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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF REASONS, RESULTS AND CONCESSION I/ Choose A, B, C or D that best completes each unfinished sentence 1. Mai worked hard , ______ she passed her exam . a. so b. although c. because d. though 2. _____ she was very tired , she helped her brother with his homework . a. Because b. whether c. Although c. so 3. It’s raining hard , _____ we can’t go to the beach . a. or b. but c. so d. though 4. Nam was absent from class yesterday ____ he felt sick . a. so b. because c. although d. but 5. Tom has a computer , _____ he doesn’t use it . a. or b. as because d. but 6. The boy can’t reach the shelf ____ he’s not tall enough. a. because b. although c. even though d. and 7. The film was boring ____ we went home . a. so b. when c. but c. if 8. The girl bought the shoes _____ they are very expensive . a. but b. if c. so d. although 9. He used to smoke a lot ______ now he doesn’t smoke any more . a. still b. therefore c. but d. as 10. She couldn’t unlock it ______ she had the wrong key . a. while b. but c. though d. because II/ REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES…. 1. I couldn’t do the test because it was difficult.àBecause of …………………………………… 2. Although he got up early, he was late for the first train.à In spite ….………… 3. Although English grammar is difficult, we like to study it.à In spite ….…………………… 4. Although he is an excellent doctor, he can’t cure lever cancer.à Despite …..………………… 5. Although my friend doesn’t have enough money, she wants to buy that new car.à Despite …… 6. Although Mai didn’t speak English well, she decided to live in London.à In spite …………… 7. Although he is sick, he goes to school.à In spite of ………… 8. Although Lan was tired, she did all her homework carefully.à Despite ….……………………… 9. Everybody has a great regard for her despite her poverty.à Although ………………… 10. They worked very hard although they were old.à In spite ….…………………… 11. Peter didn’t go to school yesterday because he was sick.à Because of …….…………… 12. Mary went to bed early because she felt tired.à Because of ….………………………… 13. She didn’t go to the circus with Betty because she had a bad cold.à Because of ….…………… 14. John succeeded in his exam because he worked hard.à Because of ….………………… 15. She stayed at home because her mother was sick.à Because of ….…………… 16. I like him because his father is kind to me.à Because of …..…… 17. I couldn’t do the test because it was difficult.à Because of ………………… 18. Although he got up early, he was late for the first train.à In spite …..…………… 19. Though English grammar is difficult, we like to study it.à In spite …...… 20. Although he is an excellent doctor, he can’t cure liver cancer.à Despite …. 21. Although my friend doesn’t have enough money, she wants to buy that new car.à Despite …..… 22. Although Mai didn’t speak English well, she decided to live in London.à In spite ….… 23. Although I am hungry, I can’t eat now.à Despite …..…… 24. Despite the narrow streets, many people drive cars in this city.à Though ….……… 25. In spite of the high prices, my daughters insist on going to the movie.à Although …. 26. They worked very hard in spite of their old age.-> Although……….. ADJECTIVE CLAUSES (Understanding & Using E. Gr. page 202) 0. Friends are people ….B…close to us. A. who is B. who are C. which is D. which are 1. “Who is eligible for the scholarship?” “Anyone…….scholastic record is above average can apply for the scholarship.” A. who has a B. has a C. who’s a D. whose.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 2. Dr. Sales is a person……….. A. in whom I don’t have much confidence B. in that I don’t have much confidence C. whom I don’t have much confidence in him D. I don’t have much confidence 3. “Is April twenty-first the day……..?”- “No, the twenty-second.” A. you’ll arrive then B. when you’ll arrive C. on that you’ll arrive D. when you’ll arrive on 4. The severe drought……..occurred last summer ruined the corn crop. A. that is B. which is C. it D. that 5. Florida,……the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year. A. is B. known as C. is known as D. that is known as 6. The new shopping mall is gigantic. It’s advertised as a place……you can find just about anything you might want to buy. A. where B. which C. in where D in which 7. Lola’s marriage has been arranged by her family. She is marrying a man…… A. that she hardly knows him B. whom she hardly knows him C. she hardly knows D. she hardly knows him 8. People who exercise frequently have greater physical endurance than those….. A. who doesn’t B. that doesn’t C. which don’t D. who don’t 9. “Is this the address to……you want the package sent?” A. where B. that C. which D. whom 10. Ann quit her job at the advertising agency, …….surprised everyone. A. which B. that C. who D. that is 11. That book is by a famous anthropologist. It’s about the people in Samoa….for two years. A. that she lived B. that she lived among them C. among whom she lived D. where she lived among them 12. The missing man’s family is desperately seeking anyone…….information about his activities or whereabouts. A. has B. having C. who has D. have 13. The publishers expect that the new biography of Simon Bolivar will be bought by people……in Latin American history. A. who they are interested B. are interested C. interested D. they are interested 14. I have always wanted to visit Paris, ……..of France. A. is the capital B. which the capital is C. that is the capital D. the capital 15. The chemistry book…..was a little expensive. A. that I bought it B. I bought that C. what I bought D. I bought 16. “ Have you ever met the man…………over there?” “ No. Who is he?” A. stands B. standing C. is standing D. who he standing 17. “Do you have the book……the teacher?” – “Yes, I do” A. that it belongs to B. to which belongs to C. to which belongs D. that belongs to 18. The voters were overwhelmingly against the candidate………proposals called for higher taxes. A. who is B. whose C. whom he had D. that his 19. “Do you remember Mrs. Goddard, ……taught us English composition?” – “I certainly do” A. who B. whom C. that D. which 20. I have three brothers, …..are businessmen. A. that all of them B. who they all C. all of whom D. who all of them 21. “ Where you able to locate the person……wallet you found?” A. which B. that his C. whose D. that’s 22. Some fish are frozen, but……..is best. A. fish is fresh B. fresh fish C. fish fresh D. fresh fish is caught 23. “Why do you get up at 4.00 AM ?” “Because it’s the only time………….without being interrupted.”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> A. when I can work on my book B. when I can work on my book at C. when I can work on my book then D. at when I can work on my book 24. “You seem so happy today” “ I am. You are looking at a person……………has just been accepted into medical school” A. who B. who she C. whom she D. whom 25. “The movie……….last night was terrific.” – “What’s about it?” A. I went B. I went to it C. I went to D. that I went 26. Many people lost their homes in the earthquake. The government needs to establish more shelters to care for those……have homes. A. who doesn’t B. who don’t C. which doesn’t D. which don’t 27. The problem………never occurred. A. I had expected it B. who I had expected C. that I had expected it D. I had expected 28. I had to drive to the factory to pick up my brother, …..car wouldn’t start. A. who his B. who C. who’s D. whose 29. I read a book about Picasso, …….. A. is a Spanish painter B. a Spanish painter C. who a Spanish painter is D. that is a Spanish painter 30. The people………..the acrobat turn circles in the air were horrified when he missed the outstretched hands of his partner and fell to his death. A. watched B. watch C. watching D. were watching 31. “My writing has improved a lot in this class.” “Mine has, too. All the students ……. do well in writing” A. whom Mr. Davis teaches them B. which Mr. Davis teaches C. that Mr. Davis teaches them D. Mr. Davis teaches 32. “ Have you ever seen the place…….the graduation ceremony will be held?” A. in that B. where C. is where that D. which 33. I have seventeen students, most of ……. speak English very well. A. who B. those C. whom D. which 34. “ Will everyone like the book?” “ No. Only people…….interested in anthropology.” A. are B. who are C. in whom are D. that is 35. “ How did you enjoy your dinner with Mr. Jackson?” “ It was boring. He talked only about himself, …. almost put us to sleep.” A. which B. that C. who D. that he 36. My grandfather, …a wise man, has greatly influenced my life. A. is B. that is C. who is D. who he is 37. Is Dr. Brown is the person ….you wish to speak? A. that B. whom C. to that D. to whom 38. In the movie, the teenager…….to persuade a singing career meets resistance from his strong-willed father. A. wants B. wanted C. wanting D. who want 39. “Excuse me, but there is something about……..immediately.” A. which I must speak to you B. which I must speak to you about it C. that I must speak to you about D. that I must speak to you 40. Little woman,………in 1868, is my sister’s favorite book. A. is a novel published B. a novel published C. a novel was published D. was a novel published. BÀI TẬP ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN MẪU, DANH ĐỘNG TỪ 1.I finally finished……at 7 p.m and severed dinner. A. cooking B. to cook C. cooked 2. We intend……away with the old system once we have developed a better one. A. doing B. to do C. do. D. cook D. to have done.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 3. The old man is said……….all his money to an old people’s home when he died. A. to leave B. to leaving C. have left 4. The blackmailer denied……………….the photographs to the actress. A. send B. to send C. sent 5. Would you mind……me a hand with this bag? A. give B. to give C. giving 6. Jack got into trouble when he refused……….his briefcase for the customs officer. A. opening B. to open C. being opened 7. I’m sorry I never graduated. I’ve always regretted not…………college. A. to finish B. finish C. finished 8. Alice didn’t expect…………to Bill’s party. A. asking B. being asking C. to ask 9. The cost of the material is………in the bill for the work. A. include B. included C. including 10. Tom is not used to………up early. He is late for school very often. A. get B. to get C. getting 11. Can you help me………in this application form? A. fill B. to fill C. filling 12. I don’t remember……….of the decision to change the company policy on vacations. A. telling B. to tell C. being told 13. He’d prefer………….chicken soup rather than………milk. A. having / having B. have / drink C. to have / drink 14. He prefers……….to ………….nothing. A. work /do B. working / doing C. to work / to do 15. Arthur pretended not……hurt when his younger sister bit him. A. to have been B. to have C. having 16. Thank you for the invitation. What time would you like…….? A. we come B. us to come C. we to come 17. It was such a funny sight that we couldn’t stop…… A. laughing B. to laugh C. laugh 18. Do you mind….the cooking? A. do B. doing C. to do 19. She’d rather die than…..Peter. A. she married B. marrying C. to marry 20. My father won’t let me………..up late when I was a child. A. to be stay B. staying C. to stay 21. Please forgive me. I don’t mean……you. A. upsetting B. to upset C. being upset 22. I am ….single-handed, I don’t need any help. A. used to sail B. used to sailing C. used for sailing 23. It isn’t worth…….in that river as it is polluted. A. fish B. go fishing C. to fish 24. I’ll remember………him about the fair when I see him. A. tell B. to tell C. telling 25. It’s a beautiful day. Would you like to go…..? A. to sail B. sailing C. to sailing 26. Jane should seriously consider….an actress. She is a talented performer. A. to become B. became C. becoming 27. Did the teacher explain how…….this problem? A. do we solve B. can we solve C. to solve 28. I expect Mary………here early tonight. She should arrive in the next half hour. A. to come B. coming C. having come 29. She arranged ……….her friend in the afternoon as the weather was fine. A. to be meeting B. to meet C. meeting. D. to have left D. having sent D. to have given D. to be opened D. having finished D. to be asked D. includes D. got D. A & B D. to be told D. had / drank D. to work / do D. be D. that we come D. to laughing D. for doing D. marry D. stay D. to be upset D. using sail D. fishing D. told D. for sailing D. will become D. solving D. to have come D. to have met.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 30. They spent a lot of time…….about what they would do if they had a lot of money. A. talk B. talked C. talking D. to talk 31. I learn quite a lot of language simply by………people. A. listen to other B. listening to others C. listening to other D. listen to others 32. The baby continued………even after she was picked up. A. being crying B. having been crying C. having cried D. to cry 33. I got Barbara………borrow he car for the week. A. let me B. to let me C. let me to D. to let me to 34. Any time you choose…….about another person, you rist a painful, but rarely fatal, broken heart. A. care B. cared C. to care D. caring 34. There is no need………a broken heart stop your life. A. to let B. letting C. let D. and let 35. He denied……..on Sera’s toe during the dance. A. step B. to step C. stepped D. stepping 36. The teacher spent an hour ________ the new lesson. A. explain B. to explain C. explaining D. explained 37. Many young people are fond of ___________ football and other kinds of sports. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played 38. There's no point ______ a fuss over it. A. to make B. making C. being made D. to be made 39. 'Let's have dinner out this evening,' said George. A. George wanted to have dinner out alone. B. George suggested having dinner out. C. George invited them having dinner out. D. George let others have dinner out. 40. A lot of things ________ to the house before we can move in. A. need be doing B. need to be done C. need being done D. need to do 41. The little girl wasted half an hour ________ for her picture book. A. look B. to look C. looking D. looked 42. The boy forgot ________ the newspaper for his father on his way home. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought 43. It was a nasty memory. Do you remember both of us wearing sunglasses to avoid_________ by the supervisors? A. to recognize B. to be recognized C. recognizing D. being recognized 44. I remember _________ them to play in my garden. A. to allow B. allow C. allowing D. allowed 45. 'No, I didn't steal anything from her,' said Henry. A. Henry confirmed that he had stolen things from her. B. Henry refused to steal things from her. C. Henry denied stealing things from her. D. Henry said no to stealing things from her. 46. 'If I were you, I wouldn't send this information to her,' Harry said to Andrei. A. Harry said that he would send the information to her on Andrei's behalf. B. Harry advised Andrei to send the information to her. C. Harry encouraged Andrei sending the information to her. D. Harry wanted to become Andrei in order to send the information to her. 47. May I borrow your car tonight, dad? A. Would you mind letting me drive your car tonight, dad? B. I'd like to lend you my car tonight, dad. C. Shall I borrow your car tonight, dad? D. You don't lend me your car tonight, do you? 48. He remembers _______ to the zoo once a month when he was young. A. taking B. to take C. being taken D. to be taken 49. She told him ______ up late. A. not to staying B. that he not stayed C. to stay not D. not to stay.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 50. 'You ought to slow down a bit,' the doctor told him. A. The doctor begged him to slow down. B. The doctor made him slow down. C. The doctor threatened him to slow down. D. The doctor advised him to slow down. BÀI TẬP TỪ NỐI CÂU (LIÊN TỪ) 1. Mary searched all over the house,……. couldn’t find the key. A.but B.however C. although D. because 2. Please don’t disturb me……there is something urgent A. if B. or C. otherwise D. unless 3. Peter closed all the windows…. the rain couldn’t come in. A. because B.so C. so that D.as 4. Phone me before ten;……..I’ll be too busy to talk to you. A. unless B.whether C.otherwise D. if 5. He was watching TV …..the burglar alarm went off. A. when B. because C.after D.until 6. You’ll fail the exam……..you started revising. A.if B. until C.when D.unless 7. …he was sick, he still turned up for his guitar lesson. A. Although B.Because C.Despite D.Since 8. …..Daisy didn’t like to swim, she played on the beach while her fiends swam in the sea. A. Although B. Since C. However D. When 9……..the rise in unemployment, people still seem to be spending more. A. Meanwhile B. Nevertheless C. Although D.Despite 10. ……Mary didn’t like Tom, she agreed to work with him on the project. A.Since B.Although C.However D.Despite 11. …..you work harder, you are going to fail your exam. A.If B.Unless C.Although D.Because 12. These days women are not expected to stay at home……..their mother did in the past. A.as B. as if C.like D.even if 13. Mary does not do her homework…….you tell her to. A.because B.unless C.since D.however 14. Tree won’t grow……there is enough water. A. if B.when C.unless D.as 15. I’m going to South Carolina……the semester is over. A.when B.while C.during D.at 16. Some people really enjoy swimming,…….others are afraid of water. A.while B.or C.despite D.in spite of 17. I can’t ride a bicycle………there isn’t any air in one of the tires. A.despite B.because C.although D.but 18. Some snakes are poisonous,……others are harmless. A.but B.so C.for D.despite 19. I usually enjoy attending productions in small community theaters. The play we attended last night,…, was so bad that we wanted to leave after the first act. A.therefore B.however C.whereas D.even though 20. Jane is a very good student of languages. Her brother, Michael, ……..,has never been able to master another language. A.therefore B.even though C.whereas D.on the other hand 21. They were disqualified _______ they fought to the last minute. A. as B. since C. though D. once 22. I think he's a really good live performer, and his songs are excellent. ___________ you can't hear the words because the music is too loud. A. The trouble is B. In fact C. On the whole D. What's more 23. You should clean the cut thoroughly ______ prevent any infection..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> A. so that B. as to C. or D. in order to 24. She hasn't received a single letter from him _______ they both left school. A. as B. because C. since D. now that 25. _______ I am aware, this is the last talk on the topic. A. Where B. As long as C. Since D. As far as 26. He wouldn't have failed his exams _______ he hadn't been ill. A. unless B. in case C. if D. although 27. _________ you change your mind, I won't be able to help you. A. If only B. Because C. Unless D. Provided 28. The boy decided to go out _______ it was raining very heavily outside. A. because B. despite C. even if D. although 29. The town was nearer _______ we thought it would be. A. then B. that C. as D. than 30. His carelessness in doing tests ______ I am worried may lead to a failure. A. about that B. which C. that D. about which 31. They couldn't finish it ________ the lack of support. A. because B. because of C. why D. the reason 32. Some students in this class are from HCMC, ________ from the provinces. A. the others B. another C. the other D. each other 33. ________ test was given, our class leader managed to get good marks. A. Whenever B. Whatever C. However D. Wherever 34. You'll see my house _______ you cross the street. A. because B. where C. when D. although 35. He hid that letter in a drawer _______ no one could read it. A. so that B. although C. because D. than 36. He doesn't seem to be successful _______ hard he works. A. whatever B. although C. because D. however 37. This is the girl ______ father owns the biggest shop in the area. A. who B. which C. her D. whose 38. ________ can change his way of thinking. A. What B. Nowhere C. Nothing D. Not anything 39. _________ you keep it in good condition, I’ll lend you my car. A. So long as B. Although C. Because D. While 40. He just had to apologize _______ he knew he had made a mistake. A. before B. wherever C. due to D. because 41. It seems _______ those students haven't learnt this grammar point before. A. so that B. as if C. such that D. even though 42. The use of computer aids in teaching, _______ the role of teachers is still very important. A. yet B. unless C. despite D. where 43. They couldn't finish it ________ there was no adequate support. A. because B. because of C. why D. so long 44. It is such an important matter _______ I can't decide anything about it myself. A. so B. because C. that D. if Ghi nhớ ngữ pháp: Liên từ là những từ dùng để nối hai mệnh đề để tạo thành câu ghép, hoặc câu phức. Các lên từ phổ biến là: - if, unless(nếu, trừ khi): dùng nối 2 mệnh đề trong câu điều kiện (unless loại I) - because, since (vì): chỉ nguyên nhân, kết quả. Chú ý phân biệt because / because of + because + S + Vchia = because of + the/ his…+ (adj) + N (sau because là mệnh đề sau because of là cụm danh từ) - although, though, eventhough (mặc dù): chỉ sự nhượng bộ. chú ý phân biệt although với in spite of, despite (tương tự như because /because of) +Although + S + Vchia = In spite of / Despite + the/ his…+ (adj) + N - but, however (tuy nhiên): nối hai mệnh đề tương phản. But dùng sau dấu phẩy, however nối ý nghĩa hai câu, dùng sau dấu chấm hoặc chấm phẩy.(Xem ví dụ ở mục 13, tài liệu ôn thi tốt nghiệp).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> - so, therefore (do vậy): nối hai mệnh đề/ hai câu chỉ nguyên nhân-kết quả. So nối hai mệnh đề, dùng sau dấu phẩy. Therefore nối hai câu, dùng sau dấu chấm hoặc chấm phẩy. - yet (nhưng) dùng như but, nhưng ý nghĩa mạnh hơn - if, whether (có phải…) dùng trong câu hỏi gián tiếp (xem mục 6 trong tài liệu ôn tập) - so that (để): nối hai mệnh đề chỉ mục đích. Phân biệt so that với to/ in order (not) to, so as (not) to: S1 + V1 + so that + S2 + can/ could + V2 nguyên mẫu ( sau so that là mệnh đề) S1 + V1 + to/ in order to / so as to + V2nguyên mẫu ( sau in order to, so as to là động từ nguyên mẫu) - so…that, such…that (đến nổi mà) + S + be/Vchia + so + adj/adv + that +S +V; S + be/V + so + many/little/ few + N+ that… + It + Be + such + a/an + adj + N + that +….; - when, while, as soon as, until, before, after (xem phần hoà hợp thì trong mệnh đề chỉ thời gian) - as (như), phân biệt với like: sau as là mệnh đề (S + Vchia) , sau like là cụm danh từ - as if, as though (như thể là, theo sau là động từ chia ở quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ hoàn thành) - whenever, whatever, whoever, however + adj, wherever (dù….đi chăng nữa): Dùng nối hai mệnh đề chỉ sự nhượng bộ) - whereas (ngược lại), meanwhile,( trong khi đó – dùng trong văn phong trang trọng) on the other hand (mặc khác),. CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN, WISH, WOULD RATHER * CẤU TRÚC: Câu điều kiện: Wish: Would rather:. lưu ý:. 1.I was very busy. I couldn’t go to the cinema. - If I ……………………………………………. 2.You will catch a cold if you don’t wear your fur coat. - Unless…………………………………………………………………… 3. I regret not paying much attention to the lecture. - I wish …………………………………………… 4. Peter missed the train because he woke up too late. - If Peter ………………………………………… 5. Without Jack’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table. - If………………………………………………………….. 6. If he hadn’t wasted too much time, he ……………………… in his examination. A. would fail B. wouldn’t fail C. wouldn’t have fail D. won’t fail 7. John missed the ferry because his car broke down. - If.............................................................................................................. 8. If he had obeyed his mother, he (not/ make) . . . . . . . . . . ………….. . a terrible mistake like that. 9. I made a lot of mistakes because I didn’t study carefully. -If I................................................................................................................ 10. If they had revised the lessons carefully, they ( not/fail) …………………….… the exam. 11.He spends so much money on clothing. - If I .............................................................................................................................................. 12. We didn’t go because it rained. -If it …………………………………………………………………….. 13. If I were you, I ………………… that job. A. would apply for B. will ask for C. will apply for D. would ask for 14. If I had a million dollars, I ………………………..travel around the world. A. can B. will C. would D. should.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 15. If he had realized the traffic lights were red, he (stop)……………………….. 16. If I’m tired in the evening, …………….. to bed early A. I’d go B. I’d have gone C. I went D. I’ll go 17. I haven’t got money, so I’m not going on holiday. A. Having no money made me go on holiday. B. Not having money on my holiday got me down C. If I have money, I’ll go on holiday D. If I had money, I would go on holiday. 18. I wish I …….. what to do. A. know B. knew C. have known D. would know 19. I wish I (not to go)…………………………………….to the party last night. 20…………… you read these sentences carefully, you won’t be able to give right answers. A. If B. So long as C. Unless D. As long as 21. I am very sorry I wasn’t able to see him off at the station. - I wish …………………………………………………………………... 22. I’m sorry now that I didn’t tell you the truth. - I wish …………………………………………………….. 23. If she............... rich, she would travel around the world. A. would be B. is C. has been D. were 24. If you had taken my advice, you.............. in such difficulties. A. won't be B. hadn't been C. wouldn't be D. wouldn't have been 25. My cat would not have bitten the toy fish................ it was made of rubber. A. if she has known B. if she should known C. had she known D. if she knew 26. The picnic was cancelled because it rained. - If……………………………………………………….. 