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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ II – NIÊN KHÓA 2011-2012 MÔN : TIẾNG ANH 12 Thời gian làm bài : 60 phút. Mã đề 111. I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. status B. establish C. natural D. famine 2. A. treatment B. headquarter C. leader D. peaceful II. Choose the word which has the stress pattern differently from that of the others. 3. A. combine B. adopt C. product D. control 4. A. energy B. employment C. position D. disaster 5. A. competitor B. political C. technology D. conservation III. Choose the best option to complete the sentences. 6. Governments have ________ laws to protect wildlife from commercial trade and overhunting. A. carried B. acted C. conducted D. enacted 7. Commercial exploitation has driven many species to the _____ of extinction. A. bank B. verge C. limit D. possibility 8. The 22nd SEA GAMES consisted of athletes from eleven _________ countries. A. participate B. participation C. participating D. participant 9. _________, the athlete broke the world’s record with two attempts. A. Surprisingly B. Surprised C. Surprise D. Surprising 10. In beach volleyball, Indonesia defeated Thailand in straight sets to take men’s gold ________. A. present B. medal C. award D. reward 11. The main uses of books are to provide entertainment and __________. A. inform B. information C. informative D. informer 12. According to World Bank figures, 41 percent of Brazilians live in ________. A. poverty B. poor C. poorly D. poorer 13. It is against the law to _________ on the basis of sex, material status or race. A. suit B. believe C. discriminate D. gain 14. 2007 was the 40th anniversary of the ________ of ASEAN. A. found B. foundation C. founder D. founding 15. X: “What shall we do this evening?” – Y: “ _______________”. A. No problem. B. I went out for dinner. C. Oh, that’s good! D. Let’s go out for dinner. 16. X: “ I have got an interview for scholarship application tomorrow”. – Y: “ ___________________”. A. Well done. B. Good luck. C. Congratulation! D. Take care. 17. Why do you have to _________ the form? A. look up B. hold up C. fill in D. put on 18. He is too tired to _______ working. A. give up B. go on C. try out D. look after 19. He is said _________ 100 years old. A. being B. that he is C. to be D. be 20. As I ______ a book, I suddenly saw a boy walking into the garden. A. was reading B. am reading C. had read D. read 21. Are you going to repair the car yourself or are you going to ________? A. repair it B. have it repaired C. get it repair D. get repair it 22. I _______ to New York three times this year. A. was B. had been C. have been D. were 23. The more we learn, ____________. A. we become wise B. we become wiser C. the wiser we become D. the more wise we become 24. She practices playing the piano ____________ than I do. A. more regular B. regularly C. as regularly D. more regularly 25. X: “ _________ I have a day off tomorrow?” – Y: “Of course not. We have a lot of things to do.” A. Must B. May C. Will D. Need 26. The computer _______ reprogramming. There is something wrong with the software. A. needs B. must C. should D. may 27. Keep quiet. You ______ talk so loudly in here. Everybody is working. A. may not B. don’t have to C. mustn’t D. needn’t 28. Who was responsible ______ all that noise last night? A. with B. for C. of D. about 29. My present job isn’t wonderful, but I prefer it _______ what I did before. A. than B. more than C. rather than D. to IV. Choose the word which the closest meaning with the underlined word. 30. The ASEAN Para- Games are hosted by the same country where the Sea Games took place. A. organized B. impressed C. participated D. defended 31. Not all women can do two jobs at the same time: rearing children and working at office. A. educating B. homemaking C. taking care of D. giving a birth V. Read the following passage and then choose the best answer. It has been thought that women are the second class in citizen, and men are the first. There is not a real equality of opportunity for men and women. Years ago, people were living in a man-dominated society. Women had to obey their husbands and fathers absolutely. Women’s place was in the kitchen and women’s work was housework. In many places, women were not allowed to go to school. Women had no rights, even the right to choose husband for themselves. Men usually occupied high positions in Đề thi HK2 môn Anh Văn Khối 12 năm 2012 – Mã đề 111- Trang 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> society so they thought they were more intelligent than women. Men often considered women as their property. Sometimes, they were mistreated by their husband and suffered the problem as a fate. Many parents did not even want to have daughters. Despite the progress, there remain outdated beliefs about women’s roles, traditionally passed down from generation to generation. Men are commonly seen as the strong bodies, bread-winners in the family and key leaders in society, while women are restricted to being