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40. Since x = 40 and y + z = 140,
. x, and Quantity B is greater
than Quantity A.
11. The correct answer is (A). 1 centi-
meter=9kilometers, so the number
of kilometers is 9 times greater than
the number of centimeters. Con-
versely, the number of centimeters is
, or approximately 11%, of the
number of kilometers.
12. The correct answer is (D). The
drawer must include at least 20
pairs of striped socks. That leaves a
total of 20 pairs of solid socks. If the
drawer contains exactly 20 solid
white pairs, then w = 20, the drawer
contains no solid gray pairs (g =0),
and w 2 g = 20. Accordingly, Quan-
tity A equals Quantity B in this case.
However, if the drawer contains
fewer than 20 solid white pairs, then
w , 20 and w 2 g , 20, and
Quantity A is less than Quantity B.
13. The correct answer is (B). You
don’t need to perform precise calcula-
tions to make the comparison. First,
consider Quantity A. 333% = 3.33,

and (3.33)(3) , 10. Now consider
Quantity B. Since 10 (which we
know exceeds Quantity A) is less
than 33% of 33, Quantity B must be
greater than Quantity A. (Quantity
B is a fraction just under 11 but
clearly greater than 10.)
14. The correct answer is (D). Which
quantity is greater depends on
whether a, b, and c are positive or
negative. If you’re the least bit
unsure about this, it’s a good idea to
plug in a few simple numbers. For
example, let a = 2 and b =1. If
c = 1 (a positive value), then
. But if c = 21 (a negative
number), then


15. The correct answer is (B). For
equation (B) to hold true, y must
equal z, which is impossible given
that U y U . U z U. Equation (A) could
hold true—for example, if x =2,y =
1, and z = 2
. Equation (C) could
hold true because it is possible that
any one of the three variables could
equal 0 (zero). Equation (D) could
hold true—for example, if x =3,y =
2, and z = 1. Equation (E) could hold

true—for example if x =2,y =1,and
z =
16. The correct answer is 13.3. Cal-
culate the discount rate using the
original price:
rounding to the nearest tenth of a
percent, 13.3.
17. The correct answer is (C). First,
apply the defined operation to each
parenthesized pair:
(21 M 22) = 21(21 222) = 21(1) =
21(1 M 2) = 1(1 2 2) = 1(21) = 21
Then apply the defined operation again,
substituting 21 for both x and y:
(21 M 21) = 21(21 2 [21]) =
21(0) = 0
18. The correct answer is (C). First,
find the size of Unit D as a per-
centage of the total warehouse size.
Unit D occupies 15,500 square feet—
approximately 11%—of the 140,000

total square feet in the warehouse.
Thus, Unit C occupies about 19% of
that total (100% 2 28% 2 42% 2
11% = 19%). In terms of square feet,
Chapter 3: Practice Test 1: Diagnostic 83
then, the size of Unit C is approxi-
mately (.19)(140,000) = 26,600
square feet. Of the five answer
choices, choice (C) most closely
approximates this figure.
19. The correct answer is (A). The
integer k could be any multiple of 3,
either odd or even (3, 6, 9,...).
Accordingly, neither (II) nor (IV)
must be true. Regardless of the value
of k, however, 6k must be even. (The
product of an even integer and any
other integer is even.) Accordingly,
m, which equals 121 – 6k, must be
odd. (Subtracting an even integer
from an odd integer always yields an
odd integer.) And therefore, (I) must
be true and (III) must be false.
20. The correct answer is (E).
Sometime in late July, when daily

temperatures (measured by the scale
on the left) averaged about 12
degrees, daily precipitation (mea-
sured by the scale on the right)
averaged about 12 centimeters.
21. The correct answer is (B). After 4
hours, the clock will run behind the
actual time by 16 minutes. Accord-
ingly, at 4:00 the clock will show
3:44. It will take 16 minutes plus
about one additional minute
(because the clock runs 1 minute
slow every quarter-hour) for the
clock to advance to 4:00.
22. The correct answer is (A). Divide
the shaded figure into a rectangle
with vertices at (2,6), (5,6), (2,2), and
(5,2) and a right triangle with ver-
tices at (5,2), (2,2), and (2,0). The
rectangle’s height and width are 4
and 3, respectively, and so its area is
4 3 3 = 12. The triangle has legs of
lengths 3 and 2, so its area is
3 3
3 2 = 3. The sum of the two areas is
23. The correct answer is (E). The
key to handling this question is to

convert ratios to fractional parts that
add up to 1. The ratio of X’s rate to
Y’s rate is 3:1, and the ratio of Y’s
rate to Z’s rate is 1:2. You can
express the ratio among all three as
3:1:2 (X:Y:Z). Accordingly, Y’s pro-
duction accounts for
of the total
widgets that all three machines can
produce per day. Given that Y can
produce 35 widgets per day, all three
machines can produce (35)(6) = 210
widgets per day.
24. The correct answer is (D). For
each year, compare the heights of the
two dark bars. The year 2008 was
the only one among the five choices
for which Country Y’s imports (about
$39B) were less than twice Country
X’s imports (about $21B).
25. The correct answer is (A). To
answer this question, examine the
right bar for each of the six years
shown. The size of the dark portion
(Country Y’s imports) increases up to
2008, remains about the same from
2008 to 2009, and then increases
again from 2009 to 2010. So the

general trend over the six-year
period was for the value of imports to
increase. The size of the bar’s light
portion (Country Y’s exports)
decreases through 2007, then
increases through 2009, and then
decreases from 2009 to 2010. So
there is no clear export trend for the
six-year period as a whole.
PART II: Diagnosing Strengths and Weaknesses84
26. The correct answer is (C). The
amount invested at 5% is (10,000
2 x) dollars. Thus, the income from
that amount is 0.05(10,000 2 x)
27. The correct answer is (D). XY
also the circle’s radius. Since XY =8,
the circle’s circumference = 2p(8), or
16p. ∠XYZ, given as 120°, accounts
, of the entire 360° con-

tained in the circle. Since minor arc

is formed by that central angle,

accounts for
of the circle’s cir-
~16p! =
28. The correct answer is (B). In each
set are three distinct member pairs.
The probability of selecting any pair
is one in three, or
. Accordingly, the
probability of selecting fruit and
salad from the appetizer menu along
with squash and peas from the veg-
etable menu is