27. I would prefer you not smoke in here. - I’d rather that…………………………… 28. They were late because they got up late. - If…………………………………………………. 29. If you ………….careful with the electricity, you might get a shock. A. don’t B. wouldn’t C. won’t D. aren’t 30. What a pity you failed your driving test! - I wish…………………………………………….. 31. If he ________ for the revision session, he might have no difficulty doing the test right now. A. had come B. came C. was to come D. had to come 32. She is too weak; she can't sit up and talk to you. A. If she weren't too weak, she could sit up and talk to you. B. If she hadn't been too weak, she could sit up and talk to you. C. If she isn't too weak, she can sit up and talk to you. D. If she wasn't too weak, she can sit up and talk to you. 33. If a driver _________ suddenly on a wet road, he will skid. A. braked B. braking C. brakes D. will brake 34. I wished I ______ on another diet. A. could live B. can live C. will live D. am living 35. He wouldn't have failed his exams _______ he hadn't been ill. A. unless B. in case C. if D. although 36. _________ you change your mind, I won't be able to help you. A. If only B. Because C. Unless D. Provided 37. we……..won the game if we’d had a few more time. A. would B. had C. could have D. will 38. It’s a pity that you didn’t tell us about this. - I wish………………………………… 39. They arrived late because they had a flat tyre. -If ……………………………………….. 40. She didn’t hurry so they missed the train. - If……………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 41. I didn’t listen to him and I didn’t succeed. - If………………………………………… 42. I’m sorry that I didn’t finish my homework last night. - I wish…………………………………. 43. The child will die if nobody sends him for a doctor. - Unless………………………………………… 44. No, please don’t tell him. - I’d rather…………………. 45. You can’t visit the USA unless you get a visa. - If……………………………………………. 46. We didn’t go on holiday because we didn’t have enough money. - If…………………………………………………………… 47. I’m sorry I missed your birthday party. - I wish…………………………………….. 48. John is fat because he eat so many chips. - If……………………………………… 49. If Joe doesn’t change his way, he will end up in prison. - Unless………………………………………………. 50. Please don’t smoke in the kitchen. - I’d rather…………………………………. 51. If he doesn’t work harder, he’ll lose his job. - Unless…………………………………………. 52. If you want my advice, I would forget about buying a new house. - If I………………………………………………………….. 53. It’ my opinion that you should take more exercise. - If I………………………………………………… 54. If I could speak Spanish, I …………………….(spend) next year study in Mexico. 55. If my candidate had won the election, I……………..happy now. A. am B. was C. would be D. would have been REWRITE SENTENCES (2) 1. “Leave my house now or I’ll call the police!” shouted the lady to the man. A. The lady threatened to call the police if the man didn’t leave her house. B. The lady said that she would call the police if the man didn’t leave her house. C. The lady told the man that she would call the police if he didn’t leave her house. D. The lady informed the man that she would call the police if he didn’t leave her house. 2. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago. A. He had tested his eyes ten months ago. B. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then. C. He hasn’t had his eyes tested for ten months. D. He didn’t have any test on his eyes in ten months. 3. “You should have finished the report by now,” John told his secretary. A. John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report. B. John said that his secretary had not finished the report. C. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time. D. John scolded his secretary for not having finished the report. 4. “ If I were you, I would take the job,” said my room-mate. A. My room-mate was thinking about taking the job. B. My room-mate advised me to take the job. C. My room-mate introduced the idea of taking the job to me. D. My room-mate insisted on taking the job for me. 5. “It’s too stuffy in this room, isn’t it?” said the guest. A. The guest suggested that the room should be aired..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> B. The guest remarked that the room should be aired. C. The guest said that the room was too crowded. D. The guest said that there was too much stuff in the room. 6. “Cigarette?” he asked. “No, thanks.” I said. A. He asked for a cigarette, and I immediately refused. B. He mentioned a cigarette, so I thanked him. C. He offered me a cigarette, so I promptly declined. D. He asked if I was smoking, and I denied at once. 7. The doctor said, “You really ought to rest for a few days, Jasmine.” A. Jasmine’s doctor insisted that she should rest for a few days. B. The doctor suggested that Jasmine should take a short rest. C. It is the doctor’s recommendation that Jasmine rested shortly. D. the doctor strongly advised Jasmine to take a few days’ rest. 8. “I will pay back the money, Gloria,” said Ivan. A. Ivan apologised to Gloria for borrowing her money. B. Ivan offered to pay Gloria the money back. C. Ivan promised to pay back Gloria’s money. D. Ivan suggested paying back the money to Gloria. 9. The children couldn’t do swimming because the sea was too rough. A. The children were not calm enough to swim in the sea. B. The sea was rough enough for the children to swim in. C. The sea was too rough for the children to go swimming. D. the sea was too rough to the children’s swimming. 10. “Would you like to come to my birthday party, Sarha?” asked Frederic. A. Frederic invited Sarha to his birthday party. B. Frederic asked if Sarha was able to come to his birthday party. C. Frederic asked Sarha if she likes his birthday party or not. D. Frederic reminded Sarha of his coming birthday party. 11. Peter didn’t arrive in time to see her. A. Peter was so late that I can’t see her. B. Peter wasn’t too early to see her. C. Peter wasn’t early enough to see her. D. Peter wasn’t enough early to see her. 12. My classmate gave this book to me. A. My classmate was given this book by me . B. This book was given to me by my classmate. C. This book was given my classmate by me . D. This book was given to my classmate by me. 13. I started working here in 1998. A.I have started work here since 1998. B.I haven’t worked here since 1998. C.I have started working here since 1998. D.I have worked here since 1998. 14. I often get up early. A.I am used to get up early. B.I can get up early. C.I am used to getting up early. D.I like to get up early. 15. Your car is more expensive than mine. A. My car is cheaper than yours. B. Your car is not cheaper than mine. C. My car is as expensive as yours. D. My car is not as expensive as yours. 16.She always gets the right answer. A. She never answers right. B. She is always right. C. She never fails to get the right answer. D. She fails to get the right answer all the time. 17.I regret not booking the seats in advance. A. I wish I booked the seats in advance. B. I wish I have booked the seats in advance. C. If only I booked the seats in advance. D. If only I had booked the seats in advance. 18.The carpets were so expensive that we didn’t buy them. A. The carpets were such expensive for us to buy them. B. The carpets were too expensive for us to buy them. C. The carpets were too expensive for us to buy. D. The carpets were very expensive for us to buy. 19.No one has seen Linda since the day of the party. A. Linda has not been seen since the day of the party. B. Linda is nowhere to be seen at the party. C. The party is going on without Linda. D. No one has seen Linda for ages. 20.Sarah didn’t attend the history lecture, and neither did George..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> A. Sarah and George didn’t go to the history lecture. B. Did George attend the history lecture with Sarah? C. Did Sarah see George at the history lecture? D. Either Sarah or George attended the history lecture. 21.I haven’t got money, so I’m not going on holiday A. Having no money made me go on holiday. B. Not having money on my holiday got me down. C. If I have money, I’ll go on holiday. D. If I had money, I would go on holiday. 22.The older he grew the more forgetful he became. A. He grew older when he became more forgetful. B. He became more forgetful and older. C. As he grew older, he became more and more forgetful. D. He grew older and more and more forgetful. 22. “John left here an hour ago,” said Jane. A. Jane told me that John had left there an hour before. B. Jane said John left there an hour before. C. Jane told John to have left there an hour before. D. Jane told me that John to leave there an hour before. 23. “Why didn’t you follow my advice?” he said. A. He asked me to follow his advice. B. He asked me not to follow his advice. C. He asked me why I did follow his advice. D. He asked me why I hadn’t followed his advice. 24.They had seen the man in a parking lot. A. The man was seen in a parking lot. B. The man has been seen in a parking lot. C. The man were seen in a parking lot. D. The man had been seen in a parking lot. 25. I didn’t listen to him and I didn’t succeed A. If I listened to him, I would have succeed B. If I had listened to him , I would have succeeded C. If I had listened to him , I would succeed. D. If I listened to him I would succeed. 26. I didn’t arrive in time to see her. A.I wasn’t enough early to see her. B. I was so late that I can’t see her. C.I wasn’t too early to see her. D. I wasn’t early enough to see her. 27. Tom gave this book to me. A. This book was given to Tom by me. B. This book was given to me by Tom. C. This book was given Tom by me. D. Tom was given this book by me. 28.“ What shall I do with all this money ?” said Peter. A. Peter asked what should he do with all the money. B. Peter asked what would he do with all that money . C. Peter was asking what he would do with all that money. D. Peter was wondering what he should do with all the money. 29. Hanoi city isn’t as big as Ho Chi Minh city. A. Ho Chi Minh city is smaller than Hanoi city. B. Ho Chi Minh city is bigger than Hanoi city. C. Hanoi city is bigger than Ho Chi Minh city . D. Ho Chi Minh city is as big as Hanoi city. 30. “If I were you, I would go to the doctor ,” Peter said to Mary. A. Peter told Mary to become a doctor. B. Peter told Mary that he would go to the doctor. C. Peter advised Mary not to go to he doctor. D. Peter advised Mary to go to the doctor. 31. Although his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded. A. Despite his legs to be broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded. B. Despite his broken legs, he was able to get out of the car before exploding. C. Despite his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded. D. Despite his broken legs, he was able to get out of the car before it exploded. 32. She is too weak; she can't sit up and talk to you. A. If she weren't too weak, she could sit up and talk to you. B. If she hadn't been too weak, she could sit up and talk to you. C. If she isn't too weak, she can sit up and talk to you. D. If she wasn't too weak, she can sit up and talk to you. 33. Did they give any good answers to the questions? A. Did they question the good answers given? B. Were any good answers to the questions given?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> C. Were the given answers good for such questions? D. Did they think some answers were good for the questions? 34. We can't put up with the noise any longer. A. We really can't tolerate the noise any longer. B. The noise is longer than what we can think about. C. We can't make noise much longer. D. We are not able to stop the noise any longer. 35. Peter takes after his father in many ways. A. Peter gives way to his father. B. Peter looks very much like his father. C. Peter takes his father away many times. D. Peter hardly resembles his father. 36. 'Who did you come to the party with?' said Tom to Lyn. A. Tom asked Lyn who did she come to the party with. B. Tom wanted to know with who Lyn had come to the party. C. Tom asked Lyn who she came to the party with. D. Tom asked Lyn who she had come to the party with? 37. 'Let's have dinner out this evening,' said George. A. George wanted to have dinner out alone. B. George suggested having dinner out. C. George invited them having dinner out. D. George let others have dinner out. 38. All I know about the plan is that they are going to sing the song together. A. As a matter of fact, they together planned the singing. B. They are going to sing the song together as planned. C. As soon as they have planned the song, they will sing it together. D. As far as I know, they are going to sing the song together. 39. He never has any successful results, even though he tries hard. A. However successful he is, he never tries hard. B. His hard work results in his successful result. C. He doesn't seem to succeed in anything however hard he tries. D. He never tries hard, so he never has any successful results. 40. I don't care at all whether you stay or go. A. It isn't careful of you to stay or go. B. Whether you stay or go is my concern. C. It doesn't matter much to me whether you stay or go. D. I won't take care of you whether you stay or go. 41. The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house. A. Plans have been drawn for an extension to the house by the architect. B. The house has had its plans for an extension drawn by the architect. C. Plans for an extension to the house have been drawn by the architect. D. The architect has had the plans drawn for an extension to the house. 42. The scientists succeeded in finding a vaccine for that disease. A. The scientists were able to find a vaccine for that disease. B. The scientists were finding a vaccine for that disease. C. The scientists should have found a vaccine for that disease. D. The scientists couldn't find a vaccine for that disease. 43. He is poor, but he leads a dignified life. A. Being poor, he must lead a dignified life. B. He lives a dignified life despite his poverty. C. His poverty leads to a dignified life. D. He leads the poor to a dignified life. 44. 'Don't be so disappointed, Bill. You can take the driving test again,' said Helen. A. Helen told Bill not to be disappointed and not to take the driving test again. B. Helen told Bill to be disappointed because of the driving test again. C. Helen said Bill not to be disappointed in order to take the driving test again. D. Helen encouraged Bill to take the driving test again. 45. 'No, I didn't steal anything from her,' said Henry. A. Henry confirmed that he had stolen things from her. B. Henry refused to steal things from her. C. Henry denied stealing things from her. D. Henry said no to stealing things from her..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 46. 'Don't forget to go to the supermarket after work,' said Pete's wife. A. Pete's wife reminded him to go to the supermarket after work. B. Pete's wife invited him to go to the supermarket with her after work. C. Pete's wife warned him to go to the supermarket after work. D. Pete's wife allowed him to go to the supermarket after work. 47. 'If I were you, I wouldn't send this information to her,' Harry said to Andrei. A. Harry said that he would send the information to her on Andrei's behalf. B. Harry advised Andrei to send the information to her. C. Harry encouraged Andrei sending the information to her. D. Harry wanted to become Andrei in order to send the information to her. 48. May I borrow your car tonight, dad? A. Would you mind letting me drive your car tonight, dad? B. I'd like to lend you my car tonight, dad. C. Shall I borrow your car tonight, dad? D. You don't lend me your car tonight, do you? 49. The teacher made his students work hard for the exam. A. The students worked hard for the exam thanks to the teacher. B. The teacher as well as his students worked hard for the exam. C. The teacher examined his students before the exam. D. The students were made to work hard for the exam. 50 . Julia didn't listen to what her doctor told her. A. What the doctor told Julia was not worth listening to. B. Julia couldn't hear what the doctor told her. C. The doctor told Julia to listen to what he said, but she didn't do so. D. Julia took no notice of what her doctor told her. 51. Many people wrongly believe that all snakes are poisonous. A. It's a misconception that all snakes are poisonous. B. It is wrong of many people to poison all the snakes. C. All snakes are supposed to be poisonous to eat. D. It is unbelievable that all snakes are poisonous. 52. He is not flexible in his work; that is why he doesn't have many friends. A. Having almost no friends makes him inflexible in his work. B. Such is his inflexibility in his work that he doesn't have many friends. C. Inflexibility in his work is not why he doesn't have many friends. D. He is not popular with many people although he is flexible in his work. 53. After fighting the fire for 12 hours, the firemen succeeded in putting it out. A. The firemen managed in vain to put the fire out after a 12-hour fight. B. Fighting the fire for 12 hours, the firemen were able to put it out. C. The firemen wasted 12 hours putting the fire out. D. Fighting the fire for 12 hours, the fire was put out. 54. We haven't written to each other for two months. A. It is two months that we wrote to each other. B. It is two months since we wrote together. C. There are two months for us to write to each other. D. It is two months since we last wrote to each other. 55. When did Mike start learning French? A. How long has Mike started to learn French? B. How long ago has Mike started to learn French? C. How long has Mike been learning French? D. How long was Mike starting to learn French? 56. 'You're always making terrible mistakes,' said the teacher. A. The teacher complained about his students making terrible mistakes. B. The teacher asked his students why they always made terrible mistakes. C. The teacher realized that his students always made terrible mistakes. D. The teacher made his students not always make terrible mistakes. 57. I have never seen him play so well. A. He has never seen so well at a play. B. He has never been seen to play so well. C. He has never played so well for me to see it. D. He has never seen such a good play. 58. Did you see Alice at the meeting last week?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> A. Did you have an appointment with Alice at the meeting last night? B. Was there a meeting with Alice last week? C. Did you catch sight of Alice at the meeting last week? D. Did you see Alice and then come with her to the meeting last week? 59. You act as though you didn't study this before. A. You didn't study this before coming here. B. You don't seem to have learnt this before. C. Your reaction to this means you have studied before. D. Before you act something, you should study this. 60. It was a long time ago when I saw a movie. A. I spent a long time looking for a movie to see. B. I have seen some movies so far. C. I have seen a number of movies lately. D. It is a long time since I saw a movie. 61. The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house. A. Plans have been drawn for an extension to the house by the architect. B. The house has had its plans for an extension drawn by the architect. C. Plans for an extension to the house have been drawn by the architect. D. The architect has had the plans drawn for an extension to the house. 62. He has never driven such a luxurious car before. A. This car is the most luxurious car he has. B. This is the first time he has driven such a luxurious car. C. This is the first time he drives such a luxurious car. D. This is the first car he has driven in such a luxurious way. 63. He is proud of being the captain of the national football team. A. He prides himself on being the captain of the national football team. B. Being the captain of the national football team prides him. C. He gives a pride in being the captain of the national football team. D. The captain of the national football team is proud of him. 64. The story of her hard life was painful to listen to. A. The painful story was what she listened to. B. Her hard life was painfully told to people. C. It was painful to listen to the story of her hard life. D. It was hard to listen to her painful story. 65. You can use my car, but return it to me before 8 this evening. A. You can return my car when you finish using it at 8 this evening. B. If you return the car to me before 8, you can't use it. C. You and I can take turns to use my car before 8 this evening. D. Provided that you return my car before 8 this evening, you can use it. 66. He received good education from an early age. A. When he was young he carried on with good education. B. He was well brought up when he was young. C. The younger he was the better educated he was. D. Good education resulted in his active youth. 67. Don't you think you have gained some weight? A. Are you getting on well with your weight? B. You have put on some weight, haven't you? C. You shouldn't think about your weight, OK? D. Don't you think weight is something you have. gained? 68.. 'You ought to slow down a bit,' the doctor told him. A. The doctor begged him to slow down. B. The doctor made him slow down. C. The doctor threatened him to slow down. D. The doctor advised him to slow down. 69. Mr. Brown said, 'Could you please wait here about half an hour?' A. Mr. Brown asked me if I had been able to wait there about half an hour. B. Mr. Brown asked me if I could wait there about half an hour. C. Mr. Brown asked me to wait there about half an hour. D. Mr. Brown asked me if I was pleased to wait there about half an hour. 70. Mary said, 'Would you like some tea, Peter?' A. Mary asked Peter to make her some tea. B. Mary wanted to know if Peter like tea. C. Mary offered to make some tea for Peter. D. Mary and Peter asked for some tea to drink..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 71. 'If I were you, I wouldn't send this information to her,' Harry said to Andrei. A. Harry said that he would send the information to her on Andrei's behalf. B. Harry advised Andrei to send the information to her. C. Harry encouraged Andrei sending the information to her. D. Harry wanted to become Andrei in order to send the information to her. 72. We don't even know whether she's still wealthy. A. She is no longer a wealthy woman, we think. B. Her wealth is beyond my knowledge now. C. We don't think she is wealth any longer. D. For all we know she used to be a wealthy woman. 73. She asked her nephew, 'Can you guess what I bought for you?' A. She asked her nephew if he can guess what she had bought for him. B. She asked her nephew to buy something for her. C. She asked her nephew if he could guess what he could buy. D. She asked her nephew if he could guess what she had bought for him. 74. It is possible that they will win the scholarship. A. They are quite likely to win the scholarship. B. They really enjoy winning the scholarship. C. Winning the scholarship is out of the question. D. They are possible to win the scholarship 75. Bad habits can do harm to our health. A. Bad habits cannot be harmful to our health. B. Bad habits can be harmful to our health. C. Bad habits can be harmless to our health. D. Bad habits can be harmful with our health. 76. Those students should be punished for what they have done. A. Those students should have done what they were punished for. B. What they have done will give them some punishment. C. Those students can't get away with what they have done. D. The things those students have done are kinds of punishment. 77. Under no circumstances should you leave her alone. A. Whatever happens, do not leave her alone. B. Leave her alone if necessary. C. Her loneliness is a circumstance you should take notice of.D. In certain circumstance, leaving her alone is a must. 78. You'd better reduce the amount of fat you take in every day. A. You should eat more fat every day. B. The amount of fat you take in is reduced well. C. You ought to cut down on the amount of your everyday fat intake. D. It is better for you to eat as much fat as you can every day. 79. All my friends disagreed with me. A. None of my friends did not agree with me. B. I disagreed with all of my friends. C. Nobody among my friends agreed with me. D. I was disagreed by all of my friends. 80. She has always got on well with the children. A. She has always had poor relationship with the children. B. She has always been on good terms with the children. C. The children have always put up with her. D. She is trying to establish a good relationship with the children. ĐÁP ÁN: 1A2C3A4B5A6C7D8C 9C10A11C12B13D14C15D 16C17D18C19A20A21D22A 23D24D25B26D27B28D29B30D. VERB TENSES, SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENT 1. After Mary …..her degree, she intends to work in her father’s company. A. will finish B. finishes C. is finishing D. finish 2. A small stone struck the windshield while we……….down the gravel road. A. drive B. were driving C. had driven D. had been driven 3. By the time she reached the dentist, the pain in her tooth….stopped. A. has been B. has C. had been D. had.