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Unit 6 The young pioneers club

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Find the missing picture. 1. 3. 2. 4. Which the name traditional song Did When Ho Which Chidid Minh isis the Ho found Chi Minh of the Vietnamese organization found Yes, In he 1931 did Thanh Niên Làm Theo Lời for Youth? the organization Youth forfrom Youth? for 16 Youth to 30? ?Bác HCM Communist Youth Union.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> *Vocabulary : - citizenship. (n) :. quyền công dân. -awareness. (n) :. ý thức , nhận thức. - personality. (n) :. nhân cách. - principle - establish. :. nguyên tắc,điều lệ. (v) :. thành lập, thiết lập. (n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> *Vocabulary : 1.awareness ( n ). a.nhân cách b.nguyên tắc,điều lệ. 2.personality (n) 3.principle. (n). c.thiết lập, thành lập d.ý thức. 4.citizenship (n) 5.establish. (v). e.quyền công dân.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> -True / false statements : 1. Youth Union is an organization for Vietnamese youth from 16 to 30 40 years old.  F 2. In December 1976 1975, it was officially named as it is called today : “ The Youth Union” for short.  F 3. The Youth Union often hold social activities..  T. 4. The Youth Union’s aims and principles established by president Ho Chi Minh..  T.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 1976 b 1. December their public awareness 2. c.. 3.dthe guidelines 1931 4. March a. a) The Youth Union was founded in………………. b) In ……………………the Youth Union was officially named as it called today. c) The Youth Union’s activities aim to help the young develop…………………………… d) Its aims and principles have been……………………… for the young Vietnamese people of today and tomorrow..

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> a.At what age can one join the Youth Union ? b. When was the Youth Union founded ? c. What is the complete name of the Youth Union ? d. Can you name some social activities of the Youth Union ? e. What do these activities aim to help ? f. Who established the guidelines for the Vietnamese Youth ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> ANSWER THE QUESTIONS :. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 At what age can one join the When was the Youth Union Youth Union? Who Can What established do you these name activities the some guidelines aim social to founded? for activities help? Vietnamese of the youth? Youth Union? th -Onthe March 26 , 1931. -At age from 16 to 30. Ho Chi Our beloved President They aim to help the young Help Handicapped,Cleaning the Minh. develop their public awareness Environment,Green and form their personality. Summer Volunteers Campaign, and other similar movements..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> *Answers a)at the age from 16 to 30. b)On March 26th,1931. c)The complete name of the Youth Union is Ho Chi Minh communist Youth Union. d)Helping handicapped, cleaning the Environment, Green Summer Voluteers Campaign, and other similar movement. e)They aim to help the young develop their pubplic awareness and form their personality..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Homework  . . Learn new words Read the text then answer the questions in your notebooks Prepare next lesson : - read the notice (What is it about ?) - read the dialogue between Hoa and her aunt ( What is Hoa going to do ? ).

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