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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Now with Tactics for Testing. AUDI®. Jack c. Richards w ith Grant Trew. O X FO R D.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Now w ith T a c tic s for. D eveloping. V _ Testing. TACTICS for L IS T E N IN G THIRD EDITION / More listening. More testing. More effective.. Jack C. Richards w ith Grant Trew. O X FO R D U N IV E R SIT Y PRESS. j.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Scope and Sequence U n it. n. The Weekend. Topic. City Transportation. • Listening fo r opinions • Listening fo r key words. C o n v e r s a tio n. Past - e d verb endings. Talking about the w eekend. Intonation of Whquestions. Asking about transportation. Word stress in compound nouns. Neighborhood gossip. Reduction of Wh- + do yo u. Planning a celebration. Reduction of w a nt to. Making plans. Syllable stress in names. Buying a gift. • Listening for locations Taxis, trains, and buses. • Listening for numbers • Listening fo r details. page 6. El. P r o n u n c ia tio n & D ic ta tio n. • Listening for details Past events. page 2. B T. L iste n in g S k ills. • Listening for reasons. Neighbors page 10. Getting along w ith neighbors. • Listening for details • Listening fo r opinions • Listening fo r gist. El. Celebrations page 14. &. I. Meals and get-togethers. • Listening for key words • Listening for gist • Listening for details. • Listening for locations. Restaurants page 18. Food and going out to eat. • Listening for details • Listening for opinions • Listening for gist. &. • Listening fo r details. Gifts page 22. Shopping and departm ent stores. • Listening fo r decisions • Listening for opinions • Listening for gist. iv.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> U n it. m. Air Travel page 26. &. Mishaps page 30. El. Jobs. Topic. Keeping Fit page 38. &. Invitations page 42. P ro n u n c ia tio n & D ic ta tio n. C o n v e rs a tio n. • Listening for gist Instructions for flying. • Listening fo r details • Listening for opinions. Problems and solutions. Reduction of could y o u and w o u ld yo u. Preparing fo r takeoff. Reduction of did yo u. Describing a mishap. Intonation of yes/no questions. Describing jobs. Reduction of u sed to and use to. Asking about past actions. Reduction of Do yo u and A re yo u. Giving an invitation. Intonation of words in a series. Describing likes and dislikes. • Listening fo r gist • Listening for details • Listening for solutions. • Listening for gist Life at w o rk. page 34. B. L iste n in g S k ills. • Listening for key words • Listening fo r details. Fitness and exercise. Accepting or refusing an invitation. • Listening fo r details • Listening for reasons • Listening fo r topics. • Listening for invitations • Listening for acceptances and refusals. • Listening for details. ffil. Campus Life page 46. Teachers, classes, and campus. • Listening • Listening • Listening • Listening. for locations for details fo r gist for opinions. V.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Scope and Sequence U n it. Topic. [A.. Hobbies and Pastimes. Shopping Problems. Interests. Hotel Services. • Listening fo r details • Listening fo r likes and dislikes. C o n v e r s a tio n. Syllable stress in words. Talking about hobbies. Reduction of n ee d to and like to. Returning an item. Reduction of the vow el sound in can. Asking for help. Linked sounds s and z. Talking about movies. Sentence stress. Describing fears. Intonation of phone numbers. Saying phone numbers. • Listening for gist Returning items. • Listening for details • Listening fo r opinions. page 54. hS-. P r o n u n c ia tio n & D ic ta tio n. • Listening fo r gist. page 50. RL. L iste n in g S k ills. • Listening fo r details Staying in a hotel. • Listening fo r key words • Listening fo r opinions. page 58. • Listening fo r key words. Movies page 62. W. Fears. • Listening for times Movie types. • Listening for recommendations. • Listening fo r gist Being afraid. page 66. try. Phone Messages page 70. vi. • Listening fo r opinions. • Listening fo r details • Listening for problems. Voicemails. • Listening for inform ation • Listening for details.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> U n it. [EL. Topic. r. P ro n u n c ia tio n & D ic ta tio n. C o n v e r s a tio n. Reduction of - e s t in superlatives. Describing a city. Plural -s endings. Asking directions. Intonation for confirming inform ation. Asking for confirm ation. Contractions of there is/has and there are. Describing problems. Word stress for emphasis. Describing people. Reduction of w as. Describing a vacation. • Listening fo r locations. Touring a City. • Listening fo r details Sightseeing. • Listening fo r opinions • Listening for recommendations. page 74. m. L iste n in g S k ills. ~ • Listening fo r locations. Airports. Airport services. page 78. • Listening fo r details • Listening for opinions. 10-. • Listening for details Check-in and rooms. H o t e ls page 82. • Listening for requests • Listening for opinions • Listening for complaints. g. j .. • Listening fo r details. Traffic. Traffic conditions. page 86. • Listening for key words • Listening for solutions • Listening for problems. Roommates page 90. 3. Vacations. page 94. page. • Listening fo r key words • Listening fo r gist. • Listening for sequence. Travel. Vocabulary Index. Getting along w ith roommates. • Listening fo r key words • Listening fo r details. 110. vii.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> TACTICS FOR TESTING. U n its. i. ►. Scope and Sequence. T e stin g Focus. T e st-ta k in g S k ill. Tasks • Answ ering picture-based questions. 1-4. Focused listening. page 98. Establishing the main idea. • Matching statem ents w ith the appropriate response • Comprehension questions based on short conversations. • Matching statem ents w ith a photograph. 5 - 8. Listening for details. page 100. Taking notes as you listen. • Matching questions w ith the appropriate response • Comprehension questions based on a conversation. 9-12 page 102. Listening for organization. Listening for transitional words. • Completing notes based on a conversation • Completing a map based on a talk. • Matching statem ents w ith a photograph. 13-16 page 104. Picture-based questions. Listening for prepositions. • Matching questions w ith the appropriate response • Comprehension questions based on a conversation. • Answ ering picture-based questions. 17-20. Listening for details. page 106. Listening for paraphrasing. • Matching statem ents w ith the appropriate response • Comprehension questions based on short conversations. 21-24 page 108. viii. Question-focused listening. Preparing for the test day. • Completing notes based on a conversation • Completing a map based on a talk.