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1. On our … we were greeted by the head of the department. (ARRIVE)
2. He bowed to us with elaborate … (COURTEOUS)
3. A person with an … complex is generally quite shy. (INFERIOR)
4. This has been an unusually … remark for you. (COMPLIMENT)
5. The injured men were carried to the ambulance on … (STRETCH)
6. Do you happen to know the … of Ben Nevis ? (HIGH)
7. It is amazing how … she looks at her age! (YOUTH)
8. We had an … day boating on the lake. (ENJOY)
9. Snow lasts longer in … regions. (MOUNTAIN)
10. He proved so stubborn that it seemed … to me to insist. (POINT)
11. He is very anxious about his son’s … of memory. (LOSE)
12. He was caught … making faces at himself in the mirror. (AWARE)
13. Her faith in the power of God is … (QUESTION)
14. All of us burst into … at his joke. (LAUGH)
15. The results of the test were quite different from our … (EXPECT)
16. It is absolutely dishonest and … to cheat your parents. (HONOUR)
17. The professor’s explanation was out of my … (DEEP)
18. I felt … under the circumstances. (POWER)
19. Lots of Americans … to fight in World War I in Europe. (VOLUNTARY)
20. Romanian cuisine offers a great … of dishes. (VARY)
21. Is this money … for your expenses ? (SUFFICE)
22. He proved to be a very …. man as Chair of the committee. (ENERGY)
23. I wonder what they expect from this … (INVEST)

24. The animals appeared … when the flames surrounded them. (CONTROL)
25. This … has written an outstanding book about family life. (SOCIOLOGY)
26. I can’ t understand his attitude ; it is absolutely … (EXPLAIN)
27. He behaved rather … under the circumstances. (SUSPECT)
28. What possibilities of … would you recommend in your town ? (ENTERTAIN)
29. Lots of people go abroad in … of work. (PURSUE)
30. Practising any sport definitely makes you … (MUSCLE)
31. I felt she was … of me in spite of her smile. (ENVY)

32. Sometimes all these … turn out to be rather boring. (FORMAL)
33. On the 4th of July … people watched the fireworks. (COUNT)
34. I need … that he will really recover. (REASSURE)
35. You can never guess what she wants ; she is so … (CHANGE)
36. You have been cheated : these stamps are … . (WORTH)
37. I’m glad you have so … explained things to her. (TACT)
38. Summing up : nine votes in favour, two against and four … (ABSTAIN)
39. You’ll put on … if you keep eating so many sweets. (WEIGH)
40. You have to do a lot of special exercise to … your muscles. (STRONG)
41. Goat milk is believed to be very … (NUTRIMENT)
42. He is highly thought of for his … mind. (INVENT)
43. This kind of work requires … (PRECISE)
44. I can’t recognize you ; you’re reacting like an … (AUTOMATIC)
45. I’m not very sure about the … of the room. (LONG)
46. There was … in her voice and it was encouraging. (CERTAIN)
47. She resented having to make a … . (CHOOSE)
48. Her boss can’t help shouting at her for being such a poor … (TYPE)
49. What are your … about her ? (FEEL)
50. She is trembling with … at tomorrow’s prospects. (ANXIOUS)
51. These … neighbours of ours have made another complaint ! (CURSE)

52. Her interview was … to Vogue. (EXCLUDE)
53. One needs … friends when one is in trouble. (RELY)
54. She … tiptoed across the room for fear they might hear her. (CAUTION)
55. My spirits rose at the … of her voice. (WARM)
56. Because of the excessive speed the tyres lost their … (ADHERE)
57. Daily … of classes is desirable, if not compulsory. (ATTEND)
58. Your … on the eve of the exam meant a lot. (COURAGE)
59. The … retreat helped them survive. (SPEED)
60. They have to … this street to ease the traffic. (WIDE)
61. The floods made that path … (PASS)
62. He is in his late 50’s and yet his energy seems … (EXHAUST)
63. The Grand Canyon is a place of … beauty. (SCENE)
64. Fear of discovery forced him into … (CONCEAL)

65. All had their … places at the tables in the teachers’ room. (HABIT)
66. The body lay there … but no one dared touch it. (LIFE)
67. The wild horses were driven into an … (ENCLOSE)
68. The media often benefit from … of confidential information. (LEAK)
69. To make food taste and smell better add some … (SEASON)
70. The … down that steep slope is quite exhausting. (DESCEND)
71. They’ve got a villa in the … area. (RESIDE)
72. The … use of any fuel will save your money. (ECONOMY)
73. They live somewhere in the … (NEIGHBOUR)
74. He was granted permanent … in Canada. (RESIDENT)
75. The principal threatened him with … (EXPEL)
76. Given the lack of evidence, the ease resulted in an … (ACQUIT)
77. She rose to … in no time, they say. (STAR)
78. Fashion design is highly … today. (COMPETITION)
79. Due to his amazing powers of … he became a good comedian. (MIMIC)

80. 1 heard a voice whisper my name with … (CLEAR)
81. That was a highly … performance. (SPECTACLE)
82. Locusts are extremely … to crops. (HARM)
83. He hit the little boy … (MERCY)
84. We felt rather … not to be invited to the ceremony. (GRIEVE)
85. I find his boring insistence … (TROUBLE)
86. Your interference proved more of a … than a help. (HINDER)
87. One’s relationship w i t h one’s priest or lawyer is strictly … (CONFIDENCE)
88. Why should you be so … when the fault was not yours? (APOLOGIZE)
89. The food on the table all looked … (APPETITE)
90. The company had to make important … to the strikers. (CONCEDE)
91. How do you know he is that … ? (INFLUENCE)
92. One must be highly … to write such things. (IMAGINATION)
93. Do you think they’ll succeed in … these weights ? (STANDARD)
94. After so many successes your present inefficiency is … (BELIEVE)
95. Telling the t r u t h is … in this case. (ADVISE)
96. Meeting her sooner or later is … (AVOID)
97. I am … at a loss but I’ ll come to my senses, that’s a promise. (MOMENT)

