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kiem tra unit 3 4

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span> Exercise 1. Multiple choice: 1.They often go to that ............................ to pray. A. market B. hotel C. hostel D. shrine 2. We have some ....................... students for the program. A. exchange B. exchanged C. to exchange D. exchanging 3. Are you a stamp ................................ ? A. collecting B. collector C. collect D. collecting 4. Cattle and sheep are geazing in the ............................ A. bridges B. rivers C. fields D. meadows 5. Getting to the village is a very ............................... journey. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests 6. The weather is nice. Shall we .................... mountains this morning ? A. go B. travel C. come D. climb 7. My village lies near the ....................... of the mountain and by the river. A. foot B. leg C. feet D. legs 8. He is considered one of the greatest ..................... of the country. A. heroes B. heroin C. heroines D. heroic 9. What do you think about his .......................... of coins ? A. collect B. collector C. collection D. collective 10. There is a small bamboo .................... at the entrance to the village. A. forest B. forestation C. forest ranger D. forestry 11. After an hour ......................... on the farm, the buffalo was given some hay. A. plow B. plowing C. plowed D. plough 12. The tourists spent nearly half an hour ........................ photos of the pagoda and the tower. A. catching B. to catch C. taking D. to take 13. I wish you ......................... us someday. A. visit B. will visit C. visited D. would visit 14. It rains heavily, .............................. I can’t go to the movies with you. A. and B. but C. because D. so 15. My father ..................... teaching in a small village 10 years ago. A. starts B. started C. has started D. is starting 16. Minh wishes he ................... a new bike. A. shall have B. has C. had D. will have 17. They got up quite late, ...................... they missed the bus. A. and B. but C. so D. because 18. Ba and Tam usually go fishing ...................... weekends. A. on B. in C. to D. from 19. Our little brother took a long nap from 1 p.m ....................... 4 p.m. A. till B. between C. at D. in 20. The competitions will take place ......................... 8 a.m and 12 a.m. A. from B. between C. up to D. at 21. The boys often go skiing ..................... winter. A. in B. at C. on D. from 22. Every Saturday, they play table tennis ................................ 9 p.m. A. till B. from C. on D.in 23. They have learnt English ............. many years. A. in B. from C. since D. for 24. ...................... turning off the TV and lights, they went to bed. A. Behind B. In front of C. Before D. After.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 25. My father was born ........................ September 21st 1950. A. at B. in C. on D. to 26. This year the only award for the .......................... student belongs to him. A.good B. well C. better D. best 27. The restaurant has the .......................... for serving some of the finest food. A. repute B. reputation C. reputed D. reputable 28 ....................... aspects of learning English do you find the most difficult ? A. What B. Where C. When D. Why 29 We think that with our solidarity we can .................... this difficulty. A. overdo B. overgo C. overtake D. overcome 30. They couldn’t pass the final .......................................................... A. examining B. examine C. examinee D. examination 31 We have many well- ........................ teachers here. A. qualify B. quality C. qualified D. qualification 32 This shirt costs......................... 88,000 VND. A. approxiamtive B. approximately C. approximation D. approximate 33 If you study at The Brighton Language Center- UK, you can live in ................ on campus. A. dormitory B. mobile room C. hotel D. private room 34 I saw your school’s ........................... in today’s edition of the Viet Nam News. A. advertise B. advertisement C. advertiser D. advertising 35 I can complete a .......................... English test if you want. A. speak B. spoke C. spoken D. speaking 36 My teacher said we needed to learn this poem ....................... heart. A. in B. on C. by D. with 37 What ..................... of language learning do you find most interesting ? A. part B. grammar C. section D. aspect 38 Are there places .............................. in the intermidiate classes ? A. available B. rest C. left D. still 39 My favorite ................... at school is English. A. topic B. subject C. class D. teacher 40. She said that she ....................... learning English with you. A. like B. liked C. liking D. to like 41 She asked me where I ....................... from. A. come B. came C. to come D. coming 42. If you want to attend the course, you ............................. pass the examination. A. have to B. has to C. had to D. could 43 A. ask B. asks C. asked D. Asking 44 He asked me who the editor of this book ........................ ? A. is B. are C. was D. were 45 He told me he ........................... leave the city the following day. A. will have to B. would have to C. has to D. had to 46 If you ................... to pass the exam, you should try harder. A. wanted B. want C. will want D. would want 47 If the librarian .......................... to work today, I can’t borrow any book for my report. A. didn’t go B. won’t go C. doesn’t go D. hasn’t gone 48. I ........................ to Lan’s birthday party if she invites me. A. go B. will go C. went D. would go 49 She asked me if I .................. speak Chinese..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> A. can B. could C. will 50 My friends practice .......................... to the radio everyday. A. listen B. listened C. listening. D. shall D. to listen.  Exercise 2. Supply the correct word form: 1.There are two .................................. – one at the front and one round the back ( enter). 2.Thank you for a very ........................ evening at your house ( enjoy). 3.We can find lots of ................ and drink at the supermarket ( feed). 4.All the people walked in a ................. direction (south). 5.There are three ....................... a day from the post box on the corner ( collect). 6.Every summer thousands of people flock to the ............................... (country). 7.We stopped at some ................................ shops to buy some food ( near). 8.I can see the ........................... between you and your mother ( similar ). 9.It is always ............................ to hear other people’s point of view ( interest). 10. He is a famous stamp ...................... ( collect). 11. They ......................... me to join their family to Hue last year ( invitation). 12. The accident happens because of driving ........................................ (care). 13. You should ............................. for an hour (relaxation). 14. There is a ........................ lot near my house ( park). 15. He is ............................... in playing soccer ( interest) 16. He is a very strict .............................. (examine). 17. I want to ..................... at course (attendance). 18. This school has excellent .......................... (repute). 19. We often take part in many .............................. activities at school (culture). 20. If you want to ........................ your English, we can help you (improvement). 21. Please phone this number for more .......................... (inform). 22. I want to ............................... for selling my house (advertisement). 23. He is an .......................... of this newspaper (edition). 24. This book is not .............................. (avail). 25. He ......................... answered these questions. (exact).  Exercise 3. Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: 1. They used to .............................. swimming in the afternoon (go). 2. He wishes he .......................... a doctor (be). 3. Is Lan used to .................................... to Maryam ? (write ). 4. I wish they .......................... here tomorrow (be). 5. I wish I .................................. speak English well (can). 6. I would rather you .............................. the test well ( do). 7. It’s time we ........................... the bus (catch). 8. He used to ................... to the cinemas on the weekends. (go) 9. I wish they ................................. here next time (be). 10. It’s time we ................................... here ( leave). 11. She asked me where I (buy)............................. that car. 12. She asked him where he (be) ............................................. from. 13. They said that they (sell) ............................ their house. 14. I asked them if they (pass) ...................................... the final exam. 15. I asked him if he ( can).................................... help me. 16. She said to me that she (sell) ............................. that car the following day. 17. He asked me where I (go) .............................. the previous day..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 18. The teacher asked her why she (not do) ................................ the test. 19. They asked him if he (must) ...................... go then. 20. Tom asked Peter if he (may) ............... come in. 21. If you (want) .................. to join us, you have to get up at 6.00 everyday. 22. She must finish all the homework if she (want) .................... to play out.  Exercise 4. Rewrite the following sentences: 1. I like playing soccer and that's why I spent a lot of time on that game. >..................................................................................................................................................... 2. Because the weather was cold, they had to cancel their trip. >.................................................................................................................................................... 3. This book is interesting enough for me to read many times. >.................................................................................................................................................... 4. He is too young to go to school alone. >.................................................................................................................................................. 5. You must be careful because he is strict. >................................................................................................................................................... 6. The test was so long that I couldn't finish it in an hour. >.................................................................................................................................................. Exercise 5 .Rewrite the following sentences without changing their original meanings : 1.“ I have something to show you now”, he said to me. ↔ He told me ..................................................................................................................................... 2.“I’m leaving here for Hue tomorrow”, she said ↔ She said ......................................................................................................................................... 3. “I ‘ll come with you as soon as I am ready”, Tom said to her. ↔ Tom said ........................................................................................................................................ 4. “ I must go now”, the father said to us. ↔ The father said ............................................................................................................................... 5. “ Who puts the salt in my cup of coffee?”, she asked me. ↔ She asked ....................................................................................................................................... 6. “ Why do you come here late?”, she asked me. ↔ She asked ....................................................................................................................................... 7. “ Can you play the piano ?”, he asked the girl. ↔ He asked the girl ............................................................................................................................ 8. “ Do you like pop music ?” Hoa asked Maryam. ↔ Hoa asked Maryam ........................................................................................................................ 9. “ Where do you live, the boy ?”, asked the man. ↔ The man asked ............................................................................................................................... 10. “ Did you stay at home last night, Ba ?”, asked Hung. ↔ Hung asked .....................................................................................................................................

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