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E9 Tuan 1 Tiet 12

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 1 Period: 1. Date of preparing: 16/08/2014 Date of teaching: 18/08/2014. REVISION I. OBJECTIVES: Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson Ss will able to make acquainted with new topics, review grammar. II. PREPARATIONS: Book III. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities 1. Warm - up (5’) - Ask Ss some questions: 1. How are you? 2. How do you feel? 3. What did you do last summer? 2. Presentation (15’) a. The usage of tense: - Call Ss to give the forms, the usage of each tenses 1. The past simple tense: 2. The simple present: 3. The simple future: 4. The present perfect: 5. The past progressive: 6. The present progressive: - Explain and give some examples. b. Structures: - Ask Ss to remind some structures: 1. Enough + to - inf S + be + Adj + enough + to - inf 2. Ing participle/ Ed participle 3. Passive form 4. Adj + to – inf 5. Gerund/ Infinitive 6. Can / could / may / might / should / must / have to + V-inf - Ask Ss to remind the usage of preposition: on, in, at 3. Practice (10’) - Ask Ss to do exercise. Exercise: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: 1. She often _____ (play) volleyball after school. 2. What _____ you _____ (do) at 8 o’clock last night?. Students’activities - Listen and answer. - Give the form, the usage. - Listen. - Answer. - Answer - Pay attention and work in individual. + Answer keys: 1. plays 2. were you doing 3. have studied 4. went 5. bought.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 3. I _____ (study) English for 4 years. 6. finish 4. He _____ (go) home yesterday. 5. We _____ (buy) a new house 2 years ago. 6. You must _____ (finish) your homework . - Call Ss to read the answers. - Read the answers. - Check - Listen 4. Production (12’) - Ask Ss to complete the exercises - Work in pairs, do exercises Exercises: Choose the best option to fill in + Answer keys: the blanks: 1. have lived 1. We ____ here since 2007 2. has built (live / lived / has lived / have lived) 3. was reading 2. This house ____ for 5 years. 4. tall enough (built / build / have built /has built) 5. in 3. I _____ a book at 10 o’clock last evening 6. study (read / will read / have read / was reading) 7. reading 4. She is _____ to play volleyball (enough tall / tall enough / short enough / enough short) 5. We went to Hue _____ the summer. (on / in / at / with) 6. You should _____ hard. ( study / studies/ to study / studying) 7. The boy _____ book is my brother. ( read / reads / reading / to read) - Ask Ss to give the answers. - Answer - Check - Listen 5. Homework (3’) - Ask Ss to read and prepare unit 1/ p.6 Take note IV. COMMENTS: ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ Week: 1 Period: 2. Date of preparing: 19/08/2014 Date of teaching: 21/08/2014.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED - LISTEN AND READ I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Educational aims: Ss have knowledge about some famous places in Hanoi. 2. Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about famous places in Hanoi; talk about Maryam’s activities when visiting Hanoi. II. PREPARATIONS: Book, cassette player, pictures III. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities 1. Warm - up (5’) - Have Ss look at the pictures and name places.. 2. Presentation (13’) - Set the sence: Lan’s penpal, Razali Maryam, was staying with Lan in Ha Noi. - Have Ss guess which of the above six places Maryam will visit. - Introduce new words: 1. (to) correspond (v) 2. mosque (n) 3. be impressed (adj) 4. (to) pray (v) 5. keep in touch (v) 6. mausoleum (n) 7. asmosphere (n) 8. depend on (v) - Ask Ss to practice the new words. - Introduce grammar: “Wish” S + wish (s, es) + S + V (ed/ 2) Tobe: were Can  could + Review structure: Used to + V -inf 3. Practice (20’) + Activity 1: - Ask Ss listen to the text 3 times.. Students’activities - Work in pairs.. - Listen. - Guess which of the six places Maryam will visit. - Listen and write.. - Practice the new words. - Listen and write.. - Listen to the tape..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - Call some SS to read the text loudly. - Check the mistakes. - Have Ss read the text and check their guess as well as give more places Maryam visits. - Ss read the text again and choose the correct option to complete the sentences. - Get feedback. + Activity 2: - Have Ss answer some questions: 1. Where is Maryam from? 2. How often do they correspond? 3. What made Maryam impress? - Call some Ss to answer and correct.. - Practice. - Listen. - Read the text - Read the text again and work in group to complete the sentences. - Give feed back. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B - Group work.. - Read the answer. 1. She’s from Malaysia. 2. Two a week. 3. The beauty of the city and the friendness of its people. - Have Ss work in pairs to choose the correct options - Work in pairs. to complete the sentences. - Call some Ss to read the answer. - Read the answer. 4. Production (5’) - Have Ss answer the question: - Pair work. If your pen pal vistied you, where would you take him/ her to visit your home town?. places 5. Homework (2’) - Write 5 sentences by using “Wish” - Prepare next lesson Unit 1: Speak & Listen/ p.8 - 9 Take note IV. COMMENTS: ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................

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