98. The postman delivered a large … to our next door neighbour. (PACK)
99. To become a writer requires … of the written language. (MASTER)
100. Most factories and plants release … into the atmosphere. (POLLUTE)
101. He took a … of water to quench his thirst. (MOUTH)
102. He stubbornly refused to admit … for the accident. (LIABLE)
103. There was a … in her insistence that 1 didn’ t like. (FIX)
104. He raised his sword in … (DEFEND)
105. Too many people still die of … (STARVE)
106. He knew he was going to lose his … (KING)
107. We are disappointed by her approaching this matter so … .(AMATEUR)

108. Your well-known … is disgusting. (MEAN)
109. He is a worldwide famous … (CELLO)
110. Their supreme goal was the … of monarchy. (ABOLISH)
111. The 18th century brought about the … of the human mind. (ENLIGHTEN)
112. The owl is the symbol of … (WISE)
113. The room was scarcely furnished but its … made it pleasant. (CLEAN)
114. It is quite a problem to be granted … to this club. (MEMBER)
115. The poet made … use of commonplace words. (ART)
116. Artificial heating … the growth of plants. (HASTE)
117. He boasted about his … of several estates. (OWNER)
118. You have made a thorough … of the scene. (DESCRIBE)
119. She looked like the very … of his dreams. (EMBODY)
120. They tried to … the value of my contribution to the research. (MINIMUM)
121. One of the major problems in today’s society is … (EMPLOY)
122. The doctors suspect him of … (SANE)
123. The … of die landscape was depressing. (DULL)
124. They confirmed the … of all the pareels. (RECEIVE)
125. He knew that the … spelt disaster for people like him. (UPHEAVE)
126. The project, brilliant in its …. failed because of lack of funds. (CONCEIVE)
127. While in UK they benefited from constant … to the language. (EXPOSE)
128. He is a totally … person who deliberately defies all standards. (MORAL)
129. The … of Monaco lies in southern Europe . (PRINCE)
130. Is she a recent … of yours ? (ACQUAINT)

131. Our front seats were already taken so we had to move … (REAR)
132. I know this has been sheer …. hasn’t it ? (MOCK)
133. Are you sure … is free to this museum ? (ADMIT)
134. Most of young delinquents lacked … care. (PARENT)
135. The hero is a sensible but … young man. (RESOLUTION)

136. Will you please check when the … is ? (DEPART)
137. Me was awarded a prize in … of his merits. (RECOGNIZE)
138. In all …. the flight will be cancelled. (LIKELY)
139. The ballet … was exquisite. (PERFORM)
140. We may notice a … of the interest in the music of the 1960s. (REVIVE)
141. The … between the two girls is striking. (RESEMBLE)
142. You could feel the … of the audience. (BORE)
143. His blood … was alarmingly high. (PRESS)
144. The … of the committee met all our expectations. (RESOLVE)
145. The old shepherd had a gaunt, … face. (ANGLE)
146. The … of the estate was on lease. (REMAIN)
147 . Do you have any … to make? (COMPLAIN)
148. His glance was full of … towards me. (HATE)
149. The Romanians are the … of the Dacians and of the Romans. (DESCEND)
150. He moved about the house so … that he woke me up. (NOISY)
151. The journey across the desert was … (HAZARD)
152. The … she had to make kept her busy all day. (INQUIRE)
153. Aren’t you … of what you have done ? (SHAME)
154. There has been a great … in unemployment lately. (REDUCE)
155. I’ve made an appointment for a … massage. (FACE)
156. This drug can provide … from breathing problems. (RELIEVE)
157. I wish I were a … but I’m sure I’ll never be one. (MILLION)
158. Do you think it was … ? I strongly doubt it. (WORTH)
159. Anyone who will provide information will be guaranteed … (ANONYMOUS)
160. She … accepted to be the first to try. (WILL)
161. He was the … of the monastery until he died . (ABBEY)
162. Her fingerprints on the gun were … proof of her guilt. (CONCLUSION)
163. The … of her movements made me sad. (WEARY)

164. He fixed everything with amazing … (ABLE)
165. There is no such word ; it is absolutely … (MEAN)
166. Many of the … fought valiantly. (WAR)
167. Let’s talk openly without any … (RESTRAIN)
168. He is a … man and that’s why he finishes everything on time. (METHOD)
169. 1 find the problems we are facing … (MOUNT)
170. It turned out to be a … attempt. (VICTORY)
171. He suffered a breakdown after the repeated … (FAIL)
172. Why are there so many … today ? (ABSENCE)
173. His unexpected recovery seemed … (MIRACLE)
174. You may think of him as being … after so many accidents. (FORTUNE)
175. There must be some … ; he should have been here by now. (UNDERSTAND)
176. He provided a certain … for him until he became of age. (ALLOW)
177. It was … of you to say such a thing. (MISCHIEF)
178. He lay … on the floor for minutes on end. (CONSCIOUS)
179. This cocktail is a … of three different drinks. (MIX)
180. They have reported some … of their initial plans. (ALTER)
181. He obeyed all your orders … (TRUTH)
182. I feel that this is going to be a … matter. (TROUBLE)
183. We watched him do all those tricks with … (AMUSE)
184. She glared at us … and left the room. (CONTEMPT)
185. His voice was full of … when he rang me up. (ANNOY)
186. He is fond of … and Is said to have green fingers. (GARDEN)
187. A … of diplomatic relations has been announced. (RESUME)
188. He suffered a … loss of hearing after the blast. (CONSEQUENCE)
189. The bereft woman was crying … (PATHOS)
190. Killing him was a … deed. (MONSTER)
191. It was quite … of you to join us in those grievous moments. (TOUCH)
192. Unfortunately … came too late. (REALIZE)
193. You are supposed to give a … account of the events. (FACT)