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> 4. By the time you return here next year, the city………lost of changes. A. will have B. has had C. will have had D. will be having 5. Han is going to the USA for her holiday. She ………up for a nearly year now. A. has saved B. is saving C. saves D. has been saving 6. It’s an hour since he………………., so he should be at the office now. A. leaves B. left C. has left D. had left 7. I have been saving money because I ………..buy a computer. A. shall B. will C. am going to D. would 8. I don’t feel good. I ………….home from work tomorrow. A. am staying B. stay C. have stayed D. stayed 9. Next week when there ………a full moon, the ocean tides will be higher. A. is being B. is C. will be D. will have been 10. It high time you ………to look after yourself. A. learn B. learned C. will learn D. would learn 11. Let me know as soon as Linda ………..here. A. gets B. got C. will get D. would get 12. As two of the staff……..down with flu, we …….finish work. A. went / not B. has gone / can’t C. gone / could D. have gone / can’t 13. He asked me ……… A. since when I am waiting B. how long I have been waiting C. since when I waited D. how long I had been waiting 14. While I ………….TV last night, a mouse ran across the floor. A. watch B. watched C. was watching D. am watching 15. He ………for the national team in 65 matches so far. A. has played B. is playing C. played D. has been playing 16. Amada’s eyes are red. She…………..them all morning. A. had been rubbing B. had rubbed C. has been rubbing D. has been 17. Anna rarely………..coffee, but this morning she …….a cup. A. drinks/ is having B. drinks / has C. drank / was having D. drank / had 18. That diver ……..a speeding ticket. The police are right behind him. A. is getting B. is going to get C. will get D. gets 19. Goodnight. I ……..you tomorrow. A. will see B. am going C. am seeing D. see. 20. I’ll wait here until you………. A. will return B. return C. are returning D. returned 21. Fish ………..on earth for ages and ages. A. existed B. exist C. are existing D. has existed 22. When we……….all the letters, he took them to the post office. A. has written B. had written C. wrote D. had been writing 23. There were 162.000 divorces in Britain in 1983, and about a fifth of those involved at least one partner who……………….divorced before. A. has B. had C. had been D. were 24. Despite our economic problems, the majority of people ……………substantially better off than a decade ago. A. are B. is C. have been D. has been 25. We missed the beginning of the play, because it ……………when we arrived. A. have started B. had started already C. had already started D. already started 26. Jane ……………………..just few minutes ago. A. leaves B. left C. has left D. had left 27. How long ………to be a nurse? – It took a three – year course. A. did you studied B. are you studying C. did you study D. do you study. 28. The earth ……on the sun for its heat and light. A. depends B. depended C. is depending D. has depended. 29. ………………….Robert lately?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> A. Did you see B. Have you seen C. Do you see D. Are you seeing 30. When I woke up this morning, it……………………….. A. rains B. rained C. is raining D. was raining 31. By the second year of the production, the price of a new piece of technology………decreased significantly. A. will be B. has C. is D. will have 32. The number of tourists……………….this year as a result of the good weather. A. have doubled B. doubled C. doubles D. has doubled 33. When I was a child, ……………..the violin. A. I played B. I am playing C. I play D. was playing 34. A bout 15,000 years ago, northern Wisconsin ……….under ice a mile deep. A. was buried B. was burying C. buried D. had buried 35. I ……..with you on that subject. A. am agreeing B. am agreed C. agreeing D. agree 36.Two of the books which Tom lost on the bus…………………..returned to the main desk at his room. A. had B. has C. was D. were 37. We are going on a holiday as soon as we ………….taking our final exam. A. finish B. finished C. has finished D. had finished 38. One upon a time there…….three brothers in a cottage in the forest. A. live B. lived C. are D. was 39. The Nobel Prizes ………on December 10 as an tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of his death. A. presented B. were presented C. are presenting D. are presented 40. I ………12 countries so far. A. visit B. have visited C. visited D. had visited 41. Peter ……………….19 films and I think his latest is the best. A. made B. has made C. had made D. was making 42. On July 20, 1969, Astronaut Neil Armstrong ……….down on the moon. A. was stepping B. stepped C. has stepped D. had stepped 43. In spite of the high costs, my car ………..more miles this year than last. A. has been driven B. has been driving C. drove D. has driven 44. The phone …….constantly since Jack announced his candidate for president this morning. A. rang B. had rung C. has been ringing D. had been ringing. 45. What………..when I saw you yesterday? A. you did B. did you do C. were you doing D. you did 46. The American family …a lot in the past forty years. A. changed B. has changed C. had changed D. changes 47. Before 1960, most children ……………in their parents’ homes until they ……….married. A. stayed / got B. stayed / getting C. staying / got D. staying / getting 48. This pattern…………since then and today many single people……..alone. A. changed / lives B. changes / are living C. has changed / live D. changed / lived 49. We ……….him ten days ago. A. see B. saw C. have seen D. will see 50.We ……….. him for months now. A. don't see B. didn't see C. haven't seen D. won't see 51. He found a watch when he ________ in the street. A. had walked B. was walking C. walked D. had been walking 52. Your eyes are red. _________, darling? A. Are you cried B. Do you cry C. Will you cry D. Have you been crying 53. While my mother _________ a film on TV, my father was cooking dinner. It was March 8th yesterday. A. watched B. was watching C. had watched D. was watched 54. We _____ for him for 10 minutes. A. wait B. will have waited C. have been waiting D. waited 55. Your house looks so new and strange, doesn't it? - Well, ________..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> A. it's being painted. B. it's just been painted C. it's painted. D. it was painted recently. HOÀ HỢP CHỦ NGỮ- ĐỘNG TỪ 1. The science classes in this ……………difficult. A. school is B. school are C. schools are D. schools is 2. The English …….. many strong traditions. A. has many B. have many C. has much D. has many 3. The ……bought from that factory…….faulty. A. equipment/ was B. equipments / were C. equipments /was D. equipment/ were 4. One of the dinner……. broken. A. plate is B. plates is C. plate are D. plates are 5. One of the ……from Italy. A. student is B. student are C. students are D. students is 6. The number of tourists ……….this year as a result of he good weather. A. have doubled B. doubled C. has doubled D. doubles 7. Several ……..sleeping under the tree. A. of lions were B. lion was C. of the lions were D. lions were 8. In this school most………hard. A. of students work B. students work C. student works D. of student work BÀI TẬP VIẾT LẠI CÂU 1. The day was so cold that we stayed indoors. It was ..................................................................................................... 2.She prefers reading to watching TV She would ...................................................................... .................. 3.Eventually he succeeded in making her answer the question. Eventually he managed .... 4.Although he is intelligent, he doesn't do well at schooL In spite of …………... .. 5. I regret not going to the airport to say goodbye to him I wish.. .. ..................................................................... ......................... 6.They arrived very late because they had a flat tyre. If .. ....................................................... .............. 7.She couldn't get to work because of the heavy snow -The heavy snow ............. 8.The postman was bitten by our dog. Our dog ........................................................ 9.We couldn't drive because of the fog The fog prevented ................................................................... 10. Although his leg was broken he managed to get out of the car. In spite ............................................ ...................__ ...................... 11.The cake was so hard that I could not eat it It was .......: .......................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> 12.We didn't go because it rained. If it hadn't ............................................................................................. 13. I can't cook as well as my mother does. My mother ............................................................................................. 14.I don't suppose you have change for a pound, do you? Do you happen .....................................................................................? 15.. He failed to win the race. He didn't ..............…………………………………………... 16.Why don't you put a better lock on the door, Barry?" said John. John suggested . …………………….. ..... 17.Although both his legs were broken in the crash, he managed to get …the car before it exploded. Despite his ......................................... 18.I haven't eaten this kind of food before. This is the first ....................................................................................... 19.After fighting the fire for twelve hours the firemen succeeded in putting The firemen managed ............................................ ............................... 20.The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house. Plans ...................................................................................................... 21.In Stratford-on-Avon we saw Shakespeare's birthplace. We saw the house .................................................................................. 22.It isn't necessary for you to finish by Saturday. You ........................................................... .......... 23."How many survivors are there?" asked the journalist. The journalist wanted to know............................ ................................... 24.It was such rotten meat that it had to be thrown away. The meat was 25.John only understood very little of what the teacher said. John could hardly....... . '" ....................................................... 26. Unless someone has a key, we can't get into the house. We can only .......................................................................................... 27.I'm sure you didn't lock the front door Here's the key. You can't ............................................................................................... 28.He prefers golf to tennis. He'd rather ............................................................................................. 29. He is sorry now that he didn't invite Molly to his party. He wishes ....................................................... 30."Bring your swimming things in case it's sunny" He told.. ……………………. . ....................................................... 31.There's no need for you to talk so loudly..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> You don't ............................................................................ 32.I haven't been to Bristol for three years The last time ................................................... 33. No one has signed this cheque This cheque 34.Tim will be eighteen next week. It's Tim's .............................................................................................. 35. Unless he phones immediately he won't get any information. If ………………………………………….. 36How long is it since they bought the house? When ............................................. .................................................................. 37. He couldn't repair the broken vase. The'vase ...................…………………………………………. 38.The garden still needs digging. The garden hasn't ............................................ ................................... 39.Mr Dryden mended-the washing machine for me. I had .. .......................................................................................... 40.Pat is the tallest girl in her class. No one ...................................................................... .................. 41.To get the 40% discount, you must buy all twelve books at the same tin You can only...................... . ............ 42.''I'm sorry I gave you the wrong number," said Paul to Susan. Paul apologized ................................................... 43.Samuel started keeping a diary five years ago Samuel has ......................................................................... 44.Please don't smoke in the kitchen. I'd rather ........................................................................................ 45.Sally's parents gave her a computer for her birthday Sally......... . .................... 46.It was such bad news that Helen burst into tears The news ................... 47.How long is it since you saw Mary? When ............................................... ............................................. 48.If he doesn't work harder, he'll lose his job Unless ............................................................................... 49.I’ d like to visit India more than any other country in the world. India is ................................................................ ................. 50.Alan regretted asking Arthur to lend him $20 Alan wished. .. ................................................... 51."When is the first day of your holiday, Peter?" Martha asked..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> Martha asked Peter when .................................. .•. 52.The flight to Moscow lasted three and a half hours. It took .............................................. ........... 53.I work in a factory which has more than a thousand employees There ....................................................................... ........... 54.How old is your little boy?" said the nurse to the lady. The nurse asked the lady ..................................................... 55.I'm sure it wasn't Mrs Elton you saw because she's in BristoL It can't ……………………………... . .................... 56.How long have Catherine and Henry been engaged? When .......................................................... 57.In spite of his age, Mr Benson runs seven miles before breakfast. Although . .................................... ........................................ 58.It's a pity I didn't take my doctor's advice. I wish .................................................... 59.The bread is so stale we can't eat it. The bread isn't............... ................................................................. 60.Who does this bag belong to? Whose ........................... ...................... 61."Never borrow money from friends," my father said. My father told me.................... . 62. The accident happened because the train driver ignored a warning light. If the train driver ........................................................ . ............... 63.The keepers feed the lions at 3 pm every day. The lions ................................................... .................................. 64.We got lost because we didn't have a map. If we ................................................. .......................................... 65. "Where is the station car-park?" Mrs Smith asked. Mrs Smith asked ............................................ 66.I would prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday. I would rather .................... ............................. 67.He was sorry he hadn't said goodbye to her at the airport He regretted ................................................................................... 68.It is pointless to have that old typewriter repaired. That old typewriter is not......................... ...................................... 69.Mr Dryden mended the washing machine for me. I had.,.................. .. ................................... 70. Pat is the tallest girl in her class. No one 71.To get the 40% discount, you must buy all twelve books at the same tin You can only......... .........................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> 72.'I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number," said Paul to Susan. Paul apologized .................................................................... 73.Samuel started keeping a diary five years ago Samuel has ....................................... 74.Please don't smoke in the kitchen. I'd rather .. ................................................... 75.Sally's parents gave her a computer for her birthday. Sally ........................................... .......................... 76.It was such bad news that Helen burst into tears. The news .............................. 77.How long is it since you saw Mary? When ................. 78.If he doesn'twork harder, he'll lose his job Unless ........................................ ................................ 79.I'd like to visit India more than any other country in the world. India is ......................................................... ................... 80.Alan regretted asking Arthur to lend him $20 Alan wished ...................................... ............................. 81."When is the first day of your holiday, Peter?" Martha asked. Martha asked Peter when . 82.The flight to Moscow lasted three and a half hours. fitook .......................... 83.I work in a factory which has more than a thousand employees. There ............................................................................................. 84. Belinda felt very depressed but she still went to the party. Belinda went to the party .............................................................. 85.Mr Hill teaches his students to understand different English accents. Mr Hill's students .................................. 86.It was such a boring film that we left before the end. The film .............................................................................. 87.Robert and Catherine have been married for four years. It's four years '" . . .......................................................... 88..Elizabeth got a bad cough because she started smoking cigarettes. If Elizabeth ......................................................................... ......... 89."Can I have a new bicycle?" said Anna to her mother. Anna asked ................................................................................... 90.Don't blame me if the tin-opener's broken. It's not ................................................. ............ 91.Although he had a bad cold, William still went to work. In spite ............................................................... ................. 92.Barbara plays squash better than Mike..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> Mike doesn't .................................................................................. 93.Whose suitcase is this? Who does .....................................................................................? 94. The train journey from London to Bristol takes two hours. It is a.... .......................................................................................... 95.Did they build the garage at the same time as the house? Was ................................. .............................................................. 96. The people who were at the meeting will say nothing to the press. Nobody who .................................................................................. 97.The heavy rain made it impossible for us to have our picnic. We were ......................................................................................... 98.My father speaks very little EI/glish. My father speaks hardly.... .......................................... 99.He said he was not guilty of stealing the car. He denied. ....................................................................... 100.I'm sorry now that I asked her to stay. Now I wish ........... 101.They couldn't trace who had supplied the information in the first place The source ...................................................................... 102.There is always trouble when he comes to visit us. Whenever 103.Is this the only way to reach the city centre? Isn't there .. ............................................................ ................. 104.He never suspected that the money had been stolen. At no time .................................................................. 105.I have never seen such a mess in my life' Never in. ................................................................. 106.Is it essential to meet your aunt at the station? Does your aunt .. . ............................... 107.Their dog was so fierce that nobody would visit them They had. ...................................................................................... 108.That dress has only the slightest mark on it. I can barely... ................................................................................ 109. He remembered, and so did she He didn't .........................……………………………………………….. 110. My decision to get up and dance coincided with the band's decision to slop playing The moment ……………………………………………………………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> RELATIONSHIP WORD (Understanding and using E. Gra. page 268) 1. The sky was grey and cloudy. ____, we went to the beach. A. Consequently B. Nevertheless C. Even though D. In spite of 2. I turned on the fan…….the room was hot. A. due to B. despite C. even though D. because 3. Sam and I will meet you at the restaurant tonight………we can find a babysitter. A. although B. unless C. otherwise D. only if 4. Carol showed up for the meeting…. I asked her not to be there. A. even though B. despite C. provided that D. because 5. You must lend me the money for the trip. _____, I won’t be able to go. A. Consequently B. Nevertheless C. Otherwise D. Although 6. The road will remain safe…….the flood washes out the bridge. A. as long as B. unless C. providing that D. since 7. The roles of men and women not the same in ancient Greece. For example, men was both participants and spectators in the ancient Olympics. Women, …, were forbidden to attend or participate. A. nevertheless B. on the other hand C. therefore D. otherwise 8.The windows were all left open.____, the room was a real mess after the windstorm. A. Nevertheless B. However C. Consequently D. Otherwise 9. ……I can’t make the presentation myself, I’ve asked my assistant to be prepared to do it for me. A. For B. In the event that C. Only if D. On the other hand 10. It looks like they’re going to succeed …..their present difficulties. A. despite B. because of C. even though D. yet 11. ………Marge is an honest person, I still wonder whether she’s telling the truth about the incident. A. In spite of B. Since C. Though D. In the event that 12. The professor told me that I was doing well, ….my final grade was awful! A. so B. therefore C. in spite of D. yet 13. …………Beth has a new car, she no longer takes the commuter train to work. She drives to work every day. A. Now that B. While C. Although D. In case 14. You’d better give me your answer quickly, ____ I’ll withdraw the invitation. A. although B. nevertheless C. even though D. or else 15. I have to go to the meeting…….. I want to or not. A. provided that B. whether C. even if D. as long as 16. What time do you want Ted to back home? I must talk to him. I usually go to bed around ten, but tell him to call me tonight…….it’s past midnight. A. however B. in case C. even if D. only if 17. ……you’re going to fruit market, would you please pick up a few apples for me? A. Even if B. Although C. So D. As long as 18. I guess I’m a soft touch. I just lent Jan some money for lunch…..she never paid me back my last loan. A. even though B. unless C. or else D. only if 19. I think I did okay in my speech last night…. I’d had almost no sleep for 24 hours. A. even B. in spite of C. unless D. despite the fact that 20. I asked Angela to run the office while I’m gone….I know I can depend on her. A. unless B. since C. although D. therefore 21. …..the secret of how to make silk remained inside Asia, Europeans were forced to pay incredibly high sums of money for this mysterious material to be brought overland to Europe. A. Although B. Only if C. Due to D. As long as.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> 22. Ancient Egyptians mummified their dead through the use of medicals, ….ancient Peruvians mumified their dead through natural processes by putting dead bodies in extremely dry desert caves. A. whereas B. because C. even though D. whether or not. Bài tập từ loại 1. He felt …with the results of his exam. A. disappointing B.disappointed C.disappointedly D.disappointment 2. Don’t be afraid. This snake is ….. A. harm B. harmful C. harmless D. unharmed 3. Fortunately, the plane landed….after the violent storm. A.safe B.safely C.unsafe D. safety 4. During his ……., his family lived in the United States. A.child B. childhood C.childlike D. childish 5. She did the job……… A.succeed B.successful C. successfully D.unsuccessful 6. There are a lot of…..jobs in this company. A.attractive B.attracted C.attract D.attraction 7. Five years ago, we started to preserve the…….houses and landscapes. A.tradition B. traditions C.traditional D. traditionally 8. Before modern……likes gas and electricity, the fireplace was used for both heating and cooking. A.conveniently B.convenience C. conveniences D.convenient 9. There are small ………between British and American English. A.different B.difference C. differences D. differently 10. Some species of rare animals are in……..of extinction. A.danger B.dangerous C. dangerously D.endanger 11. His pronunciation causes me a lot of……. A.difficulties B.difficult C.difficultly D.difficulty 12. The equipment in our office needs……….. A.modern B.modernizing C.modernized D.modernization th 13. Computer is one of the most important…….of the 20 century. A.inventings B.inventions C. inventor D. inventors 14.These building are part of our…….heritage. A. nation B. national C. nationality D. native 15. There are many addresses of the _________ sites included in this book. A. historical B. historic C. historian D. history 16. Your money will be refunded if the goods prove to be ________. A. satisfying B. dissatisfied C. satisfactory D. unsatisfactory 17. He's doing a course in business ________ for further advancement in his career. A. manageability B. manager C. management D. managerial 18. There are many interesting _________ events included in this book. A. historical B. historically C. historian D. history 19. ________, there are no such so-called ghosts. A. Science B. Scientist C. Scientific D. Scientifically 20. Recently pop-rock music has decreased in ________. A. popular B. popularizing C. popularity D. popularly 21. You should _________ yourselves with some grammatical terms. A. familiar B. familiarity C. unfamiliar D. familiarize.