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Collected and shared by TRAN MANH TRUNG




Collected and shared by TRAN MANH TRUNG
Trên thực tế người học tiếng Anh khi nói và viết có thể bị mắc lỗi dùng
từ tiếng Anh sai. Việc dùng sai có thể làm câu nói hoặc viết bị chuyển sang
nghĩa khác trái với ý muốn diễn đạt hoặc biến thành câu vơ nghĩa. Do đó,
khi dùng từ cần thận trọng về cả chính tả và ý nghĩa cho phù hợp. Nhiều cặp
từ tiếng Anh bị nhầm lẫn do những lý do chủ yếu sau đây:
- cùng một từ nhưng ở các cụm từ khác nhau nên nghĩa khác nhau (ví dụ: in
the future và in future)
- có từ thêm các biến tố (tiền tố và hậu tố) thì nghĩa trở nên khác nhau (ví
dụ: comprehensible và comprehensive)
- nhiều từ có chữ viết gần giống nhau hoặc phát âm gần giống gây nhầm lẫn
(ví dụ: stationary và stationery hoặc team và teem)
- nhiều từ chữ viết giống nhau nhưng nghĩa lại khác nhau (to lie: nằm – to
lie: nói dối )

Xin đơn cử một vài ví dụ sau: một số bạn thường nhầm lẫn động từ “lie:
nằm, nói dối” và động từ “lay: đặt , để” vì các lý do sau:
- Dạng quá khứ của động từ “lie: nằm” lại là “lay”: to lie – lay – lain, còn
dạng quá khứ của “lay” là “laid”: to lay – laid - laid .
- Động từ “lie to sbd about smth: nói dối” lại là động từ theo qui tắc: to lie –
lied – lied.
Xin trân trọng giới thiệu 130 cặp từ thường gây nhầm lẫn cho người học
tiếng Anh nhất. Các cặp từ đều có nghĩa tiếng Việt và ví dụ minh họa kèm
theo. Hy vọng sẽ giúp mọi người tránh nhầm lẫn khi dùng chúng để nói và
viết và tránh nhầm lần khi đọc hiểu.


1. IN FUTURE : từ lần sau, từ nay trở đi – IN THE FUTURE: trong tương
- Please be functual in future.
- Who knows what will happen in the future?

2. SENSITIVE (adj.): nhạy, nhạy cảm – SENSIBLE (adj.): hiểu biết, nhận
thức về
- Her experiences had made her sensitive TO other people’s troubles.
- Are you sensible OF the dangers of your action?
3. ENVIABLE (adj.): đáng ghen tị, đáng thèm muốn ENVIOUS (adj.): ghen
tị, đố kỵ.
- He has received an enviable examination result.
- I am so envious OF you getting an extra day’s holiday.

4. IMAGINATIVE (adj.) : giàu trí tưởng tượng – IMAGINARY (adj.) :
tưởng tượng, khơng có thật
- He often has imaginary fears.
- She is imaginative writer.
5. STATIONARY (adj.): đứng im, tĩnh tại – STATIONERY (n): đồ dùng
văn phòng
- His car colided with a stationary lorry.
- He bought a stationery cupboard.
6. LATE (adj.): muộn, chậm – LATELY (adv.): dạo này, gần đây
- My flight was an hour late.
- Have you seen her lately?
7. COMPREHENSIVE (adj): bao quát, toàn diện – COMPREHENSIBLE
(adj.): có thể hiểu được.
- She has a comprehensive grasp of the subject.

- A book that is comprehensible TO specialists.
8. MOST OF : hầu hết trong số (trong một tập hợp cụ thể) MOST (pro.): hầu
hết (nói chung)
- Most of the students in this class are freshmen.
- Most people love music.
9. RESPECTFUL (adj): lễ phép, kính cẩn – RESPECTIVE (adj): riêng
từng, lần lượt RESPECTABLE (adj): đáng kính trọng, đứng đắn

- They are a respectable couple.
- They each excel in their respective fields.
- He is always respectful TO/TOWARDS his parents.
- They listened to my father in respectful distance.
10. RESPONSIBLE (adj.): chịu trách nhiệm - RESPONSIVE (adj.): đáp lại,
đáp trả
- All pilots are responsible FOR their passengers’ safety.
- Whenever I wave my hand to him, he always gives a responsive gesture.
11. ENSURE (v.): Đảm bảo, làm cho chắc chắn INSURE (v.): bảo hiểm
chống lại thiệt hại do các rủi ro có thể xảy ra.
- He insured his house against fires.
- Please ensure that all the lights are switched off at night.
12. SOCIABLE (adj.): thích giao du, chan hòa SOCIAL (adj.): (thuộc) xã
- We are solving several social problems.
- He is a sociable man.
13. TEMPORARY (adj.): tạm thời, nhất thời COMTEMPORARY (adj.):
cùng thời, đương thời
- He has a temporary job in a restaurant.
- Dickens was comtemporary WITH Thackeray.