194. When I looked down the steep rocky wall I felt a kind of … (DIZZY)
195. The teams scored one goal … (PIECE)
196. The … on the walls was utterly unhealthy. (MOIST)

197. The … of his room was impressive. (TIDY)
198. Be … for a change, will you ? (REASON)
199. Could she give me a rough … of the likely cost ? (APPROXIMATE)
200. His behaviour was … all through the evening. (GRACE)
201. I don’t think this heavy piece of furniture is … (MOVE)
202. How dare you … me in my own house ? (THREAT)
203. The citizens’ … took them by surprise. (REBEL)
204. Let’s not have another … (ARGUE)
205. We resented his unbelievable … (IDLE)
206. We hardly need any … in planning it. (GUIDE)
207. The little boy finds … quite difficult. (MULTIPLY)
208. It was … of you to give up when you were so near. (THOUGHT)
209. I won’t be in time for the … (REHEARSE)
210. Was this meant to be a … or a recommendation ? (WARN)
211. I find this offer surprisingly … (SUIT)
212. I can … resist this oppressive heat. (BARE)
213. … of a former queen have been reported at Hampton Court. (APPEAR)
214. They had the king … in the public square. (HEAD)
215. Her … grieved all her relatives. (BETRAY)
216. Can’t you … the knot a bit ? It’s too tight. (LOOSE)
217. To our relief, her … attempt to commit suicide failed. (DESPAIR)
218. He was … with fatigue after the hours of hard work. (SHAKE)
219. I have spilled some ink on the desk ; give me that … . (BLOT)
220. They have made … use of the coal left here. (MASS)
221. At the end of the marathon he was … (BREATH)

222. Her husband’s … made all her friends envy her. (CONSTANT)
223. Could you recite the Ten … ? (COMMAND)
224. Let’s take the first zebra … (CROSS)
225. I’m sure he did it in … of my orders. (DEFY)
226. The Last … is an exceptional movie. (EMPIRE)
227. The … I felt in my soul scared me. (EMPTY)
228. You have judged all my deeds … (WRONG)
229. They sell the best cigars at the … round the corner. (TOBACCO)

230. She gave a detailed … of the situation. (APPRAISE)
231. He proved very … in his new job. (ZEAL)
232. Don’t mind him ; he is just a … (YOUNG)
233. She is in … after her father’s death. (MOURN)
234. Reconciliation between us is absolutely … (CONCEIVE)
235. Wearing school uniforms is no longer … (COMPULSION)
236. This affair seems highly … to me. (INTRIGUE)
237. The Prince of Monaco has a distinguished and ancient … (LINE)
238. Foxes and some squirrels have … fur. (RED)
239. They were treated … in the orphanage. (HELL)
240. He was found to be in full … of his mental faculties. (RETAIN)
241. Will you make a brief … of the fellow ? (CHARACTER)
242. All of us hope for the … of our sins. (ABSOLVE)
243. We were astonished by the … of her angry retort. (SUDDEN)
244. This example is … of this approach. (ILLUSTRATE)
245.1 want you to … this rather long text. (SUMMARY)
246. His interpretation of the facts wasn’t … (REVEAL)
247. This is what we shall charge, including … and packing. (POST)
248. As I am not allowed to eat sugar, I use … instead. (SWEET)
249. She never joined us because of her … father. (TYRANT)

250. The poor family were weak from lack of … (SUSTAIN)
251. He … her into thinking he was rich. (LEAD)
252. The problems we have have turned almost … (NIGHTMARE)
253. We felt … about the exam. (APPREHENSION)
254. We have to test the truth or the … of her claims. (FALSE)
255. The pretense of … can’t fool anybody. (RESPECTABLE)
256. She asked her lawyer to start the divorce … (PROCEED)
257. They say that appearances are … (DECEPTION)
258. Her last diary … revealed her deep sorrow. (ENTER)
259. Reality confirmed the predictions of that … (VISION)
260. A … reform is the only solution to this inflation. (MONEY)
261. I caught sight of a … reaper in the field. (SOLITUDE)
262. I felt his back … at my touch. (STIFF)

263. The stuff was declared unsuitable for human … (CONSUME)
264. The general … voted against it. (ASSEMBLE)
265. There are still a lot of young people whose … is just basic. (LITERATE)
266. They were fined for … on private property. (TRESPASS)
267. In drought stricken areas the … of water is rapid. (ABSORB)
268. He whispered with tears in his eyes : O God …. save me !”. (MIGHT)
269. His unique goal was the … of his family. (REDEEM)
270. He was highly respected for his long and successful … career. (JOURNAL)
271. His luck suffered an unexpected sharp … (REVERSE)
272. She’s rather … about accepting his proposal. (HESITATE)
273. We still couldn’t believe his … was real. (SOBER)
274. The … speech was suddenly directed at the chairman. (ACCUSE)
275. He was a … all through his school years. (BOARD)
276. All of us envied him for the extraordinary … (ACQUIRE)
277. We are interested in strict … in this field. (SPECIAL)

278. This onion tea is … ; throw it away. (DRINK)
279. She was full of … indignation after finding out the truth. (RIGHT)
280. Christians believe in the … of Jesus. (RESURRECT)
281. Such handwriting ! I can hardly make out the name of the … . (ADDRESS)
282. The tourists admired the … of the snow-covered mountains. (GRAND)
283. I was shown into a … of strangers and I panicked. (ROOM)
284. The students discussed Dickens’ use of … in his novels. (IMAGE)
285. The sea … as the wind grew stronger. (ROUGH)
286. Without the … of some firms, the event cannot take place. (PATRON)
287. The window frames are completely … . (ROT)
288. He has had … fits of rage lately. (RECUR)
289. That was a … decision to make for such a young person. (MOMENTUM)
290. He had to work hard to feed and … his family. (CLOTH)
291. He used to be an … advocate of free speech. (ARDOUR)
292. The teacher was surprised at the … of my answer. (COMPLETE)
293. … has been the main characteristic of the recent elections. (ABSENT)
294. It is not wholly … to suggest setting up another business. (FANCY)
295. After these defeats die team can’ t be in … for the title. (CONTEND)

