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Grammar friends 3

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Ftqnnigon Eileen. Ctgmmqr Frffend$. OXFORD TINIVERSITY. PRESS.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> OX-FORD UNTVERSITY. PRBSS. Great CLarendon Street, Oxford ox2 5Dp O:dord University Pressis a departrnent oftle University ofofordvholarhiF, It furtheN theuniversity's objective of excellence fupsx6[ and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown Dares Salaam HongKong l(anchi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nafuobi New Delhi Shanghai Teipei Torotrto Withoffices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepuHic Frm Gaeca s'nlenct Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Pobnd kurgrl SouthKorea Switzerland Tbailand liriey ubein thn oxrolo and oxrotD ENGLISE:rrr l€gillcrd r.& Erts d Oxford UniversityPress in -he LJXaDd in ctrrrin dtrcmnb O Oldord UniversityPress zoog The mord rights ofthe autbs hare been asserted Database right fford Uniusrty Press(makerl First published roog 2Or3 Xtr2 2(n1 2OtO 1098 7 6 5 4 3 No undcized. photocopying. All rigbts reserved. No part ofthis publication nray be reproduced, stored in a retrievd system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, witlout the prior perrrission in writing of Odord University Press, or as expressly perrritted by laq or under terms agreedwith the appropriate reprognphics rights organization. Enquiries concerning r€production outside the scope ofthe above should be sent to the EL:TPights Department, o,dord University Press,at the address above You mustnot circulate this book in anyotherbindingor cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Any websites referred to in this publication are in the public domain and their addressesare provided by Oxford University Pressfor inforrration only. Oxford University hess disclaims any responsibility for the content rsBN: 978 o 19 478oo2S (Student'sBook) rsBN: 978o194780148 (Pack) Itrinted in chim. Illustratlonsby:Jo Tlaylor/Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency (characters) and JHS Studio/Beehive Illustntion..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Contents Storter Mg fomilg. Comporotiveodjectives Thepostsimple:be. 4. f. Mg fr ie n d s. Thepresentsimple(1):be. 8. 2. Mg hobbies. Thepresentsimpte(2):Like+ -ing. t2. 3. Ourth in g s. Confor obi[itg,permission ond requests odjectives Possessive. 16 20. Review I 4. A t the se o side. (L) Thepresentcontinuous. 22. 5. A visitto the zoo. The presentcontinuous(2). 26. 6. Mg d o g. Reviewof the presentsimple Thepresentsimpte(3):hove. 30 34. Review 2 7 8 9. Fr eetim e Goin gsho p ping Com p o r iso ns. Adverbsoffrequenca Timeexpressions. 36. nouns Countobleond uncountobte WouLdLike. 40. odjectives Comporotiveo nd superLotive. 44 48. Review3 1 O Pl.og ti m e 11 Posttimes. Must ond mustn't Theimperotive. 50. Therewos, there were Posttime expressions. 54. 1 2 Fo m i[gm em ories Thepostsimple(1):hove Thepostsimple(2):be Connectors. 58. Review4. 62. 13 Portgtime 14 Schooltime 1 5 Ho lid o gti m e. ThepostsimpLe(3) Ago. 64. ThepostsimpLe(4) Whot,when,where. 68. Begoingto Futuretime expressions. 72. Review5. 76. Grommorreference. 78.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Comparativeadjectives Thepastsimple:be. My family ll. I. lvvv. Do d is t o [ [ e rt h o n M u m .. - ^ G r o n d m o n dGr o n d p o r eo ld e rth o nCh o r lieM, o ll.go n dH orrg. L .,. rl. Weform the comporotive of on odjectivebg odding-erto the endof the odjective. \ -:,. s m o[ [ [oud quiet fost slow o|'d goun9 to LL short. smoLLer [ouder quieter foster sLower o[der uounger toLLer shorter. Bigisdifferent: bigger i. i. We usecomporotive odjectives to describe the difference betweentwo thingsor people. We usethon ofier o comporotive odjective whenwe comporeonethingdirectlgwith onother. Thehorseis biggerthan the donkey.. I Completethe sentences. Usethe correctword in brockets.. MoLLgis. Mrslonesis. Starter. j i15;,. (fostlgoung) Horrg.. Ch o r [ie( .9 o u n g /to LL).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> C h o r l i ei s. (l.oud/fost) MoLLg.. Horrg.(s[ow/short). is Grondpo. Horrg.(toud/smol.t). Mol'Lgis. Hereoresomefoctsoboutthe fonesfomiLg.Completethe sentences, using informotionfrom the tobte. Usethe wordsin brockets. Nome. Age. Height. Chorlielones. 8. L.20m. MoLLg fones. 7. 1.L0m. HorrgIones. 5. Lm. Dod. 37. 1..80m. Mu m. 35. 1..50 m. Gro ndpo. 55. 1..60m. Gro ndm o. 54. L.50m. Ch o r lie ;5 o td e rth o n M o [[g (o1d) . MoLlgis Horrg.(toLL) (goung) Ho r r gis Gr o n d mo. is Dod.(short) Gr o n d m o Dodis M u m .( b ig) (smotl.) M u m is Grondpo. (oLd) Gr o n d p o is Chor[ie.. Write sentences. I 2 3 4 s 6. Beth/toLL/LiLg Ol.l.g / smolt/ Beth Anno/ otd/ OtLg OLLg / goung/ Anno Beth/big / oLLtJ Ol.l.g / short/ Beth. Bethi.stalterthon Litu.. Starter.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> ryI. lT GI'FWffiI. MoLLg gesterdog. wosof school. Chorliewosn'tof schooL I Yesterdog,. rffiil\t. tmmotive gOUwere hewos shewos it wos we were gouwere thegwere. -' Negotive I wos not gouwerenot hewos not shewosnot it wos not we were not gouwerenot thegwerenot. Shortforms I wosn't gouweren't hewosn't shewosn't it wosn't we weren't gouweren't thegweren't. We usethe postsimpleof bewith odjectives to describeJeelings in the post. I wastired. He wasbusg. Theyweren't angrg. Weolsousethe postsimpteof beto identifgsomeone in the post. or something TerryandStevenwerepolicemen. Anna wosa doctor. Weusethe postsimpteof bewith o ploceto describe wheresomething hoppened. OIL7wasof school. Grandmaand Grandpawerein the shop.. Circlethe correctpostsimpteform of be. 1 Mum ondDodrwerei/wos tired. 3 Iim were/ wos o doctorin the pLoU. 5 It weref wos windygesterdog. Starter. 2 ALexwere/wos of school. 4 TedondO[Lgweref wos busg. 6 L o u ise o n dHe le nwe r e/wo s h oppg..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Lookat the pictureon page6. Completethe sentences. 1 Chorlis was ilt. 2 M um,Cho r l i eH, o r r go n dG r o n d m o 3 Horr g o doctor. 4 G r ondm o tired. 5 Dod. 6 G r ondpo 7 Mo[[g. in the living of work.. i nt h eg o r d e n . of school.. negotive. 6 Mokethe sentences 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. T. .. t.. J O m r e wo s n t % lomiewo so n g r g . Ienngwosin the pl.og. Iockondfesswerehoppu. Keithond Kotewerebusg. Annowosin the kitchen. George woso policemon. Heidiwostot[.. Writethe sentences odjective. usingwosor wereond o comporotive 1 Iess/ fost/ Iock w qlfqs!€ilh on Jock. _J_e:s_ 2 lenngondGeorge / goung/ Keith 3 G eor ge/ t o U/ A. n n o 4 GeorgeondAnno/ oLd/ Ienngond Iess 5 Mum ond Dod/ slow/ the children 6 M um/ s h o r t/ D o d 7 G r ondpo /b i g l C h o r l i e. 8 leonieon dH o [ [ g/ g o u n g/ C g nth io. Starter.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> My friends. Thepresentsimple(1):be. Whereqre youfrom?. whereareyoufrom? l'm fromSpain.. Affirmotive I om gouore heis s heis it is we ore uouore t hegor e. Shortforms I'm gou're he's she's it's wetre. gou're theg're. I'm fromthe UK.. Negctive I om not gouorenot he is not sheis not it is not we orenot youorenot thegorenot. ShortJorms I'm not gouoren't he isn't sheisn't it isn't we oren't g o uo r e n ' t th e go r e n ' t. I Complete the sentences. Useshortforms.. f;' ,; \-,. Y,/ He. JromAustroLio. Unit1. fr o mth e UK.. Theg. from Eggpt..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> S he. JromtheUSA.. We-----. from Brozil.. seven.. You. e ig h t.. You. fromEggpt.. He - -. one.. Writenegotivesentences. 1 Soil.U /Jrom/the USA SatlyisnltJr:omthe USA 2 gou/ten 3 I/fromlAustrolio 4 Mum ondDo d/ f r o m/ t h e U K 5 we / from / Brozil 6 lock / Jive. Un i t1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Questions Am I? Aregou? Is he? Is she? Is it? Arewe? Aregou? Aretheg?. Shortonswers Yes,I om. No,I'm not. Yes,gouore. No,gouoren't. Yes,he is. No,he isn't. Yes,sheis. No,sheisn't. Yes,it is. No,it isn't. Yes,gouore. No,gouoren't. Yes,we ore. No,we oren't. Yes,theg ore. No,theg oren't.. Weoftenusequestion wordssuchoswhere,when,whg,whot,whoondwhichwith betofind out informotion. Weolsousehowold.Thequestionwordgoesof the beginning of thesentence. Whereareyoufrom? Howold isshe? In questions, we conuseshortformsfor the he,sheor it form.Wedon'tuse shortformsfor theI, gou,we orthegforms. hefrom? Where's He'sfromEggpt. Wherearethegfrom? They'refromBraziI. Whereorethesechildrenfrom?Write.. ru ffi. 1. -ls he fromRussio?. fromEggpt?. from the USA?. *. fr o mT h o iL o n d ? Unit1. Ye s,h e ls..