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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>PHÒNG GD&ĐT MỎ CÀY BẮC TRƯỜNG THCS THANH TÂN. CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc -----------------------------------------------ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN THI HKII – MÔN TIẾNG ANH 6 – NH: 2014-2015 A. GRAMMAR: I. The present simple tense of TOBE 1. Thể khẳng định: S + be ( am/is/are)………… EX: I am a student / He is a teacher 2. Thể phủ định : S + be not………… EX: I m not a student / He is not a teacher 3. Thể nghi vấn : Be + S…………….? EX: Am I a student? / Is he a teacher? II. The present simple tense: ( Thì hiện tại đơn của động từ thường ) 1. Thể khẳng định: S ( I / We / You / They ) + V1……………….. S ( He / She / It ) + Vs/ es ………………….. Ex 1 : They go fishing every day. Ex 2: He goes fishing every day. * Chú ý: Ở thể khẳng địng các chủ ngữ ở ngôi thứ ba số ít ( He , She, It, Lan,……. ) thì động từ thường phải thêm “ S / ES” * Cách thêm S / ES sau động từ thường: - Các động từ tận cùng có: O, S, X , CH , SH, S thì chúng ta thêm ES. Ex: watch => watches - Các động từ tận cùng có “ Y ” , có hai trường hợp sau: + Nếu đứng trước Y là một nguyên âm thì chúng ta chỉ thêm S. Ex: play => plays + Nếu trước Y là một phụ âm, chúng ta đôi Y thành I sau đó thêm ES. Ex:study=> studies 2. Thể phủ định: S + do not ( don’t ) + V1………….. - S + does not ( doesn’t ) + V1………… Ex 1: They don’t go fishing every day. - Ex 2: He doesn’t go fishing every day. 3.Thể nghi vấn: Do + S + V1 ……? Does + S + V1 ……..? Ex 1: Do they go fishing every day ? - Yes, They do / No, They don’t Ex 2: Does he go fishing every day ? - Yes, He does / No, He doesn’t. * Cách dùng: Diễn tả một hành động xãy ra vào lúc nói ở hiện tại. Có các từ đi kèm trong câu như: always – usually – often – sometimes – never – every…..( every day ) once a …twice a… - three times a … III. The present progressive tense: ( Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn ) 1. Cách thành lập: a. Thể khẳng định: S ( am / is / are ) + V-ing ………… ( I am …… - He / She / It + is ……… - You / We / They + are …………) Ex: You are riding a bike. b. Thê phủ định: S + be -not + V-ing ………… Ex: You are not riding a bike. c. Thể nghi vấn: Be + S + V-ing ………… ? – Yes, S + be / No, S + be not Ex: Are you riding a bike ? – Yes, I am / No, I am not. 2. Cách dùng: Diễn tả một hành động đang xãy ra ở hiện tại. Có các từ đi kèm như: now, at the moment, at present, ………… và động từ “ look, listen” đứng đầu câu. * Chú ý: Cách thêm “ING” sau đông từ thường: - Các động từ tận cùng có E chúng ta bỏ E rồi thêm ING. Ex: drive => driving - Các động từ một âm tiết ( phụ - nguyên – phụ ) chúng ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối trước khi thêm ING. Ex: sit => sitting - Các động từ còn lại chúng ta chỉ thêm ING Ex: learn => learning IV.The future simple tense:( Thì tương lai đơn ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 1. Cách thành lập: a. Thể khẳng định:. be going to……… : sẽ S ( I ) + be(am) going to + V1…………. S ( He / She / It ) + be(is) going to + V1………… S ( We / You / They ) + be(are) going to + V1………… Ex: He is going to go to DaLat tomorrow. b. Thể phủ định S ( I ) + be not(am not) going to + V1…………. S ( He / She / It ) + be not(isn’t) going to + V1………… S ( We / You / They ) + be not(aren’t) going to + V1……… Ex: He isn’t going to go to DaLat tomorrow. c. Thể nghi vấn = câu hỏi Be +S + going to + V1……………? Ex: Is he going to go to DaLat tomorrow ? - Yes, he is / No, he isn’t 2. Cách dùng: Diễn tả một hành động sẽ xãy ra trong tương lai( có dự định/dự đoán). Có các từ đi kèm như: tomorrow, tonight, soon, next……. ( next week : tuần tới ) B. STRUCTURES: 1. What is this / that / it? - This / That / It is …………………. 2. What are these / those / They ? - These / Those / They are ……………….. 