14. CONSIDERATE (adj.): chu đáo, ân cần CONSIDERABLE (adj.): đáng
kể, to tát

- He is very considerate TOWARDS his employees.
- He spent a considerable sum on clothes.

15. PERSONAL (adj.): cá nhân, riêng tư PERSONABLE (adj.): duyên
dáng, ưa nhìn
- She made a personal donation to the fund.
- The saleman was a personable young man.
16. SPECIAL (adj.): đặc biệt, dành riêng SPECIFIC (adj.): riêng biệt, đặc
- He came here on a special train.
- He meets me on special occasions.
- He was recognized by his specific accent.
17. HOSPITAL (n.) bệnh viện HOSPITABLE (adj.): mến khách
- He works as a doctor in a hostpital.
- Local residents are always hospitable TO / TOWARDS foreigners.
18. SPECTACLE (n.): quang cảnh, cảnh tượng - SPECTACLES (n.pl):
kính đeo mắt.
- The sunrise seen from high in the mountains was fine spectacle.
- Reading a book, she has to wears her spectacles.
19. BETWEEN (prep.): giữa (hai) - AMONG (prep.): giữa (hơn hai) - IN THE MIDDLEE OF : ở điểm giữa (vị trí, thời gian), đang dở dang
(hành động)
- She is sitting between her mother and her sister.
- She is standing among her friends.
- The table is in the middle of the room.

- The writer was deceased in the middle of the eighteenth century.
- They were in the middle of the party when he came.

20. EACH OTHER (phr.): lần nhau (tương tác hai) – ONE ANOTHER
(phr.): lẫn nhau ( tương tác hơn hai) – TOGETHER (adv.): cùng nhau (hợp
- My two brothers help each other in their study.
- I could see three men fighting one another fiercely.
- They are going for a walk together.
21. ADOPT (v.): chấp nhận, nhận làm con nuôi ADAPT (v.): điều chỉnh,
trở nên quen với
- My family decided to adopt a puppy to be a companion to our old dog.
- The puppy adapted TO our family very easily; she loved all other animals.
22. ALL TOGETHER: tất cả, cả thảy ALTOGETHER (adv.): toàn bộ, hoàn
- Our pets, all together, resemble a very zany zoo.
- My mom is not altogether in agreement that we should now get an ostrich.
23. COMPLEMENT /’komplimənt/ (v.): bổ sung vào COMPLIMENT
’komplimənt/ (v.): khen ngợi
- The new puppy complemented our collection of both old and young pets.
- The veterinarian complimented us ON our amazing menagerie of pets.
24. CONTINUOUS (adj.): liên tục, không ngừng – CONTINUAL (adj.):
ngắt quãng

- The pets provide continuous joy to all of us; they are so sweet and loving.
- Trips to the vet are a continual problem; one of the animals always needs
25. EVERYONE (pro.): mọi người EVERY ONE: mỗi một

- Everyone in the family shares in the care of the pets.
- Every one of us has a favourite pet.

26. MAYBE (adv.): có thể, có lẽ MAY BE: có thể là
- Maybe we have too many pets, but is that even possible?
- It may be that once the kids go to college, our parents will want even more
27. LIKE (prep.) ; giống như (so sánh) AS (prep.): với tư cách là
- She is wearing a hat like mine.
- He works as an interpreter.
28. EXPENSIVE (adj.): đắt tiền, tốn tiền VALUABLE (adj.): đáng giá, có
giá trị
- We do not often go to that restaurant. It is very expensive.
- I found this old painting at a charity shop. It was not expensive but I think
it could be really valuable.
29. COME/BRING: đến/mang đến (movement towards the speaker)
GO/TAKE: đi/mang đi (movement away from the speaker)
- Can I come and ride your horse this evening? / I am going for a ride. I will

see you later.
They are bringing their children with them so we will meet them for the first
time. / His wife went to Australia, taking the children with her.
30.DISEASED (adj.): bị bệnh DECEASED (adj.): đã chết, qua đời
- Both her parents are deceased.
- We came to see him because he was diseased.
31. LOCATE (v.): tìm thấy LOCALIZE (v.): khoanh vùng
- I am trying to locate Shoreline Drive on the map , but I cannot find it.

