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Tong hop de thi ioe lop 3 cap thanh pho

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>IOE – GRADE 3(Level School) 1. Point …… the maps, children. 2. Gi_e me the book, please. 3. Let’s have …! (many funs/ a fun/ funs/ fun) 4. Give/ pencils,/ me/ please. 5. ………. is that? – It’s a teddy bear. 6. Is it the music room?- … It’s the computer room. (Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t/ No, it doesn’t/ Yes, it does) 7. on/ My/ that/ pen/ is/ desk 8. on/ write/ the paper./ your name 9. L_ _k at the board, please. 10. Do you have a ……..? ( a. doctor/ b. nurse/ c. sister/ d. brother) 11. singing./ Rose’s/ doesn’t/ like/ sister 12. Is this a green pen? - …, it is. (Not/ No/ Yes/ Yes, it isn’t). 13. in?/ Which/ is/ grade/ your little sister 14. room./ They/ all in/ are/ the music/ room 15. This pen ….. blue. 16. Those are my blue balloo_ _. 17. Linda’s favorite …. in school is Math. (subject/ schedule/ nationality/ activity) 18. I have Math on Monday and Friday. We have it … a week. (once/ three times/ twice/ four times) 19. out/ Let’s/ lunch./ for/ go 20. I/ a/ of milk./ glass/ would like 21. That is an ora_ _e pencil. 22. H _ _ name is Lien. She is my new teacher. 23. Vinh and I … at home right now. (am/ are/ is/ do) 24. Is/ a/ it/ book? 25. a/ It is/ pink/ cake. 26. Good ni_ _ t, Henry. 27. Is … a yellow kite? – No, it isn’t. That is a green kite. (that’s/ that/ this/ this is) 28. you/ milk?/ like/ Would/ some 29. Peter/ food/ wants/ some 30. I like _ _ ese books. 31. Are … four people in your family, Jack? (it/ they/ there/ we) 32. in/ my bag./ two/ There are/ pencils 33. you/ Are/ now?/ busy/ right 34. Loo _. There are Linh’s new school things. 35. My father can dr…e a car. 36. Read/ aloud./ the/ chant 37. bag./ This is/ a purple 38. Look at t …e cat. 39. Put your book a…..y, please. 40. What’s … name? – It’s Quang Trung Primary School. (it/ it’s/ its/ his) 41. What/ lessons?/ do/ you do/ during English? 42. These _ _ _ pink desks. 43. May you come and play _ _ _h my friends? 44. Choose the odd one out: Monday/ April/ Friday/ Thursday 45. our/ room./ is/ That/ music 46. want/ a/ big/ I/ carrot. 47. I don’t like the music room. It is so s…..l. 48. I see a rainbow. It … beautiful.( sees/ has/ sounds/ looks) 49. you/ Do/ or cats?/ like/ dogs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 50. hear/ that./ to/ I am/ sorry 51. This is my new co_ _ _ter room. 52. ... – Yes, it’s my mother. (Who is she?/ Is that your mother?/ What is that?/ Where is your mother?) 53. How … rulers are there in the box? (many/ much/is/ are) 54. at break/ They often/ play/ time./ volleyball 55. is/ friend/new/ my/ He 56. Let’s play o_tside, children. 57. Do you like playing _ _ _ _ _ _ton with me? 58. a bookcase/ There’s/ in/ room/ my 59. are/ There/ the wall./ on/ two clocks 60. …….. many dogs do you have? I have two dogs. 61. What … do you go to school? (name/ subjects/ many/ time) 62. Do you like to play badminton? - … (Let’s see./ I can’t do that/ Sure. Let’s play/ I am free. Thanks) 63. was/ born/ I/ in/ December 64. John is a st_ _ _nt at Oxford School. 65. What/ is/ subject?/ your/ favorite 66. I like/ classmates./ football/ to play/ with my 67. Let’s s_y “Hello” to the teacher. 68. one/ There is/ her house./ kitchen/ in 69. your/ Does/ friend/ have/ a robot? 70. I have m__y toys. 71. May I _ _ _y the piano? 72. This is my classroom. …is big. (This/ That/ It/ It’s) 73. ... and listen to your teacher, please. (Opening your book/ Reading aloud/ Not speaking) 74. you/ Do/ pets?/ any/ have 75. Let’s / hello/ the teacher./ to/ say 76. What color is that flower? – It’s ye_ _ _w. 77. My brother and … like watching football. (me/ my/ I/it) 78. big?/ Is/ classroom/ your 79. 20th/ Vietnamese/ November/ is/ Teacher’s day. 80. I have a dog and my friend has a dog t_ _. 81. … I can’t do this puzzle. (can you play?/ May you help me?/ Do you like this?/ How are you?) 82. Taylor is from England. She … me every month. (calls/ read/ write/ speak) 83. … do you do at lunch time? (What/ Where/ How/ When) 84. Would you ……….. some milk? – No, thanks. 85. Play with m_. 86. I don’t like rock _ _ _ic much. 87. Where are you from, Peter? – I’m _ _ _ _ England. 88. … do you learn how to write? – At school.