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Unit 10 Health and hygiene

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>WEEK: 22 PERIOD: 61. Date of planning:15/ 01/ 2012 Date of teaching:1 / 01/ 2012. UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE A- Personal hygiene ( A1-2 ) I. Aims: -By the end of the lesson , Ss will read a letter to understand the details about Hoa and her family . they will cotinue to practice the simple present and the simple past tenses - Focus on reading and listening skills . II. Teaching Aids: Extra boards. pictures , tape , cassette . III. Procedures: 1.Class organization: - Greetings. - Checking the attendances. 2.Review of the previous lesson: - Brainstorming : Class….. Likes…... HOA. From….. Lives with….. Live in….. - Ask Ss to discuss about Hoa in groups . - Call on 2 groups to demonstrate their discussion in front of the class . - Remark and lead in new lesson . 3.New lesson: Teacher’s activities -Introduce the lesson then explain some new words : -Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . -Correct their pronunciation . -Have Ss play a game : what and where in order to check new words . -Ask Ss to order the sentences of Hoa’s mom’s letter . -Call some Ss to give their predictions . -Ask Ss to look at the letter and listen to the tape , then check their predictions .. Ss’ activities Content -Listen and write 1.* New words : down . + Harvest ( n ): -Guess the + Helpful ( adj ) : meanings , read new + To take morning exercises words in chorus and + To hope ( v ): individually the copy + To iron ( v ): down in the notebook + Probably ( adv ) : . * Order the sentences -Order the sentences . a. Your dad and I hope you’re fine . -Give their b. I hope you’re taking care of predictions . yourself . -Look at the book c. I received a letter from your and listen to the tape , aunt last week . then check the d. I miss you a lot ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> -Call some Ss to give the answers . -Correct and give the correct answers : -Call on some Ss to read the letter in front of the class . -Correct their pronunciation . -Ask Ss to read the letter again then find out the answers for the questions in the book . -Have Ss work in pairs . -Have Ss play a game called lucky numbers : -Remark and ask Ss to write the answers in the notebooks -Ask Ss to look at the pictures then introduce the aim of the lesson to Ss . -Explain some new words -Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . -Ask Ss to predict the order of the pictures . -Call on some Ss to give their predictions . -Play the tape for Ss and ask them to check their predictions . ( 2 times ) -Call on some Ss to give the answers . -Play the tape again and check .. predictions . -Give the answers .. e. Don’t forget to write . f. Your grand father talks about you a lot . 1- a 2- f 3- c 4- b 5- d 6- e -Read the letter aloud * Play a game : lucky numbers . 1) Who helps Hoa’s parents on the farm ? -Read the letter again 2) LN to find out the 3) What does Hoa’s mother want answers for the her to do? questions . 4) Why are Hoa’s parents busy ? -Work in pairs . 5) LN -Play a game : lucky 6) What does Hoa’s mother want numbers . her not to do ? ( Answer the 7) How is Hoa different now ? questions ) 8) When will they go to Hanoi ? -Write the answers in the notebooks . -Look at the pictures 2. Listen : carefully and listen to Pre- listening : the teacher . * New words -Read new words + To polish ( v ) : -Predict the order of + To change ( v ): the pictures . + To comb ( v ) : -Give the + Pants ( n ) : predictions . + Sandals ( n ) : -Listen to the tape + To drink ( v ) => drank ( past ) and check the  While- listening : predictions . 1. a 2.e 3. f 4. d 5. g 6. c -Give the answers . 7. h 8. b . -Listen to the tape again and check the answers . -Copy down .. -Correct and give the correct answers 4.Consolidation: - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and tell what Hoa did yesterday . EX: Yesterday , Hoa got up, she took a shower and put on her clothes ………. 5.Homework: -Coppy the answers in A1. -Prepare A3-4. IV.Feedback: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> WEEK: 22 PERIOD: 62. Date of planning:01/01/2012 Date of teaching:10/ 01/ 2012. UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE A- Personal hygiene ( A3-4 ) I. Aims: - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a letter to reply and talk about the routine and hygiene . - Focus on reading and writing skills . II. Teaching Aids: Extra boards. pictures , tape , cassette . III. Procedures: 1.Class organization: - Greetings. - Checking the attendances. 2.Review of the previous lesson: - Ask Ss some questions about themselves : + What time do you get up everyday ? + What time do you have breakfast ? + What time do you go to bed ? 