- They are trying to localize an outbreak of disease.

32. LUXURIOUS (adj.): xa hoa, sang trọng LUXURIANT (adj.): um tùm,
sum suê
- Their house was filled with luxurious furnishings.
- I can see the luxiriant tropical vegetation in his garden.
33. EMINENT (adj.): nổi tiếng, nổi bật IMMINENT (adj.): sắp xảy ra, sắp
- All the students were nervous about the imminent exams.
- He is eminent both ÂS a scultor and AS a portrait painter.
34. INGENIOUS (adj.): khéo léo, tài tình INGENUOUS (adj.): chân thật,
ngây thơ
- Mark has come up with an ingenious plan to make a million dollar.
- He has an ingenuos smile.

35. CAPTURE (v.): bắt giam CAPTIVATE (v.): làm say đắm, quyến rũ
- He is captivated by her beauty.
- The pirates managed to stop the ship and they captured the captain and the
36. REIGN (n.): triều đại REIN (n.): dây cương ngựa
- She led the horse by the rein.
- The poet lived in the reign of King Alfred.
37. COMMENT (v.): bình luận COMMEND (v.): khen ngợi
- Do you want to comment ON the political situation?
- I commended the chef ON the excellent meal.
38. COMPULSIVE (adj.): hấp dẫn, không thể cưỡng lại COMPULSORY
(adj.): bắt buộc

- A vision test is compulsory when you are applying for a driver’s license.
- I am reading a compulsive novel.

39. PLUMP (adj.): hơi béo, mập PLUMBER (n.) thợ lắp đặt nước
- Although Sharon is a bit plump she still seems fit and healthy. She is a
40. CAPITULATE (v.): đầu hàng RECAPITULATE (v.): tóm tắt lại, đi
thẳng vào vấn đề chính
- Can you please recapitulate that for me; I am sure I understand.

- The hijackers finally capitulated TO the police.
41. VOW (v.): thề, tuyên thệ AVOW (v.): thừa nhận công khai, thú nhận
- Will you vow to stop smoking if I stop eating chocolate?
- He avowed himself (to be) a liar.
42. FLAVOUR (n./v.): hương vị / thêm gia vị vào SAVOUR (v.): thưởng
thức hương vị
- You could not possibly savour your food when you eat so fast.
- You should flavour a stew with onions.
43. INHIBIT (v.): ngăn ngừa, cản trở, ức chế PROHIBIT (v.): cấm (theo
luật, nội quy)
-Shyness inhibited him FROM speaking.
- His doctor prohibited him from drinking alcohol.
44. IMPLICIT (adj.): ngấm ngầm, hàm ẩn EXPLICIT (adj.): rõ ràng, chính
- She did not give you explicit instructions, so she should not be angry with
- Do you understand the obligations which are implicit in the contract?


45. SUPERFICIAL (adj.): nông cạn, hời hợt SUPERFLUOUS (adj.): thừa
quá mức cần thiết
- It is superficial to judge people by clothes they wear.
- Repack all the superfluous cups in the box.

46. PATHETIC (adj.): cảm động, thống thiết APATHETIC (adj.): thờ ơ, hờ
- Gregory has been apathetic since he lost his job; he dóe not seem to want
to do anything.
- They witnessed the pathetic sight of starving children.
47. APPREHEND (v.): bắt giữ COMPREHEND (v.) hiểu rõ
- I cannot comprehend what caused her to act that way.
- The thief was apprehended by the police in the act of stealing a car.
48. STATUTE (n.): văn bản luật, quy chế STATURE (n.): vóc dáng người
- Although Jane is small in stature she has a commanding personality.
- Everything should be decreed by statute.
49. INDUCE (v.): thuyết phục, gây ảnh hưởng DEDUCE (v.): suy ra, suy
- Nothing could induce him to move to the city.
- Detectives deduced FROM the clues who had committed the crime.
50. CUTE (adj.): xinh xắn ACUTE (adj.): cấp tính, buốt, sắc bén, tinh tường
- Although their vision is poor, bats have an acute sense of hearing.
- Isn’t she a cute baby?
51. FIERCE (adj.): mãnh liệt, hung tợn, khốc liệt PIERCE (v.): chọc thủng.
- The battle for the castle was fierce.
- The arrow pierced his shoulder.
52. CONGENITAL (adj.): bẩm sinh CONGENIAL (adj.): ăn ý, hợp nhau

- Jack and Mary had a congenial conversation about their holiday plans.
- He has congenital blindness.