(What/ How/ Where/ When) 89……….. is your sister’s birthday? – Her birthday is in July. 90. What’s the matter? – I’m … (tire/ student/ teacher/ Kevin) 91. I/ go/ usually/ to school/ by bike. 92. 10th of/ Today/ January/ is/ 2016. 93. Wednesday./ We/ on/ have/ Art 94. My sister likes m__lk very much. 95. Why/ like/ do/ you/ Maths? 96. long./ Her hair/ is/not 97. What do you usually do _ _ Saturday evenings, Mary? 98. is/ The/ cat/ under/ that chair. 99. do/ you/ What subjects/ best?/ like.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 100. My room is la_ge. 101. Let’s make a ci_le. 102. Your sister is pre__y. 103. My/ pink/ blue./ and/ bag/ is 104. … your teeth, Tommy. (Read/ Stand/ Brush/ Listen) 105. Let’s listen …… some music. 106. Thank you very much. – You’re … (well/ stay/ welcome/ come) 107. L_____en to the teacher, please. 108. Mary learns … read … write during English lessons. (to-and/ to-on/ from-on/ at-on) 109. He has dinner _ _ home. 110. What do you do at break time? – I ch_ _ with my friends. 111. I like Maths but my friends … (isn’t/ don’t/ doesn’t/ aren’t) 112. These are three pencil box__ in my school bag. 113. There is a kite … the sky. (on/ for/ to/ in) 114. That is a b_ _ycle. 115. Is your school big? – No, it’s s _ _ll. 116. My brother h…… a fish. 117. Look at _ _e board. 118. I _ _ morning exercises every day. 119. I go to school …… foot. 120. Orange juice is my favorite … (drink/ apple/ food/ milk) 121. My brother … got two new robots. (have/ has/ is /am) 122. I like to le _ _ n about numbers. 123. I have Maths …… Monday. 124. What time _ _ you get up? 125. can’t/ We/ take/ photos/ any/ because of/ the rain. 126. I don’t …….. to school on Sunday. 127. I’d _ _ _e an apple, please. 128. Why do you want to _____ to the bookshop? 129. I want to go to the lib_ary to read book. 130. want/ I/ to/ at home./ stay 131. many subjects/ many/ I/ at school./ study 132. T_ _ sun is shining. 133. What is the matter? - … (I’m tired/ I’m a teacher/ I’m seven/ Kevil) 134. doesn’t/ rice/ He/ for lunch./ have 135. There are twenty stude_ _ _ in my class. 136. There ____ some cheese on the table. (is/ are/ am/ do) 137. Where _ _ you study, Trang? 138. Circle the ans_er. 139. Tom lives _ _ England. 140. Why _ _ _ _ we come and visit Uncle Tom? – That’s a good idea! 141. Children shouldn’t drink coffee. It’s not good _ _ _ their health. 141. They go to school _ _ _ _ Monday to Friday. 142. She never stays _ _ late at night. 143. _ _ _ do you go to school? – On foot. 144. The radio/ next/ is/ to the/ window. 145. What time _ _ _ _ the library open? 146. February is the _ _ _ _ _ _ month of the year. 147. _ _ _ you draw a picture? – Yes, I can. 148. …… is your birthday? (When/ Where/ What/ Why).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 149. How often do you go to school? ………. a week. (Twice/ one/ five/ third) 150. go/ school/ often/ to/ I/ five/ a week/ days. 151. I like school ve_ _ much. 152. I _ _ morning exercise every morning. 153. What’s the weather _ _ _ _ today? 154. The weather is ra_ _ _ in Viet Tri. 155. open/ the library/ time?/ at lunch/ does 156. some plants/ are/ in the garden./ There/ and flowers 157. to buy/ much money/ My uncle/ doesn’t have/ a new car. 158. helping/ Lisa likes/ farm./ on their / her parents 159. What subjects/ on Monday?/ do they/ have 160. your new classmates?/ Do you/ about/ anything/ know 161. Caron and Rose/ school./ late for/ are/ never 162. do you study/ library?/ in the/ How often/ school’s 163. Odd one out. a. playing b. learning c. writing d. evening 164. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently a. tired b. fish c. thing d. sick a. this b. thank c. there d. these a. teacher b. watch c. chalk d. school a. fine b. nine c. six d. nice a. classes b. tomatoes c. watches d. boxes 165. this gift/ I/ to my little sister./ send/ want to 166. a river./ to/ Their house/ is/ next 167. long/ Aunt Susan’s/ or short?/ hair/ Is 168. often visits/ twice/ Uncle Tom/ My brother/ a month. 169. practice/ your sister/ swimming?/ does/ How often 170. Sophie is/ the USA./ an English/ teacher/ from 171. December/ the last month/ the year./ of/ is 172. There are/ their/ some mountains/ house./ behind 173. Which/ does/ your girlfriend/ school/ go to? 174. to go to/ with his friends?/ Why doesn’t/ Joe want/ the stadium 175. tonight?/ don’t we/ for a walk/ Why/ go out 176. at Cozy Restaurant/Did/ your family/ last night?/ have dinner 177. Thank you very much! You are wel_ _ _ _ 178. have/ four/ I/ pencils. 