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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>TEST YOURSELF C I. Choose the words that best answer the following questions. 1. Which of the following words is stressed on the first syllable? a. community b. scientific c. technology d. television 2. Which of the following words is stressed on the second syllable? a. entertain b. convenient c. volunteer d. memorable 3. Which of the following words doesn't contain the final /V sound? a. asked b. promised c. stopped d. advised 4. Which of the following words has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others? a. village b. camera c. happen d. family 5. Which of the following words contains the sound /if/ as in teacher? a. Christmas b. chemistry c. mechanic d. children II. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes each sentence. 6. She passed a physics degree with .................. , and went on to take another degree in mathematics. a. her determination b. flying coolers c. high position d. difficult conditions 7. .............. you work harder, you are going to pass your exams. a. If b. Unless c. Although d. Because 8. You have to ask your parents for their ..............to go on a trip. a. permission b. excursion c. emotion d. destination 9. They've............... a horrible new tower block where that lovely old building used to be. a. put up b. pulled down c. pushed down d. put down 10 He came in and didn't say anything..........................worried all of us. a. that b. whose c. who d. which 11. This computer isn't capable.................... running this software. a. for b. of c. in d. on 12. Heavy industry developed rapidly in Alabama .......................its rich natural resources. a. because of b. in spite of c. since d. as result of 13. With the development of technology, we can now ....................TV program to another country. a. receive b. send c. transmit d. process 14. We only employ people ................. already have computer skills. a. whom b. who c. they d. those 15. There have been many changes around here...............I was a boy. a. when b. where c. from d. since Ill. Choose the correct answer - a, b, c, or d - that best completes each sentence. 16. He advised me to buy my ticket immediately or it................ too late. a. will b. will be c. would d. would be 17. Life here is much easier than it ................ a. would be b. used to be c. was d. had been 18. ................... here since 1976 when her parents moved from New York. a. She's lived. b. She's living c. She lived d. She'd. lived 19. We are considering buying a house in Gainesville, but we want to find out there................... first. a. what the taxes are b. what are the taxes c. the taxes what are d. the taxes are 20.'I have lost my keys. Have you seen them today?' `Yes, I remember___ them on the table this morning.' a. to see b. seeing c. of seeing d. that seeing 21. John.............................be so bad-tempered. I wonder if he's got problem. a. wouldn't b. didn't used to c. isn't used to d. didn't use to 22. If it .................... , we'll have the party outside. a. wouldn't lain b. doesn't rain c. didn't rain d. won't rain 23. `Book my stat in advance.' Mary said to John. a. Mary said to John to book her seat in advance. b. Mary told John book her seat in advance. c. Mary told John that he booked her seat in advance: d. Mary told John to book her seat in advance. 24. 'What happened to that fortune-teller?' 'I don't know. She.................around here in a long time.'.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> a. hasn't seen b. didn't see c. hasn't been seeing d. hasn't been seen 25. ...................... evening soap operas such as Dallas began to become popular. a. In the late 1970s b. There were in the late 1970s c. The late 1970s d. If in the late 1970s 26. Experiments on mental patients.............. in the 1950s have been banned by the U.S. Supreme Court. a. which took place b. who took place c. taken place d. took place 27. She encouraged ................... the job. a. Frank taking b. Frank to take c. that Frank should take d. to Frank to take 28. If you want to go skiing in the south,.................... to Black Mountain. a. you go b. you'll go c. go d. went 29. His parents never allow him........................ a. smoke b. smoking c. to smoke d. in smoking 30. Tim .................... early before he reaches 65. He mentioned it at the meeting recently. a. will retire b. retires c. will be retired d. is going to retire IV. Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. 31. Franklin D. Roosevelt- became president of the United States in 1933 and has reelected three A B times before he died in 1945 C D 32. Helen Keller. who was both blind and deafness, overcame her inabilities with the help of her A B C D teacher, Ann Sullivan 33. Many older adults who do not qualify for occupations that requires a knowledge of computer A B C skills have returned to school for training D 34. If a drop of oil is placed in a glass of water, it would float to the top. A B C D 35. The teacher said the class that hot air rises and cold air sinks. A B C D V. Choose the one option - b, c or d - that best completes the passage. A recent survey (36)_................. that in one week on British TV 401 people were killed and 119 were wounded. There were (37)........... 29 cases of bad language. The survey included both terrestrial and satellite (38)............. . Similar research in the United States showed that the average American child (39) _................ 8.000 murders. and 100,000 other acts of violence (40) ........................still at junior school. What effect has this been having on our children? American psychologists, Huesmann and Eron, maintain that watching violence on TV "is one of the major causes of (41).............. behavior, crime and violence in society". In several recent trials it has been shown that the (42)................ had got their ideas from watching violent videos. So do you agree that what children see on TV (43)........................ their behavior? Should we have stricter controls (44)...................what can or can't be shown? Or should people be able to watch (45)................. that they want? 36. a. spoke b. revealed c. told d. discussed 37. a. already b. only c. also d. just 38. a. channels b. programs c. broadcasts d. showings 39. a. looks b. sees c. views d. watches 40. a. which b. during c. while d. who 41. a. normal b. strange c. aggressive d. antisocial 42. a. witnesses b. defendants c. prosecutors d. victims 43..a. contacts b. interacts c. effects d. affects 44. a. on b. to c. with d. for 45.a. anything b. something c. nothing d. thing VI. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer. Telecommuting is some form of computer communication between employees' homes and offices. For employees whose jobs involve sitting at a terminal or word processor entering data or typing reports, the location of the computer is of no consequence. If the machine can communicate over telephone lines,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> when the work is completed, employees can dial the office computer and transmit the material to their employers. A recent survey in USA Today estimates that there are approximately 8.7 million telecommuters. But although the numbers are rising annually, the trend does not appear to be as significant as predicted when Business Wee, published "The Portable Executive" as its cover story a few years ago. Why hasn't telecommuting become more popular? Clearly, change simply takes time. But in addition, there has been active. resistance on the part of many managers. These executives claim that super-rising the telecommuters in a large work force scattered across the country would be too difficult, or at least, systems for manager them are not yet developed. there by complicating the manager's responsibilities. It is also true that employees who are `given the option of telecommuting are often reluctant to accept the opportunity. Most people feel that they need regular interaction with a group, and many are concerned that they will not have the same consideration for advancement if they are not more visible in the office setting. Some people feel that even when a space in their home is set aside as work area, they never really get away from the office. 46. With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned? a. The advantages of telecommuting b. A definition of telecommuting, c. An overview of telecommuting d. The failure of telecommuting 47. How many American workers are involved in telecommuting? a. More than predicted in Business Week b. More than 8 million c. Fewer than last year d. Fewer than estimated in USA Today 48. The author mentions all of the following as concerns of telecommuting. EXCEPT a. the opportunities for advancement. b. the different system of supervision. c. the lack of interaction with a group. d. the fact that the work space is in the home. 49. The word 'resistance' in line 13 could best he replaced by a. alteration b. participationc. opposition d. consideration 50. it can be inferred from the passage that the author is a. a. e telecommuter b. the manager of a group of telecommuters b. a statistician d. a reporter ------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------.

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