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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>LUYỆN TẬP THÌ HIỆN TẠI THƯỜNG (Hay còn gọi là Thì Hiện tại đơn) I. Hoàn thành các câu sau: 1) I (don’t stay/doesn’t stay) at home. 2) We (don’t wash/doesn’t wash) the family car. 3) Daisy (don’t do/doesn’t do) her homework. 4) They (don’t go/doesn’t go) to bed at 8.30 pm. 5) Kevin (don’t open/doesn’t open) his workbook. 6) Our dog (don’t eat/doesn’t eat) apples. 7) You (don’t chat/doesn’t chat) with your friends. 8) She (don’t use/doesn’t use) a ruler. 9) Mai, Hoa and Nga (don’t play/doesn’t play) in the yard. 10) The boy (don’t throw/doesn’t throw) stones.. II. Hoàn thành các câu sau: 1) Tom ..................... stamps. (not collect) 2) You ..................... songs in the bathroom. (not sing) 3) Julie ..................... in the garden. (not work) 4) I ..................... at home. (not sit) 5) Tina and Kate ..................... the windows. (not open) 6) Adam ..................... French. (not speak) 7) His sister ..................... lemonade. (not like) 8) We ..................... to music. (not listen) 9) My father ..................... the car every Saturday. (not clean) 10) Tom and Jerry ..................... in the lake. (not swim). III. Hoàn thành các câu hỏi sau: E.g: (where / you / go to school?).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span>  Where do you go to school? 1. (what / you / do?) 2. (where / John / come from?) 3. (how long / it / take from London to Paris?) 4. (how often / she / go to the cinema?) 5. (how many children / you / have?) 6. (when / you / get up?) 7. (how often / you / study English?) 8. (what time / the film / start?) 9. (where / you / play tennis?) 10. (what sports / Lucy / like?) 11. (how / they / get to work?) 12. (how often / I / come here?) 13. (where / she / live?) 14. (why / you / eat so much chocolate?) 15. (what / this machine / do?) 16. (who / she / meet on Saturdays?) 17. (how many brothers / she / have?) 18. (how much / this / cost?) 19. (where / you / eat lunch?). IV. Hoàn thành các câu sau: Ở dạng nghi vấn E.g (you / like cake?) - Do you like cake? 1. (she / live in London?) 2. (they / hate studying?) 3. (you / drink tea every morning?) 4. (you smoke?) 5. (he / play tennis on Saturdays?) 6. (you / go shopping at the weekend?) 7. (you / drink alcohol?) 8. (she / work in an office?) 9. (they / study French?) 10. (you / meet your friends on Fridays?) 11. (you / read a lot?) 12. (John / come from New Zealand?) 13. (they / like pizza?).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 14. (we / arrive at 9 p.m.?) 15. (it / snow here in winter?) 16. (Lucy / study History?) 17. (I / work as a teacher?) 18. (he / eat rice often?) 19. (you / like coffee?). V. Hoàn thành các câu sau: Ở dạng nghi vấn E.g. John / in the garden? - Is John in the garden? 1. They / hungry? 2. We / late? 3. You / tired? 4. He / French? 5. She / a teacher? 6. Harry and Lucy / from London? 7. I / early? 8. You / thirsty? 9. She / on the bus? 10. We / on time? 11. Pedro / from Spain? 12. They / in Tokyo? 13. Julie / at home? 14. The children / at school? 15. You / in a cafe? 16. I / right? 17. We / in the right place? 18. She / German? 19. He / a doctor?. VI. Hoàn thành các câu sau: 1. I ........................................ (be) in a café now. 2. ........................................ (she / play) tennis every week? 3. They ........................................ (go) to the cinema every Wednesday..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 4. ........................................ (she / be) a singer? 5. You ........................................ (find) the weather here cold. 6. ........................................ (they / be) on the bus? 7. Lucy ........................................ (ride) her bicycle to work. 8. Why ........................................ (he / be) in France? 9. I ........................................ (not / play) the piano often. 10. It ........................................ (not / be) cold today. 11. We ........................................ (be) from Portugal. 12. ........................................ (we / make) too much noise at night? 13. Where ....................................... (Harry / study)? 