296. He had a very good … to deal with his financial matters. (ACCOUNT)
297. The … of winter days indoors turns them tedious. (SAME)
298. It was sheer … that they were born on the same day. (COINCIDE)
299. The arrival of Santa Claus caused great … among the children. (EXCITE)
300. He earned his … by wood-cutting and hunting. (LIVE)
301. Will you give me some … in finding the necessary information? (ASSIST)
302. The … of that task took him several months. (ACCOMPLISH)
303. Their … was impressive and touching. (FRIEND)
304. Everybody was appalled by the … of the mob’s attacks. (SAVAGE)
305. She is so … that she can’ t even change an electric bulb. (PRACTICE)

306. His lawyer has demanded a … of the hearing. (POSTPONE)
307. Sorry to contradict you , but his work lacks … (PROFOUND)
308. They should take into account every … possibility. (IMAGINE)
309. He can’t fool me with his mock … (HUMBLE)
310. Father … the car by removing part of the engine. (MOBILE)
311. How … of her to behave like that! (HORROR)
312. The factory closure will result in hundreds of … (REDUNDANT)
313. That … decision was to bring about a lot of misfortune. (FATE)
314. Your account is l u l l of lies and … (DECEIVE)
315. Jack had the … to admit that it was his fault. (DECENT)
316. My letters have never met with any … (RESPOND)
317. The monks on Mount Athos live in … (SECLUDE)
318. He lived a life of utter … with no support whatsoever. (WRETCH)
319. They appreciated the … of your speech. (ACCURATE)
320. It was … of you to notice that on the spot. (PERCEIVE)
321. The woman got her … back slowly after her illness. (STRONG)
322. I would like to help her, but … I can’ t. (FORTUNE)
323. The members of the Order were sworn to … (SECRET)
324. Wc need an … of that photograph to study all the details. (LARGE)
325. Believe it or not, your plan simply isn’ t … (WORK)
326. His integrity and … of purpose made everybody respect him. (NOBLE)
327. She … me that my dress was beautiful. (SURE)
328. Kerry is a very … child, a ical nuisance for his family. (OBEY)

329. She … deceived everybody present by being all smiles. (ART)
330. He looked with … at his pretty daughter. (PROUD)
331. He claims that his theory is … (DEFENCE)
332. My proposal met with their immediate … (AGREE)
333. The Earth has a … movement round the sun. (CYCLE)

334. Our firm has more than two hundred … (EMPLOY)
335. The boom was the result of financial … (WIZARD)
336. Jane is so … ! . She never knows what the teacher has asked her. (ATTENTION)
337. I’m not going to climb that mountain ; it’s too … (RISK)
338. You may leave your holdall in a left-luggage … at the station. (LOCK)
339. Her conduct was absolutely …, don’t you think so? (SHAME)
340. A large sum of money has come to her by a recent … (INHERIT)
341. Wc had to …. the whole passage which was not an easy task. (MEMORY)
342. Why are you driving so … ? You might have an accident. (CARE)
343. This man had no proper … until he was thirteen. (SCHOOL)
344. He had a … on his arm from a wasp sting. (SWELL)
345. Phis girl is very … towards her parents. (AFFECT)
346. Oysters are considered a great … in Ireland. (DELICATE)
347. It is very difficult to … your heart when you hear a baby crying. (HARD)
348. He has gained the … over all his rivals. (ASCEND)
349. A bear is a … forest animal. (FUR)
350. They were … unaware of our presence. (SEEM)
351. This new dictionary has poor … of medical vocabulary. (COVER)
352. The senator gave a … summary of the meeting. (LONG)
353. Yesterday a substantial … of drugs was made. (SEIZE)
354. I have a strong … of a misfortune. (SENTIMENT)
355. You need a … of your licence by the end of the month. (RENEW)
356. That was but an … victory, my dear. (ILLUSION)
357. They have come up with a range of sophisticated … (WEAPON)
358. She seems to enjoy the … of her new life. (CONVENIENT)
359. The band had the audience in … (HYSTERIA)
360. He has a … reputation as a fighter. (FEAR)
361. He has got acute … to light and heat. (SENSITIVE)

362. I am thinking about the … of time. (PASS)
363. Not being of age, he wasn’t sent to prison but to a … . (REFORM)
364. The noise in the house … considerably when the children left. (LESS)
365. Will you take this …. to the chemist’s ? (PRESCRIBE)
366. I’m looking for a more … job as I can’t make ends meet. (REMUNERATE)
367. Nowadays we witness a … of natural resources. (WASTE)
368. When the police stopped him, he was driving at a … speed. (SUICIDE)
369. The newspapers’ … about his illegal actions startled us. (ASSERT)
370. The professor’s … lecture was very much appreciated. (INAUGURATE)
371. His unexpected … surprised everybody. (RENOUNCE)
372. Not a living soul did they meet in that … (WILD)
373. I think that this is an … point. (ARGUE)
374. Jane introduced me to a very … young man.(PRESENT)
375. The long … formed on the eaves of the roofs may be dangerous. (ICE)
376. Let’s put an end to this … argument. (NONSENSE)
377. Tax … is punishable by law, you know. (AVOID)
378. She uses quite … language in her poems. (FIGURE)
379. He was responsible for the … of mail in that village. (DISTRIBUTE)
380. Their behaviour was … » wasn’t it ? (ADMIRE)
381. The rent is £15 … of heating. (INCLUDE)
382. The … of the ozone layer endangers life everywhere. (DEPLETE)
383. She gets … when he’s not around . (LONE)
384. Raincoats are made of … material. (PERMEATE)
385. Her words caused a great deal of … (DISSENT)
386. The … is a novel written by Theodore Dreiser. (FINANCE)
387. These paintings are in a poor state of … (PRESERVE)
388. They beat him … and left him there. (SENSE)
389. People like him can never be trusted ; they are … (LIE)
390. The … of that car is $50 a week. (RENT)
391. Roosevelt was elected four times to the … of the USA. (PRESIDE)