179. here,/ Write/ your/ name/ please. 180. I/ eat/ like/ to/ banana. 181. now/ and open/ book./ Stand up/ your 182. big./ It’s/ That is/ my/ classroom. 183. How/ are/ many/ books/ there? 184. 3A./ is/ in/ my sister/ class 185. my room./ There/ is a/ desk/ in 186. This/ is/a/ eraser./ purple 187. down,/ your/ Put/ Peter./ hand 188. friend,/ Mary/ my/ is/ too. 189. a year?/ months/ are/ there in/ How many 190. Look _ _ the blackboard, please. 191. …… your books pink? – Yes, they are 192. That’s Alice. _ _ _ my new friend. 193. and an/ eraser./ two/ I have/ rulers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 194. mother/ the/ My/ kitchen./ is in 195. She’s beautiful. And who’s this?- It’s my elder brother. H _ _ name is Trung. 196. My sister …… got two new dolls. (have/ is/ has/ am) 197. red/ crayons./ These/ are 198. there/ eleven hours/ in/ a day?/ Are 199. I have a parrot. How _ _ _ut you? 200. This is my aunt. …… young and pretty. (She’s/ She’s is/ He/ He’s) 201. I am ei_ht years old. 202. This is a tab_e. 203. T_anh you very mu_ _. 204. You … Long (is/ are/ am/ be) 205. Goodbye. …. (Nice to meet you/ See you later/ Good morning/ Good evening) 206. Let’s listen … repeat. (or/ and/ an/ end) 207. Let’s …. a picture. (sing/ draw/ kick/ circle) 208. … the book, please. (Open/ Come/ Go/ Listen) 209. I am thirsty. I _ _ _ _ _ like some water. 210. some/ Peter/ wants/ food. 2011. postcard/ a/ Write/ a pen friend./ to 212. English./ Let’s learn 213. crossword/ puzzle./ Complete/ the 214. Let’s sing a s_ng. 215. St_nd up! 216. See you ag_ _n. 217. Bye. See you lat_ _ 218. This gift is _ _ _ you. 219. I like Engli _ _ very much. 230. Chicken is my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ food. 231. I can ri _ _ a bike but I can’t drive a _ _ _. 232. often/ My/ go to/ father/ work/ by motorbike. 233. Mrs Hoa goes to school _ _ bus. 234. ………. is your school? – It’s in Vu Due street. (What/ Where/ There/ This) 235……… is your school? – It’s big and nice. (How/ What/ This/ Where) 236. a/ What/ flower/ beautiful/! 237. lovely/ How/ the hat/ is/ ! 238. the floor./ There/ three/ are books/ on 239. is/ a/ It/ house/ nice. 240. is/ The armchair/ between/ and the table./ the TV 241. in/ Minh/ plays/ usually/ the school yard./ football 243. _ _n’t talk, students! 244. Listen and re_ _ _ _ after teacher! 245. Wr_ _ _ _ down your name, please! 246. What ……. their names? (is/ are/ is/ do) 247. The class is no_ _. 248. Don’t g _ _ up late! 249. We play badminton in the school y_ _ _. 250. There are five …… in my house. (room/ rooms/ school yards) 251. old/ My school/ has/ gym./ an 252. The school/ is/ and/ very nice./ big 253. library/ The/ is/ large./ very 254. Linda _ _ _ two pink dolls..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 255. _ _ you like Teddy bear, Mary? – Yes, I do. 256. I can ride a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (xe đạp) 257. I am _ _ _ _ _ _ (khát). I would like to drink. 258. Choose the word one out: a. pen b. ruler c. school d. board a. classroom b. gym c. large d. library a. who b. what c. how d. there a. rubber b. school c. Art room d. school yard a. small b. eraser c. new d. old a. Tom b. Peter c. Mary d. David a. fish b. dog c. cat d. pet 259. What is there in the cl _ _ _room? 260. That is her n_ _ _book, not mine. 261. Your rub_ _ _s are nice. 262. Look! _ _at is my new school bag. 263. Is this your pencil shar _ _ _ _er? 264. This is ….. ink pot. (a/ an/ two) 265. These are my ……. (new two pencils/ two new pencil/ two new pencils) 267. colour/ what/ your/ is/ favourite/? 268. the name/ What/ your school/ is/ of/? 269.to/ I/ school/ go to/ Primary/ Dinh Tien Hoang/. 270. Linda is happy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ today is her birthday. 271. white and/ The ruler/ the folder/ is/ brown./ is 272. There are some books _ _ the table. 273. Those _ _ _ her orange pencil cases. 274. very/ big/ computer room. This/ is/ a 275. _ _ that your school bag? – No, it is_ _ _ 276. I like this _ _ _ _ _ _ (bút màu) 277. The table is br_ _ n and the pen is pu _ _ _ e. 278. do/ What / you/ at/ do/ break time? 279. I like playing ch_ _ _. 280. Do you like badminton? - ….. (Yes, I don’t/ No, I do/ Yes, I do/ Yes, I am) 281. I like listening _ _ music in my free time. 282. do/What/ you/ in/ your free time?