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> 22. This is a _________ measure to cope with the problem. A. weighty B. underweight C. overweight D. weightless 23. The ________ was a success; the patient will fully recover in a month's time. A. operate B. operation C. operator D. operating 24. That teacher is a(n) _______ one. His pupils like his sense of humor. A. amusing B. amused C. amusement D. self-amused 25. It is just a small area with about 100,000 _______. A. inhabitations B. inhabitants C. habitats D. inhabits 26. She takes a great interest in ______ matters. A. mystified B. mysterious C. mystery D. mysteries 27. There's still a lot to be done about the _________ of the victims in the earth-quake. A. houses B. housework C. household D. re-housing 28. It was a(n) ________ mistake that he made. A. ashame B. shameful C. ashamed D. shameless 29. Man has witnessed a great many significant _________ of science and technology in the past few decades. A. accomplishes B. accomplished C. accomplishments D. accomplishers 30. You have to wear special clothes to work in the lab for the ________ of yourself. A. protective B. protector C. protection D. protectiveness 31. You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the ________ of wildlife. A. extinct B. extinctive C. extinctions D. extinction 32. The restaurant is now under new ________. A. manager B. manageable C. management D. manager 33. Although some societies are _________ undeveloped, their languages, from a linguist's point of view, are very complex. A. technology B. technologically C. technological D. technologist 34. It was such ________ news that they all sat there saying nothing. A. worry B. worried C. worrying D. worryingly 35.The sea turtle is a/an…….species. It may soon no longer exist. A. danger B. endangered C. dangerous D. endanger BÀI TẬP BIẾN ĐỔI ĐỘNG TỪ 1. If you (swim) ………………….. this afternoon, you shouldn’t eat too much now. 2. By the end of next month, he (be) ………………… here for ten years. 3. If you have written the letter, I (post)…………………. it. 4. When I came home, he (watch) ……………….. television. 5. After John (wash) ……………………… his clothes, he began to study. 6.The study of languages (be) …………………… very interesting. 7.I wish I (know) ……………………… his address. 8.Neither the president nor his representatives (be) ……………….. to attend the meeting. 9.They let us ………..(park) bicycles here but they won’t allow us (park) …………… motorcycles 10. It is dangerous to drive when you .................. A. are drinking B. are drunk C. have drunk D. will drink 11. Paolo would like to …………………………………… by the time he is forty. A. travel B. be traveling C. be going to travel D. have traveled 12. The village school closed down two years ago and my parents (not find) ……… another school for us yet. 13. I think your garden needs (weed) …………………………………………… 14. While we (have) …………… dinner, a man came in..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> 15. By the time you get here, we (finish) ………………………… the work. 16. When we arrived, the conference (start) ………………… 17. I (study) ………….. English for three years but I never (be) ………… to England. 18. By the time the police arrived, the two men (disappear) ……………………. 19.He looks as if he (be) ………………. from another planet. 20. Each of these four brothers (be) ……………… very different from others. 21. By the year 2010, many cities (double) ………………….. in size. 22. The statue (break) ………………… while it (move) ………….. to another room in the museum. 23. Why do you keep looking back? Are you afraid of (follow) ……………………? 24. In recent years, more and more ………………………… for things with credit card. A. pay B. paid C. are paying D. have been paying 25. Some animals (not eat) .................. in the winter. 26. I heard that Mr. Jones (buy) .................. a new car before he got his promotion. 27. At this time next month, they (work) .................. ………………in Ho Chi Minh City. 28. The house is much smaller than we (think) .................. at first. 29. Galileo proved that the earth (go) .................. around the sun. 30. Either my sister or I (be) .................. going to visit our uncle tomorrow. 31. I (know) .................. her for several years. 32. When I arrived at the party, Tom (already go) .................. ………….home. 33. I’d to have my shoes …………………… at once. A. repair B. repairing C. repaired D. being repaired 34. All planes ……………………… (check) before departure. 35. If only I (have) . . . . . . . . . . . . a mobile. I am tired of queuing outside the public telephone box. 36.. . . . . . . . . . . . that house (build) . . . . . . . . . . . . two and a hair years ago? 37.. . . . . . . . . . . . you (learn) . . . . . . . . . . . . a language before? 38. If he had obeyed his mother, he (not/ make) . . . . . . . . . . . . a terrible mistake like that. 39. I remember (take) . . . . . . . . . . . . to that place once. 40. She (live) . . . . . . . . . . . . in this nice town since she started her current job. 41. Don’t worry! I (give) . . . . . . . . . . . . you a hand. 42. The President (not/ decide) . . . . . . . . . . . . what to do yet. 43. Her husband has been unemployed since they (move) . . . . . . . . . . . . to the countryside. 44. By this time next week, she (work) . . . . . . . . . . . . in this company for 20 years. 45. You smell awful! It’s about time you . . . . . . . . . . . . . a bath. A. have B. will have C. had D. to have 46. I will see him when he . . . . . . . . . . . . . next week. A. will arrive B. arrives C. arrived D. would 47. Not ( know) …….. the language and ( have) ….. no friends in country, he found it impossible to get a job. 48. He found a tree ( lie) …………………….. across the road. 49. I’m used to ( stand) ……………………… in queues. 50. I felt the house (shake) ……………….. 51. He (lose) ………………. the key when he (play) ………………… football. 52. I’ll wait until he (write) ……………………… his next story. 53. He said he (be) ……………….. sorry as he (give) …………………. me so such trouble. 54. If you (be) ………………………………… in, I should have given it to you. 55. When I finish my home work, ( teach )……………………… my younger brother English. 56. While Mary (walk ) ……………………… along the street, she saw the accident. 57. Tom is a first year student. By the end of next year, he (learn) ……………… English for two years. 58. If they had revised the lessons carefully, they ( not/fail) ………………………… the exam. 59. Do you wish you (study) ………………… Fine Arts instead of Music? 60. I’ll have it (send) …………………………to you immediately. 61. Everybody in the world ………………… to lead a happy life. A. want B. is wanting C. wants D. are wanting 62. The children ………………… either their parents or their aunts before they left Paris. A. didn’t meet B. hadn’t met C. hasn’t met D. haven’t met.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> 63. Hello, I (try) ……………. to phone you all the week. Where you (be) ……………….? 64. By the time we (stop) …………………., we had driven six hundred miles. 65. The students (write) ………. busily when Mr. Pike went to get a book he (leave) ………. in the office. 66. He came home late, so I asked him where …………………… been. A. he had B. has he C. he has D. had he 67. Peter ……………………… 9 films and I think his latest is the best. A. made B. had made C. has made D. was making 68. The prince ………………………… into a frog by an evil magician. A. turned B. was turned C. was turning D. had been turning 69. Most of the goods …………………… in this factory are exported. A. make B. making C. to make D. made 70. John …………………… you when he has finished the report. A. called B. calls C. will called D. has called 71. When I returned, I found that my car ………………… away. A. had been towing B. has been towing C. has been towed D. had been towed 72. He …………………… for the exams at the moment. I don’t think he can join us in our picnic A. studies B. will study C. is studying D. has studied 73. Because of the bad health, he …………………… smoking last year. A. has given B. gave up C. has gave up D. has given up 74. Harry used to be very poor, but now he ……………………… his own home. 75. Did you see my sister yesterday? – No, I (not, see)………………..for a long time. A. is having B. had C. has D. was having 76. David was trying to take over another cyclist when he …………………….. A. has crashed B. had crashed C. were crashing D. crashed 77. Many natural resources …………………….. by the end of the century. A. will have disappeared B. have disappeared C. had disappeared D. disappeared 78. We watched the cat …………. the tree. A. climbed B. climb C. had climbed D. was climbing 79. He is tired now. He……………….the gardening for hours. A. is doing B. has been doing C. did D. does 80. They were too late. The plane …….. off ten minutes. A. took B. was taking C. was taken D. had taken 81. I ………… a driving test next month. A. will be having B. will have had C. have D. will have 82. This is the last time I ………….an exercise like this. A. do B. did C. would do D. have done Some keys 1. are going to swim/ are swimming/ swim 2. will have been 3. will post 4. was watching5. had washed6. is 7. knew 8. are 9. to park 12. have not found 13. weeding 14. were having 15. will have finished16. had started17. have studied/ have been studying – have never been 18. had disappeared19. were/ was20. is 21. will have doubled 22. was broken/ broke – was being moved23. being followed 25. don’t eat26. had bought27. will be working 28. thought 29. goes 30. am31. have known32. had already gone35. had 36. Was … built 37. Have …… learnt 38. wouldn’t have made 39. being taken 40. has lived/ has been living 41. will give 42. has not decided 43. moved 44. will have worked/ will have been working 51. lost, was playing 52. writes53. was, had given 54. had been 47. knowing, having 48. lying49. standing 50. shaking 55. will teach 56. was walking 57. will have learnt 58. wouldn’t have failed59. had studied 60. sent 63. have been trying – have you been64. stopped 65. were writing – had left. REWRITE SENTENCES (1) 1. “Leave my house now or I’ll call the police!” shouted the lady to the man. A. The lady threatened to call the police if the man didn’t leave her house. B. The lady said that she would call the police if the man didn’t leave her house. C. The lady told the man that she would call the police if he didn’t leave her house. D. The lady informed the man that she would call the police if he didn’t leave her house. 2. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> A. He had tested his eyes ten months ago. B. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then. C. He hasn’t had his eyes tested for ten months. D. He didn’t have any test on his eyes in ten months. 3. “You should have finished the report by now,” John told his secretary. A. John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report. B. John said that his secretary had not finished the report. C. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time. D. John scolded his secretary for not having finished the report. 4. “ If I were you, I would take the job,” said my room-mate. A. My room-mate was thinking about taking the job. B. My room-mate advised me to take the job. C. My room-mate introduced the idea of taking the job to me. D. My room-mate insisted on taking the job for me. 5. “It’s too stuffy in this room, isn’t it?” said the guest. A. The guest suggested that the room should be aired. B. The guest remarked that the room should be aired. C. The guest said that the room was too crowded. D. The guest said that there was too much stuff in the room. 6. “Cigarette?” he asked. “No, thanks.” I said. A. He asked for a cigarette, and I immediately refused. B. He mentioned a cigarette, so I thanked him. C. He offered me a cigarette, so I promptly declined. D. He asked if I was smoking, and I denied at once. 7. The doctor said, “You really ought to rest for a few days, Jasmine.” A. Jasmine’s doctor insisted that she should rest for a few days. B. The doctor suggested that Jasmine should take a short rest. C. It is the doctor’s recommendation that Jasmine rested shortly. D. the doctor strongly advised Jasmine to take a few days’ rest. 8. “I will pay back the money, Gloria,” said Ivan. A. Ivan apologised to Gloria for borrowing her money. B. Ivan offered to pay Gloria the money back. C. Ivan promised to pay back Gloria’s money. D. Ivan suggested paying back the money to Gloria. 9. The children couldn’t do swimming because the sea was too rough. A. The children were not calm enough to swim in the sea. B. The sea was rough enough for the children to swim in. C. The sea was too rough for the children to go swimming. D. the sea was too rough to the children’s swimming. 10. “Would you like to come to my birthday party, Sarha?” asked Frederic. A. Frederic invited Sarha to his birthday party. B. Frederic asked if Sarha was able to come to his birthday party. C. Frederic asked Sarha if she likes his birthday party or not. D. Frederic reminded Sarha of his coming birthday party. 11. Peter didn’t arrive in time to see her. A. Peter was so late that I can’t see her. B. Peter wasn’t too early to see her. C. Peter wasn’t early enough to see her. D. Peter wasn’t enough early to see her. 12. My classmate gave this book to me. A. My classmate was given this book by me . B. This book was given to me by my classmate. C. This book was given my classmate by me . D. This book was given to my classmate by me. 13. I started working here in 1998. A.I have started work here since 1998. B.I haven’t worked here since 1998. C.I have started working here since 1998. D.I have worked here since 1998. 14. I often get up early. A.I am used to get up early. B.I can get up early. C.I am used to getting up early. D.I like to get up early..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> 15. Your car is more expensive than mine. A. My car is cheaper than yours. B. Your car is not cheaper than mine. C. My car is as expensive as yours. D. My car is not as expensive as yours. 16.She always gets the right answer. A. She never answers right. B. She is always right. C. She never fails to get the right answer. D. She fails to get the right answer all the time. 17.I regret not booking the seats in advance. A. I wish I booked the seats in advance. B. I wish I have booked the seats in advance. C. If only I booked the seats in advance. D. If only I had booked the seats in advance. 18.The carpets were so expensive that we didn’t buy them. A. The carpets were such expensive for us to buy them. B. The carpets were too expensive for us to buy them. C. The carpets were too expensive for us to buy. D. The carpets were very expensive for us to buy. 19.No one has seen Linda since the day of the party. A. Linda has not been seen since the day of the party. B. Linda is nowhere to be seen at the party. C. The party is going on without Linda. D. No one has seen Linda for ages. 20.Sarah didn’t attend the history lecture, and neither did George. A. Sarah and George didn’t go to the history lecture. B. Did George attend the history lecture with Sarah? C. Did Sarah see George at the history lecture? D. Either Sarah or George attended the history lecture. 21.I haven’t got money, so I’m not going on holiday A. Having no money made me go on holiday. B. Not having money on my holiday got me down. C. If I have money, I’ll go on holiday. D. If I had money, I would go on holiday. 22.The older he grew the more forgetful he became. A. He grew older when he became more forgetful. B. He became more forgetful and older. C. As he grew older, he became more and more forgetful. D. He grew older and more and more forgetful. 22. “John left here an hour ago,” said Jane. A. Jane told me that John had left there an hour before. B. Jane said John left there an hour before. C. Jane told John to have left there an hour before. D. Jane told me that John to leave there an hour before. 23. “Why didn’t you follow my advice?” he said. A. He asked me to follow his advice. B. He asked me not to follow his advice. C. He asked me why I did follow his advice. D. He asked me why I hadn’t followed his advice. 24.They had seen the man in a parking lot. A. The man was seen in a parking lot. B. The man has been seen in a parking lot. C. The man were seen in a parking lot. D. The man had been seen in a parking lot. 25. I didn’t listen to him and I didn’t succeed A.If I listened to him, I would have succeed B.If I had listened to him , I would have succeeded C.If I had listened to him , I would succeed. D.If I listened to him I would succeed. 26. I didn’t arrive in time to see her. A.I wasn’t enough early to see her. B. I was so late that I can’t see her. C.I wasn’t too early to see her. D. I wasn’t early enough to see her. 27. Tom gave this book to me. A.This book was given to Tom by me. B.This book was given to me by Tom. C.This book was given Tom by me. D.Tom was given this book by me. 28.“ What shall I do with all this money ?” said Peter. A.Peter asked what should he do with all the money. B.Peter asked what would he do with all that money . C.Peter was asking what he would do with all that money. D.Peter was wondering what he should do with all the money. 29. Hanoi city isn’t as big as Ho Chi Minh city. A. Ho Chi Minh city is smaller than Hanoi city. B. Ho Chi Minh city is bigger than Hanoi city. E. Hanoi city is bigger than Ho Chi Minh city . F. Ho Chi Minh city is as big as Hanoi city..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> 30. “If I were you, I would go to the doctor ,” Peter said to Mary. A. Peter told Mary to become a doctor. B. Peter told Mary that he would go to the doctor. C. Peter advised Mary not to go to he doctor. D. Peter advised Mary to go to the doctor. ĐÁP ÁN: 1A2C3A4B5A6C7D8C 9C10A11C12B13D14C15D 16C17D18C19A20A21D22A 23D24D25B26D27B28D29B30D. BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM NGỮ PHÁP TEST 1 1. If we built more hospital, we could ______ better care of people. A. get B. do C. take D. give 2. If smokers stopped smoking, their health would be _________. A. prevented B. improved C. harmed D. reduced 3. Human beings should stop cutting __________ trees. A. down B. up C. on D. over 4. Human beings are _________ their environment. A. concering B. destroying C. breaking D. demolishing 5. Luckily we still have _________ water in the house. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 6. These students are keen _______ learning foreign languages. A. with B. of C. on D. by 7. She is ___________ the best ten students. A. out of B. among C. in D. between 8. Pollution greatly affects the life of _________ animals. A. while B. wine C. wild D. whilst 9. Don't you get tired ________watching TV every night? A. with B. by C. of D. at 10. I can't stand _______on the underground when it is busy. A. travel B. traveling C. to travel D. to traveling 11. Don't be afraid _____the dog. He's quite harmless. A. in B. of C. at D. for 12. I had a headache, and the doctor asked me _______some aspirin. A. took B. to be taking C. take D. to take 13. I am ________of gardening and growing a wide variety of flowers. A. fond B. keen C. surprised D. fed 14. Mary is______ in gardening. She can work in the garden for hours. A. excited B. exciting C. interested D. interesting 15. Every day I spend two hours _______ English. A. practise B. to practise C. practising D. practised 16. This is the place _______ I was born. A. where B. what C. which D. that 17. I don't mind _______ if you're tired. A. drive B. drives C. to drive D. driving 18. She did all the work ______ her own. A. by B. on C. for D. at 19. Have you seen Peter lately? I've been looking ______ him this week. A. at B. in C. for D. into 20. They decided ______ to Japan for their summer holiday. A. going B. to go C. go D. to going 21. She hasn't written to me ______. A. already B. yet C. never D. ever 22. She is too ______ with her work, so she doesn't have time to go out with her friends. A. bored B. busy C. fed up D. tired.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> 23. His parents think it's time for him _______ married. A. gets B. get C. to get 24. She has learned English for 3 years, and she is good ______ English now. A. by B. in C. for 25. A heavy storm swept through the village and many people________. A. kill B. killed C. are killed 26.It is David ______broke the glass. A. which B. whom C. who 27. Smoking is bad for your health. You had better ______it up. A. to give B. give C. giving 28. The flat is very noisy, ______we enjoy living there. A. but B. and C. for 29. I hope you don't mind me ______so late at night. A. telephoning B. to telephone C. telephone D. to have telephoned 30. It took three and half hours_________ to Singapore. A. to fly B. flying C. to be flown. D. got D. at D. were killed D. whose D. to be giving D. so. D. fly. TEST 2 1. The students are bored _______learning the same subjects. A. of B. at C. in 2. There ________many kangaroos and koalas in wild forests in Australia. A. are B. is C. be 3. My sister started working as a teacher two years______. A. before B. ago C. for 4. I hurt ______when I fell. A. my B. my own C. mine 5. It is not easy______a high-paid job. A. find B. finding C. finds 6. Would you like the doctor______? A. coming B. to come C. come 7. My husband wants me______this letter before afternoon. A. to post B. posting C. post 8. If you study harder, you______pass the examination. A. will B. would C. could 9. She doesn't like going______in the sea in summer. A. to swim B. swimming C. to be swimming 10. Many people in the world are fond______football. A. of B. with C. in 11. The evening was spent_________. A. to play and to talk B. to play and talking C. playing and talking D. playing and to talk 12. That's the best film I________. A. saw B. have ever seen C. see 13. I am afraid of______by the strong wind. A. taking away B. take away C. being taken away D. being taking away 14. What will you do when you_______school? A. will finish B. finished C. finishing 15. You can pass the exam by_______harder. A. studying B. study C. to study 16. It is raining hard. We had better_______at home tonight. A. staying B. to stay C. stay 17. He has been out of work________a long time. A. since B. for C. when 18. How are you? I haven't seen you________ages.. D. with D. have D. now D. myself D. to find D. comes D. posts D. should D. swim D. for. D. am seeing. D. finish D. to be studying D. to be staying D. in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> A. since B. for C. in 19. When I came home, my father_________a magazine. A. read B. reads C. was reading 20. I__________play with dolls when I was small. A. enjoyed B. hated C. started 21. People now live_________than before. A. well B. the best C. as well 22. _________of people gathered in front of the church. A. A hundred B. Hundred C. Hundreds 23. She dances__________than her sister. A. beautiful B. the most beautiful C. the most beautifully D. more beautifully 24. We stayed in the Grand Hotel__________is very near the beach. A. where B. when C. which 25. Last year, a new bridge over the Black River_________. A. was built B. built C. is built 26. This is the bus________goes to Lodon. A. where B. it C. what 27. Ho Chi Minh City is_________than Hanoi. A. more noisy B. noisy C. more noisier 28. On a summer Sunday, most of the roads are crowded________cars. A. with B. of C. for 29. It________him two hours to finish the exercise. A. take B. took C. to take 30. I speak French________than my sister. A. gooder B. better C. more good. D. at D. has read D. used to D. better D. Two hundred. D. it D. builds D. which D. noisier D. at D. taking D. more well. TEST 3 1. I am two years________than my brother. A. elder B.more elder C. older D. more old 2. His father works much__________than he does. A. hard B. hardly C. harder D. more hardly 3. This is the beach_________I spent most of my time. A. which B. where C. that D. when 4. Your Enghlish is very_________. You speak English very__________. A. good/good B. good/well C. well/good D. well/well 5. The south of England is characterized as________ the North. A. flat as B. flat than C. flater than D. flatter than 6. She plays the piano_________than I do. A. more beautifully B. quite beautifully C. most beautifully D. as beautifully 7. Are you used__________on your own? A. at work B. to work C. to working D. with working 8. The doctor advised__________ to give up smoking. A. that he B. to him C. for him D. him 9. She enjoys watching movies_________make her laugh. A. they B. what C. which D. who 10. The Anglo-Saxons_________a Germanic language which_________the basis of modern English. A. spoke/form B. spoke/forms C. speak/formed D. speak/forms 11. American English has no some spelling rules________are different from______in British English. A. which/them B. which/those C. who/them D. who/those 12. I had no difficulty_____ to her English. A. listen B. to listen C. to listening D. listening 13. Emails are ______ among young people than the elders. A. widely more used B. more used widely C. more widely used D. more widely 14. The novel "Tom Sawyer", ______ was written by Mark Twain, is my all-time favourite. A. that B. what C. which D. who.