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I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.
1. A. influenced
B. terrified
C. averaged
D. accompanied
2. A. host
B. most
C. cost
D. post
3. A. boot
B. book
C. hook
D. foot
4. A. south
B. truth
C. smooth
D. both
5. A. miles
B. months
C. lakes
D. mates
II. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words. Identify
your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.
6. A. accurate
B. customer
C. computer
D. exercise
7. A. reduction

B. popular
C. financial
D. romantic
8. A. theory
B. generate
C. delicious
D. confidence
9. A. happen
B. village
C. realize
D. reality
10.A. characteristic
B. environmental
C. documentary
D. sophisticated

I. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences.
11. It looks like they’re going to succeed ___________ their present difficulties.
A. in spite of
B. because of
C. even though
D. yet
12. People believe there is a ……….. between the two crimes.
A. joint
B. chain
C. link
D. connector
13. When you are in a western country, your host may open a wrapped gift in front of you. Opening a
present in front of the gift-giver is ................ polite.

A. acquired
B. considered
C. known
D. called
14. Tom thanked us ____________ having helped him to overcome the difficulties.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. for
15. ……………. the low rainfall this year, the crops did not produce a high yield.
A. Since
B. Despite
C. Due to
D. Because
16. An employer may look with…………. on a young college graduate.
A. suspect
B. suspicion
C. suspicious
D. suspiciously
17. No longer __________ do all the housework with their hands.
A. have women to
B. do women have
C. do women have to D. women have to
18. Today many serious childhood diseases _____________by early immunisation.
A. are preventing
B. can be prevented C. prevent
D. can prevent
19. Mary failed in her exams because she played computer games a lot. She _______ too much.
A. shouldn’t have played
B. shouldn’t play

C. should play
D. wouldn’t have played
20. We had ____________ interesting dinner with the princess last Sunday.
A. an
B. a
C. the
D. no article
21. ___________ ,woman are responsible for the chores in the house and taking care of the children.
A. Naturally
B. Traditionally
C. Suddenly
D. Accidentally
22. There is no ___________ in going to school if you are not willing to learn.
A. reason
B. aim
C. purpose
D. point
23. A:” I’m Charles Archer , from America. How do you do ?” -B: “……………….?”
A. How are you
B. How do you do
C. Pleased to meet you
D. B & C correct
24. Mary: “ You look nice in that red shirt.”- John: “…………………………………”
A. It’s nice of you to say so
B. Am I? Thanks
C. Oh, poor me
D. I am interesting to hear that
25. The classroom has not electric fan,………………………..is quite different from that in the
A. what

B. who
C. which
D. that
26. No sooner had he arrived ___________ things went wrong.
A. when
B. that
C. than
D. and
27. My father dislikes ___________ while he is speaking.
A. to be interrupting
B. being interrupted

C. to interrupt
D. to interrupt
28. Mum wanted to know...............put her coats
A. where had
B. if where you had C. where you had
D. where had you
29. The more you know about art, .......................................you are likely to enjoy looking at paintings.
A. the more likely B. the less interested
C. the better D. the more
30. ........................................... if you hadn’t talked to me about the problem last night.
A. I would have felt better now
B. I would be feel better now
C. I would have feeling better now
D. I would feel better now
31. ___________ all the exercises, Nam handed in the paper.
A. Having done
B. Doing

C. He has done
D. After had done
32. When we got home, dinner ___________ so we had a drink first.
A. was preparing
B. was prepared
C. was being prepared
D. had been prepared
33. The woman......................................was very angry.
A. whom Julie was arguing her
B. Julie was arguing with her
C. with whom Julie was arguing
D. who Julie was arguing for
34. We always tell our children to study harder and harder……………………………………….they can
help develop our village more and more.
A. so as to
B. in order
C. so that
D. in order to
35 The problem was ..................than we thought at first.
A. much serious
B. much more serious
C. seriously D. much seriously
36. Had you given me advice, ...................................
A. I had been able to avoid the failure
B. I hadn’t been able to avoid the failure
C. I would have been able to avoid the failure
D. I wouldn’t have been able to avoid the failure
37. This is the first time.....................................by plane
A. I’m traveling
B. I travel