/ do 283. He likes going swimming in su_ _ _r. 284. Do you like going f_ _ _ _ _ _? 285. Which _ _ _ _ _ _(những môn thể thao) do you like? 286. May I come in, teacher? - …… (Sure/ Yes, I do/ No, you don’t/ please) 287. Would you like some rice? - ….. ( No, you can’t/ Yes, please/ Thank you) 288. is/ How/ the weather/ Viet Tri?/ in 289. Goodbye, Tom. - ….. (Hello, Jim/ Bye. See you then/ Nice to meet you) 290. …. are three bedrooms in my house. ( There/ These/ How many/ Where) 291. What are …..? ……… cassettes. (a. they/There are b. they/It’s c. these/ They’re) 292. Let’s m _ _ _ a line, children. 293. Let’s make a ci_ _ _ _. 294. Is your school small? ……, it is big. 295. This/ is / car./ father’s/ my 296. This is the way I c_ _ _ _ my room. 297. This is the way I br_ _ _ my teeth. 298. on/ is/ There/ a picture/ my family/ a/ of/ wall..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 299. ……. is that? That is my uncle. 300. go to/ morning./ school/ I/ every 301. This is my grandf_ _ _ r. 302. She is pre_ _ y. 303. May I go o_ _? 304. Pick _ _ your pencil. 305. There is a big table in the living_ _ _ _. 306. There is a kite ….. the sky. (on/ to/ for/ in) 307. This is ……. doll. 308. big?/ school/ your/ Is - / is/ it/ Yes, 309. a/ That/ brown/ is/ cat. 310. Here my ……… There is a bed in the room. (bathroom/ dining room/ bedroom/ kitchen) 311. Your bag is _ _ _ small. It is big. 312. E_cu_ _ me. – Yes? 313. _ _ your school big? – Yes, it is. 314. I go to school to st_ _ _ . 315. This is the _ _ y we go to school. 316. There are ten de_ _ _ in my classroom. 317. Peter wa_nts some food. 318. Those dolls a_ _ pink. 319. What’s your s_ _ ter’s name? - Her name is Alice 320. Alice is v_ _ y pretty. 321. Give/ notebook./ me/ your 322. sing/ an/ English/ song./ Let’s 323. Sam is my n_w friend. 324. Sing wi_t me, please. 325. Can you he_p me? 326. Th_ _ are two pens on the desk. 327. I would _ _ _ a pizza. 328. Who is _ _ _ ? – Her name is Lan. 329. Good ni_ _ _ t, children. 430. It’s …… eraser. 331. This is Daisy. …….. is my friend. (They/ Her/ We/ She) 332. Please d_ _ _ a picture. 333. ……… many books are there in your school bag? 334. Write ….... the teacher says. (when/ how/ what/ where) 335. Who is ……. ? – He’s Peter. 336. Sit d…………, Mary. 337. G_ _ _ me the crayons. 338. Is …… a green kite? – Yes. That is a green kite. 339. How …….. the weather today in Paris? – It’s rainy today. (is/ are/ am/ be) 340. Odd one out : chair bed room table mother member sister brother living room bathroom house bedroom cloudy weather sunny rainy 341. How/ today?/ weather/ the/ is 342. There are two ki _ _ _ in the sky. 343. …… quiet, please! 344. Do you have a pet? - …… a. Yes, I has a dog b. Yes, I have a dogs c. Yes, I have two dog d. Yes, I have two dogs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> IOE – GRADE 3(Level City) 1. to/ Point/ the/teacher. 2. a/hat./ yellow/This/is 3. There are/ my school bag./ ten/ in/ pencils 4. Good morning, Miss white! …. a. Bye, children b. see you again, children c. Good morning, children c. Fine, thanks. And you? 5. Is your school white? - …… (Yes, it is/ No, it is/ No, is it not/ Yes, it is) 6. ….? – She’s my grandmother.(Who’s he/ What’s this/ Who’s she/ What’s that) 7. …. is Lan’s grandmother? - She’s ninety years old. (How/ What/ How many/ How old) 8 There/ six days/ aren’t/ in/ a week. 9. I like to eat pizza v_ _ y much. 10. you/ give/ Can/ that pencil?/ me 11. Wa _ _ your hands, please. 12. Jim and his friend have two hats. T_ _ _ are yellow. 13. the table./ There are/ books/ five/ on 14. How m………. rulers are there? – Three rulers. 15. line,/ make/ Let’s/ please./two 16. He ….. to school every morning. (a. go b. go’s c. goes d.goes to) 17. The/ flower vase./ the/ flowers/ are in 18. These are pink and white …… (a. a cloud b. clouds c. cloud d. a clouds) 19. three/ long/ are/ crayons./ There 20. The robot is ….. along the ground. (a. skipping b. sitting c. skating d. chasing) 21. …….. your teeth. (a. Read b. Listen c. Stand d. Brush) 22. What do you do at breaktime? – I often c _ _ _ with my friends. 23. Let’s make a _ _ _ _ _ _ (vòng tròn). 24. is/ brown/ a/ This/ chair. 25. Do you clean your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? (phòng ngủ) 26. ……, students. See you later. (Good morning/ Goodnight/ Goodbye/ Hello) 27. What is the _ _ _ e of your Primary School?- It’s Hoa Hong Primary School. 