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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>BRAVE /breɪv/ adjective (comparative braver, superlative bravest) 1. a) dealing with danger, pain, or difficult situations with courage and confidence = courageous: - brave soldiers - her brave fight against cancer it is brave of somebody (to do something) - It was brave of you to speak in front of all those people. b) the brave [plural] brave people: - Today we remember the brave who died in the last war. 2. very good: - Despite their captain’s brave performance, Arsenal lost 2–1. brave effort/attempt - nthe brave efforts of the medical staff to save his life 3. put on a brave face/front to pretend that you are happy when you are really very upset 4. brave new world a situation or a way of doing something that is new and exciting and meant to improve people’s lives: - the brave new world of digital television — bravely adverb: - She smiled bravely. THESAURUS brave showing that you are not afraid to do things that other people find dangerous or difficult: - I think he was incredibly brave to do a parachute jump. - a brave attempt to change the system courageous / kəˈreɪdʒəs / especially written very brave – used especially about someone fighting for what they believe in, or fighting against a disease: - a courageous speech - her courageous fight against cancer daring brave and willing to take a lot of risks: a daring escape from a prison camp - a daring fighter pilot - a daring thing to do bold willing to make difficult decisions or say what you think, even though it may involve risks: It was a bold move to set up his own company. She was very bold in criticizing the leadership. intrepid written willing to do dangerous things or go to dangerous places: - an intrepid traveller - We sent our intrepid reporter to find out what is happening. adventurous used about someone who enjoys going to new places and doing new, possibly dangerous, things: More adventurous visitors can go skiing or snowboarding. fearless not afraid of anything or anyone: - a fearless campaigner for human rights heroic very brave and admired by many people: heroic rescuers - Despite heroic efforts to save him, he died. 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> plucky brave and determined – often used in newspapers: - Plucky Megan, aged 10, has beaten cancer twice. RELATED WORDS & EXPRESSIONS 1. not afraid when you are in a dangerous or frightening situation brave /breɪv/ [adjective] someone who is brave does not show that they are afraid in a frightening situation or when they have to do something dangerous, painful, or unpleasant: ▪ You have to be very brave to be a fireman.▪ a brave rescue attempt▪ No matter how hard I tried to be brave and strong, I couldn’t stop myself from crying.▪ I wasn’t sure if I was being brave or stupid. it is brave of somebody to do something▪ It was very brave of you to tell her the truth.be brave used to tell someone to behave bravely▪ Come on, be brave. Just grit your teeth and it will all be over in no time. bravely [adverb] ▪ Most of the soldiers who fought so bravely in the war were no older than twenty. courageous /kəˈreɪdʒəs/ [adjective] especially written someone who is courageous behaves very bravely, often for a long period, and especially when they are fighting for something they believe in or suffering great pain: ▪ After a courageous struggle against cancer, Garcia died at the age of thirty.▪ Few will forget her courageous stand against inequality and injustice.▪ But for the actions of a few courageous individuals, we might all have died. courageously [adverb] ▪ This was a triumph for all those who had courageously demanded reform. heroic /hɪˈrəʊɪk/ [adjective] extremely brave and admired by a lot of people: ▪ Amy Johnson is famous for her heroic solo flight from Britain to Australia in 1930.▪ Although the nationalists put up heroic resistance, the revolt was crushed in three days.▪ The film is a warm tribute to the heroic pilots of C Division. heroism /ˈherəʊɪzəm/ [uncountable noun] heroic behaviour: ▪ Nelson’s heroism in battle won him many honours. hero/heroine /ˈhɪərəʊ, ˈherəʊɪn/ [countable noun] someone who does something extremely brave and is admired by a lot of people. Use hero about a man or a woman, use heroine about a woman: ▪ A famous World War Two hero, he later became a U.S. senator.▪ Don’t try to be a hero. You’ll only get hurt.▪ a heroine of the Resistance 2. not afraid to do possibly dangerous things daring /ˈdeərɪŋ/ [adjective] not afraid of taking risks or doing dangerous things, or involving a lot of risks: ▪ He would often do very foolish things just to prove how daring he was.▪ Three inmates fled the prison in a daring tunnel escape.