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For the first 6 months in 2021

Group member:
1. Tran Ngoc Ha
2. Do Kim Chi
3. Vu Thi Ngoc Anh
4. Hoang Tuan Long
5. Dang Ngoc Thu Trang
6. Vo Nguyen Anh
Class: QT Marketinng 60B


Table of Contents

HISTORICAL PERFORMANCE.........................................................................................3
1. Industry (Movie Theater Business).........................................................................3
2. Company (CJ CGV)..........................................................................................................3

II. KEY ASSUMPTIONS (6 months in 2021 - Hanoi)......................................................6
1. Market size.......................................................................................................................6
2. Market dynamics............................................................................................................8
3. Spend.................................................................................................................................8
4. Organization changes:..................................................................................................9
5. Government regulation (due to COVID-19):.........................................................9

6. Competitor activity.....................................................................................................10
7. Demographic factors..................................................................................................11
III. OBJECTIVE - GOALS.........................................................................................................11
IV. SALE STRATEGY...............................................................................................................12
1. Account Targeting.......................................................................................................12
2. Relationship..................................................................................................................12
3. Sale Channel..................................................................................................................13
4. Selling..............................................................................................................................14
V. SALE FORECASTING........................................................................................................15
VI. REVENUES AND COST BUDGET...................................................................................16
VII. TACTICS..............................................................................................................................19


VIII.................................................................................................................. Saleforce Management
1. Planning for Recruitment & Selection.................................................................20
2. Recruitment: Locating Prospective Candidate..................................................22
3. Selection: Evaluation & Hiring................................................................................23
4. Training:.........................................................................................................................24
5. Motivation & Reward.................................................................................................26




1. Industry (Movie Theater Business)
● 2019:

● 2020: Covid-19 pandemic leaves Vietnamese cinema reeling:

10% of Vietnamese cinema has closed.


Every movie running in cinemas has fared much worse with revenues of less than
10 billion VND each.


Many cinemas have hunkered down by offering more promotions and showing old
blockbusters to get moviegoers back.


Covid-19 fears have prevented movie fans (about 70% Vietnamese), especially
families with children, from going to cinemas where crowds and closed spaces
could spread the novel coronavirus.

2. Company (CJ CGV)

Market Trend (based on Market Research in 2019 & 2020)

● Sale volume - Sale value
2019: CJ CGV Company said that in 2019, the CGV movie theater chain earned
about 3,660 billion VND in the Vietnamese market, an increase of more than 35%
compared to 2018. The monthly revenue of CGV cinema system is 305 billion VND and
the average daily revenue is over 10 billion VND.
2020: The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 caused a serious decline in CGV's
revenue. According to CGV's statistics, in March 2019, the nationwide cinema chain
attracted 5 million visitors, with a turnover of 350 billion VND. However by March
2020, CGV has only 1 million visitors, equivalent to a revenue of about 76 billion VND,
5 times lower compared to this time last year. Only in March 2020, CGV lost about 500
billion VND.
● Distribution achievements
2019: By the end of 2019, CGV Vietnam owns 82 movie theaters with 475
2020: CGV currently has 80 operating theaters in 2020 (based on moveek.com).
The most recent opening was in Vincom Mega Mall Ocean Park in mid-December 2020.

2.2.Price movement
● Price trend
The average movie ticket price at CGV is about 60,000 to 150,000 VND, not
including food and beverages.


After a sudden price increase in 2018 (a 6% increase compared to previous years),
movie ticket prices at CGV remained the same in 2019 and 2020 (Although there is a
price difference in different theaters, this difference is not significant).

● Competitor prices
Movie ticket prices at CGV are highest compared to other theaters in Vietnam.
(Average of about 80,000 - 100,000 VND for a 2D movie, 100,000 - 150,000 VND for a
3D movie).
Meanwhile, other theaters such as Galaxy Cinema, BHD Star Cineplex, .. have
relatively low prices, about 60,000 - 85,000 VND for a 2D movie, 80,000 - 120,000 VND
for a 3D movie.
Example in HCM City:

2.3.Distributor performance


According to Business Korea, the financial structure of CJ CGV has weakened
significantly due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The company's debt to equity
ratio soared by nearly 200 percentage points in three months, to 845% in the first quarter
of 2020, causing total equity to decline by 22% over the same period. At the same time,
CJ CGV's revenue decreased by 50% year-on-year, the loss increased from 85.7 billion
won to 118.6 billion won.
President of CJ Vietnam announced that 15 member companies in Vietnam were
all significantly affected, of which, the CGV movie theater chain was most affected.