28. the/ answer, / Circle/ children. 29. There are/ tables/ my classroom./ in/ ten 30. Pick _ _ your pen, children. 31. There are two clock_ on the table. 32. That m_ _ over there is Mr Nam. 33. are there/ students/ many/ in/ your classroom?/ How 34. aloud/ Read/ and/ sit down./ then 35. Odd one out: a. repeat b. listen c. read d. am a. eraser b. purple c. map d. ruler a. classroom b. living room c. bedroom d. bathroom 36. That my caring father. I call _ _m “Daddy” 37. you/ to music?/ like/ Do/ listening 38. mess./ a/ make/ Don’t 39. I …… books in the school library. (a. stand b. sit c. write d. read) 40. brother’s/ that/ house?/ Linda’s/ is 41. This/ a/ red and white/ ruler./ is 42. Who’s …..? It’s ……. baby sister, Trang. (a. this/I b. this/ Is c. this/ my d. this/ an) 43. What colour is this rose? – It’s p _ _ _ _ _ 44. W_ _ _ _ _ your name here, please. 45. your/ pencils/ children./away,/Put.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 46. do/ How/ dogs/ many/ have?/ you 47. What is this? - ……. (a. This is rulers b. It is a ruler c. It is an ruler d. They are rulers) 48. Sing w_ _ _ me, Jane. 49. do/ Let/ puzzle./ a/ us 50. _ _ _ _e is my English book? – It is on the table. 51. eraser./ Pick up/ and/ ruler/ your 52. Who is he? - …… (a. She’s fine b. She’s Mary c. He’s Tom d. I’m fine, thanks) 53. Who’s that? – That’s Miss White. ……… is my teacher. (He/ She/ Her/ It) 54. The/ red ball/ is/ the dog./ behind 55. I/ borrow/ your/ May/ ruler? 56. There is a m_ _ _ _ r on the wall. 57. The c_ _ _ _ is next to the table. 58. I am tall _r than you. 59. What colur is the ca_pet? – It’s blue 60. The fridge is next _ _ to the dining table. 61. The armchair is b_ _ _ _ _ n the TV and the table. 62. The coffee table is in front _ _ the sofa. 63. …. the floor, there is a blue carpet. (In/ On/ At/ behind) 64. my/ in/ room./ bed/ There/ bed/ a/ big/ is 65. does/ What/ do/ in/ Linda/ her room?/ usually 66. There is a p_ _ _ behind the house. 67. BKEALTN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (cái chăn) 68. books/ my room./ I/ reading/in/ much/ very/ like 69. book_ _ _ _ _ (giá sách) _ _ _ chair (ghế bành _ _ _ _ _ _ room (phòng khách) 70. any/ Are there/ in/ sofas/ the/ living room? 71. lamp?/ is/ Where/ the / - behind/ It’s/ table/ next to/ the 72. Order the letter. AMP _ _ _ SAFO _ _ _ ARBDRWOE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LLOD _ _ _ _ LMAP _ _ _ _ OCCLK _ _ _ _ _ LFOREW _ _ _ _ _ _ IKTE _ _ _ _ 73. you/ any/ Do/ have/ pets?/ 74. She h_ _ a lot of balloons. 75. I can _ _ _ a kite. 76. do/ How many/ you/ have?/ teddy bears 77. planes/I/ many/ and trucks./ have 78. Mr Binh wants a present for his son’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ngày sinh nhật) 79. _ _ _ _ _ you like some milk? – Yes, please 80. What would you l_ _ _? – I would like a cake. 81. I am thir_ty. I would like to drink. 82. How many books do you have? – I have _ _ _ _ _ books. 83. I am …… I would like to eat rice. (a. thirsty b. hungry c. good d. bored) 84. What is this? It’s a _ _ _ _ _ bear. 85. What do you have? I have a _ _ _ _ _ (xe tải) 86. There are five goldf_ _ _ in the tank. 87. The _ _ _ _ _ _ (con vẹt) in the cage. 88. I can ride a h_ _ _ _ . 89. Can you s_ _ _ ? – No, I can’t. 90. Orange juice is my favourite _ _ _ _ _ 91. How ………. is that? – It’s 10 000 dong. (many/ much/ do/ about) 92. toys/ What/you/ do/ like? 93. has/ dolls./ many/ She/ and/ cars.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 94. goes/ Mrs Hoa/ to work/ every day/ motorbike./ by 95. Don’t go to school l_ _ _. 96. I am never late _ _ _ school. 97. It’s/ never/ in winter./ hot 98. I/ fishing./ like/don’t/ going 99. cooking/ My/ is/ mother/ kitchen./ in the 100. time/ do/ to school/ you/ What/ go/ every day? 101. I often go to school _ _ 7 o’clock. 102. How many _ _ _ _ are there in a week? – Seven 103. I like going swimming _ _ summer. 104. W_ _ _ do you do in your free time? 105. I p_ _ _ football with my friends. 106. My birthday is on February the s_ _ _ d. 107. September is the n_ _ _ _ month of the year. 108. Monday is the f_ _ _ _ day of the week. 109. I ften visit my grandparents _ _ weekends. 110. I have two _ _ _ _ _ (con rô bốt) 111. My ruler is not long. It is s_ _ _ _. 112. your/ Is/ schoolbag/ pink?- is/ Yes,/ it 113. you/ What/ doing/ are/ your/ in/ bedroom? 