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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>CÁCH GÕ LATEX MỘT SỐ CÔNG THỨC TOÁN HỌC CƠ BẢN Để gõ được công thức toán học trên diễn đàn www.mathlink.ro bạn sử dụng dấu $ chặn hai đầu của công thức đó. Ví dụ 1: $\sqrt{x^2+1$ ta có kết quả là: Chú ý dấu “\” trước công thức.. x2 1. 2 2 Ví dụ 2: $x^2+y^2 \ge 2xy, \all x, y \in R$, ta có kết quả là: x y 2 xy, x, y R Sau đây là một số nhóm công thức quan trọng:. Nhóm 1 KÝ HIỆU. CÁCH GÕ. KÝ HIỆU. CÁCH GÕ. KÝ HIỆU. CÁCH GÕ. \pm. \mp. \times. \div. \cdot. \ast. \star. \dagger. \ddagger. \amalg. \cap. \cup. \uplus. \sqcap. \sqcup. \vee. \wedge. \oplus. \ominus. \otimes. \circ. \bullet. \diamond. \lhd. \rhd. \unlhd. \unrhd. \oslash. \odot. \bigcirc. \triangleleft. \Diamond. \bigtriangleup. \bigtriangledown. \Box. \triangleright. \setminus. \wr. Nhóm 2 KÝ HIỆU. CÁCH GÕ. KÝ HIỆU. CÁCH GÕ. KÝ HIỆU. CÁCH GÕ. \le. \ge. \neq. \sim. \ll. \gg. \doteq. \simeq. \subset. \supset. \approx. \asymp. \subseteq. \supseteq. \cong. \smile. \sqsubset. \sqsupset. \equiv. \frown. \sqsubseteq. \sqsupseteq. \propto. \bowtie. \in. \ni. \prec. \succ. \vdash. \dashv. \preceq. \succeq. \models. \perp. \parallel. \|. \mid.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Nhóm 3 Symbol. Command. Symbol. Command. Symbol. Command. \nmid. \nleq. \ngeq. \nsim. \ncong. \nparallel. \not<. \not>. \not=. \not\le. \not\ge. \not\sim. \not\approx. \not\cong. \not\equiv. \not\parallel. \nless. \ngtr. \lneq. \gneq. \lnsim. \lneqq. \gneqq Nhóm 4. Symbol. Command. Symbol. Command. Symbol Command Symbol. Command. \alpha. \beta. \gamma. \delta. \epsilon. \varepsilon. \zeta. \eta. \theta. \vartheta. \iota. \kappa. \lambda. \mu. \nu. \xi. \pi. \varpi. \rho. \varrho. \sigma. \varsigma. \tau. \upsilon. \phi. \varphi. \chi. \psi. \omega Nhóm 5 Symbol Command Symbol Command Symbol Command Symbol. Command. \Gamma. \Delta. \Theta. \Lambda. \Xi. \Pi. \Sigma. \Upsilon. \Phi. \Psi. Nhóm 6s Symbol. Command. Symbol. Command. \gets. \to. \leftarrow. \Leftarrow. \rightarrow. \Rightarrow. \leftrightarrow. \Leftrightarrow. \mapsto. \hookleftarrow. \leftharpoonup. \leftharpoondown. \rightleftharpoons. \longleftarrow.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> \Longleftarrow. \longrightarrow. \Longrightarrow. \longleftrightarrow. \Longleftrightarrow. \longmapsto. \hookrightarrow. \rightharpoonup. \rightharpoondown. \leadsto. \uparrow. \Uparrow. \downarrow. \Downarrow. \updownarrow. \Updownarrow. \nearrow. \searrow. \swarrow. \nwarrow. Nhóm 7 Symbol. Command. Symbol Command Symbol. Command. \ldots 2. \vdots. \cdots 2. Symbol Command. \ddots. (The '2's after \ldots and \cdots are only present to make the distinction between the two clear.). Nhóm 8 Symbol. Command. Symbol. Command. Symbol. Command. \hat{x}. \check{x}. \dot{x}. \breve{x}. \acute{x}. \ddot{x}. \grave{x}. \tilde{x}. \mathring{x}. \bar{x}. \vec{x}. When applying accents to i and j, you can use \imath and \jmath to keep the dots from interfering with the accents: Symbol. Command. Symbol. \vec{\jmath}. Command. \tilde{\imath}. \tilde and \hat have wide versions that allow you to accent an expression: Symbol. Command. Symbol. \widehat{3+x}. Command. \widetilde{abc}. Others Symbol. Command. Symbol. Command. Symbol. Command. \infty. \triangle. \angle. \aleph. \hbar. \imath. \jmath. \ell. \wp. \Re. \Im. \mho. \prime. \emptyset. \nabla.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> \surd. \partial. \top. \bot. \vdash. \dashv. \forall. \exists. \neg. \flat. \natural. \sharp. \backslash. \Box. \Diamond. \clubsuit. \diamondsuit. \heartsuit. \spadesuit. \Join. \blacksquare. Nhóm 9 Symbol. Command. Symbol Command Symbol Command. \{. \}. \|. \backslash. \lfloor. \rfloor. \lceil. \rceil. \langle. \rangle You might notice that if you use any of these to typeset an expression that is vertically large, like \displaystyle (1 + \frac{a}{x} )^2 the parentheses don't come out the right size:. If we put \left and \right before the relevant parentheses, we get a prettier expression: \displaystyle \left(1 + \frac{a}{x} \right)^2 gives. \left and \right can also be used to resize the following symbols: Symbol. Command. Symbol. Command. Symbol. Command. \uparrow. \downarrow. \updownarrow. \Uparrow. \Downarrow. \Updownarrow. Some symbols render differently in regular math mode and in display mode (display mode occurs when you use \displaystyle, $$...$$, or \[...\]). Read more in the about how symbols which take arguments above and below the symbols, such as a summation symbol, behave in the two modes. In each of the following, the two images show the symbol in regular mode, then in display mode. Symbol. Command. Symbol. Command. Symbol. Command. \sum. \int. \oint. \prod. \coprod. \bigcap.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> \bigcup. \bigsqcup. \bigvee. \bigwedge. \bigodot. \bigotimes. \bigoplus. \biguplus. Một số Link để tham khảo thêm Comprehensive LaTex Symbol list commands section of the guide Other by Phạm Văn Quý Trung học phổ thông chuyên Quang Trung, tỉnh Bình Phước.
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