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> The Weekend Getting Ready W h a t did you do last w e e k e n d ? C h e ck ( / ) y o u r a n sw e rs a n d co m p a re th e m w ith a p a rtn e r.. □ □ □ □ □. CD 1-2. went to a movie went to the gym played a sport met a friend watched TV. ))) Listening. □ □ □ □. watched a DVD went on a date went to a nightclub played computer games. 1. W h a t did th e se p eo p le do last w e e k e n d ? Listen and circle th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 1. She___________ . a.went to a club (E) watched TV 2. H e___________ . a. met a girl b. went to his sister's house 3. H e___________ . a. went to the gym b. entered a bodybuilding competition 2. 4. H e__________ . a. played with his nephews b. went out with a friend 5. She__________ . a. went to a party b. went to a movie 6. She__________ . a. watched a DVD b. watched baseball on TV Vocabulary Worksheet.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> cd. i-3 ► Task 2. Listen again. W h a t did each p erso n do on th e w e e k e n d ? C ircle th e co rre c t a n sw e r. 1. He a. watched a science program on TV b. played video games ( c ) went to a movie 2. He a. stayed at home b. went to the beach for the weekend c. went to the mountains 3. He a. read lots of interesting magazines b. used the computer c. read an interesting book. 4. She a. played in a band b. went to a concert c. played tennis 5. She a. stayed home and watched TV b. studied for an exam c. went out with friends 6. She a. visited friends b. went to the countryside c. went out with friends. 3.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> )) Listening cd 1-4. 3. ^ Task 1. H o w w a s each p erso n 's w e e k e n d ? Liste n and circle th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 1. a. so-so b. terrible ( c ) great. 2. a. disappointing b. pleasant c. boring. 3. a. tiring b. terrific c. wonderful. 4. a. awful b. quiet c. enjoyable. cpi-4 ► Task 2 Listen again. A re th e se sta te m e n ts tru e o r false? C h e ck ( / ) th e co rre ct a n sw e r.. 4.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Conversation Corner. Talking about the weekend. nunciation. Pronunciation Help. Past tense -e d endings cd 1-5. ► Task 1. Listen and repeat. 1. I liked the movie.. 3. She stayed w ith us.. 2. I studied for a test.. 4. We w anted to go home.. Sounds like It/. Sounds like /6/. Sounds like /id/. finished. played. visited. helped. traveled. waited. watched. stayed. needed. ► Task 2 Read the sentences to a partner. Be sure to pronounce the past -e d verb endings correctly.. Dictation cd. i 6 ► Task 1. Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words. A: Hi, Amy. W hat did you do this weekend? B: Oh, not much. I ______________ home a n d _______________ on a project. A: Is that all? B: No. I also finished a good book. Later, I ______________________________________________. W hat about you? A: I played tennis. The courts w ere crowded. I ______________ a long tim e to play! B: W hat else did you do? A: Some frie n d s ______________________________to dinner. Later, w e w ent to a club and met a lot o f ______________________________ .. ► Task 2 Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to pronounce the past -ed verb endings correctly.. Conversation W o rk in p airs. W h a t did you do last w e e k e n d ? A s k and a n s w e r q u e stio n s a b o u t y o u r w e e k e n d w ith y o u r p a rtn e r..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> UNIT. City Transportation C h e ck ( / ) y o u r o w n a n sw e rs to th e q u e stio n s b e lo w and co m p a re th e m w ith a p a rtn e r.. How often do you use taxis? □ every day □ about once or twice a week □ not very often □ other:___________. When do you usually use taxis? □ when I am in a hurry □ when there isn't any other way to get somewhere EH when it is raining □ other:___________. How is the taxi service in your city? ED excellent. CD1-7. ))) Listening. □. very good. □. okay. EH poor. 1. P eo p le a re ta lk in g a b o u t tra n s p o rta tio n . Listen and n u m b e r th e p ictu res.. hiiii. c.. D.. 6. E.. F.. Vocabulary Worksheet.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> ))) Listening 2 CDi s ^ Task 1 Fo u r ho tel g u e sts are callin g fo r a ta x i. A re th e se sta te m e n ts tru e o r false? Listen and ch eck ( / ) th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 2 3. True. False. 1. The caller's flight leaves in four hours.. □. ei. 2. The caller wants to go to another hotel.. □. □. 3. The caller needs to catch a train.. □. □. 4. The caller's friend is going to have a baby soon.. □. □. cpi-8 ► Task 2 Listen again. H o w m uch w ill each rid e cost? C ircle th e co rre c t a n sw e r. 1. a. $14 (b )$40. 3. a. $15 b. $50. 2. a. $12 b. $20. 4. a. $18 b. $80. T. x. 7.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> ))) Listening 3 cd 19. ^ Task 1. V isito rs a re ta lk in g a b o u t ta x is . Listen and ch eck ( / ) th e ir o p in io n s a b o u t ta x i service.. cd 1-9. ► Task 2. Listen again. C ircle th e co rre c t a n sw e r. 1. The thing she hates the most is that the__________ . (aj) taxis aren't air-conditioned b. drivers drive too fast c. drivers are rude 2. The thing he likes the most is __________ . a. the prices b. that the taxis are clean c. the drivers. 8. 3. The thing he hates the most is that the__________ . a. taxis are too expensive b. drivers don't speak English very well c. taxis are not very safe 4. The thing she likes the most is that the a. taxis are comfortable b. drivers speak English well c. drivers take credit cards.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Conversation Corner. Asking about transportation. nunciation. Pronunciation Help Use falling intonation for Wh- questions.. Intonation of Wh- questions. cdi. -io ► Task 1. Listen and repeat. 1. W hen does the train leave? 2. How far is it?. 3. W here do you get the bus? 4. How much is the fare?. 5. W hat t ime is your train? 6. How long is the flight?. ► Task 2 Read the questions to a partner. Be sure to use the correct intonation.. la c ta tio n cd. vn ► Task 1. Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words. A: W here do you get the b u s ______________________________? B: I don't take the bus. A: Oh. How do y o u ______________________________________________? B: I take the subway. A: How often do y o u ______________________________ ? B: I take it every day. A: How m u ch _____________________________________________ ? B: It costs about $50 a month.. ► Task 2 Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to use the correct intonation.. nversation W o rk in p airs. T h in k a b o u t h o w yo u g e t to scho o l. A s k each o th e r a b o u t th e w a y s you g e t to scho ol..