53. CONTAGIOUS (adj.): truyền nhiễm CONTIGUOUS (adj.): kề nhau,
tiếp giáp
- Washing your hands frequently is the best way to avoid catching
contagiuos illnesses.
- The garden is contiguous TO/WITH the field.
54. SNAG (n.): khó khăn, trở ngại bất ngờ SNUG (adj.): ấm cúng
- The elderly couple lived in a small, snug cottage outside the village.
- We hit several snags while still at the planning stage.
55. OBSCENE (adj.): tục tĩu, đồi trụy OBSCURE (adj): không biết rõ, vô
- The museum houses famous paintings by Picasso and Monet as well as
works by more obscure artists.
- He got several obscene messages from a stranger.
56. WARY (adj.): thận trọng, cảnh giác WEARY (adj.): mệt lử, rã rời
- He’s been wary OF dogs since he was bitten.
- They felt weary after all their hard work.
57. STINGING (adj.): châm chọc STRINGENT (adj.): nghiêm ngặt, chặt
- The job advertisement listed many stringent requirements.
- I cannot stand his stinging remarks.

58. RENOVATE (v.): sữa chữa, phục hồi lại INNOVATE (v.): đổi mới
- It is a great deal of work to renovate a house.
- They are prepared to innovate in order to make progress.
59. STATUS (n.): địa vị xã hội, vị trí nghề nghiệp STATUE (n.): bức tượng

- Some people feel that a new car can increase their status.
- The statue of a famous writer has been erected.
60. UTILITY (n.): sự có ích UTILISATION (n.): sự sử dụng, sự tận dụng
- The efficient utilisation of time is an important skill to learn.
- He has an utility bicycle.
61. VIRTUAL (adj.): thực sự, thực tế VIRTUOUS (adj.): có đạo đức
- She is the virtual head of the company.
- She is a virtuous young woman.
62. PROPERTY (n.): tài sản, của cải PROPRIETY (n.): sự đúng mực, lễ
nghi, phép tắc
- Do not touch these tools! They are not your properties.
- Mary behaves with perfect propriety.
63. PERENNIAL (adj.): lưu niên, sống lâu năm PERPETUAL (adj.): suốt
- He lives in perpetual fears of being discovered.
- Daffodils are perennial plants.
64. RELISH (v.): thích thú, thưởng thức CHERISH (v.): yêu dấu, ấp ủ

- He cherishes his rare collections of old coins.
- The truth is that he relishes the challenge of competition.
65. REGRETFUL (adj.): hối tiếc REGRETTABLE (adj.): đáng tiếc
- He was neither happy nor regretful about what happened.
- His behaviour at the party was most regrettable.
66. INDIGENT (adj.): nghèo khổ INDIGENOUS (adj.): bản xứ, bản địa
- The pigeon is not indigenous, it was brought here by people.
- Her husband is very indigent.

67. DILIGENT (adj.): cần cù, siêng năng INDOLENT (adj:) lười biếng
- He is a diligent student and always starts preparing well before an example
while his brother is an indolent student and often fails his exams.
68. ADVERSITY (n.): tai họa, vận đen ADVERSARY (n.): kẻ thù, đối thủ
- I hear they had great time cycling across Africa, even though they had to
overcome many adversities.
- He defeated his old adversary.
69. AFFLICT (v.): làm đau đớn, làm khổ sở INFLICT (v.): gây ra, bắt phải
chịu đựng
- Anna will not be at work this week because she is afflicted WITH measles.
- He inflicted a severe wound on his friend.
70. MASTERLY (adj.): rất giỏi, bậc thầy MASTERFUL (adj.): hách dịch,
oai vệ

- He often speaks in a masterful manner.
- I admired their masterly handling of a difficult situation.
71. ACCOMPLICE (n.): kẻ tòng phạm ACCOMPLISHED (adj.): điêu
luyện, thành thục
- He is an accomplished pianist.
- The police arrested him with two accomplices.
72. RUSH (v.): xông lên, đổ xô tới, vội đi RASH (adj.): hấp tấp, vội vàng
- Do you think it is rash of Jodie to accept the job in China without even
visiting first?
- The children rushed out of school.