KEY ASSUMPTIONS (6 months in 2021 - Hanoi)
The figures below are estimated based on secondary data published online in 2019

and 2020.

1. Market size
● Volumes (demand & product availability)
By 2020, the estimated population in Hanoi will reach 10.5 million people, of
which 67% (about 7.035 million people) is the group of working age, which is also the
potential customer group of the market. (based on Population Projection for Vietnam
2009-2049, HaNoi Portal)
According to the customer behavior report mentioned in part 1, about 55% of
Vietnamese go to the cinema once a month or more. It is estimated that this data will
increase to 70% between 2020 and 2021. From there we can assume the number of target
customers to be around 7.035M x 70% = 4.93M.
Despite facing many difficulties in 2020 due to the outbreak of COVID-19, with
43% market share, CGV's market penetration in 2021 is quite likely to reach 40%.
If only the movie-watching service is included, the company's sales volume can
reach approx 4.93M x 40% = 1.972M (ppl) per month
● Value (prices & product mix)

Assuming 2,465 million guests, on average, each guest pays VND 200,000 for
movie-watching services, including food and beverages, the expected sale value CGV can
achieve is around 1.972M x 200 = 394.4M (VND) per month
Especially in the first 6 months of 2021 with many important holidays in January,
February and March, this is considered a high expectation number to bring positive
changes in business.
● Distribution outlets:
23 outlets are now available in Ha Noi. The CGV cinema sections are often
located in large commercial centers, occupying prime locations with convenient traffic.
In the first 6 months of 2021, CGV plans to expand one more location in Le Parc
by Gamuda, which was the commercial center designed with a lush green landscape just
steps from Yen So Park.

● Users/ Consumers

For pre-show:
Assuming that 1 outlet of CGV shows an average of 6 films a day, average a film

can show 10 ad slots, average a movie can show in 5 screens: we have 10 slots * 6
films* 5 screens = 300 ads are shown every day at 1 cinema. Multiplying the price by 1
slot for advertising 300 * 180,000 = 54,000,000 VND / day / theater.
CJ CGV in HaNoi has 23 outlet so the total is 54,000,000VND *23*30

For Concession:
A popcorn + drink combo is almost equal to a movie ticket (at CGV a popcorn

combo falls to 100,000 VND) while the cost of these dishes is only about 5% of the
selling price. That is, selling a combo of popcorn + water helps the theater earn an
instant 95,000 VND profit.











For Tickets:
Assuming CJ CGV can hold 30% of the price of tickets and the average price is

95,000VND. The profit is 30%*95,000VND=28,500VND. The expected profit from
selling tickets in the first half year in 2021 is 28,500VND*1,972M (ppl) = 56,202M

2. Market dynamics
● Sector dynamics:

Before covid-19:
+ Movie theaters are profitable steadily and grow nearly 30% quarterly.
+ Continuously opening more branches, creating a lot of events with offers to
attract customers.


After covid-19:
+ The cinema is recovering at a very slow pace, with almost all Vietnamese guests

with no foreign visitors.
+ Movie theaters have to cut a lot of staff, negotiate to reduce the rent.
+ There are strong incentives to stimulate consumer demand to use products.
● Distribution channel dynamics:

This is a distribution channel from company to consumer because the cinema will
buy the film from the producer and sell it directly to customers without going
through any intermediaries.