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Neighbors Getting Ready W h a t m akes a g ood n e ig h b o r o r a bad n e ig h b o r? C h eck ( / ) y o u r a n sw e rs and co m p a re th e m w ith a p a rtn e r.. 1. Borrows things and doesn't return them 2.. Always says "hello" when you see them. 3. Often plays loud music 4. Knows what everyone in the neighborhood is doing 5. Likes to gossip about other neighbors 6. O ther:_______________________. CD 1-12. ))) Listening. 1. Peo p le are ta lk in g a b o u t th e ir n e ig h b o rs. Listen and circle each p erso n 's o p in io n .. 1. Bob thinks his neighbor is ____ a. fun (b) inconsiderate 2. Jin-suk thinks his neighbors are a. strange b. nice 3. Jennifer thinks her neighbor is _ a. unfriendly b. shy. 10. 4. Douglas thinks his neighbor is _ a. hardworking b. nosy 5. Susan thinks her neighbor is __ a. helpful b. lonely 6. Robert thinks his neighbors are a. responsible b. cheap. Vocabulary Worksheet.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> ))) Listening 2 cd M3. ► Task 1. People are ta lk in g to th e ir n e ig h b o rs. Is each p erso n m a kin g a re q u e st, an o ffe r, o r a co m p la in t? Listen and ch eck ( / ) th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. cd M3. ► Task 2. Listen again. C ircle th e co rre c t sta te m e n t. 1. a. Mrs. Coleman normally carries her own bags. (bj) The delivery driver isn't working today. 2. a. Today is Cindy's birthday. b. The painting is a gift from Cindy's brother. 3. a. Kyle needs to go to work. b. Mrs. Choi will ask her guests to move their cars. 4. a. Mark and Marissa have met before. b. Marissa's brother is supposed to help her move. 5. a. Hillary and her husband are going away for business, b. Hillary and her husband will be away for two weeks. 6. a. Ken has already returned Diane's punch bowl. b. Ken has borrowed other things that he hasn't returned..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> ))) Listening 3 cdi-i4 ► Task. 1. P eople a re d escrib in g th e ir n e ig h b o rs. Is each s ta te m e n t tru e o r false? Listen and ch eck ( / ) th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 1. a. She doesn't like her neighbor now.. □. 0. □. □. □. □. b. His neighbor still watches his children.. □. □. 3. a. Her neighbor is often impolite to her.. □. □. □. □. □. □. □. □. b. Her neighbor is elderly. 2. a. He trusts his neighbor.. b. She understands why her neighbor never accepts her invitations. 4. a. The man has always disliked his neighbor. b. The man has tried to speak to his neighbor about the problem.. cd. i i4 ► Task 2. Listen again. W h a t ch an g e d each p erso n 's o p in io n a b o u t th e ir n e ig h b o r? C ircle th e co rre c t a n sw e r. 1. (a?) Her neighbor stopped a burglar from robbing her house. b. Her neighbor moved away while she was on vacation. 2. a. His neighbor refused to watch his children. b. His neighbor forgot to pick up his children from day care. 3. a. Her neighbor finally accepted one of her invitations. b. She learned that her neighbor volunteers in his free time. 4. a. His neighbor won't mind his own business, b. His neighbor got a new and annoying hobby.. 12.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> Conversation Corner. I. Neighborhood gossip. nunciation. Pronunciation Help Stress the first syllable of the word in a compound noun.. Word stress in compound nouns. cd. 1-15. ► Task 1. Listen and repeat. 1. law firm. 3. grocery bag. 5. mailbox key. 2. punch bowl. 4. business trip. 6. d aycare. ► Task 2 Read the words to a partner. Be sure to stress the correct syllable in each compound noun.. ation cd. i- i6. Task 1. Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words. A: Did you hear about the argum ent between Steve and Mr. Riley? B: An argum ent? But they've been friends for years. W hat happened? A: Steve w as cutting so m e ______________________________from that tree in his yard, and one fell on the roof of Mr. Riley's car. B: Oh, no! You know that car is h is ______________________________. A: Right. W ell, Steve offered to take it to a ______________________________and pay fo r the damages. B: T h a t ______________________________. A: Yeah. But Mr. Riley was so angry that he w o n't even ta lk to Steve anymore.. ► Task 2 Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to stress the correct syllable in each compound noun.. Conversation W o rk in p airs. T h in k o f a d isa g re e m e n t y o u 'v e had w ith a n e ig h b o r. Tell y o u r p a rtn e r a b o u t it..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> UNIT. Celebrations Getting Ready. M atch each m eal or p a rty on th e le ft w ith th e co rre c t d escrip tio n on th e rig h t. C o m p a re y o u r a n s w e rs w ith a p a rtn e r.. 1. potluck dinner b. a. A small, quick meal or something eaten between meals. 2. birthday party___. b. A meal in which each guest brings a dish. 3. buffet___. c. A meal in which food is cooked outside on a grill. 4. surprise party___. d. A party where a person is given gifts and a cake with candles on it. 5. barbecue___. e. A meal in which all the food is put out on a table and guests serve themselves. 6. snack___ f.. CD 1-17. ))) Listening. A party that the guest of honor knows nothing about. 1. Peo p le a re discussing p a rtie s. W h a t kind o f p a rty are th e y ta lk in g a b o u t? Listen and circle th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 14. 1. a. dinner party (K) surprise party. 3. a. surprise party b. birthday party. 5. a. buffet b. barbecue. 2. a. potluck dinner b. barbecue. 4. a. buffet b. birthday party. 6. a. potluck dinner b. buffet. Vocabulary Worksheet.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> )) Listening cd1-18. 2. ► Task 1. P eople are ta lk in g a t p a rtie s. Listen and n u m b e r th e p ictu re s.. cd. vis ^ Task 2. Listen again. C ircle th e co rre c t a n sw e r. 1. (aj) The cake is homemade. b. The cake came from a store. c. A friend brought the cake. 2. a. He'll play now. b. He might play later. c. He doesn't play. 3. a. He bought the game recently. b. He played the game all day. c. He doesn't like the game.. 4. a. She has brought the flowers for everyone. b. She has brought the flowers for the woman's husband. c. She has brought the flowers for the woman. 5. a. He bought it. b. It was a present. c. He painted it himself. 6. a. The cat isn't very friendly. b. The cat is very friendly. c. The cat is tired..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> ))) Listening 3 cd. i-i9 ► Task 1. W h a t did th e p e o p le do a t each p a rty ? Listen a n d circle th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 3. She. 1. She a. played party games (bj) danced c. sang songs. 4. He. 2. He a. watched a home movie b. danced c. ate lots of food cdi 19. a. danced b. sang songs c. met old friends. ►. a. played games b. ate junk food c. listened to music. Task 2. Listen again. W h a t p h rase co m p le te s each s ta te m e n t? W rite th e co rre c t le tte r.. 16. 1. The best thing was d. a. she learned some Spanish songs.. 