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 4 Lookof the tobte.Completethe sentences. No me. Tong. I e n n go n d George. Mig ueL. Ko n g o. Countrg. AustroLio. USA. Sp o in. T h o i[o n d. Tong's fromAustrolio. IenngondGeorge. fromSpoin. Kongo. from Brozi[. Youssef. Rofoond Pedro. Youssef. Egupt. Brozit. q He's from A+s-'r-r'q-t from from from. from from. 4. Completethe questionsond onswers. 5 Lookof the toble in exercise 1 2 3 4 5 6. Are IenngondGeorge from Austrolio7 No, theg oren't. K ongof r o mT h o i l o n d ?Tongfrom the USA? Rofoond PedrofromBrozil? Migue l f r o mS p o i n ? Youssef from Thoilond?. the emoitusingthe correct 6 Reodondcomplete formof be. .:.. H iJa m e s H ou 1 q re. Irirl. Gafg. Uourneu penfriend.Mg name 3 U ou?| 2 from Canada.| 5 from Scotland. I l i u e in C a n adabut I 4 . e n7 from? I'ue o n lg g o t Uo u r e m a ila d d r e s s lUh lUh e r e6 - g o u gour hobbies? Uourbirthdag?lUhat 8 -. = ==. M #i $fr $il. =. ffi s. P l e a seu r i te s oon! Garg. 4r. ,. **,lt$,€:=-:F'. Unit1. 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> My hobbies. The presentsimple(2):like+ -ing. I don't like playing games. computer. I fikeplaying games. computer. gomes. comput.rgor.i.'W Horrgdoesn't[ikepLoging computer Chorlietikespl"oging "w'. 'fu ngirmotive IF I like..:pl.oging v uouuKePtoglng he [ikespl,oging shelikespl,oging it LikespLoging we like pLoging goulikepLoging thegLikeploging. Negotive I do not Likepl,oging goudo not like pl.oging hedoesnot like pLoging shedoesnot tikeptoging it doesnot like pl.oging we do not like pl.oging goudo not like ptoging theg do not Likepl,oging. Shortforms I don't Likepl,oging goudon't tikepl.oging hedoesn't[ikeploging shedoesn'tlikepLoging it doesn'ttikeptoging we don't Likepl.oging we don'tLikepLoging thegdon'tLikepl,oging. Weusethe present simpleof tike+ -ingto tolk oboutthingsthot we enjogdoingor don't enjogdoing. I likereading. ihe doesn'tlikeplaging the piano.. Writesentences usinglike+ -ing. 1 Mr lones/ Like/ reod/ newspopers n€[spqps!_ylr Jqncs lkes re_cdrng 2 mgount/ [ike/ go/to thecinemo 3 ourcousins / Like/ pLog/ chess 4 I / Lik e/ J i s h s mg brotherondI / [ike/ climb/ trees U n it2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 2 Lookof the picturesond sentences. Writethe correctsentences.. I d o n ' tL i k ep l o gin gte n n is. '. , I i i n t-' i , ' ,, .,rri i ri ' l. g n n is. S h eL i k eps L o g inte :. :: -,-€ S' i. I l i r... :_,r,,.,,l r,i .!{_i 9l lL!.. We[ikehorseriding.. \. Thegdon't[ikeskoteboording.. I L i k ep l " o g i ntgh e p io n o .. T h e g[ i k ed r o win g .. g tle g b o L L . T h e gd o n ' tL i k ep L o g invo. S h eL i k erse o d i n g .. Un i t2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> 3 look of the toble ond completethe sentences. p l o g i n gt h e p i o n o. h o r ser id in g. swr m m r n 9 reading. x. Ione Iim. drowing. x x. Simon. x x. A nno Oscor l i k e s * * p L o g i ntgh e p io n o . r eo d in g . Io n e o n d Anno Iim drowing. reoding. Simon Sim A nno An r reoding.. I I one 3 5 7 9. 2 Jo n e d o e sn ' tllke d r o win g . p lo g in gth e pi ono. 4 Iim 6 S im o no n d O s c o r horseri di ng. 8 A n n oo n d O s c o r sw rmmrn9 h o r ser idi ng. 10 Oscor. Doyou like skateboarding?. Q ues ti o n s DoI Likepl,oging? DogoutikepLoging? Doeshe LikepLoging? Doesshelike ptoging? Doesit Likepl,oging? Dowe Likeptoging? Do gouLikepLoging? Dotheg LikepLoging?. S h o r to n swe r s Yes,I do. No,I don't. Yes,goudo. No,goudon't. Yes,hedoes. No,he doesn't. Yes,shedoes. No,shedoesn't. Yes,it does. No,it doesn't. Yes,we do. No,we don't. Yes,goudo. No,goudon't. Yes,thegdo. No,theg don't.. Notethot we don'trepeotthe -ingverbin shortonswers. famie, do gou likereading? No,I don't. DoesPollg likecooking?Yes,shedoes. U n i t2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> I Completethe questionswith Do or Does. t .-Does Po u L i k eh o r s e r i d i n g ? 2 -*-gomes? UouLikeplogingcomputer 3 =Iocklikepl.oging the piono? 4 PoutLikeplogingvollegboLl? 5 -A mg o n d5 o [ [ gL i k er e o d in g ? 6 we l i k es w i m m i n g ? 5 Motch 1-5 with o-e. 1 2 3 4 5. DoesIulio likereoding? e Dowe Likeskoteboording? Doeslohn likepl.oging computergomes?-DoPouL ondIim likeplogingvotlegboLL? Do goulik er e o d i n g- ? -. o b c d. No,we don't. Yes,hedoes. Yes, thegdo. Yes,I do.. W. 5 Lookof the chort.Write questionsond short onswers. Hobbg. 1 gourfriends. reoding. ,/. p l o g i n gt h e g u ito r. x. 3 gou. drowing. ,/. 4 Iohn. fishing. ,/. 2 M org. 5 M um ondD o d 6 gouondCh o r l i e. r -. Like?. skoteboording. surfing. x x. Do uourfrlendsLikereodlna? Yes.theudo.. ------------3--'. 2. Unit 2. 15.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> and requests Canfor ability,permission Possessive adjectives. Our fhings CanI usethecomputer?. you can. Yes,. Questions ConI . . . ? Congo u. . . ? Conhe . . . ? Cons h e . . . ? Conit . . . ? Conwe . . . ? Congo u. . . ? Cont he g. . . ?. Shortonswers Yes,I con. Yes,goucon. Yes,hecon. Yes,shecon. Yes,it con. Yes,goucon. Yes,we con. Yes,thegcon.. No,I con't. No,goucon't. No,hecon't. No,shecqn't. No,it con't. No,goucon't. No,we con't. No,thegcon't.. Weofienuseconto tolk oboutobilitg. I canplag the guitor. We useConI ...?or Conwe ...?whenwe oskpermission to do something. CanI rideyour bike? Canwe turn on the television? gfor us(o request). We useCongou...?whenwe osksomeone to do somethin Weconoddo commo+ pleoseof the endof o requestto mokeit soundmorepolite. Cangou buy somebreod? Cangou turn offthe radio,please? Whensomeone oskspermission, we replgusingthe shortonswerJorm with gou. gou can. CanI usethe computer? Yes,. U n it3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> I Reodthesesentences.Do theg tol,kobout permissionor o reguest? Write P or R. 1 2 3 4 5 6. ConI turn on the TV? P Congoupossthe sugor,pteose? Conwe plogin the gorden? Congouturn offthe rodio?- --Congougo to the shopsfor me? Conwe go c u t f o rd i n n e rM , um?. 2 Writesentences to oskpermission. 1 I/hov e/ ono p p L e / 7 Con I hov e o n o p p t e ?. 2 I/u se /yo u r m o b ite p h o n e /?. 3 | / t ur nup / t h e r o d i o/ ?. 4 I /tu r n d o wn/th e m u sic/ ?. s I/toke/thispen/7. 6 we / borrow/ thesebooks/ ?. 7 we / t ur n on / t h e D V Dp L o g e/ r?. I. we /liste nto lth e CDp L o g e r ?/. 3 Putthe wordsin the correctorderto write requests. I poss/ sugor/ Con/ pteose / Vou/the /? Con gou possthe sugor,ptease? 2 Vou/ Con/ pteose / the / turn up/ rodio/ ? 3 Con/curtoins/ the / open/ gou/ 7. 4 Vou/turn offlthe / Con/ music/? 5 turn down/ gou/television/ pleose/Con /the /7 6 wosh/ gou/the / cor/Con / pLeose /7. Unit3. 17.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> 4 Motchquestionsond onswersfrom the box.Writethem nextto the pictures. Conwe sit here? ConI hovesomecoke? ConI-hevffin oppte., pleose? ConI borrowgournewspoper, ConI hov eo n e wh o n d b o g ?. Cc i. l. )'e,, ,.. Unit3. No,goucon't. Yes,goucon. No,goucon't. Yesrgotreorr. Yes,goucon.. rnnlp?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> 5 Lookof the toble.Writeguestions to oskforpermission ond mokerequests. Permission. Request. 1 t urn upt he m u s i c. 2 t u r no ffth e DVDp lo g e r. 3 g o to th e ci nemo. 4 g i v em eth e n e wsp o p e r. 5 ploUwit h m gf r i e n d s. 6. 7 hoveo newcoot. 8 heL pm e in t h e k it c h e n. 'l. ( _rii,. 2 3. i - c r'. sototheshg?_fgl.. 4 5 6 7 8. mg. gour his. her. its. gour our. their. Thisis mg DVD. That'sgour CDpLayer.. Writeour,gour,or their. 6 Complete the sentences. 1. O Lrr bookis red. Yo u r b o o ki s bLue.. Is t his Yes,it's 3 Is t his No,it's. dog? dogc omero? c omero.. trl l. #Htr. cok ei s bi g.. 4. cok ei s s moLL.. Is t his Yes,it's. project? project. Un i t 3. 19.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> ReviewI. Units0-3. Reodthe informotion.Completethe sentences. Mr TogLor- 37 - 11 CorL 1 CorLis $-urlg er Lhqtr- Mr TogLor. 2 Mr T oglo r i s- - o l . d e L t h c r n- - C o r L . Bo bondT im- 9 D ois g- 8 Do isg . 3 BobondT i mo r e- - - - 4 Dois gis - , - B o bo n dT im . Redcor- 100m in 9 seconds Yellowcor- L00m in L0seconds 5 Theredcoris - the gellowcor. the redcor. 6 Thegellowcoris--*Circlethe correctpost simple negotiveform of be. I 2 3 4 5 6. HelenondSteffiwosn't /@hoppg. We wosn't / weren't in the kitchen. It wosn't / weren't cotdgesterdog. A[ex wosn't / weren't of the cinemo. Fredwosn't / weren'to policemon in the plog. Thegwosn't/weren't ongrU.. Completethe diologuewith the correctform of be. Useshortforms where possible. (t) gournome? Whot 5-Tom:HetLo. Rob: Hi. I -- - - - ( 2 ) R o b . W h e r e - ( r ) 9 o u fr o m ? Id o n ,tth in k gou- -- - - - - ( 4 )E n g L i s h . (S).t -*(0)Americon. Tom:No,I ( z )g o uh e r ew i t h g o u r fo m ilg ? Rob: (8)English. Tom:Yes.Mg cousins (r)thegfrom London? Rob: (to).Theg (t t)from Monchester. (tz) Tom:No,theg Weherein London on holidog. 