114. I like reading books _ _ my free time. 115. Where do you live? – I live _ _ Viet Nam 116. Where are you from? I am from E_ _ _ _ _ _. 117. book/ am/ I/ a/reading/ now. 118. Linda/ What/ is/ doing?- listening/ is/ She/ music./ to 119. I go to school by b_ _ _ _ _ _. 120. can/ I/ draw/ picture./ a 121. cake/ This/ you./ for/ cake/ birthday 122. Thank you very much! – You’re w_ _ _ _ _. 123. We draw pictures in the A_ _ room. 124. I get _ _ early in the morning. 125. I w_ _ _ to school everyday. 126. like/ the weather/ What/ today?/ is 127. It’s clou_ _ in Viet Tri today. 128. Cats can cl_ _ b the trees but they can’t swim. 129. is/ The weather/ very nice/ today. 130. I play w_ _ a yo-yo. 131. in/ like/what’s/ the weather/ summer?/ 132. It’s often ra_ _ _ in summer. 133. How far is it from your house _ _ the school? 134. Where is Hanoi? – It’s _ _ north Vietnam. 135. nice/ What/ house!/ a 136. Let’s play football. – That’s a good id_ _. 137. class/ are/ What/ in?/you/ - in/ I/ class/ am/ 3A2. 138. I can speak En_ _ _ h and Vietnamese. 139. What su_ _ _ _ _ _ do you have today?- I have Maths and Vietnamese 140. When do you have English? – I have it _ _ Tuesday and Wednesday. 141. How often do you go to school?- Five t_ _ _ _ a week. 142. Do you like dancing? - ……. (a. No, I do b. Yes, I don’t c. Yes, she do 143. …….. is your birthday? – It’s in May. (What/ How/ When/ Where). d. Yes, I do).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 144. today?/ the date/ What’s 145. the first/ It’s/ December/ of 146. My mother’s birthday is _ _ October. 147. I can r_ _ _ a bike. 148. Mary can play the gu _ _ _ r. 149. you/ Can/ a kite./ fly 150. W_ _ _ your hand before meals. 151.birthday/ on/ My/ is/ 2nd./ January 152. can’t/ I/ but I/ can/ swim/ English songs./ sing/ 153. often/ you/ do/ How/ school?/ go to 154. I _ _ morning exercises in the morning. 155. I am a st _ _ _ _ _ at Dinh Tien Hoang school. 156. There are 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in my school bag. 157. There is a picture _ _ my family on the wall. 158. a/ It’s/ kite./ big 159. Whose book is this? – It’s mi_ _. 160. Mai and Mi are sisters. T _ _ _ are in the same class 161. months/ are there/ How/ year?/ a/ in 162. There are t_ _ _ _ _ _ months in a year. 163. There are four se _ _ _ _ _ in the north of Vietnam. 164. There are a lot of flower in Sp_ _ _ _. 165. R_ _ _ _ your hand. 166. Gi_e me a pen, please. 167. Where is she today? - …….. (a. She’s reading a book b. She’s at school c. He’s at home) 168. _ _ _ e a nice day! 169. my/ This/ birthday card./ is/ yellow 170. is/ school gate./ My/ at the/ sister 171. Odd one out: a. paper b. pepper c. popcorn d. pet 172. Show m_ your book, please! 173. I’m fine. How a_ _ _ _ you? 174. There are ……. kites in the sky. ( much/ many/ a/ any) 175. C_ _ _ k the words you hear, please. 176. …………… is Tim happy today? – Because today is his birthday. 177. His room is …….. big. It’s small. (not/ no/ isn’t/ a) 178. big/ the sky./ is/ a/ There/ in/ cloud 179. your/ down./ Put/ pen 180. P_ int to the teacher. 181. teacher/ what/ Write/ says. 182. now./ in/ Mary/ the classroom/ is 183. I ha _ _ a robot. 184. I am thirsty now. I want some w_ _ _ _. 185. That’s book is bro_n. 186. There are a lot of flowers in the flower v_ _ _. 187. When is your birthday? - ……. (a. It’s on April b. It’s Tuesday c. It’s in April) 188. Let’s go o_ _side and play. 189. Write the name in the bl_ _ k. 190. I go to school by b_ _. 191. Nam is ti_ _d. He’d like to sit down. 192. _ _ _ do you go to school? – On foot. 193. This doll is _ _ _ you. – Thank you very much..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 194. We have English _ _ Friday. 195. My ho_ _e is large. 196. Can you speak English? - ……. (a. No, I can b. Yes, I do c. No, thanks d. Yes, I can) 197. your friend/ What/ do/ does/ break time?/ at 198. Mai likes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (những bong hoa) 199. Peter ……… to school every day. (go/ goes/ is/ at) 200. like/ We/ song./ to sing/ English 201. Daisy go_ _ to school every morning. 202. Children shouldn’t drink coffee. It’s not good _ _ _ their health. 203. Where is Sarah? - …….. at school? (a. She’s b. He’s c. It’s d. I’m) 204. have/ David/ blue/ doesn’t/ eyes. 205. They go to school _ _ the morning. 206. I brush …… teeth twice a day. (my/ his/ her/ its) 207. That’s my new friend. H_ _ name is Jane. 208. What time do you get _ _ ? – at 6 o’clock. 