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> 15. Everything ______ they said was true. A. which B. what C. how D. that 16. Yesterday she had to do a difficult English test for ______ she did not prepare. A. it B. that C. which D. what 17. There wasn't much ______ they could do to help. A. that B. which C. what D. still 18. Huy told me about his English course, ______ he's enjoying very much. A. what B. which C. that D. in which 19. In recent years Vietnamese students have learnt foreign languages, of ______ English is clearly the most popular. A. that B. those C. which D. them 20. Lodon is the city in _____ I was born. A. where B. which C. that D. there 21. Do you know a shop ______ I can buy a computer? A.  B. which C. where D. in where 22. When _______, Newton already showed his talent in Sciences. A. he a boy B. was a boy C. boy D. a boy 23. If you_________more slowly, he would have understood you. A. spoke B. would speak C. spoken D. had spoken 24. Your house has_______ nice furniture. A. such B. such a C. so D. so a 25. The more expensive the hotel,___________the service. A. better B. best C. the better D. the best 26. I come from Seattle, ________many successful companies like Microsoft and Boeing are situated. A. which B. where C. that D.  27. If it________too cold, we could go on a picnic. A. isn't B. wouldn't be C. weren't D. wouldn't be 28. If they didn't live so far away, I_________ them every week. A. visit B. visited C. will visit D. would visit 29. If the questions________not too difficult, we______them. A. were/could answer B. are/ could answer C. were/ can answer D. are/ can answer 30. One of the_______diseases mankind has to face______cancer. A. worst/ are B. worse/ are C. worst/ is D. worse/ is TEST 4 1. If I were 5 years younger, I would ____ that job. A. apply to B. apply for C. apply into D. apply in 2. If I were you, I would persuade him ______ the new treatment. A. to try B. trying C. tries D. try 3. He couldn't stop smoking. Neither _______. A. could his wife B. his wife could C. his wife did D. did his wife 4. I told her ____ to the hospital and have her lungs checked, but she didn't want to. A. go B. goes C. to go D. going 5. Heart disesse is as dangerous as cancer _____. A. is B. are C. do D. does 6. Finally, they succeeded ______ finding a cure for that strange disease. A. with B. on C. to D. in 7. The doctor said she needed to be _____ a diet. A. in B. on C. with D. into 8. Mai and Minh decided to go ______ a walk. A. by B. for C. on D. in 9. My grandfather ______ teach literature at a high shool, but he is now retired. A. used to B. is used to C. use to D. was used t 10. We dedided to drive back through a new road ______ was much longer but safer. A. what B. where C. which D. how 11. It's the first time I ______ a bird of this colour. A. see B. am seeing C. can see D. have seen 12. The ground is hard and dry. It hasn't rained _____ ages. A. from B. for C. since D. by 13. He ____ on a trip to America if he had time and money..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> A. will go B. would have gone C. goes D. would go 14. Most snakes eat animals _____ than their own size. A. large B. that are large C. which are larger D. are large 15. The bell rang but I didn't hear it. I ______ asleep. A. were B. must be C. must have been D. was 16. If I had known Chinese was so difficult, I ______ never ______ it up. A. would/taken B. will/take C. would/take D. would/have taken 17. Potatoes and onions ______from insects by new technology. A. are preventing B. prevention is C. are prevented D. prevented 18. The gass is wet. It ______ last night. A. used to rain B. rains C. would rain D. must have rained 19. ______ the moon has no water, its surface responds to the gravitational force of the earth. A. although B. however C. terefore D. except 20. I would have been in real triuble _____ your help. A. although B. despite C. because D. if it hadn't been for 21. Lan did very well on the exam. She ______ hard A. studies B. would study C. probably studies D. probably studied 22. His light are out. Perhaps, he _____ to sleep. A. went B. has gone C. goes D. is going 23. Mai didn't come to class yesterday. She ______ an accident. A. will have had B. would have C. may have had D. can have 24. Nam was fined for speeding. He ______ so fast. A. should drive B. should have driven C. drives D. should not have driven 25. Great noise is known__________deaf of many people. A. causing B. to cause C. causes D. caused 26. The ancient Egyptians built pyramids to keeping their rulers' bodies after their death. A B C D 27. Her father made her to go to the party with him because he thought she was too young. A B C D 28. The film was so bored that we walked out of the cinema after just 15 minutes watching it. A B C D 29. The shop assistant didn't know how much was the shirt so she had to ask the boss. A B C D 30. Mai often arrives at the office at nine o'clock, but because the storm, she was late this morning. A B C D TEST 5 1. There was hardly .......….. money left in my bank account. A. more B. no C. some 2. You're ...........who noticed. A. the single B. the only C. only one 3. Their house is ..........near the Cathedral. A whereabouts B anywhere C somewhere . 4. The reason I left is ..........I was bored A why B that C while 5. I'll go on holiday .........I can. A. as soon as B. as C. until 6 I'm sorry I ........... your party. I was away at the time. A. lost B. failed C. passed 7. We ...........her a happy birthday. ' A. wished· B. said C. told 8. Your room is a mess! ..........it up at once. A. Arrange B. Make . C. Tidy 9. Could you ...........me ten pounds until next payday? A. let B. provide C. borrow. D. any. D. the only one D anyplace D for D. how. D. ,missed D. wanted D. Do D. lend.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> 10. Bin has ..........his job and gone, back to college A. let off B. given up C. passed up D. withdrawn 11. I wish to apply .......the post of surveyor with your company. A. in B. for. C. to D .,/ 12. I came………………… a reference to Makonde carving when I was an artist. A. across B. into C.over D. for 13. Next week when there. ………. . .. a full moon, the ocean tides will be higher. A is being B is C will be D, will have been 14. The ............ bought from that factory .........….faulty. A equipment/was . B. equipments/are C equipment/were . D equipments/were 15. I'll be with all of you in .........hour. A a quarter of an B. one quarter of an C a quarter of one· D a quarter of ' 16. Jack got into trouble when he refused …... his briefcase for the customs officer. A opening B being opened C to open D to be opened 17. I'm sorry I never graduated. I've always regretted not ……………… college. A to finish B finish C finished D having finished 18. Alice didn't expect …..... to Bill's party. A asking B being asked C to ask D to be asked 19. Neither Dick. ……….. .. Tom knows how to speak German. A nor B or C and D but 20. Renoir's paintings ...........masterpieces all over the world. A had considered B are considered C are considering D consider 21 A tornado swept through Rockville. It . …………….. . destroyed everything in its path A . (no word) B was C was being D had been 22. Many US automobiles …………. . in Detroit, Michigan . . A. manufacture B. have manufactured C. are manufactured D. are manufacturing 23. The chemistry book.. ……….. . was a little expensive. A I bought B that I bought it C I bought that D what I bought 24. People who exercise frequently have physical endurance than those ……… A who dpesn't B who don't C that doesn't D which don't 25. The voters were against the candidate ………proposals called for higher taxes. A who his B whose C that his D whom he had. TEST 6 1. The cost of the material is………….in the bill for the work. A include B included C including 2. The bus company has …………. the fare by 20%. A raised . . B risen C raising 3. "You were late for your dental appointment." "I know. I shouldn't ............so long at the library." A be staying B have stayed C had stayed 4. The police ' ……… to report to the headquarters immediately. A. require B. required . C. is required 5. He was advised.. ……... .. singing lessons . A take B taken C taking. D includes D arisen D stay D. are required D to take.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> 6. Magazines are usually weekly or monthly, but newspapers are……… A every day B daily C day D day after day 7. There isn't ............foreign news in the paper. A a lot B.lots C many D much 8. I read in one paper that they are ..... .. married. A getting B got C being D having 9. I wish I……….... some jeans I really like. I must have tried on ten pairs. Afind B. can find C could find D. should find 10. Everyone ………. . what they have to do, don't they? A know B knows C do know D have known 11. She used to work here as a typist, .... ………... she? A did . B didn't C use D wouldn't 12. Tom is not used to……….... up early. He is late for school very often. A get B got C getting D having got 13. Can you help me…………in this application form? A fill B to fill C filling D A&B 14. Please invite .......…..you like to the reception. A one B anyone C ones D all 15 ..........you do, please don't tell Mary that we've lost her book. A Anything B What C Whatever D It's better 16. I'd rather you……….. smoke in here. A don't B didn't C not D shouldn't 17. I feel rather cold. I wish I ……………. my pullover with me. A bring B brought C had brought D would bring 18. It's high time you ……………to look after yourself . A learn B learned C will learn D would learn 19. Don't phone between 8.00 and 9.00, I shall ……..then. A study B be studying C be studied D have studied 20. Let me know as soon as Linda ………... here. A gets B got C will get D would get Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 21.Animals and (A) man use the energy (B) finding in food (C) to operate (D) their body and muscles. . 22. People had much (A) to learn (B) before (C) they became (D) civilization. 23. Sorry, (A) could you say (B) that again? I (C) haven't listened (D) for you. 24. (A) In the end of the party, Jane found (B) herself (C) doing the washing-up again, (D) as usual. 25. Many women (A) have reached high positions (B) in business but there are still (C) little'women in (D) 'government. 26. Each of the (A) cars in the showroom (B) was quickly (C) sold to (D) their new owner. 27. She is (A) no longer young (B) enough (C) to entering a beauty (D) contest. 28.Visits (A) to the zoo (B) is a ( delight to (D) any child. 29. the (A)old house were (B)pulled down to (C)make room for a (D)block of flats. 30. The football (A) match was (B) televised (C) lively from the(D) National Stadium.. TEST 7 1. Have you lived here ………:. life? A. your all B all the 2. Anyone who lives alone has to look after ........ A himself B oneself. C the whole.. D all your. C self. D itself'.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> 3. Do you need some more paper? - No thanks, I ..... A have still a piece left B still have a piece left C have a piece still left· . D have left a piece still 4. Please do not talk …….... the orchestra is playing. A during B while C otherwise . D that 5. The athlete would have won the gold medal …….not fallen over. A if he B if not C unless he had D had he 6. As two of the staff ………..... down with flu, we ……..... finish the work. A went/ not B has gone/ can't C gone/ could D have gone/ can't 7. You'd better get someone………… ... your living room. A redecorate B redecorated C to redecorate D redecorating 8. After the war, he declined many honours, …………..to remain a commoner. A prefer B preferring C would rather D had better 9. "What's taking you so long?" - "I'll be there as soon as I …………….. A found B will find C find D am finding 10. We decided to eat outside in spite …………the weather. A with B for C of D ./ 11. I hope he doesn't keep us ......... A waiting B to wait C wait D for waiting .12. Would you like something to drink? - I ………rather have something to eat. A were B had C ../ D would 13. He asked me ………….. A since when I am waiting B how long I have been waiting C since when I waited D how long I had been waiting 14. Everyone spoke very quietly………wake the baby . A for not to B in order not to C to don't D so not to 15.Three of these verbs have different forms for infinitive, past tense and past participle, like speak -spoke spoken. Which one does not? A awake B arise C. shine D mistake 16. I don't agree .......everything she says. A with B for C in D.after 17. Can you really insure yourself …………unemployment? A for B from C to D against 18. I'm afraid your driving licence is ……………date, sir ! A over B out of C past D behind 19. All those .......……favour of the motion, raise your hands. A for B to C with D in 20. He's a horrible man. I simply cannot …….. the sight of him. A take B wear C keep D stand 21.(A) Drying food (B) by means of solar energy is (C) a ancient process (D) applied wherever food and climatic conditions make it possible. 22. An itch (A) resulting when a nerve (B) that can carry pain is (C) only (D) slightly stimulated . 23. A (A) healthy person snores (B) most because the.membrane (C)in the nose(D) becomes dry.' . , 24. For (A) they, the most (B) rewarding shipwreck (C) found was (D) the HMS Associated. 25. (A) Most babies will grow(B) up to be as (C)cleverer as their (D)parents. 26. It (A)has been a long time (B)since we have talked (C)to John, (D)isn’t it? 27. Tom(A) has not completed (B)the assignment (C)yet, and Maria (D)hasn’t neither. 28. It (A)spent a long time (B)to travel to (C)the skiing resort but (D) in the end we got there. 29. She (A)asked why (B) did Mathew look so (C) embarrassed when he (D) saw Carole. 30. There (A) is a hostel (B)at the bottom (C)of the canyon where we (D)can stay there..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> TEST 8 1. The government has introduced a ............. . A children's clothes tax B tax on children clothes C children clothes tax D tax on children's clothes 2. Can you help me? I need ............information. A a little B little C a few D few 3. Would you mind not ..........on the radio until I've finished with this phone call? A turning B to turn C being turned D to be turned 4. This tastes lovely. What's in .......……..? A a sauce B the sauce C sauces D sauce 5. When he went out in the evening, I .. ….. the job of taking care of his work A would get B should get C must have got D had better get 6. I got everyone in the family …………..Jane's birthday card before I sent it to her. A sign B signed C to sign D having signed 7. Do you know how ..............? I myself have no idea. A many years the earth is B old the earth is C long is the earth D much time has been the earth 8. "Somebody forgot this hat. I wonder ..............." A· whose is this hat B whose hat this is C whose hat is D is this whose hat 9. "When .............?" - "In 1928." A penicillin was discovered B did penicillin discovered C was penicillin discovered D did penicillin discover 10. He ...............for the national team in 65 matches so far. A has played B is playing C played D has been playing 11. One of the dinner………... broken. A plate is B plates are C plates is D plate are 12.While .............to help Tim with his math, I got impatient because he would pay attention to what I was saying. A I am trying B. having tried C I try D. trying 13. Florida, ...........the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year. A is B. known as C is known as D that is known as . 14.The critic was amused by the funny story line, but she found the acting extremely ………….. . A unexcited B exciting C unexciting D excited 15. Schoolchildren are looking forward to ..............on holiday. A going B go C be going D have gone 16. The doctor advised Tom to stop .................. A for smoking B smoke C smoking D to smoke 17. Anna rarely ................coffee, but this morning she .........a cup. A drinks/ is having B drinks/ has C drank! was having D drank! had 18. She was happy ………….of her friends sent her birthday ……………cards. A although / few B because/ a few C because/ few D despite/ little 19. How many ..............do I have to tell you not to leave your wet shoes on ……kitchen floor? A time/ a B time/ the C times/ the D times/ a 20.I need some advice about what ...................to my aunt's house on Thanksgiving day next Thursday. A to bring B bringing C should bring D have to bring 21. That driver .................a speeding ticket. The police are right behind him. A is getting B is going to get C. will get D. gets.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> 22. Good night. I ................you tomorrow. A will see B am going to see C am seeing D see 23. Why was his lecture so…………….. ? A. boring B. bored C. bore 24. I had a headache, and the doctor asked me _______some aspirin. A. took B. to be taking C. take 25. She has learned English for 3 years, and she is good ______ English now. A. by B. in C. for. D. boredom D. to take D. at. TEST 9 Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 1. (A)I’ll make some sandwiches (B) before(C) I'll leave (D) for the office in the morning, 2.Thompson controlled the ball (A) the best; kicked'the ball (B) the farthest, and ran (C) the faster (D) of all the players. 3.This (A) new nice flat (B) looks (C) perfect for (D) a young couple. 4.Stand up (A) straight, breathe (B) deeply, hold your (C) head up, and (D) no look down! Choose the best answer. 5.Aesop is the author of the fable……… have just read above. He was an ancient Greek writer. . A who you B that C which . D. you 6. My parents used to. . .... fables'to me when I was a child. A read B. reading C telling D. told 7. Amanda's eyes are red. She ...........them all morning. A had been rubbing. B had rubbed C has been rubbing D. has rubbed 8.I'm trying to buy a microwave oven. Do you know if the small ones are really ............. than the larger ones? _ A any bad B. any worse· C some worse D. some worst 9.I am not sure, but I think they are ...............and you have to spend more time ........... things. A more slowly/ cook B slowest/ cook C slower/ cooking D slow/ to cook 10. I am ...... to call the doctor. I just need to get some rest. A too sick . B not sick enough C sick enough D. so sick that 11. Can you keep the noise down, please? It's ……. that I cannot hear myself think A so noisy B so much noisy C such noise D too noisy 12 ...........alone in ............dark, deserted street is risky. A Walk/ so B Walking/ so C Walking/ such a D Walked/ such 13. He'd prefer ..........chicken soup rather than .........milk. A having! having B to have/ drink' C have/ drink D had/ drank 14. He'd prefer vanilla cream ..........chocolate ice cream .. A to B than C more than D rather than 15. He'd rather .. …… a hot beverage during a meal. A I not have B I did not have C I do not have D. I had not 16. Dinosaurs are thought to ..........out millions of years ago. A die B have died C having died D dying 17 ............I love you, I cannot let you have any more money. A Much as B Whether C Also D However 18. Joe studied medicine and then decided to specialise……..gynaecology. A to B for C in D on 19. Mrs Brown is a busybody; she loves prying………..other people's business. A in B into C . out Dafter 20. I'm not ...........my best first thing in the morning. A with B .,/ C on D at.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> 21 ............no circumstances should you drink the tap water. A Within B On C By D Under 22. If he's in trouble, it's his own fault, I personally wouldn't……… a finger to help him. A lift B turn C bend D raise 23. The rumours about a government crisis ………like wildfire. A caught B went C spread D blew 24. we decided to eat outside in spite………the weather. A. with B. for C. of D. at 25. Which …….you rather do: stay in or go out? A. would B. had C. do D. will. TEST 10 1. . ............saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen. A What the woman was B The woman was C That the woman was D What was the woman 2. The child's arm was swollen because he ............stung by a bee. A has . B had C had been D had being 3. "Excuse me, but there is something about ............immediately." A that I must speak to you B that I must speak to you about C which I must speak to you D which I must speak to you about it 4. If it's raining tomorrow, we shall have to put………… the match till Sunday. A off B away C in D on 5. The children …………..to the zoo. A were enjoyed taken B enjoyed being'taken C were enjoyed taking D enjoyed taking 6. I'm really sleepy today. I wish I .............Bob to the airport late last night. A didn't have to take, B weren't taking C hadn't had to take D didn't take 7. It's obvious that neither the workers ..............to fight the new rules. A nor the manager intend B intend nor the manager C nor the manager intends D intend nor the manager intends 8.A shortage of water is a problem in many parts of the world. In some areas, water from the ground ……..faster than nature can replenish the supply. A is being taken B has been taking C is taking D has taken 9. Mary is______ in gardening. She can work in the garden for hours. A. excited B. exciting C. interested D. interesting 10. Every day I spend two hours _______ English. A. practise B. to practise C. practising D. practised 11. I don't mind _______ if you're tired. A. drive B. drives C. to drive D. driving 12. He likes _______ part in sports, so he joins the football team of the school. A. take B. taking C. takes D. took 13. She did all the work ______ her own. A. by B. on C. for D. at 14.Have you seen Peter lately? I've been looking ______ him this week. A. at B. in C. for D. into 15. I don't remember ______ the front door when I left home. A. to lock B. lock C. locked D.locking Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> 16.The Victorian constructions of Haight-Ashbury are (A) among the (B) fewer architectural (C) survivors of the San Francisco earthquake (D) in 1906. 17.(A) One out of (B) every eight balloons (C) in the world (D) are launched at Albuquerque, New Mexico. 18.(A) At space camp, (B) youngsters go through (C) concentrated astronaut training (D) but shuttle simulations. . 19.Sprinkler (A) system have. proven to be (B) the most effective (C) means of (D) fighting hotel fires. 20.For (A) more than 450 years, Mexico City has been the economic, (B) . culture, and political centre (C) of the Mexican (D) people. 21.Children enjoy (A) telling and listening to (B) ghosts stories, (C) especially (D) on Halloween night. 22.The (A) way a junior college is organised and financed depends (B )in (C) whether it is a public or private (D) institution. 23.Elephants have (A) so longflexible trunks (B) that they seem (C) clumsy (D) as they walk. 24.(A) The president went (B) fishing (C) after he (D) has finished with the conference. ." .. . 25.(A) Because they (B) have moved away, they (C) hardly never go (D) to the beach any more . 26.' He isn't (A) driving to (B) the convention (C) in March,and (D) neither they are. 27. (A) To help policymakers and (B) another, the government spends (C) as much as $1,4 million a year in (D) collecting statistics. 28. If we (A)will reduce the speed of (B)population growth, there will be (C)less pressure (D)on the earth 29. My mother had (A)few schooling, but (B)she's the (C)most intelligent woman I've (D)ever known. 30. Marilyn Monroe, (A)who a (B)famous actress, (C)died of (D)drug overdose. TEST 11 Question I. Khoanh tròn từ có phần trọng âm chính nhấn khác với từ còn lại. Chọn a, b, c hoặc d. 1. a. Discussion b. Division c. Company d. Imagine 2. a. Umbrella b. Vietnamese c. Capacity d. Continue Question II. Khoanh tròn từ có phần ghach chan khác với từ còn lại. Chọn a, b, c hoặc d. 3. a. Compare b. Company c. Category d. Domestic 4. a. Route b. Outer c. Account d. Thousand 5. a. Cactus b. Bamboo c. Habitat d. Cave Question III. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng để hoàn thiện các câu sau. Chọn a, b, c hoặc d. 6. ………….his parents encouragement, he didn’t get married until he was 40. a. although b. because c. because of d. despite 7. Many people delay having children…………they are too busy earning a living. a. in spite of b. although c. because d. because of 8. I’m going to have Lan …………my computer to see what is wrong. a. looked at b. to look at c. looking at d. look at 9. Your direction to your house isn’t clear………. I got lost. a. so as to b. however c. so d. but 10. Nam studied very hard last year,……………he could pass his last exams easily. a. however b. therefore c. but d. yet 11. Nam is bad at Chemist in his class……….., he cannot be the best one in the class. a. therefore b. so c. although d. however 12. People ………trees for firewood and their timber. a. cut off b. cut out c. cut up d. cut down 13. She ……………very few mistakes in last week’s test. a. makes b. does c. made d. did 14. Jill didn’t come to the class yesterday. He ……….an accident. a. will have had b. may have had c. would have d. can have 15. If this machine works perfectly, you…………finish the work on time. a. won’t b. would c. wouldn’t d. will 16. You………….take more than 2 of these pills at once. There might be fatal..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> a. shouldn’t b. mustn’t c. needn’t d. didn’t 17. Since 1900s, the laws on hunting endangered species…………….all over the world. a. have been passed b. has been passed c. have passed d. has passed. 18. The first congress………….in 1776. a. was held b. were held c. took place d. took over 19. People do not ……..much……the need to protect rare and endangered animals. a. understand-of b. know-of c. understand-about d. know-about. 20. Many students in my class………….English since 2002. a. learned b. have learned c. are learning d. will learn 21. “May I borrow your car, please?” “………..” a. No, thanks! b. Yes, with pleasure! c. Yes, I’d love to! d. you are welcome! 22. This is the village…….. I will spend my life when I retire. a. which b. where c. that d. there 23. They are…………in English that they spend most of their time studying it. a. very interesting b. such interesting c. so interested d. too interested 24. My sister can speak English and French more………than any other students in her school. a. nature b. natured c. natural d. naturally 25. …………species are plant and animal species which are in danger of extinction. a. dangerous b. endangered c. endanger d. dangerously Question IV. Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn đáp án đúng. Chọn a, b, c hoặc d. We know that every year less than 100 people are attacked by sharks and about 5 to 10 of these people die. But, let’s look at the other side of the story - How many sharks do people kill? Well I think you already know this: People kill many more sharks. Every year, people hunt and kill thousands of sharks. One reason people kill sharks is for sport; they hunt them just for fun. Some people started to have contests to see who kill the most sharks or the biggest sharks. Another reason that people kill sharks is for food. In some countries, such as the United States and Great Britain, shark meat is a popular food. In other countries, such as China, people use shark fins to make soup. Because so many people like to eat shark, fishing boats catch a lot of sharks to sell for food. So, for both of these reasons, people are killing many sharks. Some biologists are getting worried that the number of sharks is getting too small. That’s why many biologists think we should stop killing so many sharks, and instead try to protect them - or else some day they may all be gone. Some countries have already passed some laws to help protect sharks. The United States, for example, has passed laws that limit the number of sharks that people can kill for food or for sport. So even though some people like to hunt sharks, we do need to protect them. 26. How many sharks are hunted and killed every year? a. one hundred b. many c. thousands d. five to ten 27. People want to kill sharks because _____. a. they are afraid of sharks. b. shark meat is a popular food. c. they get their enjoyment from killing sharks. d. b and c are correct. 28. The number of sharks in the world is _____. a. getting worried by some biologists b. being killed. c. getting bigger d. betting smaller 29. Why do biologists want to protect sharks? a. B they want to learn more about sharks. b. B. they are afraid some day sharks may no longer exist. c. Because of the number of sharks that were killed. d. Because shark fins can be used in medicine. 30. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage? a. People like to hunt sharks. b. People are killing many sharks for some reasons. c. The governments prohibited people from killing sharks. d Laws have been passed in sharks’ defense. Question V. Mỗi câu sau có một lỗi khoanh tròn lỗi ấy. Chọn , b, c hoặc d . 31. That was so boring film that I felt asleep. a b c d 32. Anyone absent at work has to get a medical certificate. a b c d 33. In the old days, many children did not go to schools. a b c d.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> 34. We needn’t close the window. It blows hard outside. a b c d 35. This ring is very precious, you should look it carefully. a b c d 36.If you had listened to my advice, you could passed the exams easily. a b c d 37. Although he worked hard, he could find the good job a b c d 38. The more we grow trees, more woods we get. a b c d 39.Nam is very afraid of recognizing in the public. a b c d 40.Pollution is one of main causes of species extinction. a b c d. ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH CAO ĐẲNG NĂM 2009 MÔN THI: ANH VĂN; Khối D Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề Mã đề thi 428 ĐỀ THI GỒM 80 CÂU (TỪ QUESTION 1 ĐẾN QUESTION 80) DÀNH CHO TẤT CẢ THÍ SINH Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions. Question 1: She knows a lot more about it than I do. A. I do not know as much about it as she does. B. I know much more about it than she does. C. She does not know so much about it as I do. D. I know as much about it as she does. Question 2: Unless someone has a key, we cannot get into the house..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> A. We could not get into the house if someone had a key. B. If someone does not have a key, we can only get into the house. C. If someone did not have a key, we could not get into the house. D. We can only get into the house if someone has a key. Question 3: Conan said to me, “If I were you, I would read different types of books in different ways.” A. I read different types of books in different ways to Conan as he told me. B. Conan ordered me to read different types of books in different ways. C. Conan advised me to read different types of books in different ways. D. I said to Conan to read different types of books in different ways to me. Question 4: The boy was not allowed to have any friends, so he felt lonely. A. Having a lot of friends, the boy felt lonely. B. Having no friends, the boy felt so lonely. C. Not having friends, they made the boy feel lonely. D. Deprived of friends, the boy felt lonely. Question 5: Is it essential to meet your aunt at the station? A. Was your aunt met at the station? B. Did your aunt have to be met at the station? C. Does your aunt have to meet at the station? D. Does your aunt have to be met at the station? Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 6: ______, many animals can still survive and thrive there. A. Even though the weather conditions in the desert severe. B. The weather conditions in the desert to be severe C. Although the weather conditions in the desert are severe D. Being severe weather conditions in the desert Question 7: Successful salespeople know their products thoroughly______. A. and the needs of the market understood B. understanding the needs of the market C. and understand the needs of the market properly D. but the needs of the market are understood properly Question 8: Hillary changed her major from linguistics to business,______. A. hoping to find a job more easily B. with hopes to be able easier to get employment C. hoping she can easier get a job D. with the hope for being able finding a better job Question 9: An excellent hairstylist can make a man seem to have more hair______. A. than he actually has B. than it actually is C. as has actually he D. as is it actually Question 10: The Vietnamese students have to take an entrance exam______. A. in order that they should go to a college or university B. so that they can go to a college or university C. so as go to a college or university D. for going to a college and university Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction. Question 11: There are differences and similarities between Vietnamese and American culture. A B C D Question 12: The woman of whom the red car is parked in front of the bank is a famous pop star..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> A B C D Question 13: Society will be having to change radically to keep pace with the technology available. A B C D Question 14: The better you are at English, more chance you have to get a job with international A B C D organizations. Question 15: My father used to giving me some good advice whenever I had a problem. A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 16: - “Which hat do you like better?” - “______” A. Which one do you like? B. Yes, I like it best. C. No, I haven’t tried any. D. The one I tried on first. Question 17: “How can you live in this messy room? Go and ______ it up at once”. A. sweep B. do C. dust D. tidy Question 18: The new director of the company seems to be an intelligent and______ man. A. well-educate B. well-educated C. well-educational D. well-education Question 19: Preparing for a job interview can be very______. A. stressing B. stress C. stressed D. stressful Question 20: This factory produced______ motorbikes in 2008 as in the year 2006. A. as twice as many B. twice as many C. as many as twice D. as twice many Question 21: Vietnam’s rice export this year will decrease______ about 10%, compared with that of last year. A. on B. by C. at D. with Question 22: Although the exam was difficult, ______ the students passed it. A. most of B. a lot C. a few D. none of Question 23: The youths nowadays have many things to do in their______ time. A. fun B. entertainment C. leisure D. amusement Question 24: In many big cities, people have to______ up with noise, overcrowding and bad air. A. face B. put C. keep D. catch Question 25: It is hard to get______ him; he is such an aggressive man. A. into B. over to C. by D. on with Question 26: My supervisor is angry with me. I didn’t do all the work I ______ last week. A. must have done B. should have done C. may have done D. need to have done Question 27: - “Would you like to join our volunteer group this summer?” - “______” A. I wouldn’t. Thank you. B. Yes, I’d love to. Thanks. C. Yes, you’re a good friend. D. Do you think I would? Question 28:Had she worked harder last summer, she______. A. wouldn’t be sacked B. wouldn’t have been sacked C. wouldn’t have sacked D. wouldn’t sack Question 29: Working hours will fall to under 35 hours a week,______? A. will it B. will they C. won’t they D. won’t it Question 30: Whenever he had an important decision to make, he______ a cigar to calm his nerves. A. would have lit B. would be lighting C. had lit D. would light Question 31: In the modern world, women’s______ roles have been changing. A. natured B. naturally C. natural D. nature Question 32: - “Our team has just won the last football match.” - “______”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> A. Yes, it’s our pleasure. B. Good idea. Thanks for the news. C. Yes. I guess it’s very good. D. Well, that’s very surprising! Question 33: He always______ the crossword in the newspaper before breakfast. A. does B. works C. writes D. makes Question 34: He runs a business, ______ he proves to have managerial skills. A. and B. otherwise C. however D. despite Question 35: Mary is unhappy that she hasn’t______ for the next round in the tennis tournament. A. qualifying B. qualified C. quality D. qualification Question 36: Tears contain an antiseptic______ helps protect our eyes from infection. A. how B. where C. that D. what Question 37: Chemistry is my______ subject at school. A. wanted B. favourite C. popular D. liking Question 38: She is very absent-minded: she______ her cellphone three times! A. has lost B. loses C. was losing D. had lost Question 39: My brother left his job last week because he did not have any______ to travel A. ability B. location C. position D. chance Question 40: Listening is the most difficult language______ for me to master. A. way B. one C. skill D. job Question 41: The movie is______ Shakespeare’s Hamlet in a number of ways. A. like to B. similar to C. alike with D. same as Question 42: By______ the housework done, my mother has more time to pursue her career. A. making B. taking C. having D. ordering Question 43: - “I can’t speak English well enough to apply for that post.” - “______” A. Me either B. Me too C. Me also D. Me neither Question 44: - “Wow! What a nice coat you are wearing!” - “______” A. I like you to say that. B. Yes, of course. It’s expensive. C. Certainly. Do you like it, too? D. Thanks. My mother bought it for me. Question 45: Not until the end of the 19th century______ become a scientific discipline. A. did plant breeding B. has plant breeding C. plant breeding had D. plant breeding has Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks from 46 to 55. In the United States and Canada, it is very important to (46)______ a person directly in the eyes when you are having a conversation (47)______ him or her. If you look down or to the side when the (48_)______ person is talking, that person will think that you are not interested in (49)______ he or she is saying. This, (50)______, is not polite. If you look down or to the side when you are talking, it might (51)______ that you are not honest. However, people who are speaking will sometimes look away for (52)______ seconds when they are thinking or (53)______ to find the right word. But they always turn immediately (54)______ to look the listener directly in the eyes. These social “rules” are (55)______ for two men, two women, a man and a woman, or an adult and a child. Question 46: A. look B. talk C. get D. notice Question 47: A. with B. about C. to D. for Question 48: A. another B. one C. other D. others Question 49: A. that B. which C. where D. what Question 50: A. of course B. although C. yet D. in addition Question 51: A. seem B. turn C. become D. come Question 52: A. a few B. a little C. little D. few.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> Question 53: Question 54: Question 55:. A. achieving A. down A. the same. B. trying B. over B. such as. C. managing C. back C. like. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions. Question 56: A. eternal B. eliminate C. energy Question 57: A. reserve B. desert C. conserve Question 58: A. mounting B. country C. account Question 59: A. ancient B. strange C. educate Question 60: A. explorer B. expand C. exist. C. looking D. up D. likely underlined part is D. eradicate D. observant D. astound D. address D. extinct. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 70. Today we take electricity for granted and perhaps we do not realize just how useful this discovery has been. Steam was the first invention that replaced wind power. It was used to drive engines and was passed through pipes and radiators to warm rooms. Petrol mixed with air was the next invention that provided power. Exploded in a cylinder, it drove a motor engine. Beyond these simple and direct uses, those forms have not much adaptability. On the other hand, we make use of electricity in thousands of ways. From the powerful voltages that drive our electric trains to the tiny current needed to work a simple calculator, and from the huge electric magnet in steel works that can lift 10 tons to the tiny electric magnet in a doorbell, all are powered by electricity. An electric current can be made with equal ease to heat a huge mass of molten metal in a furnace, or to boil a jug for a cup of coffee. Other than atomic energy, which has not as yet been harnessed to the full, electricity is the greatest power in the world. It is flexible, and so adaptable for any task for which it is wanted. It travels so easily and with incredible speed along wires or conductors that it can be supplied instantly over vast distances. To generate electricity, huge turbines or generators must be turned. In Australia they use coal or water to drive this machinery. When dams are built, falling water is used to drive the turbines without polluting the atmosphere with smoke from coal. Atomic power is used in several countries but there is always the fear of an accident. A tragedy once occurred at Chernobyl, in Ukraine, at an atomic power plant used to make electricity. The reactor leaked, which caused many deaths through radiation. Now scientists are examining new ways of creating electricity without harmful effects to the environment. They may harness the tides as they flow in and out of bays. Most importantly, they hope to trap sunlight more efficiently. We do use solar heaters for swimming pools but as yet improvement in the capacity of the solar cells to create more current is necessary. When this happens, electric cars will be viable and the world will rid itself of the toxic gases given off by trucks and cars that burn fossil fuels. Question 61: The author mentions the sources of energy such as wind, steam, petrol in the first paragraph to______. A. discuss which source of energy can be a suitable alternative to electricity B. emphasize the usefulness and adaptability of electricity C. suggest that electricity should be alternated with safer sources of energy D. imply that electricity is not the only useful source of energy Question 62: Before electricity, what was sometimes passed through pipes to heat rooms? A. Steam. B. Gas C. Hot wind. D. petrol Question 63: What does the author mean by saying that electricity is flexible? A. It is cheap and easy to use B. It is used to drive motor engines..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> C. It can be adapted to various uses. D. It can be made with ease. Question 64: What do we call machines that make electricity? A. Voltages. B. Electric magnets. C. Generators or turbines. D. Pipes and radiators. Question 65: The main forms of power used to generate electricity in Australia are______. A. wind and gas B. water and coal C. atomic power and water D. sunlight and wind power Question 66: The word “they” in the last paragraph refers to______. A. scientists B. the tides C. new ways D. harmful effects Question 67: Electric magnets are used in steel works to______. A. boil a jug of water B. test the steel for strength C. heat the molten steel D. lift heavy weights up to ten tons Question 68: The advantage of harnessing the power of the tides and of sunlight to generate electricity is that they______. A. are more adaptable B. are more reliable C. do not require attention D. do not pollute the environment Question 69: Which of the following power sources causes pollution by emitting harmful gases? A. Wind. B. Sunlight. C. Petrol. D. Water. Question 70: The best title for this passage could be______. A. “How to Produce Electricity” B. “Why Electricity Is So Remarkable” C. “Electricity: Harmful Effects on Our Life” D. “Types of Power Plants” Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 71 to 80. If parents bring up a child with the sole aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause a disaster. According to several leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which ambitious parents make. Generally, the child will be only too aware of what his parents expect, and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children. However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are ambitious in a sensible way, the child may succeed in doing very well – especially if the parents are very supportive of their child. Michael Collins is very lucky. He is crazy about music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. They even drive him 50 kilometers twice a week for violin lessons. Michael’s mother knows very little about music, but his father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra. However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling. Winston Smith, Michael’s friend, however, is not so lucky. Both his parents are successful musicians, and they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter him for every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when he does not win. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy. Question 71: One of the serious mistakes parents can make is to . A. push their child into trying too much B. make their child become a musician C. neglect their child’s education D. help their child to become a genius Question 72: Parents’ ambition for their children is not wrong if they . A. force their children into achieving success B. themselves have been very successful C. arrange private lessons for their children D. understand and help their children sensibly Question 73: Who have criticized the methods of some ambitious parents?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> A. Educational psychologists. B. Unrealistic parents. C. Their children. D. Successful musicians. Question 74: Michael Collins is fortunate in that . A. his parents are quite rich B. his parents help in a sensible way C. his mother knows little about music D. his father is a musician Question 75: The phrase “crazy about” in the passage mostly means . A. “surprised at” B. “completely unaware of” C. “confused about” D. “extremely interested in” Question 76: Winston’s parents push their son so much and he . A. cannot learn much music from them B. is afraid to disappoint them C. has won a lot of piano competitions D. has become a good musician Question 77: The word “They” in the passage refers to . A. violin lessons B. parents in general C. Michael’s parents D. concerts Question 78: All of the following people are musician EXCEPT . A. Michael’s father B. Winston’s father C. Winston’s mother D.Michael’s mother Question 79: The word “unwilling” in the passage mostly means . A. “getting ready to do something” B. “not objecting to doing anything” C. “not wanting to do something” D. “eager to do something” Question 80: The two examples given in the passage illustrate the principle that . A. parents should let the child develop in the way he wants B. successful parents always have intelligent children C. successful parents often have unsuccessful children D. parents should spend more money on the child’s education. Bài tập danh từ, hòa hợp chủ ngữ - động từ 1. The science classes in this ……………difficult. A. school is B. school are C. schools are 2. The English …….. strong traditions. A. has many B. have many C. has much 3. The ……bought from that factory…….faulty. A. equipment/ was B. equipments / were C. equipments /was D. equipment/ were 4. One of the dinner……. broken. A. plate is B. plates is C. plate are 5. One of the ……from Italy. A. student is B. student are C. students are 6. The number of tourists ……….this year as a result of the good weather. A. have doubled B. doubled C. has doubled 7. Several ……..sleeping under the tree. A. of lions were B. lion was C. of the lions was 8. In this school most………hard. A. of students work B. students work C. student works D. of student work 9. I don’t get………… A. many mail B. much mail C. many mails 10. ……….to support the case against James? A. Is there any proof B. Are there any proof C. Is there any proofs D. Are there any proofs 11. You have to pay extra if you take too………..with you. A. much luggages B. many luggages C. much luggage. D. schools is D. have much. D. plates are D. students is D. doubles D. lions were. D. much mails. D. many luggage.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> 12. …………..in your class have tickets for the lecture series? A. Do any of the student B. Does any of the student C. Do any of the students D. Does any of the students 13. Bob got fired. It’s going to be difficult for him to find………..job. A. other B. another C. the other D. the another 14. There………….available in his area of specialization. A. isn’t a lot of job B. aren’t a lot of jobs C. isn’t a lot of jobs D. aren’t a lot of job 15. He made the soup by mixing ……….meat with some rice. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few 16. Many of the…………………………not expect to win. A. participants in the race do B. participant in the races does C. participants in the race does D. participant in the race does 17. ………..moved to that city recently. A. A number of Vietnamese have B. A number of Vietnamese has C. The number of Vietnamese have D. The number of Vietnamese have 18. Each of the reference ……………available in the school library. A. books on that list are B. books on that list is C. book on that list are D. book on that list is 19. Many of the………..not used today. They are remnant of the past. A. railroad tracks around here are B. railroad tracks around here is C. railroad’s track around here are D. railroads’ tracks around here are 20. As we walked through the jungle, the………unusually quiet. A. monkeys were B. monkeys was C. monkies were D. monkies was 21. At the new conference, several reporters didn’t get clear answer to…………questions. A. their B. theirs C. his and hers D. his and her 22. I have a …………..sister. A. seven years old B. seven- years- old C. seven-year-old D. seven year old 23. There………….in the world today. A. is many new computer company B. is many computer companies C. are many new computers companies D. are many new computer companies 24. Self-esteem is important. It’s important for people to like……….. A. oneself B. yourself C. him/herself D. themselves 25. What ………….you used in picking a winner in the art contest? A. is the criteria B. are the criteria C. are the criterion D. are the criterions 26. Can you help me? I need………..information. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 27. All of the athletes who took part in the international game should be very proud of……… A. himself B. oneself C. themselves D. yourselves 28. Snow and rain ………….of nature. A. are phenomenon B. is phenomenon C. are phenomena D. is phenomena 29. I accidently broke the………by stepping on it. I apologized to them for my carelessness. A. child’s toy B. child’s toys C. children’s toy D. childrens’ toys 30. Our weather is cloudy in the winter. We don’t have………….. A. many sunshines B. many sunshine C. much sunshines D. much sunshine 31. Several of my friends are…………..reporters. A. newspaper B. newspapers C. newspaper’s D. newspapers’ 32. Construction workers need………to build a highway. A. an heavy equipment B. a heavy equipment C. heavy equipments D. heavy equipment 33. Our classrom is supplied with………….. A. plenty of chalks B. plenty of chalk C. several chalks D. several chalk 34. Knowing several………………helpful if you work for an international corporation. A. languages are B. language are C. languages is D. language is.