392. A … is a man whose wife is dead. (WIDOW)
393. It is … to assume that everyone thinks die same way as you do. (LOGIC)
394. The university gives five research … a year. (FELLOW)

395. My brother shows a … interest in politics. (PASSION)
396. Her … in that firm was very rapid. (ADVANCE)
397. All competitors are people of … ability. (PROVE)
398. The … must be protected against the sale of poor quality goods. (CONSUME)
399. Several … were recorded in diis town last year. (BANKRUPT)
400. We admired the … decorations. (FLORA)
401. Six young people were charged by the police with causing a … (DISTURB)
402. The … between the twins was amazing. (LIKE)
403. Unfortunately, there were several … to our plan. (ADVANTAGE)
404. The battlefield was an … sight. (AWE)
405. Your … that he did such a thing proved to be false. (PRESUME)
406. She has just started a … business. (FLOURISH)
407. All the … were arrested on the eve of their planned attack. (CONSPIRE)
408. Is my watch still … or need I buy another one ? (REPAIR)
409. All the data have been stored … on this computer. (SEQUENCE)
410. The … from yards into metres is difficult for somepupils. (CONVERT)
411. I gave my wife a gold … for Christmas. (LIGHT)
412. This bank loan is …. in five years as far as I know. (REPAY)
413. Years ago, lung diseases used to be … among miners. (PREVAIL)
414. The hotel has a large … car park. (BASE)
415. The beauty of your wife seems … (AGE)
416. It’s sheer … to leave harbour in such bad weather. (IDIOT)
417. I can’t understand your atypical … (PASSIVE)
418. He became a target of his mates’ … after that stupid mistake. (DERIDE)
419. He took the … of locking all the firm documents in the safe. (CAUTION)

420. My little sister is not very good at … (ADD)
421. He … observed the smallest details. (PERTAIN)
422. I’ve heard she has got an … son. (LEGITIMATE)
423. The Christians worship the … of God. (DIVINE)
424. I was amazed at the … of some of the drivers in such weather. (FOOL)
425. The modernization of the … is a major problem in big cities. (SEWER)
426. His criticism has always been … so far. (CONSTRUCT)
427. On hearing the end of the joke she gave a loud … laugh. (VIVACITY)

428. His words are not … in front of ladies. (REPEAT)
429. You’d better remember that … is better than cure. (PREVENT)
430. It is very … today for this part of October. (SUMMER)
431. Did you listen to the weather forecast on the … ? (WIRE)
432. He will have to find a … for his gardener. (REPLACE)
433. I regret to have to tell you that you are a really … orator. (PATHOS)
434. Is the subject of this sentence animate or … ? (ANIMATE)
435. Given the circumstances, the … of her studies is vital to her. (CONTINUE)
436. The boy was surprised at the … of his pony. (DOCILE)
437. He was glad to serve his … with that local firm. (APPRENTICE)
438. I’m on a friendly … with all my neighbours. (FOOT)
439. Monkeys are known to be … animals. (IMITATE)
440. The … of your papers took me several hours. (CORRECT)
441. Time and space are … (LIMIT)
442. I am … about the value of these documents. (DOUBT)
443. The witnesses gave … opinions about the accident. (CONTRADICT)
444. The … of his actions is questionable. (MORAL)
445. The police had to make a … entry. (FORCE)
446. These … gems should be kept in a safe. (PRICE)
447. She bases her statement on a false … (SUPPOSE)

448. This novel is … of his early work. (REPRESENT)
449. Few countries can challenge Japan’s … in electronics. (SUPREME)
450. I dreamt I was talking to some … from the outer space. (BE)
451. The whole building was soon … (BLAZE)
452. She showed great … when she worked here as a nurse. (PATIENT)
453. It was sheer … to set sail with this oncoming typhoon. (LUNATIC)
454. He asked me to act as … for him as regards the bank loan. (SURE)
455. Theirs became an … friendship because of Sandra’s whims. (EMBITTER)
456. The soil of this field has good … (DRAIN)
457. You must be … to know what I am thinking. (TELEPATHY)
458. The … on the stony wall was illegible. (INSCRIBE)
459. A child’s first five years arc the most … (FORM)
460. The civilized world has an … of terrorism. (ABHOR)

461. By accepting the bribe, the official proved to be … . (CORRUPT)
462. The old lady rented one of the rooms to a … (LODGE)
463. … of the law is no excuse in case of such accidents. (IGNORE)
464. She will never forget your … and sympathy. (KIN )
465. He was unable to … because of the thick smoke. (BREATH)
466. Your friend is rather … in his language. (TEMPER)
467. I put those papers in the … of my desk. (DRAW)
468. Your aunt is a … type of woman. (MOTHER)
469. How often do you go to a … to have your face treated ? ( BEAUTY )
470. What a pity the chalet is … only on foot! ( ACCESS )
471. He had spent several months in a … camp for illegal immigrants. (DETAIN)
472. She got a … gift from her husband on her birthday. (PRINCE)
473. Why does she look so …, I wonder ? (REPROACH)
474. The court issued a … for the landlord of the criminal. (SUMMON)
475. Few people dispute Shakespeare’s … as a playwright. (SUPREME)

