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Unit 3 A trip to the countryside

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>WEEK 9 Period: 17. Date of preparation: October 6th, 2015. Date of teaching: October 12th, 2015. LESSON 3: READ.. I- Aims and ojectives: - Language content: -To introduce some new words relating to the countryside. - To help the Ss to review the simple past/ present tense to complete exercises well - Language function: To enable the Ss to talk about life of a Vietnamese student in the USA. - Educational aim: To make the Ss aware of the importance of the international relationship. 1- Language: a- Vocabulary: exchange student, maize, hot dog. b- Structures: review the simple tense. 2- Skills: Integrated skills. 3- Educational factor: To enlarge the knowledge to the Ss of the life and relationship of an exchange student in the UAS. II- Teacher and Students’preparation: 1- Method: Communicative approach. 2- Techniques: Explanation, prediction, using pictures, groupwork, pairwork. 3- Materials needed:Textbook, pictures, cassette player. 4- Students’preparation: Pictures, new lesson. 5- Previous exercises: The Teacher’s key to the last exercises. II- Procedure in class: 1- Stabilization (3ms) a- Warm up: Greeting. b- Checking absence: Who’s absent today? 2- Checking up the previous knowledge (5ms): * Questions: Asks the Ss to play the role of A and B ask and answer about your partner’s home village using the informationin the boxes. * Keys to the questions: According to each Ss’ ideas. 3- New lesson: Teaching steps The content of the Teacher’s activities. Students’activities. & time lesson - Play the game with UNIT 3: I1. Lead-in: the Teacher’s Presentation - Gives a game: “Jumbled words”. A TRIP TO THE guiding. + geehnaex (= of the new COUNTRYSIDE. exchange + zamie = Lesson 3: READ materials: maize + yrrgcoe = 5ms grocery + edef = feed + llcocte = collect 10ms 2. Pre-reading: - Listen to the - Introduces the situation of the text I. New words: teacher + exchange student (n) “Van is a vietnamese student. He is + maize (n) from HCM city. He is now studying in + hot day (n). the USA. He is living with the Parker.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Teaching steps & time. Teacher’s activities. family on a farm outside Columbus, Ohio”. - Plays the tape one time. - Introduces some new words: + exchange student (n) ( explanation) + maize (n) = corn. + hot day(n) ( using picture) - Asks the Ss to read the new words. - Checks understanding of the new words by using the technique “slap the board”. - Asks the Ss to read the text to answer the questions: 1. How long will Van stay there?. 12ms. Students’activities.. - Listen to the tape. - Focus on the teacher’s explanation.. - Read the new words. - Play the game with the teacher’s guiding. - Read the text and answer the 2. What do Mr and Mrs Parker do? questions: 1. He will stay there till the beginning of October. 3. How many children do they have? 2. Mr Parker is a 4. What does Van do after finishing his farmer, and Mrs homework? Parker works part- Calls on some pairs to practice in time at a grocery front of the class and corrects. store. 3. There are two girls. 4. He feeds the chicken and collects their eggs. - Practice in front of the class and take notes. - Work in pairs and 3. While-reading: * Asks the Ss to work in pairs, read the match the words in text match the words in column A with column A with the explanation in the explanation in column B. column B. - Practice in front of - Calls on some pairs to practice in the class. front of the class. - Listen and take - Gives feedback and corrects. * Asks the Ss to read the summary, and notes. - Complete the then the text, complete the summary, summary, using the using the information from the information from the passage. passage. - Asks one student to read the. The content of the lesson. II. Answers: 1/ Page 26 + maize = corn + feed = give food to eat + grocery = where people buy food and small things. + part-time = shorter or less than standard time + collect = bring things together.. 2/ Page 26 1: Ohio 3: works 5: Sam 7: farm 9: baseball member.. 2: farmer 4: Peter 6: after 8: they 10:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Teaching steps & time. Teacher’s activities. completed summary in front of the class. - Gives feedback and corrects. 4. Post-reading:. 5ms. - Asks the Ss to complete the table: Activities of the Parkers. -grows maize on his farm. -works parttime at a grocery store. II.Consolidation. 5ms. IIIHomework: 3ms. Activities of Van. -completes his home work -feeds the chickens and collects their eggs.. - Gives feedback and corrects the mistakes. - Asks the Ss to complete sentences below: 1. Van is living with an……. family. 2. Mr Parker grows………… 3. After school he……….. 4. Van feels ……….when he lived in America. - Gives feedback and corrects. - Asks the Ss to learn the new words well, read the text again and write the summary into their notebook. - Asks the Ss to prepare for next period: Unit 3 / Write.. Students’activities.. The content of the lesson. - Read the completed summary. - Listen and take notes.. @Complete the. - Complete the table: table: Activities of the Parkers. -grows maize on his farm. -works part-time at a grocery store - Look at and take notes.. Activities of Van. -Completes his home work -feeds the chickens and collects their eggs.. - Complete the sentences:. - Listen and take notes. - Listen and write down.. @- Selfevaluation:...............................................................................................................................................

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