3. Mẫu câu: Tính từ miêu tả S + be + Adjective -EX: She is short S + be not + Adj………. Be + S +Adj……………? 4. Who is this / that? - This / That is ………………… 5. What do you do? - I am a / an ……………….. 6. What does he / she do? - He / She is a/an………………. 7. Mẫu câu: Hỏi đáp về màu sắc. a. What color is your /her / his hair? - It’s + adj( màu) b. What color are your / her / his eyes/lips ? - They’re + adj 8. How do you feel? - I am / feel + adj ( hungry ) 9. How does she / he feel? - She / He is hot = She / He feels hot 10. What would you like? - I’d like + a/an/some …………………. 11. Mẫu câu: There is / are (có) a. There is :( có số ít) There is a/an/some + N(danh từ) There isn’t any + N Is there + any + N……………? - Yes, there is / No, there isn’t b. There are ( có số nhiều) There are some + N(danh từ số nhiều) There aren’t any + N Are there + any + N………?- Yes, there are / No, there aren’t 12. What’s the matter, Nam? – I’m hungry 13. What do you want? - I want……………….. 14. What does she / he want? - She / He wants ………………….. 15. What is your favorite food? - I like beef 16. Do you like carrots? _ Yes, I do / No, I don’t 17. Lời đề nghị giúp đỡ ai: - Can I help you? - Yes, a bottle of cooking oil, please 18. Số lượng hàng hóa: a. Dùng với danh từ khong đếm được - How much beef do you want? - I want a kilos - How much beef does she/he want? - She/He wants …………… b. Dùng với danh từ đếm được - How many oranges do you want? - I want……………….. - How many oranges does she/he want? - She/He wants……………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 19. Đề nghị ai giúp đỡ - Can you go to the store for me? - Yes, what do you need? 20. Hỏi đáp về giá cả a. How much is a sanwich? -It’s + tiền b. How much are a sanwich and a glass of lemon juice? -They’re + tiền 21.What would you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner? - I’d like……………………… 22. Which sports do you play? - I play soccer 23. Which sports does she/he play? - She/He plays soccer 24 Các hoạt động trong thời gian rảnh - What do you do in your free time? - I read a book - What does he/she do in his/her free time? - He/She reads a book 25. How often do you read? - I usually read or I read twice a week 26. How often does she/he read? - She/He often reads or She/He reads once a week 27. Hỏi về thời tiết - What the weather like in the summer? - It’s hot 28. Hỏi về sở thích thời tiết a. What weather do you like? - I like hot weather What do you do when it’s hot? - I go swimming b. What weather does she/he like? - She/He likes warm weather What does she/he do when it’s warm? - She/He goes fishing 29. Mùa, thời tiết và các hoạt động theo mùa a. What do you do in the summer? - I always go swimming b. What does she/he do in the winter? - She/He usually play basketball in the winter 30. Hỏi đáp về dự định - What are you going to do this summer vacation? - I’m going to visit Hue - Where are you going to stay in Hue? - I’m going to stay in a hotel - How long are you going to stay? - I’m going to stay for a week 31. Mẫu câu: Đề nghị, rủ bạn….. : a. Let’s go camping b. What about going to Hue? c. Why don’t we go to Huong pagoda? 32. Hỏi về ý muốn a. What do you want to do? - I want to go to Hue b. What does she/he want to do? - She/He wants to go to Hue 33. Hỏi đáp về quê hương xứ sở a. Where are you from? - I’m from Vietnam b. Where is he/she from? - He/She is from Vietnam 34. Hỏi đáp về quốc tịch a. What is your nationality? - I’m Vietnamese b. What is he/she nationality? - He/She is Vietnamese 35. Hỏi đáp về ngôn ngữ a. Which language do you speak? - I speak Vietnamese b. Which language does he/she speak? - He/She speaks English. A. PHẦN NGÔN NGỮ KIẾN THỨC I. Circle the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences 1. My uncle is aweight-lifter. He