understanding of the linkages between HR and marketing in
the brand management and reputation building processes (see
also Sparrow et al., 2004). Naturally enough, given their back-
grounds, education and interests, marketers have been good at
using the language of branding and communications to shed
new light on people management, and have produced prac-
tical tools for assisting HR professionals to apply the language of
branding to people management problems. However, they
have said little about the complex nature of employee identifi-
cation with brands and organizations, other than at a general
level and usually in highly prescriptive manner. As befits busi-
ness disciplines that are essentially normative, marketing and
communications sometimes fail to deal with the realities or
causes of much of organizational life, such as cynical or apathetic
employee attitudes to customer service, unethical products
and practices, disenchanted managers and the competing pro-
fessional identities of many knowledge workers that have little
connection with advancing ideas of corporateness.
So, for HR professionals, the rising star of corporateness
marks a watershed and a real opportunity to become corpor-
ate, as well as business, partners. However, it also brings signifi-
cant challenges for the role of the HR function, as well as the
capability of HR professionals to ‘round themselves out’, lead
and deliver people strategies that support corporate reputa-
tions and brand, CSR and good governance.
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