housewives and child bearing and care, and housework such as washing and cooking. According to social survey, many women in the 21 st century still have to work over 12 hours a day including working in offices and doing countless household chores without any help from their husbands. In some regions, the labor of women is not recognized despite the hardships they endure to support the whole family. Moreover, women are the direct victims of family violence, especially in rural areas. Thanks to the women’s liberation movement, nowadays women have proved that they are equal to men in every aspect. An average woman had weaker muscles than an average man but she may be as intelligent as he is. Women can do everything that men can, and women can do one thing that no man can: they produce children.. 32. Which is not women’s role in the former days? A. Working in authority. B. Doing housework. 33. Years ago, women are not allowed ……. A. to work in the kitchen C. to do housework. 34. The outdated beliefs about women’s role ……. A. have been eradicated completely C. still exist at present. C. Doing cooking D. Bearing and rearing children B. to choose husband for themselves D. to stay at home with their parents. B. disappeared soon after the women’s liberation movement D. was forced to change after the women’s liberation movement. 35. According to the text, women in the 21st century …….. A. do not have to do housework any more B. are still the victims of family violence in some rural areas C. get help from their husbands with all housework D. spend less than 12 hours working outside the home and doing housework. VI. Choose the best option to fill in each blank What is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and what is its purpose? The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a multilateral organization which was (36) … to give Southeast Asian states a forum to communicate (37) … each other. Since the region had a long colonial past and a history of endemic warfare, there has never been much peaceful and constructive interaction between kings, presidents and other officials. A neutral forum was, (38) …, a very useful development for all of those countries. ASEAN was formed as a result of the Bangkok Declaration of 1967 and initially had five members: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, (39) … Philippines and Singapore. Brunei subsequently joined in 1984 after it had won independence from Britain. Vietnam became the seventh member of the group, officially joining in 1995. After several years of negotiation, Myanmar and Laos joined in 1997 and the final member of the ten, Cambodia, joined in 1999. The only (40) … state in Southeast Asia which is not a member of ASEAN is now East Timor. It is still too vulnerable and fragile to be able to participate for the foreseeable future. 36. A. set up B. made C. done D. discovered 37. A. in B. on C. for D. with 38. A. nevertheless B. moreover C. therefore D. however 39. A. a B. an C. the D. no word is needed 40. A. dependent B. independent C. independently D. independence VII. ERROR RECGNITION 41. The World Health Organization was established in 7 April 1948. A B C D 42. To prepare for the 22nd SEA GAMES, Vietnam carried out intensive programs for their athletes. A B C D 43. To attract someone’s attention for a conversation, we can use not only verbal or non-verbal forms of communication. A B C D 44. A water polo game divided into quarters ranging from five to eight minutes in length. A B C D 45. French is a most difficult language to learn than English is. A B C D VIII. Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning with the given one. 46. Dickens died without finishing his last novel. A. Dickens wanted to finish his last novel before he died. B. After Dickens had died, the last novel continued to be finished. C. Before Dickens died, he tried his best to finish his last novel. D. Dickens’ last novel was unfinished when he died. 47. No one in the team can play better than John. A. John plays well but the others play better. B. John as well as other players of the team plays very well. C. John is the best player of the team. D. Everyone in the team, but John, plays very well. 48. I can’t cook as well as my mother. A. My mother cooks as well as I. B. My mother cooks better than I. C. My mother’s cooking is better than me. D. My mother can cook the best in my family. 49. Not as many people turned out at the meeting as we had anticipated. A. We had anticipated more people to come to the meeting. B. More people turned out at the meeting. C. The meeting was very crowded. D. There were a larger crowd at the meeting than our expectation. 50. The last time when I saw her was three years ago. A. I have often seen her for the last three years. B. About three years ago, I used to meet her. C. I have not seen her for three years. D. I saw her three years ago and will never meet her again. ---/---. Đề thi HK2 môn Anh Văn Khối 12 năm 2012 – Mã đề 111- Trang 2.

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