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DE HDC hoc sinh gioi Tieng Anh lop 9 20152016

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO HUYỆN BẢO THẮNG. KÌ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI CẤP HUYỆN LỚP 9 THCS – NĂM HỌC 2015 - 2016 Đề thi môn: Tiếng Anh. Hội đồng coi thi: .............................................................................................................................. Ngày thi: ......../ 01 / 2016 Họ và tên thí sinh: ........................................................................................................................... Ngày, tháng, năm sinh: …………………………………... Trường: .................................................................................................................................. Số báo danh:. Chữ ký của giám thị coi thi (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) Giám thị 1: .................................................................... Giám thị 2: .................................................................... SỐ PHÁCH.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO HUYỆN BẢO THẮNG. KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI CẤP HUYỆN LỚP 9 THCS – NĂM HỌC 2015 - 2016. ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC.   . ĐỀ THI HSG MÔN TIẾNG ANH 9 Thời gian làm bài 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) (Bài thi có 7 trang) Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu, kể cả từ điển. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm. SỐ PHÁCH Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề thi. Điểm bài thi (Do giám khảo chấm thi ghi). Bằng số: …………………….. Bằng chữ: ……………............ Giám khảo 1: ……………………………….. Giám khảo 2: ……………………………….. SECTION I. LISTENING (3pts) Task 1. Listen to the recording and choose the best answer A, B, C, or D for each sentence below (1pt). 01. If you were an Eskimo near the North Pole, you would enjoy ______________ . A. the raw meat from seals C. fish and other foods from the sea B. roasted meat of sheep and goats D. steak 02. Some people in ______________ do not eat beef at all. A. Japan C. India B. China D. Pakistan 03. In the United States many people drink their coffee ________________ . A. with cream or sugar C. with sugar or milk B. without cream or sugar D. without sugar or milk 04. In _____________, many people use both sugar and hot or cold milk in their tea. A. America C. Australia B. Canada D. England Task 2. (2pts) a. Listen to the recording and read each statement and decide if it is true or false. Tick () in the boxes. (1pt) Statements. T F 01. Telephone is the greatest carrier of messages. 02. Telephone can give you a personal feeling. 03. In a letter to your friends or relatives, the words you write down are rather personal. 04. Telephones also have disadvantages because you can not understand important messages on the phone..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> b. Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the missing words. (1pts) However, telephones have some ........(1)........ . If you have a telephone at home, it often rings at an ...............(2).............. time. For example, the telephone may ring when you are watching your ..... (3)............ television program. Another disadvantage is that sometimes you might misunderstand what somebody is saying. If it is a matter of really important information, it is probably safer to have it in a .........(4)......... rather than on telephone. Write your answers here: (1). ................................................... (2). .................................................... (3) ...................................................... (4). ...................................................... SECTION II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : (5pts) 1. Phonetics (1pt) 1.1. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined, italic part pronounced differently from the rest. Circle your option (0,5 pt) 1. A. sugar B. sight C. source D. sale 2. A. throw B. thought C. through D. though 3. A. tried B. asked C. mentioned D. studied 4. A. plumber B. nuclear C. consumer D. reduce 5. A. faucet B. water C. power D. resource 1.2. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern from the others. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. (0,5 pt) Ex: A. notice B. depend C. climate D. separate Answer: B 1. A. climate B. comprise C. casual D. cotton 2. A. popular B. business C. beautiful D. efficient 3. A. exchange B. invite C. economic D. embroider 4. A. intermediate B. documentary C. reputation D. communicate 5. A. century B. conclusion C. available D. ambition 2. Lexical - Grammar (4pts) 2.1. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. (1pt) 1. If you come to England, you must get used __________ on the left. A. driving B. to drive C. to driving D. drove 2. ____________ she can't drive, she has bought a car. A. Even B. Even though C. Even if D. Even when 3. You shouldn’t avoid ________ about your problems. A. talking B. to talk C. to be talked D. for talking 4. I wish you ....................... do that! It's really annoying habit. A. wouldn't B. couldn't C. won't D. don't 5. We hope to increase ________ this year. A. to sell B. sell C. selling D. sale 6. Don’t ever do that again, ___________? A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. won't you 7. I've looked _________ my pen everywhere and I can't find it anywhere. A. for B. at C. up D. after 8. I don't think we have very much _________; we have very different opinions. A. together B. in common C. the same D. similar 9. There's no point in telephoning him. He's certain _________ by now. A. to leave B. having left C. left D. to have left 10. __________ the weather, ____________ the rice grows. A. The warm ... the better B. The warmer … the better C. Warm … better D. Warmer … better 2.2. Give the correct form of each verb in bracket to complete the following sentences (1,5pt) 1.They (live) ……………….. in that house since it (build) ………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 2. Where you (go) ……………. if you had a lot of money? 3. I really hate (to be) …… ……… late for the appointments. 4. Stay here till the light (turn) ........................... green. 5. As we (cross) ……………. the street, we (see) …………. an accident. 6. Nothing (give) ………....….. to you if you (not study) ……..…….. hard. 7. I came to class when I entered the teacher (finish) ……....……….. going over the previous lesson and was writing something on the blackboard. Write your answers here: 1. ................................................................ 4. ............................................................ 2. ................................................................ 5. ............................................................ 3. ................................................................ 6. ............................................................ 7. ................................................................ 2.3 Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition (0,5pt). 1. Donna is thinking of importing flowers ..........................Vietnam. 2. We can play tennis ……….. the summer. 3. Our house is ……………… a bank and a supermarket. 4. The dog is hiding ……………… the table. 5. Translate this article .. ................. English for me, please. 2.4. Supply the correct form of the words in the brackets to complete the sentences below. (0,5pt). Ex: 0. It's a lovely old house, I agree, but can we afford to modernize it? (MODERN) 1. Sally came in so _____________that she woke everyone up. (NOISE) 2. Are there any countries in the world where the kings still __________________? (GOVERNMENT) 3. You shouldn’t talk about her character only through her __________________ . (APPEAR) 4. It seems __________________ to change the timetable so often. (LOGIC) 5. She cut herself and it's _____________ quite badly. (BLOOD). 2.5. Each of the following sentences has 4 underlined parts (A, B, C and D). One of these parts contains an error. For each sentence, circle the part that contains error (0,5pt) 1. It took me so many time to learn that lesson three months ago. A B C D 2. My father has retired since three years and he is now living on his pension. A B C D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 3. Mrs. Brown’s children are used to be picked up after school every day. A B C D 4. They played so good game of tennis last night that they surprised their audience. A B C D 5. The fire began in the fifth floor of the hotel, but it soon spread to adjacent floors. AB C D SECTION III. READING: (5pts) 3. Read the passage below and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each space. Circle your option (2pts) Modern English is the (1) _________ of the English language (2) ______ since the great vowel shift, completed in roughly 1550. Despite some (3) ________ in vocabulary, text from the (4) _______ 17th century, such as the works of William Shakespeare and the King James Bible, are considered to be in Modern English, or more specifically, are referred to as using Early Modern English. According to Ethnology, there are (5) ________ 508 million speakers of English as the first or (6) ________ language as of 1999, a number dwarfed only by the Chinese language (7) _________ terms of the number of the speakers. However, Chinese has a smaller geographical range and is spoken primarily in mainland China and Taiwan and also by a sizable immigrant community in North America. (8) _______, English is spoken in a vast number of territories including the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, and Southern Africa. Its large number of speakers, plus its worldwide presence, have made English a (9) _______ language for use in such diverse applications as controlling airplanes, developing software, conducting international diplomacy, and business (10) ________. 