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Nutrition 101

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Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

NAME α,α -trehalase, trehalase
CLASS Hydrolases Glycosidases
Glycosidases (enzymes hydrolysing Oand S-glycosyl compounds)
• SYSNAME a,a-trehalose
• REACTION H2O + α,α -trehalose = 2 Dglucose

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Ye ol’ Pyramid o Food…



Nutrition 101

A “Healthy Diet”

Wheel of
of Life

Nutrition 101

Nutrition 101

Wheel of
of Life


(Prayer &

Not only do we not know God except through Jesus Christ; we do not even
know ourselves except through Jesus Christ.

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

• The Way, the Truth, and the Life!
• Living life “in Jesus” is where we were
created to exist (Ephesians 1)
• Produces organic fruit in our lives (Galatians
• Living life “in ourselves” leads to death…
• We can only live one life – which will it be?
• Justification, Sanctification, Glorification!
• It’s not about doing, but being!
– Human Beings – not humans doing!

• Galatians 2:20, Luke 9:23, I Cor. 15:31
– John 12:24, only when we die, do we truly live

The cross is the symbol of death. It stands for the abrupt,
violent end of the human being. The man in Roman times
who took up his cross and started down the road had
already said goodbye to his friends. He was not coming
back. He was not going out to have his life redirected. He
was going out to have it ended. The cross made no
compromise, modified nothing, spared nothing. It slew all
of the man completely and for good. It did not try to keep
on good terms with its victim. It struck swift and hard and
when it had finished its work the man was no more. That
evangelism which draws friendly parallels between the
ways of God and the ways of man is false to the Bible and
cruel to the soul of the hearers. The faith of Christ does
not parallel the world. It intersects it. In coming to Christ
we do not bring our life up on to a higher plane. We leave
it at a cross. The grain of wheat must fall into the ground
and die. That is the beginning of the gospel. (A.W. Tozer)

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