14. ........................................ (it / be) foggy today? 15. We ........................................ (not / be) late. 16. They ........................................ (not / like) animals. 17. Where ........................................ (you / be)? 18. He ........................................ (not / be) an accountant. 19. ........................................ (the dog / eat) chicken? 20. She ........................................ (be) my sister.. THÌ HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN I. Viết lại câu cho đúng: 1. (she / go home now) E.g: She is going home now 2. (I / read a great book) 3. (she / not / wash her hair) 4. (the cat / chase mice?) 5. (she / cry?) 6. (he / not / study Latin) 7. (we / drive to London?) 8. (they / watch TV? ) 9. (where / she / go now? ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 10. (I / not / leave now) 11. (you / not / run) 12. (why / he / leave? ) 13. (how / I / travel? ) 14. (it / not / rain) 15. (when / we / arrive? ) 16. (where / they / stay? ) 17. (it / rain) 18. (she / come at six) 19. (he / watch a film at the moment) 20. (we / not / sleep). THÌ TƯƠNG LAI THƯỜNG Will/shall +Vnt. I. Hoàn thành các câu sau: 1. A: “There's someone at the door.” B: “I _________________________ (get) it.” 2. Joan thinks the Conservatives _________________________ (win) the next election. 3. A: “I’m moving house tomorrow.” B: “I _________________________ (come) and help you.” 4. If she passes the exam, she _________________________ (be) very happy. 5. I _________________________ (be) there at four o'clock, I promise. 6. A: “I’m cold.” B: “I _________________________ (turn) on the fire.” 7. A: “She's late.”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> B: “Don't worry she _________________________ (come).” 8. The meeting _________________________ (take) place at 6 p.m. 9. If you eat all of that cake, you _________________________ (feel) sick. 10. They _________________________ (be) at home at 10 o'clock. II. Hoàn thành các câu sau: 1. I'm afraid I _________________________ (not / be) able to come tomorrow. 2. Because of the train strike, the meeting _________________________ (not / take) place at 9 o'clock. 3. A: “Go and tidy your room.” B: “I _________________________ (not / do) it!” 4. If it rains, we _________________________ (not / go) to the beach. 5. In my opinion, she _________________________ (not / pass) the exam. 6. A: “I'm driving to the party, would you like a lift?” B: “Okay, I _________________________ (not / take) the bus, I'll come with you.” 7. He _________________________ (not / buy) the car, if he can't afford it. 8. I've tried everything, but he _________________________ (not / eat). 9. According to the weather forecast, it _________________________ (not / snow) tomorrow. 10. A: “I'm really hungry.” B: “In that case we _________________________ (not / wait) for John.” III. Hoàn thành các câu sau: 1. ____________________ (they / come) tomorrow? 2. When ____________________ (you / get) back? 3. If you lose your job, what ____________________ (you / do)? 4. In your opinion, ____________________ (she / be) a good teacher? 5. What time ____________________ (the sun / set) today? 6. ____________________ (she / get) the job, do you think? 7. ____________________ (David / be) at home this evening? 8. What ____________________ (the weather / be) like tomorrow? 9. There’s someone at the door, ____________________ (you / get) it? 10. How ____________________ (he / get) here? THÌ TƯƠNG LAI GẦN Be going to +Vnt I. Hãy viết các câu sau ở thì tương lai gần “be going to+Vnt” 1. My father/go on/ diet. ____________________________________________ 2. He/ not/ drink so much beer.____________________________________________ 3. What/ you/ do/ tonight? ____________________________________________ 4. you/have/haircut? ____________________________________________ 5. Lan/ tidy/ her bed room. ____________________________________________. THÌ QUÁ KHỨ THƯỜNG * Be: was/ were Động từ thường (V) : 2 loại:. Có quy tắc: Thêm “ed” vào sau động từ nguyên thể. Bất quy tắc : Xem trong cột 2 của bảng động từ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> I. Hoàn thành các câu sau: 1. I _________________ (work) in a bank for ten years. 