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> 35. Two-thirds of my……….from the Midle East. A. classmates are B. classmates is C. classmate are D. classmate is 36. There……………….in my country. A. are a lot of problem B. are a lot of problems C. is a lot of problem D. is a lot of problems 37. Winning a lottery is a rare occurrence. ……….. very small. A. A number of winners is B. A number of winners are C. The number of winners are D. The number of winner is 38. there are several mean of mass communication. The newspaper is one. Television is………….. A. other B. the other C. another D. the another 39. Each of the……………own cage. A. birds has their B. bird has its C. birds have their D. birds has its 40. I realy need …….. Can we talk? A. some advice B. an advice C. some advices D. advices 41. Every……..a license plate. A. cars have B. cars has C. car has D. car have 42. The swimming team has done well this year. All of …………have trained very hard. A. their members B. its members C. it’s members D. theirs members 43. Next week we are going to take a…………….. A. three days trip B. three day trip C. three-day trip D. three days’ trip * Ghi nhớ: - danh từ không đếm được: news(tin tức), furniture (đồ đạc), luggage (hành lý), money(tiền), information (thông tin), equipment (trang thiết bị). advice (lời khuyên), mail(thư từ), homework, work(công việc), bread (bánh mì), cloth(vải vóc), experience (kinh nghiệm), help (sự giúp đỡ), chalk (phấn), sunshine (ánh sáng mặt trời), violence (bạo lực), traffic (giao thông), patience(sự kiên nhẫn) - danh từ đếm được bất qui tắc: people, children, women, men, phenomena (hiện tượng, số ít là phenomenon). * từ chỉ số lượng dùng với danh từ: Với danh từ đếm được số nhiều few A few (một vài) Several (một vài) Many (nhiều) Some (một vài) any. Với danh từ không đếm được little A little (một ít). Lưu ý Gần như không có Có nhưng ít. much some any. Dùng trong câu kđ Chỉ dùng trong câu phủ định và nghi vấn. A lot of / lots of/ plenty of (nhiều). A lot of / lots of/ plenty of A great deal of (nhiều)  Chú ý: many/ several/ most / few + Noun many of/ several of/ most of / few of + the/ my…+ noun ( dùng of khi trước danh từ có từ bổ nghĩa). VERB TENSES IN ADVERB CLAUSE OF TIME (Understanding and using English Grammar, page 232, 233) 1. After Jessica…………. her degree, she intends to work in her father’s factory. A. will finish B. will have finished C. finishes D. is finishing 2. By the time I go to bed tonight, I ……my work for the day. A. will finish B. have finished C. will have finished D. finish 3. When my parents….for a visit tomorrow, they will see our new baby for the first time. A. will arrive B. arrived C. will have arrived D. arrive 4. Fatemah looked down to discover a snake at her feet. When she saw it, she…………. A. was screaming B. had screamed C. screamed D. screams 5. By the time Alfonso finally graduated from high school, he………….seven different schools because his parents moved frequently. A. attended B. was attending C. had attended D. had been attended.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> 6. Until you learn to relax more, you……….your ability to speak English. A. haven’t improved B. aren’t improving C. don’t improve D. won’t improve 7. I borrowed four books on gardening the last time………………to the library. A. go B. went C. had gone D. have gone 8. Before I stared the car, all of the passengers………………..their seat belts. A. will buckle B. had buckled C. buckle D. have buckled 9. It seems that whether I traveled abroad I ……….to take something I need. A. forgot B. am forgetting C. forget D. had forgotten 10. When I see the doctor this afternoon, I …...him to look at my throat. A. will ask B. asked C. will have asked D. ask 11. After ancient Greek athletes won a race in the Olympics, they….a simple crown of olive leaves. A. received B. had received C. were receiving D. have received 12. After the race……., the celebration began. A. had been won B. is won C. will be won D. has been won 13. I’ll return Bob’s pen to him the next time I …….him. A. see B. will see C. will have seen D. have seen 14. I ……..all of the questions correctly since I began this grammar exercise on verb tenses. A. am answering B. answer C. have answered D. answered 15. A small stone struck the windshield while we ……….down the gravel road. A. drive B. were driving C. had driven D. had been driving 16. As soon as Martina saw the fire, she……the fire department. A. was telephoning B. telephoned C. had telephoned D. telephones 17. Before Jennifer won the lottery, she ……………any kind of contest. A. hasn’t entered B. didn’t enter C. wasn’t entering D. hadn’t entered 18. Every time Prakash sees a movie made in India, he……….homesick. A. will have felt B. felt C. feels D. is feeling 19. Since I left Venezuela six years ago, I ……..to visit friends and family several times. A. return B. will have returned C. am returning D. have returned 20. When he was washing his new car, Mr. De Rosa………a small dent in the rear fender. A. has discovered B. was discovering C. is discovering D. discovered 21. Yesterday while I was jogging in the park, Matthew……on the company’s annual report. A. was working B. had been working C. has worked D. works 22. Tony……..to have children until his little daughter was born. After she won his heart, he decided he wanted a big family. A. didn’t want B. hadn’t wanted C. wasn’t wanting D. hasn’t wanted 23. After the horse threw her to the ground for the third time, Jennifer picked herself up and said, “I …on another horse as long as I live” A. never ride B. have never ridden C. will never ride D. do not ride 24. The next time Paul……..to New York, he will visit the Metropolitant Museum’s famous collection of international musical instruments. A. will fly B. flies C. has flown D. will have flown 25. Ever since Maurice arrived, he…….quietly in the corner. Is something wrong? A. sat B. has been sitting C. sits D. is sitting 26. After Nancy………for twenty minutes, she began to feel tired. A. jogging B. had been jogging C. has been jogging D. has jogged 27. Peter, ……since you got home from football practice? A. have you eaten B. will you eat C. are you eating D. do you eat 28. By the time the young birds……..the nest for good, they will have learned how to fly. A. will leave B. will have left C. are leaving D. leave 29. The last time I …….in Athens, the weather was hot and humid. A. had been B. was C. am D. will be 30. The farmer acted too late. He locked the barn door after his horse……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> A. had been stolen. B. will be stolen. C. is stolen. D. has been stolen. KEY: 1C2C3D4C5C6D7B8B9C10A11A12A13A14C15B16B17D18C19D20D21A22B23C24B25B26B27A 28D29B30A BÀI TẬP GIỚI TỪ 1. It was really kind............... you to help those poor people. A. by B. of C. at D. to 2.Hoi An is famous………..its old streets A. for B. of C. to D. about 3………….the time you get to the theater, the play will have finished A. Until B. In C. By D. on 4. He lost the race because he ………petrol on the last lap. A. got out of B. ran out of C. made out of D. put out of 5. My little sister is very good ……. drawing. A. in B. of C. on D. at 6. Traveling to Paris …………….. air is quicker than driving. A. by B. on C. over D. through 7. I’m afraid I have to leave ……. a few days time. A. in B. after C. on D. at 8. Pay attention …………………….. all traffic signs when you are traveling in the street. A. from B. on C. to D. for 9. I didn’t know you were capable …………………….. cooking such a wonderful meal A. in B. of C. with D. to 10. They invited ………………………… dinner with them. A. us for having B. us to have C. that we have D. our having 11. My sister was born………………….. A. at 1974, in April B. on April, 1974 C. 1974, at April D. in April, 1974 12. It’s very kind……………………….. invite me. A. from you to B. of you to C. by you to D. that you 13. Have you decided to apply…..the job yet? A. for B. to C. into D. with 14. We are very fond ……..folk music. A. in B. at C. with D. of 15. Grass is usually made……..sand. A. from B. by C. with D. of 16. I finished my homework a few days ahead…..the deadline. A. of B. to C. by D. at 17. The numbers add …….to 70. A. off B. up C. in D. out 18. It was really kind …….you to help those poor people. A. by B. at C. to D. of 19. Hurry up or you will be late…school. A. on B. in C. to D. for 20. May I introduce you ………Mrs. Brown? A. for B. with C. to D. of 21. She brought……six children on her own. A. up B. of C. in D. about 22. Soldiers protect us……………the enemy. A. out of B. against C. from D. into 23. She said she would return it ….me the following day. A. to B. for C. with D. on 24. When doing a puzzle, you have to read…….the questions carefully. A. out B. over C. in D. through 25. The old manager has just retired, so Jack takes………..his position. A. on B. out C. in D. up 26. Don’t throw your jacket on the bed. Hang it……. A. up B. on C. over D. in 27. I have lived here ….ten years. A. for B. since C. by D. in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> 28. If you don’t know what a word means, look it………in the dictionary. A. over B. up C. on D. in 29. The contest aimed to stimulate the spirit of learning……students. A. on B. for C. of D. among 30. More and more people are taking part in the struggle………….illiteracy. A. for A. against C. with D. about 31. Wait …me please! A. with B. for C. at D. up 32. It’s dark in here. Can you turn……..the light, please? A. back B. off C. on D up 33. Put…….your coat. It’s cold outside. A. on B. over C. off D. in 34. Hurry…. ! The train is coming. A. on B. on C. up D. out 35. I can’t go……..walking. can we stop and have a short rest? A. over B. out C. by D. on 36. Don’t let the time go …………..wastely. A. on B. over C. back D. by 37. The trouble with Jane is that she never turns….. on time for a meeting. A. on B. off C. back D. up 38. What a lovely baby! He certainly looks……….his father, doesn’t he? A. at B. for C. after D. up 39. I can’t understand. Can you explain it ………me, please? A. for B. at C. to D. with 40. She didn’t get …well with her boss, so she left the company. A. at B. on C. through D. up 41. Conservation is ________ great importance ________ in saving the environment. A. in B. of C. at D. for 42. Tom and Mary are going _______ with each other. A. on B. out C. for D. down 43. She _______ the state secret to the enemy. A. gave up B. gave in C. gave away D. gave off 44. He tried to join the army but was _______ because of poor health. A. turned down B. turned over C. turned up D. turned on 45. I'd rather go to the football field instead ________ being in class today. A. in B. to C. of D. at 46. The government is determined to ________ corruption and bribery. A. make a stop with B. put a stop to C. make a stop to D. put a stop with 47. Women are now independent ________ men. A. of B. on C. against D. at 48. She was born _______ April 15, 1986. A. at B. in C. since D. on 49. Please take the picture _______ the wall. It's too old now. A. in B. at C. off D. by 50. Van suddenly came _______ a very valuable book when she was in the bookshop. A. up B. into C. across D. down with 51. Prices are going _______ in a worrying way. A. up B. over C. away D. off 52. It is wrong to _______ poorer people. A. look down B. look down on C. look on D. look upon 53. The forest fire went _______ after three weeks. A. along B. through C. out D. away 54. My house is not too far _______ my school. A. from B. away C. about D. off 55. She was able to carry _______ all the tasks assigned to her. A. away B. out C. on D. off 56. Smoking and drinking bring _______ a quick decline in health and fitness. A. up B. about C. in D. off 57. He profited greatly _______ his year abroad. A. in B. from C. of D. for.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> 58. Why do you sell this old house ________ such a high price? A. by B. on C. at D. with 59. The young teacher sometimes lets the class go ________ control. A. in B. out ofC. throughout D. under 60. We haven't seen each other ______ last January. A. for B. on C. since D. in 61. Motor vehicles account _______ 75% of air pollution in the major cities. A. of B. in C. on D. for 62. I've advised him many times that he should give _______ smoking. A. in B. out C. off D. up 63. Suddenly, the bomb went _____, and it killed two men standing around there. A. by B. away C. on D. off 64. Tommy is very keen ________ his next trip abroad. A. on B. with C. for D. about 65. Christmas Eve, people often have parties late at midnight. A. In B. On C. At D. From 66. Mary was standing _______ front of her desk. A. on B. at C. in D. from 67. Scientists are searching _______ some other kinds of energy. A. at B. about C. in D. for 68. My sister is quick _______ playing computer games. A. with B. about C. in D. at 69. After making a tour of Singapore, my father arrived _______ Tan Son Nhat airport last night. A. at B. in C. into D. for 70. When I saw him yesterday, he was _______ a taxi. A. running after B. walking up C. coming along D. running over 71. Hung doesn't take good care ________ himself. A. for B. about C. in D. of 72. When do you plan to leave _______ Da Nang? A. to B. into C. for D. at 73. No-one in our class ________ his opinion. A. agrees with B. agree to C. agrees to D. agree with. BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NGỮ PHÁP ANH 12 EXERCISE 1: 1…….New York City is America’s largest city, it is not the capital of America. A. Although B. Because C. Despite D. In spite of 2. It’s a pity you missed the party. If you ……..you……my friend from Ha Noi. A. had come- would meet B. came – would meet C. come - will meet D. had come – would have met 3. I hope that Sharon won’t regret……….school at 16. A. leaving B. to leave C. to have left D. to be leaving 4. My father wants me …..harder. A. to work B. working C. worked D. work 5. When I came to America, it took me several days to get used to…….in the right-hand side of the road. A. drive B. driving C. to drive D. drove 6. The more the cars cost, ………it goes. A. the faster B. faster C. the fastest D. the more fast 7. If she............... rich, she would travel around the world. A. would be B. is C. has been D. were 8. Mary was the last applicant.................... A. to be interviewed B. to be interviewing C. to interview D. to have interviewed 9. The equipment in our office needs................. A. moderner B. modernizing C. modernized D. modernization 10. Computer is one of the most important................... of the 20th century. A. inventing B. inventories C. inventions D. inventors.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> 11. It was really kind............... you to help those poor people. A. by B. of C. at D. to 12. Do you know........................? A. what wrong was it with B. what's wrong with it C. what wrong was with it D. what wrong is it with 13. My cat would not have bitten the toy fish................ it was made of rubber. A. if she has known B. if she should known C. had she known D. if she knew 14. They will stay there for some days if the weather............... fine. A. would be B. was C. is D. will be 15. Peter didn’t arrive in time to see her. A. Peter was so late that I can’t see her. B. Peter wasn’t too early to see her. C. Peter wasn’t early enough to see her . D. Peter wasn’t enough early to see her. 16. My classmate gave this book to me. A. My classmate was given this book by me . B. This book was given to me by my classmate C. This book was given my classmate by me. D. This book was given to my classmate by me. 17. I started working here in 1998. A.I have started work here since 1998. B.I haven’t worked here since 1998. C.I have started working here since 1998. D.I have worked here since 1998. 18. I often get up early. A.I am used to get up early. B.I can get up early. C.I am used to getting up early. D.I like to get up early. 19. Your car is more expensive than mine. A. My car is cheaper than yours. B. Your car is not cheaper than mine. C. My car is as expensive as yours. D. My car is not as expensive as yours. 20.When Newton was 22 years old, he began…….the theory of gravitation. A. to study B. studies C. studied D. study Key: EXERCISE 2: 21.Their house is much…….than ours. A. big B. more big C. more bigger D. bigger 22.He is tired now. He……………….the gardening for hours. A. is doing B. has been doing C. did D. does 23.She will help you………she has some free time. A. what B. where C. how D. when 24.Cuba is……..sugar growing areas in the world. A. largest B. one of largest C. one of the largest D. one of the larger 25.My brother stopped……………..two years ago. A. smoked B. smoke C. to smoke D. smoking 26.He is ……..to lift his weight A. not enough strong B. enough strong C. not strong enough D. strong not enough 27………open the window for you? A. shall I B. should I do C. Do I D. Shall I to 28.They were too late. The plane …….. off ten minutes. A. took B. was taking C. was taken D. had taken 29.Hoi An is famous………..its old streets A. for B. of C. to D. about 30.I ……… she will agree about giving you a pay rise. A. hardly think B. think hard C. hard think D. think hardly 31.We postponed the picnic …………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> A. because it is raining heavily . B. because of the raining heavily. C. because the heavily rain it was. D. because it was raining heavily. 32.Computers …………. to do a lot of jobs these days. A. are used B. using C. are using D. use 33. …………..the gold medal, he will have to do better than that . A. to win B. so he win C. So that he win D. Winning 34…………….you tell me the price of these shoes, please? A. Could B May C. Ought D. Do 35.We spent a year………this boat. A. to build B. building C. over building D. for building 36.Do you know the woman……….over there? A. sits B. who sit C. sat D. sitting 37.Wild animals are …….. almost everywhere. A. serious threatened B. seriously threatened C. seriously threaten D. serious threaten 38.Do you mind ………. the cooking? A. doing B. to do C. do D. did 39.I wish you …………. stop interrupting me whenever I speak. A. will B. would C. did D. might 40………….the time you get to the theater, the play will have finished. A. Until B. In C. By D. On Key: Exercise 3: 41.If I were you, I ………. him as my nephew. A. will have treated B. would treat C. am treating D. will treat 42.My little sister is very good ……. drawing. A. in B. of C. on D. at 43.Jane’s glasses are on the desk, so she……….be there . A. ought B. must C. shall D. will 44.He lost the race because he ………petrol on the last lap. A. got out of B. ran out of C. made out of D. put out of 45.Travelling to Paris …………….. air is quicker than driving. A. by B. on C. over D. through 46.I think Sally is quite …………. her sister. A. as pretty B. as pretty than C. as pretty as D. prettier 47.Would you be ……………… to hold the door open? A. too kind B. kind enough C. as kind D. so kind 48. It was ………..a simple question that everyone answered it correctly. A. So B. such C. much D. too 49.She warned me ………… A. to not do it B. not to do it C. I should do it D. about to do it 50.It took him ages to ………………..living in the new town. A. used to B. accustomed C. get used to D. use to 51.I expect ……… a postcard from my father in England today. A. being received B. to receive C. receiving D. to be receiving 52. My boss is angry with me. I didn’t do all the work I ……….. last week. A. should do B. should have done C. could do D. must have done 53. Who will take …… of their children? A. carefully B. care C. careless D. careful 54.I’m afraid I have to leave ……. a few days time. A. in B. after C. on D. at 55.I ………… a driving test next month..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> A. will be having B. will have had C. have D. will have 56.You are going to come to the party, ……………? A. aren’t you B. do you C. will you D. won’t you 57.There is someone at the door …………….. it . A. I’m answering B.I answer C. I’ll answer D. I answered 58. If I’m tired in the evening …………….. to bed early. A. I’d go B. I’d have gone C. I went D. I’ll go 59.You will become ill ……………..you stop working so hard. A. until B. when C. unless D. if 60.We watched the cat …………. the tree. A. climbed B. climb C. had climbed D. was climbing Key: EXERCISE 4: 61.I regret not booking the seats in advance. A. I wish I booked the seats in advance B. I wish I have booked the seats in advance C. If only I booked the seats in advance D. If only I had booked the seats in advance. 62.The carpets were so expensive that we didn’t buy them . A. The carpets were such expensive for us to buy them. B. The carpets were too expensive for us to buy them. C. The carpets were too expensive for us to buy. D. The carpets were very expensive for us to buy. 63.No one has seen Linda since the day of the party. A. Linda has not been seen since the day of the party. B. Linda is nowhere to be seen at the party. C. The party is going on without Linda. D. No one has seen Linda for ages. 64. Sarah didn’t attend the history lecture, and neither did George. A. Sarah and George didn’t go to the history lecture. B. Did George attend the history lecture with Sarah? C. Did Sarah see George at the history lecture? D. Either Sarah or George attended the history lecture. 65. I haven’t got money, so I’m not going on holiday. A. Having no money made me go on holiday. B. Not having money on my holiday got me down. C. If I have money, I’ll go on holiday D. If I had money, I would go on holiday. 66. The older he grew the more forgetful he became. A. He grew older when he became more forgetful. B. He became more forgetful and older. C. As he grew older, he became more and more forgetful . D. He grew older and more and more forgetful. 67. “John left here an hour ago,” said Jane. A. Jane told me that John had left there an hour before B. Jane said John left there an hour before. C. Jane told John to have left there an hour before. D. Jane told me that John to leave there an hour before. 68. “Why didn’t you follow my advice?” he said. A. He asked me to follow his advice. B. He asked me not to follow his advice. C. He asked me why I did follow his advice. D. He asked me why I hadn’t followed his advice. 69. They had seen the man in a parking lot. A. The man was seen in a parking lot B. The man has been seen in a parking lot C. The man were seen in a parking lot D. The man fad been seen in a parking lot. 70.Pay attention …………………….. all traffic signs when you are traveling in the street. A. from B. on C. to D. for 71.The children are fond of watching …………………….. TV. A. a B. an C. the D.72.Have you met …………………….. boy that Susan is going to marry? A. a B. the C. which D.-.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> 73.Their plans were destroyed …………………….. of a bad storm. A. in spite B. because C. instead D. in place 74.He …………………….. be very courageous to climb that dangerous mountain. A. must B. can C. should D. might 75.I didn’t know you were capable …………………….. cooking such a wonderful meal. A. in B. of C. with D. to 76.David was trying to take over another cyclist when he …………………….. A. has crashed B. had crashed C. were crashing D. crashed 77.You’d better resign before they find out about what you …………………….. A. have done B. had done C. were done D. were doing 78.Unless I submit the assignment today I …………………….. have to repeat the course. A. would B. will C. should D. might 79.She passed the university entrance exam , …………………….. made her parents proud. A. what B. which C. who D. when 80.Many natural resources …………………….. by the end of the century . A. will have disappeared B. have disappeared C. had disappeared D. disappeared KEY: EXERCISE 5: 81.This tool is dangerous……………………………it is used carefully A. unless B.or C.whether D.if 82.When the storm ……………………………this area tomorrow, it will bring with it great destructive force. A.is reaching B.will reach C.reaches D.is going to reach 83. Most children feel …………………………… on the New Year’s Eve. A.excite B.exciting C.excitement D.excited 84.……………………………my students are familiar with this kind of activities. A.most B.a few C.few D.most of 85.Don’t spend your money …………………………… Save it ! A.wastefully B.to waste C.waste D.wasteful 86. There are a lot of people …………………………… London everyday. A.have visited B.visit C.visiting D.to visit 87.Most of the goods …………………………… in this factory are exported. A.make B.making C.to make D.made 88.The more waste paper we recycle…………………………… A.the least tress we preserve B.the most trees we preserve C.the more tress we preserve D.the best tress we preserve 89.The building used to be a library,………………………it? A.isn’t B.doesn’t C.didn’t D.wasn’t 90.John …………………………… you when he has finished the report. A.called B.calls C.will called D.has called 91.Our village had …………………………… money available for education that the schools had to close. A.so little B.so many C.so few D.so much 92.She practices playing the piano …………………………… than I do A.more regularly B.most regularly C.as regularly D.quite regularly 93.They left the room …………………………… they had finished the example. A.during B.while C.soon D.as soon as 94. When I returned, I found that my car …………………………… away. A.had been towing B.has been towing C.has been towed D.had been towed 95.He ……………… for the exams at the moment. I don’t think he can join us in our picnic. A.studies B.will study C.is studying D.has studied 96. We spoke quietly……………………………disturb anyone..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> A.in order that we not B. in order to C.so that we would D.so as not to 97.My parents always let me …………………………… what I think I should . A.doing B.do C.to do D.for doing 98.I remember …………………………… to the zoo before. A.taking B.be taking C.being taken D.to take 99.My brother enjoys …………………………… the mountain very much. A.climbs B.climbed C.climb D.climbing 100.The police want …………………………… anything suspicious. A.we report B.us to report C.that we reported D.us reporting KEY: EXERCISE 6: 101.Because of the bad health, he …………………………… smoking last year. A.has given B.gave up C.has gave up D.has given up 102.We spent half a year …………………………… this house. A.builds B.build C.building D.for building 103.He must have known about it, …………………………… he ? A.hasn’t B.must C.mustn’t D.has 104.Mexico City, …………… is the fastest growing city in the world, has a population of over 10 million. A.what B.that C.which D.where 105. I didn’t listen to him and I didn’t succeed. A.If I listened to him, I would have succeed. B.If I had listened to him , I would have succeeded. C. If I had listened to him , I would succeed. D.If I listened to him I would succeed. 106.I didn’t arrive in time to see her. A. I wasn’t enough early to see her. B.I was so late that I can’t see her. C. I wasn’t too early to see her. D.I wasn’t early enough to see her. 107.Tom gave this book to me. A.This book was given to Tom by me. B.This book was given to me by Tom. C.This book was given Tom by me. D.Tom was given this book by me. 108.