3. Spend

● Income: The total profit CJ CGV (estimated) =95,000VND*1,972M (ppl)
● Interest rate: According to the report, the interest rate in 2019 increased by 156%
compared to the previous year, this shows that this business thrives in Vietnam and
will make Vietnam one of the top 5 countries in the world in the cinema industry.
However, after a serious decline in interest rate in 2020 due to a global epidemic,
CGV is estimated to quickly recover and increase the interest rate by 80% in the
first 6 months if covid-19 is controlled.
● Employment: Due to Covid-19 in 2020, CGV needs a workforce reduction plan to
begin recovering from the worldwide epidemic crisis. Furthermore, online checkin will help socialize and reduce costs for businesses in hiring workers.
● Proximity of product: An analysis report by Korean securities company KDB
Daewoo said that the Vietnamese cinema market is dominated by 5 main players,

accounting for a total market share of 98%, including CJ-CGV (43%). , Lotte
(30%), Platinum (10%), Galaxy (9%) and BHD (6%). Thus, CGV is having the
largest coverage in the Vietnamese cinema industry. In the near future, cinemas
will be expanded in the provinces to increase brand awareness and closeness. Mr.
Sim Joon Beom, General Director of CGV, by 2020, each year, CGV will open 1215 more screens, including 4-5 theaters in localities located far away from big
cities, to bring High-quality cinema experience festivals for audiences across the
country. The average investment cost for a cinema cluster of CGV is about 3-5
million USD.

4. Organization changes:
CGV needs to consider likely changes in company organization after a period of
operation does not increase profits. The organizational structure changes will be caused
by the management of the company based on the actual situation and making appropriate


adjustments such as transferring ticket staff to the food counter, changing the position of
supervisors between branch in Hanoi.


5. Government regulation (due to COVID-19):
Due to Covid 19, Vietnamese government has enacted laws to prevent the spread
of covid epidemics in the community. Specifically, CGV branch in Hanoi always has to
comply with sanitary conditions and keep a safe distance for customers. For example:

All cinema had to close on March 15th and open on May 9th.


Everyone has to wear a mask during the time in CGV.


Customers have to check their body temperature and use sanitizer before enter the


CGV has to sterilize with sanitizing chemical after every screening.


CGV’s staffs have to check their body temperature before work and wash their
hands every 20 minutes.


Employees are well-educated about COVID-19 so that in case the customer has
signs of suspected infection such as fever - cough - difficulty breathing, they will
immediately quarantine and assist to bring customers to the nearest medical center
or contact the Ministry of Health hotline.


Spacing seats in the screening rooms, spacing the queue at the ticket counter.


Encourage customers to make online transactions
Vietnamese government also issued resolution to support domestic and foreign

businesses during outbreak of Covid 19

Proposes to reduce income tax for businesses with a total income of less than 50
billion VND in 2020


10% discount on electricity prices for businesses


6. Competitor activity
● Distribution:
In the Vietnamese cinema market, there are currently 5 official film distributors
and CGV is leading with 43% market share, followed by Lotte cinema with 30%
market share and finally Platinum, BHD and Galaxy cinema. Specifically, in
Hanoi, CGV has 22 cinema branches, Lotte has 4 cinema branches, Galaxy has 2
branches and BHD has only 1 in Vincom center Pham Ngoc Thach.
● Marketing

CGV mostly interacted with customers on social networks and updated the latest
information about upcoming movies. Followed by Lotte Cinema which has lower

participants in social networks. For example, CGV usually has around 70k - 100k
participants who live in Hanoi attracted to the Facebook post while Lotte has half
of CGV’s participants.


CGV supports partner from film production to hold the movie show.


Other cinemas often have more attractive price incentives for customers.
According to the analysis in the above section, the movie ticket price of CGV is
usually higher than theaters like BHD or Galaxy from 15.000 to 20.000 VND. This
can be one of strengthens to help those cinema compete with CGV.

7. Demographic factors
● Population trend: Vietnam's population tends to be rejuvenated. People from 16 to
30 years old still occupied more than 30% in Hanoi. It is a opportunity for the film
industry in the capital of Vietnam.
● Location trend: Vietnam's population is still concentrated in rural areas, so CGV is
creating more cinemas in the suburbs so that all people can experience it.




● Increasing Revenue:

Look at the sale table from 2015-2019, the revenue off CGV had grown steady. In
March 2019, the nationwide cinema system attracted 5 million visitors, with a turnover of
350 billion VND. But by March 2020, the nationwide theater system has only 1 million
visitors, revenue of 76 billion dong. That means CGV has decreased 21,7% revenue
compared to the same period last year.
With 80 operating theaters in 2020, our objective is increasing revenues by 45% 670 millions in the 1st 6 month of 2020. ( 90 millions in Jan, 120 millions in Feb, 100
millions in March, 110 millions in April, 120 millions in May, 130 millions in June)
● Increase Units Sold and Boost Profit Margins
Obviously, the food business at the cinema brings in a significant source of
revenue and is an important part of profit, besides movie ticket sales and advertising.
Increase units sold/profit margins by 20% in tickets and 20% in concession and
5% in pre-show ads.