2. Where _________________ (you / live) when you were young? 3. She _________________ (not / study) French at university. 4. He _________________ (travel) through the Middle East last year. 5. _________________ (they / visit) the Louvre in Paris? 6. She _________________ (not / watch) TV yesterday. 7. We _________________ (buy) a new car last weekend. 8. Where _________________ (you / teach) before you came here? 9. He _________________ (not / think) that he was right. 10. I _________________ (cook) steak last night. 11. _________________ (Lucy / read) ‘War and Peace’ at school? 12. She _________________ (not / write) to her grandmother. 13. We _________________ (have) a computer when I was a child. 14. Where _________________ (you / go) on holiday? 15. I _________________ (love) ice cream when I was a child. 16. They _________________ (not / meet) yesterday. 17. _________________ (she / swim) in the sea in Greece? 18. We _________________ (not / play) tennis yesterday because it was raining. 19. He _________________ (try) to lift the box but he couldn’t. 20. What _________________ (you / eat) for lunch? II. Hoàn thành các câu sau: 1. I _________________ (not / drink) any beer last night. 2. She _________________ (get on) the bus in the centre of the city. 3. What time _________________ (he / get up) yesterday? 4. Where _________________ (you / get off) the train? 5. I _________________ (not / change) trains at Victoria. 6. We _________________ (wake up) very late. 7. What _________________ (he / give) his mother for Christmas? 8. I _________________ (receive) £300 when my uncle _________________ (die). 9. We _________________ (not / use) the computer last night. 10. _________________ (she / make) good coffee? 11. They _________________ (live) in Paris. 12. She _________________ (read) the newspaper yesterday. 13. I _________________ (not / watch) TV. 14. He _________________ (not / study) for the exam. 15. _________________ (he / call) you? 16. _________________ (I / forget) something? 17. What time _________________ (the film / start)? 18. He _________________ (have) a shower. 19. Why _________________ (you / come)? 20. _________________ (he / go) to the party? III. Hoàn thành các câu sau: 1. She ___________________ (go) home. 2. We ___________________ (watch) a film. 3. When ___________________ (he / arrive)? 4. I ___________________ (buy) a new car. 5. Where ___________________ (you / live)? 6. I ___________________ (play) tennis. 7. Where ___________________ (you / work) before?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 8. ___________________ (they / come)for lunch? 9. ___________________ (we /study) this last year? 10. They ___________________ (drink) coffee. 11. ___________________ (you / see) that film? 12. We ___________________ (eat) dinner. 13. You ___________________ (not / go) out last night. 14. He ___________________ (study). 15. What ___________________ (you / watch)? 16. We ___________________ (not / call) you yesterday. 17. They ___________________ (not / arrive) on time. 18. It ___________________ (not / rain). 19. We ___________________ (not / drink) beer. 20. You ___________________ (clean) the kitchen. VI. Hoàn thành các câu sau: 1. Where _______________________ (she / go)? 2. What _______________________ (you / do)? 3. He _______________________ (work) in a bank. 4. You _______________________ (not / call) me. 5. _______________________ (you / wear) your red dress? 6. He _______________________ (not / read) that book. 7. _______________________ (you / go)? 8. _______________________ (she / study) last night? 9. _______________________ (we / arrive) last? 10. Who _______________________ (you / meet)? 11. _______________________ (they / come) to the party? 12. She _______________________ (not / meet) him. 13. _______________________ (she / go)? 14. You _______________________ (meet) a friend. 15. Which _______________________ (you / like)? 16. I _______________________ (not / forget) your book. 17. What _______________________ (he / do) at the weekend? 18. She _______________________ (not / like) chocolate. 19. What _______________________ (you / buy) yesterday? 20. _______________________ (you / have) a good holiday?. “ENOUGH TO” SUBJECT + BE + (NOT) + ADJ + ENOUGH + TO+ Vnt She is old enough to do what she wants. Cô ấy đã đủ tuổi để làm những gì cô muốn.  