C. I had traveled
D. I’ve traveled
38. He showed us the house ………………………he was born and grew up.
A. which
B. in which
C. in where
D. in that
39. He asked me…………….
A. How long you have studied English
B. How long had you studied English
C. How long you had study English
D. How long you had studied English
40. ……………………………….. immediately, I will call a policeman.
A. Unless you leave B. If you leave
C. If you didn’t leave D. Unless you left
41. Though _______, they are good friends.
A. their sometimes quarrel
B. to have a quarrel sometimes
C. they sometimes have a quarrel
D. of having a quarrel sometimes
42. The man is said ________ a failure as a computer programmer when he was young.
A. to have been
B. having been
C. to be
43. Bob keeps asking me for more and more homework. I’ve never had such a ………… student.
A. helpless
B. repulsive
C. enthusiastic

D. skeptical
44. In addition to pleasure, …………. excitement, challenge, and relaxation.
A. the providing of games
B. games if providing
C. the games which provide
D. games provide
45. The light from a laser differs …………. produced by other sources, such as electric bulbs,
fluorescent lamps, and the sun.
A. from the light
B. and the light
C. the light that is
D. the light can be

46……………. a high level of blood cholesterol.
A. It is eggs that contain
B. Those are eggs it contains
C. It is eggs that contains
D. It is eggs contain
47. John is said to have been stolen the money.
A. It is said John steals the money.
B. It is said John stole the money.
C. People said John steals the money.
D. People say John steals the money.
48. It was to show his gratitude to her ……………………………
when he bought her a pair of earrings
B. then a pair of earrings was bought by him
C. that he bought her a pair of earrings
D. so that he bought her a pair of earrings
49. My brother sent me a birthday card .

A. It was I who was sent a birthday card .
C. It was me whom my brother sent a birthday card
B. It was me who was sent a birthday card by my brother
D. Both B and C are correct .
50. I am studying not only mathematics but also physics

A. I like both mathematics and physics
B. Mathematics and physics are my favorite subject
C. I am studying both mathematics and physics
D. I am not studying mathematics but I am studying physics
51. John Smith is a farmer . I bought his land
A. John Smith , who is a farmer , bought his land
B. John Smith , who is a farmer , whose land I bought .
C. John Smith , whom I bought his land , is a farmer
D. John Smith , whose land I bought ,is a farmer
52. Nobody noticed him when he entered the office.
A. He was neither noticed when he entered the office.
B. He neither was noticed when he entered the office.
C. It was nobody notice him when he entered the office.
D. He was not noticed when he entered the office.
53. John can’t play football and run fast because of his leg .
A. John not only plays football but also runs fast because of his leg.
B. John neither plays football nor runs fast because of his leg.
C. John either plays football or run fast because of his leg .
D. John both plays football and runs fast because of his leg .
54. It is said that many people are homeless after the floods
A. Many people say to be homeless after the floods
B. Many people said are homeless after the floods
C. Many people are said to be homeless after the floods

D. Many people are said to have been homeless after the floods
55.They think visiting the pyramids is interesting
A. The pyramids are thought interesting to be visited
B. It is thought the pyramids are visited interesting
C. Visiting the pyramids is thought to be interesting
D. Visiting the pyramids is thought to have been interesting

VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including
the word given.
56. When I started work I was so inexperienced that I couldn’t send a fax. (clue)
 I didn’t …………………………………….. send a fax when I started work.
77. It took several months for George to recover completely from his accident. (make)
 Only after several months ………………………… his accident.
58. Many people believe that all cats have tails, but they’re wrong. (popular)
 Contrary ………………………………… cats have tails.
59. Alan was not a confident person, and that was why he was so shy. (due)
 Alan’s …………………………………. of confidence.
60. ‘I can’t believe it – I’ve just come into $10,000!’ James shouted. (luck)
 James couldn’t ………………………… came into $10,000.
61. He may choose to take early retirement. (option)
 ……………………………………………………………………………
62. He didn’t take any part in the conversation. (contribute)
 …………………………………………………………………………….
63. We lose our way because the signposts were confusing. ( which)
 ……………………………………………………………………………..
64. He likes to be addressed as “Professor”. (call)
 ……………………………………………………………………………..
65. She always has a good relationship with the children. (gets)
 ……………………………………………………………………………..

66. “Why don’t we stay with the villagers one more day”, said the team leader. (suggest)
 ……………………………………………………………………………..
67. What did the theif say? – He denied ________ that woman’s jewelry. (take)
68. On her retirement, the principal in my school was presented with a gift in __________ for her long
69. The _______ of health care is being increased in many remote villages. ( provide)
70. My aunt is a caring woman. She is very ________ to other people’s feelings. ( sense)
71. They would be very disappointed if you did not come,” the man said to his daughter.