1. A. way 2. A. spoken 3. A. variety 4. A. soon 5. A. on 6. A. second 7. A. on 8. A. Contrary 9. A. private 10. A. relations. B. form B. speak B. difference B. early B. beyond B. twice B. with B. On contrary B. shared B. relationship. C. road C. told C. differences C. premature C. above C. two C. in C. In contrary C. common C. related. D. shape D. said D. unlikelihood D. earlier D. over D. secondly D. for D. With contrary D. public D. relational. 4. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space. (2pts) Food plays an (1) ................. part in the development of nations. In countries where food is (2) .................., people have to spend most of their time getting enough to eat. This usually slows down (3) .........., because men have little time to (4).................to science, industry, government, and art. In nations where food is (5)............and easy to get, men have more time to spend in activities that (6)........... to progress, and enjoyment of leisure. The problem of (7).............good food for everybody has not yet been solved. Many wars have been (8)............... for food. But it is no longer necessary to go to war for food. Nations are beginning to put scientific knowledge to work for a (9).............of their food problems. They work together in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to help hungry nations (10)...................more food. Write your answers here: 1 …………..... 2......................... 3......................... 4......................... 5...................... 6 …………...... 7........................ 8........................ 9........................ 10................... 5. Read the passage below and circle the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences (1pt).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Every day on the radio, on TV, and in the newspapers, we hear, see, or read about many problems in the world. Because of this we must think about these problems. We must also try to find a solution for them. Our lives depend on this. For example, there are pollution problems. Air pollution is the first kind. It mostly comes from fumes released from cars, airplanes, and trains. Also, factories give out waste anywhere, even in the city where many people are living. The factory owners must know that people don’t want to live in pollution that is dangerous for their heath, Nobody in this world wants to breathe dirty air. 1 …………. helps us know many problems in the world. A. Transportation B. Media C. Air D Factories 2. Pollution is the cause of many ………....……… A. diseases B. trains C. fumes D. cars 3. The word “them” in line 3 of the passage refers to ……........… A. newspapers B. factories C. problems D. people 4. The word “dirty” in the last sentence of the passage can be best replaced by……… A. clean B. pure C. harmless D. polluted SECTION IV. WRITING (5pts) 6. Read the first sentence, and then complete the second sentence with the same meaning. (2pts) 1. Please don’t interrupt me when I’m talking. => I’d rather………………………………..…………………….………………......... 2. “Do you live in this flat with your parents?” Hoa asked me => Hoa asked me ……………………………………………….……...................… 3. “You should not drink too much coffee at night” Minh said to me. => Minh advised ………………….…………………………………………….......... 4. We were very impressed by the new cinema but found it rather expensive. => Impressed……………………………………………………………………….. 5. I never intended to go to the meeting. => I never had………………………………………………………………………… 6. Neither Tim nor Mary can speak Portuguese. => Both ……………………………………………………………….....………….. 7. We can’t afford to buy the house. => The house ……………………………………………………………………….. 8. Laura was so disappointed that she could not keep on working. => Such ……………………………………………………………...……………... 7. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, using the words in brackets. These words MUST NOT be altered in any way. There is an example at the beginning (0). (1 pt) (0). I haven’t phoned her since she left for Paris. (last) -> The last time I phoned her was when she left for Paris. 1. I only found out the truth because I heard the two of them talking. (found) -> If I …………………………………………........................................................... 2. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before. (time) -> This is the …………………………………………................................................. 3. When I get home, I’m going to have a shower straight away. (soon) -> I’m going to …………………………………………………......................……... 4. “Don’t forget to lock the house when you go out, William,” his mother said. (reminded) -> William’s mother …………………………………………… when he went out. 8. Nowadays, more and more people using Internet, especially social networks. Some people say that social networks have many benefits but others do not agree. They say that there are many disadvantages in using it. What do you think about this? Write a passage of more than 120 words supporting or against for using social networks. (2pts) ...............................