● Increase the number of CGV Member card’s registration
● Increase the rate of coverage in VNese cinema industry
Until now, CGV has always boasts the biggest market share - 43% in the VN
cinema industry. It’s important to reach 47% in 2021.



1. Account Targeting
a. Teenagers/ Young adults (the largest customers/ need more focus and complex
b. Family (smaller customers)

2. Relationship
a. Teenagers/ Young adults
According to a survey of VietnamBusiness website, the group of customers aged
lower than 19 (mostly teenagers) has high demand for going to the movies and the
group of customers aged 20-29 frequently use food and drink services in theaters.
This group of customers has a high independent ability to buy and consume
products. It is also a group that wants and is more willing to go out and have fun
than other groups of customers. They can afford 7.3% of their monthly budget for
entertainment needs only (according to some economic newspapers). Therefore,
this group of customers is the chosen group for CGV to focus on attracting new
However, unlike in the past, unfaithful young customers are becoming more
popular. When buying the product, they compare a lot. Nielsen's research shows
that this target group compares about 5 brands before deciding to buy the product.
They are even willing to rebrand for a better quality experience.
>> Transaction Relationship.

b. Family group (a group of two or more people - parents, grandparents, relatives,
friends and children.)
Most of CGV's cinemas are located in shopping malls or places where many
people pass by. Therefore, it can be predicted that the ability to attract these
customers is very high, especially on holidays, the demand for entertainment and
relaxation increases.
At the same time, this group of customers often needs to connect relationships
among members, so they are willing to spend to buy entertainment services to
satisfy the above demand.
However, this group of customers often pay more attention to the benefits and

convenience they get when paying for a service. In addition, a minus point is that
this group of customers does not have the need to use the service regularly.
>>Transaction Relationship.

3. Sale Channel

Online: apps, website, Social Media.


Offline: direct sales at the counter.

4. Selling
a. Teenager

Create sales promotion to encourage customers to sign up for a membership card:
Registered in the first 3 months of 2021, customers will receive 10 lucky money
points in their account. (The points can be used to exchange vouchers)


Create more events on social media: Share posts from CGV fanpage to get a
jackpot (free ticket, free drinks, or popcorn) during a specific time like Lunar New
Year, Valentine day,...or play games based on film,etc.


Cooperate with e-wallet apps such as Momo, Airpay, Zalopay, … to offer 79K /
two 2D movie tickets or a 20% discount card for popcorn and drinks once a


Tickets promotion late show on weekdays (discount after 22:00 PM)


Create promotions and combo on special occasions:

+ Immediately access the CGV app or homepage to book tickets and buy a cup of
Lucky Buffalo right away for only VND139,000.
The program lasts from January 24 to February 6, 2021, and will be applied at all
CGV theaters nationwide.
+ Promotion for couples on Valentine's Day (only February 14 and March 14): change
popcorn taste to mix for only 14K VND (usually 24K)

Becoming partners with other brands like restaurants, cafes in the same
commercial center to give customers voucher.

b. Family group

2-person combos will be similar to those of teens, adding family combos of 3-4 on
Tet: Owns a combo of 2 medium-sized popcorn, 4 medium-sized soft drinks and 1
dish in the Hot Food menu for just 200,000 VND.


Cooperating with language centers or soft skills centers to give vouchers to
secondary and primary school’s kid with the condition of accompanying parents


Create an event for families with young children: After purchasing tickets, they
can check-in and participate in interactive games on the opening day of animated
movies with great attraction to children like Tom & Jerry (February 19) , Trang Ti
(February 12), Boss Baby (March 26).



● Forecast period: 3 months (from 1st January to 31st March)
● Relevant data source:

Volumes (demand & product availability): approx 1.972M (ppl) per month, but we
expected the actual number will increase 30% compared to expected in the first 3
days of Tet holiday, especially when the most awaited Vietnamese films such as
Lat Mat 48H, Bo Gia, Gai Gia Lam Chieu all premiere on the 1st day of Tet.