476. He felt … in his new job, so he left. (ADEQUATE)
477. To leave the chalet in the dead of night would be sheer … .(MAD)
478. He went to visit his parents weekly like a … son. (DUTY)
479. We all admired the … thinking of the great inventor. (CREATE)
480. The … around a town were very important in the Middle Ages. (FORTIFY)
481. Your foolish behaviour is … for a woman of thirty-five. (MATURE)
482. The two presidents made … efforts to establish peace. (CREDIT)
483. While digging in the garden, they found an … jug. (EARTH)
484. This is a chair with … arms which makes it easy to handle. (MOVE)
485. An old man was lying on the … and people just passed by. (PAVE)
486. Your knowledge of the subject is no more than … (FRAGMENT)
487. It is …. impossible for him to accept such things. (ABSOLUTE)
488. Her low salary was a … factor in her decision to change her job. (CONTRIBUTE)
489. He asked me about the … of the bank. (LOCAL)
490. The … of a relationship is ensured by both parts. (STABLE)
491. He searched … for a cigarette to hide his excitement. (FEVER)
492. Is it possible to be certain of the … of a child by medical means ? (PATERNAL)
493. He wants to specialize in … like his father. (SURGEON)

494. She is rather fat because she is so … (ACTIVE)
495. He will pay … to his ex-wife until their children are of age. (MAINTAIN)
496. Grandfather used to hire a … to entertain us at Christmas. (MAGIC)
497. I’ll give you the money back next Friday which is the … day. (PAY)
498. The new cook’s meals arc scarcely are they ? (EAT)
499. His sister was a gentle, … young lady. (ALTRUISM)
500. He achieved … as an addicted gambler. (NOTORIOUS)
501. We had to take a … route because the main road was blocked. (DEVIATE)
502. We can say that we have had a … meeting. (FRUIT)
503. His conduct is … to a priest and people don’ t go to his church. (BECOME)

504. My neighbour is an … always forecasting the end of the world. (ALARM)
505. Her … amused but also annoyed us all. (ECCENTRIC)
506. The castle was given to them in … (PERPETUAL)
507. Uncle John is the kind of person who can … others. (MAGNET)
508. After a long time, our plans have come to … (FULFIL)
509. The President’s successful visit abroad has … his position. (FORCE)
510. We all look for … sometimes, don’t we? (PRIVATE)
511. The … of troops took place gradually. (WITHDRAW)
512. They took up … in Australia going to the outback. (RESIDE)
513. This time he made a … decision that pleased only some of us. (CONTROVERSY)
514. He made a … speech against the government’s resolution. (FIRE)
515. Don’t be … by this failure as you still have one more chance. (HEARI)
516. I forgave him, eventually, although it was a … apology. (LATE)
517. Our shop can supply whichever … (REQUIRE)
518. My new neighbour is a fairly … person. (PEACE)
519. I fear that the future of our bank is … (PROBLEM)
520. The measures they have taken are … (DEBATE)
521. The signature on this document is … ; is it yours ? (LEGIBLE)
522. I’m afraid your dress is … for such a formal dinner. (PROPER)
523. My daughter is … to dust and hay. (ALLERGY)
524. She told him that piece of news for his … (EDIFY)
525. The … industry has striven in the last decades. (PHARMACY)
526. The singer on the stage had a sweet … voice. (MUSIC)

527.1 won’t allow any … whatsoever in my business. (INTERFERE)
528.1 can say that your clothes are really … (FUNCTION)
529. The woman accepted her fate with … (RESIGN)
530. We need someone with a real sense of … to the job. (COMMIT)
531 . She had long … hair which increased her femininity. (SILK)

532. The scientists studied the problem of … in subzero temperatures. (SURVIVE)
533. The manager’s suggestions met with some … (RESIST)
534. The … of the Earth round the Sun takes a year. (REVOLVE)
535. Everybody admired her … buttons. (PEARL)
536. Profits have risen … since the last meeting of the board. (SIGNIFICANCE)
537. The … of Romania’s independence took place in 1877. (PROCLAIM)
538. Alex is a … young employee who should be promoted. (RESOURCE)
539. Her efforts to improve the school have been … (EFFECT)
540. The president made an … to the new state of affairs. (ALLUDE)
541. He was accused of … to the party. (LOYAL)
542. It is … to drive a car without a driving licence. (LEGAL)
543. I know that her new hobby is … (EMBROIDER)
544. Margaret is such a … woman, always insisting on the rules. (PEDANT)
545. On Sundays the church is full of … (WORSHIP)
546. We all admired the … arrangement of flowers. (DECORATE)
547. His mates used to mock at his … but now they look up to him. (BOOK)
548. Our firm has entered into an … with a larger one. (ALLY)
549. Now that she lives abroad , she visits her grandparents … . (YEAR)
550.1 am curious to see how the … will react to the new law. (PEASANT)
551. She has retired and receives an … from her former employers. (ANNUAL)
552. We felt … by bis arrogant behaviour. (LITTLE)
553. His work sank into … after his death. (OBLIVIOUS)
554. There’s a clear … of liberals in the government. (PREDOMINATE)
555. In this case, our … is accurate. (DEDUCE)
556. He sticks … to any task, no matter the obstacles. (MAN)
557. In order to live all … needs must be satisfied. (BODY)
558. Mike’s … of Liza was unsuccessful. (COURT)
559. The two friends shook hands … when they met again.(VIGOUR)