73. SUBSIDE (v.): hạ thấp xuống, rút bớt SUBSIDIZE (v.): bao cấp, giúp
đỡ về tài chính
- It took a long time for his grief to subside after his grandmother died.
- There are some subsidized industries in our country.
74. DOCUMENT (n.): tài liệu DOCUMENTARY (n.): phim tài liệu
- They watched a documentary on the Amazon rain forest.
- The spy stole all the secret government documents.
75. SOOTHE (v.): làm dịu, xoa dịu SEETHE (v.) làm sôi sục, làm giận sôi
- Try this cream; it will soothe your sunburn.

- She is seething AT his remarks.
76. CONSTRAIN (v.): bắt ép, ép buộc RESTRAIN (v.): kìm giữ, kiềm chế
- That dog is a hazard and should be restrained.
- Her parents constrained her to marry him.
77. SUCCESSIVE (adj.): liên tục, liên tiếp SUCCESSFUL (adj.): thành
- Our team has won five successive games.
- My final attempt to fix it was successful.
78. RESERVE (n.): sự dự trữ, trữ lượng REVERSE (n.): điều bất hạnh, vận
- The USA has great reserves of capital, energy and stock.
- He suffered many reverses throughout his life.
79. EXHAUSTING (adj.): gây kiệt sức, làm cạn kiệt EXHAUSTIVE (adj.):
thấu đáo, toàn diện
- The police have conducted exhaustive inquires in their effort to track down
the criminal.
- It is an exhausting game.


80. ILLICIT (adj.): trái phép, bất hợp pháp ELICIT (v.): khêu ra, gợi ra,
moi ra
- The police have conducted exhaustive inquires in their effort to track down
the criminal.

- At last, we have elicited the truth FROM him.
81. ESTIMATE (v.): ước tính (số lượng), ước định - APPRECIATE (v.):
đánh giá cao (không dùng với “highly”), hiểu được giá trị - EVALUATE
(v.): đánh giá, xác định giá trị
- We estimated his income AT/ TO BE $ 28000 a year.
- She estimates that the work would take three months.
- You cannot fully appreciate foreign literature in translation.
- The number of votes cast in each region will be evaluated at the end of the
- We all appreciate a peaceful holiday after a year of hard work.
- Do you evaluate this business venture to be feasible and lucrative.
82. ESTEEM (v.): quý trọng, coi trọng APPRAISE (v.): đánh giá, thẩm
định chất lượng
- I esteem his ideas highly.
- It would be unwise to buy the house before having it appraised.
83. USED TO + V: đã từng (làm, là) – BE/GET USED/ACCUSTOMED TO
+ V-ING: quen với
- He used to work for my father in 1980s.
-After a long time, the child got used to living without his parents.
84. HOPEFULLY (adv.): đầy hy vọng IN THE HOPE THAT … / TO BE
HOPEFUL THAT … : hy vọng rằng
- He is studying hopefully, and working as hard as he can.

- He is working hard in the hope that the boss will award him a payrise.

85. ROB (v.): cướp, lấy trộm STEAL (v.): lấy cắp
Ghi chú:
1. Dùng “Rob” với từ chỉ nạn nhân (victim) hoặc nơi bị cướp (place) và
dùng trong cấu trúc: rob something OF somebody/ rob something/ rob
- Thieves robbed my uncles.
- A gang robbed the head office.
- I was robbed of my watch.
2. Dùng với từ chỉ vật bị lấy cắp trong cấu trúc: steal something from
- Colonel Blood stole the crown jewels from the Tower of London in 1665.
86. RAISE (v.): nâng lên (cái gì), tăng lên (số lượng, tỷ lệ phần trăm). RISE
(v.): tăng lên, mọc lên
Ghi chú: Sự khác cơ bản giữa hai động từ này là một động từ có tân ngữ
(ngoại động từ): to raise + something và một động từ không có tân ngữ (nội
động từ): something + rise.
- The government has been urged to raise corporation tax rates to match
those in other European Union states. Rates are expected to rise by ten
- They will raise the fares next year.
- Fares will rise next year.
87. BORROW (v.): mượn (sách, đồ vật), vay (tiền) LEND (v.) : cho mượn
(sách, đồ vật), cho vay (tiền).
Chú ý: Cấu trúc câu “borrow something from somebody” và “lend
something to somebody”.

- “Dad, could we borrow your car?”
- “Sorry. I have already lent it to Michale”.