20. Review1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> 4 CompLete the sentences with tike+ -ing.Usethe offirmotive,negotiveor question form of o verbfrom the box.. surJ flg climb ploU reod skoteboord 1 Mg Dod 2 I oneondI e n n g 3 Gor g 4. uou. 5 You 6. the Internet.(not) co m ics. t r e e s. kite s? ( n o t) c he ss.. U o uo n d B e t h. ). Permission or request?Write P or R. 1 C ongouhe l pm e ,p l e o s e ? 2 Conwe go out to ptog? 3 C onI bor ro wU o u rn e wC D ? 4 Congoupu tt h e b u t t e ri n t h eJ r i d g e ? 5 Conwe us et h e c o m p u t e r ? 6 Congoutokethis Letter to the postoffice? 7 C onlt ok eo b i s c u i t ? 8 C ongous t o yf o r o n o t h e r f i v e m i nu te s?. 5 Complete the sentences usingyour,our, or their.. computer? 3 Conwe go to h o u s ep, L e o se ? 5 C onhe hov ed i n n e ro t ho u se ? 1 C o nI u se. 2 Co nwe r id e 4 Co nI h o v e. b ike s? pLeose? h o m e work,. 6 Co nwe b e. fr ie n d s? Rev i ewI. 21.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> At the seoside. (1) Thepresentcontinuous. C ho r L ie is h e l.p inhgisd o d . \, -,/ --t'r v ht.m. k1. \. /-\g\. a, c a-. Lookof theserulesfor spelting the-ingform: Exomple. Add. Pr e se nconti t nuous. mostverbs. pLog. + - in g. p L ogi ng. v er bsen d i n gc o n s o n o n+t - e. write. {+ -ing. wr iti ng. Verb. v er bsen d i n go n ev o w e l + oneconsonont, except -9 0r -w. doubLe snorket co n so n o n t + - in g. I Motch1-9 with the correctendingto moke-ingwords. 1 s wim 2 c orr V 3 reod 4 plo 5 dr ow 6go 7 put 8 s t ud 22. Unit4. t\. in g tin g in g. uing in g. uing m in g in g. sn o r k eL[i ng.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> M u m is m o kin gso n d wiches.. Affirmotive I om plogi n g Uouorepl.oging he is ptoging sheis ploging it is ptoging we ore pl.oging Uouoreploging thegoreploging. Shortforms I ' m p l o g i ng gou'reptoging he'sptoging she'sptoging it's ptoging we'reptoging gou'reploging t h e g ' r ep Lo g in g. Wedon't useshortformsofiertwo n o m e s. Ericand Charlieareplaging vollegbalt. BUT y baIt They' re plaging voLle Iohn'splaging volleyball. continuous to totk obout: We usethe present . Something of the momentwe orespeoking. thot is hoppening She'stalking to someoneon the phoneat the moment. . Something oroundnow Jora shorttime. thot is hoppening I'm stagingat mg aunt'shousefortwo months. to to[k oboutthingsthot hoppenregu[or[9. continuous Wedo not usethe present. Useshortformsif possibl,e. 2 Writesentences usingthe presentcontinuous. I Dod/ windsurf Dqd'swindsurjlng_. 2 I / c o m b / m g h o ir. 3 Scottond Lucg/ reodcomics. 4 .Jo u/p lo g ch e ss. 5 we / skoteboord. 6 Kote/ Listen to o CD Unit4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> whot the peopteoredoing.Usephroses 3 Describe from the box. sit onthe beoch eoto sondwich swim Jeedffi;offie mokeo fire. 1 M oLLg 2 M um,M ot l go n dT o b g 3 Dod 4 Tobg 5 Chor lieon dH o r r g. ll-. Negot i v e t I om not ploging gouorenot ptoging he is not ptoging s heis no t p l o g i n g it is not pl.oging we orenot ploging gouoren o t p t o g i n g thegorenot pl.oging. I. 24. U n i t4. Shortforms I'm not ploging Uouoren'tptoging he isn'tpLoging sheisn'tploging it isn'tpLoging we oren'tpLoging gouoren'tploging thegoren'tpLoging. Mum isn'tsnorkel.Ling..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> Lookof the sentences in exercise3.Mokethem negotive. ot lu is n't r e o d i n oo c o m i c .. I 2. 3 4 5. 5 Lookof the toble. Correctthe notes.Write completesentences. reod. sleep. studg work. run. moke[unch. drive. Bob MrsGreen. / ,/. 90u I. ,/. we Timond BitLg. ,/ ,/. Uoursister. /. Bob/ reod Bob lsn'treodlng.He'sdrrvin$ Uoursister/ sleep we / work TimondBitLg/ mokelunch I / studg. gou/ run Mrs Green/ drive. Unit4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> A visit fo the zoo. (2) Thepresentcontinuous. ls it eating?. Aretheyswimming? No,theyaren't.. Questions Am I pLoging? Aregoupl,oging? Is he ploging? Is shepLoging? Is it pLoging? Arewe ptoging? Aregouploging? Arethegptoging?. Shortonswers Yes,I qm. Yes,gouore. Yes,he is. Yes,sheis. Yes,it is. Yes,we ore. Yes,gouore. Yes,theg ore.. No,I'm not. No,gouoren't. No,he isn't. No,sheisn't. No,it isn't. No,we orentt. No,gouoren't. No,thegoren't.. Notethot we don'trepeotthe -ingverbin shortonswersto questions in the present continuous. Areyou watchingTV? No,we oren't. Whenwe giveo shortonswer, we olwogsuseo pronoun. Is lohn pLayingin the garden? Yes,he is. AreMum and Dadplaying chess? No,they oren't.. U n i t5.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> Writequestions, usingthe presentcontinuous. t he/ Light/ ofwe? Is he liohti 2 Jone/ do /her homework? 3 we / hove/ dinner/ now? 4 YouondTom/ pLog/o computergome? 5 gou/get dressed?. 2 Writeguestions for theseonswers. Is the lions[eeping? Yes, the tion'ssleeping.. No,the monkegisn'tflging.It'sclimbing.. Yes, the porrots oreflging.. Theg're No,the kongoroos oren'tsleeping. eoting.. No,the zebroisn'teoting.It's running. Uni t 5.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> 2 Lookof the pictures. Writeshortonswers. Is Tereso holdingo comb? Y e s .s h e r s.. A r et h e gs tu d g in g ?. I s F r o n kco r r g in o g b ig b o g ?. A r et h e gpl.o g inggo m e s?. Is Mr Rogers reodingo newspoper?. I s G r o n d pd o o n cin g ? ,. ,*;. -. 3 Writeguestionsond shortonswersin the presentcontinuous. 1 I / Leorn/E n g l . i/s?h/ /. Englsh?Ye_l__Lqnr _Amj ieqrnrng. 2 AmU/toLk/?/x 3 m UMumo n dD o d/ s i t/ o n t h e b e o ch/ 7/ X 4 we/ hov e / d i n n e r / 7 / / 5 mg GrondmoondGrondpo / visit/ thezoo/ ?/ /. 28. U n i t5.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> Reviewof the presentsimple Thepresentsimple(3):have. My doy. ot7.25. I get dressed. up of 7 o'c[ock. :-(. t. Affirmotive I pLog gouplo g heplog s s heplo g s it pLogs we plog goupt o g t hegpt o g. /\. Negotive I do not ptog goudo not plog he doesnot ptog shedoesnot plog it doesnot plog we do not plog goudo not plog thegdo not ptog. Shortforms I don'tptog goudon'tptog hedoesn'tptog shedoesn'tplog it doesn'tptog we don'tptog goudon'tplog thegdon'tptog. We usethe present simpteto to[k sbout: . hobit son dt h i n g st h o t w e d o r e g u L o r lg Wewalkto school. . foctsondthingsthot oreolwogstrue Londonis the capitalof England. . opinions I don't likecricket.. F. rules Spel.l.ing Lookof the spellingrulesforthe he,sheond itforms of the presentsimpleoffirmotive. Exomp[e. Add. Form. mostverbs. pLou. +-s. pl ogs. * -U verbs ending consonont. studg. )(+ -ies. studies. verbsending-s,-ch,-sh,-x,-oor -z. wotch. + -es. wotches. Verb. Remember thot someverbsoreirregu[or, e.g.hove,conondbe. U n i t6.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> I Tick(lthe verbsif thegorespettcorrectlg. Correct themif thegorenot. He.... I sees. 3 woshs l.IJ. s fo[[s. D 4 poges D 6 goes D 8choosiesD 10 sleepesD. lO. 2 singgs. washes. LJ. 7 cotchesu 9 buggs tJ. 2 look of the tobte.Arethe sentences trueorfotse?WriteT or F,thenwritesentences. Co [u m. He id i. Tobg. x. x. x x ,/. X. X. ,/. x. X. getupeorlg go to schoolbg cor plogtennis. x. get dressedof 8 otlock 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Columgetsup eortg. Heidigoesto schoolbg cor. Tobgdoesn'tplogtennis. Teresogetsdressedof 8 otlock. Columgoesto schoolbg cor. Heidiptogstennis. Tobggetsup eorlg. Tereso goesto schoolbg cor.. T. _J. ,. Tereso. He oetsup eortu.. Now completethe offirmotiveond negotivesentences obout Cotum,Heidi,Tobg ondTereso.Usethe informotionin exercise2. I Colum doesn'tgo to schqol bgcor. 2 Colum 3 Tobg 4 TobgondTereso. s Heidi 6 Tereso ondColum. ot 8 otlock. bg cor. tennis. te n n is.. eor[9.. Unit6. 31.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> everyday? Doyouplay outside Questions DoI Likemil.k? Do gouLikemil.k? Doeshe l,ikemil.k? Doesshelike mi[k? Doesit Likemitk? Dowe Likemilk? Do gouLikemiLk? Dotheg tike mi[k?. Shortonswers Yes,I do. Yes,goudo. Yes,he does. Yes,shedoes. Yes,it does. Yes,we do. Yes,goudo. Yes,theg do.. No,I don't. No,goudon't. No,he doesn't. No,shedoesn't. No,it doesn't. No,we don't. No,goudon't. No,theg don't.. Becorefutwiththe heondsheform: DoesRichardbrushhisteethbeforeschool?. Affirmotive I hove gou hove hehos shehos it hos we hove gouhove theg hove. Negotive I don't hove goudon't hove he doesn'thove shedoesn'thove it doesn'thove we don't hove goudon't hove theg don't hove. Questions DoI hove? Do gou hove? Doeshe hove? Doesshehove? Doesit hove? Dowe hove? Do gouhove? Dotheg hove?. Notethot shortonswers orethe someosfor regutorverbs. Dogouhavedinnerat7.30? Yes,wedo.. ,2. Unit6. ln myfamily,we have dinnerat7.30every arcning..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> { Putthe wordsin the correctorderto mokesentences. 