Values (prices & product mix): approx 394.4M (VND) per month, similar to the
above, revenue is expected to increase by 50%, especially with the need to use
other services such as F&B combo, membership cards, vouchers,... during


Consumption: (Concession & Ticket) 187,34Mx2=374,68M(VND) per month


Product data: 15 new films launching in the first 3 months of 2021. The sale
values will increase significantly during Tet Holiday and International Women’s
+ 1/1/2021: Escape Room 2
+ 8/1/2021: Cậu Vàng
+ 8/1/2021: Em Là Của Em
+ 15/1/2021: Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway
+ 15/1/2021: The 355
+ 15/1/2021: Mortal Kombat
+ 29/1/2021: Rumble
+ 5/2/2021: Cinderella 2
+ 12/2/2021: Trạng Tí

+ 12/2/2021: Lật Mặt 2

+ 12/2/2021: Gái Già Lắm Chiêu V
+ 19/2/2021: Tom & Jerry
+ 8/3/2021: Kiều
+ 8/3/2021: The Guardian
+ 12/3/2021: Raya and The Last Dragon
+ 19/3/2021: Morbius
+ 26/3/2021: Fast & Furious 9
+ 26/3/2021: Boss Baby

● Operating costs:

Wages and wage increases/ sales force/ sales training: In a CGV cinema
establishment in Hanoi, the salaries of employees in different positions
+ Cinema supervision position: The cinema supervisor is the person who will
lead and manage and supervise all activities taking place in the theater,
which are: manage all equipment systems of the cinema rooms, operate the
rooms machine in accordance with the prescribed schedule; track the use
of facilities in theaters to report as well as suggest supplementation in case
of failures or lost; monitor the cinema camera system to detect problems
happening in theaters and have a timely solution; resolve issues related to
customer complaints and handle them satisfactorily, without affecting the
interests of both. As a movie theater supervisor, you will receive a salary of
about 7,000,000 - 10,000,000 VND / month and may be higher depending


on experience and management capacity. The working time of a theater
supervisor is also divided and each shift will be 9 hours.
+ Ticket checker position: The ticket checker does the main job of standing in
front of the movie theater and checking customers' tickets upon entry. In
addition, the ticket checker at the CGV cinema is also responsible for
guiding guests or bringing them into the room and seat positions indicated
in the ticket.
For this job, CGV ticket checker will receive the salary over time as
The 4-hour shift, the basic salary is about 3,500,000 VND / month.
The 6-hour shift with a basic salary is about 4,800,000 VND / month.
The 8-hour shift with a basic salary of about 6,800,000 VND / month.
The 10-hour shift with a basic salary is about 8,200,000 VND / month.
The basic 12-hour shift salary is about 10,500,000 VND / month.
For part-time or part-time employees, the salary received will be hourly,
about 30,000 VND / hour.
+ Ticket seller position: With the staff working at the ticket counter in the
CGV cinema, the salary is also divided by the working time of each shift as
The 4-hour shift, the basic salary is about 3,500,000 VND / month.
The basic 8-hour shift salary is about 6,000,000 VND / month.
The 10-hour shift with basic salary is about 7,500,000 VND / month.
The basic salary of a 12-hour shift is about 9,000,000 VND / month.
+ Technical staff: CGV movie theater technicians are mainly for men and
have technical expertise. Their work includes:

Receiving movies and checking the quality of movies on the rap system. Perform the inspection and arrangement of the entire electrical system,
audio and visual problems of the technical department in the theater.

Always make sure the cinema system in the cinema is operating properly
and accurately.
Assist in monitoring activities taking place in the lobby in the cinema.
For these jobs, the salary level for CGV cinema technicians will be from
6,000,000 - 8,000,000 VND / month depending on the experience and
capacity of each person. The working time of cinema technology will be 9
hours / day and also divided by shifts.
● Marketing costs
+ Social Media: CGV spends around 5M/day for advertising on social media,
especially Facebook. Before the release of a new film, CGV is willing to spend
up to 10-20M/day on new movie-related advertisements.
+ Promotion: CGV continuously offers promotions 50% off ticket prices on
every Wednesday or the last Monday of each month. This makes revenue
seemingly halved, but the results are the opposite. The number of people
coming to CGV is 2 times higher than in days without promotions. This proves
that CGV is not spending too much on promotion costs for customers, around
25% of revenue is expected by CGV to be spent on promotions.
During 2017 to 2020, CGV was expected to spend up to 200M dollar to set up
for ScreenX, which is a panoramic film format which presents films with an
expanded, dual-sided, 270-degree screens projected on the walls in a theater.
The ticket price to experience ScreenX ranges from 105,000VND 120,000VND. The number of customers coming and experiencing.