Those apples aren’t ripe enough to eat. Những trái táo này đủ chín để ăn rồi He is tall . He can play volleyball.  He is tall enough to play volleyball. Anh ấy đủ cao để chơi bóng chuyền . SUBJECT + BE + (NOT) + ADJ + ENOUGH + FOR S.B + TO +Vnt . The weather is fine enough for us to go camping. Thời tiết đủ tốt để cho chúng tôi đi cắn trại.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> The exercise is easy. Students can do them in ten minutes.  The exercise is easy enough for students to do in ten minutes. Bài tập đủ dễ để cho học sinh làm trong 10 phút SUBJECT + VERB + ENOUGH + NOUN (S) + TO+ Vnt  . Are there enough potatoes to make potato soup? Có đủ khoai tây để nấu món súp khoai tây không? I didn’t have enough money. I couldn’t buy that car then.  I didn’t have enough money to buy that car then. Tôi đã không có đủ tiền để mua chiếc xe hơi đó.. EXERCISE I. Kết hợp các cặp câu sau, sử dụng “adj + enough + to +Vnt”: 1. She is old. She can work by herself. 2. The boy is intelligent. He can understand you. 3. Mai is good. She can pass the examination. 4. The girl is not clever. She cannot mend this shirt. 5. This machine is not powerful. It cannot plough the hard soil. 6. Your sister was clever. She could do this exercise in a few minutes. 7. Peter is very ill. He must see the doctor. 8. Mary is not old. She cannot do that work. 9. We were not early. We could not see the first part of the play. 10. The children were very eager. They started playing without me. 11. He is tall. He can play volleyball. 12. My sister is old. She can drive a car. 13. She is beautiful and intelligent. She can become Miss World. 14. Mr Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a house. 15. The worker is clever. He can make fine things from wood. II. Kết hợp các cặp câu sau, sử dụng “adj + enough + for S.B + to +Vnt”: 1. The story is short. We can read it in one hour. 2. The film was very good. We saw it through. 3. The play was very amusing. They enjoyed it. 4. This song is very simple. Everybody can sing it. 5. This book is very interesting. You should read it. 6. Some of the books are important. I must read them. 7. He was kind. Everybody liked him. 8. The programme on TV was interesting. We followed it through. 9. This exercise is very easy. The pupils can finish it in five minutes. 10. The weather is very fine. We can go out for a walk. 11. The radio isn’t small. You cannot put it in your pocket. 12. This coat isn’t warm. I don’t wear it in winter. 13. The weather was fine. We could go camping. 14. Those apples aren’t ripe. We can’t eat them. 15. This book is long. I can read it. III. Kết hợp các cặp câu sau, sử dụng “enough + noun + to+ Vnt”: 1. We have money. We can buy that motorcycle. 2. She has a lot of free time. She can go to the movies with you. 3. Mr. Brown has experience. He can solve this problem. 4. There are enough knitting frames in the workshop. Student can practice knitting. 5. I haven’t got money. I can’t go away on holiday..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.. We have enough time. We can get to the airport on time. She doesn’t know enough French. She cannot read a newspaper in French. Lien has no friends. She cannot share this work. There are a lot of books. He will stay at home to read them. Tom bought many books. I could borrow him.. IV.Kết hợp các cặp câu sau, sử dụng “enough” 1. This soup is very hot. We can eat it. 2. These oranges are ripe. You can eat them. 3. This morning is very cold. We could go swimming. 4. She can carry the box; it’s very heavy. 5. The room was very dirty. Nobody can learn it. 6. It was very late. She could go home. 7. The class was very tired. The teacher could explain the lesson. 8. They can’t sleep. They aren’t tired. 9. She could see the film because it was very boring. 10. She is old, so she can drive a car. 11. All students had to stay at home because it rained heavily. 12. You can catch any taxi to the airport because it is very early. 13. The truck can go through the gate because it is very wide. 14. Tom was very brave boy, so all his friends admired him. 15. The room was very comfortable. We all fell asleep easily. 