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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>1 MARK. COMMENTS. I. Choose the best 2 1. A. heat. B. beat. 2. A. book. B. foor. 3. A. circle 4. A. table. C. great C. cook. B. sick. D. look C. fit. B. lady. 5. A. loudly. D. tea D. fish. C. capital. B. without. D. labor. C. thousand. 6. A. size. B. grey. C. life. 7. A. so. B. show. C. who. 8. A. earn. B. third. C. fine. D. thought D. eye. D. though D. dirty. II. Choose the best 5 1. He should …their homework every day. a. does. b. doing. c. to do. d. do. 2/ He learns ……to use a computer a. how. b. what. c. when. d. where. 3/ Lan is interested …….computer science. a. for. b. in. c. at. d. on. 4/ Lan is a student …….. Xuan Hoa high school. a. on. b. at. c. in. d. for. 5/ He ….TV at the moment. a. watches. b. is watching. c. will watch. 6/ All of them enjoys ……marbles at recess.. d. watched.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 7/ What about ….. to the movies ? a. go. b. to go. c. going. d. will go. 8/ Nam is good …..drawing. a. with. b. at. c. of. d. in. 9/ They will take part ….the party …January 2nd a. from/ at. b. in/ in. c. in/ on. d. on/ on. c. playing. d. played. 10/ Would you like ….chess? a. to play. b. play. III. Put an adjective in a correct form 1. Her daughter is ………………….……….than her (beautiful). 2. Summer is……………………………..……..season of the year (hot) 3. In the past, people were ……………………..………..than today (polite) 4. It is ……………………….……..today than it was yesterday (cold) 5. Our hotel was ……………………..……..than all the others in the town (cheap) 6. What’s …………………………………..river in the world (long) 7. It was an awful day. It was …………………………..….day of my life (bad) 8. Everest is………………..…………mountain in the world. (high) 9. I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s ………………………………… comfortable) 10. It’s ………………………..from your house to school than my house (far).

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