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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>FORTY-FIVE-MINUTE-TEST Student’s full name: ……………………………………… Class 10A… I. PRONUNCIATION : Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a. chemistry b. school c. chair d. ache 2. a. ethical b. think c. both d. clothing 3. a. how b. allow c. now d. know 4. a. understands b. makes c. works d. sleeps 5. a. pharmacy b. apply c. pretty d. quickly II. VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSION : Choose the most suitable word or phrase. 1. Pharmacy is a profession, a business, and a science. a. work b. career c. entertainment d. research 2. This library has a large collection of science books for students to _______ research. a. make b. work c. do d. gain 3. There are the certain state _______ to become a pharmacist. a. enquiries b. inquiries c. amusements d. requirements 4. Pharmacists are ________ at a college of pharmacy. a. studied b. trained c. learned d. done 5. She is preparing for the university entrance _________. a. examination b. participation c. tournament d. attention 6. We should have a ________ examination each six months. a. medicine b. medicate c. medical d. medicinal 7. He is very good at ________. a. chemist b. chemistry c. chemical d. chemicals 8. You must be responsible _________ what you have done. a. for b. of c. at d. from 9. Pharmacy is also ________ business. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 10. Pharmacy is one of ________ world’s oldest professions. a. a b. an c. the d. no article III. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE : Choose the best word, phrase or sentence. 1. Would you mind ________ the door ? a. open b. to open c. opening d. opened 2. You should give up ________ or you will die of career. a. smoke b. to smoke c. smoking d. smoked 3. We regret ________ you that we cannot approve your suggestion. a. inform b. to inform c. informing d. informed 4. “Don’t talk in class !” the teacher said to his pupils. a. The teacher told his pupils not to talk in class. b. The teacher told his pupils not talking in class. c. The teacher told his pupils not talk in class. d. The teacher told his pupils do not talk in class. 5. I did not know ________ that machine. a. to operate b. operating c. how to operate d. how operating 6. He began ________ English 2 years ago. a. learn b. to learn c. learning d. b and c 7. Cars must not ________ in front of the entrance..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> a. park b. to park c. to be parked 8. The machine needs ______. a. repair b. to repair c. repairing 9. I do not have enough money __________ this dictionary. a. buy b. to buy c. buying 10. Peter went to France in order to _______ French. a. study b. to study c. studying. d. be parked d. repaired d. bought d. studied. IV. READING COMPREHENSION : A. Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answers. Tuberculosis (T.B) is a serious disease that mainly affects the lungs. It is caused by bacteria. It spreads easily when a person with the disease coughs or sneezes. In serious cases, it causes coughing up blood, chest pain, high body temperature, weight loss and death. T.B usually can be cured with medicines. In Amsterdam, ministers from 20 countries signed a declaration to act against T.B. The ministers agreed to establish effective systems to provide medicines for people who have T.B and they would work to develop an effective vaccine to prevent the disease. The stop T.B Program organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) says 98% of the 2 million T.B deaths each year are in developing countries and 95% of the 8 million new T.B cases each year are in poor countries. 1. T.B is a serious disease that mainly affects the ________. a. heart b. kidneys c. lungs d. brain 2. In serious cases, T.B causes ________. a. coughing up blood and chest pain. b. high body temperature and weight loss. c. death. d. all are correct. 3. T.B _______. a. can be cured with medicines b. can not be cured with medicines c. can be prevented with a vaccine d. a and c 4. People who have T.B _________. a. do not have to pay money for medicines b. have to pay money for medicines c. never cough d. have strong lungs 5. How many people die of T.B every year ? a. 98,000 b. 2 million c. 8 million d. 10 million B. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. Have you ever (1) _______ how much you know about (2) ______ ? It is one of the world’s (3) _______ professions. It is not only a profession (4) _______ a business and a science. It is related (5) _______ medical, dental and public health sciences. 1. a. wonder b. to wonder c. wondering d. wondered 2. a. pharmacist b. pharmacologist c. pharmacy d. pharmaceutical 3. a. older b. older than c. oldest d. the oldest 4. a. but also b. nor c. as well d. so well 5. a. on b. to c. at d. of.

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