▪ It is a particularly daring stunt, involving being tied up and suspended in mid-air. adventurous /ədˈventʃərəs/ [adjective] someone who is adventurous enjoys going to new places and having new, possibly dangerous experiences: ▪ The higher slopes are for the more adventurous skier.▪ She was naturally adventurous and loved the wild landscape of Colombia with all its beauty and danger. fearless /ˈfɪəʳləs/ [adjective] not at all afraid of doing dangerous things, so that other people admire you: ▪ The Comanches were great and fearless warriors.▪ Her fearless opposition to the military dictatorship has won admiration from around the world. fearlessly [adverb] ▪ He dived fearlessly into the sea, ignoring the rocks below. fearlessness [uncountable noun] ▪ It is essential that bullfighters give an impression of fearlessness. daredevil /ˈdeəʳdevəl/ [countable noun] someone who enjoys doing extremely dangerous things and taking a lot of risks: ▪ World famous daredevil Evel Knievel will attempt to cross the Grand Canyon on a rocket-powered motorcycle. daredevil [adjective only before noun] ▪ Many consider Ormer Locklear to have been the greatest of all daredevil pilots. 3. not afraid to do something new and different daring /ˈdeərɪŋ/ [adjective] not afraid to do something new and unusual that many people will find shocking: ▪ When she was young, everybody thought my grandmother was terribly daring because she smoked.▪ a daring new production of ‘Hamlet’ 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> adventurous /ədˈventʃərəs/ [adjective] someone who is adventurous enjoys trying new things or taking risks: ▪ I’m not very adventurous when it comes to trying new food.▪ Le Corbusier was the most adventurous architect of modern times, always experimenting with new forms and structures. bold /bəʊld/ [adjective] not afraid of taking risks, saying what you think and making difficult decisions: ▪ What we need is a strong leader, someone who is bold enough to make tough decisions.▪ He was one of the boldest and most innovative composers of his day. boldly [adverb] ▪ Overcoming her instinctive shyness, she boldly stepped forward to speak to the crowd. 4. the ability to behave bravely courage /ˈkʌrɪdʒǁˈkɜːr-/ [uncountable noun] the ability to behave bravely when you are in danger, suffering illness, or pain, or when other people are opposing you: ▪ She showed great courage during her long illness.▪ Nelson Mandela will be remembered for his courage and integrity in the struggle against apartheid. take courage / need courage ▪ Driving again after his accident must have taken a lot of courage. bravery /ˈbreɪvəri/ [uncountable noun] the ability to behave bravely in a dangerous situation, for example during a war: ▪ After the war, my uncle was awarded a medal for bravery.▪ Gina surprised us all with her bravery and endurance.▪ It was an act of the utmost bravery and disregard for personal safety. guts /gʌts/ [plural noun] informal the ability and determination to do something difficult or dangerous that other people are afraid to do: ▪ I don’t think he can possibly win, but you’ve got to admire his guts. have guts▪ Whatever else you may say about Sally, she certainly has guts. it takes guts to do something / you need guts to do something ▪ It took guts and determination to overcome such a severe handicap. nerve /nɜːʳv/ [uncountable noun] the ability to remain calm and confident in a dangerous, difficult, or frightening situation: ▪ In a scary situation like that you need someone with plenty of nerve.▪ After a three day siege the kidnapper’s nerve failed and he gave himself up to the police.it takes a lot of nerve to do something you need a lot of nerve to do something▪ It takes a lot of nerve to report a colleague for sexual harassment. 5. to be brave enough to do something be brave enough to do something /biː ˌbreɪv ɪnʌf tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] ▪ None of the other people were brave enough to stand up to him.▪ Maybe if you were brave enough to ask her out she’d go to a movie with you.▪ Anyone brave enough to get this far would then find an electrified fence blocking their way. dare /deəʳ/ [intransitive verb not in progressive] to be brave enough to do something that is dangerous or that you are afraid of doing -- used in questions, negatives, and sentences beginning with ‘if’: ▪ My sister used to steal things from stores, but I would never dare. not dare (to) do something▪ No one dared to go into the old house at night.▪ She was so high up now that she didn’t dare look down.dare do something▪ Dare we take this decision without consulting the Prime Minister? have the guts to do something /hæv ðə ˌgʌts tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to be brave enough to do something unpleasant or difficult that other people are afraid to do spoken: ▪ I know he made a mistake, but at least he had the guts to admit it!