209. Let’s mak_ a circle. 210. sister/ milk/ much./ likes/ very 211. I play ch_ _ _ at school. 212. He drinks a glass _ _ apple juice every afternoon. 213. I often play tennis _ _ Tuesday afternoon. 214. new/ are/ friends./ Tommy and Peter/ my 215. My brother ……… to play chess. ( like/ likes/ go/ goes) 216. I wa_ ch T V in the evening. 217. meat./ I/ eat/never 218. How’s the weather in Viet Tri today? - It’s sto_my . 219. I like playing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (môn cầu lông) 220. Odd one out: a. ping pong b. basketball c. football d. hide and seek 221. There are four seas_ _ _ in the north Vietnam. 222. often/ to school/ I/ by/ go/ bicycle/ every day. 223. Read and ma_ _ _. 224. Repeat a_ _ _ _ teacher. 225. W_ _ do you live with? – I live with my father and mother. 226. I ha_ _ Maths and English on Thursday. 227. I am hot. Can you _ _ _ _ the windows? 228. What do you do af_ _ _ school?- I play sports 229. There is a yard in fr_ _ _ of my house. 230. There are …….. books on the table. (any/ some/ a/ an) 231. _ _ you like football, Tom? – Yes, I do 231. I play hide and s_ _ _ with my friends. 231. Lan is r_ _ _ _ _ _ books in her room now. 232. There _ _ _ some pictures on the wall. 234. Is there …….. milk in the fridge?- Yes, there is some. (any/ to/ some/ a) 235. I can sing a_ _ dance very well. 236. The monkeys can c_ _ _ b. 237. I am good _ _ English but I am bad at Maths. 238. You are ta_ _ _ r than me. 239. in/ How/ your family?/ many/ people/ there/ are 240. I …… breakfast at 6 o’clock in the morning. (have/ has/ am/ go to school) 241. is/ Mirs Hoa/ a/ teacher/ good. 242. student/ am/ Primary School./ I/ Dinh Tien Hoang/ a/ at.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 243. What school do you _ _ to? – I go to Van Co school. 244. _ _ _ you draw a picture? – Yes, I can. 245. What can you _ _? – I can sing and dance. 246. There is a picture _ _ my family on the wall. 247. There are two bi _ _ _ in the tree. 248. My birthday is _ _ the second of May. 249. Hanoi is _ _ Viet Nam. 250. His books are …. the table. (on/ in/ at/ down) 251. your/ please./ me/ Show/ pen, 252. My mother _ _ a teacher. 253. May I go out, Mr Pike? - …. (hello/ fine, thanks/ sure/ nice to meet you) 254. hamburger./ like/ Lan/ a/ Would 255. banana?/ Lan/ like/ Does 256. My _ _ _ _ _ is cooking. (sở thích). 257. with/ a yo yo?/ Can/ play/ you 258. My brother …. got two new robots. (have/ has/ is/ am) 259. erasers/ There are/ on/ that desk./ two 260. Jim can speak Eng_ _ h but he can’t speak Vietnamese. 261. Wh_ _ are the maps? – They are on the wall. 217. This _ _ _ _ tastes wonderful. (cái bánh) 218. I like these shirts, Mom. ……. orange. That’s my favourite colour. (It/ It’s/ They’re/ They) 219. draw/ Let’s/ Mai/ picture/ a 220. ………, students. See you later. (Good night/ Nice to meet you/ Good morning/ Good bye) 221. The bus is _ _ _ _ (dài). 222. Ben can play …… (chair/ football/ pencil/ desk) 223. name/ your/ write / Don’t/ here. 224. Arts/ I don’t/ have/ Friday./ on 225. ……. often do you do morning exercises in the summer? 226. Do you have any toy_? 227. Look …. the picture, John. This is my sister. 228. Write the an_ _ _ , please. 229. The book is ….. green. It is blue. 230. have/ in/ my bag./ I/ two pen 231. This pen ….. blue. 232. She never stays _ _ late at night. 233. What’s the matter? – I’m …. (doctor/ teacher/ sick/ student) 234. ruler/ pink./ is/ This/ 235. you/ do/ Why/ Maths?/ like 236. How many people are ……. in your family? 237. Where …. you study, Trang? 238. I would like …. ice cream? 239. The …………. is very tidy. (nhà bếp). 240. …………. are you going to stay? – I a hotel. 241. Give me a pac_ _ t of milk, please. 242. Susan is a nice ….. (boy/ girl/ he/ she) 243. _ _ _ _ _ (có tuyết) 244. Is it a ……?- No, it isn’t. It’s a little box. (little/ a long ruler/ a big box/ big box) 245. Pick …. your pen. (on/ to/ up/ down) 246. My pictures are ….. the wall. (at/ to/ on/ in) 247. It’s eleven o’clock. It’s time ……. (a. to have b. for play c. for lunch d. to bed).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 248. It is ….. ( book/ small/ pen/ bag) 249. Tom always gets up at 7 a.m when the alarm …….. rings. 250. Can you sing? – Yes, I …… (can’t/ do/ can/ does) 251. picture./ that/ Look/ blue/ at 252. is/ That/ you./ kite/ you/ for 253. favourite/ What / is/ subjects?