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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date: ………… Period: Week:. LANGUAGE FOCUS: 4. I/ Aim: * By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to - Consolidate knowledge from U 9 to U 12. - Make the questions with did. Then answer to use indefinite quantifies too, so , either and neither ,imperatives Ss should be taught to make cucumber, salad and to take part in different activities. II/ Language contents: *Grammar: Review past tense, indefinite quantifiers, too; so; either; neither, imperative *Voc: Revision: About: Foods , drinks , habits and routines III/ Techniques: Pictures drill, gap fill, slap the board , kim’s game IV/ Teaching aids: V/ Procedures: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities - Ss write menu talk about the foods and drinks they ate drank yesterday - T corrects and gets marks. * Net work - Review the words. - T divides the class into three groups and write about foods, fruit and drink. - Each student in group to write voc.. Contents *Marks: P1:I ate a bread and drank milk for break fast. For lunch I ate rice, stir –fried beef with bean ,orange and drank water. For dinner I ate noodles with beef , banana and drank a glass of milk 1/ Warm up: Egg, bean Pea foods. Beef, spinach, fish, carrot.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Apple juice. drinks. Milk, water, coffee , soda , tea , orange juice. Banana, durian, apple,. orange. - T helps students review the past tense. - T writes some thing that Ss did last weekend on the board. * Examples : (+) He visited his old teacher last Sunday. (+) My mom bought a shirt for me two weeks ago. (-) He didn’t visit his old teacher last Sunday. (-) My mom didn’t buy a shirt for me two weeks ago. (?) Did he visit his old teacher last Sunday? (?) Did your mom buy a shirt for me two weeks ago? - T divides class in two groups. + Group 1: Write the use of The Simple Past. + Group 2: Write the Adverbs of time used in The Simple Past . - T helps the Ss take notes the past simple tense. + What’s the picture about, using verb in the simple past.  Ss give their answer. - T gives Ss example. - Ask your partner questions with. + Did you ……..? she / he ?. fruits. Papaya, pineapple 2/ Presentation: *The Past simple tense . - Form : (+) S + V (ed /2) …………. (-) S + didn’t + V ……….. (?) Did + S + V …………..? - Yes , S did or No , S didn’t * A completed action at a definite time in the past. * Last week / month…. , yesterday / ago : Two years ago . * Notes: Adv of time : Last night , month , Sunday …………/ yesterday morning …………/ ago , two years ago …………. + Did you do /go ……….? Ex: Did you do your homework last night? - Yes , I did . I did my homework..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - Ss gives the answer with no , I didn’t . I watched TV. - Then Ss see the pictures and make the sentences in groups. - Ss say the new sentences. - T corrects and gives Ss marks. - T reviews some indefinite quantifiers.. Or No, I didn’t . I watched TV. a/ Did you do your homework last night? No, I didn’t. I watched TV. 3/ Practice: 4.1) Answer : the questions with Did adverbs of time : b/ No, I didn’t. I ate dinner at a restaurant. c/ No, I didn’t. I went to the movie theater . d/ No, I didn’t. I read a book on the weekend. e/ No, I didn’t. I played football.. - T helps Ss to take notes some indefinite quantifiers. * 4.2) Indefinite quantifiers: A lot of , lots of , a little , too much + A little standing in front of un count noun. - T asks Ss to give examples Ex: A little sugar. + A few standing in front of count noun Ex: A few students in class. + A lot of or lots standing of in front of count * Slap the board noun and un count plural noun - With pictures of coffee, tea , sugar , salt and Ex: A lot of books on the table. water. Lots of rice * Gap fill  A little / too much / a lot of + un countable + How much is these? *a) Write the correct expression. - Ss work in pair to write the correct expression. a/ a little coffee - Ss answer. b/ lots of tea - Then Ss play picture drill. c/ a little sugar - T corrects. d/ a lot of salt - T takes note e/ too much coffee - Ss work in pair to guess the missing words. - Some write the words on the board. - T corrects mistakes. - Then Ss play roles. - T gives the advice. - Ss also play pictures drill. * Slap the board : _ With picture of mangoes , banana , papaya , corn , spinach , potatoes , fish , chicken - T guides Ss the way to do. - Ss practice in pairs.. b) Complete the dialogue. *Key: A: a little or a lot A little B: a lot of C: too much D: a little  Advice: Don’t eat too much candy. - Add a little salt to the vegetables. - Drink a lot of water every.  4.3) Too/ either:  Notes: too and either standing at the end of the sentences. + Too use in affirmative sentence..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> * Remember dialogue. - Ss look at the picture , they make up similar dialogues with a partner . - Ss work in pair close pair and open pair - Ss play the roles. - T corrects the pronunciation.. * Picture drill - T gives example then Ss work in pair to do the same. - Ss also work in pairs as the examples made by the Teacher. - T corrects. * Pre teach: - With mines and pictures of mixture with cucumbers and onions. - Like above, students practice in pairs.. - T gives some verbs to complete the instructions. - T gives Ss examples. * Gap fill : - SS guess the missing words . They work in group of eight. + Either use in negative sentence. a) Ba : I like mangoes . Nam : I like mangoes , too. b) Ba : I don’t like banana . Nam : I don’t like banana , either. So on * Similar dialogues Ex : A: I like mangoes. B: I like beef , too. A: I don’t like papaya. B: I don’t like papaya , either. So on *4.4 So / neither  Notes : So and neither standing in front of the sentences +: So do I / does he , she. - : Neither do I / does he , she a) A: I like corn. B: So do I b) A: I don’t like bananas. B: Neither do i. 4/ Production: -Making:  Ingredients: 500 grams of cucumber 2 onions a small cup of vinegar one teas spoon full of salt  Five teas spoonful sugar: Peel (v) Mix (v) Stir (v) Mixture (v) Vinegar (n) a) peel the onions. b) _____ the cucumbers and onions. c) _____ the cucumbers and onions. d) _____ the slices. e) _____ a little salt, sugar and vinegar to mixture. f) _____ the mixture. _____ for five minutes and the salad is ready to serve. 5/ Homework:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> - Learn the words/ the grammar. - Do all exercises in their notebooks - Prepare unit 13 A1-A2 Comment : ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….

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