▪ Sarah’s the only one who has the guts to speak her mind. have the nerve to do something /hæv ðə ˌnɜːʳv tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to be calm and confident enough to do something that is frightening or dangerous: ▪ Not many people have the nerve to stand up and speak in front of a large audience.▪ I can’t believe he had the nerve to show up at the party after what he said about Janet. find/get up/pluck up the courage to do something /ˌfaɪnd, ˌget ʌp, ˌplʌk ʌp ðə ˌkʌrɪdʒ tə ˈduː something ǁˌkɜːr-/ [verb phrase] to force yourself to be brave and do something that you are afraid of doing, after thinking about it for a long time: ▪ I eventually plucked up the courage to tell my parents that I was going to go and live in 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Canada.▪ David loves Julie but he can’t get up enough courage to ask her to marry him. (thu hết can đảm / cả gan làm…) 6. not brave cowardly /ˈkaʊəʳdli/ [adjective] not brave: ▪ He was too cowardly to say what he meant.▪ It was a cowardly attack on unarmed civilians.▪ NATO today condemned the incident, calling it a senseless and cowardly act. cowardice /ˈkaʊəʳdɪs, ˈkaʊəʳdəs/ [uncountable noun] cowardly behaviour: ▪ The movie is a true account of the only American soldier to be shot for cowardice since the Civil War. coward /ˈkaʊəʳd/ [countable noun] someone who is not brave enough to do something dangerous or unpleasant that they should do: ▪ He called me a coward, because I wouldn’t fight.▪ Perhaps I should have turned back but I didn’t want to be known as a quitter and a coward. be a coward about something▪ She knew she was an awful coward about going to the dentist. spineless /ˈspaɪnləs/ [adjective] someone who is spineless is too weak to say what they really think because they are afraid of what might happen or what other people might say -- use this to show disapproval: ▪ Don’t be spineless -- you have to stand up to people like that.▪ The President has been accused of being spineless in the face of naked aggression. wimp /wɪmp/ [countable noun] informal someone who is afraid to do something you want them to do or think they should do, so that you think they are annoying or do not respect them - often used humorously: ▪ Don’t be such a wimp, Simon. Tell her you want to break up.▪ Because they don’t risk money, corporate financiers are considered wimps by traders. (đồ nhát gan / thỏ đế) 7. to decide not to do something because you are too frightened lose your nerve /ˌluːz jɔːʳ ˈnɜːʳv/ [verb phrase] to suddenly lose the confidence and calmness that you need in order to do something dangerous or frightening: ▪ Dan wanted to ask his boss for a day off but he lost his nerve at the last minute.▪ I stood at the top of the ski-slope for a minute then lost my nerve. not dare /nɒt ˈdeəʳ/ [verb phrase] to not be brave enough to do something because you are afraid of what might happen if you do it: not dare do something▪ The older boys used to bully me but I didn’t dare complain.not dare to do something▪ Billy stood on top of the rock, not daring to jump down.not dare▪ I wanted to ask Dad for the money but I didn’t dare. chicken out/wimp out /ˌtʃɪkɪn ˈaʊt, ˌtʃɪkən ˈaʊt, ˌwɪmp ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] spoken informal to not be brave enough to do something that you intended to do or said you would do: ▪ I was supposed to make the introductory speech, but I chickened out at the last minute. chicken/wimp out of doing something▪ She chickened out of telling her father that she and David were going to live together. not have the guts /nɒt hæv ðə ˈgʌts/ [verb phrase not in progressive] spoken to not be brave enough to do something that people think you should do: ▪ He wouldn’t have the guts to say that to me.▪ I planned to ask my boss for a raise but in the end I didn’t have the guts.not have the guts to do something▪ Peg has done all the things I never had the guts to try. be without/lack guts▪ Joe’s a weak character, without guts or ambition.▪ She’s intelligent enough, but she lacks guts. not have the nerve /nɒt hæv ðə ˈnɜːʳv/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to not be brave or confident enough to do something because you think it is too difficult, dangerous or embarrassing: ▪ I’d love to quit my job and go back to college but I don’t have the nerve.not have the nerve to do something▪ He doesn’t have the nerve to tell the boss what he really thinks of her. Ngân Phương Vy July 28th, 2014 4.

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