is very………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> A. weak B. tall C. strong D. thin 2. There aren’t………… apples A. some B. any C. no D. an 3. How………… does she go jogging? – Every evening A. many B. much C. long D. often 4. It’s very hot, so I feel…………. . I’d like something to drink A. hungry B. thirsty C. cold D. tired 5. How …………. is an ice-cream. It’s 1000 dong A. long B. often C. much D. many 6. What about ………….. to Ha Long Bay next summer vacation? A. go B. to go C. going D. goes 7. Let’s ………… soccer A. play B. playing C. plays D. to play 8. Why don’t we …………. shopping? A. to go B. goes C. go D. going 9. My mother goes to work ………….. bike A. by B. on C. at D. with 10. Look! The old man …………. in the rain A. walk B. walks C. is walking D. are walking 11. I’d like …………..mineral water, please A. a bar of B. any C. some D. a kilo of 12. How ……………eggs do you want? A. long B. often C. much D. many 13. There isn’t any …………… A. soda B. oranges C. apples D. bananas 14. What is he going………….. this weekend? A. to do B. doing C. do to D. do 15. In the ………… , it is very cool A. spring B. summer C. winter D. fall 16. He is going to stay in a hotel………….a week A. for B. in C. on D. at 17. Lan’s friends …………going to have a picnic A. be B. are C. is D. am 18. He………… play badminton in the fall A. doesn’t B. aren’t C. don’t D. isn’t II. Tìm từ có cách phát âm khác những từ còn lại 1. A. bar B. carrot C. farm D. park 2. A. beef B. need C. coffee D. green 3. A. gram B. packet C. cake D. can 4. A.dozen B. box C. bottle D. body 5. A. tube B. hungry C. truck D. bus 6. A. classes B. watches C. tables D. dishes III. Tìm từ có cách đánh trọng âm khác những từ còn lại 1. A apple B. cooking C. hotel D. bottle 2.A. banana B. chocolate C. volleyball D. badminton 3. A. tomato B. potato C. pagoda D. camera.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 4. A. fishing B. never C. arrive D. often 5. A. soccer B. ahead C. cabbage D. weather 6. A. sandwich B. toothpaste C. behind D. hungry IV. Tìm từ không cùng loại 1. A. go B. want C. book D. like 2. A. hot B. watch C. cool D. warm 3. A. house B. big C. table D. teacher 4. A. father B. school C. mother D. brother 5. A. an B. at C. on D. in 6. A. always B. often C. read D. never B. LISTENING: I. Listen and complete the dialogue Nam: How do you feel, Lan? Lan: I’m (1)…………… and I am (2) ……………….. Nam: What would you like? Lan: I’d like some (3) ………………………. What about you? Nam: I’m (4) ………………….. I’d like some (5) ……………………. What about you, Ba? Would you like noodles? Ba: No, I wouldn’t. I’m (6) ………………….. I’d like to sit dowm. Nam: Would you like noodles, Lan? Lan: No, I wouldn’t. I’m (7)……………….. . But I am thirsty. I’d like a (8)…………………. II. Listen and number a. …………. How long are you going to stay? b. …………. I’m going to stay with my aunt and uncle. c. …………. What are you going to do this summer vacation? d. …………. For a week. e. …………. I’m going to visit the citadel. f. …………. What are you going to do in Hue? g. …………. I’m going to vist Hue h. …………. Where are you going to stay? III. Listen and check T (True ) or F ( False ) to the sentences. 1. ……….. First, they are going to visit Ha Long Bay for two days. 2. ……….. They are going to stay with their grandparents. 3. ……….. Then they are going to stay in a restaurant in Ha Noi for three days. 4. ……….. They are going to see Ngoc Son Temple. 5. ……….. Next. They are going to visit friends in DaLat for two days. 6. ……….. They are going to see the citadel. 