 The man told his daughter
72. “I am happy you have passed the final exams. Congratulations!” Tom said to me.
 Tom congratulated ……………………………………………………………………………….
73. You ‘d better not swim too far from the shore,” the lifeguard said to us
 The lifeguard advised ……………………………………………………………………………
74. Although it rain torrentially all day, we all enjoyed the excursion.
 Despite ………………………………………………………………………………………….
75. You can use it as long as you like, and it will not wear out.
 No matter ....................................................................
76. John didn’t celebrate a party until he received the offer of promotion in writing.
 It was _____________________________________________________________________.
77. Please check for damage before signing the delivery note.
 Do not ___________________________________________________________________.
78. I write to Alice almost every day.
 Hardly _____________________________________________________________________.
79. All books have something to teach you.
 Every ______________________________________________________________________.
80. 73. Don’t you wish you could get out more in the evenings?
 Don’t you get fed ......................................................................................................................

Read the passage below and choose the best answer from the four options marked A, B, C or D.
Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.
Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order of distance from
the sun. It is well placed for observation for several months in every year and on average is the brightest
of the planets apart from Venus, though for relatively brief periods Mars may outshine it. Jupiter’s less
than 10-hour rotation period gives it the shortest day in the solar system insofar as the principal planets
are concerned. There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the perpendicular
of the orbital plane is only just over 3 0 - less than that for any other planet.
The most famous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. It has shown variations in both intensity
and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it always returns after a few years. At its greatest extent
it may be 40,000 kilometers long an 14,000 kilometers wide, so its surface area is greater than that of
Earth. Though the latitude of the Red Spot varies little, it drifts about in longitude. Over the past century
the total longitudinal drift has amounted to approximately 1200 0. The latitude is generally very close to
-220. It was once thought that the Red Spot might be a solid or semisolid body floating in Jupiter’s outer
gas. However, the Pioneer and Voyager results have refuted that idea and proven the Red Spot to be a
phenomenon of Jovian meteorology. Its longevity may well be due to its exceptional size, but there are
signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be permanent. Several smaller red spots have been
seen occasionally but have not lasted.
81. According to the passage, Jupiter has the shortest day among the principal planets because
A. its rotation period is shorter than 10 hours
B. the axial inclination is only just over 30
C. it is on the average the brightest of all the planets
D. There is the interference of the Great Red Spot
82. The author’s tone in this passage is
A. argumentative
B. supportive
C. enthusiastic
D. neutral

83. According to the passage, Mars outshine Jupiter
A. on a regular basis
B. from time to time
C. every several months
D. less often than any other planet
84. This passage would be of most interest to
A. students of anthropology
B. geologists
C. mathematicians
D. amateur astronomers
85. It can be inferred from this passage that Jupiter’s Great Red Spot
A. will become brighter with time
B. will one day vanish
C. will continue expanding
D. is made of floating gases

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an ……………….(86) non governmental organization
for the (87) _____, research, and restoration of the environment. The organization was formed as a
charitable trust on September 11, 1961, in Morges, Switzerland, under the name World Wildlife Fund. It
was an initiative of Julian Huxley and Max Nicholson.

It is the world's largest independent conservation organization with over 5 million supporters worldwide,
working in more (88) _____ 90 countries, supporting 100 conservation and environmental projects
around the world. It is a charity, with approximately 9% of its funding coming from voluntary donations by
private individuals and businesses.
The group says its mission is "to halt and reverse the (89) _____ of our environment". Currently, much
of its work focuses on the conservation of three biomes that contain most of the world's biodiversity:
forests, freshwater ecosystems, and oceans and coasts. Among other issues, it is also concerned (90)

_____ endangered species, pollution, and climate change. The organization runs more than 20 field
projects worldwide. In the last few years, the organization set up offices and operations around the


I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.
1. A. influenced
B. terrified
C. averaged
D. accompanied
2. A. host
B. most
C. cost
D. post
3. A. boot
B. book
C. hook
D. foot
4. A. south
B. truth
C. smooth
D. both
5. A. miles
B. months
C. lakes
D. mates

II. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words. Identify
your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.
6. A. accurate
B. customer
C. computer
D. exercise
7. A. reduction
B. popular
C. financial
D. romantic
8. A. theory
B. generate
C. delicious
D. confidence
9. A. happen
B. village
C. realize
D. reality
10.A. characteristic
B. environmental
C. documentary
D. sophisticated

I. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences.
11. It looks like they’re going to succeed ___________ their present difficulties.
A. in spite of
B. because of
C. even though