16. It was very cold. They could keep working in the field. 17. He spoke slowly. We could understand him. 18. The fair was very noisy. We could hear each other. 19. The soup is very excellent. We will have some. 20. They were very tired, so they stopped working.. Reflexive pronouns I we You you He They She It. -. Myself ourselves yourself yourselves himself themselves herself itself. Đại từ phản thân được dùng để nói về một hành động nào đó tác động lên chính người hoặc vật thực hiện hành động đó. Ví dụ trong tiếng việt chúng ta hay dùng các câu như "Tôi tự trách mình", "Chiếc xe ôtô tự đâm vào tường", "Nó tự cắt đứt tay". Hoặc nó được dùng để nói nhấn mạnh rằng chính bản thân người hoặc vật gì đấy làm việc đó mà không có ai khác làm. Ví dụ như câu "Chính tôi sẽ đọc bản báo cáo đó". "Con tự làm bài tập một mình, không có ai hướng dẫn cả". Điền vào chỗ trống các đại từ phản thân thích hợp 1. When people are alone, they often talk to __________________ 2. I cut ______________ with a knife 3. Don’t pay for me. I want to pay for______________ 4. He fell off the ladder but he didn’t hurt ______________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 5. I’d like to know more about you. Tell me about _______________ (one person) 6. Be careful. That plate is very hot. Don’t burn _______________ 7. I got out of the bath and dried ________________ with a gun 8. The kette can switch ________________on and off 9. Good – bye! Have a good holiday and look after_______________ (two people) 10. The police say the woman killed ___________________ with a gun 11. I like to wake _______________ up in the morning with a cup of coffee 12. I hate watching ______________ on the video 13. I’m sorry, Tony, but I haven’t gone enough money to pay for you. Can you pay for _______________? 14. We don’t need a babysister – the children can look after_________________ 15. Now, remember to give _________________ enough time to answer all the exam questions 16. He hurt __________________ when he was playing football 17. At the end of the play, Romeo killed ____________________, and the Juliet killed ___________ 18. Why is that man talking to __________________ 19. Janet is holding a mirror. She’s looking at _________________ 20. This machine turns ________________ off after five minutes Điền các đại từ phản thân vào chỗ trống: 1. I can do that test by _______________ . 2. Be careful! Don’t cut _______________ ! 3. He usually makes tables and chairs ____________ . 4. They sometimes paint ______________ in small pictures. 5. Mary __________ cooks our dinner every day. 6. My dog can look at ___________ in the mirror. 7. We can’t teach _______________ to drive. 8. Tom and Peter, can you ___________ clean your rooms? 9. Bill, look at _________ ! Why are you so dirty? 10. We enjoyed __________ at the party last night. Điền: myself, ourselves, yourself ,yourselves, herself, himself, themselves, itself. 1.We protect......... from the rain with an umbrella. 2.Both boys taught........ to swim. 3.The children amuse........ with the kitten 4.You will cut...... with that knife if you are not careful. 5.She likes to look at....... in the mirror. 6.The boy is not old enough to get dressed......... 7.The dog hurt ...... when it jumped over the fence. 8.John and I enjoyed ......... very much at the party last night. 9.I must learn to control....... 10.Did you do your tests.........? Yes, we did.. Modal verbs (Động từ khuyết thiếu) Can/Could/May/ Might/ MUST/ have to Should Nên Dùng để khuyên Ought to Ex: You should study harder (bạn nên chăm chỉ học hơn) We ought to obey teachers and parents.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> - MUST có nghĩa là “phải” diễn tả một mệnh lệnh hay một sự bắt buộc. -MUST dùng trong câu suy luận logic. - MUST NOT (MUSTN’T) diễn tả một lệnh cấm, một điều gì không được làm. -MUST và HAVE TO - HAVE TO dùng thay cho MUST trong những hình thức mà MUST không có. - HAVE TO không thể thay thế MUST trong câu suy luận logic. - MUST và HAVE TO đều có thể dùng để diễn tả sự cưỡng bách, bắt buộc. Tuy nhiên MUST mang ý nghĩa sự cưỡng bách đến từ người nói trong khi HAVE TO mang ý nghĩa sự cưỡng bách đến từ hoàn cảnh bên ngoài..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span>

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