560. Some fashion models appeared like … figures a few years ago. (SKELETON)
561. Such embroidered blouses are a … of this region. (PECULIAR)
562. He was surprised to find out that the machine was … . (DEFECT)
563. He’s too mother-… for his age. (RELIANCE)
564. What have you … the coffee with ? (SWEET)
565. Is she the only … of this house ? (OCCUPY)
566. I noticed a look of … on my daughter’s face. (ENCHANT)
567. I hope all my plans will soon … (MATERIAL)
568. Immediate measures must be taken to reduce the risk of … (BREAK)
569 Our boots were wet because it was … there. (SWAMP)
570. Who and what are … pronouns. (INTERROGATE)
571. To her surprise, they understood her … well. (AMAZE)
572. The tunes she played on the piano sounded quite … (VIBRATE)
573. This mistake that she made led to her … from her job. (SUSPEND)
574. Her appearance at the meeting was … (DISRUPT)
575. Like his father, he has worked in the …in his town. (BREW)
576. She is suffering from a … infection. (RESPIRE)
577. In the end this proved to be a … experience. (PROFIT)
578 This factory was … many years ago. (NATION)
579. You are an … to believe that such things might really happen. (IDEAL)
580. The rain had … when we left the party. (SLACK)
581. The price of cars is still … for many people nowadays. (PROHIBIT)
582. Stay away from that m a n ; he is said to be mean and … (REVENGE)
583. They had a lot of electrical … installed all about the house. (FIT)
584. He used to be such a restless … man ! (ADVENTURE)
585. This gymnast was a gold … at the Olympic Games. (MEDAL)
586. The … of this painting will take a long time. (RESTORE)
587. Both chambers voted for the abolition of the death … (PENAL)
588. If I may be …. I was the one who put forward this plan. (MODEST)
589. Share prices were … today in active trading. (BUOY)

590. The … to the text was unexpected. (AMEND)
591. We know that the next postal … is at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. (DELIVER)
592. He is a worldwide known nuclear … (PHYSICS)

593. Some people find white a very … colour. (REST)
594. His rudeness was beyond our …(ENDURE)
595. The boy looked at me in utter … (PERPLEX)
596. Fans of famous stars fill their rooms with their idols’… . (MEMORABLE)
597. His … reaction was to cover his face. (INSTANT)
598. I am amazed at the … of your project. (AMBITIOUS)
599. The Chinese and people of the same race have … eyes. (SLANT)
600. There existed great … between the two clans. (ENEMY)
601. The prices of these items are … (NEGOTIATE)
602. They have always admired your … (PERSEVERE)
603. Their father died shuitly after his … (RETIRE)
604. Cathy is a woman of great insight and … (PENETRATE)
605. She used to listen to … old tunes. (MELODY)
606. I remember that her … was not welcomed. (INTERVENE)
607. I hate being around spiteful or … people. (QUARREL)
608. My friend finds living in the country … (RESTRICT)
609. This writer’s style is highly … and somehow eclectic. (SYMBOL)
610. The … is just coming into court. (PROSECUTE)
611. Here is a tool with a … of uses that could do. (MULTIPLE)
612. His scornful … of the evidence as inadequate didn’t convince us. (DISMISS)
613. Liza spoke English … at the Queen’s ball. (FLAW)
614. His twisted foot is a … he has had since birth. (DEFORM)
615. No doubt everybody thinks that what they did was … . (DETEST)
616. The bypass will … traffic jams in the city centre. (RELIEF)
617. The board started debating on the … state of affairs of the company. (LAMENT)

618. This form is … by’ the end of the month. (RETURN)
619. Unfortunately, when he died he left his widow … . (PENNY)
620. Shy and timid are … words. (SYNONYM)
621. We couldn’t understand the … of her previous decision. (REVERSE)
622. She pretends to be of noble … (ANCESTOR)
623. We want to sell our car and we already have a … buyer. (PROSPECT)
624. My parents were very … when I failed the exam. (SYMPATHY)
625. We were surprised at the … of their talk. (INTIMATE)

626. The …. committed during the war are hard to imagine. (ENORMOUS)
627. The black clouds in the sky looked … (OMEN)
628. There’s been some … of support for the government’s policies. (SLIP)
629. She received only … looks from the audience. (PITY)
630. I have been on a … diet for months now. (VEG)
631. Her clothes are always very … and expensive. (TASTE)
632. All our proposals met with their … refusal (PERSIST)
633. The …. trihes used to move from one place to another. (NOMAD)
634. Your lecture on modern British art was extremely … (INSTRUCT)
635. She is so … about the new environmental project. (ENTHUSIASM)
636. This child has not taken any … today. (NOURISH)
637. In many countries … are allowed to travel free on buses and trams. (PENSION)
638. Mosquitoes are known to be … of malaria. (CARRY)
639. She did the jobs about the house … dressed. (SLOP)
640. The megaliths have stood on the plain since times … . (MEMORY)
641. This young man proved to be a skilled … (TELEGRAPH)
642. He used quite … methods in his research. (REVOLUTION)
643. She was quite angry and didn’t conceal her utter … . (PLEASURE)
644. I made the … and all my guests shook hands. (INTRODUCE)
645. Her kindness and reliability were … (PROVERB)

646. We should not forget that God is kind and … (MERCY)
647.1 have just sent in my … for a place at the university. (APPLY)
648. The white ceiling … the room and made it look larger. (LIGHT)
649. I find working in a school very … (REWARD)
650. The change in her voice was scarcely … (PERCEPTION)
651. Her children spend most of the day in the … (NURSE)
652. Some people behave as if they were … (MORTAL)
653. Her … to that job surprised all the staff. (APPOINT)
654. This is not a word in common … (USE)
655. We all appreciated the … of his remarks. (OBJECTIVE)
656. It was … that they were there at the right moment. (PROVIDENCE)
657. After such a success, her future looks … (ROSE)
658. Because, as, since are … conjunctions. (CAUSE)