88. BESIDES (prep.): ngoài … ra (= In addition to ) ; BESIDE (prep.): bên
- I want to learn other language besides my own.
- He is sitting beside me.
89. AT LAST: cuối cùng ; AT LEAST: ít nhất
- I need at least three days to finish this project.
- You are here at last.
90. AT THE END: đoạn cuối của, phần cuối của ; IN THE END: cuối cùng
- There is a really frightening scene at the end of that film.
- My boss agreed to increase my salary in the end, but I had to ask him
several times.
91. IN TIME: kịp thời, kịp giờ ; ON TIME: đúng giờ
- We were at the port in time for the first boat.
- The boat did not leave on time because of engine trouble.
92. ASLEEP (adj.): đang ngủ ; SLEEPY (adj.): buồn ngủ
- Be quiet. The chieldren are asleep.
- I felt sleey and went to bed early.
GHI CHÚ: - “asleep” không dùng trước danh từ, có thể dùng “sleeping”
thay thế.

Ví dụ:
- Entering the room, I saw a sleeping child.
93. HAVE GONE TO: đã đến nơi, đã đi tới rồi ; HAVE BEEN TO: đã từng
đến đó
Ví dụ:
- My parents have gone to New York on holiday. (= They are there now)
- My parents have been to New York. (= They have visited it in the past, and
have returned home).
94. A LIITLE: một chút ít, một ít (với danh từ khơng đếm được) ; LITTLE:
ít, không nhiều (với danh từ không đếm được); A FEW: một vài (với danh từ

đếm được số nhiều) ; FEW : ít, khơng nhiều (với danh từ đếm được số
Ví dụ:
- Add a little butter to the potatoes.
- There are a few good restaurants near here.
- There are few good restaurants near here.
- He eats little meat everyday.
95. ALL THE + danh từ đếm được và danh từ đếm được số nhiều : tất cả
A/THE WHOLE + danh từ đếm được số ít: tồn bộ, nguyên cả; ALL sau đại
từ nhân xưng hoặc đại từ tân ngữ.
Ví dụ:
- He has eaten all the bread.
- Have you finished all the olives?
- I have used a whole tank of petrol to the hospital this week.
- Have you eaten the whole cake?
96. FOR: trong (bao lâu) ; DURING: trong thời gian của
Ghi chú: - “For” dùng với đơn vị đo thời gian

- “During” dùng với từ ngầm chỉ một khoảng thời gian như “night: đêm”,
“meeting: cuộc họp”, “lesson: giờ học”, “July: tháng 7”, “childhood: thời thơ
Ví dụ:
- I will try to sleep during the flight.
- We went away for two weeks during June.
97. THE SAME AS: giống nhau, như nhau ; SIMILAR TO: tương tự, gần
Ví dụ:
- Mikal’s motorbike is the same as mine. We both have Honda 250s.
- Indian elephants are similar to African elephants, but they are a bit
98. TO BE MADE OF: được làm bằng (nguyên liệu, chất liệu ); TO BE
MADE FROM: được làm từ (nguyên liệu, chất liệu )
- dùng “be made of” khi nguyên liệu làm ra vẫn thấy trên sản phẩm hoặc
khơng bị biến đổi
Ví dụ: This dress was made of Thai silk
- dùng “be made from” khi nguyên vật liệu gốc đã biến đổi (qua chế biến)
Ví dụ:

- Ice cream is made from strawberries.

99. EXTANT (adj.): vẫn cịn tồn tại ; EXTENT (n.): phạm vi, khu vực
Ví dụ:
- We still found the earliest extant manuscrift of this poem.
- We have enough to do dealing with extant problems regarding the
excavation; don’t worry me with things that might go wrong in the future.
- From the roof we could see the full extent of the park.

- I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge.
100. ALLUDE (v.): ám chỉ, nói bóng gió ; ALLURE (v.): cám dỗ, quyến rũ
Ví dụ:
- Lilin alluded TO problems WITH her , but she did not say anything
- Many settlers were allured by promises of easy wealth.
101. DISBURSE (v.); chi trả ; DISPERSE (v.); lan tỏa
Ví dụ:
- Cheques were disbursed for travel expenses.
- The odour quickly dispersed THROUGH the room , and soon was no
longer even noticeable.
102. WAIVE /weiv/ (v.): từ bỏ, thôi ; WAVE /weiv/ (v.): vẫy, phất, làm
lượn sóng
Ví dụ:
- He waved to me when he saw me.
- We will waive the late fee because of your extennuating circumstances.
103. PRECEDE /pri’si:d/: đến trước (thời gian), đứng trước (thứ tự, thứ bậc)
; PROCEED /prə’si:d/ (v.): đi tới, tiến tới; PROCEEDS of /from smth(n.):
lợi nhuận, tiền thu được
Ví dụ:
- Please proceed with caution through the construction zone.
- I think Chapter 12 should precede Chapter 11, because Chapter 12 lays the
foundation for what is dicussed in Chapter 11.
- They gave a concert and donated the proceeds to charity.

