in the_____ this morning.
a. rush hour
b. traffic light
c. traffic jam
d. crossroads

III. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English.
16. She thinks Dan is enjoying living away from home when he goes to University.

17. People are becoming increasingly anger about the delay.
18. All the car parks were full, so we had to look at somewhere to park.
19. Even today, most Americans prefer coffee than tea.
20. The governments tried providing facilities for these migrants.
IV. Choose the word (a, b, c, or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces.
Mexico’s cities are modern (21)_____ have traditional Indian and Spanish influences. The (22) _______ buildings are around a central square, which also serves as a place to meet with friends.
There are (23) ______market places, where people can find almost anything they need. (24) _____ Sundays, parks are a
(25) place for family outings. Many people move to Mexico City from (26)____ areas. It has (27) ______ excitement, but
also lots of traffic and the (28) ______ .
influence (n): sự ảnh hưởng
outing (n): cuộc đi chơi
21. a. although
b. because
c. and
d. but
22. a. important
b. more important
c. importanter
d. most important
23. a. outdoor
b. outside
c. away
d. beside
24. a. In
b. At
c. On

d. When
25. a. famous
b. popular
c. plentiful
d. well-paying
26. a. rural
b. urban
c. suburb
d. all are correct
27. a. a lot of
b. many
c. very
d. much
28. a. Supplies
b. population
c. problem
d. pollution
V. Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions about it.
Living in a big city today is very different from living in a small town long ago. Today if you want to go to the city
center, it takes you a long time by bus or by car. If you ride a motorbike, you breathe all the exhaust fumes and feel sick.
Howevex, if you become ill, there are hospitals close by. Also if you like music and dancing, the discos and pubs offer a
wide variety.
Long ago life was different. If people traveled, they used horses and carts. If they went a long distance, the journey took
days, not hours. If they were ill, they didn’t go to the hospital, there were none. If there is a wedding or holiday, they sang
and danced.
exhaust fumes (n): khói thải horse and cart (n): xe ngựa
29. The life in a big city today is_____ different from the life in a small town long ago.
a. slightly
b. hardly
c. very

d. b & c are correct
30. How did people travel?
a. By bus or by car.
b. By motorbike. c. By horse and cart. d. By airplane
31. The word ‘they’ in line 7 refers to _____ . a. cities b. horses and carts c. modern people d. people in the past
32. We can replace the word ‘ill’ in line 9 by the word_____. a. ‘sick’ b. ‘bad’ c. “wrong”
d. “painful”
33. Which of the following is not true?
a. There weren’t any hospitals in the past.
b. There weren’t any discos and pubs in the past.
c. In the past, the long journey could take days, not hours. d. It’s very convenient to travel in the past.

I. Choose the word or phrase that best to complete each of the sentence.
1. He went to school late because he was stuck in the this morning.
a. rush-hour
b. traffic-light
c. traffic-jam
d. cross-roads
2. Farmers often other work when they need more money. a. look for b. look at c. look after d. look over
3. Minh………in this town since 1987. a. lives b. has lived
c. lived
d. is living
4. We….a party next Saturday. Can you come? a. have
b. will have
c. are having
d. are to have
5. Typhoons, floods or droughts can easily…………a harvest. a. destroy .b. finish c. provide d. defeat
6. I often spend my weekends through pleasant open countryside.
a. travel

b. to travel
c. to traveling
d. traveling
7. Which one is………………milk or orange juice? a. better
b. good
c. the best d. well
8. Thank you! That's……I've ever received a. the nicer gift b. the nicest gift c. a nice gift d. nicest gift
9. Could you talk _? I'm trying to work. a. more quietly b. quieter than c. more quiet d. quiet
10. The countryside is _quiet I don't want to live there permanently.
a. tool that b. very/ until
C. such/ that
d. sol that
II. Rearrange the words to create meaningful sentences.
1. grandfather / Sunday /1 / my / am / on / visiting...........................................................................................
2. is / home / so / dark / should / It / we / go / getting

3 . 1 / countryside / the / last Saturday / went / My aunt / to / and
4. Hue / Mr. Nam / tonight / arriving / in / is....................................................................................................
5. life / for / is / better / the / changing / Country.............................................................................................
II.. Complete the conversation, using PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE.
Birgit: What are you doing at the weekend?
0. (you / do)
Maria: .....................……….two days in the mountains.
1. (I / spend)
Birgit: How................……………. .there? By car?
2. (you / get)
Maria: Yes.

Birgit: .....................……………………with you?
3. (Robert/come)
Maria: No, he isn't................................unfortunately.
4. (he / work)
What about you?..................................away this weekend? 5. (you / go)
Birgit: No,.........................………………friends at home.
6. (we / entertain)
Maria: Are these the friends from Canada?
Birgit: Yes, that's right - Jim and Marcus.
Maria: ..........................…………………….with you?
7. (they / stay)
Birgit: No, they aren't. They're here on business, so they're in a hotel.
Maria: When....................…………………..?
8. (they / arrive)
Birgit: Tomorrow. And………………....back on Wednesday. 9. (they /fly)
III. Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition.
1. He lives...........................that house,.........................the second floor.
2. This tooth is bad. It mustn't stay...............................your mouth a moment longer.
3. What are those children doing .............................the roof? Tell them to get………immediately.
4. A: Can I speak to Ms Tomlinson, please?
B: I'm afraid she isn't.......................She went.......................half an hour ago.
5. They go.........................work.........................bus.
6. Sometimes we can't open the door, and then we have to climb……………the window.
7. My birthday is.....................May, and my wife's U ... •...................Christmas Day.
8. Sara was born..........................2 o'clock...................17th July.
IV. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. My brother cooks better than my sister.->My sister doesn't…………………………………………….
2. Children like cartoons more than newsreels.-> Children prefer………………………….......................
3. Mai is 14 years old. Lan is 12 years old.->Lan is ……………………………………………………..
4. This shirt is not so expensive as that one.-> That shirt is……………………………………………..