2. The worst thing w as___. b. there wasn't enough food.. 3. The best thing was. c. no one brought music.. 4. The worst thing was. d. the music..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> Planning a celebration nunciation. Pronunciation Help. Reduction of Wh- + do you. CD1-20 ► Task 1 Listen and repeat. 1. What do you do?. 3. Where do you live?. 2. What do you w ant?. 4. How do you do?. How we spell it. How we say it. What do you. Whadaya. Where do you. Wheredaya. When do you. Whendaya. Who do you. Whodaya. How do you. Howdaya. ► Task 2 Read the questions to a partner. Be sure to reduce Wh + do you.. Dictation cd 1-21. ► Task 1. Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words. A : ______________________________________________w ant to do for Brandon's birthday? B: Let's have a party! A : ______________________________________________w ant to have it? B: How about Saturday night? A: Okay. W here do y o u ______________________________________________it? B: How about my place? A: Sounds great. N o w ,______________________________________________w an t to invite? B: All of Brandon's friends!. ► Task 2 Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to reduce Wh + do you.. nversation W o rk in p airs. Im a g in e you a re h a vin g a p a rty fo r a classm ate. T a lk to y o u r p a rtn e r a b o u t th e p a rty p lan s.. TACTICS FOR TESTING PAGE 98. 17.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> Restaurants. W h a t a re y o u r fa v o rite kind s o f re sta u ra n ts? C h e ck ( / ) y o u r a n sw e rs and co m p a re th e m w ith a p a rtn e r.. □ Thai D French. CD 1-22. □ Mexican D Korean. :!j) Listening. □ □. Japanese Chinese. □ □. fast food other:__. 1. W h e re do th e p eo p le d ecid e to e a t? Listen and circle th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 1. a. Chinese restaurant Fast Fried Chicken. 5. a. seafood restaurant b. pizza restaurant. 2. a. Quick Burger b. Pizza Pit. 6. a. Mexican restaurant b. Japanese restaurant. 3. a. home b. out. 7. a. fast food restaurant b. French restaurant. 4. a. steak house b. Korean restaurant. 8. a. home b. vegetarian restaurant. ©. 18. Vocabulary Worksheet.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> ))) Listening 2 cd 1-23. ► Task 1. P eo p le a re o rd e rin g fo o d in a re s ta u ra n t. W h a t d oes each p erso n o rd e r? Listen and ch eck ( / ) th e co rre c t p ictu re .. cd. 1-23. ► Task 2. Listen again. A re th e se sta te m e n ts tru e o r false ? C h e ck ( / ) th e co rre c t a n sw e r. True. False. 1. The customer is not very hungry.. □. 0. 2. The customer loves fries.. □. □. 3. The customer hates spicy food.. □. □. 4. The customer can't have salt on the fries.. □. □. 5. The customer wants cold pie.. □. □. 6. The customer wants lots of sugar in the milkshake.. □. □.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> )) Listening cdi-24 ► Task. 3. Cala/f)afi. 1. Peo p le a re ta lk in g a b o u t re sta u ra n ts th e y a te a t recen tly. Listen and ch eck ( / ) th e ir o p in io n s a b o u t each re s ta u ra n t.. ACut* I. Good. Not good. the location. □. □. □. the interior. □. □. □. □. the menu. □. □. the service. □. □. the food. □. □. the prices. □. □. the prices. □. □. Good. Not good. Good. Not good. the location. □. □. the location. □. □. the interior. □. □. the interior. □. □. the menu. □. □. the menu. □. □. the food. □. □. the food. □. □. the prices. □. □. the prices. □. □. Good. Not good. the location. □. 0. the interior. □. the menu. 1. cd 124 ► T a s k 2. Listen again. Did each p erso n 1eave a good tip ? C h e ck ( / ) th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 1. D 2f. 20. yes no. 2. . □ □. yes no. 3. □ □. yes no. 4. □ □. yes no.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> Conversation Corner. Making plans. Pronunciation. Pronunciation Help. Reduction of want to. How we spell it. How we say it. want to. wanna. cd 1-25. ► Task 1. Listen and repeat. 1. A: W hat do you want to eat?. B: I want to eat pizza.. 2. A: W here do you want to go?. B: I w ant to go to the Thai restaurant.. ► Task 2 Read the sentences to a partner. Be sure to reduce want to.. Dictation cd 1-26. ► Task 1. Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words. A: W hat do y o u _____________________________________________ tonight? B: Let's go out to eat. A: W here do y o u ______________________________________________? B: I don't know. W hat about you? W hat do you w ant to eat? A: I w ant to go to t h e ______________________________ . B: I'm tired of Italian food. A: So, w hat do y o u _____________________________________________ , then? B: Let's order take-out Chinese!. ► Task 2 Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to reduce want to.. Conversation W o rk in p airs. Im a g in e you are m e e tin g y o u r p a rtn e r fo r d in n e r. T a lk a b o u t w h e re you w a n t to go a n d w h a t you w a n t to e a t.. 21.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> Gifts (petting Ready. W h e n do you g ive g ifts? C h e ck ( / ) y o u r a n sw e rs and co m p a re th e m w ith a p a rtn e r. T h e n t a lk a b o u t th e kind s o f g ifts you g ive fo r each occasio n.. □ D □ EH. CD 1-27. birthdays to say 'Thank you" weddings graduation. )) Listening. D. when someone has a baby. □ □ □. Mother's Day / Father's Day holidays other:__________________. 1. W h a t g ift d oes each p erso n d ecid e to buy? Listen and n u m b e r th e p ictu re s.. 22. Vocabulary Worksheet.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> )) Listening cp 1-28. 2. ► Task 1. P eo p le are discussing g ifts in a sto re . Listen and ch eck ( / ) th e ir o p in io n s a b o u t each ite m .. 1. Necklace. 2. Shirt. 3. Glasses. 4. Jacket. cd. i-28 ^ Task 2. Listen again. Do th e p e o p le b uy th e item s? C h e ck ( / ) th e co rre c t a n sw e r. 1. 0 D. yes no. 2. D □. yes no. 3. □ □. yes no. 4. D □. yes no. 23.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> ) Listening 3 CDi-29 ► Task 1 Sale sclerks are d escrib in g g ifts in a sto re . Listen and circle th e co rre c t in fo rm a tio n a b o u t each ite m .. 1. The chocolates a. make a good souvenir. b. are imported © come in two kinds 2. The candles___________. a. come four to a box. b. are already gift-wrapped c. comes in two different sizes 3. The T-shirts__________ . a. are popular with teenagers b. come in four styles c. come in four sizes 4. The watches__________ . a. have bands made in Japan. b. come in many sizes c. all look different. cd. i-2 9. ► Task 2. Listen again. W h a t p h rase co m p le te s each sta te m e n t? W rite th e co rre c t le tte r.. 24. 1. The chocolates b. a. are made from natural ingredients,. 2. The candles. b. aren't right for everyone,. 3. The T-shirts. c. fit anyone.. 4. The watches___. d. are made from cotton..