“ What shall I do with all this money ?” said Peter. A. Peter asked what should he do with all the money. B. Peter asked what would he do with all that money. C. Peter was asking what he would do with all that money . D. Peter was wondering what he should do with all the money. 109.Hanoi city isn’t as big as Ho Chi Minh city. A.Ho Chi Minh city is smaller than Hanoi city. B. Ho Chi Minh city is bigger than Hanoi city. C.Hanoi city is bigger than Ho Chi Minh city. D.Ho Chi Minh city is as big as Hanoi city. 110. “…………………………….. do you go to the movies?” – “Once a month”. A. How far B. What Time C. How often D. How much time 111. They invited ………………………… dinner with them. A. us for having B. us to have C. that we have D. our having 112. He came home late, so I asked him where …………………… been. A. he had B. has he C. he has D. had he 113. Peter …………………………… 9 films and I think his latest is the best. A. made B. had made C. has made D. was making 114. …………………………… you hand me the dictionary, please? A. May B. Shall C. Will D. Should 115. “If I were you, I would go to the doctor ,” Peter said to Mary. A. Peter told Mary to become a doctor. B. Peter told Mary that he would go to the doctor. C. Peter advised Mary not to go to the doctor..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> D. Peter advised Mary to go to the doctor. 116. “ I spoke slowly. The foreigner could understand me. ” Mean ……………………… A. I spoke slowly so that the foreigner could understand me. B. I spoke slowly in order to the foreigner could understand me. C. I spoke slowly that the foreigner could understand me. D. I spoke slowly to make the foreigner could understand me. 117. It isn’t worth ……………………………… in that river as it is polluted. A. fish B. go fishing C. to fish D. fishing upload.123doc.net. Several people, ………………………… voice could be clearly heard, were waiting outside. A. whose B. their C. of which D. whom 119.They would like to live in a country ………. there is a lot of sunshine. A. which B. where C. that D. when 120. “I’m going to the theatre tonight.” – “So …………..” A. will I B. I will C. am I D. do I KEY: EXERCISE 7: 121. I wish I …….. what to do. A. know B. knew C. have known D. would know 122. Now I……………………… at night. A. am used to work B. am used to working C. used to working D. used to work 123. Would you please…………………………him speak about the new plan? A. let B. allow C. ask D. tell 124. He told me that he……………………. A. had already the film seen . B. had seen already the film. C. the film had already seen . D. had already seen the film. 125. My sister was born………………….. A. at 1974, in April . B. on April, 1974. C. 1974, at April. D. in April, 1974. 126. This is the village……………………..I first met him. A. where B. in that C. which D. from which 127. He asked me ……………………… stay in New York. A. how long I was going to B. how long was I going to C. how long time I was going to D. how long time was I going to 128. It began to rain while he………………………….. A. has fished B. is fishing C. fishes D. was fishing 129. It’s very kind……………………….. invite me. A. from you to B. of you to C. by you to D. that you 130. You don’t believe in what he said,…………………………? A. do you B. did you C. by you to D. that you 131. If I had a million dollars, I ………………………..travel around the world. A. can B. will C. would D. should 132. “What is your name?” she asked . A.She asked what is my name. B.She asked what was my name. C.She asked what my name is. D.She asked what my name was. KEY: Bài tập ôn thi TNTHPT 2008-2009, THPT Hoà Ninh. Bài tập viết câu với từ gợi ý 1.He/ promise /give/ the book/ back/ me / next day -............................................. 2. She / ask / her sister/ lend / her / some money..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> -............................................. 3. What / should / we / do / help/ poor children / go on / learn? -............................................. 4. You / never / regret / doing / a / kind / action. -............................................. 5. Ms Lan / start / preparation / her / New Year / 10 days / the occasion / before. -............................................. 6. He /hate / people / him / unfriendly / be /to. -............................................. 7. Boss/ insist / everyone / on / be / office / nine o’clock. - ............................................. 8. Have / nothing else / do / we / decide / go / walk. -............................................. 9. Heavy / London / fog/ cleared / banning / cars / from / city / center. - ............................................. 10. Exhaust fumes / motor vehicles / pollute / air. -............................................. 11. What / you / use / Internet /for? -............................................. 12. We / go / zoo / if / it / be / nice / Sunday. 13. “Ring a bell” / be / Christmas Eve / song / which / sung. -............................................. 14. be / important part / Mother’s Day /Flowers / always. -............................................. 15. eight / hours / John / be / old / work / a day / enough. -............................................. 16. to / begin / wash / David / his / study / have / after / clothes. -............................................. 17. whose / best / be / woman / the / team / footballer / be / in / our / that / son / school? -............................................. 18. it / stupid / him / give up / job / need / money. -............................................. 19. we / not / survive / start / work / cleaner / safer / energy / sources. -............................................. 20*. opinion / violent movies / not / show / television. -............................................. 21. how / take / do / homework? // A. How much time does it usually take you doing your homework? B. How long do you take for doing your homework? C. How long does it usually take you to do your homework? D. How is your homework done when you take it? 22. I / finish / read / long novel / Arthur Hailey // A. I finished to read a long novel of Arthur Hailey. B. I've just finished reading a long novel written by Arthur Hailey. C. I've finished reading the long Arthur Hailey's novel. D. I finished the reading long novel with Arthur Hailey. 23. English / speak / almost / part / the world // A. English is spoken in almost every part of the world. B. English is spoken in almost parts of the world..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> C. English is speaking in almost all parts of the world. D. Almost every part in the world is spoken with English. 24. Cars / fast and comfortable / than / motorcycles // A. Cars are faster and more comfortable than motorcycles. B. Cars are more fast and comfortable than motorcycles are. C. Cars are faster and comfortable than motorcycles. D. Cars are faster and more comfortable than riding motorcycles. 25. Finally, / decide / go back / shop / buy / shirt // A. Finally, he decided to go back to the shop to buy the shirt. B. Finally, deciding to buy the shirt made him to go back to it. C. Finally, he was deciding to go back to the shop for the bought shirt. D. Finally, the decision to buy the shirt coming back to him. 26. know / where / she / live now?// A. Where she lives now is your knowledge? B. No one knows where she is living now, don't they? C. Do you know where she lives now? D. Is it known about where does she live now? 27. It / not / deny / Mary / beautiful voice // A. It can't be denied that Mary has a beautiful voice. B. It doesn't deny that Mary has a beautiful voice. C. Mary has a beautiful voice, so it can't deny. D. It is undeniable that Mary to have a beautiful voice. 28. teacher's hair / fall / forehead / it / almost hide / blue eyes // A. The teacher's hair falling over her forehead, it almost hides her blue eyes. B. The teacher's hair falls over her forehead, it almost hides her blue eyes. C. The teacher's hair falls over her forehead that it almost hides her blue eyes. D. The teacher's hair is fallen over her forehead, and it almost hides her blue eyes. 29. We / celebrate / Mother's Day / as / show / love / gratitude / mothers // A. We celebrate Mother's Day such as to show love and gratitude to our mothers. B. We celebrate Mother's Day so as to show the love and gratitude for our mothers. C. We celebrate Mother's Day so as to show love and gratitude to our mothers. D. We do the celebration Mother's Day as well as show love gratitude to our mothers. 30. I / not know / what / she /do / the moment // A. I do not know what she is doing at the moment. B. I do not know what she does on the moment. C. I not know what is she doing at the moment. D. I do not know what can she do at the moment. 31. What / population / of / Ho Chi Minh City ?// A. What population of Ho Chi Minh City is it? B. What makes the population of Ho Chi Minh City? C. What kind is it of the population of Ho Chi Minh City? D. What is the population of Ho Chi Minh City? TO V/ V/ V-ING 1. It took the director two hours .................. a. explaining us the new plan b. explaining the new plan to us c. to explain us the new plan d. to explain the new plan to us 2. I am used to .................. by bus and never get sick..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> A. travel B. to travel C. traveled D. traveling 3. I suggest Andrea …………………. in touch with the organizers. a. should get b. to get c. getting d. should getting 4.He hasn’t had his hair cut for 6 months. Now it needs (cut) ………………. 5. There are some reports…………………now. A. typing B. to type C. that should type D. need to be typed 6.“How about……………………… away for a couple of weeks?” I asked her. A. going B. to go C. be going D. us to go 7.I ……………………. bread and eggs every morning. A. use to eat B. am used to eat C. used to eating D. am used to eating 8. Almost everybody is interested in ……………. (SWIM). 9. Don’t make mistakes in your next ………….. (WRITE). 10. I’d to have my shoes …………………… at once. a. repair b. repairing c. repaired d. being repaired 11. The teacher encouraged ………………………… good compositions. a. us write b. us to write c. us writing d. us to writing 12. we were made …………………………… all the cleaning in the house. a. do b. to do c. doing d. done 13.Lack of funds prevented him . . . . . . . . . . . . . with his students. A.to continue B.with continuing C.continue D.from continuing 14. She will never get used . . . . . . . . . . . . . on the left A.to drive B. drive C. to driving D. driving 15.I don’t find it difficult to study late at night. I am used.......................................................................................... 16.It took him an hour to travel to Paris by train. He spent............................................................................................ 17.I’ll be happy to give you a lift. I don’t mind...................................................................................... 18.Staying at home is better than going to see that film. I’d rather........................................................................................... 19.. I feel uncomfortable to be in a room where everybody is shouting. - I can’t stand…………………………………………………….. 20. He is looking forward to ………………… to Scotland. A. travel B. traveling C. be traveling D. A and B 21. I gave Ted the message, but he already knew about it. I needn’t ……………………………………………………………………… 22. The flight to Moscow lasted three hours and a haft. It took ……………………………………………………………………... 23. Now I……………………… at night. a. am used to work b. am used to working c. used to working d. used to work 24.Look ! They (play)…………………………………..soccer in the rain. 25.When I heard the noise, I (get)……………………………..up to see what had happened 26.Nam (not to write)…………………………………………his friend a letter last night. 27.They rarely(go)……………………………..out in the evening. 28.He (listen)…………………………………to the radio now. 28.The weather (be)……………………………… very hot yesterday. 30.I wish I (not to go)…………………………………….to the party last night. 31.He asked me (put)………………………….the books on the desk. 32.I think they should let him (go)……………………… 33.She didn’t have enough time(finish)……………………………..her exercises. 34.Tom(just/repair)……………………………… his bike. 35.Mary often (wash)……………………………her clothes in the afternoon. 36.I look forward to (see)………………………… you again..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> 37.The coffee is too hot for me (drink)…………………………… 38.If he had realized the traffic lights were red, he (stop)……………………….. 39. Speaking English fluently is not easy It…………………………………………………………………………………… 40. I didn’t hear you ……… in last night. You must have been very quiet. A. come B. coming C. to come D. came 41.I’m sure you will have no difficulty …………. the exam. A. to pass B. passing C. pass D. on passing 42.I’m sure you will have no difficulty …………. the exam. A. to pass B. passing C. pass D. on passing 43. Jame doesn’t play football as well as he used to. - Jame used.................................................................................................................................... 44. They invited ………………………… dinner with them. a. us for having b. us to have c. that we have d. our having 45. It isn’t worth ……………………………… in that river as it is polluted. a. fish b. go fishing c. to fish d. fishing 46. “You were cheating,” said Carol to June. - Carol accused ………………………………………………………………… 47.It’s difficult …………………… high scores in this test. (get – to get –getting – to be getting) 48.After ………………………… for five hours in the sun, they were exhausted. (worked – being working – having worked – had worked) 49.My parents always let me …………………………… what I think I should A.doing B.do C.to do D for doing 50.I remember …………………………… to the zoo before A.taking B.be taking C.being taken D.to take 51.My brother enjoys …………………………… the mountain very much A.climbs B.climbed C.climb D.climbing 52.The police want …………………………… anything suspicious A.we report B.us to report C.that we reported D.us reporting 53.We spent half a year ………………… this house A.builds B.build C.building D.for building 54..We watched the cat …………. the tree. A. climbed B. climb C. had climbed D. was climbing 55..That lesson was much too difficult……….understand A. for me to B. me to C. for I to D. that 56.She warned me ………… A. to not do it B. not to do it C. I should do it D. about to do it 57.I often get up early. A.I am used to get up early B.I can get up early C.I am used to getting up early D.I like to get up early 58..When Newton was 22 years old, he began…….the theory of gravitation A. to study B. studies C. studied D. study 59.My brother stopped……………..two years ago. A. smoked B. smoke C. to smoke D. smoking 60..I expect ……… a postcard from my father in England today A. being received B. to receive C. receiving D. to be receiving 61.. Mary was the last applicant.................... A. to be interviewed B. to be interviewing C. to interview D. to have interviewed 62.. The bust couldn’t run because of the fog. - The fog …………………………………… 63.. Peter said to Paul, “I didn’t use your mobile phone! Someone else did, not me”. - Peter denied ………………………………………………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> 64.. She can’t get into the habit of studying every evening. - She can’t get used ……………………………………. 65. It is impossible to learn a language in a week. -Learning ................................................................... 66.. The film star wore dark glasses so that no one could recognize him. •- The film start avoided ................................................................... 67. She didn’t say a word as she left the room. •-She left the room ................................................................... 68. Peter said: “Why don’t you go to the booking office yourself?” •-Peter said: “How about ................................................................... 69.. Nobody here thinks learning English is easy. - Everybody here thinks it …………………….. 70.We couldn’t drive because of the fog. The fog prevented…………………………………. 71. Lack of funds prevented him . . . . . . . . . . . . . with his students. A. to continue B.with continuing C.continue D.from continuing 72.It was a waste of time writing that letter. - I needn’t……………………………… 73.“Let’s check everything once more,” said the man in chief. - The man in chief suggested…………………… 74.He didn’t remember anything about it, and neither did she. - He forgot………………….. 75.Nam has difficulty in studying physics -It is …………………………………….. 76.I am always nervous when I travel by air. -Traveling............................................................................................ 77.“Why don’t you apply for the job, Minh?” said to Lan. -Lan suggested..................................................................................... 78.“ You had better go there immediately.” -She advised......................................................................................... 79.Did you remember (buy) ………………. a newspaper on the way home? 80.I look forward to (hear) ………………………………. from you as soon as possible. 81. I am looking forward to (see) .................. you again. 82. The film was sad. It made me (cry) .................. 82. After (write) ………………………the letter, she put it in an envelop 83.Our classmates couldn’t help (laugh) ……………… when they heard the teacher’s funny story. 84.This kitchen needs (repair) ……………………………… as quickly as possible 85.I would rather (watch) ……………………………… TV than go to bed. 86. There are a lot of people …………………………… London everyday A. have visited B.visit C.visiting D.to visit TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ, BÀI TẬP VỚI TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ Ghi nhớ ngữ pháp: - Need: Sngười + need + ToV Svật + need + V-ing/ to be +V(pp) - Must + V ( cần phải làm gì - chỉ bổn phận phải làm) . Phân biệt với have/ has to( phải- chỉ sự bắt buộc phải làm). Lưu ý quá khứ của must là had to ( trong cấu trúc lời gián tiếp) * must chỉ sự phỏng đoán dựa vào cơ sở hợp logic.: phỏng đoán sự việc ở hiện tại : must + V phỏng đoán sự việc ở qua khứ: must + have + V(pp) - Should (nên) + V * Should chỉ sự hối tiếc lẻ ra nên / không nên làm gì(nhưng đã không làm/ đã làm) Should/ shouldn’t + have + V(pp) - Might (có lẻ), chỉ sự phỏng đoán ở hiện tại, tương lai..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> - Have/ has / had to (phải- chỉ sự bắt buộc của ngoại cảnh) 1. Peter painted the room black. It looked dark and dreary. He ……………chosen a different color. A. had to B. should have C. must have D. could have been 2. You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday. You …….be really hungry. A. might B. will C. can D. must 3. It …….. rain this evening. Why don’t you take an umbrella? A. had better B. could be C. must D. might 4. There is a law that says that you………….throw trash on the streets. A. don’t have B. must not C. couldn’t D. might not 5. The carpet still needs cleaning. A. The carpet hasn’t been cleaning yet. B. The carpet hasn’t cleaned yet. C. The carpet has been cleaned D. The carpet has cleaned. 6. She………..about the time, her friend was also late. A. needn’t worry B. doesn’t need to worry C. didn’t need to worry D. needn’t have to worried 7. On average, a healthy heart…………to jump five tablespoons of blood with every beat. A. can B. must C. ought D. should 8. Can you find it without……check the files. A. must B. have to C. to have to D. having to 9. There weren’t enough student, so they……………….to close the school. A. have B. must C. had D. got 10. Mr. Brown is very rich. He …………work hard for a living. A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. doesn’t have to D. hadn’t better 11. ………..you hand me that pair of scissors, please? A. May B. Shall C. Will D. Should 12. We………….have been married for twenty-five years on our next anniversary. A . must B. should C. will D. could 13. Let’s take a vote,………….? A. will you B. won’t you C. shall we D. shan’t we 14. If you are a resident of this city and want to drive a motor vehicle on a public highway, you……….have a driver’s license. A. may B. might C. can D. must 15. It’s not necessary for you to do the test. -You…………………………………. 16. She prefers reading to watching TV. - She would………………………………. 17. My suit needs to be cleaned before the interview. -I must……………………………… 18. I gave Ted the message but he already knew about it. -I needn’t…………………………………….. I needn’t have given…because he already knew…….. 19. If you hadn’t been speeding, the police wouldn’t have stopped you. -You must…………………………………………… 20. It’s a pity you didn’t come to the party, because you’d have loved it. -You should……………………………………….. 21. It was wrong of you not to call the doctor at once. -You should…………………………………. 22. The grass is wet. It ………………last night. A. must rain B. must have rained C. should rain D. should have rained. SHOWING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TWO IDEAS (UNDERSTANDING & USING E. GRAM. PAGE 252,253) 0. ….B…. I get angry and upset, I try to take ten deep breaths. A. Until B. Whenever C. Therefore D. For 1. ……..Paul brings the money for our lunch, we’ll go right down to the cafeteria. A. Since B. As soon as C. Now that D. Until 2. My mouth is burning! This is…..spicy food that I don’t think I can finish it..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> A. such B. so C. very D. too 3. Both my books…..from my room last night. A. were stolen and my wallet B. and my wallet were stolen C. and my wallet was stolen D. were and my wallet was stolen 4. When…a dictionary, you need to be able to understand the symbols and abbreviations it contains. A. having using B. use C. to use D. using 5. Bats are fascinating…..have many interesting and amazing qualities. A. animals. Therefore, they B. animals, they C. animals. They D. animals. Because they 6. While…….to help Tim with his math, I got impatient because he wouldn’t pay attention to what I was saying. A. I am trying B. having tried C. I try D. trying 7. …..extremely bad weather in the mountains, we’re no longer considering our skiing trip. A. Due to B. Because C. Since D. Due to the fact that 8. Emily is motivated to study………she knows that a good education can improve her life. A. therefore B. because of C. because D. so 9. Sonia broke her leg in two places.____, she had to wear a cast and use crutches for three months. A. Inasmuch as B. Consequently C. For that D. Because 10. Our village had…….money available for education that the school had to close. A. so little B. such little C. so much D. such much 11. Hundreds of species of Hawaiian flowers have become extinct or rare……land development and the grazing of wild goats. A. now that B. due to C. because D. for 12. Tom Booth is one of the best players in the country. We have won all of our games…..he joined our team. A. when B. the first time C. since D. due to 13. Joe seemed to be a good mood,……..he snapped at me angrily when I asked him join us. A. yet B. so C. for D. and 14. …………Jane arrives, we will have finished this group project. A. By the time B. Until C. Now that D. Since 15. For the most part, young children spend their time playing, eating, and……a lot. A. they sleep B. sleeping C. sleep D. they are sleeping 16. Joan worked in a vineyard last summer…..money for school expenses. A. because to earn B. so she earns C. for she earned D. so that she could earn 17. …………unprepared for the exam, I few sure I would get a low score. A. Being B. Having C. Because D. Upon 18. Ever since……Ted the bad news, he’s been avoiding me. A. telling B. told C. I told D. having told 19. ……..my daughter reaches the age of sixteen, she will be able to drive. A. Having B. Since C. One D. Because 20. Matt will enjoy skiing more the next time he goes to Mt. Baker……..he has had skiing lessons. A. so that B. before C. now that D. and 21. ……it’s warm and sunny today, why don’t we go to the park? A. Therefore B. Due to C. As long as D. For 22. The first time I went swimming in deep water, I sank to the bottom like a rock.____ I’ve learnt to stay afloat, I feel better about the water, but I still can’t swim well. A. As soon as B. The first time C. went D. now that 23. It’s obvious that neither the workers………to fight the new rule. A. nor the manager intend B. intend nor the manager.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> C. nor the manager intends D. intend nor the manager intends 24. Timmy doesn’t do well in school……….his inability to concentrate on any one thing for longer than a minute or two. A. as B. due to C. because D. therefore 25. After……….to 45 minutes of an extremely boring speech, I found myself nodding off. A. was listening B. listen C. listening D. having listen 26. why did I stay until the end? I am never going to stay a watch a bad movie again!___ I am in that situation, I’m going to leave the theater immediately. A. The next time B. Now that C. After D. until 27. Erin likes to swim, jog, and….tennis. A. plays B. play C. to play D. playing 28. Since…….to a warmer and less humid climate, I’ve had no trouble with asthma. A. upon moving B. I moving C. moving D. I move 29. Tony spent…….money buying movie tickets that he didn’t have enough left to buy a short drink or candy bar. A. such B. a lot of C. too much D. so much 30. You should learn how to change the tire on your car……you can handle an emergency situation if necessary. A. so that B. when C. for that D. therefore 31. Cars have become much more complicated._____, mechanics need more training than in the past. A. Because B. Therefore C. So that D. For 32. Not wanting to be late my first day of class, …….to school after I missed my bus. A. so I ran B. because I ran C. I ran D. therefore, I ran 33. It was raining …….. I couldn’t go outside. A. because B. so hard that C. so that D. too hard that 34. The Northern Hemisphere has mostly westerly winds………the rotation of the earth toward the east. A. due to B. because C. therefore D. so 35. …….the need to finish this project soon, I want you to work on this overtime for the next few days. A. Because B. So that C. Because of D. Inasmuch as.

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