Chapter 3: Practice Test 1: Diagnostic 85
Verbal Reasoning
1. A
2. E
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. E
8. C
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. E
15. (i) hardly
(ii) perhaps

16. A
17. D
18. E
19. B
20. E
21. B
22. E
23. A
24. A
25. C
26. D
27. D
28. C
29. B
30. E
Questions 1–9 (Analogies)
1. The correct answer is (A). This is
a “part-to-whole” analogy. A musical
SCALE is comprised of a series of
TONES that are arranged in a fixed
sequence; similarly, the spectrum is
comprised of a series of colors
arranged in a particular sequence.
2. The correct answer is (E). This is
a “symptom or sign” analogy. A
SANDAL leaves behind it a FOOT-
PRINT that traces the sandal’s path;
similarly, a boat leaves behind it a

wake that traces the boat’s path.
3. The correct answer is (C). This is
an “operates against” (prevention)
analogy. You DAM (a body of water)
to prevent a DELUGE (sudden,
enormous flow); similarly, you lock
something like a door or a safe in
order to prevent a theft.
4. The correct answer is (C). This is
an “environment for” analogy. An
OFFENSIVE (a noun here) is an
event—a planned attack—that typi-
cally occurs during a WAR. Simi-
larly, a dream is an event that
typically occurs during slumber
(deep sleep). As for choice (D), soccer
is an event that might take place in a
stadium. But to say that soccer
usually occurs in a stadium would be
an overstatement. Also, a stadium is
a physical place, whereas WAR and
slumber are events.
5. The correct answer is (A). This is
a “type of” (special category) analogy.
A SERENADE is a special kind of
SONG, one sung by a lover to his
beloved, sometimes in secret; simi-
larly, a tryst is a special kind of
appointment, one made by lovers,
often in secret.

6. The correct answer is (D). This is
a type of “symptom or manifestation”
analogy. A HAND may become
GNARLED (knotted and twisted)
with age, just as a brow may become
creased (wrinkled or ridged) with
age. Gnarls and creases are each a
manifestation of gradual deterio-
ration. Since a tire goes flat abruptly
and for one of many possible reasons,
choice (E) is not as strong an analogy
as choice (D).
7. The correct answer is (E). This is
an “inherent function” analogy. A
PENDULUM is designed to
OSCILLATE (move back and forth);
similarly, an automobile is designed
to travel.
8. The correct answer is (C). This is
an “ideal characteristic” analogy.
Ideally, an ARCHITECT is CRE-
ATIVE; similarly, an ideal soldier is
PART II: Diagnosing Strengths and Weaknesses86
one who is obedient; that is, one who
obeys the orders of a superior officer.
9. The correct answer is (B). This is
a “negative form of” analogy. A

STIGMA (mark or sign of disgrace)
is an unwanted DESIGNATION.
Similarly, a predicament (difficult
situation) is an unwanted circum-
Questions 10–14 (Sentence Completions)
10. The correct answer is (C). In the
context of the sentence, the word as
means “because.” The second part of
the sentence provides an explanation
for the first part. The fact that the
giant squid has “never been seen
alive” would clearly explain why the
squid would be mysterious to marine
11. The correct answer is (B). Notice
that the word “advantage” is sin-
gular (not plural). This suggests that
the two phrases “they are _______”
and “[they] are able to...”must
express nearly the same idea. Choice
(B) helps convey the idea nicely: An
automatic system is by definition one
that functions without external help.
(In the digital realm, the words
“data” and “help” can carry essen-
tially the same meaning.) None of
the other answer choices establishes
as close a relationship between these
two phrases.

12. The correct answer is (B). The
missing words should suggest a
belief about computers that would
lead parents to let their children use
the devices without being watched.
Only choice (B) works, because only
benign (harmless) is sufficiently
positive to suggest that idea.
13. The correct answer is (D). The
first operative word in the sentence
is rather, which sets up a contrast
between what precedes it and what
follows it. So, the first clause must
run contrary to the phrase “it
emerged from social experience.”
Only choices (A), (C), and (D) serve
this purpose. Of these three choices,
choice (D) establishes the clearest
contrast—between ideology and
experience. A second operative word
in the sentence is hence. What
follows this phrase must be con-
sistent with what precedes it. Choice
(D) accomplishes just that. The word
empirical means “based on obser-
vation or experience (as opposed to
14. The correct answer is (E).
Guileful means “cunning or wily.” It
makes sense that someone who is

“intelligent but ruthless” would
engage in “guileful maneuvers” in
order to succeed, and the word cor-
roborating (which means “helping to
confirm or verify”) sets up the appro-
priate match between the biogra-
phy’s account and the popular
Chapter 3: Practice Test 1: Diagnostic 87