12. People believe there is a ……….. between the two crimes.
A. joint
B. chain
C. link
D. connector
13. When you are in a western country, your host may open a wrapped gift in front of you. Opening a
present in front of the gift-giver is ................ polite.
A. acquired
B. considered
C. known
D. called

14. Tom thanked us ____________ having helped him to overcome the difficulties.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. for
15. ……………. the low rainfall this year, the crops did not produce a high yield.
A. Since
B. Despite
C. Due to
D. Because
16. An employer may look with…………. on a young college graduate.
A. suspect
B. suspicion
C. suspicious
D. suspiciously

13. C
1. B
3. C
6. B

17. No longer __________ do all the housework with their hands.
A. have women to B. do women have C. do women have to
D. women have to
18. Today many serious childhood diseases _____________by early immunisation.
A. are preventing
B. can be prevented C. prevent
D. can prevent
19. Mary failed in her exams because she played computer games a lot. She _______ too
A. shouldn’t have played
B. shouldn’t play
C. should play
D. wouldn’t have played
20. We had ____________ interesting dinner with the princess last Sunday.
A. an
B. a
C. the
D. no article
21. ___________ ,woman are responsible for the chores in the house and taking care of
the children.
A. Naturally
B. Traditionally
C. Suddenly

22. There is no ___________ in going to school if you are not willing to learn.
A. reason
B. aim
C. purpose

23. A:” I’m Charles Archer , from America. How do you do ?” -B: “……………….?”
A. How are you
B. How do you do
C. Pleased to meet you
D. B & C
24. Mary: “ You look nice in that red shirt.”- John: “…………………………………”
A. It’s nice of you to say so
B. Am I? Thanks
C. Oh, poor me
D. I am interesting to hear that
25. The classroom has not electric fan,………………………..is quite different from that in the
A. what
B. who
C. which
D. that

26. No sooner had he arrived ___________ things went wrong.
A. when
B. that
C. than

D. and
27. My father dislikes ___________ while he is speaking.
A. to be interrupting
B. being interrupted
C. to interrupt
D. to interrupt

28. Mum wanted to know...............put her coats
A. where had
B. if where you had
C. where you had
D. where had you
29. The more you know about art, .......................................you are likely to enjoy looking at
A. the more likely
B. the less interested
C. the better
D. the more
30. ........................................... if you hadn’t talked to me about the problem last night.
A. I would have felt better now
B. I would be feel better now
C. I would have feeling better now
D. I would feel
better now

31. ___________ all the exercises, Nam handed in the paper.
A. Having done
B. Doing
C. He has done
D. After had

32. When we got home, dinner ___________ so we had a drink first.
A. was preparing
B. was prepared
C. was being prepared
D. had been prepared

33. The woman......................................was very angry.
A. whom Julie was arguing her
B. Julie was arguing with her
C. with whom Julie was arguing
D. who Julie was arguing for
34. We always tell our children to study harder and
harder……………………………………….they can help develop our village more and more.
A. so as to
B. in order
C. so that
D. in order to
35 The problem was ..................than we thought at first.
A. much serious
B. much more serious
C. seriously
D. much seriously
36. Had you given me advice, ...................................
A. I had been able to avoid the failure
B. I hadn’t been able to avoid
the failure
C. I would have been able to avoid the failure
D. I wouldn’t have been able to avoid
the failure

37. This is the first time.....................................by plane
A. I’m traveling
B. I travel
C. I had traveled
D. I’ve traveled
38. He showed us the house ………………………he was born and grew up.
A. which
B. in which
C. in where
D. in that
39. He asked me…………….
A. How long you have studied English
B. How long had you studied English
C. How long you had study English
D. How long you had studied
40. ……………………………….. immediately, I will call a policeman.
A. Unless you leave
B. If you leave
C. If you didn’t leave
D. Unless you left
41. Though _______, they are good friends.
A. their sometimes quarrel
B. to have a quarrel sometimes
C. they sometimes have a quarrel
D. of having a quarrel sometimes
42. The man is said ________ a failure as a computer programmer when he was young.