1 Heidi/ does/ gotoschoot / bg cor/ ? DoesHeidigo to schoolbg cor? 2 plogfootboLL / do/ oJterschool/ gou/ 7 3 5ol.Lg ond Po[[g/ do / ot 7 o'clock/ eot dinner/ ? 4 go swimming/ do / on Tuesdogs /we / ?. s do/ oJterbreokfost/ gourteeth/ brush/ gou/ 7 6 l 'i kes inging / V o u r s i s t e/rd o e s/ 7 7 gouondgourfriends / do /outside/ LikepLoying / ?. 5 Writeshortonswersto the questionsin exercise4. 1,/. Yes,shedoes.. 2X 3X 4/. 5,/ 6,/ 7/. 6 Complete the questions usingthe correct form of hove. Does UourDod have t o cor? 2 -h e breokfost evergdogT 3 -g ou o showerin the evening? 4 gou r f o m i l . g d in n e to r g e th e r ?. s. theg. 7 _I. 8. Sol.l.g. lotsoffriends? o totof homework? tonghoir? Lotsof togs?. Unit6. 33.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Reviev*2 usingthe present continuous. 1 Writesentences t She/ writ e / o l e t t e r. 2 theg / wotch/'N. 3 he/ woit / ot the busstop. 4 he/ skoteboord. 5 we/ do/ on e x o m. 6 I / swim m in g. in exerciseI negotive. Mokethe sentences a -,. 1 ) ne r s n: . . ' / r r t r noq t e t t e r . 34. 2. Thenwrite shortonswers. 3 Lookof the tobte.Writeguestions. do o test. drive. write o letter. moke d in n e r. ptou. meet footboLL friends. lwe. 2 G ino 3 Mox. 4 ourporents 5 gouond Pot ,/. 6I. we / pLoU footbotl.? A"e we oloulnofootboll? I €S .. "rOU. Ol'€.. Mox / driveT. 5 gouondP o t / d o o t e s t ?. 3t. Review2. 2 Gino/ write o letter?. 4 our porents / mokedinner?. 6 I / meetfriends?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> 4 Motch1-8 with o-h to mokehelshe/itformsof the presentsimpleverbs. L wot 2 wos 3go 4 tr 5 choo 6 moke 7od 8po. oes b sses c tes d c h e s wotch"e.s e ses f hes 9s hds. Comptete thetextwith the present simpleoffirmotive or negotive of theverbsin brockets. I (1) get uP- (getup)ot 7 otlockduringthe week.FirstI (2) (wosh) (getdressed), (moke) ondthenI (3) whileMum (+) breokfost. juiceondtoost,becouse (hove)fruit I onLg(s) (not Like) I (6) (stog)in bedfor oges,sosheolwogs cereoL. Mg sisterSondro(z) (8) (eot)herbreokfost (woLk)toschool, in o hurrg.We(e) (nothove)bikes. becouse we (to) Write questionsond short onswers.Usethe presentsimple. 1 Like/ pLogthe guitor / do / gou/ / u t n at h e o u l t o r ? Ye s.I d o . Do uou Li k ep l o-:a-------J-----' -. 2 gou/ do/ ofterbreokfost/ brushUourteeth/ / 3 lenng/ does/ getup/ ot7.3O/ ./ 4 obik e/ do/ g o u h o v e / X s Like/ eotingicecreom/ gou/ do / / 6 l.ikeplogingchess/ does/he / X 7 GrondmoondGrondpo /do / Live/ in obighouse/ X 8 do / hove/ Vou/ for breokfost/ toost/ X Review2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> Adverbsof frequency Timeexpressions. Henevergoesto thesportscentre. we useodverbs offrequencu to tolk obouthowoftenwe dosomething. Lookof thetob[e. B enLLL L. L. Ben'salwagslate.. Am ULL L. L. Amg'susuallglate.. Mik eLLL Tod S ue. lF,,g We con't usenever. Mike'soften late. L. L. Tod'ssometimes\ate. Sue'sneverlate.. Weofien useodverbsof frequencuwith the presentsimp[e. Lookof their positionin the sentence. Iane sometimesgoesto schoolby bus. I don't often bug souvenirs. Weareusuallgasleepat 9 o'clock. Weconuseeverto oskhow ofiensomeonedoessomething. Do you evergo to the sportscentre?. ?6. Unit7.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> I Completethetoble with X, /,,/,/,,/,/,/ 1 never 2 o Lwogs. ond////.. x ,/,/ /,/. 3 sometimes 4 u s uollg. 5 ofien. 2 Comptete with odverbs the sentences of frequencu. I Fronk alwous goesto thecof6before work. ,/,/,/,/ bugspresents for hersister. lotefor schoo[.. 2 M or ie 3 MoLlgis 4 Peterdoesn't 5W e. go to the librorg.. eoticecreomofierdinner.. x ,// ,/,/. '/. ,/. 3 Write sentences.Put the odverbin the correctposition. 1 Wego to the cinemo.(sometimes) W e s ometl m e g s o to the clnemo. 2 Theg'reeorlg.(ofien) 3 Shedoesn'tgo to the swimmingpool.(usuoLLg) 4 ColumondIonego to the theotre.(never) s I bugo ticket.(oLwogs) 6 Youdon'tvisit.(ofien) 7 Ourhouseisn'tworm.(otwogs) 8 I go to the cof6.(never) (olwogs) 9 I don'tgo to the tibrorgon Fridogs.. Unit7.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> October. in in fune,in 2025 on on Wednesdogs, on Soturdogs = everuWednesdoU, evergSoturdog B UT on Wednesdog, on Soturdog = r€XtWednesdog, nextSoturdog ot of 6 o'clock, of midnight, ot 7.1.5 My birthday'sin March. It'sherbirthdayon Wednesday. Shealwaysgoesto the librargon Tuesdags. Schoolstartsat 8 o'clock.. I'm meetingMarytodayat 3 o'clock. t go swimming on wednesdays, and o n T h u r sd al'ym g o in gto t heci nema.. 4 Reploce the bol.dwordswith on expression from the box. on"Tuesdogon Soturdogs on Mondog in IuLg on Tuesdog of 7.30 ot middog 1 T odogisM o n d o g . I t 'm s g b i r t h do gto m o r r o w. I t 'sm g bir t h d o g 2 M g Mumg o e st o t h e s h o p se v e r gSo tu r d o g . M g Mumg o e st o t h e s h o p s 3 Todogis Sundog. We'regoingto o concert tomorrow. We'regoin g t oo c o n c e r t I'm eight.It'sIune.I'm nineon 10thIul.g. I 'm eight I. t ' sI u n e .M g b i r t h d o gis It's seveno'clock.Mg brotheris in hisbedroom. Mg brothergoesto bed It's11.50. WeolwogshoveLunchin 10 minutes. Weolwog sh o v eL u n c h It'sWednesdog. I went shopping gesterdog. I wents ho p p i n g. Unit7.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> Putthe wordsin the correctorder. 1 Sophie's f on/ThursdoV / is/ birthdoy lirt il rl I e'i i; t iir!!4;,. rj-- , - -. : -::r,.1. 2 go to / in /o concert / Let's / Iune 3 olwogs/ on / s t o g i n/ M o n d o g s/ we 4 we / in / the cof6/ Soturdogs / meet/ usuoLl,g / on s sometimes / gethome/ Iohn/ midnight/ ot 6 Februo rg / in / ore/ theg/fifieen. Usethe picturesondwordsto write sentences. 1. etryE_trr + o n F r id o g. & ffi. ill,*. i' " i,. -]:-llg:-:-il: rl. '' t'l l- :'r ('l [i_r,_,.. , u su o L L/ g - o n So tu r d o g. ffi#w. RH W $ ffi gq +. J-. + not + often. + so m e tim e s. oLwous/ .;'il"l''aos'. + never. Unit 7. 39.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> Goiugshopping. Countable anduncountable nouns Wold like -. Weneeda melonand someapples.. nouns Countoble S ingu[ or o c of on o ronge \/. PL u r o L somecots,someoronges two cots,two oronges.. consonont vowel(o,e, i, o, u) Uncountobte nouns Theseorenounsthot don'thoveo pturoIform. Thegoreomountsof thingssuchosfoodonddrink.. ffi 3 fruit. osporo9us. woter. coffee. We usesomebeforeuncountoble nouns.Wedon't useo or on. I'd likesomeasporagus. We'dlikesomewater,please. Notethot we conolso so!: o glossof, o cupof, o bottLeof, o conof for drinks. I'd likea bottle of water,please. Somefoods conbecountoble ond uncountob[e.. some meton @. U n i t8. o melon S. some icecreom f. onicecreom %.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> Putthe wordsin the correctcotumn. nd€ hrmd bonono fruit Lemon o sp o r o g u so p p L e o u b e r g in e glossof woter broccoli rice grope woter coffee roisin spinoch Countoblenouns d o te. U nc o u n t o b [ e nouns br e r r d. i. Completeeochphroseusingo wordfrom the box.Useeochword once. o sam€ two some four some three some. gb % b I. som e. coffee. fruit. Lemons. glossof woter. bononos. oron9es. sp in o ch. dotes. Write o, on or some. I ____sn_opple 3 broccoli 5 Lemon 7 oubergine 9 osporogus 11 dotes 13 bonono. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14. so m e g r o p e s gLoss of woter - r o isin s nce oron9e fruit coffee Uni t 8.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> Affirmotive I wou[d[ike gouwoutdlike hewould like shewould Like it would like we would like gouwould like thegwould like. 5hortforms I'd [ike gou'dlike he'dlike she'dlike it'd tike we'd like gou'dlike theg'dlike. we'd likesomegrapes,please.. Whenwe orein o cof6or shopwe ofien usewouldLiketo sogwhotwe wont. Weofienusethe shortform'd tike. I'd likesometea. He'dlikean apple. Questions WouldI Like? Wouldgou[ike? Wouldhe Like? Wouldshe[ike? Wouldit [ike? Wouldgoutike? Wouldwe [ike? Wouldgoulike? Wouldtheg Like?. Wouldyou lil<ean apple?. We usuoltgrepl.gto o WoutdgouLike...? questionwith Yes,pleoseor No,thonks. Wouldyou likesomegrapes? Yes,pleose.f No,thanks. Oon'tconfusewould l,ikewith [ike,whichwe useto tolk oboutthings $= t \- we likein oenerol. T ,'n likean"irrrrrộ (=I wont on icecreomnow.) I likeicecream.(=I otwogsLikeicecreom.). U n i t8.