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> Buying a gift Pronunciation. Pronunciation Help Stress the first syllable of most two-syllable names.. Syllable stress in names cd 1-30. ► Task 1. Listen and repeat. Mark the stressed syllables. 1. Brandon. cd 1-31. 2. Emily. 3. David. 4. Katie. 5. Kelly. 6. Maria. ► Task ;. Listen. Mark the stressed syllables in the names. Then read the sentences to a partner. 1. It's Brian's birthday next w eek.. 3. I'm buying a pen for Christopher.. 2. W hat are you getting fo r Rose?. 4. Let's get Hannah some flow ers.. Dictation cd i. -32 ► Task 1. Listen to the conversation. Write the missing names. A: I'm going shopping. Do you w ant to come w ith me? B: Yes. I have to buy birthday presents for the t w in s ,______________ a n d _______________. A: Oh#that reminds me! We have to get some graduation presents. B: Right. W e need something f o r ______________ . A: A n d ______________ is graduating, too. We need a present fo r him. B: Okay. And as long as w e're out, w hy don't w e get the w edding present? A : You mean f o r ______________ a n d _______________ ? Good idea!. ► Task 2 Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to stress the names correctly.. Conuersation W o rk in p airs. M a k e a list o f fiv e o f y o u r frie n d s . T a lk to y o u r p a rtn e r a b o u t b u yin g a g ift fo r each o n e ..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> Air Travel Getting Ready ______ M atch each item in th e p ictu re w ith th e co rre c t w o rd . C o m p a re a n sw e rs w ith a p a rtn e r.. 1. "No Smoking" sign _H 2. customs form___ 3. headphones___ 4. seatbelt___ 5. aisle seat___ 6. window seat___ 7. safety instruction card. 8. overhead compartment. CD 1-33. ))) Listening. 1. A flig h t a tte n d a n t is g ivin g in stru ctio n s. Listen and n u m b e r th e p ictu re s.. 26. Vocabulary Worksheet.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> ))) Listening 2 toi-34 ► Task 1 Passeng ers are discussing a p ro b le m w ith a flig h t a tte n d a n t. Listen and circle th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 1. a. The seat is uncomfortable. b. The seat is too close to the TV screen. (c ) The seat is too far away from the TV screen. 2. a. There's nothing in the seat pocket. b. There's no safety instruction card in the seat pocket. c. There isn't a magazine in the seat pocket. 3. a. There's no sound coming through the headphones. b. The sound from the headphones isn't clear. c. The passenger didn't get headphones. 4. a. Two passengers have the same seat number. b. The passenger should be in a different seat. c. The passenger wants to move to a window seat.. cpi -34 ►Task 2 Listen again. W ill th e flig h t a tte n d a n t help each p asse n g e r n o w o r la te r? C h eck ( / ) th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 1. □ Ef. now later. 2. D □. now later. 3. Q □. now later. 4. □ □. now later.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> })) Listening 3 cd 1-35. ► Task 1. P eo p le a re ta lk in g a b o u t flig h ts . Liste n and ch e ck ( / ) th e ir o p in io n s a b o u t each flig h t.. cpi-35 ► Task 2 Listen again. W h a t p h rase co m p le te s each sta te m e n t? W rite th e co rre c t le tte r.. 28. 1. Next time, she won't d. a. try a different airline.. 2. Next time, he'll. b. fly if the weather looks bad.. 3. Next time, she'll. c. get a seat near the front of the plane.. 4. Next time, he won't. d. travel during spring break..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Conversation Corner. Î. Preparing for takeoff. Pronunciation. Pronunciation Help. Reduction of could you and would you. How we spell it. How we say it. Could you. Couldja. Would you. Wouldja. CD1-36 ► Task. 1. Listen and repeat. 1. Could you put your seat back up, please?. 3. Would you bring me a new one?. 2. Could you fill out the form?. 4. Would you give me a hand?. ► Task I Read the questions to a partner. Be sure to reduce could you and would you.. Dictation cd 1-37. ► Task 1. Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words. A: Excuse m e ,______________________________________________that bag in the overhead com partm ent? B: I'm afraid it's a bit heavy. W ould you help me? A: S u re ._____________________________________________ . B: Thanks. A: Oh, and w e're taking o ff s o o n .______________________________ turn o ff your cell phone, please? A n d ______________________________________________your seat back forw ard , too? B: No problem. Thanks for your help.. ► Task 2 Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to reduce could you and would you.. Conversation W o rk in p a irs. T h in k a b o u t th re e th in g s yo u co u ld a sk fo r on an a irp la n e . Im a g in e y o u r p a rtn e r is a flig h t a tte n d a n t. A s k fo r th e th in g s on y o u r list. T h e n sw itch ro les.. 29.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> Mishaps Getting Ready A m ishap is a sm all a cc id e n t. M atch each m ishap on th e le ft w ith th e so lu tio n on th e rig h t. H ave a n y o f th e se m ishaps h a p p e n e d to yo u? C o m p a re a n sw e rs w ith a p a rtn e r.. Mishap. CD 1-38. Solution. 1. You spill something on your clothes, g. a. call a tow truck. 2. Your phone falls in a puddle.. b. apologize and reschedule. 3. You get lost going to an appointment.. c. call a locksmith. 4. You break a friend's vase.___. d. call for directions. 5. Your sink drain gets clogged.. e. offer to buy a new one. 6. You get locked out of the house.. f. go to the store and exchange it. 7. Your car won't start.___. g. go to the drycleaner. 8. You forgot about an appointment.. h. call a plumber. ))) Listening. 1. Peo p le a re ta lk in g a b o u t m ish ap s. Listen and n u m b e r th e p ictu res.. 30. Vocabulary Worksheet.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> })) Listening 2 cd 1-39. ►. Task 1. P eople are discussing m ishaps. Listen and circle th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 1. a. He spilled tomato sauce on the floor. (K) He spilled tomato sauce on the rug. 2. a. He broke a teapot. b. He spilled tea on her clothes. 3. a. He has an ink stain on his shirt, b. He has a food stain on his shirt. 4. a. She lost her jacket. b. She spilled coffee on her jacket. 5. a. He lost his keys, b. He lost his wallet. 6. a. There's something wrong with the car. b. They're lost.. cd 1-39. ►. Task 2. Liste n a g a in . A re th e se s ta te m e n ts tru e o r false ? C h e ck ( / ) th e co rre c t a n sw e r. True. False. 1. The woman suggests pouring water on the stain.. □. Ei. 2. The man thinks an apology is a good solution.. □. □. 3. The man doesn't agree with the woman's solution.. □. □. 4. The woman is going to buy a new jacket.. □. □. 5. The man is going to call a locksmith.. □. □. 6. The man is going to call the restaurant for directions.. □. □.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> )) Listening 3 CD140 ► Task 1 Fo u r p e o p le are d escrib in g m ishaps. Listen and ch eck ( / ) th e co rre c t in fo rm a tio n .. 