3.New lesson: Teacher’s activities -Ask Ss to look at Nam’s diary and tell about Nam’s daily routines . -Call on one student to read Nam’s diary . -Have Ss work in pairs asking answering about Nam’s daily routines . -Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class . -Ask them to write a diary about themselves based on Nam’s diary . -Ask them to exchange their writing with the partner . -Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering about themselves . -Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class. -Remark . -Ask Ss to talk about Hoa’s mom letter . -Give some cues or questions. Ss’ activities. Content 3.Read Nam’s diary .. -Read Nam’s diary . -Work in pairs . -Practice in front of the class. - Write a diary based on Nam’s . -Exchange the writing with the partner . -Work in pairs . -Practice in front of the class . Talk about Hoa’s. 4. Write. Complete the letter. * Questions: + Did Hoa get a letter from her mother ? + Did her mom visit her after the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> -Have Ss work in pairs . mom letter . harvest ? -Call on some pairs to ask and + Can Hoa take care of herself ? answer in front of the class . -Work in pairs . + Does she get up early every -Remark . -Practice asking and morning ? -Ask Ss to look at the letter in answering in front of + Does she go to bed late ? the book then complete the the class. + Will she write to her mom soon ? letter with the suitable words * Answers: -Have Ss exchange the result -Complete the letter . Was , having , show , take , with the partner . get , go , wash , iron , eating , -Call on some Ss to give the -Exchange the result told , see/ meet , go . result in front of the class . with the partner . -Correct the mistake and give -Give the answers in the correct answers . front of the class -Ask Ss to write down . -Ask Ss to work in groups of Copy down four writing the letter on the -Work in groups of posters . four . -Call on some groups to read the letter in front of the class . - Read the letters in -Ask Ss to put their letters on front of the class . the board then compare their -Put the letters on the work . board 4.Consolidation: -Ask Ss to tell what Hoa does everyday. 5.Homework: -Copy their diary in the notebooks. -Write the letter in the notebook . - Prepare Unit 10: B1. IV.Feedback: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …. WEEK: 22 PERIOD: 63. Date of planning:15/01/2012 Date of teaching:1 /01/2012 UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE B- A BAD TOOTHACHE ( B1 ). I. Aims: -After the lesson , Ss will be able to tell about a visit to the dentist . They will be used to asking and answering about this topic . - Focus on reading and writing skills . II. Teaching Aids: Extra boards. pictures , tape , cassette . III. Procedures: 1.Class organization:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> -. Greetings. Checking the attendances. 2.Review of the previous lesson: - Ask Ss some questions such as : + What will you do if you have a tooth ache? + When you go to the dentist , what will the dentist do ? 3.New lesson:. Teacher’s activities -Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the question : What’s the matter with Minh , the boy in the picture ? -Introduce the situation of the lesson , then explain some new words to Ss . -Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . * Checking technique : Slap the board . -Ask Ss to listen to the tape and answer the questions : -Play the tape for Ss . -Play the tape again and ask Ss to read after the tape . -Ask Ss to answer the questions above . -Correct and give the correct answers . -Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue . -Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class . -Correct their pronunciation . -Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and find out the answers for the questions . -Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions . -Have Ss play a game :. Ss’ activities Content -Look at the picture * New words then answer the + Dentist ( n ) : questions . + An appointment ( n ) : + Scared ( adj ) : -Listen and write + Cavity ( n ) : down . + To fill ( v ) : + To hate ( v ) = to dislike ( v ) -Read new words, + To hurt ( v ) : then copy down . + Drill ( n ) : -Play a game : Slap * Questions : the board . + What is Minh going to do at -Listen to the tape , 10:30 ? then find the +What happened to Hoa last answers . week -Read after the tape + How did the doctor help Hoa ? - Answer the * Lucky numbers questions . 1.Why did Hoa go to the dentist -Listen . last week ? 2What is wrong with Minh ? -Work in pairs . 3.LN 4.Does Minh like going to the -Practice in front of dentist ?How do you know ? the class . 5.Are you scared of seeing the dentist ? 6.LN -Read the dialogue 7.What did the dentist do with again and find out Hoa’s toothache ? the answers . 8.What did you do the last time -Work in pairs . you had a bad toothache ? 9.LN -Play a game in 10.How does Minh feel after groups . talking with Hoa ? -Write the answers * Answers in the notebooks ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> -Demonstrate the result . -Ask Ss to write the answers in the notebooks . 4.Consolidation: Find someone who. Name. ….has a toothache ? ….likes going to the dentist ? …is scared of seeing the dentist ?. 5.Homework: - Learn by heart new words. - Do exercise 1 at page 63 in workbook . - Prepare part B2 . IV. FEEDBACK: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… SIGNATURE WEEK 22 PHT 16/01/2012. HÀ VĂN KHẢI.

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