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> Writeoffirmotivesentences. UsewouLdLikeond o, on or some. 1 Dod/gropes Dodwouldllkesomegropes _ 2 Chorlie f bonono 3 MoLLg ond HorrV/ woter 4 we / os por og u s. s I / oppLe 6 she/ o glossof orongejuice. with Woutdgou [ike.Thenwrite the replies. look of the pictures. Writequestions 1. Woutduou likesomearopes? No. thonks.. m. v. \e+r. '''i:lli]:llfi::m. Unit 8. +3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> (-OmPOrtsons Ft. Comparative and superlative adjectives. Thiscakeis smallerthan that cake.. Genero[LU, we odd-erto the endof shortodjectives to form the comporotive. Adjective [ong s mo[ L high. Comporotive Longer smoLLer higher. Adjective short deep slow. Comporotive. shorter deeper slower. Lookof theseotherrutes: Adjective ending. Exomple. Add. Comporotive odjective. -e. wide. + -r. wider. + vowel consonont + consonont. big. d o u b leth e fin o I + -er consonont. b io JJq e r. Whenwe wont to directlgcomporetwo things,ptocesor people,we usethon. Cairois biggerthan London. Charlieis taller than Harry. U n i t9.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> 1 Addr, ger,or er to the wordsto mokecomporotive odjectives. 1 Long. 2 short. 3 gou n g. 4 wid e. 5 deep. 6 h ig h. 7 big. 8 Loud. Writethe comporotive odjectives. 1 smoLL. 2 toLL. 3 Lou d. 4 Long. 5 quiet. 6 b ig. 7 slow. 8 h ig h. e fost. 10 short. 11 old. 1 2 Uo u n g. 3 Writesentences, usingthe comporotiveodjectiveof the word in brockets.. \mf fi. t. (hi9h ). 2 (oLd). : (big). 4 (wide). s (quiet). 6 (toLt) Unit9. 45.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> That cakeis the biggest.. Toformthe superlotive of shortodjectives, we odd-estor -st. Adjective [ong smo[[ high short deep stow. Comporotive |'ongest smollest highest shortest deepest slowest. Adjectiveending. Exomple. Add. Comporotive odjective. -e. wide. + -st. widest. consonont+ vowel + consonont. big. doublethefinot consonont+ -est. biggest. TheolwoUsgoesbeforeo superlotive. Dadis the tallest. Thegellow car is the fastest. Notethot we consogin the world with supertotiveodjectives. Whichis the highestmountain in the world? TheriverAmazonis the tongestriverin the world.. 46. Unit 9.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> 4 Writethe superlotiveodjectives. 1 smo[[ the smallest 2 toLL 3 Loud 5 quiet 7 slow 9 fost 11 ol.d. 4 6 8 10 12. long big hig h sh o r t go u n g. 5 Lookof the toble.Trueorfolse?WriteT or F. High. Long. ToLt. MountoinA 2000m. RiverD 400 km. Bu itd in G g L 5 0m. MountoinB 1-000 m. RiverE L75km. Bu iL d inHg3 0 0m. MountoinC 3000m. RiverF 500km. I 75m Buil.ding. 1 RiverEisthe longest. 3 Building I isthe smollest. 5 RiverFisthe Longest.. F. 2 MountoinA isthe highest. 4 MountoinC isthe smollest. H isth eto L le st. 6 Bu ild in g. Complete Useo comporotive or superlotive the sentences. form,ondoddthon if necessorg. hLgh{-tfi'lri MountoinB,but MountoinC is 1 MountoinA is t he high e s r RiverE,but RiverF is --2 RiverD is Buil.ding H,but Buitding I is 3 Bui[ ding G is MountoinB,but MountoinC is 4 Mount oinA is RiverF,but RiverEis. 5 RiverD is. usingo wordfrom the box. Completethe sentences younger bigger oldest smaller)cleBest1 TheNi[eisfhs 2 TheUSAis 3 MountFujiis 4 Mg bobgs is t eirs. s The. longest. riverin Eggpt.. t h o nt he UK. thon MountEverest. th o n m g Gr o n d m o . monin the worldis 113. Unit 9. 47.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> Review3. Units7-9. 1 Writesentences. Putthe odverbsin brocketsintothe correctploce. 1 I pl.ogtennis.(never) r nev erp t o u t e n n [ s . TI. -. 2 Wedo our homeworkin the librorg.(sometimes). (usuol.Lg) 3 Kortwokesup before7 o'clock. (ofien) 4 MumondDoddon'tgoto thetheotre. 5 Mg Jriendsoreosleepbeforemidnight.(never) 6 I'm tired.(oLwogs) 7 You're[ote.(sometimes). Complete the sentences usingin,on or ot. I 2 3 4 5 6. M g bir t hd o gi s- - t n Morch. Wego to the cof6 Soturdogs. There'so portg 8 o'ctocktonight. Woutdgou liketo come? Columis goingto Poris Soturdog. Theclossstorts 9 o'c[ock. Mum ond D o dg o o n h o l i d o g Au g u st.. Writeo, on or some. S ome I 3 5 7 9 11 13 Review3. yi6s. 2. dotes. oronge spinoch woter lemon glossof orongejuice. 4. 9roPe sondwich coffee [emonode osPoro9us oubergine. teo. 6 8 10 12 14.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> Completethe conversotion usingthe expressions in the box. Wouldgoulike U Like No,thonk IU Like Dogoutike -ureu+@ife Woitress:HeLto. Whot(r) woul'dgou like to eot? Mittg: I don'tknow. Woitress:(2) icecreom? MiU.9: Yes, of course I do!Chocolote is mgfovourite. Woitress:OK,somechocolote icecreomfor gou. Mum: AndI (3) somefruit. Woitress:(4) somecreomwithgourfruit? Mum: (s) o glossof woter. , but (6) Lookof the pictures.Writetwo sentences for eochpicture,usingo comporotive odjectiveond o superlotiveodjective. )Dtd€ big fost tong otd A i s w i d e r th a n B. A i s t h e wld e st. Review3. ,,,&.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> Must andmustn't The imperative. Plcytime. EA -F. @ f.'lf,.. ll-. Affirmotive. dl". ". I I must v goumust hemust it must shemust we must thegmust. Youmuststay neartheplayground. Weusemust+ boseformto te[[ otherpeoplewhottheghoveto do. YoumustplaAnicely. Sometimes Uoumeons'evergone'. Although mustismostcommontg usedin the gouform,we conuseit in otherforms. Notethotfor heondshewe do notodd-sto must. Ianemusttry to improveherspelting. Thisisthe Wecongiveo moredirectordersimplgbg usingthe imperotiveform. infinitivewithoutto. Stagneartheplayground. Plagnicely. iscommon Theimperotiveform onsignsondnotices.. U n it1 0.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> Lookof the pictures. Writesentences, usingYoumustondon expression fromthe box. do-thedishes tidg gourroom tistento gourteocher do yourhomework helpotherpeople writethonk-gouLetters woshthe cor eot gourdinner. =M Ur': i l.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> Negotive I mustnot goumustnot hemustnot shemustnot it mustnot we mustnot thegmustnot. Shortforms I mustn't goumustn't hemustn't shemustn't it mustn't we mustn't thegmustn't. Youmustn'tplay in thefountain.. we oftenusethe In the negotive, shortformmustn't+ boseform. Wemustn'ttalk in class. Weconolsousedon't+ infinitive withoutto.Thisisthe negotive imperotive. Don't tolk in class.. 2 Completethe toble. Must 1 come. 2 stog. 3 Listen. 4 woit. 5 go. U n it1 0. Mustn't. You mustcome. You mustn'tcome.. Imperotive. Negotive imperotive. Come.. Don'tcome..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> 3 Lookof the notice.Writesentences, usingYoumustondYoumustn't.. I 2 3 4 5 6 7. Don'tfeedthe onimols. Don't drop litter. Stogon the poths. Don'tplog in the fountoinr. Don'trun. Put litter in the litter bins. Don'tclimbthe trees.. 1. t h e a n L m a l s.. 2 3 4 5 6 7. 4 Lookof the picture.Writesentences, usingYoumustondYoumustn'tondo verb ond on expression from eochbox. Verbs g)nrf sit ptou drop wolk Expressions on the poth on the bench Jbeffi 1. titter inthefountoin. t r e e s ._. 2 3 4 5. Un it1 0. 53.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> I. :. Therewas, there were Pasttimeexpressions. Postfimes. l. I. I. Therewas a small treein the park.. Thereweren't any noisycarsor buses.. Negotive Affirmotive noun therewosnot therewos+ singuLor therewere+ pluroLnoun therewerenot. ShortJorms therewosn't thereweren't. Therewosondtherewereorethe postsimpleformsof thereis ondthereore. nounis Therewereisfollowedbg o numberor some.Therewosn't+ uncountoble nounisfotlowedbgo,on or o number. followedbg ong.Therewosn't+ countoble Afierthereweren't,we useong or o number. Therewasa big park neorhere. ThereweresomeoId carsin the museum. Therewosn'ta busstopoutside. Thereweren'tany computers.. werethereanycomputers? AfierWosthere...?we useo or on before countoblenounsondong beforeuncountoble nouns.AfierWerethere...?we useongor o num ber. Werethereang trams? Shortonswers Yes,therewos. No,therewosn't. Yes,therewere. No,thereweren't.. No,thereweren't.. Wastherea train station nearhere? Yes,there wal / No,there wosn't. Wedon'trepeotthe nounin shortonswers.. Unit11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> I Lookof the toble obouto town in Englond.Trueorfolse?WriteT or F. In L958 troinstotions. troms. 2. cin e m o s. x. /. porks. busstotions. 3. L. porks. busstotions. In 2008. 1 2 3 4 5. troinstotions. troms. 1. x. cin e m o s. t. 2. L. In L958,therewerethreeporks. T In 2008,thereweretwo troin stotions. In 2008,therewosonebusstotion.In 1958,thereweresometroms. In 1.958, therewosonepork.. Lookof the toble in exercise1. Write sentencesobout the town in the post using there wos o, there were,there wqsn't o ond there weren't ong. 1 in 1958/ porks. In 1958.therewere 2008/ bus stotion 2 in 2008 busstotion In 2008,therewos onebusstotlon. 3 in 2008/ porks 4 i n L958/ c ine m o s 5 i n 2008/ c ine m o 6 in L958/troin stotions 7 in 2008/troms 8 in L958/troms 9 in L958/ busstotions Un it1 1. 55.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> ondshortonswersusingthe tobLeon poge55. Writequestions 1 2008/ocinemo/? In 2008, wos therea cinemo? Yes.therewas. 1958/ threetroin stotions/ ? I n 1958, w e r e t h e r et h r e et r o tn sto tto n s? No. t her ew e r e n ' t . 