1. Katie What is the mishap?. □ She missed the bus.. [Zi She dropped her cell phone.. When did it happen?. □ this morning. □ this afternoon. What was the solution?. □ get a new battery. □ dry it out. Did it work?. □ yes. □ no. What is the mishap?. □. □ He lost his phone.. When did it happen?. □ last night. □ at lunchtime. What was the solution?. □ go back to the store. □ call the manager. Did it work?. □ yes. □ no. What is the mishap?. □ She spilled coffee.. □ She broke a picture.. When did it happen?. □ this morning. □ at the end of the day. What was the solution?. □ soda. □ a rug cleaner. Did it work?. □ yes. □ no. What is the mishap?. □. □. When did it happen?. □ last week. □ yesterday. What was the solution?. □ take it to the drydeaner. □ pour soda on it. Did it work?. □ yes. □ no. 2. Joe He lost his keys.. 3. Hannah. 4. Eric. cdi-4o. He got ink on his shirt.. He got food on his shirt.. ►Task 2. Listen again. W h a t p h rase co m p lete s each s ta te m e n t? W rite th e co rre c t le tte r.. 32. 1. Katie b. a. charges a fee to unlock a door.. 2. Joe's manager___. b. was running to catch the bus.. 3. Hannah. c. called his friend for a solution.. 4. Eric. d. knocked some things off her boss's desk..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> Conversation Corner. r. Describing a mishap. Pronunciation. Pronunciation Help. Reduction of did you. How we spell it. How we say it. Did you. Didja. cd. i-4i ^ Task 1. Listen and repeat. 1. Did you call a plumber?. 4. Did you call a locksmith?. 2. Did you try pouring plain soda on it?. 5. Did you take it to the dry cleaners?. 3. Did you o ffe r to replace it?. 6. Did you buy a new one?. ► Task 2 Read the questions to a partner. Be sure to reduce did you.. Dictation cd 1-42. ^ Task 1. Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words. A : I heard you had a te rrib le ______________________________. W hat happened? B: I slipped on the steps. I dropped my phone and my cup of coffee! A: W o w !_____________________________________________ your phone? B: Yes, but I got a new one. A: W hat happened to the c o ffe e ? _____________________________________________ it? B: Yes. Now I have a stain on my new pants. A: Did you take them to the dry cleaners? B: Yes. I h o p e ______________________________comes out!. ► Task 2 Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to reduce did you.. Conversation W o rk in p airs. T h in k o f t w o m o re m ishap s. T h in k o f p ossible so lu tio n s fo r each o n e . T h e n ta k e tu rn s d escrib in g th e m ishaps and g ivin g p ossib le so lu tio n s.. TACTICS FOR TESTIIUG PAGE 100. 33.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> Getting Ready W h a t w ill you th in k a b o u t w h e n you lo o k fo r a jo b ? C h e ck ( / ) y o u r a n sw e rs and co m p a re th e m w ith a p a rtn e r.. CD2-2. ))) Listening. 1. P eo p le a re ta lk in g a b o u t th e ir jo b s. Listen and n u m b e r th e p ictu res.. c.. D.. 34. E.. F.. Vocabulary Worksheet.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> )) Listening cd 2-3. 2. ► Task 1. W h a t jo b d oes each p erso n have? Listen and circle th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 1. (aj) baker b. manager. 3. a. TV producer b. chauffeur. 5. a. reporter b. photographer. 2. a. manager b. bellhop. 4. a. technician b. administrative assistant. 6. a. cashier b. server. cd 2-3. ► Task 2. Listen again. C ircle th e co rre c t a n sw e r. 1. She___________ (a?) does not have a lot of experience b. has been working there awhile c. works at a theater 2. He a. works in the manager's office b. meets interesting people c. hates the work 3. He a. sees the TV producer every day b. helps with movie productions c. doesn't know how to drive. 4. She a. thinks the salary is good b. is looking for another job c. likes her co-workers 5. He a. works for a magazine b. writes about sports news c. isn't famous 6. She a. works there only part time b. is a cashier c. doesn't work anymore. 35.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> ) Listening. 3. cpz4 ► Task 1 Peo p le are ta lk in g a b o u t th e ir jo b s. W h ic h s ta te m e n t is tru e ? Listen and circle th e co rre ct a n sw e r.. 1. He a. does all of his work on the telephone (K) spends a lot of time talking to people c. has worked there a short time d. is looking for a new job 2. She__________ . a. has a boss b. works for a large company c. has two big clients d. needs more work 3. H e__________ .. 4. She__________ .. a. has a new restaurant b. is very busy on the weekends c. has very little to do d. often does the cooking. cd. 2 4 ► Task. a. likes meeting people b. doesn't really like traveling c. never has a break during a flight d. doesn't like the money. 2. Listen again. C ircle th e w o rd th a t each p erso n uses to d escrib e his o r h e r jo b . 1. a. hard b. quiet © interesting d. boring. 36. 2. a. creative b. boring c. easy d. unsuccessful. 3. a. easy b. relaxing c. lonely d. tough. 4. a. difficult b. easy c. tough d. well-paid.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> Describing jobs nunciation Use rising intonation for yes/no questions.. Intonation of yes/no questions. cdm. ► Task 1. Listen and repeat. 1. Do you like it there? —___________ _^ 2. Do you enjoy teaching? 3. Do you w ork in an office?. Is it fun? Is it interesting? ------------ ------ * Is it a full-tim e job?. ► Task 2 Read the questions to a partner. Be sure to use the correct intonation.. Dictation tD2'6 ► Task 1 Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words. A: So, w h at d o ________________________ ? B: I'm a flig ht attendant. A: That sounds interesting. Do y o u ______________________________a lot? B: Yes. I've been to over 30 co u n tries.______________________________________________? W hat do you do? A: I am a m anager in a restaurant. B: Do you w ork o n ______________________________? A: No. I travel on w eekends. It's a great job!. ► Task 2 Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to use the correct intonation.. Conversation W o rk in p airs. T h in k o f o n e good jo b and o n e bad jo b . Im a g in e you have o n e o f th e se jo b s. Take tu rn s a skin g and a n sw e rin g q u e stio n s a b o u t it. T ry to guess w h a t y o u r p a rtn e r's jo b is..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> ■ Ill Keeping Fit g e ttin g Ready. W h a t do you do to keep fit? M atch each g oal on th e le ft w ith th e co rre ct su g g e stio n on th e rig h t. C o m p a re y o u r a n sw e rs w ith a p a rtn e r.. CD 2-7. 1. have a healthier diet c. a. do lots of sit-ups. 2. tighten stomach muscles _. b.. 3. put on weight___. c. eat less meat and more vegetables. 