A. to have been

B. having been
C. to be
43. Bob keeps asking me for more and more homework. I’ve never had such a ………… student.
A. helpless
B. repulsive
C. enthusiastic
D. skeptical
44. In addition to pleasure, …………. excitement, challenge, and relaxation.
A. the providing of games
B. games if providing
C. the games which provide
D. games provide
45. The light from a laser differs …………. produced by other sources, such as electric bulbs,
fluorescent lamps, and the sun.
A. from the light
B. and the light
C. the light that is
D. the light can be
46……………. a high level of blood cholesterol.
A. It is eggs that contain
B. Those are eggs it contains
C. It is eggs that contains
D. It is eggs contain
47. John is said to have been stolen the money.
A. It is said John steals the money.
B. It is said John stole the money.
C. People said John steals the money.
D. People say John steals the money.

48. It was to show his gratitude to her ……………………………
when he bought her a pair of earrings
B. then a pair of earrings was bought by him
C. that he bought her a pair of earrings
D. so that he bought her a pair of earrings
49. My brother sent me a birthday card .
A. It was I who was sent a birthday card .
C. It was me whom my brother sent a birthday card
B. It was me who was sent a birthday card by my brother
D. Both B and C are correct .
50. I am studying not only mathematics but also physics
A. I like both mathematics and physics
B. Mathematics and physics are my favorite subject
C. I am studying both mathematics and physics
D. I am not studying mathematics but I am studying physics
51. John Smith is a farmer . I bought his land
A. John Smith , who is a farmer , bought his land
B. John Smith , who is a farmer , whose land I bought .
C. John Smith , whom I bought his land , is a farmer
D. John Smith , whose land I bought ,is a farmer
52. Nobody noticed him when he entered the office.
A. He was neither noticed when he entered the office.
B. He neither was noticed when he entered the office.
C. It was nobody notice him when he entered the office.
D. He was not noticed when he entered the office.
53. John can’t play football and run fast because of his leg .
A. John not only plays football but also runs fast because of his leg.
B. John neither plays football nor runs fast because of his leg.
C. John either plays football or run fast because of his leg .
D. John both plays football and runs fast because of his leg .

54. It is said that many people are homeless after the floods
A. Many people say to be homeless after the floods
B. Many people said are homeless after the floods
C. Many people are said to be homeless after the floods
D. Many people are said to have been homeless after the floods
55.They think visiting the pyramids is interesting
A. The pyramids are thought interesting to be visited
B. It is thought the pyramids are visited interesting
C. Visiting the pyramids is thought to be interesting
D. Visiting the pyramids is thought to have been interesting

VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including
the word given.
56. When I started work I was so inexperienced that I couldn’t send a fax. (clue)
 I didn’t …………………………………….. send a fax when I started work.
77. It took several months for George to recover completely from his accident. (make)
 Only after several months ………………………… his accident.
58. Many people believe that all cats have tails, but they’re wrong. (popular)

 Contrary ………………………………… cats have tails.
59. Alan was not a confident person, and that was why he was so shy. (due)
 Alan’s …………………………………. of confidence.
60. ‘I can’t believe it – I’ve just come into $10,000!’ James shouted. (luck)
 James couldn’t ………………………… came into $10,000.
61. I didn’t have a/any clue (about) how to send a fax when I started work.
62. Only after several months did George make a complete recovery from his accident.
58. Contrary to (a/the) popular belief not all cats have tails.

59. Alan’s shyness was due to (a/his) lack of confidence.
60. James couldn’t believe his luck when he came into $10,000.
61. He may choose to take early retirement. (option)
 ……………………………………………………………………………
62. He didn’t take any part in the conversation. (contribute)
 …………………………………………………………………………….
63. We lose our way because the signposts were confusing. ( which)
 ……………………………………………………………………………..
64. He likes to be addressed as “Professor”. (call)
 ……………………………………………………………………………..
65. She always has a good relationship with the children. (gets)
 ……………………………………………………………………………..
KEYs: PART 2: 2ms (5x 0,4 = 2ms)

61. He has the option of taking early retirement
62. He didn’t contribute to the conversation.
63. The signposts were confusing, which made us lose our way.
64. He wants you people / students to call him “professor”
65. She always gets as well with the children.
66. “Why don’t we stay with the villagers one more day”, said the team leader. (suggest)
 ……………………………………………………………………………..
67. What did the theif say? – He denied ________ that woman’s jewelry. (take)

68. On her retirement, the principal in my school was presented with a gift in __________ for her
long service.(grateful)
69. The _______ of health care is being increased in many remote villages. ( provide)
70. My aunt is a caring woman. She is very ________ to other people’s feelings. ( sense)

71. They would be very disappointed if you did not come,” the man said to his daughter.
 The man told his daughter

72. “I am happy you have passed the final exams. Congratulations!” Tom said to me.
 Tom congratulated ……………………………………………………………………………….
73. You ‘d better not swim too far from the shore,” the lifeguard said to us
 The lifeguard advised ……………………………………………………………………………
74. Although it rain torrentially all day, we all enjoyed the excursion.
 Despite ………………………………………………………………………………………….