1958/ two cinemos/ ?. 4 L958/troms / ?. 5 2008/ obusstotion/ ?. 6 2008/ three porls/ ?. 7 2008/ two porlcs/ ?. 8 1958/ two busstotions/ ?. Weuse[ost,gesterdog ondonto tolk oboutspecific time in the post. Uselostwith nouns. lastweek,Iastmonth, lastgear,lastMarch,lastFridag,lastnight Usegesterdog on itsownor with othernouns. geste rdag evening rdag morning, geste rdag afrernoon, geste Useon with o dogof the week. OnFridag,Istagedwith Sophie.. tG. U n it1 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> 4 Lastweekwas'Helpyour neighbour'week.look at Charlie's busydiary. Todayis Friday. Arethe sentences true or false?WriteT or F. Mondog. Morning. repoir Alex'sbike. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. lookofier. F ri dog TODAY. T h u r sd o g h e lpM r Hitt in th e g o r d e n. bobgS o m. corry MrsSmith's shopping. Afiernoon. Evening. T u e s d o g Wednesdog. wosh cteon Mr Brown's MrsCLorke's PL OU footboLI h o u se cor. p o in t Mrs Robertson's door. LostMondogofternoon, ChorliewoshedMr Brown's cor. F Yesterdog morning,ChorliecleonedMrsCLorke's bothroom. LostTuesdog morning,ChorlieLooked ofierbobgSom. OnThursdog evening, ChorliepointedMrsRobertson's door. Yesterdog evening, ChorlieptogedfootboLL. Yes t erdog m o r n i n gC, h o r l i eh e l p e dM r HiL in L th e g o r d e n . On Mondogmorning,Chorlierepoired Alex'sbike. LostWednesdoy, ChorliecleonedMrsC[ork's house.. Lookof Chortie'sdiorg in exercise4. Completethe sentencesusingpost time. expressions. 1 Lost 2 3 4 5 Lost 6 7 Lost 8. l4ondqV- -,ChorlierepoiredAlex'sbike. , Mondogevening, ChorliewoshedMr Brown's cor. Tuesdog evening, ChorliecleonedMrsClorke's house. m o r n i n gC, h o r l i eh e lp e dM r Hiil.in th e g o r d e n . morning,ChorlieLooked ofterbobgSom. evening, ChortiepointedMrsRobertson's door. , Chorlieplogedfootbol.l.. Wednesdog ofiernoon, ChorliecorriedMrsSmith'sshopping.. Unit 1 1. t7.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> Thepastsimple(1):have Thepastsimple(2):be Connectors. Fomifymemorfes. t h a d b l a c kh a i r whenI wasyoung.. I didn't havemany toyswhenl wasyoung.. Ho ve Aff i rm oti v e I hod gouhod he hod sh eh o d it hod we hod gouhod th e g h od. Lookof thestorter unit for the post F tenseof be.. It-. .l. Negotive I did not hove goudid not hove hedid not hove shedid not hove it did not hove we did not hove goudid not hove thegdid not hove. Sh o rfo t rms I didn'thove goudidn'thove goudidn'thove shedidn'thove it didn'thove we didn'thove goudidn'thove thegdidn'thove. We usehodto toLkoboutoppeoronce ond possessions in the post.Theoffirmotive Thenegotive form of hoddoesn'tchonge. form oLwogsusesdid. I had verylong hair whenI wasfifteen. Wehad a cat.. usingthe postsimpleof be. 1 Writesentences 1 Rob/ hondsome/ X. 2 Chloeond Eric/ clever/ /. 3 Er icondM i o/ J r i e , n a q/ X. 4 lulio ond Kote/ prettg/ /. s Chtoe/ prettg/ /. 6 Rob/ cl.ever //. 7 Kote/ cl.ever /X. 8 E r ic / h o n d s o m e / X. 58. Unit12.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> 2 Lookot the picturesof the HiLL Trueor folse? fomilg whentheg weregounger. WriteT or F.. Bobhodredhoir.. S u eh o df o i r h o i r .. P hi Li phod dork h o ir .. C o t h gh o db l o c kh o ir .. I i L Lo n dI u L i eh o d[o n gh o ir .. Writesentences oboutthe HiLL fomil.g.Usethe postsimplenegotiveof hove. 1 Bob/ brownhoir B ob dt dn't h c . v eb r o w n h o i r . H e h o d r e d h o ir 2 Sue/ shorthoir 3 Philip/ foir hoir 4 Co t hg/ s hor th o i r 5 fi1.1. ondIuLie/ shorthoir. Un it1 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> 4 Lookof the picture.Completethe sentences belowwith the postsimple of beor hove.. 1 Horr g/ ob o b g q !qltgl.1qf1li_ulqs 3 Chorlie on dM r I o n e s/ h o p p g. 4 Mr Jones/ cheerfuI. s M oLLg / go u n g. 6 Grondmolones/prettg. Jones/hungrg 7 Grondpo. 8 th e we o th e/su r nng. 9 Mr sI oneso n dH o r r g/ b r o w nh oir. 60. Un it1 2. 2 MrsIones/Longhoir l"1rs ,.lo lLus I- icO r on0 f l0 [ r. 1 0 Ch o r lie /ob ike.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> Weuseondto [inktwopositive ideos or two negotiveideos. Grandmais kindandgenerous. Tanyais meanand miserable. We usebut to link o positiveideo with o negotive ideo.We useo commo beforebut. Iack is miserable.but kind.. Circlethe correctonswer. 1 Helenishoppg@9t but cheerfuL. 3 lenngismiseroble ond/ but shg. 5 SoLtg is kind ond/ but generous.. 2 OLL9 is hondsome,ond f b u t m eon. 4 Poltgis prettg,ond / but meon. 6 Ericis reloxedond / but cheerfuL.. 6 Writecompletesentences usingond or but in the correctploce. 1 Cothg/friendLg/ shg blr ', :r -Cgdg_t5-ftrendlu 2 leonief meon/ miseroble 3 Morgf meon/ hoppV 4 Te d/ honds o m e / s h g 5 the weother/ hot/sunng 6 mg brother/ friend/shV 7 Brodleg / gou n g l c h e e r f u L 8 ALex/ shV/ friendtg Un it1 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> Review4. Units10-12. with YoumustondYoumustn't. 1 Lookof the [ist.Writesentences 2 X getupLote t / studgfor gourexoms rjxiir-r) Y-sumL{S_t_n_tge-tup iq;r; ,_bu- ltlil,S!:_!u_dSjqr_gc)ii' 3 / d o g o u r homew orktoni ght. dinner 4 / woshgourhondsbefore. 5 X s wimof i e rd i n n e r. 6 X plogin thefountoin. 7 / finishUourbreokfost. 8 ,r to lk in o n e xo m. Usethe imperotive. Writesentences. 1 Youmustwoithere.. 2 Youmustn'tstogtoo Long.. 3 Y oum us t n 'tto L ki n t h e e x o m .. 4 Youmustwriteto me evergdog.. now. 5 Youmustget dressed. 6 Youmustget up eortg.. with Lookof the toble oboutLifein 1900ond in the geor2000.Writesentences therewos,therewereondtherewosn't,thereweren't.Useongwherenecessorg. postoffice. rec gc l i n gb in s. porks. supermorkets. 1900. /. x. ,/. x. x. 2000. x. ,/. x. ,/. /. 1 In 1900,. li]eie-u;-q:nl-ton Internetcof6.. 2 In 2000,. porks. - supermorkets. - r e cAclinbgin s. -- o postoffice. o postoffice. on Internetcof6. porks.. 3 In 1900, 4 In 2000, s In 1900, 6 In 2000, 7 In 2000, 8 In 1900, 62. Internetcof6. Review4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> look of the toble.Todogis Fridog.Comptetethe sentences usingposttime expressions. Tuesdog. Wednesdog. T h u r sd o g h e lpM u mwith th e shoppi ng. mo rnr n9. w o s ht h e c o r. p lo gte n n is. ofiernoon. p o i n to p i c t u r e. tistento music. wotchTV. pLoged tennis. -[--qstWednesdav-mcrrun9 , MoLLg wotchedTV. , MoLLg , MoL[gwoshedthe cor. pointedo picture. , MoL|'g - , . , , M o L Lhge tp e dM u mwith th e sh o p p in g . to music. - --, Mo[Lglistened. look of the toble oboutthe Corltonfomilg whentheg weregounger.Completethe sentences with the postsimpleoffirmotiveor negotiveof be or hove. Grondmo. Gr o n d p o. Au ntA nno. friendLg. ,/. ,/. x. x. cLever. x. ,/. ,/. /. o teocher. x. /. ,/. bl u eeges. ,/. x. x. x x. G r ondmo - nq - 4 _b l u ee u e s . U nc leBobon dA u n tA n n o - - - fr ie n d L g . G rondpo o teocher. G rondpo ondU n c l eB o b fr ie n d lg . AuntAnno -- clever. Circlethe correctword. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Un cleBo b. G emm ois pr e t t g ,o n d / @ D m i s e ro b le . PoLLg is meon ond / but miseroble. Tedis kind ond / but hondsome. Heteniso[d, ond / but generous. BiL[is generousond / but friendLg. Morgis shg, ond / but kind..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> Thepastsimple(3) Ago. Porty time r tl. ttl. . h e yd id n ' two tchTV . Chor l i eM, o L Logn dH o r r gp L o g egdo m e so f th e p o r tgT. we odd-edto the endof the boseformtoform the postsimpleof GeneroLLg, verbs. reguLor Affirmotive I woited gouwoited hewoited shewoited it woited we woited gouwoited thegwoited. Negotive I did not woit goudid not woit hedid not woit shedid not woit it did not woit we did not woit goudid not woit thegdid not woit. Shortforms I didn'twoit goudidn'twoit hedidn'twoit shedidn'twoit it didn'twoit we didn'twoit goudidn'twoit thegdidn'twoit. Lookof thisotherru[e: Verb. Exomple. Add. Postsimple. endsin - e. Live. +- d. Iived. U n it1 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> I Writethe postsimpleoffirmotiveof theseverbs. 1 3 5 7 t. wotch love stort. 'W {1i (, r-l i L. fi nis h hote. 2 4 5 6 10. Live cook Lough Listen wo r k. Lookof the picture.Completethesesentences oboutthe portgwith o wordfrom the boxin the postsimple. *W. tisten cook lough wotch wont. [ticl.1ecl the guitor. MoLLg to m u sic. ondhe r f r i e n d s portgfood. MrsJones Gr ondpo o [ot. Mr Jones TV. H or rgo drink.. 1 Chorlie 2 3 4 5 6. 3 Mokethe sentences in exercise 2 negotive. 1 ' . - . l r ql!l q. iliiir ',,,,r-,,',?,. rlljiiuf ,. 2 3 4 5 6 Unit 13.