4. swim regularly___. d.. 5. get some outdoor exercise. e. take up jogging. ))) Listening. join a health club with a pool. lift weights every other day. 1. P eo p le a re ta lk in g a b o u t N ew Y e a r's re so lu tio n s. W h a t is each p erso n g o in g to do? Listen and circle th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 38. 1. (a?) do more exercise b. put on weight. 3. a. do more walking b. take up jogging. 5. a. eat less meat b. lose some weight. 2. a. learn to swim b. give up smoking. 4. a. join a gym b. put on weight. 6. a. take up jogging b. start doing sit-ups Vocabulary Worksheet.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> )) Listening 2 cd 2. 8 ► Task 1. W h ich kind o f e xercise d o es each p erso n p re fe r n o w ? Listen and ch eck ( / ) th e co rre c t p ictu re .. cd2-8. ^ Task 2. Listen again. C ircle th e reaso n each p erso n likes th e kind o f e xe rcise he o r she d oes n o w . 1. a. It's not fun. (b ) It's a good place to meet people.. 4. a. It's easy to do it. b. She can do it almost anywhere.. 2. a. He does it indoors. b. He listens to the ocean as he does it.. 5. a. It took a short time to learn. b. He doesn't usually ride it on busy streets.. 3. a. It's fun. b. It's not easy to find a place to play.. 6. a. It's cheap to do. b. It's not as easy as it looks..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> )) Listening 3 CD2-9 ► Task 1 People a re ta lk in g a b o u t e xe rcise . Listen and ch eck ( / ) th e a ctiv itie s th e y do or do n o t do n o w .. CP2-9 ► Task 2 Listen again. W h a t sp o rt d oes each p erso n w a n t to try ? W rite th e co rre ct le tte r.. 40. 1. Brandon b. a. swimming. 2. Alicia___. b. tennis. 3. Ian. c. biking. 4. Katie. d. golf.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> Asking about past actions Pronunciation Reduction of used to and use to. ®2-io ► Task 1. How we spell it. How we say it. used to. useta. use to. useta. Listen and repeat. 1. I used to lift w eights.. 3. She used to play tennis.. 5. We used to take w alks.. 2. I didn't use to exercise.. 4. He didn't use to eat right.. 6. They didn't use to run.. ► Task 2 Read the sentences to a partner. Be sure to reduce. to and use to.. Dictation cd2-n. ► Task 1. Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words. A: W hat did you do in the past that you don't do now? B: W ell, I d id n 't______________________________w orkout very much. A: So w h at do you do now? B: Now, I run every day in the park. I used t o ______________________________ , but now I love it! A: I ______________________________________________w eights and use the machines at the gym. B: And now? A: Now I ride my bike a lot. I d id n 't ______________________________________________outdoors, but now I really enjoy it.. ► Task 2 Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to reduce used to and use to.. Conversation W o rk in p airs. T h in k a b o u t so m e th in g yo u do n o w th a t yo u d id n 't use to d o. T h e n tell y o u r p a rtn e r a b o u t it.. 41.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> Invitations Getting Ready Do p eo p le use th e se resp o nses to accep t o r re fu se an in vita tio n ? C h e ck ( / ) y o u r a n sw e rs and co m p a re th e m w ith a p a rtn e r.. Would you like to go to a movie this weekend?. 1. Sorry, I'd love to, but I have other plans. 2. Thanks. I'd love to. 3. That sounds great. Thanks. 4. Sorry, I don't think I can. 5. Maybe some other time. 6. Sure. That sounds great. 7. I'd love to, b u t . . .. CD 2-12. ))) Listening. 1. W h a t is each in v ita tio n fo r? Listen a n d circle th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 1. a. go to see a movie go for a snack. 4. a. go somewhere before class b. go to a cafe. 2. a. go to the health club b. go to the beach. 5. a. come over for dinner b. go to a restaurant. 3. a. see a movie b. rent a DVD. 6. a. rent a DVD b. go to the movies. ©. 42. Vocabulary Worksheet.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> )) Listening 2 cd 2. -« ► Task 1. Does each p erso n a cce p t or re fu se th e in v ita tio n ? Listen and circle th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 1. a. accept (E) refuse. 3. a. accept b. refuse. 5. a. accept b. refuse. 2. a. accept b. refuse. 4. a. accept b. refuse. 6. a. accept b. refuse. cp 2-13. ► Task 2. Listen again. A re th e se sta te m e n ts tru e o r false ? C h e ck ( / ) th e co rre c t a n sw e r. True. False. 1. Melanie doesn't like musicals.. 0. □. 2. Jake goes to the park often.. □. □. 3. Sarah has stayed home every night this week.. □. □. 4. Ben doesn't have tickets to the game.. □. □. 5. Jen studies Spanish.. □. □. 6. Steven only wants to see the match.. □. □.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> ))) Listening 3 cd 214. ► Task 1. Listen to th e in v ita tio n s on Erin's v o ice m ail. A re th e sta te m e n ts tru e o r false ? C h e ck ( / ) th e co rre ct a n sw e r.. cd. 2-i4 ► Task 2. Liste n a g a in . Sho uld Erin call b ack o r w ill th e p erso n call h e r a g ain ? C ircle th e co rre ct a n sw e r.. 44. 1. (a?) Erin should call. b. The caller will call again.. 3. a. Erin should call. b. The caller will call again.. 2. a. Erin should call. b. The caller will call again. 4. a. Erin should call. b. The caller will call again..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> Giving an invitation. Reduction of Do you and Are you cd. 2i5 ► Task 1. How we spell it. How we say it. Do you. Doya. Are you. Areya. Listen and repeat. 1. Do you have any plans?. 4. Are you sure?. 2. Do you w ant to go?. 5. Are you free?. 3. Do you like tennis?. 6.. Are you coming?. ► Task 2 Read the questions to a partner. Be sure to reduce Do you and Are you.. Dictation CD2'16 ^ T a s k 1. Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words. A: Hey, J e n .______________________________________________this w eekend? B: Maybe. Do you have some plans? A: Y e s ._____________________________________________ pop music? B: Sure. Why? A: I've got tickets for the pop music festival at Reed H a ll._________________________________________ to come w ith me? B: Do you h a v e _____. night or Saturday night?. A: Saturday night. B: Great! I'd love to!. ► Task 2 Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to reduce Do you and Are you.. Conversation W o rk in p airs. T h in k o f an e v e n t and plan th e tim e and d a te . Take tu rn s in vitin g each o th e r to th e e v e n t and accep tin g th e in v ita tio n . 45.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> Campus Life Getting Ready M atch each p lace w ith th e p ictu res b e lo w . C o m p a re y o u r a n sw e rs w ith a p a rtn e r.. CD 2-17. a. classroom. b. library. c. campus bookstore. d. gym. e. cafeteria. f. professor's office. ))) Listening. 1. W h e re is each co n v e rsa tio n ta k in g place? Listen and circle th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 46. 1. a. campus bookstore (bj) cafeteria. 3. a. classroom b. professor's office. 