104. PERSECUTE sbd for smth /’pə:sikju:t/ (v.): ngược đãi, hành hạ ;
PROSECUTE sbd for smth/v-ing (v.)/’prosikju:t/: khởi tố, đưa ra tịa, truy tố
Ví dụ:

- Jillian met with a lawyer to see if her landlord could be prosecuted FOR his
negligence regarding her apartment building.
- Stop persecuting me just because I often disagree with you.
105. ASCENT /ə’sent/ (n.); sự đi lên, hành động đi lên ; ASSENT to smth
(n.): sự đồng ý, sự tán thành
Ví dụ:
- It was a grueling six –hour ascent from our camp to the top of the mountain
- Jing – Mae gave her assent to the proposal, even though she did not
entirely agree with the plan.
106. ABOUND in/with smth (v.): có nhiều, tồn tại nhiều ; TEEM with
smth (v.): có nhiều, hiện diện nhiều (thường dùng thời tiếp diễn)
Ví dụ:
- Oranges abound here all the year.
- The river abounds in/with fish.
- The river is teeming with fish.
- Fish teem in these rivers.
107. CENSOR /’sensə:/(v.): kiểm duyệt, lược bỏ những chỗ không phù hợp/
CENSURE /’senʃə:/ to sbd for smth (v.): chỉ trích, phê bình nghiêm khắc /
SENSOR /’sensə:/ (n.): thiết bị cảm biến
Ví dụ:
- Smoke sensors warn us of the fire.
- Here is a list of the book the school librarian would like to censor because
she feels they are inappropriate for children.
- You are going to be censured if you make such wild accusations about
your colleagues.
108. ACCESS to smth: (n.): ddwwongf vào, lối vào, sự tiếp cận ; EXCESS
Ví dụ:
- The only access to the farmhouse is across the field.
- Students should get access to classified information.
109. AFFECT (v.): ảnh hưởng, tác động đến; EFFECT on sbd/smth (n.); tác

động, tác dụng ; EFFECT (v.); thực hiện, tiến hành

Ví dụ:
- The tax increase have affected us all.
- Did the medicine have any effect?
- Have they effected a change/ a method?

110. BREATH (n.): hơi thở BREADTH (n.): bề ngang, bề rộng, khổ vải
Ví dụ:
- You can see people’s breath on a cold day.
- There is a garden ten metres in breadth near my house.
111. ACCEPT (v.): nhận, chấp nhận ; EXCEPT (prep.): trừ ra
Ví dụ:
- He has accepted a gift from me.
- She offered him a lift and he accepted .
- The restaurant is open everyday except Monday.
112. CAPITAL (n.): thủ đô, thủ phủ; tiền vốn, tư bản ; CAPITAL (adj.): tử
hình (án), nghiêm trọng, quan trọng nhất
Ví dụ:
- capital punishment/ capital offence; án/tội tử hình
- a capital error: lỗi nghiêm trọng
- He has set up a business with a starting capital of 10 million US dollars.
113. DISINTERESTED (adj.): vô tư, không thiên vị, không vụ lợi ;
UNINTERESTED (adj.): khơng quan tâm đến
Ví dụ:
- Jackson may act as if he is totally uninterested IN you, but believe me, he
is very anxious to learn more about you.
- We need a disinterested third party to mediate thí conflict.

114. ENVELOP /in’veləp/ (v.): bao phủ, bao quanh ; ENVELOPE
/’envəloup/ (n.): phong bì thư
Ví dụ:
- The baby was enveloped in a blanket.
- The mountains in my homevillage are enveloped in cloud.
- He received an envelope which contained one thousand dollars.
115. IMMIGRATE to/into: nhập cư, đến định cư ở một nước khác ;
EMIGRATE from … to … : di cư đến

- He was prohibited to immigate into the EU.
- Their parents emigrated from Britain to Australia to find work.