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> 4 CompleteChorlie'sdiorg,usingthe postsimpleoffirmotiveond negotive. of the verbsin brockets. -(undav f,th Mav. Monday lz+h May. Harry arrd | (t) (wosh)Dad'r ctr. Well, (stort) | (z) to washit, but n61ef \. At rchool todayr we. (r)-. (notwont) to finirh rt, 5o we (4) (wotch) A {il v, but w e. (s). (notLike). it uuch.. (6) *- .. about ancientE1yet. When (finish), it (z)we (e)-----(Listen) to our teacher,lt was really rxtereStrnqlThe ancient Elyntrans(e) ---, (Live) a lon{ tu,re r..1r,Everybody irr the class(to) (work)very hard, and I (tt) (l.ove) the lellox. A{ter 5chool,I (tz)- --(plog)tennis with My {rier,,dr.At houe, (cook) Muru (tl) -r.aydinrrer.| (t+) (wont)to 5Iay up late but Munas^id I had to 1o to bad (hote) early. | (ts). thatl. 5 Writecompletesentences usingthe postsimp[e. 1 finis hm g d i n n e /rI / L o snt i g h t. 2 wo n t/I / to g e t u p/ e o r lg. 3 not/ listento music/ BiLLg. 4 the cor/ wosh / we. 5 PoLLg ondM u m/ c o o kt u n c h. 6 Ho sso/n h iste o ch e/h r e l,p e d. 65. Unit13.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> Weuseogoto toLkobout o specific time in the post. Thisconbeo recenttime orfurtherbockin historg. two minutesago a month ago afew Aearsago many yearsago a long time ago. l tl. ilt. C h o r L ie sto r te dsch o oth l r e eUe o r os g o .. , Horrgstortedschoolo weekogo.l fI= -'. 6 Lookof the informotionbelow.Writeexpressions usingogo. 1. 2 3 4. Now th e geor200 8 th e geor200 0 1 0. 30in t he m o r n i n g Iu ne. 5 mid n ig h t. Then t h e g e o r20 0 5 t h e g e o r19 9 0 9 . 3 0i n t h e m o r n in g F e b r urog 11.59ot nig h t. 7 Complete the sentences usingthe postsimpleondogo. C horlie / s t or t s c h o o l / t h r eUee o rs He nr g/ pLoV t e n n i s/ t w o d o g s 3 Steffi/finish herhomework /two hours Dod/ Listen to o CD/ o few minutes Kot e/ [ ougho f K e v i n/ o m i n u t e 6 Mum ond Dod/ wotch o DVD/ o week Unit 'l 3. 67.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> Thepastsimple(4) What,when,where. Schooltime Didyou havea goodday at school?. Didyouwatcha fllmz Yes,l did.. Q ues t i o n s DidI t eo r n ? Didgoul e o r n ? Didhe[e o r n ? Dids hel e o r n ? Didit le o r n ? Didwe leorn? Didgoul e o r n ? Didt hegl e o r n ?. S h o ro t n s we r s Yes,I did. No,I didn't. Yes,goudid. No,goudidn't. Yes,hedid. No,hedidn't. Yes,shedid. No,shedidn't. Yes,it did. No,it didn't. Yes,we did. No,we didn't. Yes,goudid. No,goudidn't. Yes, thegdid. No,thegdidn't.. Theformotion of questions ondshortonswers inthe postsimpleisthesome ondirreguLor verbs. for mostregulor Writethe wordsin the correctorderto mokequestions. 1 I / did/ eot/ breokfost/ 7 ,....+. 1 ". ii-. .i, 1 r i,l.l. 2 Likethe fiLm/ sollg / did/ 7 3 did/ visitUourcousins / Aou/ I,ostweek / ? 4 PoLLg ondH e i d/i d i d/ g o t o s c ho o/l ? s did/ hov ef u n / o t t h e p o r t g/ g ou/ ? 58. Unit14.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> Writequestions in the postsimple.Thenwrite shortonswers. 1 gou/gotoschool/gesterdoV/? // Did uouoo to schooluesterdou? Yes.I did. gourfother / work/ lostSoturdog / ?/ X 3 itlroin/Lostweek /? / X 4 gourfriends / wol.ktoschool/ thismorning/ ?| / 5 gou/ hoveo mothslesson/ gesterd oV/ 7/ / 6 we /ptog o new gome/todog/ ?/ /. 7 Iess/wotchofilm/Lostnight /? /X 8 gou/finishthisexercise / quickl.g / ?/ {. Write questionsond short onswersfor eochsentence. 1 I didn'tpointo picture. Did qou pointo picture?No, I dldn't. 2 Wetookedof mops. 3 TheteochertolkedoboutAfrico.. 4 Wedidn'twotcho f tm. 5 Theclosslistenedto o CD.. 6 I Liked ot schooltodog. the lessons. Unit14. alt.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> 4 Lookof MolLg'sdiorg.Write questionsobout herweek. Mondog Morning. stort homework woitfor the bus. Afternoon wotcho film Evening. Tuesdog. pl.oU tennis. [istento o CD. Wednesdog. T h ursdog. pointo picture. visitGrondmo. visitth e m u se u m finishhomework. cookwith Mum wo[kto the shops stogwith 5ol.l.g. stort herhomeworkon Mondogofiernoon. Did Mottgstorther honrework on MondoSojternoon? onThursdog ofiernoon finishherhomework v is itt he m u s e u mo n W e d n e s domg o r n in g plogt enn i so n T u e s d oegv e n i n g cookwith Mum on Tuesdog evening wo[ k t ot he s h o p so n W e d n e s domg o r n in g v is itG r on d m o n T h u r s d om g o r n in g pointo pictureon Wednesdog evening. Writeonswersto the questionsin exercise 3.If gouwrite No,shedidn't, writeo correctsentence. 1 l{ 2. U n it1 4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> We usethe questionwordswhot,where ondwhento find out moreinformotion wordgoes oboutthings.Thequestion of the beginning of the sentence.. whqt didyou do yesterday?. Usewhott o t o L ko b o u t h i n g s . Whatdidyou watchlast night?Afilm. Usewhereto totk oboutpLoces. Wheredid you go yesterday?Tothe park. Usewhento toLkobouttimes. Whendid the porty start?At sixo'clock.. I watcheda fllm in class.. Circlethe correctquestionword. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. When/ Wh o t d i d g o ue o t f o rd i nn e rL o stn ig h t?Pizzo . At th e cin e m o . Wher e/ W h o t d i d g o uw o t c ht h e fil,m ? g e ste r d o gAt ? m id d o g . When/ W he r ed i d K o t eh o v eL u nch Where/ Whot did KevinLeornot schoolgesterdog? Moths. W hen/ Wh e r ed i dg o ug o o n h o l id o g ? En g L o n d . ? o stm o n th . W hen/ Wh e r ed i d g o ug o o n h o lid o g L We p[ogedJootboll.. Where/ Whot did goudo ot the weekend? W her e/ Wh e n d i d g o ug o o n h o lid o gT ? h eb e o ch . W hen/ Wh e r ed i d g o ud o y o u rh o m e wo r k? Afte rsch o o l.. usingWhen,Whotor Where. 7 Complete thesesentences 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. did K o t ed o l o s tM o n d og ? didA n d gc l e o nt h e k i t c h e n ? did P e t eg o o n F r i d o gn i g h t? didI u L i og ot o t h e d e n t ist? didG r e gd o o n T h u r s d oegve n in g ? did gouhoveforbreokfost? did g o ug o L o snt i g h t ? did g o ue o t L u n c h ?. Unit 1 4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> Be going to Futuretimeexpressions. Holidaytime. T h e g ' rg e o in gto co tcho tr o in . ffI:p. t. A f firm o t i v e I om goi n gt o Uouoreg o i n gt o he is goingto sheis goingto it is goingto we oregoingto thegoregoingto. S h o rfto r m s I'm goingto g o u ' r eg o in gto he'sgoingto she'sgoingto it'sgoingto we'regoingto theg'regoingto. We usebe goingto to totk obout plonsondintentions. He'sgoing to be a doctor. Weconneverleoveout the beform. Wedon'tnormol.[g usethe shortform 're ofier nomes: Pauland Stevearegoing to visitBob. Mum and I aregoing to watch TV.. 1-8 with sentences I Motchsentences o-h. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 72. j lt's dork. I 'm t ired. Shec on't fi n dh e rp u r s e . We'vegot o Lotof homework. lt 's Mum 'sb i r t h d o g . W e'r eoLLh u n g r g . I hoven'tgot niceclothesto weor. - Mg porentsdon'tLikenoisgcities. Unit15. We'regoingto bughero present. T h e g ' r ge o in gto tivein th e c ountrgsi de We'regoingto stort it now. tr+gei+ffiight. I'm goingto sleep. f Mum'sgoingto cooko big meolforus. g I'm goingto helpherlookforit. h I' m g o in gto b u gso m en e wcl othes. o b c d e.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> 2 Lookof Pol.lgond fock'sdiorgfor nextweek.Completethe sentences, using be goingto.. PoLIg Iock 1 2 3 4 5 6. Mo n d o g. Tuesdog. Wednesdog. T h u r sd o g. F r idog. windsurf. c o o kd i n n er. visitfriends. bugo coke. reodo book. skoteboord. swrm. woshthe cor. O nT ues dogP,o t l g ' sg o l n gt o c o ok d ln n e r OnWednesdog, Iock O nMondogI ,o c L On Fridog, Po[[g OnThursdog, Ioc OnThursdog, Po[[g. pLog footbo[[ mokeo coke. .. Write sentencesobout the plons on o compinghotidog.Usebe going to. I we / mokeo fire We're ooln ot o m a k e o f l r e . * 2 Dod/ lookfor wood 3 DodondChorlie/ put up the tent 4 Mum ondMo[[g/ mokethe beds 5 Mum / cookdinner 6 Horrg/ pLogwith histogs 7 i tl behot. 8 we/hovefun 9 I/s leepinote n t Chorlie/ reodlots of books Unit 15. 7,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> Questions Am I goingto? Aregougoingto? Is hegoingto? Is shegoingto? Is it goingto? Arewe goingto? Aregougoingto? Aretheggoingto?. Shortonswers Yes,I om. No,I'm not. Yes,gouore. No,gouoren't. Yes,he is. No,he isn't. Yes,sheis. No,sheisn't. Yes,it is. No,it isn't. Yes,we ore. No,we oren't. Yes,gouore. No,gouoren't. Yes,theg ore. No,theg oren't.. In shortonswerswe don'trepeotgoingto. Aregou going to come? Yes,Iam.. Arewe goingto travelby planez No,we qren't.. Wesometimes usetime expressions to to[k oboutwhenwe expectto do something. Theseinctudethe wordsnext,this ondtomorrow. Nextconbecombined with severoI nouns. next week,nextmonth, nextgear,next March,nert Friday,next weekend Tomorrowconbe usedon its own or with othernouns. tomorrow morning,tomorrow afternoon,tomorrow evening,tomorrow night Loterondsoonconbe usedwithoutotherwords.. 