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. THE END %. HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM + BIỂU ĐIỂM KÌ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI CẤP HUYỆN LỚP 9 MÔN TIẾNG ANH – NĂM HỌC 2015 - 2016 Đề chính thức: I. Các chú ý khi chấm thi: 1. Bài chấm theo thang điểm 18 điểm (chi tiết đến 0,1 điểm) 2. Điểm toàn bài thi bằng điểm tổng cộng các điểm từng phần, điểm toàn bài không làm tròn. 3. Học sinh giải đúng bằng các cách khác thì cho điểm tương đương theo biểu điểm chấm của từng nội dung. II. Đáp án và cách cho điểm.. SECTION I. LISTENING (3pts) Task 1. Listen to the recording and choose the best answer . (4 x 0,25 = 1pt) 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D Task 2. (2pts) a. Listen to the recording and read each statement and decide if it is true or false. Tick () in the boxes. (4 x 0,25 = 1pt) 1 2 3 4 T T F F b. Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the missing words. (4 x 0,25 = 1pt) 1 2 3 4 disadvantages inconvenient favourite letter. SECTION II. LANGUAGE FOCUS : (5pts) 1. Phonetics (1pt) 1.1. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined, italic part pronounced differently from the rest. Circle your option (5 x 0,1 =0,5 pt) 1.A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 1.2. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern from the others. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. (5 x 0,1 = 0,5 pt) 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5A 2. Lexical - Grammar (4pts) 2.1. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. (10 x 0,1 = 1pt) 1.C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. B 2.2. Give the correct form of each verb in bracket to complete the following sentences (10 x 0,15 = 1,5pt ) 1. have lived (have been living) 4. turns - was built 5. were crossing - saw 2. would you go 6. will be given - don't study 3. being 7. had finished 2.3 Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition (5 x 0,1 = 0,5pt). 1. from 2. in 3. between 4. under5. into 2.4. Supply the correct form of the words in the brackets to complete the sentences below. (5 x 0,1 = 0,5pt). 1. noisily 2. govern 3. appearance 4. illogical 5. bleeding 2.5. Each of the following sentences has 4 underlined parts (A, B, C and D). One of these parts contains an error. For each sentence, circle the part that contains error (5 x 0,1 = 0,5pt). 1. B 2. B 3. C. 4. A 5. A SECTION III. READING: (5pts) 3. Read the passage below and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each space. Circle your option (10 x 0,2 = 2pts) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. B. A. C. B. D. A. C. B. D. A. 4. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space. (10 x 0,2 = 2pts) 1. important 2. scarce 3. progress 4. devote 5. plentiful 6. lead 7. providing 8. fought 9. solution 10. produce 5. Read the passage below and circle the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences (4 x 0,25 = 1pt) 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D SECTION IV. WRITING: (5pts) 6. Read the first sentence, and then complete the second sentence with the same meaning. (8 x 0,25 = 2pts) 01. I’d rather you didn’t interrupt me when I'm talking. Or: I would rather you did not interrupt me when I am talking. 02. Hoa asked me if / whether I lived in that flat with my parents. 03. Minh advised me not to drink too much coffee at night. 04. Impressed as we were by the new cinema, we found it rather expensive. 05. I never had intention to go/of going to the meeting. 06. Both Tim and Mary can’t speak Portuguese. 07. The house is too expensive for us to buy. Or: The house is so expensive that we can’t afford to buy/ we can’t buy (it). 08. Such was Laura’s disappointment that she could not keep on working. 7. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, using the words in brackets. These words MUST NOT be altered in any way. 1. If I hadn’t heard the two of them talking, I wouldn’t have found out the truth. 2. This is the first time I’ve eaten this kind of food..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 3. I am going to have a shower as soon as I get home. 4. William's mother reminded him to lock the house when he went out. 8. Nowadays, more and more people using Internet, especially social Networks. Some people say that social networks have many benefits but others do not agree. They say that there are many disadvantages in using it. What do you think about this? Write a passage of more than 120 words supporting or against for using social networks. (2pts) - Form: 0,5 pt - Ideas: 1 pt - Vocabulary and structure: 0,5 pt The end %.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span>