PART 1: 2ms (5x 0,4 = 2ms)
62. Tom congratulated me on having passed the final exams.
63. The lifeguard advised us not to swim too far from the shore.
65. Despite the torrential all day, we all enjoy the excursion.
75. You can use it as long as you like, and it will not wear out.
 No matter ....................................................................
76. John didn’t celebrate a party until he received the offer of promotion in writing.
 It was _____________________________________________________________________.
77. Please check for damage before signing the delivery note.
 Do not ___________________________________________________________________.
78. I write to Alice almost every day.

 Hardly _____________________________________________________________________.
79. All books have something to teach you.
 Every ______________________________________________________________________.
80. 73. Don’t you wish you could get out more in the evenings?
 Don’t you get fed ......................................................................................................................
66 No matter how long you use it, it will not wear out.
67 It was not until John received the offer of promotion in writing that he celebrated a

68 Do not sign the delivery note without checking for damage.
69 Hardly does a day pass without my writing to him.
70 Every book has something to teach you.

V. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from the four options marked A, B, C or D.
Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.
Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order of distance from the sun. It is
well placed for observation for several months in every year and on average is the brightest of the planets
apart from Venus, though for relatively brief periods Mars may outshine it. Jupiter’s less than 10-hour
rotation period gives it the shortest day in the solar system insofar as the principal planets are concerned.
There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the perpendicular of the orbital plane
is only just over 3 0 - less than that for any other planet.
The most famous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. It has shown variations in both intensity
and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it always returns after a few years. At its greatest extent it
may be 40,000 kilometers long an 14,000 kilometers wide, so its surface area is greater than that of Earth.
Though the latitude of the Red Spot varies little, it drifts about in longitude. Over the past century the
total longitudinal drift has amounted to approximately 1200 0. The latitude is generally very close to -220.
It was once thought that the Red Spot might be a solid or semisolid body floating in Jupiter’s outer gas.
However, the Pioneer and Voyager results have refuted that idea and proven the Red Spot to be a
phenomenon of Jovian meteorology. Its longevity may well be due to its exceptional size, but there are
signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be permanent. Several smaller red spots have been seen
occasionally but have not lasted.
81. According to the passage, Jupiter has the shortest day among the principal planets because
A. its rotation period is shorter than 10 hours
B. the axial inclination is only just over 30

C. it is on the average the brightest of all the planets
D. There is the interference of the Great Red Spot
82. The author’s tone in this passage is
A. argumentative
B. supportive
C. enthusiastic
D. neutral
83. According to the passage, Mars outshine Jupiter
A. on a regular basis
B. from time to time
C. every several months
D. less often than any other planet
84. This passage would be of most interest to
A. students of anthropology
B. geologists
C. mathematicians
D. amateur astronomers
85. It can be inferred from this passage that Jupiter’s Great Red Spot
A. will become brighter with time
B. will one day vanish
C. will continue expanding
D. is made of floating gases
V. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from the four options marked A, B, C or D.
Identify your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. B
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an ……………….(86) non governmental

organization for the (87) _____, research, and restoration of the environment. The
organization was formed as a charitable trust on September 11, 1961, in Morges,

Switzerland, under the name World Wildlife Fund. It was an initiative of Julian Huxley and
Max Nicholson.
It is the world's largest independent conservation organization with over 5 million
supporters worldwide, working in more (88) _____ 90 countries, supporting 100
conservation and environmental projects around the world. It is a charity, with
approximately 9% of its funding coming from voluntary donations by private individuals
and businesses.
The group says its mission is "to halt and reverse the (89) _____ of our environment".
Currently, much of its work focuses on the conservation of three biomes that contain most
of the world's biodiversity: forests, freshwater ecosystems, and oceans and coasts. Among
other issues, it is also concerned (90) _____ endangered species, pollution, and climate
change. The organization runs more than 20 field projects worldwide. In the last few years,
the organization set up offices and operations around the world.
81. A. international
B. nation
C. national
D. internation
82.A. challenge
B. keeping
C. conservation
D. awareness
83.A. as
B. than
C. to
D. as to
84.A. destroy

B. destructive
C. destruction
D. destroyed
85.A. on
B. by
C. with
D. upon