659. The … of our house saved money on heating bills. (INSULATE)
660. On an … I rang my sister up and told her my secret. (IMPEL)
661. The … between the two champions was emulating for both. (RIVAL)
662. Their relationship was … and they saw each other off and on. (TEMPEST)
663. She gave all her … to her brother. (SAVE)
664. That actress was the … of Marilyn Monroe in the movie. (PERSON)
665. She has only a … knowledge of the subject. (RUDIMENT)
666. His speech was rather harsh and … (PROVOKE)
667. Your performance is undoubtedly … (MERIT)
668. Obsolete words are the ones that have fallen into … (USE)
669. Stop being so … ! This is a serious matter. (FLIP)
670. A teacher shouldn’t be … with slow learners. (PATIENT)
671. In my opinion, the police action was an … on his private life. (INTRUDE)
672. There is a public … of this story in today’s newspaper. (DENY)
673. She has shrunk from society and prefers to live in … (OBSCURE)

674. It is … to swim across the river on such windy weather. (PERIL)
675. We’ve heard you had an … journey. (EVENT)
676. Last Sunday there was a service in … of those killed in the war. (REMEMBER)
677. He had to act with great … not to be caught. (PRUDENT)
678. The old gate closed with a … sound. (METAL)
679. We were Inrky to have an … judge who gave a fair verdict. (PARTIAL)
680. They annoyed me by … gossiping about their neighbours. (CEASE)
681. The gate is rather … : it needs painting. (RUST)
682. He seems to enjoy … and being in the limelight. (PUBLIC)
683. Only a … could hurt a sick man lying in Ills bed . (SADISM)
684. Finally, she gave in to his … and bought him the camera. (PERSUADE)
685. His clothes were … of the 1930s. (EVOKE)
686. An … child remembered the scar on the face of the stranger. (OBSERVE)
687. Some football matches bring out a sense of … in the supporters. (NATION)
688. The success of our lessons depends on the … of our students, too. (APT)
689. Sonic paieius are worried about their children’s … of pop stars. (IDOL)
690. He had to state on the paper whether he had any … (DEPEND)
691. She had … dreams before the tragedy. (PREMONITION)

692. After the quarrel he felt the blood … in his head. (PULSE)
693. For the time being, the main … is the lack of capital. (IMPEDE)
694. The … was satisfied with my answers. (EXAMINE)
695. The plane finally made a successful … (LAND)
696. The future of Africa can be ensured only by … cooperation. (RACE)
697. Fasten your … belts, please ! (SAFE)
698. The idea is … of serious consideration. (WORTH)
699. Their … refusal to admit defeat became almost pitiful. (DOG)
700. I am amazed by his … rise in fame. (METEOR)
701. Such a crime is … by death in some countries. (PUNISH)

702. He unveiled the sculpture with a … gesture. (CEREMONY)
703. Her son suffered from … attacks of fever. (PERIOD)
704. The plumber noticed an … in the water pipe. (OBSTRUCT)
705. The Queen will see you now, your … (EXCEL)
706. My daughter is going to study … (DENTIST)
707. The robber remained … throughout the trial. (PASSIVE)
708. Although the food was bad , the bill was … (EXCESS)
709. Didn’t you know that his …. was proverbial ? (OBSTINATE)
710. The engineer died from a massive doze of … (RADIATE)
711. 1 bowed my head to her in … (SALU)
712. You should give me the … equivalents of these measurements. (METRE)
713. We must admit that his arguments were so … (PERSUADE)
714. An … wind was blowing on that gloomy morning. (EAST)
715. My daughter has fair skin and … hair. (SAND)
716. This group displays a sort of intellectual … (SNOB)
717. This thing is not … to the matters we are discussing. (PERTAIN)
718. She is such an … girl that she has few friends. (ARGUE)
719. Harold was accused of … by William, Duke of Normandy. (PERJURE)
720. It turned out to be an … version of the chronicle. (AUTHENTIC)
721. I am exasperated by the … of some drivers. (RESPONSIBLE)
722. Finding a job can be a … business. (CHANCE)
723. The girl came into the room with an … of flowers. (ARM)
724. The … said I needed new glasses. (OPTIC)

725. Despite all this terrible news, he remained … (PERTURB)
726. I know it’s hard to resist such a … (TEMPT)
727. This book … the political parlies in 18th century England. (SATIRE)
728. We should … our efforts to find out the truth. (INTENSE)
729. Grandfather gave a … sigh when he got home. (THANK)

730. A … with our rival company is out of the question. (MERGE)
731. Every science has its own strict … (TERM)
732. Has she given a … excuse for her behaviour ? (SATISFY)
733. I think this woman is rather … . Can’ t you get rid of her ? (INTRUDE)
734. The … of his movements took us aback. (RAPID)
735. If someone steals, he is … with theft. (CHARGE)
736. His rudeness is … and he will have to apologize. (EXCUSE)
737. Young people handed out … for a new disco. (FLY)
738. They made an … search, but they couldn’t Find the missing sheep. (EXHAUST)
739. In spite of all her efforts, her story sounded rather … (PLAUSIBLE)
740. This is a really strange … and I can’t figure out what it signifies. (OCCUR)
741. The painting was of … value and it was carefully guarded. (CALCULATE)
742. He is a …. always going to a lot of fashionable parties. (SOCIAL)
743. … may be made by credit card or by cheque. (REMIT)
744. In his youth he joined a … company. (THEATRE)
745. His … as Prime Minister proved to be beneficial. (DESIGNATE)
746. Many people have been … by the latest tax increases. (RAGE)
747. I admired the wonderful … of the countryside. (SCENE)
748. She … with him not to leave her. (PLEA)
749. The painting had that … quality that only great artists possess. (ELUDE)
750. We are confronted with a … of jobs. (SCARCE)
751. The … currents are traced on this map. (OCEAN)
752. Her paintings are on … at our school. (EXHIBIT)
753. Their treatment of the prisoners was … (HUMAN)
754. My grandfather was a … old man with admirable manners. (CHIVALRY)
755. My aunt is a bit of an … and as children we were afraid of her. (ODD)
756. I was bom in a … village at the foot of the mountains. (PICTURE)
757. As usual, she regards my project with … (SKEPTIC)