7. ……….. After that, they are going to stay at a friend’s house in Nha Trang for three days. 8. ……….. Finally, they are going to stay with their grandfather and grandmother in Ho Chi Minh City for two weeks. C. READING: I. Read the letter. Then answer the questions Dear David. I’m a student in grade 6 in Ha Noi. I’m twelve years old. I live with my parents and my sister, Lan. I go to school by bike every morning. In my free time, I like listening to music and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> fishing. I like sports, too. I play soccer twice a week, on Thursday and Sunday. My sister does aerobics once a week on Friday. My favorite subjects at school are math and English, but I don’t like geography. What about you? Please write to me. Best wishes. Nam 1. Which grade is Nam in? => 2. How old is he? => 3. Where does he live> => 4. Who does he live with? => 5. What does he do in his free time? => 6. Which sports does he play? => 7. When does his sister do aerobics? => 8. What are his favorite subjects at school? => II. Read and complete the passage and – do – lives – cooks – have – six – for – milk Her name is Thuy. She (1)…………. with her family in a small town in Hoa Binh province. Every day, they often eat some bread and milk (2)………… breakfast. Then her sister and she go to school. They do not (3)…………. lunch at school because they (4) ………… not go to school in the afternoon. For lunch, they don’t have any (5)…………., but they have some rice, vegetables and meat or fish. In the afternoon they do their homework. After that she (6)…………. dinner: some rice, some soup (7)………… meat. Her family has dinner at (8)………….. o’clock in the evening. III. Read and match A B Key 1. What does she like? a. She’s a doctor. 1 +…….. 2. How much are they? b. He’s thirsty. 2 +…….. 3. Would you like some milk? c. They’re 100.000dong. 3 +…….. 4. What color are her eyes? d. She like orange juice. 4 + ……. 5. What does she do? e. They’re brown. 5 + ……. 6. What is she doing? f. It’s black. 6 + ……. 7. How does he feel? g. She’s cooking. 7 + ……. 8. What color is his hair? h. Yes, please. 8 + …….. D. WRITING: I. Write a short passage about your family. About 8 sentences ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ .........................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> ........................................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................... II. Put these words in their correct order to make meaning sentences: 1. any milk/there/ in the bottle/isn’t/=> …………………………………………………………. 2. can/go to buy/where/meat/you/?/=> …………………………………………………………. 3your father/what/in his free time/do/does/?/=>………………………………………………… 4. are/in the school yard/playing soccer/these students/=> …………………………………….. 5. sometimes/do/go camping/they/?/=> ………………………………………………………… 6. goes swimming/he/with his friends/usually/=> ……………………………………………… 7. plays video games/Nam/in the afternoon/often/=> ………………………………………… 8. don’t go jogging/often/in the evening/I/=> ………………………………………………….. 9. like/is/in your country/what/the weather/?/=> ………………………………………………. 10. going to do/are/ this weekend/what/you/?/=>……………………………………………… 11. visit/I am/ next week/going to/ DaLat/=>…………………………………………………… 12. take some photos/they/at the beach/are going to/=>………………………………………… III. Answer the questions about you 1.What color is your hair?=> ……………………………………………………………………. 2. How do you feel?=> …………………………………………………………………………. 3. What would you like for breakfast?=> ……………………………………………………….. 4 What’s your favorite drink?=> ……………………………………………………………….. 5. What are you doing now? => ………………………………………………………………… 6. Which sport do you play? => ………………………………………………………………… 7. What do you do in your free time? => ………………………………………………………. 8. What weather do you like? => ……………………………………………………………….. 9. How often do you read? => ………………………………………………………………….. 10. What are you going to do this summer vacation? => ………………………………………. 11. What do you do in the spring? => ………………………………………………………….. 12. Where are you from?=> …………………………………………………………………….

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