Selling plan

Focus Timing




Young adults

Increasing membership

Holidays (Tet,



Marketing through Social

Women’s day)

Media, SEO



Late night after
22:00 PM

Increasing purchases
through third parties



Combo on holidays &
Ticket promotions


Increasing purchases
through third parties






Combo on holidays &



Ticket promotions


Kid movie

Increasing purchases

premiere day

through third parties

Create direct interaction
by organizing event

VIII. Saleforce Management

1. Planning for Recruitment & Selection



Media Sales Manager

Media Sales Admin

Cinema Marketing


• Works closely with

Sale team support

Develop Customer

current clients and

and Revenue data


maintains a good


Management (CRM)

relationship with

• Check, collect



information and

• Build CRM's full year

• Invite clients to the

prepare the Media

strategy and develop

Company's events

Sales/Group Sales

execution plans (establish

and functions and

Contracts and

yearly policy & fetch

take care of them to

Proposals for

detail direction, new

maintain a strong


function innovation)


• Update and key in • Ensure CRM’s KPI -

• Handle efficiently

sales revenue

developing specified

and effectively

reported from

promotions/plans to

clients’ inquiries to

Media sale team

maintain member loyalty

ensure clients are

into Action Plan,

& drive direct traffics to

happy with our

Master File

the cinemas.


weekly, monthly,

• Nurture customer

• New Clients

quarterly and

relationships & value



through exclusive

proactively search for • Be one of the

activities/gifts & other

new clients from

main contact


other media such as

points with

Manage and Control

newspaper, magazine, Accounting, HR

CRM Communication

television, radio,


Department about



actual revenue

• SMS: Create content

recommendation and


and send SMS to the

other connections.

• Conduct and

target audience for

• Major account

support Sales team specific

to complete closing campaigns/promotion.

including making


• EDM: Build template

joint calls and being

• Update pipeline

and content for specific

involved in key

daily, make sure

EDM campaigns;

account activity.

database is always

optimize efficiency of

• Approach for

up-to-date, keep

EDM campaigns with

meeting to introduce

record of new client

given budget.

the services.

and send to Sales

• Other Online channels:

• Encouraging and

team to approach

Manage content related

enforcing positive

Budget and

to specific CRM

forces, leadership

expense record

Campaigns on Web/App

skills and above-

(không lấy vào

& SNS (Facebook,

average job



performance within

• Double check and Manage, control and
analysis Customer
record all team

the department.

• Prepare reports for expenses


clients if necessary


• Provide executive

(admission, movies

Travel, Project

analysis for upcoming

list, photos etc.).

Expenditure, etc.)

campaigns or certain

• Take photos on

• Book and follow

requests from other teams.

each client’s

all team expense on • Suggest direction &

campaign for clients


strategy based on

and/or for our library

to demonstrate to


executive analysis.

other clients for their

• Keep track team

• Conduct market


budget to reach

research/surveys based

• Prepare precise

effective operation

on current customers to

quotations. Proposal

as well as ensure

explore new

for clients and keep

company policy

insights/market study.



Manage and develop

• Update accrual of CGV Membership
monthly expense to Program:
Accounting and

• Yearly propose

FP&A Department

membership policy.

Other tasks

• Monthly and weekly

• Collect invoice

tracking membership

and ask Accounting

performance and

Department to issue

proposing directions for


improvement as needed.

• Save all the

• Nurture customer

contracts and

relationship & value

related document

through exclusive

• Follow payment

activities. and events.

and debt, remind

• Manage suppliers to

sales for settlement

produce & deliver

• Request voucher

membership materials,

and distribute to

gifts,... to the cinemas on

particular Media

time for specific

Sales member



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