/ your 254. Where is Peter from? - …….. is from England. 255. What is it? – It’s a ……………. (bút màu). 256. What / do/ you/ have/ today?/ subjects/ 257. _ _ _ you again. 258. Odd one out: library ruler pencil eraser 259. Count the ……. in the class, please. (she/ girl/ boys/ he) 260. is/ from/ England/ Trang/ too 261. there on/ erasers/ are/ the desks?/ How many 262. Where …… you from? – I am from Australia. 263. L…..ten to the teacher. 264. word./ Copy/ down/ the 265. Goodbye, chi……ren. See you later. 266. …… you like a candy? – No, thanks. 267. , please./ the/ word/ Check/ you hear 268. you/ like/ ice cream?/ Would/ an 269. What are these? – They are ……………………….. (cái gọt bút chì) 270. Some b_ _ _ _ can fly but they can’t swim. 271. after/ me./ repeat/ Please 272. There are …………… (tám) books on the table. 273. Odd one out: Maths Arts Science Vietnam 274. Can your brother swim ….. play football? – Yes, he can. (but/ and/ end/ not) 275. new friends./ are/ Tom and/ my/ Sean 276. crosswords/ Complete/ puzzle./ the 277. is/ very nice./ friend/ new/ my 278. There is a vase of flowers on the t_ _ _ _. 279. This is ……. teacher. ( a/ my/ me/ you) 280. May I go out? – Yes, …… (you can’t/ you aren’t/ you can/ it is) 281. playing/ football./ are/ They 282. class/ am/ I/ in/ 3A. 283. The ……………. (những đứa trẻ) are in the classroom. 284. in/ birthday/ is/ My/ June. 285. I …….. dance but I can’t sing. 286. They are in the ……………. (vườn). 287. my blue/ are/ These/ cases./ pencil 288. very/ tall./ teacher/ My/ is 289. Odd one out: May April July Tom 290. mother’s/ your/ name/ What / is 291. The ………………….. (phòng mĩ thuật) is over there. 292. When is your birthday? - ….. (a. It’s on June b. It’s in June c. It’s first of June d. It’s in third of June) 293. This/ for/ gift/ is/ you. 294. When/ is/ birthday?/ father’s/ your 295. Odd one out: erasers rulers pencil cases balls 296. to/ say “Good bye”/ Let’s/ teacher./ our 297. tall./ My/ not/ is/ brother.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> 298. My mother’s b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ is in October. 299. go/ and/ Let’s/ play./ outside 300. talking/ with/ my friend./ I’m 301. Take _ ut your book. 302. I have f…ve dogs. (u/ i/ e/ a) 303. Odd one out: a. its b. his c. she d.her 304. I ……. many toys. (have/ has/ do/ does) 305. It’s ……. today. (wind/ windy/ wind’s/ winds) 306. My sister …….. many pets. (have/ has/ is/ are) 307. How old is your brother? - ……. a. I’m fine. thanks b. She’s eight years old. c. He’s eight years oldd. I’m eight years old 308. …….. the weather in London today? – It’s rainy. (Who’s/ What’s/ Where’s/ How’s) 309. My pet is a ….. (train/ bird/ notebook/ doll) 310. Her/ small./ classroom/ is 311. How many pets do you have? - ……. a. Cat and a dog b. And I have a bird too c. My brother has no cat d. I have two 311. in / the evening. / I like / listening / to music 312. My brother often plays g_ _ _ _ in his free time. 313. There are two ……… in our living room. (A. chair B, bench C. benchs D. benches) 314. do / come / you / from ? / Where 315. odd one out : A. hot B. hungry C. cold D. warm 316. How many eg _ _ do you want ? 317. I was born _ _ November 26th 1996. 318. not / speak / can / English. / mother / My 319. which grade are you _ _ ? – grade 3. 320. I like apple juice. It’s my favorite _ _ _ _ . 321. In winter. It’s very _ _ _ _. 322. My sister likes playing fo_ _ _ _ _ _ every afternoon. 323. A. cook B. candy C. cinema D. cake 324. a song / is / singing / now. / Mary 325. _ _ _’s this ? It’s Lan. 326. Yellow is my favorite _ _ _ _ _ _. 327. I go to the library three _ _ _ _ _ (lần) a week. 328. Would you like some coffee? ……. A. Yes, please B. of course C. No, thanks D. A&C are correct 329. odd one out: A. coffee B. shoulder C. chest D. hand 330. A. windy B. sunny C. sky D. rainy 331. What _ _ _ _ _ _ is your hair ? It’s black. 332. I want to have a drink. I’m too ………. (A. hungry B. thirty C. thirsty D. dirty) 333. …… late ! (A. Not B. Don’t be C. Aren’t D. Not be) 334. Mary …… to music now. (a. listen b. listens c. listening d. is listening) 335. My father w_ _ _ _ to work every day. 336 Mary ……. got brown hair. (has/ having/ have/ to have) 337. have/ you/ got/ lessons/ What/ today? 338. do/ you/ subjects/ have on/ What/ Monday? 339. my room./ table/ There is/ in/ a big 340. His/ is/ Tokyo./ in/ school.

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