4 Writequestionsusingbe goingto. Thenwrite true shortonswers. f os on/ go t ot h e c i n e m o/ / ;., r:tSOl-iiicjlr"lil iu li'i..,. : "i?. IuLioond Mum / pLogtennis // 3 KorLond Beth/ go shopping /X 4 we / go s w i m m i n g // s Ol.l.9 / go shopping/ X. U n it1 5. Yg:;. I. ne ts.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> look of the tob]e belowoboutthe Clorkfomitg'splonsfor the weekend. Writesentences, usingbe goingto in the offirmotiveond negotiveforms. KeLLg He|.en M u m. Dod. Robert Gorg. wotcho DVD bugnewshoes vi s itt he mus e u m. ploUcomputer gomes stogwith o friend Ketl.g gomes computer / pLoV 2 Helen/ stogwith o friend 3 Mum ond Dod/ wotcho DVD 4 G org/ v is itt h e m u s e u m 5 Robert/ bug newshoes 6 Helenond Dod/ pLoV computergomes. Lookof the Listof timesonddotesunder'Now'.Usephroses from the boxto describe the timesond dotesunder'In the future'. nextyear later nextweekendlemorow- nextmonth tomorrowafternoon. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Now In thefuture L4thIonuorg L5thIonuorg _ Morch2008 ApriL 2008 LLthNovember, morning llth November, ofiernoon Mog 2008 Mog 2009 1.9thFebruorU, morning 20thFebruorg, ofternoon Wednes do g , 5M t ho g S o t u r d og o n dSu n d o g ,8 th o n d9 th M o U. r o m o r row. Unit ' 15.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> Revlew5 usingthe postsimpleond ogo. 1 Comptetethe sentences of o portg/ threeweeks 1 we/ donced We doncedat o portUthreeweeksogo. 2 A[ex/ pLoVfootboll / two dogs 3 BethondIomie/ visito museum/ o month 4 Hol.l.g ondMum/ wotkto the shops/ on hour 5 lock/ Jinishhishomework/ o few minutes 6 I/ hoteeotingchocolote / o geor. Writequestionsond shortonswersusingthe postsimple. 1 B|LL / doncetomusic/ / DrdBLLI donceto music?Yes.he did. 2 Mum ondDod/ stoywith GrondmoondGrondpo /X with Gemmo/ / 3 HoLl.g / pLoVtennis 1 ]ock / wotch o JiLm/ X s HeidiondIulie / visit Grondpo //. 3 Completethe sentencesusingWhot, When or Where. Whot d i d g o u rb r o t h edr o f o r h isb ir th d o gHe ? h o do p o r tg . t did gougo to Fronce? Lostweek. d i dA m gd o o nT h u r s do gSh ? ewe n tswim m in g . did gourporentsgo on holidog? Thegwentto lopon. did gougo to the cinemo? In mg town. did goumovehouse? On Fridog.. 2 3 4 5 6 tE. Review5. Units13-15.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> 4 Lookof the pictures. Writequestionsond shortonswers. woshthe cor 4o-sw+mming-wotcho plog finisho schoolproject plogfootboLl. r. -'-. Is he qolnqt o q o s w l m m l n q ?No . h e [sn ' t __J-.-+. 2 3 4 5. Lookof Sottg'sdiorgfor nextweek.Todogis Fridog.Writesentences using be goingto ond o phrosefrom the bluebox. Fridog. Soturdog. Mor ning. I p t o gt e n n i s with Helen. Afiernoon. 2 visitChorlie. Su n d o g. Mondog. Tuesdog. 4 fin ishh e r homework 3 stort her 5 wotch o homework fiLm. 6 cookLunch with Mum. On Mondogmorning NextMondogofternoon @ NextTuesdog Tomorrowofternoon On Sundogofiernoon 1 _Lronq,. Sqtlulsqoinq to plou t?rr.ftLs .^.ith Helen.. 2 3 4 5 6 Review5.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> FI. urcrnmorreTerence t T hep resensimple :b e Affirmotive ShortJorms N e g o ti ve I om not I'm I om g o u 're gou ore not ore uou he's he is not heis she's sh ei s n o t sheis it's it is not it is we're we ore not we ore g o u 're g o uo ren o t uouore t h eg 're th e g o ren o t thegore. Shor for t ms I'm not gouor en' t he isn' t sheisn' t it isn' t we oren't gouor en' t thegor en' t. Questions Am I? Ar egou? Is he? Is she? Is it? Arewe? Ar egou? Ar etheg?. Shor tonswer s Yes,Iom . No,I'mnot. Yes,gouore. No,gou oren't. Yes,he is. No,he isn't. Yes,sheis. No,sheisn't. No,it isn't. Yes,it is. Yes,gou ore. No,gou oren't. Yes,we ore. No,we oren't. Yes,theg ore. No,theg oren't.. t T h ep resensimpL e: [ik e Affirmotive I Like g o ul i k e he tikes she[ikes it Likes we like g o ul i k e t heg L i k e. Ne g o ti ve I d o n 't[i ke g o ud o n 'tti ke he d o e sn 'tl i ke sh ed o e sn 'tL i ke it doesn't[ike w e d o n 't[i ke g o ud o n 'tl i ke t h e gd o n 'tl i ke. Qu e stions Do I Like? D o g o u [ike? Doeshe [ike? D o e sshe[ike? Doesit [ike? Dowe [ike? Do gou [ike? Dotheg Like?. Shor tonswer s Yes,I do. No,I don' t. Yes,goudo. No,goudon' t. Yes,he does. No,he doesn' t. Yes,shedoes. No,shedoesn't. Yes,it does. No,it doesn't. Yes,we do. No,we don't. Yes,gou do. No,goudon' t. Yes,theg do. No,theg don' t.. The pre sent simpLe:hov e Affirmotive I hove gouhove he hos s h eh o s it hos we hove gou hove gou hove. ShortJorms I've gou've he's she's it's we've gou've theg've. Q ue s t i o n s Do I hove? Do gou hove? Doeshe hove? Doesshehove? Doesit hove? Dowe hove? Do gou hove? Do you hove?. Negotive I do not hove gou do not hove he doesnot hove shedoesnot hove it doesnot hove we do not hove gou do not hove theg do not hove. ShortJorms I don't hove gou hove he hos shehos it hos we hove gou hove gouhove. S h o rto n sw e rs Yes,I do. No,I don't. Yes,goudo. No,goudon't. Yes,he does. No,he doesn't. Yes,shedoes. No,shedoesn't. Yes,it does. No,it doesn't. Yes,we do. No,we don't. Yes,goudo. No,goudon't. Yes, theg do. No,theg don't.. reJerence Grommor.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> I. Th epresent continuous. AfJirmotive I om pLoging Uo uq re p L o g i n g he is pL o g i n g sheis p L o g i n g it is p L o g i n g we ore pl,oging Uouore p L o g i n g th e g or e p l . o g i n g. S h o rtfo rms I'm p l o g i n g gou'repl.oging he'sploging sh e 'sp l o g i n g it'sploging we'repLoging g o u 'rep L o g i n g theg'repl.oging. N e gotive I o m not pLoging Uouqre not ploging he is not pl.oging sh ei s not ploging it is not pl.oging we ore not pLoging g o uor enot pLoging theg ore not pl.oging. Shor for t ms I' m not ploging gouor en' tpLoging he isn't pl.oging sheisn't pl.oging it isn't pl.oging we oren'tpl.oging gouor en' tptoging theg oren'tpl.oging. Q ues ti o n s S h o rto n sw e rs Am I pl"oging? Y e s,Io m. N o ,I'mn ot. Aregou pl.oying? Yes,gouore. No,gouoren't. I s h ep l o g i n g ? Yes,he is. No,he isn't. I s s hep L o g i n g ? Yes,sheis. No,sheisn't. Is it pl.oging? Yes,it is. No,it isn't. Arewe ploging? Yes,we ore. No,we oren't. Aregou pLoging? Yes,gou ore. No,gou oren't. Aretheg pl"oging?Yes, theg ore. No,theg oren't.. T h ep ostsimpLe: be Affirmotive I wos gou were hewos shewos it wos we were uouwere theg were. N e g o ti ve I wos not gou were not he wos not shewos not it wos not we were not gou were not theg werenot. S h o rtJo rms I wosn't gouweren't he wosn't shewosn't it wosn't we weren't gouweren't theg weren't. Questions WosI? Weregou? Wos he? Wosshe? Wosit? Werewe? Weregou? Weretheg?. Shor tonswer s Yes,Iwos. Yes,gou were. Yes,he wos. Yes,shewos. Yes,it wos. Yes,we were. Yes,gou were. Yes,theg were.. No,I wosn' t. No,gou weren't. No,he wosn't. No,shewosn't. No,it wosn't. No,we weren't. No,gou weren't. No,theg weren't.. Grommorreference.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> Th epostsimple:hod Affirmotive I hod g o uh o d he hod s h eh o d it hod we hod g o uh o d th e g h o d. Shortforms I'd g o u 'd he'd sh e 'd it'd we'd g o u 'd th e g 'd. Qu e s t i o n s DidI hove? D i dg o u h o ve ? D i dh e h o v e ? D i ds h eh o v e ? Did it hove? Didwe hove? D i dg o u h o ve ? D i dt h e g h o v e ?. Negotive I did not hove g o ud i d not hove he did not hove sh ed i d not hove it did not hove we did not hove g o ud i d not hove th e gd i d not hove. Shor Jor t ms I didn't hove you didn't hove goudidn't hove shedidn' thove it didn't hove we didn't hove goudidn't hove theg didn't hove. S h o rto n sw e rs Yes,I did. No,I didn't. Y e s,g o ud i d . N o ,goudidn' t. Y e s,h ed i d . N o ,hedidn' t. Y e s,sh ed i d . N o ,shedidn' t. Yes,it did. No,it didn't. Yes,we did. No,we didn't. Y e s,g o ud i d . N o ,goudidn' t. Y e s, th e g d i d . N o ,theg didn' t.. Th ep cstsimpL e: r e! ul' orv er bs Affirmotive I woited g o uw o i t e d he woited s h ew o i t e d it woited we woited gou woited th e gw o i t e d. N e g o ti ve I did not woit gou did not woit he did not woit shedid not woit it did not woit we did not woit gou did not woit theg did not woit. Shor for t ms I didn'twoit gou didn'twoit he didn'twoit shedidn'twoit it didn'twoit we didn'twqit goudidn't woit theg didn'twoit. Thep ostsimple:reguLor verbs Qu e s t i o n s D i dI l e o r n ? D i dg o u l e o r n ? D i dh e l e o r n? D i ds h el e o r n ? Did it leorn? Didwe leorn? D i dg o ul e o r n ? D i dt h e g l e o rn ?. S h o rto n sw e rs Yes,I did. Yes,gou did. Yes,he did. Yes,shedid. Yes,it did. Yes,we did. Yes,gou did. Yes,theg did.. reference Grommor. No,I didn' t. No,gou didn't. No,he didn't. No,shedidn't. No,it didn't. No,we didn't. No,gou didn't. No,theg didn' t..

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