5. a. professor's office b. classroom. 2. a. library b. campus bookstore. 4. a. cafeteria b. campus bookstore. 6. a. classroom b. gym. Vocabulary Worksheet.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> )) Listening 2 cd. 2 -i8 ►. Task 1. Peo p le are discussing classes th e y are ta k in g . Listen and n u m b e r th e p ictu re s.. -i8 ► Task 2. cd 2. Listen again. A re th e sta te m e n ts tru e o r false ? Listen and ch eck ( / ) th e co rre ct a n sw e r. True. False. 1. There isn't much reading in this class.. □. Ef. 2. Students do experiments in this class.. □. □. 3. The teacher in this class is unfair.. □. □. 4. There's a lot of homework for this class.. □. □. 5. The professor is interesting.. □. □. 6. This class meets in a lab.. □. □.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> )) Listening 3 to2-19 ► Task 1 P eople a re ta lk in g a b o u t th e ir scho o ls. Listen and ch eck ( / ) th e ir o p in io n s a b o u t each scho ol.. cd. 2. Positive. Negative. campus. □. □. gym. □. teachers schedule. Positive. Negative. teachers. □. □. □. campus. □. □. □. □. schedule. □. □. □. □. students. □. □. -i9 ► Task 2. Listen again. W h a t p h rase co m p le te s each sta te m e n t? W rite th e co rre c t le tte r.. 48. 1. The teachers _c. a. is modern and looks nice.. 2. The gym ___. b. are different here.. 3. The campus__. c. are not interested in teaching.. 4. The students__. d. has an outdoor cafe..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> Describing likes and dislikes nunciation Intonation of words in a series cd 2-20. ► Task 1. Pronunciation Help When listing a series, use falling intonation for the last item in a series and rising intonation for earlier items.. Listen and repeat. — ______ ----------------------------------------------------------------N. 1. I like the campus, the classes, and the teachers. 2. She likes the food, the people, and the sports. 3. I don't like my schedule, my teachers, or the hom ework.. ► Task 2 Read the sentences to a partner. Be sure to use the correct intonation.. ictation co2-2i ► Task 1 Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words. A : So, how do you like your school? B: W ell, I like some things, but I ______________________________________________things. A : Such as? B: I like t h e ______________ , t h e ______________ , and t h e ______________ . But I don't like the food, the gym, or the clubs. How about you? A : Just the opposite! I really like t h e ______________ , t h e ______________ , and t h e ______________ . B: W hat don't you like? A : I guess I _____________________________________________ the classes, the teachers, and the hom ework!. ► Task 2 Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to use the correct intonation.. nversation W o rk in p airs. W h a t do you like a b o u t y o u r scho o l? W h a t d o n 't you like a b o u t y o u r sch o o l? Take tu rn s ta lk in g a b o u t w h a t you like and d islike a b o u t y o u r scho ol.. TACTICS FOR TESTIMG PAGE 102. 49.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> UNIT. 1er Hobbies petting Ready. and Pastimes What's your hobby?. W h o w o u ld m o st e n jo y th e se h o b b ie s and p astim es? C h e ck ( / ) y o u r a n sw e rs and co m p a re th e m w ith a p a rtn e r. T h e re m ay be m o re th a n o n e a n sw e r.. CD 2-22. ))) Listening. 1. Peo p le a re ta lk in g a b o u t h o b b ie s and p astim es. Listen and n u m b e r th e p ictu re s.. 50. Vocabulary Worksheet.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> )) Listening 2 c d 2 23. ► Task 1. W h ic h a c tiv ity d o es each p erso n e n jo y d o in g n o w ? Listen a n d circle th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 1. Zach a. playing basketball (bj) painting c. hiking 2. Erica a. collecting baseball cards b. collecting comic books c. gardening cd 2-23. 3. Brian. 5. Danielle. a. watching videos b. hiking c. playing video games 4. Evan. a. painting b. writing children's books c. reading 6. Marcus. a. collecting stamps b. collecting paintings c. collecting baseball cards. a. reading the newspaper b. playing golf c. reading books. ► Task 2. Listen again. W h a t d oes each sp e a k e r like b est a b o u t his o r h e r c u rre n t h o b b y o r p astim e? W rite th e co rre c t le tte r. 1. Zach d. a. the flowers. 2. Erica___. b. looking at his collection. 3. Brian___. c. creating pictures. 4. Evan___. d. using bright colors. 5. Danielle _. e. looking at the blue sky. 6. Marcus _. f. making great friends.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> })) Listening cd 2-24. ►. 3. Task 1. Peo p le a re ta lk in g a b o u t th e ir in te re sts. Listen and ch eck ( / ) t w o su ita b le h o b b ie s fo r each p e rso n .. 1. Steve D surfing the Internet Ef gardening 0 bird watching □ hiking. 3. Joe □ □ D □. 2. Christine EH music □ bird watching □ gardening □ cooking. 4. Amy □ hiking □ reading □ sports EH surfing the Internet. cd 2-24. ►. sports hiking music surfing the Internet. Task 2. Listen again. W h a t is o n e a c tiv ity each p erso n likes d o in g ? C ircle th e co rre c t a n sw e r.. 52. 1. (a^) enjoying nature b. hiking c. sitting in a cafe. 3. a. surfing the Internet b. exercising c. playing the guitar. 2. a. bird watching b. visiting the countryside c. getting together with friends. 4. a. learning something new b. going to parties c. working out at the gym.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> Conversation Corner. f. Talking about hobbies. nunciation. Pronunciation Help Tap your desk as you say the words. It will help you hear which syllables are stressed.. Syllable stress in words. ► Task 1. CD2-25. Listen and repeat. 1. baseball cd 2-26. ►. 2. cooking. 3. gardening. 4. restaurants. 5. hiking. 6. painting. Task 2. Listen. Mark the stressed syllable in the underlined words. Then read the sentences to a partner. 1. He collects comic books.. 2. They love playing golf.. 3. She enjoys watching videos.. Dictation cd2-27. ►. Task 1. Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words. A: W hat do you do in your free tim e, Lara? B: I used to e n jo y ______________ , but now I lik e ______________ a n d _______________ . A: Oh, not me! I enjoy collecting things. I co lle ct______________ cards. B: Do you do anything else? A: Yes, I really e n jo y ______________ the Internet and listening t o _______________. B: Do you play any sports? A: I g o ______________ a n d _______________ in the w inter. How about you? B: I like summer sports. I e n jo y ______________ a n d _______________ .. ► Task 2 Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to stress the correct syllable in the missing words.. nversation W o rk in p airs. T h in k a b o u t y o u r o w n h o b b ie s and p astim es. A s k and a n s w e r q u e stio n s a b o u t th e m w ith y o u r p a rtn e r..
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