5. Nam doesn't speak English as well as Mai.-> Mai………………………………………...........…..
6. My brother is a more careful driver than I am.->My brother drives……………………………….
7. Hai is the most intelligent in this class.->No students ……………………………………………
8. Cheese has more calories than bread.-> Bread doesn't…………………………………..………
9. Japanese is difficult. Is Chinese, too?->Is Chinese
10. The last exercise was difficult. This one is easy.->This exercise is……………………………….
VII. Read the text and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
Tokyo is a famous city. There are a few good buildings and impressive temples; there are a few parks worth
visiting. Everything has to be small in Tokyo: houses, rooms, shops. Long - side streets consist of tiny houses only,
and this often creates a toy-like, with small women tip-toeing along in their kimonos.
Tokyo at night is a very different place from Tokyo in daytime. Millions of neon signs are switched on and
nowhere in the world is more attractive.
A town is not its buildings alone; it is an atmosphere, its pleasure, its sadness, its madness, and above all its
people. Tokyo may lack architectural beauty but it has character and excitement; it is alive. I found it a mysterious and
lovable city.
1. There are many beautiful buildings in Tokyo.
2. There is nothing to see in the parks in Tokyo.

Many small houses are found along long roads.
Tokyo at night is not as attractive as many other cities.
Tokyo has beautiful architecture.
The author likes Tokyo very much.
VIII. Match the questions in column A to the answers in column B.
1. What are you doing on your vacation?
a. I usually travel by train.
2. What is your home town like?
b. I'm not sure. I think it's about 850 kilometers.
3. Who live there?

c. 'I'm going home.
4. How far is it from here to your home?
d. I prefer the country.
5. How do you usually get to your home?
e. Oh, yes. I really love it.
6. How often do you go to your home?
f. It's a beautiful small village.
7. Do you love your home town?
g. My grandparents, my parents and my brothers.
8. Which one do you prefer the country or the city?
h. Twice a year.
IX. Complete the passage with the suitable words.
Many (1)………………..believe that life on a farm is very quiet and easy, but (2)…..is very hard. I myself have
(3)……..on a farm for nearly twenty years and I know what farm work (4)………….You must get up early, (5)
…………..the chickens and the cows, water the flowers, vegetables, do a (6)………………..of gardening and
then (7)….….in the fields. But my aunt likes this way of life and (8) ……..do all her children.
X. Read the passage, then answer the questions.
Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go into their offices, factories or schools
every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up earlier in the morning and reach home
later in the evening.
One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a
garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money one can get a little house in the country with a garden of
one's own. Then in the country one can rest from the noise and hurry of the town. Even though one has to get up
earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep well at night, and during weekends and summer
evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one likes gardens, one can spend one's free time
digging, planting, watering and doing the one hundred and one other things that are needed in a garden. Then,
when the flowers and the vegetables come up, one has the reward of one who has shared the secrets of Nature.
1. Where do most people who work in London prefer to live?
a. London
b. London's suburbs

c. London's towns d. London's urban areas
2. Why do they have to get up early in the morning?
a. Because they have to catch the early train or bus.
b. Because they want to avoid traffic-jam.
c. Because they live far from train or bus station.
d. Because it often takes them a lot of time to get to their offices, factories or schools
3. What are the advantages of living outside London?
a. Houses are cheap
b. There's peace and quiet
c. Air is fresh
d. All are correct
4. The phrasal verb 'come up' means a. rise
b. happen
c . appear d. reach
5. Which of the following is not true?
a. People in the country can sleep well. b. People in the country usually spend their free time gardening.
c. People in the country get fresh air.
d. People in the country get peace and quiet.
XI. Write a complete letter from the given words and phrases (make changes and additions if necessary).
Dear Susan,
1. Thank you/ much/ your letter/ which/ arrive/ few days ago.
2. It/be/ lovely/ hear/ you..................................................................................................................................
3. Il be sorry/ I/ not writer a long time but Il be very busy.
4. As you know/ we/ buy/ new house/ September.
5. It/be/ very bad condition, and it/ need/ repair/ a lot.


6. We/ just / finish / most of it / and now / it / look / very nice.
7. Peter and I/ decide/ give/ house-warming party/ May 3rd
8. You think/ you able/ come?...........................................................................................................................
9. Please give me/ ring and let/ know/ if you can come.
10.I/ really/ look forward see you again.............................................................................................................
XI. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi.
1. Her old house is bigger than her new one.-> Her new house............................................................................
2. No one in my class is taller than Peter-> Peter .................................................................................................
3. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.-> The white dress ......................................................
4. According to me, English is easier than Maths.-> According to me, Maths.....................................................
5. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.-> Mary.............................................................................
6. No river in the world is longer than the Nile.-> The Nile.................................................................................
7. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.-> No mountain .............................................................
8. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl.
-> She is.................................................................................................................................................................
9. This is the first time I have ever read such an interesting book.
-> This is................................................................................................................................................................
10. This is the first time I have ever seen such a handsome boy.
-> He is..................................................................................................................................................................
11. This is the first time I have ever listened to such a good song.

-> This is................................................................................................................................................................
12. This is the first time I have ever seen such a beautiful landscape.
9. He works much. He feels tired.-> The more.....................................................................................................
10. This computer works better than that one.-> That computer..........................................................................