116. IMPLY (v.): ngụ ý, ám chỉ ; INFER (v.): luận ra, suy ra
Ví dụ:
- I do not wish to imply you are wrong.
- It is possible to infer FROM the evidence that you are guilty.
117. LOOSE (adj.): lỏng, chùng, lung lay ; LOSE (v.): đánh mất, lạc
Ví dụ:
- He has a loose tooth.
- He lost both his sons in the war.
118. OVERDO (v.): làm quá mức, dùng quá nhiều, nấu quá nhừ ;
OVERDUE (adj.): quá hạn, quá thời gian quy định
Ví dụ:
- Don’t overdo the garlic in the food.
- The fish was overdone and very dry.
- These bills are overdue.
119. PRINCIPAL (adj.); chính , chủ yếu ; PRINCIPAL (n.): người đứng

đầu, hiệu trưởng ; PRINCIPLE (n.) nguyên tắc, chuẩn mực
Ví dụ:
- His parents have met the principal of St James’ College
- I have read a textbook which teaches the basic principles of geometry.
- The principal aim of the policy is to bring peace to the area.
120. DEPRECATE (v.): phản đối, phản ứng với ; DEPRECIATE (v.): giảm
giá, mất giá
Ví dụ:
- The Euro has depreciate, but the dollar is up.
- A good manager is always careful not to deprecate an employee in front of
121. FAIN (adv.); vui mừng ; FEIGN (v.): giả vờ (cái gì)
Ví dụ:

- The boy would fain sleep rather than attend evening piano recital given by
his sister.
- Georgio had to feign excitement when he opened his presents so his
parents wouldn’t know.

122. FAUX /fou/ (adj.): không thật, giả, giả mạo ; FOE (n.): kẻ thù
Ví dụ:
- Anita’s faux mink coat looked so real that a group of teenagers accused her
of cruelty to animals.
- In the final scene, the hero defeats his life-long foe in a deadly battle.
123. HOARD (v.): đầu cơ, tích trữ ; HORDE (v.): đám đơng
Ví dụ:
- A horde of angry parents attend the school boarding meeting and
demanded that the superintendent step down.

- When we cleaned out the attic, we discovered that Grandma had a hoard of
extra cash hidden in an old trunk.
124. INCREDIBLE (adj.): khơng thể tin được, khó tin ; INCREDULOUS
(adj.): hồi nghi, khơng tin
Ví dụ:
- He expressed an incredulous look at her.
- Although Oscar’s story sounds incredible, I think he is telling the truth.
125. PEAK (v.): đạt tới điểm cao nhất, đạt đỉnh ; PEEK at smth (v.): lén
nhìn, nhìn trộm
Ví dụ:
- Toy sales peaked just before Christmas.
- I am just going to peek in the baby’s room to make sure she is okay.
126. PRESCRIBE (v.): kê đơn thuốc, ra lệnh, quy định rằng ; PROSCRIBE
(v.): nghiêm cấm, đặt ra ngồi vịng pháp luật
Ví dụ:
- The law prescribes heavy penalties for this offence.
- When the children began neglecting their homewwork and chores, Rajita
decided to proscribe television veiwing except at weekends.
127. RAISE (v.); tăng lên, nâng mức ; RAZE (v.): phá hủy, phá sập
Ví dụ:

- Tomorrow the city is going to raze the building that I grew up in.
- Huang decided to raise the stakes by increasing the reward.

128. TEAM (v.); cùng làm việc, hợp sức với ; TEEM (v.): có rất nhiều, đầy
rẫy (thường dùng ở thời tiếp diễn)
Ví dụ:
- The two companies have teamed up to develop a new racing car.

- The pond was teeming WITH tadpoles after the frog eggs hatched.
129. APPRAISE (v.) đánh giá, thẩm định chất lượng ; APPRISE (v.): báo
cho viết, thơng tin cho biết
Ví dụ:
- I am having the jewlery I inherited from may grandmother appraised to
find how much it is worth.
- As soon as I get off the phone, I will apprise you OF the situation.
130. DECENT (adj.): rất tốt, tươm tất, đứng đắn ; DESCENT (n.): sự đi
xuống, bờ dốc ; DISSENT (v.): bất đồng ý kiến, quan điểm
Ví dụ:
- Here there is a gradual descent to the sea.
- The plane began its descent into Paris.
- This look like a decent restauran; let’s eat here.
- Although you all seem to agree, I must dissent; I think this is a bad
Collected and shared by TRẦN MẠNH TRUNG - 2016


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